mythosidhesdollhouse · 37 minutes
Stay tuned for Blythe Wars, pt.2! Coming soon to a sideblog near you.
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Featuring Mama Blythe herself and more of her degenerate children.
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Except this one. This is their legitimate(?) daughter.
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Limhwa Eva in yet another piece by @dollsahoy
This patchwork corset skirt barely squeaked on to the Dollstown body; I had to pull her thighs out of socket and work it up them individually haha. At least that's fairly easy to do with an elastic strung doll.
Hard to describe the solid feel of a boned garment on a doll. It feels substantial and well made. Speaking of which, all the seams are serged on the inside 0___o
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Thank you Andrea!!
Stunning faceup by @zaksdolls ♥️♥️♥️
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A joy to work on another Baby Princess Sparkle.
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PROJECT! Restoring vintage dolls is usually more work than I'm willing to take on, but OG Rainbow Brite has a special place in my heart--I lost my childhood doll in a rather traumatic incident--and I couldn't resist the challenge to bring these girls back to their former glory and heal a longstanding deficit in my doll collection. As much as I've been enjoying the 40th anniversary releases, they're just not the same. Shy Violet is new to me, but of course I'm delighted to have her ^_^ Will share progress updates as I get down to business cleaning them up.
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 18 hours
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picking.. 🧺🍎
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 20 hours
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anyone looking for a cyclops, Engelmech has a custom for sale
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 20 hours
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reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 20 hours
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The Palm Town girlies eating ice creams
(Personnal screenshot. Please reblog. Do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW AND KINK ACCOUNTS DO NOT INTERACT !!!)
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 20 hours
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Thanks to the magic of television, I've already finished the face up of Demon Baby 2.0.
Her wig's still in the mail, so she's not quite done yet, but I'm happy with the face up. Here's her next to the original Demon Baby who I painted back in 2020:
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It's been fun to reinterpret this design.
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 20 hours
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I acquired this mystery factory cast off head back around 4 or 5 years ago I think? I'm not sure what the original doll is, there's no company name, just a logo of a cat head. I just liked the sculpt. I actually got her head around the same time I ordered the head I used for Demon Baby, who you can see in the second photo.
Part of the reason it took so long for me to do anything with this head was tracking down a body that both matched and looked good, and thankfully this RH Bella body is both. The other part is just me getting distracted by other projects lol.
My original plan had been to make the larger one a companion to the smaller, but now it's been a few years I think I might make her more of a Demon Baby 2.0.
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 21 hours
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It's happening again....
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Three more Shibajuku heads huge thanks to @dollsonmain (and indirectly @cosmomoore sounds like). I already started carving on one today! :3
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Yeah I figured they must be showing up in stores somewhere, I saw one listed on Mercari for $40USD (*uglylaugh*) which is what set me on the hunt that ended at the Walmart listings. As to why they made such a lackluster effort--that's all this brand has EVER done. I promise you didn't miss anything from the initial run. Really the only thing they had going for them was being a "more affordable" alternative to collector dolls of vastly higher quality. Which is something we absolutely need more of! But they were grossly overpriced back then and I'm certain that's why that initial attempt failed. They cost about the same as Moxie Teenz or the Frightfully Tall Monster High dolls, which were out around the same time. People had better options.
But now? Idk they probably still won't make much of a dent in the overall toy scene, but you have to give it to them for trying, I guess. The general slump in new releases from the major brands is opening up a lot of space for more variety, which imo is a big win for collectors.
And as for why the lazy box art and all the other complaints--I'm assuming little or no budget. Like I said in the main post, these dolls did NOT sell well the first time around. Still scratching my head as to why they're making another go of it.
Shibajuku Girls: The Return?
