#sister relationship
ao-ihinata · 5 months
'I'm a mirror,' she shouts. 'I'm the mirror you don't want to look at.
You know what hurts the most with this line ??
When Jude sees Taryn as her reflection she's reminded of her weakness. When part of her finger was bitten off. When she was dragged by her foot, kicking and screaming and was forced to drink alcohol and made to dance until her feet probably bled. When her kid brother who didn't know better took away her will and made her slap herself until her cheek was bruised. All things that happened because she was human, her individuality had nothing to do with that. It was all " Wrong place wrong time " and it could have easily been Taryn or any other mortal.
But what Taryn sees in her reflection is all of Jude's individual qualities that she deems as negative. " Everybody thinks that Jude is violent and assumes I'm also violent ", " I need to prove I'm not like you ( a mortal who is automatically deemed as a second class citizen ) " . edit² Actual proof that Taryn thinks that she's better than Jude in The Queen of Nothing
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edit ¹( my phone froze halfway typing this and I forgot what I wanted to add for a hot minute) And Taryn probably justifies herself by thinking that Jude thinks of her in the same way but in reverse. And Cardan calls her out on it in The Lost Sister
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And it just makes me sad because Jude doesn't think of Taryn's individual qualities as a negative thing. The fact that she can pretend to be Taryn and not be discovered tells me that Jude also payed attention to Oriana's lessons and doesn't think there stupid. She doesn't think that Taryn wanting to get married as a teen in this world is bad if she genuinely is in love. She appreciates Taryn's eye for colors and style. She trusts her opinion in fashion and is self-conscious when Taryn complements her hair in a slightly sarcastic tone. And she loves her so much that she will always forgive Taryn no matter what she does...
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twisting-echo · 6 months
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A Meilin Lee and Ruby Gillman moodboard with a BFF and sister relationship aesthetic.
Requested by Serpanade-Toons.
— Twisting Echo ~
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rookieoneil · 3 months
My Sister
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As Tamara trudged through the front door, her steps heavy with exhaustion, she carelessly flung her bag to the ground. The weight of the day's boredom hung heavily on her shoulders, courtesy of the dreary lecture delivered by the most monotoned professor she had ever encountered. She was certain she had nearly drifted off at least twice during the class. Getting through those lectures was always a task.
With a sigh, she made a beeline for the fridge, desperately in need of a little pick-me-up to brace herself for the daunting mountains of homework awaiting her. On her way to the fridge, she spotted Lucy's keys lying on the counter. A frown creased her brow—Lucy wasn't supposed to be home until much later.
Tamara pivoted towards Lucy's room, her curiosity piqued. Perhaps Lucy had returned early for some unexpected reason. She approached the door, lightly rapping on it, but there was no response, only the faint sound of soft whispers.
As the door creaked open, Tamara's gaze fell not on Lucy, but on Tim. He shouldn't have been home at this hour; he was supposed to be at work. "Hey Tamara," Tim greeted softly, his demeanor unusually subdued.
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lunarninja613 · 3 months
This post might just be to help me cope with the new episode by putting some of my fanfiction fluff thoughts out here, but oh well.
I don't know if this is going to sound really weird, and I really hope it doesn't...
But I just want Jinx, Bellatrix, Crosshair, and Wynnie to just all fall asleep together in a cozy little cuddle pile.
I want Crosshair to reluctantly take Jinx and Wynnie to a Daddy Daughter Dance on Pabu, only for him to tear up when he sees his definitely not daughters all dressed up, as well as when they’re dancing together.
I want them to give the occasional side hug, forehead kiss, hair ruffle, etc. to their girls.
I want Crosshair making dad-jokes without even realizing it, and then when he does, he just regrets the words that came out of his mouth.
I want more protective Mama Bear Bellatrix.
I want Jinx to make colourful jewelry for the others to wear, and they'll shoot death glares at anyone who makes a rude comment about the jewelry.
