#since it apparently needs to be said i am using sarcasm here
tayloralisonswift · 8 months
i wish taylor were as into wild easter eggs as we think she is. imagine if she really was doing the math so that everything ended up equaling thirteen or getting every person in her extended social circle to change their profile picture. alas she’s too busy for that, her version of easter eggs is having laura dern say “speak not!”, and our clown shoes are squeaking
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Not A Verstappen: A New World {6}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: Last race before summer break begins. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, team friction, bad language, fluff WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven
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Belgium Grand Prix Doctor Turner didn’t know where to look. She had started off looking at you but once Charles started to speak her attention was turned and then Lando chimed in too. Her poor neck was straining with flitting back and forth between the three of you sitting across from her desk.
“I think it is the stress,” Lando said as he squeezed your hand.
“I think it is the medication,” Charles countered, a familiar argument brewing. “Things started to change after she started taking it.”
Dr Turner hummed as she made her notes and prompted him for more as he fell silent. “Changes such as?”
You zoned out of the conversation. The whole appointment was a result of the family meeting they had called and the information was nothing new to you. You were moody, you were tired, you were hungry. Charles had been the one to suggest it was the hormones from the contraception. He had even gone so far as to unfold the very, very large sheet of side effect information hidden in the box. 
“-and her weight.”
“Thanks, Charles. Love you too,” you muttered.
“Not like that, chérie,” he said as he turned to face you, cupping your cheek gently. “You are beautiful and I love your body, but you are training a lot harder with Kristian to maintain your race weight and you didn’t have to do that before.”
That much was true. The team had even stopped putting sandbags in the car for testing since the car was no longer underweight. You had thought your fireproofs had shrunk in the wash when you pulled them on in Hungary last weekend and the sleeves had cut into your wrists. There’s skintight and then there’s skintight.
​​”Those were all possibilities we discussed at the time,” Dr Turner said with a nod. “They are quite common with hormonal contraceptives so you likely wouldn’t find any change with the alternative options like the injection or the rods.”
“See, told you this was pointless. I just have to deal with it.”
“Or you could stop taking them,” Lando suggested. 
“Given the choice…you want to go back to condoms?”
“As much as we enjoy the benefits, it’s not worth it if this is the cost,” Charles answered for the both of them. “Just stop taking the pills for a while and see how you feel.”
You sighed with defeat but you accepted the plan with a nod. “At least I’m stressed enough that there’ll still be no periods. Yay for me.”
Lando snorted a laugh at your sarcasm but Charles didn’t find the humour as he shook his head and thanked Dr Turner for fitting us into her busy schedule. It wasn’t as busy as yours since you needed to get to Côte d'Azur Airport to catch a ride with Max to Belgium, you and half the grid apparently.
“Well that was a waste of time, and now we need to go shopping for condoms,” you muttered as you left her office and got in your car. “Do you think Costco sells them in bulk boxes?”
“I am not buying cheap Kirkland branded condoms,” Lando said with a cringe. “Fuck that.”
“You also said you would never do dry July but here we are,” you pointed out.
“Except for that one night after Silverstone,” Charles added as he started the car.
“Doesn’t matter, I’m not risking anything less than Durex. I’d rather trust myself to pull out.”
You looked at Charles in the rearview mirror before you both broke out in a fit of laughter as you shook your heads at the idea. 
Lando was offended.
“Hey,” he called as he turned in his seat to look at you. “I could pull out if I wanted to.”
“You’re lucky you’re handsome, because you can’t lie to save your life.”
“We both know how it is when you hit that sweet spot, mon cher,” Charles said as he reached across the gearbox and rested his hand on Lando’s thigh. “It’s too good to resist staying buried in her.”
“I said I could if I wanted to, not that I would or want to.”
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By the time you arrived at the airport, and hustled your way through security, you found Max, Daniel and Pierre already seated on the plane and pointed to other empty seats. “Are you expecting the rest of the grid or what?”
“At the rate you're collecting them, maybe,” Max joked. 
You laughed and dropped into the seat opposite your brother, kicking your feet up on his armrest. “You can’t say shit like that in front of Pierre, he gets far too excited. He might even wet your carpet.”
Pierre looked up from his phone and you could tell from the smile on his face that he had been busy texting Kika before he realised what you had said and his lips pouted. “You make me sound like a puppy.”
“Nawww, I wish you had that level of obedience, Gasly.” Your feet were roughly shoved off the seat and you narrowed your eyes at the culprit as the plane began to taxi to the runway. 
“Safety first, zusje, haven’t you read the pamphlet?”
“Why would I do that?” you scoffed as you buckled the belt in. Charles was doing the same where he sat across from Pierre and Lando was next to Daniel. “If something happens at 36,000 feet, bracing isn’t going to save me. Now, are there any stroopwafels on board this thing or do I have to wait another two hours? I'm starving.”
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“The last two races have seen a big drop in performance for both you and Lance, and only a few points added to the tally, and now - failing to finish the sprint with that crash. Is this something the team is looking into?”
You wanted to ask if the Sky Sports reporter had a brain cell but took a steadying breath instead and nodded. “Mhmm.”
“So what is Aston Martin doing to get back up where you were competing earlier in the season and what are your hopes for the race tomorrow starting 9th on the grid?”
“We are doing what is always done: look at the data, continue the upgrades, and keep pushing. Same goes for the race, I’ll try my hardest to make up some places and avoid the gravel. I’m usually good at getting off the start line, the car is great for short acceleration so if I see a gap I’ll be going for it. Plus, you know how turn one goes - that might make my job easier if the boys up ahead get greedy.”
“Speaking of boys, this time last year you were heading into the summer break looking for love. What’s the plan this year?”
“I don’t know, maybe I’ll take Max’s advice and adopt a couple of cats this time.” You laughed as Lando and Charles turned to you from their spots in the media pen. “Is that a yes…no…maybe? Oh, that’s their ‘we will talk about this later’ face. I’m going to go now before I get into trouble.”
The smile you had been holding onto fell away as you stepped into the Aston Martin hospitality building and you grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before you navigated your way to your room. You almost made it there with no interactions, until your fellow driver caught up and clipped your shoulder as he passed by to his room.
Still annoyed at the reporter, you dropped your hand from the doorknob and turned to him. “What’s your problem?”
“You almost had points and you threw them away. That’s what.”
“I spun out, Lance,” you sighed, already exhausted with where the conversation was heading. “It’s wet and it’s Spa, it's easy to have an accident. It’s not like I saw you up there earning any of them.”
“It’s not my seat that’s on the line though,” he stated. 
“Is that a threat?”
“No, it’s just the truth.” His lips curved into the pretentious smile you hadn’t noticed when you joined the team, but it had become irksome to see grow over time. “My seat is secure.”
“If that were true you wouldn’t be wasting your time hassling me over whatever issue you’ve made up in your head.” You enjoyed watching that smile fade. 
“I don’t have an issue with you.”
“Then you feel threatened by me,” you said with a casual shrug. “It’s basic biology, animals attack when they feel in danger.”
“You should do something about that big ego of yours.”
“It’s big like my dick,” you said as you turned the door handle and shoved it open, “so choke on it.”
You gasped theatrically as you paused in the doorway. “Lance Strulovitch, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“Did I offend you?” 
Your laugh started as a tickle in your throat before your lips peeled back and bared your teeth at him. “Sticks and stones, baby, I kind of like it.”
Realising he wasn't going to get the reaction he wanted from you, he shook his head and stepped away. “You’re all kinds of messed up.”
“Thanks for the assessment, Freud.” You slammed the door shut before he could give a response and screamed as you threw your bottle at the body that suddenly appeared. “Jesus, fuck.”
“Nope, just me,” Max chuckled as he rose from the chair that had been hidden by the door. “Nice to see you get along with your team mate too.”
“Oh that, that was just a friendly sparring match. Nothing to worry about.”
“I did warn you, zusje.”
“Yeah, yeah, you love to say I told you so,” you drawled as you grabbed your drink bottle from the floor and cracked it open. “Anyway, what are you doing, hiding in here acting like the godfather?”
“Our mothers have been conspiring again,” he said with a fond smile. “Family dinner tomorrow night after the race.”
“Won’t you have a winner’s after party planned?”
“I don’t think my liver could handle another one so soon.”
“Serves you right,” you snickered as he opened the door. “Wait, can Pascale, Adam and Cisca come too?”
“I said family dinner, didn’t I? They’re pretty much your in-laws.” He pointed to your table and you followed his finger to see a box overflowing with stroopwafels. “Is that enough or should I get some more for the flight home?”
You grinned as you grabbed one and tore through the packaging, talking with a mouthful. “I thought I was walking?”
“With those manners, you should be.” He started to close the door but changed his mind and stepped back in to pull you into a hug. “I’m glad you didn’t hit the barriers, zusje. Drive safe tomorrow.”
You nodded against his shoulder as you hugged him back.
It was only two days earlier that you ran the track with Pierre in memory of his friend, Anthione, and only five weeks before that another driver had lost his life on the track too. You hadn’t been thinking about that when you spun out, it wasn’t like it was anything close to what Lando did two years ago. 
But your brother would always worry about you.
“You too, Maxy.”
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Fifth was the best you could do in the end but for once you weren’t weighed down by the result.
You sat beside Max, sipping from a glass of lemonade that should have been a gin and tonic, and smiled at the story he animatedly recalled from the race. On your other side was Charles, his dimples deepening as Max praised him for the perfect overtake he had made on Lewis to clench third place. Beside him, Lando was grinning proudly and draped his arm over Charles’ shoulder, his fingertips teasing your collarbone.
Your parents lined the other side of the table and you scanned their faces while they were engrossed with the story, not as accustomed to Maxsplaining as you and the other drivers were. No one would have ever thought that the parents of a Red Bull, a McLaren, a Ferrari and an Aston Martin driver would all come together and support them all equally. But there they were. One big happy family.
Click here for the next part.
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cielcreations · 5 months
"Hung Up"
When Solidarity confessed his feelings to Tango, expressing his love and desire and asking the other on a date, Tango immediately said yes. He was so happy and excited, especially since he had been crushing on the other for what felt like years. They went on a couple of dates, smiling, laughing, getting to know one another, having fun.
"So, does this make us boyfriends?" Tango teased.
Solidarity blushed and smiled, going to say something before he paused. He seemed to remember something, then sighed, "Listen, I'm going to be completely upfront with you because I do want to be your boyfriend and stuff, but I have this... ex..."
"Is it a crazy stalker ex?"
"Not really. Just..." The dirty blonde tried to think of a way to word it, "He and I share a big friend group and he has convinced them that I'm apparently still hung up on him and that he was so kind to continue being my friend even though we broke up. Oh, and the reason I haven't dated anyone is cause I'm totally waiting for him to come back!" He groaned, visibly annoyed as sarcasm laced his voice, "Hell, he's convinced my siblings of this when he's the one calling me drunk in the middle of the night!"
"Why haven't you blocked him, if you don't mind me asking?" Tango questioned.
The dirty blonde sighed, "It's cause of the friend group we share. I've always been really awkward, so I just became friends with my siblings friends and then when I began dating Scott, my ex, I became friends with his friends. I don't really have a lot of my own friends and, if I block him, everyone would make it this big deal, like I broke the law or something and I just..." He sighed again, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to vent..."
"No, no, it's fine." The blonde reassured with a smile, gently putting a hand on his shoulder, "I understand. It's probably really annoying and frustrating and I'm guessing you don't have a lot of people to talk to about this."
Solidarity weakly nodded, "...I just don't want to rock the boat. Makes my anxiety shoot through the roof. If I just go with it, no matter how uncomfortable I am, it'll be fine."
Tango hugged him, "But that's not healthy, Soli..."
"I-I know, I know... I just don't know what to do..."
"We'll work on it, okay? First step to fixing a problem is acknowledging there is a problem, so you're on the right track already!"
Solidarity laughed before he hummed, "Anyways, all this to say that if we do start dating and you get these comments about how I'm supposedly not over Scott or how you're 'just a rebound', that's untrue and ignore it. Scott and I broke up in high school."
"Wait, wait, with how you talked about this, this sounds like a recent break up! You guys broke up in high school?"
"Yep. And trust me, I know." He sighed, "It's why I moved here, mainly to put some distance between myself and the friend group and my siblings. I don't want them to choose between Scott and I, but I just don't want to hear how hung up I apparently am or how I need to get back in the dating field or if I ignore Scott or don't do something for him, I'm holding a grudge!" He huffed.
Tango hugged him more, "Well, don't worry, I'm not one to take shit lying down! If they want to poke fun, I poke back but harder!" He giggled, "In the meantime, why don't I introduce you to my friends? It'll be good to meet new people, plus it will help to keep your mind of things!"
Solidarity smiled, "I'd like that."
The two became an official couple, Tango showing Solidarity off to all his friends. Solidarity asked Tango if he was okay with him waiting before he told his friends and siblings, Tango not minding. In the meantime, the dirty blonde fit right in with Skizz, Impulse, Zed, Bdubs, and Etho. With his clumsy, adorable but sweet attitude, it meshed well with the chaotic mess that could be Skizz and Zed in the same room. Solidarity also got along with Etho and Impulse, the three usually acting as the peacemakers when Tango and Bdubs joined in on whatever chaos Zed and Skizz tried to bring. It was overall a great thing and Tango could see his beautiful boyfriend seemed to glow even more. It was like a dark cloud he noticed that was always over Solidarity's head seemed to finally disappear, especially since he's been on his phone or computer less, talking to that friend group less.
One night, the group were all at Impulse's house, sharing a few drinks and laughs, when Solidarity's phone buzzed. He hummed, a bit tipsy as he answered the phone without checking the caller ID.
"Hello-" He paused and his face fell immediately. He looked at Tango, who looked at him, concerned. Solidarity then seemed to get an idea, eyes widening as he smirked, "Okay, wait one second, hold on!" He put the phone on speaker, leaning into Tango, "Can you hear me?"
"Yeaaaah?" A Scottish voice responded in a questioning tone.
"Okay, good." He then looked at the blonde, playing with his hair, "Tango, Light, could you introduce yourself to Scott for me?"
Tango's eyes widened before he smirked, taking the phone, "Hello Mr. Scott, my name is Tango Tek, aka light of Solidarity's life, aka his honey, aka his handsome man, aka his soulmate, aka his rancher, aka his boyfriend, and we are actually currently in the middle of making out so we would appreciate no more interruptions! I know it's been awhile for you, but I need Soli's soft lips on mine, it is quite addicting! To bad you can't experience it! Buh-byyyyyyyye~!" He hung up, everyone laughing as the blonde gave Solidarity his phone back and kissed his cheek.
"Who was that?" Zed asked.
Tango wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, "Crazy ex."
"Crazy stalker ex?" Etho prodded.
"Not stalker level yet." Solidarity reassured, "But definitely crazy ex. From high school."
"Yep, that'll do it." Bdubs joked, "Anyone need another drink? I'm heading to the kitchen."
The night continued and everyone slept over, seeing as they were not going to drink and drive. Tango and Solidarity shared the couch, the dirty blonde acting as Tango's blanket as they cuddled and slept together. So, it made it very obvious when Solidarity got off the couch, causing the blonde to stir as his weighted blanket was no longer there. He sat up, glancing around before hearing something outside. Tango walked outside and saw Solidarity, very clearly frustrated, tears in his eyes with the tension in his body.
"...Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, i didn't tell you guys for this exact reason?!" Solidarity yelled, "...Yeah, you're my brother, and yet you constantly choose Scott over me! Don't-! ...No, you can't even say that, don't you dare say that! I've told you repeatedly that Scott makes me uncomfortable, that I don't like him being around, and you, with everyone else, brushed me off because I 'have to get over him!'" The dirty blonde said in a mocking voice with air quotes.
He was silent, before hissing out, "He called me! The only reason you all now know I'm dating is cause Scott can't get over the fact I moved two hours away from everyone and refuse to give him my address or pick him up when he goes out drinking! I was going to tell you all on my time, but of course, Scott ruined it because he fucking ruins everything! So, yes, I am dating someone! Okay?! Happy?! Bye!" He hung up.
Tango moved and hugged him, Solidarity leaning into him. The blonde rubbed the other's back, feeling Solidarity shake in frustration as his tears stained Tango's shirt. Tango cooed and rubbed circles into his back, kissing his forehead.
"I'm so sick of him..." The dirty blonde murmured.
Tango nodded, "Do you want me to block him for you?"
"No, it-"
"I can be the bad guy. If he complains, tell him and his flying monkeys that I feel uncomfortable with your ex trying to talk with you."
Solidarity hummed, "Later... Just hold me now..."
Tango hugged him tighter, "Gladly."
After everyone had woken up and began eating breakfast, Tango took Solidarity's phone, sending Scott a text and prefaced it by saying it was him and how he didn't feel comfortable with Scott talking to Solidarity when they were together and to please not text or call him anymore before blocking him. When the two got home, Solidarity had gotten a bunch of texts from his brother and sister as well as mutual friends he had with Scott, all saying how they didn't know he was dating someone new, asking why he didn't tell them, and then asking why Tango blocked Scott.
"The more they talk, the more I just want to go no contact." Solidarity admitted, "It's always about Scott. If I don't help him, I'm an asshole holding a grudge over the breakup. If I do help, I'm still hung up. Blocking him for 'no reason' is not okay and I need to let go. I'm just so over this."
Tango took his phone and shut it off, "Okay, let's just forget about electronics for the day. How about we do something to get your mind off things?"
"Like what?"
Tango kissed his cheek, smiling, "We could go to the bedroom~?"
