{{The random shit fan central! where everything regarding randomness is present! ask me about headcanons and shit, I'll be able to provide!}} ------------------------------------------------------ 《She/They|5'0|15|Neptunic》 《Fave DBS characters: Agnilasa, Awamo, Borareta, Biarra, Cukatail, Catopesra, Nigrisshi, Za Priccio》 《I love space, I love Octonauts, I love geometry..I'M A FUCKING NERDDD》 ||Autusm 👍|| {{Ppl joke about autism, but lil do they know, US AUTISTIC BITCHES KEEP YOUR FAVE SHOW'S FANDOMS ALIVE}}
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
how much of a geek would i have to be to say i enjoy trig
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Use Tan(x) = 25/42 guys.
Lets make cookies!
I just wanna see how this turns out tbh I'm not making these because I just moved and I don't want my mom to crucify me
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"I t' s p r e t t y e a s y i f y o u t h r o w o u t t h e u n n e c c e s a r y c o n s o n t a n t s..."
-Eternal Sugar Cookie!!!
Please repeat that with less typos I have no idea what you just fucking said.
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"Y e s....y o u a r e a c c u r a t e..."
"I f o n l y I e x i s t e d i n r e a l l i f e...I w o u l d ' v e v o t e d y o u..."
It is quite a shame
however at least the cheese goes up agaisnt a guarenteed loss
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I usually use a dual pronoun interchangeably in a sentence! So that's usually how I talk about someone whom has dual pronouns.
UR SO FINE DO NOT WORRY!! I would like to clarify I do still use they/he! I’ve just got my reasons for not really feeling comfortable putting those in my bio rn
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HOLY FUCK, ZOHAKUTEN!!!(It makes it better since they both look young(teen-ish) but they're way older, nice!).

What if...
Merus x Zohakuten (From Demon Slayer)
Literally all the other Angels: "Of all the people, you choose the ugly one?"
But anyway it would be a cute ship.
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Mortimer <333
I love even when Barnacles is serious in a lot of episodes he still has his sweet side.
#octonauts#captain barnacles#octonauts fandom#octonauts barnacles#octonauts edit#Barnacles is so silly#SILLY POLAR BEAR#Mortimer the Mimic Octopus :3#Silly
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"I could help you repair it!"
Footsteps, hurried and heavy but still carrying an air of respect for the pagoda, were approaching.
It wasn’t hard to tell who had arrived, after all. It was very easy to tell when the king of the Dark Cacao kingdom had arrived. A faint, bitter smell of chocolate and clean mountain air always followed.
“ Mystic Flour Cookie! “
Dark Cacao’s voice echoed across the area, urgent, but also… worried.
( @kingof-resolution )
She wondered why he arrived
Welcome? what is your desire to arrive here
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Rhizophysa filiformis

+ Batrard
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I'VE ALWAYS LOVED DASHI SM- And you just made me love her more <3
Why Dashi is my favourite character 🩷

This is something I've been wanting to talk about for awhile. I've been putting it off because I typically like to keep my posts lighthearted and fun. Also, this is kinda a personal thing for me lol. However I just think it's important to get it out there.
Feelings around Dashi in the Octonauts community are so mixed, some people enjoy her whilst other have a pure hatred for Dashi. Unfortunately, there is a large majority that holds that hatred in their hear or people that like her but only for her aesthetic. Hence this is why I wanted to get my thought of why I valued her out there as someone who values her deeply for her character.
Dashi has always been someone I've idolised. As a young girl, she was the epitome of a woman. She was able to exist as someone confident in what her passion was, someone who actively engaged in fields such as coding and engineering, she could lead her crew and be a daredevil. She was also able to be confident in her femininity, she could love pink, and she could love photography and her music. She's an older sister (and a really good one at that), she can be a little silly and she could hold quality/unique relationships with other members of the team. She was also able to accomplish all of this authentically. She wasn't considered a rare exception in the show, this was just considered the norm and it was honestly something I envy so much.

