#skylars asks
vendetta-if · 1 month
Would any of the characters (ROs + Luke, Viktor, Yvette) kill MC for the better good?? Are they more of a “I’ll burn the world for you” or “I’ll burn you for the world” type of person??
Oohhh 👀 In general, the Morozovs all would burn the world for each other (including Jackal, who would specifically burn the world for Luka).
But if we’re talking strictly about MC then it’ll go:
Would (literally) burn the world for MC, no questions asked.
Would burn the world (except for their family 🥺) for MC.
Depends on whether they’ll end up still being idealistic or becoming more cynical.
Idealistic Santana would probably burn MC to save the world; although I don’t think they’ll ever recover mentally from doing that.
Cynical Santana would let the world burn for MC; the world has not been particularly kind to them and their family, why should they sacrifice someone they love for said world?
They’ll sacrifice MC for the good of the world, although not before trying everything, anything, other than that.
The act of doing that would definitely change Skylar as a person forever though. They probably would not be the cheerful and easy-going person they were after that.
Probably would’ve even stopped becoming a Superhero, still seeing that act of sacrificing MC as a failure on their part.
They’ll sooner burn the whole world than to harm or let harm come to MC (and that includes his own family too 😢). Everything he’s done ever since having MC is for MC’s well-being and better future.
They’ll also burn the world for MC, except I don’t think he’ll be able to do so if he had to kill or grievously harm other people he loves and cares about… Which at this point in the story, the only people left other than MC are Grandpa, Ash, and Jackal. Considering most of them would most likely be on his side, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.
Now, this is a spicy one… 👀 It’ll be such a moral dilemma for her. It’s true that she’s a superhero… But at the same time, she’s also a selfish person.
And it’s also true that she’s technically MC’s birth mother… But she also hasn’t had a specifically close relationship with MC. In addition, it also depends on whether MC chose to give her a second chance to reconnect or not because if not, then they’ll end up still being technically closer to strangers than family.
If MC reconnected with her, then there’s bigger chance she would help the Morozovs to burn the world for MC (I don’t think she’ll start it by herself). If not, then she’ll simply stay by the side and let the Morozovs do it; she won’t actively intervene as a superhero.
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halflifebutawesome · 15 days
every time i see your Alyx and Barney it lights up my day im not joking, they're so cool
OHH... thank u.... I'm glad u think so they're my faves... sniffles🥹
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
I am curious about Steph's time working in retail. Any interesting stories about her time there?
[at a clothing store]
Steph: Your total is $133.37.
Margie: You forgot my coupon.
Steph: It expired two months ago.
Margie: Can you still try?
Skylar: Mom, it's fine.
Margie: Shush, let her try.
Steph: Sure I can try.
*coupon declines*
Steph: Your total is $133.37.
Margie: But the coupon.
Steph: *sighs*
[at a drive-thru]
Steph: Welcome to Batburgers, what can I get you?
Margie: I'll do a double batburger with fries and a six-piece Robin nugget.
Steph: Anything else?
Margie: Nope.
Steph: Alright, please pull up to the next window.
Margie: *goes into the store*
Margie: Where's my order?
[at a coffee shop]
Steph: Iced vanilla latte for... Maggie?
Margie: It's Margie.
Steph: Sorry about that.
Margie: You should be. I want you to remake it, and this time get my name right.
[at a restaurant]
Steph: Are you guys ready to order?
Margie: Yes, I'll do the chicken alfredo, but can you do it without salt? I'm trying this new zero-sodium diet from Facebook.
Steph: Sure.
[twenty minutes later]
Steph: How's everything tasting?
Margie: My food is completely tasteless.
Steph: Would you like me to take it back?
Margie: Yes, and fix it.
[ten minutes later]
Steph: Here you go, your chicken alfredo.
Margie: *takes a bite*
Margie: I told you no salt!