"Oh my god!" Solidarity laughed, "Trying to get in my pants when this is serious talk?"
"Serious does not mean important! Besides, it'll make sure your mind is only on me soooooo~?"
"You're ridiculous." The dirty blonde kissed his nose, smiling, "Let's go."
When Solidarity turned his phone on the next day, he sent a simple text to everyone.
Solidarity:  Yes, I'm in a new relationship, I have been for two months. I didn't say anything because I wanted to wait and get more serious. I also don't want to jeopardize this relationship. Out of respect for Tango, and myself, I'm going to ask you to stop trying to get me to talk with Scott. 
Of course, people tried to ask more questions, but he made another text, simply saying "I don't feel comfortable sharing anymore details. Please just respect my boundaries." Of course, some complained, but he just closed his phone, ignoring it.
"I think they're starting to see you've developed quite a backbone!" Tango encouraged.
"Thanks to you, really." The dirty blonde smiled, "I really like you and our relationship means more to me than that friend group. Time to actually prove it, I guess."
"I'm proud of you." Tango kissed his lips, "I know it's hard putting down boundaries and sticking up for yourself, but once you get used to it, it becomes easier."
Solidarity nodded, smiling.
Solidarity didn't introduce Tango to his brother and sister and the friend group for about a year. Tango respected his decision and understood why, judging from their reactions when the dirty blonde first blocked Scott, he wasn't sure they would even accept that Solidarity actually moved on. However, it was Christmas and Solidarity explained he had been skipping the past couple holidays because he knew Scott would be there and didn't want to deal with the inevitable.
"It's been a year and we've been together ever since. Why don't we give them a chance?"
Solidarity was hesitant, "...I don't know."
"Come on, please?" Tango hugged him, "I can handle myself just fine, love! And I can shut them down! You know I can!"
The dirty blonde hesitated again before he sighed, "The moment I feel uncomfortable and ask you to pack your stuff, we leave."
"Of course!"
So, they made their way to Solidarity's brother's house, two hours away. Solidarity tapped anxiously on the steering wheel, biting his bottom lip.
"It's okay, we'll be fine." Tango reassured, able to see the other white-knuckling the steering wheel.
"I-I just-!" He took a deep breath, "I know Scott is probably going to be there and he's going to mention our high school days a lot." 
Tango shrugged, "Okay?"
"We used to call ourselves 'Flower Husbands' because we were teenagers exploring our sexuality or how he was my first relationship or how he was my first kiss or how he was my first whatever else." The dirty blonde rolled his eyes, sighing, "He's just going to try to embarrass me or make you jealous or something else."
"Was he your first? In, like, the bedroom department?"
Solidarity blushed darkly, "T-TANGO!"
"Yes or no?"
"I-I already told you, you were my first- oh..." The dirty blonde chuckled, "You are going to use that, aren't you?"
The blonde snickered, "Of course! I'll just mention how I deflowered one of the Flower Husbands and maybe it'll shut him up!"
"Idiot." Solidarity teased.
They continued talking and laughing, having an amazing time as they distracted themselves while driving. Eventually, they pulled up to the house and Solidarity sighed, taking a deep breath. There were a couple of cars already crowding the driveway, so Solidarity just parked in the grass. Tango was the first to step out, but the dirty blonde didn't move. He went to the driver's side, opening the door and kneeling down. He could see the other shaking a bit, biting his bottom lip anxiously, tapping his fingers on the wheel.
"It's okay." Tango reassured, cupping his face, "Soli, it's fine. You know me, I won't get jealous or feel threatened or whatever, no matter what anyone says."
"I-I know, I just..." Solidarity leaned into his touch, closing his eyes as he shook a bit, "I'm not worried about you..."
"Excuse me?"
Tango turned, seeing a brunette woman standing on the porch.
"Can I help you?" She asked, "Are you lost? This is private property."
"Uh, no, I'm not lost! Hi, I'm Tango, Soli's boyfriend!" Tango explained, standing up.
"'Soli?'" She repeated, confused.
"Solidarity?" Tango explained, "I-I call him Soli!"
Solidarity hesitantly got out of the car, Tango hovering over him. He shut the car door and smiled, but the man could see the anxiety written on his face still. Solidarity took Tango's hand in his, the blonde squeezing reassuringly.
"Hi Pearl." Solidarity smiled, relaxing a bit as he motioned to the blonde, "This is Tango. My boyfriend for a year and three months."
"Four months, really! I just wanted to take you out on a lot of pre-boyfriend dates!" Tango argued.
"Don't tell on yourself, Tango, my sister will think you're a coward for waiting a month to officially ask to be my boyfriend." The dirty blonde teased before looking at Pearl, "It's good to see you."
The brunette laughed, "Awww, you both are cute. It's nice to meet you Tango!" She walked over, hugging her brother, "And good to see ya, Jim. Come on! We're still waiting on a couple of people!"
They walked inside and Solidarity introduced Tango to Grian, his brother, and then some of the people in the friend group. Gem and Fwhip (who were twins), Joel and Lizzie (a married couple), Cleo, Scar, and Mumbo. All were polite, introducing themselves.
"Other people will be coming, but it's good to finally meet Solidarity's secret boyfriend!" Joel teased, raising an eyebrow, "Scott will be coming, hope it won't make you uncomfortable." He said in a nice tone, but Tango and Solidarity knew he was mocking the blonde.
Solidarity narrowed his eyes slightly, annoyed.
However, Tango just smiled, "Actually, it'd be great to meet the person who drunk called at two am and immediately hung up when I answered!" He said in the same nice voice before he looked at the dirty blonde, fake gasping, "WAIT! Do you think he hung up cause he had a crush on me?! Oh my god, Soli, I'm not prepared, where's the bathroom! I need to make myself presentable!"
Everyone laughed besides Joel, who narrowed his eyes a bit. Solidarity looked at Joel, took Tango's hand and kissed the blonde's cheek before pulling him to the couch. Everyone either caught up with Solidarity or got to know Tango better. Occasionally, either Fwhip or Joel would slip in a snarky comment about Tango blocking Scott or feeling uncomfortable with Scott, but disguised it as playful banter. Tango never took the bait, laughing it off or giving it right back.
At one point, he asked Joel, "Oh, so Lizzie must still talk to her exes, right? Seeing as you're so interested in Soli talking to his!"
Joel actually seemed shocked by this, responding, "Uh, no? Why would she? We're married, I wouldn't want her doing that."
"Huh, weird that you wouldn't want your wife talking to her exes." Tango looked at Solidarity, "I couldn't imagine that."
"Me either." Solidarity hummed, looking at Joel, "Anyways, what were you saying about Scott?"
That seemed to be the moment Joel sort of backed off. Fwhip still tried to get under Tango's skin, but Solidarity knew his boyfriend was a master of "not giving a shit". He watched Tango take whatever was thrown at him and either laughed it off or gave the same energy right back. He smiled and leaned into the other, happy.
However, after about an hour and a half, a couple more people arrived. Tango was introduced to Sausage, Martyn and Ren (a couple, Martyn being one of the ones who Solidarity actually talked to on a regular basis and who Tango immediately liked as the blonde whispered to him "Scott's a huge dick but has everyone wrapped around his finger, don't let him get to you or Timmy."), Big B, and Cub.
And, of course, Scott.
The man was last to arrive. He walked in and everyone, besides Solidarity, Tango, Martyn, and Ren, cheered, saying hi to him and giving him a hug. Scott laughed and hugged back before turning. He gasped as his eyes landed on Solidarity, smiling brightly.
"Dary, oh my god, it's been forever! How are you? It's so good to finally see you again!" He opened his arms to give the other a hug.
Tango could see his boyfriend stiffen up. So, he stepped in front of him and hugged Scott instead, "Hi! It's nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you from Grian, Joel, and Fwhip!" Scott pulled back, confused, but Tango held his hand, shaking it.
"Oh, uh, who are-?"
"It's such a pleasure to meet you! My name is Tango!" The blonde smiled innocently, "I'm Soli's boyfriend! We've been dating for a year and four months, not that anyone is counting."
"Three. You insisted on taking me on one month pre-boyfriend dates." Solidarity laughed.
"But we were still exclusive!" Tango turned around and gave Solidarity a hug, the dirty blonde happily returning it, "So that month counts!"
"You know what? It's Christmas, we'll let it count!"
"Yes!" The blonde cheered before he looked back at Scott, leaning into the dirty blonde. Solidarity wrapped one arm around his shoulders as Tango hugged his side, smiling at the other, "Anyways, yeah, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
Solidarity offered his other hand, seeing as the one was wrapped around Tango and too occupied for a hug, "Good to see you again, Scott."
Scott was obviously displeased, but smiled, shaking Solidarity's hand, "You too, Dary."
The man left to greet everyone else as Martyn and Ren walked towards Tango and Solidarity.
"Well damn, I like you." Martyn chuckled, whispering, "You sure know the rules of Scott's game."
Tango smiled innocently, "No idea what you're talking about."
Solidarity laughed, "Mar and I fake dated for awhile in hopes of Scott dropping the whole 'I'm hung up' shtick, and he's never acted like that."
"You got under his skin good." Ren complimented, the four looking at Scott, who was talking with Joel and Lizzie, "He's just going to step up his game."
"Good." Tango chuckled, "I hope so. Soli, how uncomfortable am I going to make everyone?"
"You have my complete consent to do whatever you want to do."
"Ohoho, that's dangerous, Love."
"It is for them, Light."
For the night, Tango stuck to Solidarity like glue, acting like the clingiest boyfriend in the world and Solidarity couldn't be happier with it. They mainly sat on the couch and talked with others, Scott moving to sit beside them occasionally. Because Solidarity was sitting against the arm rest and Tango was next to him, Scott simply sat on Tango's other side, even though he seemed a bit unhappy about it. The conversation flowed with people asking Solidarity how he was doing, if he would be visiting more, and asking Tango about his work, what he did, etc.
Scott would try to bring up something about an old date, but Tango would "accidentally" interrupt, telling a story about their first date or the time Solidarity taught Tango how to ice skate or the time Tango showed Solidarity a trick he knew on how to always win claw machines, even taking out his phone and gushing about the cat he and Solidarity adopted together that Solidarity named Norman.
"He loves naming animals human names, it's sooooooo cute!" Tango giggled before gasping, turning to look at Scott, "Oh, sorry, I hope you don't mind! I'm just so happy to finally meet everyone! I mean, Soli was so scared coming down here, thinking I wouldn't be accepted or fit in. I'm sure you've had to help him through an anxiety or panic attack before, right!"
Scott stared, "No, actually, I haven't."
"Oh, really?" Tango asked, faking confusion because he knew the answer.
"Wait, since when have you had anxiety, Solidarity?" Fwhip asked.
Gem elbowed him, "Dude. Not how you ask."
"It's cool Gem, I was only recently diagnosed so I don't blame him." Solidarity chuckled, smiling awkwardly before looking at Tango, "It was I think two months after I met you? So that's... what, two years?"
"That sounds about right." He looked at the rest of the group, smiling innocently, "He must've changed a lot since high school if no one noticed." He hummed, looking at Scott, "Poor thing was so nervous no one would like me! He was so scared no one would accept me because they all were hung up on you and your past relationship!" 
Scott narrowed his eyes a bit, Solidarity blushing as he let out a "T-Tango!"
Everyone laughed, either not noticing the slight accusation or choosing to ignore it, conversation continuing to flow. At one point, Solidarity had to use the bathroom, the man standing up to go. Tango playfully cried out an "Don't leave me!", the group continuing to laugh, talk, and joke.
"Oh, Tango, I have to ask-" Scott smiled innocently at the blonde, "-does Dary still get embarrassed over PDA? I swear, kissing him is like pulling teeth sometimes!"
"No, actually! He loves to share kisses with me! He's such a giver, it's adorable!" Tango giggled, smiling back innocently, "He's such a cuddler too, he's like a puppy sometimes!"
"I guess that makes sense. I was his first kiss after all, he was so embarrassed about it. I could hardly get him to stay still sometimes!" Scott had a sly smirk on his face, "Guess you can thank me for his confidence! He learned from the best!"
"Nah, it's thanks to me! After all-" He leaned towards Scott, whispering in his ear as he smirked, "-I was the first one to get him to spread his legs."
Scott blushed darkly, eyes widening.
"His entire body was red, he was so embarrassed the first time. But now? I can't keep up, half the time. You should see him on his knees, begging. He's so good at it. He really is like a dog." Tango pulled away, smiling innocently, "A good one! The best one!"
Before anyone could ask or say anything, Solidarity came back. He sat next to Tango, the blonde smirking at Scott. He grabbed the other's chin and pulled him in for a kiss, Solidarity kissing back with no hesitation, even wrapping an arm around his waist. When they pulled back, Tango leaned into him, Solidarity keeping his arm in it's place.
Solidarity laughed a bit, face turning red, "You're ridiculous!"
"You love it!"
Scott excused himself to the bathroom, Tango just smiling.
Eventually, dinner was done and everyone got their plates of food. Scott had come back and got his own food. Tango and Solidarity hadn't noticed that they had switched places (with Tango by the arm rest), so Scott sat beside Solidarity. The blonde went to move or say something, but Solidarity gave him an "it's fine" look and smile. Everyone sat around in the living room, talking, bouncing stories off each other, Tango excitedly listening to the stories of young Solidarity, who either blushed in embarrassment or yelled to "not tell that one!" They asked Tango and Solidarity questions about them and their relationship, what it was like living two hours away, if they had any plans to move back, overall having a good time. 
Until the alcohol was brought out.
Grian offered cups to everyone, Tango looking at Solidarity.
"You drink as much as you want, I'll drive." Solidarity reassured with a smile.
"Can you drive me too, then?" Scott asked, holding his own cup and beginning to gently draw shapes on his arm.
Solidarity stiffened, "I'm sure someone else can, Tango and I have to go in the opposite direction of your place."
"Awwww, you used to do it all the time when we would sneak alcohol." Scott chuckled, "Remember when we would steal my from my dad's stash? Grian caught us one time and was pissed!"
"Yeah, cause I thought Solidarity had never drank before, especially when you were both fifteen!" Grian teased.
Scott laughed, everyone did, but Solidarity and Tango. Tango held Solidarity's hand, rubbing circles in his palm to try and ground him as the other was stiff.
"Come on, I don't drink and drive and I left my car at home knowing about the alcohol! Are you gonna leave this power damsel all by himself?" Scott teased, drawing flower shapes on Solidarity's arm, "Will Tango not let you?" He accused, but said it in a teasing manner, everyone but Solidarity, Tango, Martyn, and Ren chuckling a bit.
The blonde could feel Solidarity tense up more. He smiled innocently, "Scott, why do you always ask Soli, are you still hung up on him?"
"H-Huh?! What, no, he-"
"Then I think it's weird how you always ask Soli." Tango said in the same teasing voice, though his accusation was more clear.
"He's right, Scott!" Martyn called, also having that teasing voice, "You know what, Ren can take us home! Ren's not allowed to drink outside our house!"
"It was one time!" Ren groaned playfully, both still trying to keep the playful energy, trying to ease the tension.
"One too many times!"
Solidarity was still stiff.
Tango spoke up, "Listen, if I convince him to take you home, will you promise we won't get a drunk call? Look how beautiful Soli is! He gets more pretty in his sleep and I can't have you ruining my eye candy!"
Scott flushed before he smiled, recovering with, "Come on, can't we share him? I mean, he already has me blocked because I make you uncomfortable, I just want to spend more time with him! He rarely visits nowadays!"
"Gee, I wonder why." Solidarity said, unable to mask his annoyance.
Tango stopped the teasing, looking at the other, "Soli-"
"What's wrong, Dary?" Scott asked, still tracing shapes on his arm.
Solidarity took a deep breath and retracted his arm, standing up, "Tango, get your things, we're leaving."
Tango stood up and grabbed his and Solidarity's things, seeing as Grian and Pearl stood up, trying to stop their brother, everyone else too stunned to move or say anything at the suddenness.
"Timmy, what's wrong?" "Nothing, I just want to leave-" "Come on Jim, it's Christmas, please stay!" "Both of you, move, I want to leave!" "You were never like this before, what the hell happened?!" "You know what happened!" "No we don't because you refuse to talk or visit us half the time!" "I've told you why, you just refuse to listen to me!"
Tango grabbed Solidarity's arm, pulling him past them, "Come on, Love, just look down, I'll drive-"
"Hold on, we're talking-"
"With all due respect, Grian, your brother is about to have a panic attack!" Tango glared, standing in front of Solidarity, protecting him as the other shook. Martyn and Ren climbed over the couch and tried to calm him down as Tango hissed, "I'm trying to get him away from people and in a safe place so he can calm down! So, if you'll excuse us-"
"Oh, and you know so much more about him than me, right?!" Grian glared, "You guys have been together for a year and yet you know more than his own brother?"
"Apparently, I do, he moved away for a reason!" The blonde hissed.
"Come on, Soli-" 
Pearl grabbed Solidarity's arm, "Guys, please just calm down! Jimmy, if you need a safe place, you can go in your old room and-"
"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I WANT TO LEAVE BECAUSE THIS WHOLE HOUSE FEELS UNSAFE?!" Solidarity screamed, facing Pearl, retracting his arm, "THIS ENTIRE HOUSE IS UNSAFE BECAUSE OF HIM!" He motioned to Scott.
"Dary, what-"
"Hey, let's all just calm down!" Lizzie exclaimed, "Scott didn't do anything-"
"Shut up, Lizzie!" Solidarity growled.