This was something that I took away from the main series of the Octonauts.
That's what she meant to me from the limited screen time that she got. I remember watching the damselfish episode and thinking omg this is the coolest thing ever. Or that episode where they made the tiny camera of the worm and glued it back together. The manta-ray episode where she was so determined to achieve her goal. She held quality relationships with several members. Seriously one of my favourite Dashi moments with the others was her running off with kwazii in the Siphonophore episode. She was always a central member in leading the team and was confident in her leadership/decisions. A few I remember off the top of my head were the episode where they needed a new bubble generator, that one episode where half the crew got beached and she and kwazii were working to get them back or the surfing snail episode. Also I know this isn't from the OG series but I really like her in the ring of fire and San Actun specials (I refuse to watch the Great Barrier Reef special so idk what was happening there)

This was how I interpreted her character before I found out there was a spin-off series that put her in a central role, which honestly was awesome to me because it just affirmed my interpretation of Dashi. It affirmed that my way of interpreting her was not just in my head. Everything she meant to me was real.
This is what made it more heartbreaking for me when I found out that there were so many people who hated her role in both the original and spinoff series. These people thought her role was forced, that her character choices were off and that she was just another mary-sue.
I think a lot of people fail to see one of the main reasons as to why Dashi is an important character to the people that do value her.

This stems from how important representation is for young people. The original series was released back in 2010. Looking at this era contextually, sexism in everyday life was still a massive problem. Stereotypical traditional roles were heavily enforced in media and everyday life. Basic rights for women were largely failing to be met. Even though things have improved a little bit since then, sexism is still a massive issue that affects every woman. So you can imagine how much it meant to the young girls watching this show to see an autonomous and feminine character being able to achieve so much.
Even though she was a side character in the main series, she was who you looked at, I mean how could you not? Just looking at her aesthetically she is quite literally the only one with a stereotypical "feminine" colour palette. She was the only girl on the crew that presented in a traditionally feminine way.

Then you're probably thinking but what about tweak? Well yes, she was absolutely a groundbreaking character too. However, she is presented in such a masculine way that I don't always feel like she has the same impact that Dashi does. She was original going to be a man and she is aired as a man in other translations of The Octonauts (the Russian one off the top of my head). She is as typically "feminine" as Dashi, she honestly lacks any of those qualities. NOTE: (NO HATE TO TWEAK OR GIRLS WHO ARE LIKE HER, I LOVE TWEAK AND MASC GIRLIES)

This is important to me because when I was younger I believed that in order to have a passion in fields that were considered more "masculine" such as science or mathematics you had to reject femininity. That stereotype was so heavily pushed on me and it was genuinely so damaging. I felt that I had to reject everything feminine and I did. I remember getting reprimanded and told "I'm barely even a woman" for my interests. I always felt that I had to sacrifice a part of myself and it was genuinely such a depressing way to be. Sometimes its so bad that I just has breakdowns because I feel I don't belong and I always have that impending feeling of doom that I ever will. I always feel so isolated because I genuinely found it so hard to find other women who shared that interest. On the rare chance I did find someone, they were cases similar to Tweak, girls that had rejected and demonised all feminity to the point where they were basically considered dudes.

This is still something I struggle with so much today. Yes, a girl can enter into a STEM field without being burnt at the stake but there's still so very few. I'm sitting in physics and mathematics classes where I'm effectively the only girl there. Female scientists are never talked about and I'm by other teachers as a rare exception. I still struggle to feel as if I can exist as both feminine and as someone who can be passionate about STEM. Being feminine is so demonised and intimidating in those fields due to the sheer lack of representation, you feel as if it's necessary to conform to a more masculine demeanour. On the flip side, having a genuine passion for STEM is so freaky in the eyes of other girls. If I try and talk about something remotely related to that, I feel as if they're about to hurl tomatoes at me so I never talk about it. It feels like I can never exist authentically and fully as myself, some days I feel like I lose myself, like I don't belong. I value being feminine I really do. I've always been passionate about feminism, I love the colour pink, pretty things and I like presenting that way. But I also love STEM I'm so passionate about it. I just wish there was a way that I could exist as both.