[at a grocery store]
Steph, putting a mop bucket away: There, aisle seven is all clean.
Margie: My baby threw up in aisle seven.
Steph: On it.
Margie: And clean up my baby too.
Steph: What?
Margie, handing Steph her baby: Clean up my baby.
[at a furniture store]
Margie: I need a replacement part for this end table.
Steph: *checks on her iPad*
Steph: I'm sorry, that product was discontinued ten years ago.
Margie: Could you check in the back?
[at a call center]
Steph: Wayne Industries customer support, how can I help you?
Margie: I want to cancel my subscription.
Steph: Can I get your phone number?
Margie: *gives her number*
Steph: There's no account under that number.
Margie: There should be.b
Steph: I don't see it here. Can I get a name and date of birth?
Margie: What kind of information harvesting scam is this? I'm gonna have a talk with your higher ups.
Margie: *hangs up*
[at home]
Bruce: Hey Steph, how was work?
Steph: Normal. How was the school carnival?
Bruce: It was pretty good, except for Margie. Ugh, you have no idea.
Steph: *eye twitches*
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skylaryozora · 2 months
oh my god happy to hear you’re doing headcanons! i’d love to hear any headcanons you have for nabu (^.^)
So sorry for the delay, I started writing this post and saved it as a draft, and then my dumb-ass forgot where to look for the drafts XD anyway, can't imagine life without headcanons haha
Nabu, you say... Now I wish I had spent more time thinking about headcanons for him, I haven't really given him as much thought in comparison to some other characters, but here you go:
1. He's the oldest in the guy squad, and therefore he has this big brother energy, especially for Riven.
2. He's not a picky eater, he eats literally anything. People might think he just doesn't want to cause problems for anyone, but it's just how he genuinely is.
3. Almost the tallest, shorter only to Helia.
4. A bit of gentle giant energy, but serious and intimidating when necessary.
5. More of a dog person, but he gets along with cats too.
6. His love languages are probably Quality time and Words of affirmation.
7. Prefers heat over frost.
8. Follows a regular hair care routine, likes to experiment with types of braids.
9. He has this magic ability to make people show their soft sides (in his case, Aisha and Riven, he made it possible for these two to get along and become friends).
I know it ain't much, but if I think of something, I will add it. Thanks for the ask!
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honnelander · 1 year
You glance up as he towers over you, worry written clear on his beautiful features. The guilt making your stomach drop farther into your stomach. His hands engulf your shoulders as he tilts his head to get a better look at your face. "Hey," the soft whisper makes it's way to your ears. What do you do now? What can you possibly say to get out of this situation. You feel bad enough as it is and it only seems to grow with every passing second. Every breath burning your lungs as the tears begin to sting your eyes again. Run. It's the only thought in your head, your fight or flight instincts taking over. You take one step to your right to dodge any chance he had to stop you but as soon as you move, he moves just as quick. Having his long days of training to thank for that, his arms wrap tightly over your shoulders keeping you in place. His head dropping into the crook of your neck, his warm exhales tickling your skin. "No, not this time. I'm not letting you go this time," You stiffen in his arms, the tears now falling steady. Your hands dance in the air unsure whether to hold onto his arms or not. You need him, you need him to hold you and tell you it will be okay, but the continuing guilt just keeps building. You can feel his lips resting against your neck, sending the most pleasant tingles down your spine, conflicting with the emotions rolling through your mind. He remains there not moving, not saying anything, just holding you like if he lets go you'll vanish. He loves with such passion, it's exciting and scary. You both knew what you were getting into but you never knew you could feel such admiration for someone before. It's a first for you, you don't know how to handle such feelings that you always feel like such a burden to him. Every time the negative thoughts took over he was always there to clear them away. It only took one smile, one touch, one kiss to make it all clear again. But recently they've been coming more frequent and stronger then ever, you don't quite know what to do. Just tell him, it isn't that hard yet you stand here tears streaming steady, legs quivering, just complete fear taking over. What are you so afraid of? He'd reject you? You'd disappoint him? You'll stop loving him? That's silly isn't it. He says it all the time to you like it's nothing. His love a light in the darkest nights, his passion the flame that ignites your whole being. What if your love wont do the same for him? What if it isn't enough? Is that it? Is that what you're so afraid of? He would never dismiss you're feelings, right? His arms tightening around you, reminding you to breathe, your thoughts just taking complete control. Maybe you shouldn't tell him right now, it doesn't feel like the right time. But will the time ever feel right...