"Woah, don't talk-"
"Shut up, Joel!" The dirty blonde repeated, motioning around the house, "THIS! This is why I don't come down here, this is exactly why! Everyone pushes my boundaries and then tells me to calm down, that I'm overreacting, that I'm being too sensitive, that I can't take a joke! So you know what?! FINE! I won't be back!"
"NO! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of all this! I'm tired of being told I need to move on from Scott, that I need to let go of a grudge, that I need to just accept things, stuff that I have already done!" Solidarity looked at Scott, glaring, "I wish I never dated you if this is how you would react. Congrats, you've convinced everyone, including my own brother and sister, that I apparently am hung up on you! Despite the fact I have recorded voicemails of you crying, saying how you miss me, how you love me, how you wish we could go back to the way things were! Despite the fact I would pick you up so you didn't walk home drunk, and you tried to kiss me or make me stay the night! Despite the fact you would touch my arms and back and legs and I would not reciprocate, in fact, I would go stiff or tell you to stop, but you didn't care! Despite the fact I moved two hours away so I didn't have to deal with this! Yep, I'm still hung up on you! Tango is totally just a rebound and I am totally just waiting for you to confess your undying love for me so we can live happily ever after! Yep, that's exactly what I'm doing!"
He motioned towards the room, "And you all believe it! Let me tell you all the truth! Scott and I broke up amicably and I haven't looked back once! In fact, I blocked Scott, because I was uncomfortable, but Tango was gracious enough to take the fall because he knew the drama would stress me out!"
"Timmy, come on." Martyn gently pulled the other away, "You don't have to prove anything to anyone-"
"I-I am happy in my new relationship!" Solidarity whimpered, Tango hugging his arm as he was led out, "A relationship where I am respected, my feelings are considered, I can speak and not worry about if I say is the right or wrong thing, where I finally was able to grow a fucking spine! Unlike here, where I feel so shitty because you all make it seem like my comfortably doesn't matter." He was led to the door, "F-For future reference, if Scott is here, I'm not coming. If any of you try to make me apologize or try to reconcile, I will block you. I've been debating on doing this for months, but Tango thought I should give you all one more chance, see if you all have changed. Clearly, you haven't."
Solidarity was led to the car, getting in the passenger seat. Martyn and Tango calmed him down as Ren gathered his and Martyn's things. Once he was calm enough, Tango shut the door, thanking the two profusely. Martyn gave Tango his phone number, asking him to please just text or call him when they got home, Tango promising he would. Tango then got in the front seat and began to reverse, driving away. The dirty blonde gave him his phone, which was already beginning to blow up with texts and calls. Tango took it and shut it off. They sat in silence, the blonde holding Solidarity's hand as the other shook, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm proud of you." Tango reassured.
"...Thanks... You did really good... Not letting him get under your skin..." The dirty blonde shook, wiping his eyes, "I just couldn't, not when he began touching me..."
"I understand, Love."
"I'm s-"
"No need to apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for. Boundaries are for you, not for anyone else." Tango looked at him, smiling, "You should be proud."
Solidarity smiled a bit, "Thank you." He whispered meekly.
The two sat in a comfortable silence, driving home.
AN: This was more of just a story of setting boundaries and me projecting onto my comfort characters. Hope you liked it even if it was more of a vent kinda?
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! Can you do a TFP bot buddy who used to have been Arcee’s childhood best friend (may or may not got a crush on Arcee as well, your interpretation), back when Arcee was so much more cheerful and happy and innocent. However they got separated during the space travel at one point. Eventually, after many years, the said best friend reunited with Arcee back on Earth, but at this point, Arcee had already lost both Tailgate and Cliffjumper, and became much colder and serious. This really confused buddy, for they did not know what happened, but they wished to build back the friendship they shared with Arcee before. However this only annoyed Arcee because Arcee felt like this friend was being a big sparkling, who still didn’t understand the grave mess of the situation (and their actions might be reminding Arcee of Cliffjumper too much she wanted to avoid it). Eventually, at one point when these two were left at the base together, they had a grave argument— of Arcee arguing that Buddy don’t understand anything and was way too ignorant and selfish, and Buddy was arguing that Arcee had became so apathetic and mean like she was a different individual, as though some fake soul possessed her— This resulted in almost a fight between both of them, and Buddy running away from base out of anger. But Miko sneaked up into Buddy’s alt form car right before they left (what Miko does best) and tried to talk to Buddy about the issue afterwards, and tried to persuade them to go back since it’s too dangerous outside. And meanwhile, back at the base, Jack and Raf tried to talk to Arcee
ANGST! Sometimes we need a little sprinkle here and there. Not too much though! This is the first time I am doing one of these with the kids being the center, so this'll be fun!
Hope you enjoy!
Arcee and childhood Bot Buddy getting into a heated argument with Jack, Miko, and Raf
SFW, Platonic, Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Cybertronain reader
The two friends were at each other’s throats again.
It was becoming more and more of a regular appearance on base between Arcee and Buddy.
The main theme around the fights would end up with Buddy telling Arcee that she was acting too cold and apathetic while Arcee would shoot back telling Buddy that they were acting immature and childish.
“That miner wasn’t doing anything Arcee! He was simply doing his job. He didn’t even have a weapon!”--Buddy
And? He is a Decepticon, something that you seem to have a hard time remembering apparently.”--Arcee
“And apparently the only one who seems to remember what empathy is.”--Buddy
“Empathy?! What empathy can you give to the enemy?! The enemy is out to kill us!”--Arcee
“Not every Con is the enemy Arcee!”--Buddy
“Should we…”--Smokescreen
“I’d like to have all my digits thank you very much.”--Bulkhead
Some of the other bots had tried to get the two friends to back off, but that didn’t end up well.
Just ask Wheeljack and Bulkhead what happened the last time they decided to get involved in the argument.
Two words: Never again.
The kids were no strangers to the arguments either.
When they are around Arcee and Buddy at least have the decency to keep things as civil as possible. But sarcasm and snide remarks were definitely shared.
“Hey, Jack how was school?”--Buddy
“It was pretty good if I do say so myself.”--Jack
“That’s nice.”--Buddy
“Yeah, he even tried to help out some of his teammates with their important projects.”--Arcee
“Really. Well, I hope he didn’t abandon his team mate to pursue some petty remarks.”--Buddy
“The petty remarks weren’t so petty to him.”--Arcee
“I don’t think they’re talking about you anymore.”--Miko
“No kidding Miko.”--Jack
“Just stating the obvious Jack. No need for the friendly fire.”--Miko
Today Jack had to carpool with Miko in Bulkhead because Arcee couldn’t do so. Bulkhead wouldn’t explain the reason further. Raf tried asking Bumblebee what happened, but Bee wouldn’t answer either.
This made the kids a bit anxious.
What was so important that Arcee couldn’t go and pick up her charge?
And if Arcee couldn’t pick Jack up, Buddy was always the back up to pick Jack up, what happened to Buddy?
When Bulkhead and Bee pulled in Arcee and Buddy were standing stiffly in front of each other. Something had clearly happened while they were out.
Arcee was staring intensively at Buddy with a raging fire behind her optics, almost if Buddy was the enemy. She stood on the offense, like a spring ready to shoot out at any second. Her servos were clenched to her sides.
Buddy was a different story. Taking advantage of their size over Arcee, they had straightened up squaring up their shoulders, their servos were switching from clenching and unclenching. They looked like they were standing in the offense but there was something lacking to the posture, but their optics held another story. Their optics held a smoldering fire, not raging like Arcee’s, there was fire, but it was slowly dying down.
The kids quickly got out of the bots as they transformed.
Everything was silent.
“So… that’s what you meant to say all, huh. I should have figured it out myself if it wasn’t for my thick helm, like you said.”--Buddy
“That’s not what—”--Arcee
Arcee and Buddy noticing their little audience.
“Kids? When—how much—I gotta go.”--Buddy
Suddenly Buddy turned around and transformed, weaving in between their pedes and raced out of the base.
Jack and Raf looked at Arcee who suddenly looked in shock and tired. A familiar look of despair appeared on her faceplate as she retreated to the elevator, presumably to the rooftop.
“That happened.”--Bulkhead
“Beep bep bep… bop (I’ve never heard Buddy yell before, it was… unsettling.)”--Bumblebee
“You said it, Bee. I’ve never heard Buddy yell like that either.”--Raf
“I didn’t even know they were capable of yelling like that.”--Jack
“So, what are we going to do now.”--Bulkhead
“I’m going to see what happened with Arcee.”--Jack
“I’m coming too.”--Raf
You sure?”--Jack
“Good luck with that.”--Bulkhead
“You guys aren’t coming too?”--Raf
“…I’m not messing with their arguments after what happened last time. I’d like to keep my digits on my servos thank you very much.”--Bulkhead
“Bep bop beep beep bep (I have patrol now, so I won’t be able to see what’s going on, yet.)”--Bumblebee
“I guess it’s a job for the three—wait where’s Miko?”--Jack
“Beep bop (The tingle?)”--Bumblebee
“The tingles back.”--Bulkhead
“Hang on, I can quickly search for her signal from her cell phone.”--Raf
“Where is she!?”--Bulkhead
“Calm down Bulkhead, it’s not like she’s outside the base. The groundbridge hasn’t been activated so she couldn’t have run through there. Miko can run but she can’t run that far.”--Jack
“Miko’s outside the base going at a constant speed of 55 miles per hour.”—Raf
“Bop boop bep (I don’t think normal humans can go that fast.)”--Bumblebee
“Wait Buddy’s signal is with Miko’s signal… Jack, you don’t think she…”--Raf
“Jumped into Buddy’s alt mode before anyone noticed? Yeah, that sounds like something she’d—Bulkhead? You, okay?”--Jack
Bulkhead looking like he’s about to have a mental crisis.
“Bop bep boop (I’ll get him to Ratchet if things get worse.)--Bumblebee
The two humans then decided to go find Arcee.
The two found Arcee on top of the base sitting next to Cliff’s grave. Her pedes dangling from the rocky edge swaging slightly as the afternoon breeze began to pick up.
“Jack? Raf? What are you two doing up here? Did something happen?”--Arcee
“Nothing happened. We were just worried about you and Buddy.”--Jack
“You two have been fighting more than usual and this was the first time Buddy’s actually left the base. What happened?”--Jack
“It’s none of your business Jack. Its… old friend stuff. You wouldn’t understand.”--Arcee
“We might not be able to understand, but we can try to understand and listen to you. What do you say?”--Raf
“…I am going to murder your guardian for teaching you the puppy optics trick.”--Arcee
Jack secretly high fives Raf behind their backs.
“…The war changed all of us. Not for the better for some of us. A lot of us lost a lot, seen the lost. But Buddy… Buddy in a way got it easier than us. Buddy got sent off the planet before Cybertron went dark on an expedition and somehow managed to trip into a stasis pod. They didn’t wake up until we sent that call to the ship.”--Arcee
“Oh yeah, wait how does someone accidentally put themselves in a stasis pod?”--Jack
“Oh okay.”--Jack
“Buddy still has that same hope from the earlier days of the war. A bit clumsy too…Today we ran into Arachnid… She got Buddy in one of her traps… Buddy offered her mercy after they got out… I’m not going to lose one of the only friends I have left because they are too careless for their own good.”--Arcee
“Well Buddy does have something right though.”--Jack
“Like what?”--Arcee
“Sometimes the bots working for the bad guys aren’t really bad themselves. Maybe they were forced to.”--Jack
“Buddy is just offering a bit of peace during the hard times, like what they do with us when we have a bad day. Its never not okay to be nice, even if you aren’t going to get the niceness back.”--Raf
“Hmm… when did you two get so smart?”--Arcee
“A lot of reading for AP classes on philosophy.”—Jack
“Maybe now you two can have a talk about what happened?”--Jack
“Yeah, if I didn’t drive them away.”--Arcee
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Buddy is going to come back.”--Jack
“And how do you know that?”--Arcee
“Because Miko jumped into their alt mode. Buddy is going to have to come back to at least drop her off. That’ll be your chance.”--Raf
“Wait Miko did what?”--Arcee
“She’ll be fine.”--Raf
Meanwhile with Buddy…
“Hey Buddy can you turn up the—”--Miko
“Calm down already.”--Miko
Now it was Miko’s turn.
After Buddy was sure that their spark was going to explode, they parked in an old lot to rest. They wanted answers.
“So, what possessed you to think that jumping into my alt mode was such a good idea? Wait, does Bulkhead know you’re here?”--Buddy
“Oh Primus…”--Buddy
“I hopped in cause you looked like you needed a friend.”--Miko
“You risked getting hurt by launching yourself into a moving vehicle and the chance of me transforming without warning potentially crushing you.”--Buddy
“…You truly are a Wrecker, huh.”--Buddy
“One of the best.”--Miko
“Well… Some words were said today that were a bit harsher than usual.”--Buddy
“No joke.”--Miko
“I know I’m nothing like ‘Cee. In some ways I do. I’m too childish sometimes, but sometimes you need that you know. So many Bots and Cons have fallen in this war because no one has any more empathy and are willing to listen and compromise. I show my kindness to the ‘enemy’ because they have a life too! I’ll fight for self-defense, you know that.”--Buddy
“Yep, Wheeljack isn’t going to forget that.”--Miko
“I hope not.”--Buddy
“He won’t. Trust me.”--Miko
“It’s just… I can’t stand a bot who is willing to be so apathetic at the loss of someone’s life when it could have been prevented. Even if it is a horrible Con. Sometimes the simplest thing will change someone’s mind about their entire life.”--Buddy
“I get it, but also Arcee has lost a lot of partners from what Jack’s told me. I wouldn’t want to lose my friend either if there was danger all around.”--Miko
“… When did you get all smart?”--Buddy
“Don’t tell the others… I’ve been reading some of the books Jack has to read for his classes, some of the stuff may have stayed in my mind.”--Miko
“Your secrets safe with me. Now c’mon we gotta get back to the base.”--Buddy
“You’re not leaving us, right?”--Miko
“What? No! No, I wouldn’t leave you guys over something like that. I’ll just have a chat with Arcee and hopefully things will turn up for the better.”--Buddy
“I bet they are.”--Miko
“And how are you so sure.”--Buddy
“Call it Wreckers instinct.”--Miko
“I thought you said Wreckers instinct was smash anything that moves?”--Buddy
“It can have multiple meanings.”—Miko
The ride back to the base was filled with chatter and a bit of nervous energy. By the time Buddy and Miko had arrived at the base everyone was returning from their evening patrols.
Bulkhead looked so relief when he saw Miko hop out of Buddy as they transformed.
Arcee looked at Buddy from next to the platform where Jack and Raf were.
The two friends looked at each other before Buddy motioned Arcee to the other room. Arcee followed behind Buddy as she closed the door allowing them more privacy.
There was talking behind the door. No shouting or screaming, which could have been either a good sign or a bad one.
“It’s getting quieter than before.”--Bulkhead
“…20 imaginary shanix that Arcee is hiding Buddy’s body in a closet.”--Smokescreen
“Beep bep bop bep… bep beep (That’s awful!... 21 imaginary shanix that Buddy is hiding Arcee’s body.)”--Bumblebee
“Not bad… 30 that they took the fight out of the base through a secret passage.”--Wheeljack
“What is wrong with you three?”—Bulkhead
“50 imaginary shanix that they are actually talking like civil Bots.”—Ratchet
“Even you Ratchet?”—Bulkhead
After some time, the two emerged from the room looking tired yet happy.
The kids got brownie points that day from the two bots.
“Huh? I guess they did talk it out.”--Bulkhead
“Pay up.”—Ratchet
“I’m going imaginary broke…”—Smokescreen
“Beep bep bop (Then stop betting on loosing battles.)”--Bumblebee
“You lost too!”--Smokescreen
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
Tumblr media
Zora felt compelled to call her sisters up and get together, especially after the conversation she and Leon had, a few nights ago.
Meeting them at Snooze, they're at their usual spot, in one of the middle rounded booths.
“Hey y'all,” she greets, sliding in on the left side of Lovita.
“We know your secret.” They say in unison.
“What?” Zora asks, her lips barely parting.
“We. Know. Your. Secret.” Neoma repeats.
“Want us to spell it out, next?” Lovita asks.
“No, smart ass.”
“Alright, then spill it.”
“Okay fine, but it wasn't my fault!,” she whispers, “I was drunk! Nique said she'd keep quiet about the body!”
“What??” Lovita asks.
“A body?? You killed the man?!” Neoma whispers back, not knowing whether to laugh or be concerned.
“I had to. He was too pretty!” Zora whispers back.
“Would you two stop it!”
They fall into a fit of laughter, just as their waitress comes to take their drink orders; rummosas all around.
“Okay, you met a man, and apparently he's a good one?” Neoma asks.
“He seems to be, yeah. He's so sweet. So fine, my god y'all. So patient. He's got some soft ass lips.”
“Oh, you've kissed this man?” Lovita eyes her like an older sister would.
“A couple times, uh-huh.” She answers, making them gasp.
“Oh, you like him.” Lovita says.
“No, no. She likes him.” Neoma corrects.
“What's the difference?” Zora asks.
“Right, so how much did you drink and how much did you tell?”
Zora's sisters knew her like the back of their hands, especially Neoma. She was the most intuitive out of them all.
“Those buzz balls are like fifteen percent a gulp, I swear!” She defends against their groans of disapproval.
“Okay, we'll give you a pass on the alcohol. But, you're painting again, yay!” Lovita cheers, Neoma joining in.
“Yeah, it was kinda like another break the ice type of thing, not sure when I'll paint again.”
“How'd it go? I know you get a lil nervous, sometimes.”
