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sneverussape · 11 months ago
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no pram, no problem.
draco staying with severus often was a winning situation for everyone: lucissa were able to get some downtime and could sneak in more date nights, severus would be forced to take care of himself and cook (and eat, if he wanted enough energy to chase after a hyperactive toddler) actual meals, and draco got exposed to people beyond the confines of wiltshire. severus’ neighbors didn’t even question the wee bairn’s visits and often came round to give him more choccy biccies than he deserved.
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snapey · 14 days ago
You will never convince me that Severus Snape wasn’t northern, the poverty, the horrible little slum he lived in in a mining town and it adds another layer to the classism and outsider-ness young snape had to deal with. Can you IMAGINE a little Snape with a strong Yorkshire accent coming up against posh arrogant southern rich boy James Potter and co. AND him covering up his accent and learning to speak like a southerner to fit in with the other death eaters
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casasupernovas · 2 years ago
so...snape fans have speculated where cokeworth is located in the england map or what it's equivalence would be. i've seen people speculate it's probably up north perhaps. maybe snape's a northerner.
it's been stated multiple times that cokeworth is in the midlands. so we're thinking northampton, shropshire, stoke, birmingham.
but i prefer to think it's in the black country. mainly for these reasons:
1. cokeworth is an industrial town, even if spinner's end seems mainly abandoned, and the black country was the birth of the industrial revolution.
2. the black country was known for steelworks, glassworks and cokeworks which is maybe where the town got its title from.
3. the black country suffered from high unemployment due to the closing down of a lot of industrial sites in the 60s and 70s which ties into the idea of spinner's end being practically desolate now, and also the strain on the snape's household's economic position.
4. petunia met vernon dursley and marries him. his job was being the director of a firm that made drills. which are made of steel. steelworks anyone?
5. which leads to my last and favourite theory; petunia marrying vernon who perhaps also came from the black country then decided to name their child after something close to home. a nearby town perhaps - dudley.
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dirty-dirty-muggle · 5 months ago
What Snape's childhood probably looked like
I've read a lot about Snape's childhood growing up in a poor slum town in 60s/70s Britain (this thread has a good discussion on it), but I'm a visual person and nothing quite puts things in perspective like photos and video. I went down a researching rabbit hole tonight while looking for info for a fic I'm working on, and thought I'd share a few things I found. I didn't realize just how bad the poverty was in the UK at that time (Snape was born in 1960 and would have started Hogwarts in 1971), but holy heck do these give perspective on just how destitute his childhood probably was.
Nottingham Slums Documentary, 1969:
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wookiecookiesfactory · 2 years ago
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All grown up
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dadsnape · 1 year ago
So Cokeworth is apparently meant to be a midlands industrial town. Which means Snape probably had a black country accent and this amuses me only because it is such an unsnapelike accent.
He probably trained himself out of it but I headcanon it still slips through when he's drunk.
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seriousbrat · 4 months ago
It’s so difficult to explain the British class system to anyone who hasn’t lived it.
To really explain how all encompassing it is and how it effects the way you dress, speak, what type of dog you own, the supermarkets you shop at.
How class insults and assumptions are baked into everything we do.
When ever I get pushback when analysing Snape v the Marauders through the lens of class, I can always tell when the person isn’t British.
Yeah I agree. I always find the idea that Lily was particularly, NOTABLY classist towards Snape pretty ridiculous. In the grand scheme of things and especially in the context of wizarding society, they're really not that far apart. They're from the same industrial, working-class town in the Midlands. Yes the difference in income in both families would seem important to someone like Petunia, and in general to people for whom this is a daily reality and concern, but the difference between them would be negligible to someone like Lucius Malfoy. (apart from Snape being half-blood ofc)
This doesn't mean Lily wouldn't have assumptions and beliefs that are rooted in classism. Everyone does, like you said it's just baked into general culture. Even Snape would have. So I'm sure she could say and believe things that are classist, as could he, but it wouldn't make her a notably classist character lmao, just an average person in a specific society.
Like just for reference, popular characters who might have similar accents/dialects to what Lily and Snape might have grown up around** are Cook from Skins and Kelly from Misfits. (Derby. It's East Midlands English anyway.) I think even viewers from outside the UK can tell that those aren't supposed to be upper or middle class characters lmao. It depends where you situate Cokeworth in the Midlands though obv, East Mids is just what I went with. But anyway ultimately it's an industrial, working-class town in the Midlands and I just don't think the Evanses are meant to be middle-class honestly.
(**Tho this can often depend on other things, like your parents/household-- Snape was probably a solitary child primarily raised by his mother so his accent might not have been as local as Lily's, who would have gone to the local school. And I also think both would lose their accents somewhat in favour of whatever is more commonly spoken at Hogwarts, plus Petunia and Snape are characters who would actively try to change their accents imo.)
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overlord-of-fantasy · 4 months ago
No gold in Cokeworth
Alice, visiting Lily in the holidays: Wow, Lils, look! A rainbow!
Lily: So beautiful!
Alice: What do the muggles believe is at the end of a rainbow again?
Lily: *takes a deep breath to explain*
Severus: Here in Cokeworth? A drunk guy with a pot of crack.
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momo-t-daye · 1 year ago
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Combining Unofficial Snapetober 2023 Prompts "Home" and "Smoke"
The chimney at the mill, too long shuttered and silent, no longer billowed mysterious foul vapors over his hometown but Severus, well hidden on the rooftop, could smoke his stolen cigarettes and pretend for a moment that Tobias still had good reasons to leave Spinner's End for long hours on a regular schedule.
I tried to remake the jacket Sev had in this picture from the 2022 Hot Snape Summer event
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skeletonoli · 8 months ago
Severus Snape coming home from Hogwarts for the summer and working in the textile mill for some money
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s1utforvampires · 1 year ago
snape being from a small working class midlands town is something that can be so personal
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sneverussape · 4 months ago
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calm saturday morning in cokeworth with sev looking more like toby than he wants to be ahaha
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maxdibert · 3 months ago
where do you think the exact location of cokeworth?
Based on the setting and description, it has always sounded to me like an area similar to Birmingham or Sheffield, but I suppose someone British could answer that better. I lived in England for about a year and have returned many times, but it’s not the same as being from there or being permanently settled. Btw i always imagine Severus talking with that kind of accent when anyone is arround lol
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junipersailor · 5 months ago
Thief AU
This is a Lily and Severus -centric Harry Potter AU (with Lupin the 3rd characters and references).
Cokeworth isn't a very safety place to grow up, but Lily and Severus had never had any other choice. And that was not bad! People don't mind if there's two children on the street without any adults, so they learnt how to steal from drunks, how to pick a lock etc. Actually, they have a good time.
At the age of 11 and 10, the best friends went to Hogwarts. The Wizarding World was not ready for this two gremlins...
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snapeysister · 2 years ago
Severus and Harry in Cokeworth. Watercolours.
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missdblack22 · 4 months ago
Comprar leña
Severus Snape va a comprar leña al mercado de Cokeworth y después enciende la chimenea en su casa.
Buying Firewood
Severus Snape goes to buy firewood at Cokeworth Market and then lights the fireplace in his house.
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