This is why I idolise Dashi so much. She is what I want to be. She's confident in her femininity and confident in her career. She doesn't; need to sacrifice this to achieve her goals. She can exist in a male-dominated crew (which is a realistic scenario for an irl workplace in those fields) without changing that about her. She isn't treated as a rare exception but just valued a normal part of the team.

She is a Stargirl to so many young girls. She exists as an autonomous and bright character, she isn't entirely defined by just her career or gender but she actively represents both. She's realistic, she's flawed, and she grows so much throughout the series and I think her growth is then appreciated in the spin-off. In a world that's lacking authentic representation in both media and so many male-dominated fields, it's so important to realise the innate value of these characters.

So that's why Dashi is my favourite character. She means the world to me.
She always has and always will 🩷
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I AM- *Takes the wheel* WAIT- I'M ALSO A KID(teen).
if YOU’RE regressing… and I’M regressing… THEN WHOS FLYING THIS PLANE???
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*Gives cookie* there you go :3
can i be treated like a baby pls
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(OOC: NONONO, They're really good designs, I promise :3)
(OOC: I made a new account on CRK, Dark Cacao Server, and I got jumpscared by my first 10 pull....I GOT TARTE TARTIN...joining the lucky server and getting flash-banged no..NUKED by Tarte Tartin was NOT on my Sunday plans...but I love it sm- ANYWAYS HII!!)
OOC: HELLO! Nice to see you again.
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(OOC: I made a new account on CRK, Dark Cacao Server, and I got jumpscared by my first 10 pull....I GOT TARTE TARTIN...joining the lucky server and getting flash-banged no..NUKED by Tarte Tartin was NOT on my Sunday plans...but I love it sm- ANYWAYS HII!!)
OOC: HELLO! Nice to see you again.
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Man, I want the biohazards to take him in fr-(they're a group of my poison based ocs, they'd probably protect him from ever being caught by the queen, they've probably already killed her already or sum, of they were in this universe, they're big on consent, and they kill those who can't take 'no' for an answer, so uh...I think the male servant would also be dead).//
Part 2 of Giin backstory
After he was caught with the Secretary, he was basically handed off to the Queen, as his family didn't want to risk him "disgracing" them in any sort of way. So he was sent off at age 15 to a 45 year old woman with a nasty temper.
He was married on his 16th birthday. His wife made sure to occupy the building with guards in case he tried to run out as many husbands before him have done. He was expected to consumate the marriage that night, but him, being a fighter, tried to refuse. So the Queen had to "take matters into her own hands". He watched as people rejoiced over the Queen's stomach that had his child in it at 17.
But the Queen's first try was a miscarriage, and she blamed him for it, even though there was no way for him to have known. So the Queen decided to "try again".
After a few months of them "trying" Giin became friends with one of the Queen's male servants, and had slight feelings towards him. They would hang out anytime the Queen was at one of her meetings, and talk with each other.
The Queen would often throw things at Giin for minor offenses like forgetting to wash the clothes, burning dinner (he isn't that much of a cook, so it happened a lot), or even so much as looking at other people. Sometimes the Queen would just be in a bad mood when she would do it, so it wasn't even Giin's fault.
Giin was hardly even allowed outside, so you can imagine how pissed the Queen would be when she would catch him sneaking out. She would sometimes lock every door before leaving him alone.
After a while, the Male servant and Giin's relashionships progressed to a point where Giin and the Male servant were outside, and the Male servant made advances of the sexual kind on him which Giin refused, but the Male servant didn't take "no" for an answer."
The Queen had came home early that day, seeing Giin and the Male servant in such a position infuriated her, she wouldn't listen to reason, as she accused Giin of willingly sleeping with the Male servant, which Giin actively denied. Then, getting tired of the queen's bullcrap, Giin had said the worst thing he could in that position. "If I ever did sleep with him willingly, it was because of YOU!"
For the crime of cheating and open disrespect toward the Queen, he was sentenced to be beheaded as many of the guards ran to seize him. But he was a trained fighter, so he could hold his own for a while.