“I was nervous as hell! But he's big on reassuring me that it's all good, and I needed that. Made it easier– took the pressure off a lil, ya know?”
“Sounds like quite the man!”
“Yeah, can we see him? You got pictures??”
Their drinks come out and their food orders get put in.
Zora flies to her camera roll, giggling before she turns the phone toward them, swiping through the pictures they'd recently taken together.
Some of them were cute, and others were cuter.
“Wow,” they say in unison, making her giggle all over again.
“I know!”
“Damn, he might be the prettiest man we've seen you with!” Lovita adds.
“I know!” Zora repeats. “Look at me, I'm evolving!” She laughs.
“That smile is killer, my goodness!” Neoma adds, before Zora pulls the phone away.
“Every time he smiles at me, I die a little.”
“Oh, girl. I bet!”
“So when do we get to meet him?”
“Uh… I need a little more time, but he's fond of you both, already.”
“Oh, we've been talked about??”
“Yes, I was telling him about my sarcasm gene and how it's one of a kind and that you two can attest, cause y'all are y'all, and I am me.”
Like clockwork, their eye rolls sync up and the bickering starts, making her chuckle.
“Here she goes!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“So, you got yourself a boo, huh?” Eryn asks Leon, handing him a bottle of water.
“What??” Their cousin, Damon, asked. “Leon got a boo??”
He chuckles with a shake of his head. “Yeah, man. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“It's not, don't take it like that. You just haven't had a girlfriend since Candy’s wild ass. I'm just a little shocked.”
“Yeah, well it's definitely not another one of those situations so I think I'll be okay, this time around.” He snorts, making them both join in.
“She was a mess, I tried to tell you.”
“He ain't heard nothing once he saw that ass on girly.” Eryn shakes her head.
“Anyway, y'all third degree over?”
“Just getting started, actually. Where'd you meet her?”
“At the flower shoppe. She could be a botanist if she really wanted to be. Naming flowers without so much as a glance in their direction, like she's mapped the whole place a dozen times.” Leon rambles, making Eryn smile.
“What a hobby! I love flowers!”
“You two will get acquainted, don't you worry,” he laughs.
“Okay! What does she look like?”
“She's about your height, curvy as all hell, mocha kisses skin– good lord, she is beautiful.” He stops himself, knowing he'd go on and on about her.
“What's her name?”
“Wow, that's such a pretty name.”
“It matches her perfectly.”
“You in love, my guy?” Damon asks.
“No,” he shakes his head. “I really like her, though.”
“Does she really like you back?”
“Yeah, she does.” He smiles. “We've progressed a lot over the last couple weeks.”
“Aw, he's learning that these things do take time!” She claps, kissing her hand up to the ceiling.
“You are something else, Ryn.” He laughs.
“I'm just sayin’,”
“You're always just sayin’ something.” Damon interjects, catching an apple to the head.
“Yeah, shut up.” She cuts her eyes at him, before turning back to her brother. “I'm just sayin’, maybe don't rush through, this time around. The way you light up when you talk about her, makes me think she's something seriously special, so treat her that way.”
“Precious cargo, I am. She's been teaching me about patience, just like you always do. I hear you, I promise.” He assures her, putting her at ease.
“Good. So have you kissed her, yet?”
“Yeah, I couldn't help myself.” He sighs, making them laugh.
“Aw, how sweet!”
“It was sweet, man! I felt like I kissed an angel.”
“Oh! And where have you and this angel gone, date wise? Yes, I'm being super nosy.”
“I've taken her all over. We went back to the flower shoppe, I took her her to What The Fries, cause she's never been and surprisingly she'd always wanted to go, so that was an extra pat on the back for me,” he smiles, nudging arms with Damon, “we've gone on several picnics, cause she's a nature girl and I'm all for sitting in some grass.”
“Country ass.” Damon snorts.
“Boy, fuck you.” He jabs with a laugh of his own.
“Have you taken her dancing?”
“That might be the only thing we haven't done— well, if dancing in her living room counts, then we've danced a couple dances.”
“Well, we’ll count those but you should take her to that place I was telling you about!” She snaps her fingers, trying to remember the name of the place.
“Flavor?” Damon asks.
“Flavor! Yes, everybody be down there!” Eryn claps, making them both laugh.
“Okay, okay. Next date, we’ll go dancing.”
“Ugh, take pictures or something!”
“Oh, you wanna see her? I've got pictures.” He says, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“If I smack him.” She stares at Damon, who just shakes his head.
“Leave me alone, y'all. I don't be thinking, sometimes.”
“We know.”
He slides the phone in her direction, telling her to swipe from the left.
“Wow, she's absolutely gorgeous! Ugh, I love her hair!” She squeals, swiping through to see a couple of her and Leon together, cheesing wide.
“Aw, you two look really good together!” She squeals, passing the phone to Damon.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
“Damn! She's breathtaking, my brotha.”
“You don't know the half, man.” He shakes his head with his eyes closed.
“Okay, I gotta know how you rolled up on shorty, cause she looks like she plays no games.”
“She don't. She actually fried my ass up a lil when I was talking to her, but ol Leon don't back down. Mama ain't raise no quitter.”
“Mhm, so what you say that made her feel different about you?”
“I'm an honest man and she appreciated that. Told her I wasn't on funny business and I wanted to take her out, and she let me know up front how things were gonna go. I listen, unlike some men.” He sideyes Damon.
“Don't start on me, man. What Keisha tell you??”
“Nothing. But you about to spill everything!”
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Zora was currently sitting in front of a blank canvas, when her phone started ringing.
A facetime call from Leon. She smiles and answers.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“Handsome. Wassup?”
“I was calling to beg for another date with you.” He says, making her laugh.
“Begging? I'm not that bad, am I?”
He smiles, shaking his head. “Nah, you're not bad. But I would love to take you dancing.”
“Aw, you tired of dancin’ in my living room?” She teases.
“Never that! I just feel like we might need more room to show off our moves, ya know?”
“Yeah, I hear ya. So where are we going?”
“There's this place called Flavor, my sister recommended it. She also told me to tell you hello, and that she thinks you're absolutely gorgeous.”
“Aw, she's too sweet! Tell her I said hello and thanks! And Flavor sounds fun, I'm down!”
“Great, are you off next weekend?”
“I am! I took Saturday off, cause ya girl be tired.”
“Well good, sleep til you can't no more and then we'll dance the rest of the day away. Sound like a plan?”
“Of course it does!” She agrees with a smile that matches his own.
Their playful banter continued on for about ten minutes, and then his mama called, making them reluctantly hang up.
“How's my boy?”
“Always good. How's my favorite lady?”
“Well I talked to Eryn and it seems like you've got yourself a girlfriend. Am I hearing that correctly?”
“Well, she's not my girlfriend, but we're working our way there.”
“Oh, okay! So tell me about her.”
He easily goes into his spiel about Zora, how beautiful, funny and intelligent she is. How her fire is his favorite attribute of hers.
“Sounds like your aunt Moonie.”
“I said the same thing, ma. I swear!” He exclaims, making her laugh.
“A spitfire, huh?”
“Yeah, she's not psycho or anything though. She's a sweetheart.”
“Well, when do we get to meet her?”
“I need a little more time.”
“No worries, son. But do make it before I gray all the way over,” she jokes.
Zora is at her easel like usual, painting away. Music blasting in her ears as she's in her zone.
It’d been a long day and she needed to destress in the ways she knew best.
And everything was going great, until he showed up.
Turning this light on, knocking this over, stepping over her materials that weren't even in his line of sight, just because.
“What you in here in the dark for?” He asks, but she can't hear him due to her headphones, which she points to.
“Take ‘em off your ear for a sec,” he says, before reaching and doing in himself. She snatches ‘em back before he removes them altogether.
“Yes, what do you need?” She asks.
“Wassup? Why you in the dark?”
“It's been a long day and I just needed to come home and sit and paint. My head hurts so I kept the extra light off. Could you turn it back off?”
“Fine, I'll do it myself.” She gets up and cuts it right back off, beginning to move back to her easel when he steps in front of it, staring at the painting.
“What is this, Z?”
“Flowers, J.”
“They're ugly.” He snorts, looking over at her defeated expression.
“Thanks. I really appreciate that.” She responds, way too beaten down to argue with him.
“I'm just sayin’, maybe you need a new hobby or sumn.” He continues, making her brows scrunch together.
“Excuse me?”
“This shit blows. I'm tryna help you out, here.”
“You wanna help me by insulting me?”
“Constructive criticism, ain't that what they called it at that fancy ass school you went to?”
“You're just being rude, that's all you're doing right now.” She says, pulling the canvas away before he gets any ideas.
“Well shit, somebody had to tell you. Your mama loves everything you do and so do them sisters of yours. But I gotta be the voice of reason–”
“Oh my god, voice of reason?! Who asked you to do that?? Who asked you to be that?? I had the worst day at work and you're in here tearing me further apart over some fucking flowers? You can't even draw a stick figure and you're giving me advice?! Please get out.”
“Look Zora. Whether you like it or not, your shit is not good. I hate to be the one to break it to you.”
“I think you love to break shit to me. Makes you feel like a man or something, like you can't be a man in other ways— important ways. You'd rather go toe to toe with me, than listen to anything i'm actually saying.”
“I don't have time for this.” He says, making her sigh so heavily.
“Of course you don't. Why not just leave?” This is my apartment. Just go.”
“Fine. If I leave, I won't be back.” Is something he'd always say, but he always came crawling back to her with an apology and like the sad girl she was, she'd always take ‘em back.
Maybe this time would be different.
Who knew it would take another six months before she was finally done with his verbal abuse, lack of communication, concern and care.. amongst other things.
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Putting the finishing touches on her outfit, she steps back in front of Nique, doing her little twirl as she claps and whistles.
“Damn, girl. You look so good!”
“Thank you! I spent two days searching up and down prettylittlething.com and this little baby popped up, I almost— I screamed. I won't lie.” She squeals, twirling around in the hot orange number.
“I bet you did,” she laughs. “I love how you've got your hair, too!”
A half up, half down style worked beautifully with her curls as they bounced above her shoulders.
“Thanks! The hair goddesses were on my side, yet again!” She kisses up to god, before spraying her bergamot and vanilla perfume again.
“You don't think that's enough?”
“Can you smell it??”
“Yes! Put it away, before you start a fire!” She half jokes.
“Jesus,” Zora huffs, placing the bottle back on her dresser just as the doorbell rings.
If it weren't for the deep slit in her dress, she woulda been able to fake out the tremble in her knees.
“Sis, are you nervous?” She asks, totally surprised.
“I— I just might be!” She laughs, as they head down the hall towards her door.
Blowing out a breath, she opens the doors and the air is knocked right back out of her lungs, and she isn't alone as he takes a moment of his own to drool at the sight before him.
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“Hi,” she greets, kicking one leg in front of the other.
“Hey,” he greets back, taking her hand into his to kiss the back, making her blush.
“You look amazing,” comes from them both, making them laugh at each other and Nique clears her throat.
“Leon, this is my dearest, bestest friend Nique. Nique, this is the infamous Leon.” She introduces, watching them shake hands.
“You're much taller than I thought,” she blurts, making Zora shake her head.
“I get that a lot,” he chuckles. “It's nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise! It's about time we crossed paths. Now tell me, how much trouble has she gotten you into so far?”
“Oh, we're about waist deep, right Zora?”
“We’ll be up to our necks, after tonight.” She winks.
“Oop— well, let me get on outta here and let y'all get y'all's night started! I hope it's wonderful.”
“Thank you,” Zora says, hugging Nique before she opens the door back up. “I'll call you tomorrow.”
“You better,” she whispers, waving at Leon, “it was nice meeting you. Treat my girl great!”
“Of course, it was nice meeting you too.” He responds, before she leaves.
“You look absolutely stunning, mama.” He compliments, twirling her around as the frills on her dress flow about.
“Thank you, handsome. You look really good, yourself. I like this shirt.”
“Thank you. My sister helped me pick it out.”
“She did a good job!”
“I'll be sure to tell her so she can gloat about it,” he chuckles. “You ready to dance the night away?”
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Out of all of my options, you'll be the top one
Baby, you got one-up
Get me high, get me louder
Damn, all that power I want you much too much
That sure do get me high
To God, oh, what I'm feeling
Well, you decide
'Cause, baby, all summer
They been all on my heels
I just need to know that if I pull up, you gon' be there 'cause you talkin' real, real And I don't wanna wonder
If you doin' side deals
I don't trust nobody, but that body keep on callin' me
(It got me roaming through these empty streets)
Thinkin' you ready for love
A strong hand at her back and a dainty one on his shoulder with their other hands clasped together, the two glide across the floor with ease, earning a few whistles from other couples.
“See, you're a natural!” Zora teases Leon, who swears he has two left feet.
“I'm only this good when I'm dancin’ with you,” he chuckles. “You know I got two wrong feet.”
“Lord,” she rolls her eyes as he twirls her once more, pulling her back to him.
“That your favorite move?” She asks, losing her breath from being so close to him.
“Mmhm,” he pecks her lips, starting a wildfire across her cheeks while they continue to sway.
“How's the last couple days been?” She asks, staring up at him.
“Hectic.” He huffs. “I got into it with one of my boys at work, which pissed me off cause he's usually pretty chill.”
She frowns. “It made it awkward, huh?”
“For him. I get my work done, regardless. It just slows us down cause now he acts like I gotta go through somebody else to give him information, and I'm not doing that.” He shakes his head, moving his other hand to her back now.
“Don't let ‘em push your buttons. I hate when people act like they're too important or butthurt to be bothered. It always boils over to them just being a jackass.”
“You're right,” he nods, laughing as she shoots him a look that screams “I know!”.
“What about you? I know you were a little more tired than usual.”
“Oh yeah, it gets super busy at the restaurant and those customers just lose their minds from time to time.. to time.” She sighs with a laugh. “It just took a little more outta me than I expected. But I'm okay!”
“Yeah? You sure?” He asks.
“Yeah, if I fall asleep on you, just splash some water on me,” she shrugs, instantly cracking up at his expression. 
“I'm joking, Leon!”
“I'm not too sure,” he squints. “Splash some water on you. We'd get you tucked in, before that happens.”
“Aw, ever the gentleman.”
“You know I do my best for you,” he humbly responds, making himself even cuter to her.
“Can I tell you something?” She asks, knowing she should hold her tongue.
“Of course.”
“I like you, Leon.”
He flashes that beautiful smile, and thank god he was holding onto her so tight or she surely woulda hit the floor.
“I like you too, Zora.”
The butterflies in her belly do a dance similar to the two-step she and Leon are doing, making her feel fuzzy and warm.
Unfortunately her pretty mules turned on her about an hour ago, forcing them to move from the dance floor, to a tiny rounded booth off to the left side of the place.
Were her feet pulled into his lap, while she sipped her margarita and danced in her seat to the music? Yes.
Was she enjoying every minute? Absolutely.
“So I feel compelled to tell you a little story.” She starts, and he's all ears.
“You know I'm listening,” he smiles.
“I know,” she smiles back. “It's not a nice story, but I won't get too sad on you.”
“Oh, is this about your ex?”
“Yeah, that rotten bastard.” She sneers, making him snicker.
“Seriously! He was a hater. He'd come home just to piss me off, I swear. Never a good full day, ever. Never any concern above his own. And it wasn't always like that, ya know? It's like he woke up one day and just started hating me.”
His brows furrow. “Who could hate you?”
“Ya know, I would ask myself what I did. Hell, I even asked him and he'd always tell me that I was trippin. Thinking too much into him dashing away my dreams, leaving more on my plate than not, shutting me out. You name it.”
“You're right, he was a hater.” He frowns. “Who the hell does that someone they care about?”
“I tried so hard to figure that out, that I made myself sick over it and him. I mean, imagine just graduating from college, working at a rundown job and your boyfriend comes home just to tell you that you should find a new hobby, a new lifestyle and a little bit more money because he wasn't gonna sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. Said he was my voice of reason.”
“Sounds like he needed an ass kick off that high horse he was on.” Leon says, shaking his head.
“Ugh! I can't tell you how many times I told him that. But, it never mattered what I said, cause he never listened. Plus, I'd take him back every time he'd crawl back to me.” She sighs.
“Don't beat yourself up about that, Zora. You just wanted him to do better. We all hit the wall, sometimes. You realized at some point that he wasn't gonna change and you left, yeah?”
“Yeah. It might've taken me a minute, but I did leave his ass alone. After I beat it.” She laughs, making him join in.
“I'm sure that was hilarious!”
“Nique has the video if you ever wanna see it.” She adds, going back to sipping on the fruity drink.
“Definitely taking you up on that.” He nods, reaching out to twirl a curl around his finger.
“I'm glad you shared with me. I won't be a bad story to add to your collection, I promise.” He says, making her smile.
“I'm starting to believe that. I really am.”
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Carrying Zora all the way inside her apartment, he closes and locks her door behind them and sits her on the sofa.
“Thank you,” she sighs, sliding her feet out of her mules and rubbing her feet over her plush rug. “I hope I wasn't too heavy.”
“Light as a feather, baby.” He assures, kneeling down beside the couch to be level with her.
“Baby, huh? That's me?” She asks.
“If you wanna be.”
“Oh, I wanna be.” She replies, making them both laugh.
“Good. Cause I wanna be yours, too.”
Moving from his kneeled position, he sits beside her on the couch, reaching for her hand to pull her closer to him.
“I had fun, like always.” She smiles, kissing him again.
“Me too, like always.” He replies, returning the gesture.
“So, where we goin’ next, handsome?”
“Still on the fence about meeting my people?” He asks.