Soooooooooo I've been debating whether to post about this at all because I doubt anyone will find it very interesting, but doll gossip is thin on the ground these days and I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet, so eff it let's go--
Alright so, those of you who follow these things may remember back during this year's Toy Fair it was announced that for some inexplicable reason the Shibajuku Girls doll line was planning a comeback. For reference: These 13" dolls from the Australian toy company Hunter Products originally turned up on shelves in the US back in the mid-2010's, to a fairly lackluster reception. Between their unusually high price point ($30-$35, a good deal above the average for fashion dolls at the time) and the fact that they are a rather blatant knock-off of Pullips, no one seemed to be that into them. In a way with their hair play gimmick (a lot of charms and hair clips) meant to interest children in Japanese street fashion I suppose one could see them as a precursor of the Decora Girlz, albeit with far lazier and less successful execution. I did end up buying one--Yoko--for the big head collection, and she's...fine, if forgettable. I like having her in the mix for variety, but I could never quite work up the enthusiasm to get another. The demise of ToysRUs around the time of their release probably didn't help matters any, as it was one of the few places that stocked them. These dolls lingered on the shelves of my local Target seemingly forever, before quietly disappearing to absolutely no fanfare.
But to bring it back to Toy Fair 2024--
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For reasons that NO ONE I've heard speak on the subject can quite understand, seemingly out of nowhere Hunter Toys showed up at Toy Fair this year with a display of older dolls from the first two waves of Shibajuku, plus a wall of these mock-ups for a projected third series of anime-inspired characters. If you look closely at the 'prototype photos' in the boxes--not actual dolls--they appear to literally just be restyled Pullips. A lot of people (myself included) speculated that they may have put the money into creating a new head sculpt that more closely replicated the doll this line was always made to emulate, and the lack of actual dolls in boxes was a sign that this Shibajuku 2.0 head had yet to go into production in time for the event.
Turns out--no. That's not what they did at all. So--
A few days ago through a series of random browsing encounters I stumbled across listings for two of the five proposed 'Shibajuku Anime' dolls on Walmart's website. They are showing up as out of stock, but if you put them on your wishlist you can add them to your cart from there (though not check out), which is a pretty sure indication that they're expected in stock online and in stores soon.
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So...what to say about these. First of all they quite obviously have the same old Shibajuku face. The fashions have considerably less detail than the prototype photos, which in itself I'd be willing to forgive for reasons I'll get to in a minute, but the main thing that overwhelmingly stands out to me here is that Kiki, one of the two characters shown with a darker complexion in the mock-ups, has gone from having tan skin and white hair to pale skin and black hair. Which, yeah no fuck that. No way of knowing if this was the brand's decision or a specific request from Walmart, but whichever way you slice it, it sucks. Lack of diversity was a huge issue with the first iteration of this line, and after the promise of a course correct it looks like we're back to more of the same. I will definitely be bending a critical eye on them to see if the other dark-skinned character, Sakura, receives a similar whitewashing :/
Now, with that rant out of my system, is there anything good to say? Well, the price, for one. These are set to retail for $19.98, which is significantly below what they sold for originally. No doubt the lower quality fashions and lack of accessories have a lot to do with it, but on the whole I'd say it's a plus. Also...as much as as I would have loved to see the ensuing drama if they had had the audacity to churn out a more blatant Pullip clone, for continuity's sake if nothing else I'm glad they stuck with the old face. She's a weird little bird and despite it all she deserves her place in the wider family of Big Head dolls, however derivative that might be (I mean, if anything Pullip needs MORE clones, Blythe has such a start on her in that arena....).
And finally (FINALLY) to wrap things up--will I be buying one? Perhaps surprisingly--yes! I plan to order Akira when she becomes available to ship. I think she's decently cute--you all know my bias for green hair--and I have a purely academic curiosity to compare her to my 'classic' Shibajuku. Plus, despite all my dismissive snark, I would actually like to see this relaunch be successful. I'm always in favor of diversity in the doll market, and this particular type of doll has been sadly under-represented of late. There is plenty room on the shelves for more big head girlies! MGA is daily signing that real estate away at an increasingly rapid pace XD My hope is that they do well enough to warrant the release of the other three dolls from the proposed new line-up, and that maybe--MAYBE--if the Dolly Gods are kind we will see Sakura with her original dark skin tone, as intended.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee ok that's enough sleep-procrastinating for one night, I'm done. If anyone else cares about this at all I'm sincerely curious to hear your thoughts.
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🧚‍♀️ Magic Angel 🧚‍♀️
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they make a pony out of anyone
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Autumn Leaves is among the fallen autumn leaves.
In London, England.
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Shibajuku Girls: The Return?