I dunno. I just want fluff for the crazy little family that I created.
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
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OG & Opposite Brienne Velvet together, polar opposites but yet part of the same coin.
They both dislike each other as much as OG & Opposite Wally, but it’s different between the two Brienne’s.
One is a gothic, chill, friendly, kind and non-judgemental while the other is a mean girl, bee queen, rude, fake, nasty and judgemental.
OG Brienne may look broody,mean, evil, rude, dark, but she is actually positive, uplifting, sweet and nice while Opposite Brienne may look sweet, nice and jolly but in reality she is rude, fake, nasty and mean to everyone.
However, they both are one in the same, Opposite Brienne is just like OG Brienne but if she was forced into a society to be perfect by her family and money status.
She doesn’t mean to be bad but it’s the only way she can express herself, she’s not a monster…she was just raised differently.
Both Brienne’s are heroes in their own universe, Diva & Goth may be opposites but they understand each other like twins, one in the same and empathetic with each other.
If they let themselves, they both can come to an understanding like friends, siblings, sisters.
Unfortunately, both of their FATES are unknown within each of their universes.
Fun fact: OG Brienne's pendant is a pearl while Opposite Brienne has a Ruby bracelet!
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“Because she is my sister, and therefore one-half of me.”
-Phillipa Gregory, The Other Boleyn Girl
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merlinsbbeard · 1 year
Book Spines Under Storming Skies Words: 134.
The sky was sad, that was as Lily understood it. Its grief made blue pale to grey, a warning to all to get their umbrellas out before the dam broke over Cokeworth. 
Lily was inhabiting the sitting room when those ripe tears fell. She watched—cheek pressed to the cool glass pane—as they pattered on the window sill, disappearing into the wood. Petunia mirrored her, legs tucked up onto the settee they shared. 
“Tea?” Petunia asked when the drumming became a roar, and the drizzle became a torrent. 
“Tea,” Lily agreed. 
The whistle of the kettle brought warm mugs, slightly sweetened by the biscuits submerged in them. And from the comfort of the knitted blanket upon their laps, Lily resumed reading Wuthering Heights aloud to Petunia, who read along in her own copy.
read on AO3
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emotionsofateen · 1 year
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Selena Gomez Via Instagram with her sister Gracie! They had a Sister Date Night 🫂 I love their relationship🥹
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When your sister blocks you because you were too honest with her about things that happened when she was a child…
but “does not recall or remember”…
If you weren’t in so much denial, then maybe you would see the world around you.
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annjo-wolfe · 5 months
Hey guys. Yall probably only follow me cause of the stuff I reblog. But! I write stuff too.
I've recently started posting my passion project novel on my side blog here on tumblr.
It's about found family, sister relationships, flawed characters learning and growing from their mistakes (and of course, queer and disability representation). A fantasy adventure with human and nonhuman characters.
And! Inspired by Welsh, Scottish, and Irish languages.
Check it out if any of that interests you.
K, bye!
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fantastical-affairs · 5 months
Chasing Shadows - Part 3
Evangeline has protected Lona ever since their parents passed away. When Lona is kidnapped by a shadow in the dead of night, Evangeline sets off to find her, despite knowing her journey will take her past the Border, where no human has walked in centuries. Finding aid in unlikely places, she and her companions must unravel the truth of Artera's long-forgotten past and how it connects to Lona's kidnapping.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
I do not consent for my work to be copied, reposted or plagiarised. All parts of the work belong to me, the author.
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It was hard for Evangeline to resist the urge to nap. The steady bump of the cart beneath her, the birds overhead and the sweet humming of the old merchant driving the cart. The exhaustion didn’t help. After what happened that morning Evangeline wasted no time packing her things, boarding up her home and forge and heading off after the thing that stole Lona.