“No, not anymore. I'd love to meet ‘em.”
“Great,” he smiles, linking their fingers. “Cause I gotta meet these sisters of yours. Mama, too.”
Ch 6
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121 notes · View notes
flippyspoon · 1 year
Unfathomable Emotionality
Jim read the memo again as an increasingly queasy feeling settled into his stomach.
Subspace comm tomorrow at 1600. I need to talk to you due to concerning reports from crew regarding fraternization.
Bob was Admiral Robert Thorne. He had taught Jim at the academy and taken him under his wing. As a result, Jim had a comfortable relationship with the admiral, enough that they often gossiped about goings on in Starfleet.
But the memo was more than a little alarming.
This is it, Jim thought. They know about me and Spock and they’re putting the hammer down.
Jim worried about the memo for the rest of the day, and that evening as he shared dinner with Spock in his quarters–their routine habit since entering into a romantic relationship–Spock attempted to calm him down to no avail.
“The memo was not at all specific,” Spock pointed out. “It may concern other crew members.”
“And if it doesn’t?” Jim stabbed at his Pad Thai noodles. “Then what? They split us up? I can’t… Spock, I know it’s what other people do. But…”
Spock reached across the table and covered Jim’s hand with his own.
“I know, ashayam. It would not be acceptable to be parted. We may be able to convince them that allowing us to remain as we are is in their best interest.”
“Reports from crew, he said.” Jim shook his head. “Are we so blinded by our own happiness we can’t see that we’ve created a problem on the ship?”
“I might have seen the logic in a memo concerning our relationship,” Spock allowed. “But the way this memorandum is worded… I did not expect it.”
“It would be hard coming from Bob,” Jim said sadly. “Always liked Bob.”
The next day, Jim couldn’t help but sense a tension from the bridge crew, as if everyone knew what was coming. Uhura wore a tight smile and kept asking him how he was doing. Sulu wouldn’t quite look him in the eye. Chekov kept stifling a chuckle, which seemed hurtfully incongruous.
But Jim got through the day as he always did. Survey of an M-Class. Nothing of note really, outside some fungus growths that Spock took great interest in.
At 1600 hours Jim sat down in front of his comm screen and sighed heavily.
“Jim!” Bob seemed very cheerful when he popped up on screen and Jim didn’t know what to make of it. “How the hell are ya?”” “Uh…good. I think I’m…” Jim shrugged. If not for this anxiety-inducing meeting, he would have said he was happier than he could have imagined ever being. “Think I’m great? How are you?”
“Oh boy, busy as ever. One thing after another.” Bob looked away at a PADD, frowning. “What is this, what is this… Sorry, I’ve been in back to back meetings like this all day. If it isn’t one thing it’s- oh! Okay. Well, yes, I suppose you’re very happy.”
Bob folded his hands and fixed Jim with an unreadable expression.
Jim didn’t know how to interpret this.
Was this sarcasm?
He felt he had to take the whole thing dead serious and sat up straight in his seat. “I am, Bob. And…I just want you to know, whatever this is, I’m going to fight it. Spock and I both will. So give me your best shot.”
Bob’s mouth turned down and he blinked at Jim. “Gosh, Jim. Aggressive! Alright, uh… how does one month leave sound? It’s more than we usually give for this kind of thing. But, considering your performance, I don’t think anyone will mind.”
My performance.
Jim’s heart sank.
He had thought the Enterprise under his command had been doing some pretty incredible work.
Apparently, Starfleet did not agree. And rules were rules.
“Forced leave,” Jim murmured. “God, Bob. Won’t there be a hearing or something?”
Bob opened his mouth, closed it, and then it twisted rather comically. He scratched his head. “Forced leave? Jim, what the hell are you talking about? Don’t you want to take a honeymoon with Spock?”
“Ah…uh…um.” Jim stared at Bob. He heard his own heartbeat start to race almost painfully. “I’m sorry. Um. What the hell is happening?”
“I’m not sure?” Bob said, chuckling. “Jim, I’ve been corresponding with Spock for a while now and- oh God, how rude of me. My congratulations on your engagement. About time, I would say. Everybody on Starbase 1 is so happy for you. I think they threw a party in San Francisco when they heard the news hahah! Anywho, I got…boy oh boy, let’s see here…” Bob glanced at his PADD again. “Close to twenty communications from your crew demanding that you and Spock get a proper honeymoon, and some were even concerned there’d be trouble with the higher-ups, captain and XO getting hitched and all that. But you know as well as I do how loosey goosey the rules are, especially these days. I mean, ha! We can’t very well send you on a five-year mission and expect people not to end up in relationships! Now a captain and XO? Sure, it’s unusual. But we’re not looking to break what’s fixed. Jim? You okay? You look a little dazed. Were you not planning on a honeymoon? Of course, it’s up to you two. But I just assumed…”
Jim attempted to speak. “Ah…uh… You’ve been…” His voice came out about three octaves too high. He cleared his throat and tried again. “You’ve been corresponding with Spock?”
“Oh God.” Bob’s eyes went wide. “Oh my God. Oh, my wife is going to absolutely kill me. He didn’t ask yet, did he? Jim, he told me he was going to do it…” Bob typed on his PADD and gasped. “Oh no. Not for another week. Oh, Jim. I am so sorry. What a dunderhead.”
“He’s going to…” Jim thought he might be floating. “Spock is going to propose to me? Your memo… Bob, your memo said there were reports from the crew concerning fraternization-”
“Oooh. I worded that badly, didn’t I?”
Jim was due back to the bridge at the end of the meeting which culminated in a dozen apologies from Bob and assurances that he and Spock would get as much leave as they required if they did choose to honeymoon.
He rode the turbo-lift in a daze and didn’t realize that a few tears of pure joy had slid down his cheeks until he tasted the salt on his lips. He wiped them away, attempting to compose himself.
But as we walked out on the bridge, everyone was staring at him, and Spock’s expression darkened.
McCoy stood near the science station too, inexplicably. He coughed. “Everything okay, Captain?”
Bones raised two thumbs up, smiling with teeth.
McCoy knew?!
“Y-yes.” Jim looked to Spock, unable to keep his expression neutral. He physically could not stop grinning. “Everything is…very good. Excellent. I think?”
Uhura nudged Spock. “Just do it now, dummy!’ She hissed.
“Captain,” Spock said, neutral as ever. “May I speak to  you in your ready room for a moment?”
Everyone inhaled.
Sulu was audibly crying. 
“Of course. Mr. Spock, of course.”
“Hikaru, zamolchi!” Chekov whispered, punching Sulu’s shoulder.
In Kirks ready room, Spock gave nothing away. At least, initially.
“I had hoped Admiral Thorne’s memo was regarding an issue among the crew unknown to me. It was as ambiguous to me as it was to you, sir.”
“Spock?” Jim couldn’t stop himself. He rested his hands on Spock’s shoulders and brought him close. “I didn’t think… We never discussed it. Given the traditions among Vulcans, I thought… I just thought it wasn’t in the cards.”
“I planned it so carefully,” Spock said, frowning. “We already share a potentially powerful bond. I wanted to alert Starfleet to my plans, only to ensure an adequate period of leave. This would give us time to settle into our final bonded state as…” Spock swallowed.
“As a married couple?” Jim whispered.
“Yes, Jim.” Spock rested his hands on Jim’s hips. “That was my intention. As this is already quite out of the realm of Vulcan rites, I thought you might enjoy a traditional human ceremonial rite for our wedding. I requested McCoy’s assistance in the matter. How the others became aware of my plans, I cannot say. But logically, we can assume he is to blame. However, I imagine he will be your best man. So I suppose I cannot banish him from the wedding party.”
“Spock,” Jim said. “Yes?”
“You haven’t asked me yet.”
“Ah.” Spock’s brow furrowed, his mouth a tight line. “I…I had prepared an elegant presentation as to why a permanent union with me would be in your best interest-”
“I’m sure it was an hour long,” Jim said, nodding. He whispered in Spock’s ear, “Just say it, sweetheart.”
“Jim…I… “ Spock took a deep breath. “Will you marry me, t’hy’la?”
Jim kissed him and whispered against his lips, “Yes, I will.”
Jim wrapped him in a hug and felt how Spock could no longer disguise his emotion. He held Jim tightly, pressing his fingers to Jim’s psi points and whimpering when he got a glimpse of the explosion of joy within him. “Jim.”
“I love you, Spock,” Jim whispered, and kissed his ear. “What else could I have said?”
“I am…” Spock had to pause for a moment to gather himself. “I am gratified. Especially, as I have already alerted my mother. And I believe she has already contacted your mother.”
“Oh, boy.”
When they finally walked out on the bridge, the crew stared at them, clearly on the edge of their figurative seats.
“Vell?” Chekov threw up his hands. 
Kirk shrugged, all innocence, and looked to Spock who agreeably raised a guileless eyebrow. “Well, what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Jim,” Bones growled. “Captain, I swear to God, if you don’t put us out of our misery-”
“I already bought a dress!” Uhura said.
Kirk sat in his chair and cleared his throat, winking at Spock who headed straight to his station. “Course heading, Mr. Sulu?”
“Starbase Six as ordered, Captain,” Sulu said, mournfully. “Warp impulse two.”
“Very good. Thank you.” He smiled to himself and finally said, “Also, Mr. Spock and I are to be married so-”
Everyone screamed.
“We will advise as to the pending nuptials-”
“Utterly unfathomable emotionality,” Spock grumbled.
“Shut up, it’s beautiful!” Bones said, weeping on Spock’s shoulder.
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rokiibrok · 2 years
A whimsical moment
(Reigan x reader)
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I walked through the doors with Reigen by my side. His arms shoved into the pockets of his black,dress pants. Both of us in formal wear for one of my friends weddings. I glance over at him,his eyes scanning the room. Looking for something or someone out of place. Every now and then stopping,watching as if he expected something to appear.
“Oh my god I can’t believe you made it,” The bride walked up to us. Her long,white,wedding dress trailed against the ground. Even though she was smiling I could practically feel her judgmental stares.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I replied as her arms wrapped around my waist,pulling me into a hug.
“And who’s this?” She pulled back. Her voice an octave higher then usual,almost as if she was surprised.
“Oh- this is,” I paused only for a second before continuing. “Reigen,my boyfriend,” His brows raised as he watched me with mix emotions.
“Boyfriend” the bride said the word like a foreign language. She excepted me to come alone,which is why I brought Reigen. I wouldn’t be tricked by her little tactics.
“Yep,” Reigen spoke in a chipper tone. His hand wrapping around my forearm,pulling me in close. Even without warning he was able play the role like a special improvised actor. “Their boyfriend,” His nose scrunched up as he pulled his lip up. My head was nearly laying on his shoulder from the distance between us,which was nonexistent in this moment. The wif of his Cologne filled my nose with strong yet alluring smell. The mixed chemicals seeming to clash together to creat a mysterious, enticing scent. 
“We’ll I’m glad y’all made it,” She gave me one last smile before striding off,back to her new husband. Reigen looked down at me with a signature smirk. The way his lip quirks to the side almost mange to annoy me just as much as it manage to entice me. I let out an exaggerated sigh,reluctantly backing away from his grasp. I was already prepared for his slick mouth.
“Care to explain what that was about” one eyebrow raised. His hands now laying on his hips. “I’m starting to think we’re not here looking for a spirit,” His sarcasm was so apparent he wasn’t even trying to conceal it. “Don’t tell me you wanted to date me so bad you made up some half-baked ruse,” He laughed slightly as he spoke.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” I simpered,only returning his energy. “I might’ve lied about the spirit but I had to get you to come,” I shrugged every so slightly. My hand swaying up in down for a split second in a way to say ‘it’s no big deal’ “you can laugh at me all you want but I needed to come. I have a point to prove,” I crossed my arms,looking across the mass of people. Everyone surrounding the two most important people of the night. The practicality glowing bride and the just as happy groom,dancing. The bride may seem sweet but I’ve know her long enough to know how judgmental she is. Reigen hummed,nodding his head a little as if in thought.
“Well since we’re already here,” He takes my one of my hands. As if it was planned,the music changed. People scattered off into their own groups,dancing,drinking,talking, all having a grand time. Reigen pulled me close to his chest taking us onto the dance floor,surrounded by flowing dresses and skittering sound of aviator wingtips. He was smooth,even if I had no idea what was happening he was able to move me around the dance floor like a priceless puppet. Similar to young children playing dance with their Barbies. Each movement was so precise. If I were an outsider I’d assume we had practice for this very moment as soon as we learned to walk. “after all I am an amazing boyfriend,” He placed emphasis on the world ‘boyfriend’ like he was trying to remind me of the small lie I told.  “and considering how much you want to date me I’m doing you a huge favor right now,” His cocky demeanor coming back almost immediately.
“Yaknow you are so full of yourself right,” He pulls me back in as I spoke. “Everyone says it,” though it is true,I was only teasing.
“You probably like it,” His arrogant tome should’ve been insufferable but any word coming from those lips sounds like tolerable banter. The music seem to slow down and so did Reigen. We we’re nearly slow dancing,still very much on best due to Reigen long,graceful legs.
“As if,” I chuckled slightly,looking down at the floor. I was honestly captivated my the skillfulness way he moved us around the floor. His legs seem to never miss a beat. His arms so in-tune he was able to move me around just at the right moment. Once again the music got slower and so did we.
“Are you going to tell me you aren’t enjoying this?” I glanced up to catch his tended,gaze. Something felt different, almost whimsical. Perhaps it’s was the low lights that somehow mange to reflect off of every piece of jewelry in our vicinity. Casting a shadow over his face and making his lashes look as if they’re fluttering like a falling black feather. A movie moment in reality is all I could think of. I’ve only just now noticed both his hands grasping so gently around my waist. Like he was nearly scared to touched me,to scare me off like a stray kitten. I felt my chest heave,as my heart race quicken. I could feel each individual finger,resting on my waist.
“It’s not the worse thing in the world,” I spoke low,like I was telling him a secret I didn’t want the noisy listeners to hear. “It’s a surprise how good you are at dancing,” Unlike our usual banter my tone was hushed. Not a hint of sarcasm or derision. Finally I looked up,instead of just staring at him through my lashes.
“Well I’m a jack of all traits,” I felt his thumb move up in down on the small era it was provided.
“Well,” I mocked. “I know that is a fact,” I didn’t have to say it but he understood exactly what I was insinuating. His scammer but some how working lifestyle. Due to his multi talents and ability to talk his way in or out of any situation. My lips curled into a smile almost unnoticeably. The moment was a Disney classic. The best friend moment where they’re dancing in eachother arm,teasingly mocking eachother. All while moving,inching in with every word. Until the very moment their lips connect letting sparks and fire crackers fill the sky. But this isn’t a child’s movies filled with fantasy. It’s a reality,as odd as it is. We may not be kissing but our faces we’re still only inches apart. Our eyes seemingly connected to each-other,unwilling to move. 
A loud bell like sound pulled me out of my whimsical state. I blinked my eyes a few times as if I was lost and looked around for the direction of the sound. The bride stood with a glass in one hand and a silver spoon in the other. Once again she tapped the spoon against the glass gathering everyone’s attention.
“I would like to toast one last time for the night,” I drowned out her words,looking at Reigen. We weren’t dancing anymore. In fact we weren’t even in each others arms anymore. The moment may have been ruined but it’s one I’ll never forget. It’ll replay in my head over and over like a joyful child’s favorite Disney movie.
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freesia-writes · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
DISCLAIMER… apparently you should not invite me to contribute to these if you don’t want a freaking novel in response… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤓 So this is on you guys, @littlemissmanga @idontgetanysleep @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @rain-on-kamino @sinfulsalutations @the-bad-batch-baroness
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Were you named after anyone?
No, but my mom grew up in Santa Monica……. 🤷🏻‍♀️
When was the last time you cried?
In therapy, within the last month, but otherwise, I try far too hard not to cry, and rarely do. I used to say that in a bragging sort of way, but since growing up a bit, I have realized it is mostly just from being emotionally stunted. 
Do you have kids?
Yes, a seven-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. 💕
Do you use sarcasm?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I mean… their appearance? But not in a shallow way? 🤣🤣 Like some of you have said — body language, expressions, general overall vibe. Apparently “childhood trauma gave me hypervigilance”. 🙄
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I cannot handle anything even remotely intense or scary. Like, the emperor electrocuting Luke in the Star Wars movies still makes me squirm. So ALL THE HAPPY ENDINGS. I’m 34 years old and I think I enjoyed the new Super Mario movie more than anyone else in my family, kids included. 🤣
Any special talents?
Hmm. I’m trying to think of things other than writing, ADHD, public speaking, photography… SO, I have a particular “IDGAF” attitude when it comes to hairstyles and tattoos, where I would do pretty much anything for fun or if I liked it. I’ve had a mullet (and not the fashionable kind), a pixie, waist-length, a rat tail, and everything in between. The tattoos need a bit more thought because they’re $$$. 🥴 But my hubby and I have jokingly named my thighs Justice and Redemption, and I’d like to hide some tattoos of those names on each one, and some kind of joke, using lord of the rings lines from the mines/gates of Moria for my nether-yaeya……. You get the gist. I have serious and meaningful and artistic tattoos, on me and on the docket, but those are some examples of the fun ones.😂 I also am a white water raft guide, and I seem to have the ability to smile and laugh in virtually any situation (birth, medical emergencies, probably funerals if I went), but again, therapy has ruined that by calling it “masking” 🤣🤣🤣 OH — one more — I always have to leave a place cleaner than I found it. When we’d go drinking in college, I’d sometimes disappear for a while because I was cleaning the bar bathroom counter. Same with parks or anywhere else… I have to pick up the trash I see. 💕 ENNEAGRAM 1 PROBLEMS, best summarized by this gorgeous song by Sleeping At Last.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Oh, I guess here is where I can mention the regular stuff up above. 🤣 I really love writing, spending meaningful time with Jesus, and spending time in nature just being completely present and delighting in every leaf, bug, etc… And as cheesy as it sounds, I love having fun with my husband. We really are best friends, to the point where we will sometimes stay up way too late at night just because we are having so much fun talking about nothing and everything. 🥹
Have any pets?
