rottenrodent0 · 11 months
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man hes strugglin
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rottenrodent0 · 11 months
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rottenrodent0 · 11 months
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rottenrodent0 · 11 months
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clown mouse
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
Welcome ! ! !
(This Acc is run by a mouse)
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Aus In the works- Afflicted AU-  @apocolypseau (anyone is welcomed to it) WrongTurn AU-  @wrongturnau (Dm to participate) !!angsty!!
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If you are going to shove religious talk into my face(all religions welcomed just do not try an convert me)
Proshippers, Maps
(more will be added)
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
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Kid core ghost??
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
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Another mc oc!
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
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Forgot her name, but enjoy!!
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
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Boba time!
(Slight thumb mess up haha)
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
meow fishbones as a witch in like a village. no context!
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
Lore from Worm's POV
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The day I walked by the river I saw glimpses of red. within the flowing water of the river that ran by our house I saw a small stream of red hugging the waves. I could've chalked this up to grandma getting ingredients for supper tonight. It could've been a wolf coming in for a snack. maybe a bear getting some fish. but the stillness of the air, the quietness of the forest... it poked my fear in every way. Even if i hated the chirping of birds, their melody always told me everything was to be alright. the eerie silence was fought by the river's rushing water, it had rained recently so the water was still going stronger than ever. I walked the path, following the crimson trail towards the source. I thought I had seen a lot... I thought I was so tough and could hide my emotions so well that this would have no bearing on me. but even the sky seemed to cry once again as i saw her body. limpness and drained. Grandma's time, had reached the limit.
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
this is just a concept for her, i want her to seem more cloud like so ill mess around with her hair and colors for her. i want pinks, purples and definitely oranges. any comments on how to help will be appreciated and taken into consideration!
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
open species??
you could also make them have cloud like hair or whatever texture your looking for just make it the same color as the accessories or tail thing- idk. go wild.
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
i dont know what these are but someone said to make an open species about them. i love that idea. <]:) my lil hat
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
ref sheet for my character
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rottenrodent0 · 2 years
hel i did the hans wrong. the right one has 5 fingers and the left ones ogt 4 smh!! gahwdlajwnjd
Salt Water!!!
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Sal, salt water if its incredibly salty like the dead sea can't have anything live in it. but its like almost impossible to drown in. this is sal, worm and snail's oldest sibling they dont have a clue about. when he was around 4 he was not exploring but walking around the forest him and his parents lived in. then he had vanished oh so suddenly. his parent's thought it was because of "the broken shards" as their branding was in the nearby trees. they never got closure. sal got lost trying to find his way back.
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rottenrodent0 · 2 years
Salt Water!!!
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Sal, salt water if its incredibly salty like the dead sea can't have anything live in it. but its like almost impossible to drown in. this is sal, worm and snail's oldest sibling they dont have a clue about. when he was around 4 he was not exploring but walking around the forest him and his parents lived in. then he had vanished oh so suddenly. his parent's thought it was because of "the broken shards" as their branding was in the nearby trees. they never got closure. sal got lost trying to find his way back.
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