When he realized that he couldn't defeat them all, he had decided to run, fighting who he had to keep ahead. Eventually he lost them, surviving out in the wild and going to arenas like he did when he was young to build his own life. There was where he met the past destroyer God of universe 12 who was interested in making him the new destroyer of universe 12.
He had nowhere else to go, so he agreed. That was when he had started training to be a god.
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OHHH- Makes sense.
More explanation on Giin originally being born in a matriarchal society. I wanna show how one sex having all the power is bad for any world, no matter what it is.
Giin was born into a moderately wealthy family with a lot of connections around his home planet. Due to this, many of the kingdoms on his planet were interested in marrying him due to the fact that he was an only child, so there were no siblings there to take some of the pressure off of him and to use some of the family's connections to smooth out some of the rough edges of the world which he lived in and exercise their power.
When Giin was very young, he was trained to be a prince as this would also help his family gain power and authority through the world which he lived in. He was forced out of school by the time he was 13 in fear of him being smarter than his wife. He was only allowed in school to keep him relatively competent as his wife would not marry a "dumb boy".
Giin was a very rebellious kid, believing in equality in everyone, even the less fortunate. This point of view was considered very dangerous for that point of time. He had also been secretly training and running off to arenas to test his strength, his mother finding out when one of the directors of such an event had dragged him home one evening all bruised and battered.
When Giin was 15, a secretary of the age of 30 was hired as a way to keep the family's buisness all in order and to follow Giin around when he went outside to keep him from "Causing Trouble". He had snuck away from this person several times, eventually falling in love with them.
This secretary was fired when they were found in Giin's bed, making out. Giin was then repeatedly asked if it ever went any farther not because they actually cared, but because they were worried that his purity was gone but Giin repeatedly denied anything about this.
When he got married to a princess, the kingdom's only knowledge of him and the secretary's relashionship was that Giin had clearly cared a lot about him.
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DANG- This is really heavy stuff, I feel so sorry for bro.
More explanation on Giin originally being born in a matriarchal society. I wanna show how one sex having all the power is bad for any world, no matter what it is.
Giin was born into a moderately wealthy family with a lot of connections around his home planet. Due to this, many of the kingdoms on his planet were interested in marrying him due to the fact that he was an only child, so there were no siblings there to take some of the pressure off of him and to use some of the family's connections to smooth out some of the rough edges of the world which he lived in and exercise their power.
When Giin was very young, he was trained to be a prince as this would also help his family gain power and authority through the world which he lived in. He was forced out of school by the time he was 13 in fear of him being smarter than his wife. He was only allowed in school to keep him relatively competent as his wife would not marry a "dumb boy".
Giin was a very rebellious kid, believing in equality in everyone, even the less fortunate. This point of view was considered very dangerous for that point of time. He had also been secretly training and running off to arenas to test his strength, his mother finding out when one of the directors of such an event had dragged him home one evening all bruised and battered.
When Giin was 15, a secretary of the age of 30 was hired as a way to keep the family's buisness all in order and to follow Giin around when he went outside to keep him from "Causing Trouble". He had snuck away from this person several times, eventually falling in love with them.
This secretary was fired when they were found in Giin's bed, making out. Giin was then repeatedly asked if it ever went any farther not because they actually cared, but because they were worried that his purity was gone but Giin repeatedly denied anything about this.
When he got married to a princess, the kingdom's only knowledge of him and the secretary's relashionship was that Giin had clearly cared a lot about him.
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