There were stories, old tales of giant beasts with huge claws, teeth or horns, who stole naughty children in the night or wreaked havoc on unsuspecting towns. All those stories had one thing in common, the beasts always came from across the Border. And while Evangeline couldn’t be sure where exactly it was headed, her gut was telling her that that was the way the beast was headed.
Evangeline had headed into the village centre in hopes of catching a cart to Hallowguard, the nearest Bordertown. Going on foot would take too much time, and time was of the essence. Thankfully, Far Horn was one of the bigger villages on the way to Hallowguard, so supply carts and merchants were common. Luckily for her, she’d caught an old textile merchant preparing their cart in the early hours who was heading towards Hallowguard as well.
“Need to be early to get ahead, deary,” they’d said humorously before they offered her free passage with them in exchange for company. Evangeline gladly took them up on their offer.
Luckily, they’d still needed some time to get their donkey ready for travel, leaving enough time for Evangeline to run to Kahlila’s house and slip a note under her door. It explained that she’d be gone a while, and to contact Kohl if she could. Evangeline didn’t want to worry her or Byron, especially with a baby on the way. She was back just as the merchant got ready to leave.
Despite wanting company, they seemed perfectly happy to sit in relative silence, only humming. Not that Evangeline could complain, she didn’t want to be talked to and was more than happy to keep to herself on the journey. Hours passed as the sun rose and rose in the sky, eventually reaching its peak just as they reached Hallowguard.
Hallowguard was a large town, half nestled by forest to the west with open meadowland to the east. The town itself had wide paved streets to allow merchants and suppliers ample space to cart their wares. Coming up to the town centre, there was a beautiful stone fountain surrounded by a few stalls, just as she remembered. It was so crowded the old merchant had to stop their cart to wait for the way to clear. Over the loud din Evangeline managed to thank the merchant for the ride. As she hopped off the cart with her things, the merchant shouted a farewell to her before she disappeared into the crowd.
Eventually the crowd thinned, and the streets grew quiet. Still, she continued until she reached a street where the paving and homely cottages abruptly stopped. Paved road suddenly became worn dirt and houses gave way to an empty meadow that ended at a wall of moss-covered stones. The Border. Beyond it to the east were moors stretching all the way to the horizon. To the west dense woodland, dark and uninviting.
A longer glance revealed a firebreak right at the edge of their side of the Border, a patch of intentionally burned grass to prevent any fires from jumping to their side of the Border. It must be almost time for the controlled burnings to happen. A good thing too, it was easy to tell that a few large thickets were cropping up too close to the wall. Any bigger and they’d provide ample cover for another gaoithe attack. Hopefully her investigations would lead her elsewhere. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Hallowguard or any Bordertown during the burnings.
Shaking herself from her thoughts she looked westward to Hallowguard’s fortress. Hallowguard’s placement between open grassland and forest meant that it struggled with threats from both. The moors were easier to manage, as despite threats from gaoithe at least one could see them coming as long as the burnings were done. The forest beyond the Border was dangerous and impenetrable, stretching from Hallowguard all the way to the coast. And all manner of monster came from within it, trying to sneak across.
For safety, a break in the trees was maintained, clearly separating their forest from the Border wall and the dark forest beyond it. Many loggers were hired from surrounded towns and villages every autumn to maintain the break, as the military couldn’t handle the sheer mass of such a project alone. The pay was good, and the deal was made sweeter by the fact that loggers could keep whatever they cut. With Far Horn being so close to Hallowguard, Evangeline got to hear all about it from Byron, who got first pickings of any wood brought back. Evangeline supposed, being that friendly had its perks.
The fortress sat just shy of the tree break. Its outer wall was tall and the inner one towering. The battlements atop them were teaming with soldiers. Any archer would have a clear shot at anything that tried sneaking across the Border.
The portcullis was raised at the fortress gate, though a group of armed soldiers stood guard. Making her way to the gate, she stopped as the guards lowered their spears, barring her from entering.
“State your name and business,” said one of the guards.