Soooooooooo I've been debating whether to post about this at all because I doubt anyone will find it very interesting, but doll gossip is thin on the ground these days and I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet, so eff it let's go--
Alright so, those of you who follow these things may remember back during this year's Toy Fair it was announced that for some inexplicable reason the Shibajuku Girls doll line was planning a comeback. For reference: These 13" dolls from the Australian toy company Hunter Products originally turned up on shelves in the US back in the mid-2010's, to a fairly lackluster reception. Between their unusually high price point ($30-$35, a good deal above the average for fashion dolls at the time) and the fact that they are a rather blatant knock-off of Pullips, no one seemed to be that into them. In a way with their hair play gimmick (a lot of charms and hair clips) meant to interest children in Japanese street fashion I suppose one could see them as a precursor of the Decora Girlz, albeit with far lazier and less successful execution. I did end up buying one--Yoko--for the big head collection, and she's...fine, if forgettable. I like having her in the mix for variety, but I could never quite work up the enthusiasm to get another. The demise of ToysRUs around the time of their release probably didn't help matters any, as it was one of the few places that stocked them. These dolls lingered on the shelves of my local Target seemingly forever, before quietly disappearing to absolutely no fanfare.
But to bring it back to Toy Fair 2024--
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For reasons that NO ONE I've heard speak on the subject can quite understand, seemingly out of nowhere Hunter Toys showed up at Toy Fair this year with a display of older dolls from the first two waves of Shibajuku, plus a wall of these mock-ups for a projected third series of anime-inspired characters. If you look closely at the 'prototype photos' in the boxes--not actual dolls--they appear to literally just be restyled Pullips. A lot of people (myself included) speculated that they may have put the money into creating a new head sculpt that more closely replicated the doll this line was always made to emulate, and the lack of actual dolls in boxes was a sign that this Shibajuku 2.0 head had yet to go into production in time for the event.
Turns out--no. That's not what they did at all. So--
A few days ago through a series of random browsing encounters I stumbled across listings for two of the five proposed 'Shibajuku Anime' dolls on Walmart's website. They are showing up as out of stock, but if you put them on your wishlist you can add them to your cart from there (though not check out), which is a pretty sure indication that they're expected in stock online and in stores soon.
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So...what to say about these. First of all they quite obviously have the same old Shibajuku face. The fashions have considerably less detail than the prototype photos, which in itself I'd be willing to forgive for reasons I'll get to in a minute, but the main thing that overwhelmingly stands out to me here is that Kiki, one of the two characters shown with a darker complexion in the mock-ups, has gone from having tan skin and white hair to pale skin and black hair. Which, yeah no fuck that. No way of knowing if this was the brand's decision or a specific request from Walmart, but whichever way you slice it, it sucks. Lack of diversity was a huge issue with the first iteration of this line, and after the promise of a course correct it looks like we're back to more of the same. I will definitely be bending a critical eye on them to see if the other dark-skinned character, Sakura, receives a similar whitewashing :/
Now, with that rant out of my system, is there anything good to say? Well, the price, for one. These are set to retail for $19.98, which is significantly below what they sold for originally. No doubt the lower quality fashions and lack of accessories have a lot to do with it, but on the whole I'd say it's a plus. Also...as much as as I would have loved to see the ensuing drama if they had had the audacity to churn out a more blatant Pullip clone, for continuity's sake if nothing else I'm glad they stuck with the old face. She's a weird little bird and despite it all she deserves her place in the wider family of Big Head dolls, however derivative that might be (I mean, if anything Pullip needs MORE clones, Blythe has such a start on her in that arena....).
And finally (FINALLY) to wrap things up--will I be buying one? Perhaps surprisingly--yes! I plan to order Akira when she becomes available to ship. I think she's decently cute--you all know my bias for green hair--and I have a purely academic curiosity to compare her to my 'classic' Shibajuku. Plus, despite all my dismissive snark, I would actually like to see this relaunch be successful. I'm always in favor of diversity in the doll market, and this particular type of doll has been sadly under-represented of late. There is plenty room on the shelves for more big head girlies! MGA is daily signing that real estate away at an increasingly rapid pace XD My hope is that they do well enough to warrant the release of the other three dolls from the proposed new line-up, and that maybe--MAYBE--if the Dolly Gods are kind we will see Sakura with her original dark skin tone, as intended.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee ok that's enough sleep-procrastinating for one night, I'm done. If anyone else cares about this at all I'm sincerely curious to hear your thoughts.
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