#pls give me notes
dollcreme · 1 year
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kimis room is cute kind of
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rottenrodent0 · 1 year
open species??
you could also make them have cloud like hair or whatever texture your looking for just make it the same color as the accessories or tail thing- idk. go wild.
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Montrose Beach and Bird Sanctuary - Chicago, Illinois, shot on film
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Give me 96 notes and 2 cringy quotes and I will read Homestuck
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ruler-of-fandoms69 · 2 years
Here are some memes that I have made. Most are related to mha or ghost, others are random
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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thinking about scaramouche team dynamics ft scarabedo
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batri-jopa · 1 year
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I love my life highly satisfied just being myself
(Check the OTHER VERSION too✌️)
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kaeyachi · 4 months
Kaeyappreciation post!
Kaeya is wonderful in a sense that he:
Has a penmanship described as "Beautiful Handwriting". He for sure worked on that.
Willingly spends his time making sure his outfit looks perfect
Is well-loved by Mondstadt and the Dawn Winery staff
Is described to like a prince, both in looks and in actions
Is shown to be gentle and caring to children and elderly, most seen with Klee and the staff from Dawn Winery
Is a great listener and, therefore, also knows what gifts to buy based off of something someone said in passing
Is predominantly kind- unafraid to help out and defend someone in need. His first reaction is always kindness, and worry about covering up that kindness later on
But Kaeya also has his moments where he:
Says things out of pocket with enough alcohol in his system. Things that usually lead to shame and regret.
Would rather give others the credit for his hard work if he could help it
Intentionally makes himself look suspicious by withholding information and only throwing tidbits that are not of substance
Has sadist tendencies, which affects how he treats both his (cavalry) company and his enemies
Can and will use underhanded tactics to gain the upper hand
Rarely ever says what he truly wants to say
Has a fake smile. Usually lies or only deals with half truths.
He is such a complex character. I really do want people to appreciate him and his intricacies more. The fact that his entire personality and story is done so well and continues to actually grow and expand as the story progresses is something that genuinely makes me want to keep watch of him. I have never, in all my fandoms, stuck to a character as long as I did with Kaeya, and honestly? I know I'm not alone with this.
Look at how well they made our boy!
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xenospiza · 20 days
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rlly messy lawlight(sort of?) doodles yippee yay!!
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fatuismooches · 29 days
you know how we found out that pantalone loves talking about his interests? I was wondering what if his lover was equally talkative, would they cancel each other out?
Although Pantalone portrays himself as a calm and suave businessman, some know of his other side. Namely the Harbingers, who have to listen to his monologuing, much to their dismay. (Especially Childe, a frequent victim, whenever you see that poor boy being harassed by your husband, you always try to swoop in and save him. The ginger is very thankful for you but also wonders how you manage to listen to that man for so long... it is a kind of strength he wishes to learn from you.)
Pantalone would greatly appreciate a talkative partner, as long as you're also an attentive listener. No one really cares to actually listen to his theories, it is more like the noise just goes in and out the ears (besides perhaps that blue-haired co-worker.) However, once you begin to start talking back to him about his points in detail, oh, he is one happy banker. For once, his mouth is shut as he quietly takes in everything you've said with interest, happy to have someone as equally as engaged (and also totally not staring at your soft, kissable lips.)
Similarly, he'll obviously listen to you ramble on about anything else too. Your interests, hobbies, a particular moment in your day, your favorite piece of gossip lately... you name it, he's all ears. As much as he likes to talk, he's also quite satisfied with hearing your lovely voice instead of his own. So yes, it does cancel it out, but it also enables both of you to continue talking, because you know there's always going to be the other to happily listen.
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dnbrainrot · 18 days
I have been looking for an extremely specific fanfic plot for so long BUT ITS SUCH A FUCKING OBVIOUSLY IDEA THAT IM SO CONFUSED WHY HAVENT I FUCKIN FOUND IT ANYWHWRE
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dea-thynote · 22 days
Death note au (dimension travel?)
Light yagami gets transported to a dating sim, except he doesn't know it and he keeps making the genre horror like the universe is like sir 😭😭 stop killing people pls and start embarking the life of romance. I know the story includes mystery and police but it's only for the plot because somehow at that time the genre of detective dating sim were popular.
Events that happened prior to waking up the next morning after getting electrocuted. He turns to a corner and bumps to a (pretty) gangster and in his mind he's like (oh wow I'm gonna kill this guy). Days later he does write the guys name on the death note because he saw them steal or something. Next day, he trips over nothing and into the arms of some rich narcissistic dude who kept asking him to pay for his clothes, he does, although reluctantly. Or like meets his kind shy classmate (who is also a capture target) and manipulates the man like 😭😭
- alright my idea was that, sayu forced light to play the dating sim (aka force him to solve the puzzles ) that interested her because she heard ryuga hideki was there only to be disappointed that it was just a fake name by the greatest detective L, which isn't her type and stops playing
- he stops playing too, and continues to write in his deathnote until he idk trips and smashes his head his computer. get electrocuted and wakes up in his bed but keeps the death note for some reason
- continues to kill criminals but... he notices something weird (its normal for people to be clumsy at times, but for him? And as many times as to embarrass himself in front of people? That's not normal), and now he's having auditory hallucination that he hears sounds when he talks to other people.
- L doesn't exist in light's universe aright? So imagine lights surprise when the broadcast confrontation happens. He goes to sayu to ask her about the game and sayu is confused and was like "what game?" And when he retells the event, she's like I went to u last time to help me with my quadratic formula? Are u okay brother?
Ah, I must've forgotten due to stress of the exams
- sayu doesn't remember the game
(He accidentally goes to L's route because he intrigued him by literally becoming a suspect for being a mass murderer. While in the game, the only way to go to L's route was by choosing police officer as a career and try to solve crimes with L. Even then u guys only interact via call lmao)
Logic: protagonist shapes the world of the game, so when light remembers his school and its location its still the same. There are, although, some things that are constant which is the capture targets and their inevitable meeting with the protagonist, but only takes form of what is in the protagonist reality (likr with the classmate). If the character is not someone he knows then it would take shape to the games reality (like the appearance of L and his successors).
Possible Plot twist: no lawlight, light's an aroace and the dating sim was doomed from the start.
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salty-an-disco · 6 months
Btw, may I ramble/rant about Stranger for a bit? Imma ramble about Stranger for a bit.
Most posts I see on them seem to be about the facets of Stranger audibly disagreeing with each other, and talking at different turns, when, like, that’s not how they work?
Even in their own route, when they all mesh together, they talk in unison — yes, their tones and their predominant emotions are different, but they all have the same goal — and all ask the same things (“Did you do this? Did we do this? Can you pull us back apart?”), and in the Stranger ending variant, they always refer to themselves as a collective, they work as a group — a system! — and when they talk, they talk for all of them.
Not to mean they don’t have disagreements within themselves, I imagine they very much do, but I think those are mostly dealt with internally — much like the Shifting Mound will spend their time in introspection, getting to know each vessel you give them individually, and waiting till their complete so that they can all figure out their goal as a unity.
Anyway, do y’all think Stranger would take up on sewing so that they can make clothes that’ll fit them and also personalize it to each alter’s taste?
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chewysgummies · 2 months
"A pilot to WOY dropped‼️‼️ 🗣️🗣️📢🔥 A Bible to the show has been brought to light💥💥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️"
Me with my girly ass still waiting to receive any news that involves killbot 86:
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deesi-academia · 8 months
it's so much easier to waste time when you have none.
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pipervonviper · 4 months
give me a ninjago character to draw.
can be from any season.
ninja or not idc.
i want to draw a ninjago character
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