“Evangeline Carmichael. I’m here to see the Captain of Hallowguard,” she replied.
“The Captain is very busy at the moment. Do you have an appointment with him?” the same guard asked.
“No, but it’s urgent. I need to see him as soon as possible,” she said forcefully. The guard glared at her, clearly disliking her town, but nonetheless motioned for one of their colleagues to inform the Captain of her request. They did reluctantly, leaving Evangeline standing there at the gate with the remaining guards.
It felt like forever by the time the guard came back. “The Captain will see you in his office. But only briefly, he has other work to attend to.”
Nodding, Evangeline followed the guard into the outer courtyard of the fortress. It was sparse of soldiers, most likely because they were in town, keeping the peace and whatnot. She had little time to observe however, before the guard led her towards a set of heavy wooden doors, already opened, that led to the inner courtyard. The inner wall of the fortress had a fortified tower at each corner. Seeing her and their colleague approach, the guards at the doors raised their spears to let them through, allowing her to peak at the inner courtyard. It was horribly bare, with only a well inside and a few soldiers. Opposite the door were windows barred with metal grates and adjacent to that was the keep, likely where the Captain’s office was.
The guard leading her coughed, bringing her attention to a smaller door adjacent to the set she’d just came through. The guard held them open for her, ushering her inside the inner wall of the fortress.
Before her was a long hallway leading to a set of spiral stairs or one of the towers, down more hallways and stairs until she finally reached the door to the keep. The guard opened the door, motioning for her to step inside. The office looked like what you’d expect, a desk with papers strewn about, a bookshelf with a few books and a few windows to let the sun in. At the desk sat the Captain, reading over a piece of paper which he had yet to look up from.
As she stepped into the office, the guard shut the door behind her, leaving her and the Captain alone. Unwilling to break the silence, she stood at the door and waited to be acknowledged. Best not to annoy him before he’d answered her questions.
Finally, he put down the paper with a sigh. “Papers, papers, I’m drowning in papers. I know I’m old, but I’m not ready for desk duty just yet,” he said humorously.
Evangeline offered a polite smile as he got up to shake her hand. “Captain Blake Garmon at your service. I heard from Hutson that you had an urgent issue that you needed to speak to me about.”
Evangeline nodded, briefly explaining what happened the previous night as well as her suspicions of what could’ve taken Lona. When she finished, she asked, “Do you have any information about anything like that coming by here? Or any reports about a young girl or screaming? Anything at all?”
Captain Garmon was silent, his expression grave. “There might’ve been something like that around here recently,” he said carefully. When she didn’t reply, he continued, “Last night, something came through here, big, and dangerous. Some of my soldiers report seeing a child in its mouth. Hearing your story, it was likely your sister.”
Dread filled Evangeline’s chest when she found her suspicions were correct. That thing ran off across the Border with Lona. It would be near impossible to get her back. Evangeline clenched her fists, shaking those thoughts away. Lona was still alive last she was seen, and as long as she was alive Evangeline would find her. “Which direction did it go?”
He shook his head regretfully. “None of my guards caught sight of where it was headed, I’m sorry.”
Evangeline was silent for a time, collecting herself, before she spoke in a voice that shook with anger. “You mean to tell me, that the entirety of Hallowguard’s forces were deployed to fight this monster, and not only did they let it escape with a child, but absolutely none of them saw where it went?”
The Captain scowled. “My soldiers did the best they could—”
“Well, it wasn’t good enough, was it? Hallowguard is known for having some of the best soldiers in all of Artera. The military is supposed to protect us. But you couldn’t even protect one child when she needed you.”
The room was silent. Evangeline glared at Captain Garmon who returned it with a stern look of anger. Behind her the door opened and a guard poked their head in. “Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but you’re needed in the barracks.”
The Captain glanced at the guard, then at Evangeline. His shoulder relaxed as he gave a tired sigh. “I will be there shortly.”