you’re a beautiful writer….I’m literally in awe. i’m in love with this…as long as there’s “…” at the end, i won’t think it’s finished 🥹 please continue sending me these, you make me tear up 😭
telling someone how you feel, that you love them, is such a scary feeling no matter who you’re telling it too (even if they clearly love you back) and you capture those emotions beautifully. please never stop writing…
part 1 part 3
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greenyandlazy · 1 year
I hadn't watched anything One Piece since the 4kids dub in the mornings before primary school and I honestly think I'd be disappointed watch the anime/read the manga now purely because of Sanji. Romance-wise I know in the manga/anime he's a pathetic horndog as soon as a woman steps within a 5km radius of him, but the live action? Nah, you just know that guy is regularly fucking both women and men against an outside wall of the Baratie when his shifts are over.
Like, how the fuck am I meant to get into the regular version of the character when a guy who smiles at whoever he's talking to like they're the centre of his world is my starting point?
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wreniverse · 4 days
Can your oc and my oc be friends? I think Wren and Skylar would bond over their magic plants and magic creatures.
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YEAAAA OFC I LOVE MORE FARMER FRIENDS FOR MY WREN !! the best way to her heart is through monster plants and magic talk 🥳
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skylarstarlight · 8 months
HC: Jouno was honestly pretty mean, and more cold than he is now when he first joined the Hunting Dogs. Like zero respect for anyone there, ruthless, efficient, had a hard time NOT killing anyone, etc.
Like he was mean to almost everyone, and had the driest and snarkiest humor ever. Like so smart mouthed, and a typical conversation between him and Tecchou would go something like this:
Tecchou: You’re supposed to not kill anyone unless you have no other choice.
Jouno: *sharpening a knife* What does it matter? They’re criminals at the end of the day.
Tecchou: Yes, but killing mindlessly is not something we do. I understand you came from a mafia—
Jouno: You know nothing about where I came from—
Tecchou: BUT that’s not an excuse to bring that here. I believe you can be a good person, Jouno. But you kinda have to make the effort to be a good person, and that includes, *takes the knife*
Jouno: What - hey!
Tecchou: No killing.
Jouno: Kind of ironic we’re both trained killers, yet we don’t kill people. I literally went through a surgery that felt like bugs were eating at my bones to be stronger just to use it to protect other people?
Tecchou: Yes, it’s your—
Jouno: Let me make something perfectly clear. You and me are NOT the same. I have nothing in common with none of you people. We may both be killers, but I’m not on the cover of a newspaper for saving a girl’s cat. I’m not a killer little kids look up to.
This to "One's lament is nothing compared to the pleasure of protecting innocent civilians" sure is a pipeline /pos
Yeah, Jouno made MASSIVE leaps forward, and honestly he can't even be blamed for the most part for how he was initially because it's all he knew (I'm a Jouno apologist until the day I die amen)
But "It's your job" is never a valid reason for Jouno to do anything. Even after that long he still just does what interests him, it's just that their interest thankfully shifted to something more socially acceptable, for the most part.
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vendetta-if · 1 month
Texting Yvette everday, just to say fuck you lol
Jokes on you, Yvette would definitely take it as a good sign somewhat 😭
She’d be gushing to Skylar like, “Oh my God, Skylar! They’re still texting me everyday! That means I still have a chance to reconcile right?”
