lostrealities0 · 7 months
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apparently i like traumatizing children
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masterisabelle · 8 months
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I made an updated version
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thatsonehellofahabit · 2 months
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adult mabel and dipper with a few headcanons… they would be like 25 now right… r uh right..
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kattyan8 · 4 days
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It says, give me 6 characters and I'll draw them, and underneath the characters are their names
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one-pissed-off-child · 5 months
whenever there is an inordinate amount of hate for a female character in fandom, i feel it is my solemn duty to defend her to my last breath. my purpose, even
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heliphantie · 2 months
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New SixFanarts challenge I dedicated to the theme of twins. (All characters were chosen by followers on VK.)
Day 1:
Probably, the most obvious choice – Pines twins! Dipper and secrets of Journal 3, Mabel and her true summer love.
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bobauthorman · 11 days
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bl4pe4r · 4 months
UNDERTALE reference
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Mane Six (My Little Pony) vs OliMabel (Only Murders in the Building)
submitted by: myself (I figured I should post something other than the pinned and I don’t have any asks (because I forgot to turn on the ask box 😔) (I fixed it though)
propaganda below the poll/cut. Read before voting. Or not your choice really.
please reblog for reach (if you want)
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Mane Six:
One of them (twilight) is just. Straight up a god by the end of the show.
them being friends can literally summon the powers of fundamental elements of the universe.
pinkie pie has a fucking cannon.
Applejack has strong enough legs to kick apples out of trees.
Rainbow Dash can fly fast enough to create a ‘sonic rain boom’ which like, it looks like an explosion. I feel like she could fly super fast into someone and kill them.
Rarity and Twilight both have horns. They can do magic (although rarity’s seems to be mostly picking stuff up) but also. Like. Stab with them.
horses are usually gentle giants but people have been killed by horses before.
three of them can fly (and dodge attacks via that)
Fluttershy can talk to animals. She could summon all the flies in the arena to surround the enemies.
power of friendship bitch.
oh also pinkie pie can defy gravity (but only if it’s for the bit)
would be unlikely to go for the kill, which could prove fatal if they decide to spare OliMabel and then OliMabel are like “ok *stab*”
The team consists of a washed up actor with commitment issues, a cringefail director with delusions of grandeur, and a 30 year old artist who has witnessed way too much death.
they have solved four murders.
Charles seems to be decent at withstanding the effects of poison (none of the mane six use poison, but one of twilights spells might theoretically have similar effects.)
They. They are so. Especially Oliver but all of them really. Like for example, when thinking the cops were knocking at Charles’ apartment, Oliver shouted “WHY AM I HOLDING THIS KNIFE” (which was covered in dried blood) and then proceeded to throw it into the ceiling. And later when a cop actually was there Oli and Charles went to talk in the bathroom about how Oliver had forgotten to get rid of the knife even though he was supposed to awhile ago. And the cop heard everything. And they both tried to lie to her about it.
Mabel is good at boxing.
Charles has a doctors note saying he��s too weak to kill.
I could see Oliver going for the kill.
however, Oliver ALSO eats nothing but dips and has had two stress induced heart attacks (I feel as though this situation might be stressful)
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lostrealities0 · 7 months
Dipper and Mabel's parents kicked them out of the house because the twins were distracting them from the tv.
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abybweisse · 1 year
Ch198 (p6), A telegram
Now we get to why the chapter is titled this way. Sebastian instructed Finny on how to send a telegram, if necessary. So, he's actually sneaking out not to snoop around but to find a post office or pub to relay an update to Sebastian and our earl. I suppose he's got the address for the resort hotel in Brighton?!?
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Anyway, Finny doesn't get far, as Mabel and Oliver ambush him.
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Mabel twists the sheet and keeps her distance, so Finny cannot reach her. He's definitely strong enough to tear up the cloth...
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...but Oliver puts a knife to his neck. And apologizes for it. Sigh... Oliver. Apologizing for everything. At least it actually makes sense here! 😆
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Then Theo and Artie show up.
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Go along with them, Finny.
There's no time to lose.
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pastellbg · 1 year
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potterandpromises · 10 months
Seeing Mabel’s loneliness and worry over her future and lack of financial stability has made me lean towards thinking that the wedding dress (TM) is actually real and not a costume related to the case. At this point I might give it 50/50 or 60/40. I still don’t think she’ll end the season married or in a relationship, though.
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resisteverything · 8 months
I recently read a youtube comment about the little nightmares DLC chapter the hideaway predicting that the Knomes were going to rebel against Six, with her being the final boss who they have to overthrow because she replaced the lady.
I know tumblr has said a lot about the demonization of female characters, especially morally grey ones, but what the ever loving fuck?
1. Six is a child. She can’t be older than 12. She’s not a criminal mastermind. Like obviously. Be fucking for real.
2. Six has never had the goal of being a grand tyrant or the one running the child meat factory. Her goal has been to escape.
3. She literally left the maw. Wherever she is now, she’s not there. There is literally nothing to imply she’s ever coming back, much less coming back to perpetuate the system the maw is built on.
4. She literally killed the maws guests on sight once she could, no second thoughts. There is no way in hell she’s going to serve them food.
5. Six does not hurt people because she enjoys it. She does it for her own survival. This is consistent. She ate a knome because she was desperately hungry. She ate the lady so she could gain her powers and escape. She killed the guests so they wouldn’t eat her. She’s not going to start serving up child meat, or anything equivalent.
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pearljoy537 · 8 months
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wylans-flute · 11 months
may or may not be naming my new cat after my darling dearest nina zenik ehhehe
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