The guard nodded and closed the door. Captain Garmon rose from his seat, fixing Evangeline with a stern stare. “I will be back soon, and we can finish this discussion. While I’m gone, please don’t touch anything.”
He walked past her towards the door, stopping just as he left to give her a sad look over his shoulder. “I’m truly sorry for what happened to your sister. I wish there was more we could’ve done for her.”
The door shut heavily behind her, and she was alone. Gritting her teeth, she slammed her fists down against the desk. Achieving nothing but a smarting hand, she huffed, deciding to wait herself until the Captain got back. She loathed wasting anymore time but knew if she wanted any chance at finding Lona, she needed to know which direction the creature took her. She would interrogate every guard in the fortress to find out if she had to.
Sighing, she opted to occupy herself by glancing out one of the open windows. The one she chose had a clear view of battlement walkway of the inner wall. In the floor of the walkway was a metal grate, exposing a dimly lit room below it. Confused, Evangeline peaked at the inner side of the wall and found the barred windows she’d seen on her way to the keep. A prison then.
Suddenly a voice caught her attention. Curious, she glanced at the walkway to see no soldiers were guarding it, and the inner courtyard was equally as barren.
“Hey,” she heard again, much louder, and clearer this time. It almost seemed to be calling her. She stuck her head out the window to get a better look.
“Down here,” the voice called from below her. Definitely calling her. Looking down, she saw a shadowed hand waving to catch her attention through the bars of the metal grate.
“What do you want?” She called, squinting her eyes to try and get a better look at the stranger.
“I overheard you talking about the beast last night. The one that took your sister?” they said.
“What of it?”
“I was there last night. I saw where it was headed. If you get me out of here, I can show you.”
Evangeline narrowed her eyes. They could just be lying to find a way out of the prison. And if they weren’t a soldier, it was unlikely, they did see the monster and Lona the previous night. Still, if there was even a slight chance they did.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” she asked.
“Your sister. She had brown hair and was wearing a white dress, right?”
Hope clawed in her chest. “How do I get you out of there?”
“There’s a door next to my cell that leads into the building you’re in. My cell is locked. Find the key, and we can escape out the other door down the hall.”
“Okay, be there soon,” she said. Leaving the window, she gave a cursory glance over the office. Where would the Captain put his keys, assuming they weren’t on his belt. She was sure they weren’t she’d have seen or at least heard them.
Trying the desk first, she yanked open each drawer, riffling through the papers and stationery before flinging open the next. Straining to hear any sign of movement outside the door, she pulled open the last drawer and spotted a ring of keys under several odds and ends. Grabbing them, she rushed to the door, pulling it open a tad to peak out. Seeing no one, she exited the office, taking care to close the door quietly behind her. Quickly, she approached the set of stairs, reaching the ground floor and jogging down the hall to the door leading into the prison.
Shutting the heavy door as gently as she could, she then rushed to unlock the stranger’s cell door, who let out a yell of relief upon seeing her. Catching a glimpse of them out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly stopped, dropping the keys in her hand, and backing up slowly. Below their waist, instead of human legs, was the large, powerful body of a horse.
“You’re a gaoithe.”
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So that's chapter 3. I'm so happy to be finally sharing this. I love my characters so much and it feels like I finally get to take them to show-and-tell.
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briannaswords · 6 months
okay but why is
used to lie to your face twenty times in a day it was my little strange addiction but you still tried to stay while I'd self-isolate and I knew but I stayed hidden
lowkey zahra and jessica coded
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Deep down, FNAF movie Vanessa and Michael are siblings
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feketeribizli · 1 year
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spider society meeting more like gay brunch
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melancholypancakes · 11 months
This is literally Brienne's poem to Brittany in the actor au @frillsand
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one-1-eye · 4 months
i hope siobhan thompson knows that “i don’t love our parents, but despite the fact that you have not earned it, I do love you” is carved onto the surface of my brain and I think about it constantly
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