A bulldog-border collie mix dog named Teddy, a bearded dragon named Jabba, and usually something else like a blue belly lizard or tadpoles or whatever the kids find and want to bring home. I really want to get some kind of parrot like an African gray, or if I ever found an abandoned baby raven, that would be incredible. 🤓 I would totally have a few cats, but the husband is allergic.
What sports do/have you played?
I am not a land athlete… When it comes to things like agility or speed. I am, however, an excellent swimmer, and did swim team from age 4 through college, and I am also very strong and sturdy, so I enjoy lifting heavy weights. 🤓
How tall are you?
5‘10“, or 177cm 😘 And yes, I played basketball for a few years, but only because I went to a tiny school and they needed someone on the girls team to stand underneath the basket with their arms over their head like an intimidating ogre who might occasionally get a rebound.
Favorite subject at school?
ENGLISH!! Reading, analyzing, writing… Also theater, because I thought I was going to be an actress until I got old enough (read: 22) and realized I was TERRIBLE. 🤣 apparently a bubbly, charismatic personality doesn’t necessarily translate to acting skills. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Dream job?
Honestly, I don’t think I even know. As a child, I wanted to be everything from a marine biologist to an actress to a vet to a dolphin trainer to an astronomer. I have always thought it would be fun to be a personal assistant to some high-powered CEO or something where my only job was to plan all of the travel and meetings, and get to go around the world that way, but none of the actual responsibilities of the company fall to me. Just simple organization and frequent travel. 😂 Also a food critic. 🤭 Or a stunt woman.
Apparently the jury is still out.
But the cool thing is that I absolutely love my job. I loved teaching in the classroom, and now getting to do my work from home while I enjoy my kids’ childhood is absolutely amazing. We are at a water park for two days, and I am sending emails and answering questions about online classes while I sit in a lounge chair with my feet in the water. God has been so incredibly kind and gracious to me, SOOOOO far beyond what I deserve or could even fathom. 🥹
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So many of you have already been tagged! So I’m just going to spray and pray some tags here. 😂 Ignore if you’ve already completed it (and tag me if I haven’t seen it??). But if you feel like you fly under the radar around here, and would like to be tagged in stuff like this more often or have more engagement, feel free to comment or message me!!
@the-cantina @drafthorsemath @lightwise @cloned-eyes @lightspringrain @zaana @verndusk @pinkiemme @literallyjustanerd @alamogirl80 @clonemedickix @shitexcuseofausername @vimse @523rdrebel @annwayne @l-lend @lornaka 😘
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rosen-dovecote · 2 months
Ah, yay. Gastroparesis flair because of Pizza, my beloved! (Sarcasm)
ETA4, because apparently it needs to be said for some fucked up reason: Eating Disorder blogs don't fucking interact with my Gastritis posts ???
I had way too much pizza for dinner tonight, and now I'm back up at 12:30 am (now 1, at the time I'm making this post) because my stomach's incredibly inflamed; more so than it's been in a long time, to the point where I have a knot under my sternum again, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to have to vomit or not in order to feel better (which I haven't had to do since shortly before I finally stabilized on the Metoclopramide).
I've taken another round of Meto. Now I'm going to drink some Black Tea and see if that helps calm my stomach down like it usually does. If not, it's going to have to come out, and I'm going to have to take a sucralfate. Fingers crossed I don't have to do that, though. I'd love to avoid it if I can.
God, Gastroparesis is the devil.
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ETA: The Tea isn't helping. I need to get the food out. My stomach's too irritated at this point, and it's not digesting it anymore.
Unfortunately I just realized I'm not even going to be able to throw up, because I threw away the toothbrush I use to help, finally. Because after 2 years of finally being safe and no longer having any flairs, I thought I finally wouldn't need it anymore. The electronic toothbrush I use now won't work, but I also can't force it with my fingers either; hell, I had a hard enough time with the original toothbrush as it was 😫
So now I get to just ... Sit here and be in severe pain because my food has irritated my stomach to the point it's stopped digesting entirely, again, and it's just ... Rotting in there. And I can't do anything about it this time; shouldn't've thrown it away, apparently.
Probably for the better, though, considering towards the end, when we were finally figuring out it was Gastroparesis, vomiting it out was starting to give me severe chest pain that'd last for hours. that's kind of the last thing I need with a potential heart condition being investigated at the moment. But God do I hurt so freaking bad right now. I hate this stupid condition so much.
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ETA2: It's been nearly 3 hours and I'm still in so much pain. Not only in regards to still having the knot in my chest, but now having continuous chest pain, too. And none of the Tea in the world is helping me. If anything, it just keeps getting even worse ... It hasn't been this bad in a long time, and dislike this so much; it'd be so much easier if I could just get it all out, take a sucralfate, and go back to sleep.
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ETA3: Hours later, at nearly 4:30, I finally gave up and went ahead and used the electric toothbrush to just get it out- and as expected, it was way too big. But I had no other choice. I couldn't handle it anymore. My throat is bleeding now, and I haven't been in this much pain in ages.
What was the problem? A giant chunk of Peperoni just stuck to the bottom of my stomach ... I never want to do that again. And now I'm going to take a Sucralfate, finally, and finish crying, eat a Ginger Chew, and drink a cup of Cardamom Green Tea.
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mooremars · 1 year
Camelot 2023 Act 1 ramblings about the music and book and also the visuals again because turns out 3,000 words wasn't enough.
I cannot possibly recommend anyone actually read this because it is so absurdly, comically long but I needed to get some feelings out. Also it's in two parts because apparently Tumblr has a maximum character count and I hit it.
• Firstly, female conductor, we love to see it
• I love overtures and entr'actes and this show's is so good
• Shoutout to the orchestra
• I have never experienced a bad Broadway orchestra but still doesn't mean they do not deserve serious praise
• Does just the instrumental of Camelot make me very emotional and think about fundamental human goodness?
• Yes, this show did its job
• The end of the If Ever I Should Leave You part is just permanantly in my brain as the part during bows where they point to the orchestra
• Whatever the music that plays as everyone starts walking onstage is epic
• The vibe is set and I'm ready
Act 1 Scene 1: A hilltop near the castle at Camelot
• I've said it once and I'll say it one thousand times, I am obsessed with the way they've used the space in this show
• I love that they can walk up the back of the stage, I love that they have the stairs in front, I love that they've got so many exit and entrance points
• Sorry to the actors who probably had to do a lot of running around but it was fun for me
• As much as I like spectacle, I don't inherently prefer it over this kind of more minimalist thing
• But I do feel like they did a good job at conveying scale and drama even though the set is extremely minimal
• "I have the exact same amount of information that you do" just immediately starts the show off on the right foot
• This is a new take and I was here for it instantly
• And such a funny way to deliver a ton of exposition, this will be the first of what will become the prevailing theme of my rambling which is I adore Sorkin's writing beyond measure
• Merlyn's delivery drenched in sarcasm for every line is perfect and we clearly see where Arthur gets it from
• Specifically "do you know what calamity means?"
• But also "things in England are changing too fast"/"words that have never before been spoken"
• Establishing Sagramore in a funny way that becomes so serious by the end
• We jump right into the Sorkin dialouge rhythm and it feels so right
• There's the perfect amount of everyone overlapping each other and finishing the other characters' thoughts
• And also the jaunty music when most of the guards leave, like I don't exactly know why it sounds like that since it doesn't fit but I love it anyway
• I know it's part of at least the movie's score but like to me it's still strange, I've been calling it clown music in my head
• The difficulty finding the king exchange and also the pheasant hunting exchange are so funny and set the tone so well
• Can you see I'm attempting not the write out every line of dialouge?
• But also I love that we get this little build to Arthur to wonder what the hell is going on with this guy
• Because if you're me, you've come into this show with basically the association with JFK and that's it
• So I had no clue and was curious
• The knights have like mostly terrible points but Sagrimore's delivery of "snear all you like but five minutes ago we were at war with that girl's county and tomorrow I'll be swearing an oath to protect her with my life"
• He's not wrong
• The knights are so good, the actors are perfect
• Every bit of casting is inspired and those three are no exception
• "Arthur get the hell out of the tree"
• Again with no context, the tree really got me
• "Hiding, I'm obviously hiding" - I am instantly in, the delivery on this line is so funny
• Okay fine I was in from the way he said hello, also a hilarious delivery
• My roommate brought up immediately how effective it is not to have him do a British accent and how it again just makes Arthur relatable - genius
• Whatever voice he's doing is a perfect choice
• Also young Arthur is so much the right choice it's staggering to me that they ever did it any other way
• They thread the needle so perfectly of Arthur being young but not in a way where he's like an incompetent child
• Which I feel like is actually how some of the other versions with older actors still managed to come off
• But this Arthur is just young and trying
• "My mouth disconnects from my brain"/"I've witnessed that"
• As like a character note, I love that exchange but I also was worried this was gonna be what it usually is, which is a male character who cannot treat a woman like a human person
• But no, Arthur has absolutely no problem with that, his mouth only disconnects from his brain when he's trying to confess feelings and that is 1000% more endearing
• "Years of tutoring in philosophy and law, why didn't you ever teach me about love and marriage?"/"You're not marrying for love and there's nothing about it that can be taught."
• To which my roommate that I dragged to see this twice and who has just been forced to talk about this show with me, maintains that perhaps you could maybe convey that relationships are about communication
• That lesson might've helped just a bit
• "You're not marrying for love" like Merlyn is trying to warn Arthur and he sure did not listen
• "They should be reading" Arthur babe they literally can't, it's the Middle Ages
• Also the establishment of no magic is so deftly handled
• Arthur complaining that people think that dragons are real and you get exactly what this world is
• I love that I Wonder What the King is Doing tonight becomes his noble king music
• Also I just absolutety love any time anything has a recurring musical theme it just lights up some part of my brain every time
• The yelling of "he's scared" and all of the subsequent lyrics in that spot is again hilarious and just very good characterization
• Also the delivery of the slaying a dragon part whatever that singing accent is I love it
• Actually the way he sings all the parts where he's imagining what other people are saying
• The other characters have a lot of songs that are gorgeous and require some incredible vocals and songs with fun lyrics and fun performances but not at lot of them get to infuse this much personality and character into the songs through just the delivery
• Don't know if that's from the original or not but it's one of my favorite characters introductions I've seen in a bit
• From what I've seen this is definitely an escalation of previous versions and I adore it
• He's so annoyed, he hates this shit so much and he's so funny
• I mean also lots of credit to the lyrics because they are obviously very funny
• I love this song a lot
• Arthur's "shhhhit" when he realizes that he's managed to run into his future wife
• The multi-layered complication line, so quintessential Arthur
• The contrast between the gorgeous Julie Andrews channeling singing and Genny's brashness in her movement and dialouge
• Like obviously that's already in the lyrics but the book and direction just stretches it
• Everyone knew Phillipa Soo was going to be perfect and she is
• A lot of my strongest impressions are about Arthur
• Because I had no idea who the actor was and because in the limited amount of adaptations I'm familiar with of this whole story, Arthur is the bad guy or a good but extremely boring guy
• But I knew going in that I was gonna love Guenevere and Phillipa Soo even if I've never seen her on stage before
• So it was unsurprising
• Like my expectations were sky-high and she's so talented in every way and the writing for Genny is so good that she exceeded them anyway
• And she's so damn funny
• Obviously the whole rescued in the wood bit is already just a good joke and I'm honestly impressed with how funny the original songs are
• I am a sucker for the thing in stories where we know what's going to happen because they've been told so many times
• When they have a character say something the audience knows is foreshadowing
• "Cause a little war" is what I'm thinking of in this moment but there are tons and every time it's a hit with me
• The delivery of the clause one bit is perfect and her backing Arthur into falling on the bench and then just turning around and back to angelic singing
• The turnaround from the aggressiveness to the extremely soft and feminine singing is brilliant
• "The more knights slaughter each other, the fewer there are to slaughter the rest of us"
• The exchange about the dowry still being in the carriage
• Their deliveries are so funny
• They immediately bounce off of each other perfectly
• And Genny not even escaping with the dowry she's supposed to be using to buy her freedom, amazing
• "What is power uuuused for? That is a very interesting question."
• Genny just immediately knocking Arthur's socks off
• Trying to write out some of the word deliveries he does is so hard but there are a few that absolutely kill me
• They've known each other for five minutes and they're already having a debate
• "I've known kings, I'm daughter of a king so marrying a king doesn't have the same allure for me that it apparently has for you"
• She just speeds through those words at the end and it's great
• "They run to here" is another bit of hilarious delivery but I also love the contrast it sets up between Arthur trying to be kingly in a way that doesn't fit versus later when he does it his own way
• I could listen to them go back and forth saying why for ten minutes
• Genny's incredulousness when he says the weather
• I can't remember but I think she's walking away and then just turns to stare at him in absolute confusion
• Like he's so ridiculous that she can't help but engage
• I did a quick bit of intermission math and we know this takes place seven months before the Lusty Month of May which is obviously happening in May
• So Arthur is literally singing to Genny about how there's no winter until December while at best - assuming the one month later and six months later are rounded up - it is snowing at the absolute beginning of November
• More likely October
• No wonder Genny thinks he's full of shit
• His improv did not pan out
• This is a joke for me, thank you Aaron Sorkin
• Do love that canonically, Arthur is in fact singing the song Camelot - that he just made up in a panic - what a dork
• Genny's little interjections of skepticism are all so funny
• Also just instantly establishing her as someone you love
• She's perfect
• But my favorite is "my escape is time sensitive, do you understand that?"/Arthur still singing/"no he does not"
• These actors are both hilarious, the amount of stuff required of musical theater actors continues to blow my mind
• Like not only to do the whole singing, dancing, and acting thing but then you have to convey it to a whole theater but also not overact to the people up close and be able to do comedy and drama how
• I was in practically the back row up top and not a good view but extremely close (like seeing the actors spit close) on the side for the under 35 tickets and then also in very good seats and the performances by literally everyone never felt too much or not enough
• "Are there any other people in these woods you could recommend?"
• Also this moment which is the cutest thing you've ever heard
• Do I remember exactly what happened? No. But do I know it was adorable? Yes.
• "And we have poets in France"/"Oh yes of course... But do you?"/Genny angrily naming French poets/"Understood" and he's already singing again
• The entire performance of this song and especially getting her to sing along, so charming in the most annoying way
• But also she's sort of into it which is cute
• I do see on YouTube that there was a bit more to this French poets discussion which was probably right to cut but I am delighted to find literally anything new
• Sidebar
• I have been known to have issues with staying present when I watch things and not letting my mind start wandering. And one of the reasons I knew Camelot was good the first time was that I was totally engaged the whole show. But the last time, I did have the one moment where a thought popped into my brain during this song that completely threw me out of it
• And that thought was "this Barbie has taken a carriage ride to hell" after Genny says that line and like why brain?
• (For the record Genny and Arthur are both Barbies. They are everything. Lance is just Ken. Perfecting his body and soul is his beach. He is Kenough. Arthur and Genny have a terrible day every day. Lance only has a terrible day if Arthur and/or Genny look at him.)
• (I believe I have come up with a combination of words that have never been spoken before and perhaps a genuinely new opinion on a thousand year old legend)
• (In a bad way)
• Anyway
• The pure chaotic comedy of the knights finding Arthur and Genny freaking out is not something I can articulate but I adored so much
• Phillipa Soo is stealing the whole show in this one
• Does Genny come out of her hiding spot with her mouth wide open before she gets on the ground or am I misremembering?