“Uhh… What did they text? Is it another ‘fuck you’?” Skylar asks hesitantly.
“Yes and yes, I know it sounds bad, but at least they’re taking the time to text me every day! How many mothers out there can say that their kid texts them everyday?”
Skylar’s smile is strained as they try to share their mentor’s enthusiasm and hopefulness (and delusion). “Haha… Yeah… Even I sometimes forget to text my own mom for holidays…” they reassure, not having the heart to break the more possible harsh truth to Yvette.
“I know they still care deep down… I just need to try harder…” she sighs wistfully.
But yeah, as some have said, the opposite of love is indifference. Fully cutting contact with Yvette would hurt Yvette even more because there’s completely no connection whatsoever for her to latch on 🥺😥
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leeedl · 2 months
hiiii oh my god!! im like.. ur biggest fan!!!! i love ur stamps… could u please make skylar stamps from lost in the cloud?? /nf
thank you!!
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YESS HERE U GOO ALSO TYSM I'm happy you like my stamps <33
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
all hail the rat king
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣀⣏⡦⠤⣤⠽⠤⡄
…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
we move at dawn
What is this rat king propaganda in my ask box! I will defend Barbatos with my life!! Even if the rat hordes take me!!
Though honestly he’d probably end up saving me in the end 😭
Also those rats are too cute with their lil curly tails…
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honnelander · 1 year
Your lips letting out the shakiest exhales, the tears now dried on your flushed cheeks. He remains still, unmoving just holding you. Your cold fingers move up and grab his wrist. Giving it a quick squeeze, a signal he knows to let go. His arms relax slightly before tightening again, He's hesitant to let go, scared you'll run off like you did last time. Honestly he's tired of it. Not of you, just how he feels completely helpless in these situations. How he never knows what to say or do to help you understand yourself. He always offers a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a body to be there whenever you needed. And you know that all too well, he would do anything to be with you, to help you out so why? Why don't you rely on him more? He knows you aren't to blame and he hates that he feels this way, but sometimes he just can't help it. Especially when you look so troubled. He just wants to see you smile, from the bottom of your heart. No worries, no fear just complete happiness, If he could he would take away all your negative thoughts and feelings, without a second thought. Anything for the one he loves. So right now as you're breaking in his arms he is overwhelmed with heartbreak. He is scared to let you go, scared you'll run and lock yourself in the bathroom, scared you'll skip dinner that's been long forgotten, scared you'll bury these feelings until the next time they overflow, scared he wont be able to save you from them. "Taz?" Your voice a little harsh from staying quiet he snaps out of his thoughts. Mumbling something like an apology he slowly releases his hold on you. His hands remaining on you as they travel down your arms until he reaches your hands. You turn around keeping your head down, the shame and embarrassment clear on your face. His slender fingers play with yours unsure of what to do or say. After a few deep breaths you gain enough courage to look at him. Closing your eyes you raise your head and slowly blink your eyes open. Clenching your jaw, trying to not cry again you stare at the most powerless look upon your boyfriend's face. Your eyes widening slightly as you stare back at blue eyes that are swimming in unshed tears. It hurts, it hurts so much. You have to tell him, you would say anything to get rid of the look on his face. The realization of the whole situation dawning on you. You're not alone in this, you never have been. Everything you feel he feels, everything you do he does, everything affects him as much as it does you. The squeezing feeling in your chest, does he feel it too? The fear and anxiety in your throat, does he feel it too? The sinking pit in your stomach, does he feel it too? As you stare back into helpless eyes it all becomes clear to you. You love this man, you love him with your whole heart. There truly is no one else for you. Tell him, just tell him. You want to see him smile, you want to feel him in your arms you want to hear him say it back. Now with new determination you stand tall against him. Blinking back your tears you open your mouth. "I-," Closing it again you lick your lips. You can do this. Letting out a small puff of air you raise your gaze to his again. "I-I- I love you." Your heart has never drummed so hard against your ribs before. The silence deadly. He is as still as a statue, completely frozen into place. Did you break him? Is he okay? Will he just say something, anything. A furious blush creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks. It's killing you, this silence. Now what do you do. The confidence you quickly built to confess disappearing just as quickly. Your fingers twitch against his causing him to flinch back to reality. Life being breathed back into him, a smile blossoming on his handsome face. His eyes twinkling with such amazement and admiration as the shock of your confession wearing off. He immediately lunges toward you, wrapping you up tightly in his arms. His small chuckle tickling your neck, spreading warmth through your chest. You did it, you finally told him. relief leaving your body all at once leaving you weak. "I love you too, so so much"
I. have. been. WAITING 😭😭😭 this was SO beautiful, i was gasping and tearing up reading every part 🥹
thank YOU for sharing this with me fr. I wasn’t expecting it and it truly made my weekend!