• "We call that a sin of omission your majesty"
• With no remose "oh we call it that too"
• "Were you never going to tell me?"/"No I was going to get to it"/"When?"/"After I told you about the weather"
• Not a single bit of remose again
• I don't have anything to say, I just think the exchange is very funny
• I love not making Arthur any kind of royalty, he is truly just some guy
• Like I'm reading The Once and Future King and Arthur's lineage is so weirdly complicated and I just don't care, I like him as some guy
• "He discovered he didn't have his sword because I left it at... a house, that doesn't matter, that's my fault"
• Now that's a line that is funny on time one and fills you with dread afterwards
• The most exasperated "I was just going to borrow it for the day"
• Something about the delivery of "when I opened my eyes the square was filled with people shouting god save the king"
• Like Arthur never actually says out loud that he didn't want to be king but Genny gets it right away
• "I see you now, you're just a boy wearing a crown you never wanted sitting atop a throne two sizes too big"
• Just an absolute cutting response but Arthur doesn't take it that way at all, he's so earnest
• She reads him to filth but it doesn't even rattle him, he just takes it because it's true
• Gorgeous writing in what she says and his response
• "But provenance has put us both here, both of us highness and want it or not we are commanded to wear that crown and to grow into that throne"
• Chills, the delivery is outstanding
• We finally get King Arthur
• And Genny being convinced, all it took was one genuine moment and she's ready to engage
• Then Arthur again just taking so passionately about what he wants Camelot to be
• No wink, no sarcasm, no shame
• This show is unabashedly sincere and optimistic and I love it
• Genny falls in love with Arthur, I fall in love with Arthur, Genny falls in love with Camelot the idea, I fall in love with Camelot the show
• Everyone including the audience and Arthur were already in love with Genny for Phillipa Soo reasons so there's no moment for that one
• I feel like the trope-y thing would be to have Genny be a cynic here but no, she's just as much of an idealist as him
• She put up a little front of cynicism at the beginning but as soon as she gets the option of hope, she's choosing it instantly
• "Or you can stay. And together we may discover if power might be harnessed as a force of good"
• Like he's instantly treating her as a partner in this endeavor
• And I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight playing under it so beautifully and then the seamless musical transition back to Camelot is so perfect
• I am music stupid so I wish I had something to say about it but your songs have got to be tight to flow that way
• "I don't know if I'm worthy" also just a heartbreaker
• We don't really get to hear anything about Genny's life in France but she's clearly very opinionated and competent and I wonder if besides the whole wanting romance and adventure thing
• She also had an idea of what the life of a queen is like
• After all she's the daughter of one
• And she didn't imagine having this kind of role in actual ruling and doesn't know whether she can live up to this ideal that Arthur has set
• Like maybe she thought the only way she'd get to impact the world was knights killing each other over her or being the cause of a war, at least that's something
• But now she has a chance at more and she's grabbing it
• Genny singing the reprise is so beautiful thematically - it makes me a little teary just watching her instantly be like I see your dream and understand it and I want to be part of it but via some of the best singing maybe ever
• Such an amazing recontextualization from the original
• I've seen little clips of this reprise from 1961 and this one just feels warmer and more meaningful because it's about the ideals and not them confessing love at first sight
• And somehow more romantic
• They're instantly established as a team who share intellectual and philosophical similarities
• To so quickly convey that and make it believable
• It not only cements their relationship but makes them characters you root for
• And then the sounds of people coming in as soon as or maybe even before they get to finish singing together, like it's their world and they're falling for each other but there's no time, they're king and queen now and that will always supercede their relationship
• Also something about the moment when Arthur introduces her to the court just also really gets me
• "She's nice... some of the time"
• It's cute how smitten he is with her, all of her, immediately
• "Something about her makes me want to be a better king" (so Arthur is actually capable of expressing a romantic thought, don't get used it it)/"She's very attractive"/"Oh she is but it's not that"/"Arthur"/"Well it's not just that"
• I love the way they flip the speech Arthur gives Genny from the original about not feeling like a king until now meeting her
• But now that they've actually gotten to know each other a bit and it's after she's agreed to stay it actually makes sense here
• I do also love that even though he can't manage it to Genny's face, he does feel completely comfortable expressing his feelings about her to Merlyn
• The "oh she is" is so cute, he's so excited
• The music under his conversation with Merlyn before he starts just monologuing, very ominous
• I'm obsessed with it
• "We finally have peace" is another line delivery that I just need to sit and think about
• The joy of it, the relief
• Again the idea that Arthur has been a king at war this whole time
• Merlyn mentions, as part of a joke but still, almost as soon as we meet Arthur that he's fought armies
• He's not optimistic about the world because he hasn't seen conflict
• He's more determined because he sees what it does
• Channeling best man in all fiction Waymond Wang this is how I fight energy and that's very my shit
• Very much my shit might be a slight understatement
• It might not be surprising to learn that Arthur is my favorite thing about this show, they revamped this character so well
• So much of my life was spent in the media age of male anti-heroes and I love that we've returned to a point of male heroes
• Arthur idealistically talking about how they can finally start making Camelot for everyone and Merlyn walking off stage while the ensemble sings I think the part from the cut song and I assume some new stuff that's very Medieval church music
• So so good
• "What do I do next?" so eager and then just the emotional drop-off to his scared little boy when it becomes clear what's happening "Merlyn?"
• Stunning performance
• I think Arthur falls to his knees at some point but I'm already doubting
• The "what the hell do I do now?"
• Perfect scene ender
Act 1, Scene 2: The King's study - one month later
• The transition music between scenes is always good
• It's gonna be a struggle not to just quote this whole scene
• "Arthur, please call me Arthur" is so desperate like he has no one now, no actual human connections to him as a person instead of a king now that Merlyn is gone
• And then asking what she was called back home, he wants connection so badly
• And probably he still feels guilty for taking her from her home to be his wife
• "I was a royal princess, I didn't have friends"
• Well there is a reason they're both terrible at relationships
• I also love the way Phillipa Soo says Arthur in such a stilted way at the beginning of this scene and it becoming more natural every time she does it
• Genny telling him he's not attending to his duties with enthusiasm like she is not the least bit afraid to challenge the king a month in
• Love to see it
• Arthur's "I beg your pardon" when she asks about cortesans and the look he gives her
• "My father kept his women, his extra women, in their own wing of the palace. Where are yours? Might they cheer you up?"
• Genny the proactive problem solver
• Also something about the way she says extra women makes me laugh
• "I don't have extra women, I'm a married man. You were at my wedding" perhaps one of my favorite deliveries and lines in the whole show
• Genny's point of view in this scene is very interesting
• Like she does bring up that it's his legal right instead of dropping the whole thing and that's a choice
• Does she think he's lying about not having cortesans and reminding him that she is legally obligated to be cool with it so to be honest?
• Or is she just baffled by Arthur and his choices because this is a normal thing for a king to her?
• Or maybe since she already has feelings, she's trying to balance her own expectations to not get hurt?
• Possibilities
• "I'm aware of my legal right in that regard and I assure you I have no intention - oh my god - no intention of exercising it"
• Specifically the delivery of oh my god but the whole thing, he is so offended
• "And making the world into Camelot, are you abstaining from that too or will men at honor continue to plunder villages and take, rape, and kill whatever they please?"
• Genny
• Genny you are a hero
• She's so smart and fierce and unafraid to stand up to Arthur
• "I didn't make the world"/"You make a part of it"
• Arthur being so defensive and Genny calmly holding her ground
• She's taken to her new role so well
• And then Arthur admitting he doesn't know how to proceed without Merlyn, I love the way he builds trust in her in this scene
• "What would he say?"/"He'd say my god you're the slowest student anyone's ever tried to teach"/"Well I can convincingly say that"/"It's good that you mock me, kings should be mocked from time to time, it brings people pleasure. But for the record it's no fun for the king"
• Genny sounding so pleased with herself, Arthur getting out another sarcastic response
• Also what a lie, it is fun for him
• Mocking each other and public policy are their love languages
• "He once explained why but I got distracted because a white tailed eagle flew right by" with the most excitement and boyishness
• And then starting to go off on a tangent about eagles
• Never change Arthur
• I just think it's sweet the way she redirects him because she's fully committed herself to the idea of Camelot and her role in it
• "Pace freely at your own pace"
• Another brilliant line and delivery
• Channeling some Mary Poppins here
• Genny getting Arthur to think is so good
• "You had to pace and comcentrate to arrive at that?"/"It's hard to imagine why your country was willing to part with you"
• The proposition/resolved structure of this scene is very good
• And also that he starts with this pessimistic tantrum about human nature and Genny guides him back on track
• It's a great relationship moment but it also lets Arthur have some struggle and lets Genny be for Arthur what he was for her in the first scene
• Arthur collapsing on the floor and muttering "extra women" like wow he cannot handle being thought of as not a good person
• "That's it?"/"Wait"/"I wasn't going anywhere"
• Her being on the floor with him, gently pushing him
• He can't even maintain cynicism for more than a few minutes
• Them building the idea of the round table together, this is peak romance
• I can't just quote this scene in its entirety but every moment of it is a delight of them passing ideas back and forth
• "Isn't it also about the law?"/"It is"
• A standout delivery
• I love when they're working out the wordings like they make each other better
• "The law will be the stone upon which this rock - the rock upon - wait the church?"/"Have mercy"/"The law will be the rock upon which this church is built"/"Nothing can be more important"/"Nothing can be as important"
• This is what I love about Sorkin's writing
• The way that he has characters discuss ideas
• Like everything is an exciting discovery
• There's no singing in this scene but it has so much rhythm and is so compelling when in another writer's hands it would be boring and forgettable
• I broke out a chunk but it's so dense there are so many words and I love each one
• Genny counting down to his return, she already knows him so well
• Again I am trying not to type out every line
• I think they both yell for the page but I'm actually not sure, either way they are so excited and yelling something
• The new book has done so much to deepen their relationship, I adore these idealistic little nerds
• Arthur cannot contain himself
• His attempt to cool things down for himself by taking his hands off her face and then "you were very helpful, thank you"
• Smooth
• Convincing
• Definitely professional and platonic
• Truly do not know how Genny does not realize he's in love with her at this point but she sure is not gonna get better at that
• "And I suppose France too"/"I know that hurt"/"A little bit" and then he laughs it's adorable
• They're both so giddy here
• "Arthur I did already know that about you, that you were a decent fellow"/"I'm glad"
• They're in love. They are so in love.
• Arthur has taken on Genny's tone for the word inspiration when he talks to the knights
• "You've invited the French" every time Sagramore says it, it's just as funny
• "We may not be born equal"/"We are not sire" (with so much contempt)/"So our laws will make us equal" (with no room for disagreement)
• The immediate conflict
• And we see Arthur being a king and taking a hard line which we don't get to see much in this show and I love it
• "What about God's laws?"/"Not. Our. Jurisdiction" like are we sure this is not actually from the west wing
• I'm internally cheering when I hear it, I love this line far too much
• It's funny but also authoritative and kingly
• I get that some people do not vibe with Sorkin's style and that's fine but I very much do
• This show is so for me it's kind of incredible it was not made with that purpose
• A Sorkin character who would love Sorkin's work, I just adore it
• And according to the funniest line from any review I read, also has Sorkin's haircut
• That just lives in my brain because it's funnier than any piece of media criticism I will ever hear
• The knights already dissenting is very good but also that they don't fully agree yet with each other
• They build it in immediately and that's such a good choice, it makes every escalation feel totally plausible instead of the knights just easily falling for Mordred's bullshit
• Dinadan quoting Plato's ideas and saying how they're the well-educated people who should be in charge is great
• I love that the knights get to be characters and have thoughts
• Their constant vacillating between loyalty to the king and loyalty to the power structure they benefit from
• One of my favorite running tensions
Act 1, Scene 3: The countryside outside of Camelot - six months later
• The performance of C'est Moi is so funny
• Going 100% immediately
• Jordan Donica was just as perfectly cast as everyone else
• The lyrics are so funny and then he is just so loud
• His little whispered "C'est Moi" after the second verse while posing is so much funnier than it is on the cast recording
• "Had I been made the partner of Eve/we'd be in Eden still" is my favorite lyric
• The scream on clean destroys me
• Lance is always at a 10 and he's so delusional, I'm obsessed with him
• There's so much loud breathing in this performance which I love
• And whirling his sword around the stage
• "Beware enemies of Arthur do you hear me beware, from this moment you answer to me" while Arthur is literally unconscious behind him, this is comedy
• "You raised your sword to me"/"Oh I was saying hello"/"I did not know that"
• Lance is not sorry at all and it's hilarious
• He's just on another planet compared to everyone else and I love it
• Also Arthur so pure, just seeing a random person and trying to say hi
• Like you're the king of the country, you do know many people are not exactly going to be friendly, right?
• "I honestly thought I was more recognizable to the French"
• "Have you changed your Francs to English shillings?"/"Why?"/"This man's face is on money"
• Arthur subtly trying to tell Lance what's happening but the word subtle is not in Lance's vocabulary
• "I'm underwhelming in person"
• Says the man that keeps making French people instantly fall in love with him in the woods
• "My security detail... right in the nick of time"
• "I beg your majesty to forgive for me for by forgiving me I'll suffer even more"
• Lance is screaming the whole time
• I don't know how he does it
• "But my strength comes from purity of spirit"/"What was that?"/"Purity of spirit, my personal relationship with the almighty, he favors me"/"I'd keep that to yourself"
• I can't write it out but this
• And this is about to have to switch out for the rest of the show so like even more screaming somehow
• He's so funny, it isn't reasonable
• Also love that his language is the least modern of them
• It fits
• Seems like some of his lines come directly from the original book and it works amazingly
• "Be a faultless example to children" is another iconic delivery
• Also Lance asking for a mission, incredible
• He just plays everything so straight and it's perfect
• Like not a single acknowledgement of the ridiculousness of this character
• Arthur will literally get a concussion to avoid a social function, relatable
• "Until you came along and whacked me in my head"/"AND FOR THAT I BEG YOUR HARSHEST PUNISHMENT"/"Nope, nope, we're not going back to that"
• Yes the all caps is necessary, Lance is always speaking in caps, if he lived in a time a cell phones all of his texts would look like that
• And Arthur's tone when he responds
• When Lance starts singing again and then Arthur just says nope so many times
• This is their whole relationship
Act 1, Scene 4: A park near the castle
• This scene is just a magnificent Phillipa Soo showcase that we have been blessed with
• Like she is just so talented and I am blown away
• There's a reason Lusty Month of May is the song they have the most out there
• "The birds and the bees with all of their vast/amorous past/gaze at the human race aghast" is my favorite and she does it so perfectly
• Also the intro music just exactly captures that buzzy spring feeling
• My roommate and I both had the experience where the first time we saw the show, none of the music stuck with us
• And then the second time, all of the sudden it burrows into your brain
• This burrowed first because of course, it's so vibrant and lovely
• The original music is so good and somehow the transition from the more modern dialouge into the songs is seemless
• Genny has two missions: justice for all and bringing sex to England
• Look there's none in her own marriage and she needs an outlet, make those people kiss, it's all you have
• Genny's so fun and adorable in this song and it's perfect and I have no notes
• I'm just gonna go watch the today show performance and bask in it, this is the most classic Broadway musical sequence in the whole thing
• I love the idea that she's inviting all these normal people in and the beginning of the knights absolutely hating it
• "Be right quieter"
• And when they refer to Genny as a guest in the country
• The original is very and everyone loves her and I love that there's this tension where the people with power don't like her but everyone else does
• They say all the quiet parts out loud in this scene
• The show needs the knights so badly to show the discontent growing over time
• But they still respect tradition enough to enforce respect for the queen on Pellinore
• "I've only lived here a short time"/"Oh and you're already the queen, well done"/"I really had nothing to do with it"
• "Full of youth he was but brooding over problems that would confound Solomon. Ever met him your majesty?"/ "Constantly, he's my husband."
• With such affection ahhhh
• "You must be Morgan Le Fay... oh how he'd go on about the loveliness of Morgan Le Fey, her unsurpassing beautiful"
• Genny getting emotionally slapped in the face, it hurts so much
• The first crack in their relationship because they couldn't talk to each other...
• "I'm glad that nice young man found a nice young lady"
• Why does this make me feel things?
• I love the royal music every time
• "As you were everyone, pick grapes, eat flowers, or uh the other way around"
• Arthur and Genny's little catch up about Pelli is very cute, we don't get to see them be cute for a while after this so I just want to appreciate it
• Lance having no social awareness and continuing to make proclamations while Genny could not care less and is actively trying to speak to someone else, brilliant
• Genny and Arthur just waiting for Lance to stop talking after she keeps being interrupted and then Genny rushing out her lunch invitation and Arthur rushing out his response
• Arthur immediately wanting to run ideas by Genny, she is crucial to the development of Camelot and it's very much not a secret
• Arthur's "uh oh" when Lance is doing some casual misogyny
• "That sounded like a friendly exchange of pleasantries"/"It was not"
• No fucks for Genny today
• I wish I could one day know the translation of Genny and Lance's friendly exchange of pleasantries
• "Who would serve as the standard?"/"Oh certainly not me your majesty"/"See no hubris"/"My standards are much too high"/"Dammit Lance"
• "Have you achieved perfection milord?"/"Please say no"/"Of course I haven't your majesty"/"Good"/"Refining the soul is an endless struggle... but physical perfection"/"No"/"Yes"/"Go back to speaking French"
• "And in your quest for spiritual perfection have you considered the value of humility?"/"Ah something we should all consider. In fact let's take two minutes of silence to consider the value of humility."