part 1
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feeling veyr self indulgent right neow… have some oc x canon while i make some canon arts :3
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[A Hatchetfield high student lingers around the van, tapping his foot nervously as he tries to make himself walk over. After a few moments, he musters up the courage to approach the window.]
Uh, hello! I'd, um, like a black coffee, please! If that's not too much trouble!
[He speaks as if he's rehearsed his order in the mirror multiple times before coming here.]
*A figure pops out from inside the van, suddenly leaning forward out the vans window, giving a goofy eery smile* "Well Hello there! Hm-? A black coffee, sure! Ill get that for ya. It's $2.70, friend!" *they nod and grab a cup, preparing the order*
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tabl3 · 4 months
answering some asks in one post for the sake of laziness
Q: If there was a 6th EF member to your rewrite who would it be
A: dooley! I love his relationships with bree and chase, as well as him and kaz being besties. i think he would add enough sunshine to the team too, because the more sunshine-y characters already on the team are somewhat edgy. he absolutely would be traumatized by sharing a home with people who kiss his big siblings on the mouth though lol
Q: AO3 tag?
A: tabs_alt
Q: If the team was in college like Adam, what would their majors be?
A: chase: buisness, bree: art/design, kaz/oliver: some major for pre-med (kaz would make oliver do his homework lmao), skylar: i don't see her as a college type, but probably criminal justice
Q: Logan would like to bake
A: absolutely. that's something that could bond him and adam so he isn't afraid of being nuked by him. also,,, he just gives malewife vibes
Q: when was techertz a thing?
A: so i hinted to it in an earlier book. they were off and on for a few months before ef began and a few months into the team. long story for them lol
Q: are Tasha and Douglas a thing
A: nope. just disaster co-parents trying their best
Q: What do you think of Douglas x Horace and do you think we're gonna get some in the tabl3-verse?
A: i love the ship outside of my universe and totally get the appeal :D however brylar is more important to my rewrite and it's too weird because horace adopted skylar and douglas is bree's biological dad
Q: what are the cats names
A: Posh Spice & Georgiano
Q: So how does the family see each other in your rwite? Is Daniel their brother?
A: yes and no. it's complicated lol. daniel is biologically their brother, but they view him as a cousin and he does the same. it's like that with marcus too (if marcus wasn't evil) daniel calls tasha aunt and douglas dad, while the rats call tasha mom and douglas douglas lmao
essentially when building their family tree they go less by genetics and more by emotional connection, which is why leo is referred to as their brother and daniel isn't (which he's fine with) they used to view donald as their dad and douglas as their uncle, but the line blurred after aijaf so douglas has a weird mix of the roles now (he felt more paternal than uncle affection for them, naomi and leo included, way before but didn't want to step on the kids' toes)
Q: were Kaz nd Skylar pranking Logan
A: oh yes. they embellished adam's overprotectiveness very intentionally for their entertainment (I assume you're asking about the scene where they talk about adam threatening them)
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