• The dialouge between the three of them is so funny in this scene
• The ship is sinking and Arthur is just there with a tiny bucket while Lance and Genny keep creating giant new holes
• Genny calling Lance a jackass is both hilarious and also so valid
• "She already has an affectionate nickname for you"
• We have officially reached the beginning of the end, well we had some nice moments
• Like imagine if Pelli didn't start going on about how in love Arthur was with Morgan and then Arthur didn't show up with his new best friend who immediately implied women were too stupid to engage in government
• Genny was having a no fucks day and was probably ready to do a stupid thing and maybe that stupid thing was her husband
• A true tragedy
• "And with humility I"
• Dinadan's line deliveries are so dry and good
• And Genny's laugh
• "And whom will the three of you want to impress?"/"We want to impress the king too."/"Ah yes English men"
• I love the knights, they've all got their own little comedic touches in this song
• Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss Genny
• Take Me to the Fair is a masterpiece
• I don't know what constitutes a hot take about this show because there are 5 people talking about it
• But my hot take is that as much as Lusty Month of May is a brilliant and amazing song
• This is actually the Phillipa Soo tour de force
• Her fake crying is so good
• There are so many good flourishes in the singing
• Same thing I feel about I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight, Phillipa Soo is just enhancing every line with her hilarious delivery
• Also this sound
• Sagramore is always operating at 50% more intensity than the rest of the knights and it's perfect
• Him having to be held back by the other two when Genny sings to him
• It's involuntary at this point that I turn my head back at French during this verse
• His very loud delivery of "I swear to you the challenge will be met"
• "Sirrrr Liiiiionel"/"Ma'am"/"Ugh"
• And when she gives his chest a little slap after "and young du Lac"
• Perfect
• And her laugh-cry at the end of Lionel's part
• Their faces when she touches them are also just very confused and funny, she is not good at this
• I love when the knights are singing together, bringing up Lance really has wrapped them around her finger
Act 1, Scene 5: The King's study - the night before the tournament
• "You know that it's your move right?"/"I did not know that. I'll need to alter my strategy now"
• Honestly so relatable I suck at chess, Pelli is the best
• "If we're to care about justice, we need to care even more about injustice"
• Just a good little Sorkin nugget
• Pelli refusing to understand any of Arthur's ideas, excellent
• "Do I understand that you intend to be history's first king to yield power?"/"Oh now you're catching on"
• I do just love Arthur so much
• And the delivery of "she wrote what you just read"
• He's so pleased to inform Lance that Genny's writing treatises about justice
• Pelli's smug little "it's your move" like that's correct, no one is allowed to not respect women in Arthur's study
• "He's had you in checkmate for an hour and a half"
• Arthur's patience is astounding, Lance should be taking notes while he's perfecting his spirit
• "Would you like to play me or do you ever do anything but perfect your soul?"/"No I also perfect my body"
• Again just perfect deliveries and honestly so much respect to the new book for making Lance even more irritating but eventually more human too
• I am not dragging Lance, this is a compliment
• Just the way Jordan Donica plays it completely straight without being able to detect sarcasm is hilarious
• "The arrangement I'm in is called a marriage, having some fun would be called treason. And finally I hate his breathing guts."
• Setting up the consequences we know are coming with a little joke, I like it
• "Well be sure and give us clear skies tomorrow when you're arranging things with god tonight"
• Savage, I don't like most of the original dialouge but we had a winner with this one
• Her delivery just elevates it
• "No one could refuse your wish"
• The gall of Lance to say that like that in front of Arthur like he is shameless
• "Why do you have to bait the man?"/"I dislike him, I thought I was making that clear"
• Genny is so relatable
• Their first fight and Arthur's already insulting the French, I'm not sure why he thought this was going to go well
• Arthur trying to delicately ask Genny to withdraw her permission from Dinadan
• He's trying to have this conversation as her husband and not her king but Genny is not even having it a little
• Genny explaining that she already gave permission for all the knights is so funny
• I know they're basically the original lines but ya know, sometimes Lerner nailed it
• "It will seem to the entire court as if you are rooting for his downfall and championing his defeat."/"The only reason it will seem that way is because I'm rooting for his downfall and championing his defeat."
• "He's going to embarass those three. These are not men who take well to embarrassment."
• Like Arthur already knows exactly who his knights are
• He knows that they don't exactly match up to his ideals
• The delivery on "will you withdraw your permission" is also spot on like Arthur is ready to exit this conversation right now
• Also on "if I do will you forgive me"
• Like he knows that's not happening
• "Not as long as I live, no"
• Perfect riff on the original book's line
• Arthur doing some investigating on Genny hating Lance like he knows before she even does
• Ouch
• And then him starting to get frustrated when she's not answering like babies' first fight is not going well
• "Because he needs to be brought down to earth... literally not metaphorically"
• Like she has yet to be wrong
• "Merlyn never taught me how to handle a woman"/"You didn't read the book?"/"There's a book? No I can see from your face that there's not a book. Though maybe in France they would have published something, no I can still see on your face"
• We love a Genny dripping with sarcasm moment
• And Arthur being an idiot nerd
• He's so so stupid
• Another one of my truly favorite lines and deliveries, he is so excited that he completely forgets he's mad at her for a second and then pouting when he realizes
• "If the king wishes me to withdraw my permission, let him so command... nope, then I will bid you goodnight"
• The aggressiveness on her daring him to command her is so much
• Perfect
• I love her nope, a little power play
• Because she knows he won't and he knows he won't and she's happy to remind him of that they both know that and then leave
• His silence is doing so much work too
• Damn this scene is good
• "And before I go to bed as a gesture to Lancelot and to you, I'll pray it's over quickly"/It will be"
• They're so mad, I love it
• "There should be a book"
• Grumbling sullen Arthur is very funny even if How to Handle a Woman is lowkey the worst song
• And Arthur's worst impulse, which the narrative knows because it plays under him talking about vengeance and what he's entitled to later
• Like they do a good job recontextualizing it but it's still not the best
• Just hearing him sing the word threaten is kind of jarring, I cannot even slightly imagine this Arthur even thinking it once
• In my opinion they should've just cut it, I'd gladly take more Sorkin dialouge instead
• I do appreciate the way they scaled back this music in the rest of the show
• Because it's all over the second act of the movie, Arthur and Genny's theme if you will
• Like even during their last conversation
• Because they're not the love story so their theme isn't really a love song
• But then here, they play it under Arthur's worst impulses at the end of act 1 and banish it which is so smart
Act 1, Scene 6: A grandstand - the next day
• The music coming into this scene and when Arthur and Genny show up, again fantastic
• The outright hostility between the knights and Lance, they turned it so far up in this version
• Pushing him down and shit
• I love Athur and Genny showing up and getting to see them actually be king and queen and have their over-the-top outfits and crowns in this and the last act 1 scene because it's so removed from who they are the rest of time
• Arthur's speech at the beginning trying to glorify them not having the tournament and how great losing is and having to be stopped by Genny
• He's trying so hard and his speech is not good
• The fact that she basically tells him to stop and his response is fine like I think he forgets that he's actually in charge
• I love a sword fight
• The movement, the drama, the loud clanging...
• I am but a humble girl raised on the Pirates of the Carribean movies
• Dinadan being a dick before the fight with "and now for your lesson sir"
• The way Lance knocks the sword out of Dinadan's grip and makes him pick it up before defeating him, such an asshole move
• I truly can't tell if Lance has just such a superiority complex that he doesn't realize what parts of his own behavior are making people dislike him or he's just so stuck in his toxic little mindset that he doesn't care if people hate him for it
• I kind of feel like Lance is so into his specific notions of the world that even he doesn't really know why he acts the way he does
• "Dinadan seemed very inspired by your kerchief, should we continue?"
• "You know he almost had him, right up until the moment he never stood a chance"
• Their fight being played out by proxy while Arthur makes snide comments and they give each other looks is good shit
• Sagramore's scream, he's always going so hard
• The fact that Arthur fighting instead of Lionel is new for this
• Genius
• So good
• The dialouge around it is good too
• The temptation to just transcribe the whole thing is so strong
• Commanding Lance to pick back up his sword like damn
• I love seeing this new side of Arthur
• He can and will fight and he's good at it
• "I know what a damn baguette is"
• His little bit to Lance about it just being about morale is very good
• But also he can see what's going on even if Genny can't so is it?
• The fact that he may well have won the fight if it wasn't for a cool bird, what a man
• Fun fact about me, I didn't even see the bird or realize that's why he got distracted until the last time
• He and Genny are like very much not in a good place this moment but he will let it slide to point out a bird
• Arthur's fall is very good
• Can you tell I think this scene is also very good, I've only written it like twelve times
• The fact that they're letting people fight with swords and there isn't a doctor for 12 miles, amazing planning by everyone
• The bit of everyone thinking Arthur was dead and him sarcastically correcting them is amazing 100% of the time
• "He put life back into him" is just consistently hilarious
• "I'm not wanted here Arthur"
• With the most heartbreaking delivery
• Aw we finally see Lance have some shred of being an actual person
Act 1, Scene 7: The castle terrace - on the evening of the same day
• I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight intro-ing into this scene
• "Well you got me there" being screamed is perfect
• Pelli sensing that something is bothering Arthur, their relationship is very sweet
• Pelli describing the way Genny and Lance were looking at each other, what a shit stirer
• "It may be the only way to get him to stay"/"Maybe it's best if you let him go"/"Let him go?"/"Maybe it's best"/"Why is that?"/"Well...You said yourself, morale"
• Like she's trying to protect them but she won't say it
• For obvious reasons
• But it's confirming what Arthur already suspects
• And just drawing them further apart
• Another great her silence is doing so much work moment
• The entire telling Lance he's being invested discussion is so intense
• So much anger simmering in Arthur that can't help but come out in the line deliveries in the beginning
• Genny refusing to engage and turning her back to the whole thing
• "I'm sure he'd like to hear it from another child of France"/"This is my country now"
• Oh boy I love this exchange
• Like she's trying, she's trying so hard
• And I don't know what the fuck Arthur is thinking with that one, in what way could she possibly respond that's not going to be bad for him?
• Arthur leaving them alone like whyyyy
• And then Arthur giving Genny back her bloody kerchief, fuck
• All is very much not forgiven here
• "God dammit Pelli, I wasn't dead"
• Genny making it clear she does not believe Arthur was dead, I appreciate that she's also very clear on the fact that their world is not magical
• I wonder if Lance does think he willed Arthur back to life
• Probably
• "Don't ever say it out loud. Neither of us can ever say it out loud"
• This was another straight up gasping in the theater moment
• The entire conversation between Genny and Lance is so good and tense
• And the delivery on that line just feels like getting punched in the gut
• Phillipa Soo is amazing
• I love that she won't let them say it, that she's fighting it
• And the way she cuts him off, the way she makes him agree to not say it
• This is the intense love she wanted and it doesn't need to be said which is exactly what she needed to feel from Arthur but didn't get
• Also Lance just trying to confess his feelings the first second he can is just such an interesting character choice
• Like the truth is his purity of the soul bluster doesn't hold up to the slightest temptation
• He's ready to betray Arthur the second he leaves the room
• It's all a front
• Not intentionally, like he believes the things he says he believes
• But he can't keep to it
• I think he's so drawn to Arthur because Arthur actually has the qualities he's proclaiming define him
• But I don't even think Lance knows any of this about himself
• At least not until later
• He's just impulsive
• Which is I think what makes him an interesting character to me but also makes his motivations hardest to decipher
• Before I Gaze at You Again is such a stunning song
• And watching Phillipa Soo just emote for the whole time
Act 1, Scene 8: The great hall - on that evening
• All the music that starts this scene is brilliant
• "I'll never disappoint you"/"I know"
• I just...
• Like we the audience know but also the characters sort of all know and they are determined not to let it happen but that only makes it happen anyway
• Ugh those lines are a little nothing but they're everything
• I have the YouTube clips of Richard Burton's version of this and it does just indicate how well they've modernized
• Theater has changed so much so the pacing of 1961 compared to this is kind of fascinating
• This is also actually the writing I think is the best from the original and it is so fascinating to compare the two versions which I'm sure someone has done and I want to read it because there is so much to say
• It's so bold to close act 1 with a speech instead of a song
• I had no context coming in so they had me in the first half, I wasn't sure if this was Arthur's turn into the villain moment
• Once again I'm just like pointing to the whole speech and yelling how good it is
• Whoever decided this belonged on the cast recording is my personal hero
• This is just on my normal spotify playlist and as long as I'm not reading, I will not skip it
• But I love the idea that in the original book Arthur starts out by declaring his love for Genny and Lance and in this version it's like he's actively talking to the audience to defend himself
• To say he's not some stupid optimistic kid, that he sees everything we have
• Comes out swinging
• I can't explain how much "proposition: I am not a befuddled king" shook me, I was ready for shit to go down and I love it as the opener to this
• The pause before "whom they love", the sadness in it
• "And she didn't choose whom she married"
• Like Arthur can never get rid of that guilt
• The push and pull of this entire thing where he will try to make an argument with himself that everything is fine but the bitterness keeps seeping in until there's no rationality left
• Trying not the write out the whole thing but the rhythm of it, the pacing, this performance is spectacular
• The way the audience startles when he starts screaming
• Like he's having his back and forth rational debate with himself and finally we see him lose that control
• And it is the good shit
• I can't explain how much I came in with no context for this show and how much this completely threw me in the best way
• We're finally a glimpse of what's happening inside Arthur's head, to see the way he's been holding so much back from everyone else
• I love that he's still yelling at Merlyn, not exactly sure what I want to read into that, I feel like there are a few lines of thought
• "Am I not entitled to a man's vengence?"
• Perhaps my favorite line in the first half
• Every line is sort of my favorite but I guess let's settle on this one
• Because the original is "I demand a man's vengence"
• And same sentiment but entitled is so much more toxic
• Like the thing about this magic-less universe is that Arthur wasn't destined for some greatness and so he pulled the sword from the stone
• He wasn't owed something, he didn't deserve it, it just happened and he chose to rise to the challenge
• And this is the first moment he's decided he might be entitled to anything
• And then he does a 180 into deserving nothing
• "Proposition: I'm not a man, I'm a king"
• Like wow so much to unpack psychologically there
• I mean he and Lance have very much the same problem of trying to suppress their own humanity but the reasons are so different
• When Arthur switches into his idealistic mode and they start playing I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight because he's being kingly, literally gets me every time
• The entire thing is so good, I love the second half so much
• "I wasn't trained for this"
• I love the running theme of Merlyn training Arthur in all of these important skills but never teaching him how to handle emotions and relationships and uh maybe he should have
• There were perhaps some limits to Merlyn's wisdom that set Arthur up to fail
• Because he's been king since he was barely out of childhood
• He never got the chance to have normal, equal relationships where he could figure shit out
• So instead he just pushes it all down because he's not wrong in that he doesn't get the luxury of following his emotions
• I love every second of this scene
• I love every line, every delivery, every movement
• Like it is a hard ask to make an actor just walking around the stage monologuing compelling in a musical and this is so so compelling
• Just on the whole of this show, I don't know that I've ever been so blown away by a stage performance as I was watching Andrew Burnap and this scene is just a perfect encapsulation of why
• Whatever he's in next, I will go
• Okay real talk something about this man's face just renders it unrecognizable to my brain so more than likely I'll see something and be like wow that person was amazing, who was that and then it will turn out to be him
• I say specifically because I happened to be watching Under the Banner of Heaven the whole time I've been having a Camelot obsession and how did I find out he was in it? I happened to see his name in the end credits four episodes in...
• But anyway I will at least try to know whatever he's in next so I can go on purpose because this performance is living in my brain and I don't think it's leaving
• I do make fun of previous versions of this show for casting people who are clearly not musical theater actors in this role but actually I do think casting actors who do straight plays does add so much as long as they aren't terrible at singing
• All of which to say again that I do think this was some of the most perfect casting I have ever seen
• Basically the statements you can tell Andrew Burnap is not a musicals person and you can absolutely tell Phillipa Soo and Jordan Donica are absolutely musicals people
• Are both extreme compliments to the people that decided on this casting
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
Bthb: Virgil locked in a cage?
Tumblr media
warning: captivity,painful transformation,minor injury, hurt/comfort
words: 1180
pairings:prinxiety(platonic or romantic)
“Nonononono.” Virgil’s breath was rapidly getting faster. “This is bad, nonono. Why now. Why today.”
“Hey, hey.” Roman put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, but the man flinched back, as if he was burned. Frantic eyes scanning Roman up and down. “Hey, it’s ok, I’m here with you.”
“That’s the problem!” Virgil snapped, his eyes uncharacteristically wide. “They didn’t put you in another cage!”
“Wow, ouch.” Roman grumbled. “And I thought you liked spending time with me and hey-” he protested as Virgil pushed past him, falling to his knees in front of the door. He grasped the metal bar, shaking it furiously. “Virgil, what are you doing?”
“I need to get you out.”
“Virgil, you’re panicking.”
“They locked us up.”
“Yes, but can we just talk?”
“We don’t have time.” His voice was a mix of fury and fear as he turned towards Roman, and the shorter man swore he black streaks slowly painting their way down Virgil’s cheeks.
“Virgil?” He leaned closer, trying to ignore the pang in his chest when his friend pressed his back against the metal bars. They’ve been imprisoned and the person Virgil wanted to escape most was apparently Roman. No, he reasoned, it’s just stress. “Virgil, are you crying?”
“We need to get you out of here.”
“We need to get us out of here.”
Virgil shook his head.
“There is no time for that.”
“Virgil,” Roman reached for his friend’s cheek, running his thumb up and down the moist skin. He let out a breath when Virgil didn’t flinch away this time. “yo- we need to calm down, ok?”
“There is not time for-”
“Hey, hey.” Roman spoke softly, letting his hands travel down Virgil’s face and arms to gently grasp his hands. “We’re going to escape. It’s going to be ok.” 
“We don’t have time!” He was still shaking, but his voice wasn’t as frantic anymore as he finally locked eyes with Roman.
“Yes, we do.”
“We don’t!”
“Roman” Virgil took a deep breath, then another, and another, his shoulders easing up just a bit. “Roman, it’s a full moon tonight.”
“So what?” Roman chuckles. “You think our captors are going to turn into werewolves?”
Virgil didn’t laugh.
“No…” He seemed scared as he stared at Roman. “no, I am.”
There was a long pause and Roman let the words sink in.
“You’re shitting me, right. Is this some kind of joke-”
“I’m being serious, Roman.”
“This… is not good.”
“I fucking told you!” Virgil snapped, his voice raising once more. “You’re stuck here, and if I don’t get you out you’re going to die.”
Roman took in a ragged breath, refusing to be scared. Not when Virgil was panicking as he was. They needed at least one clear head to form a plan, and what were heroes for, if not to do just that.
“You’re not going to kill me.”
“Yeah sure. And I’m not going to turn into a monster too.” Virgil scoffed, but Roman could hear the panic behind his sarcasm. “And while we’re stating wishes I hope our captors will bring us some cake too.”
“Nono, it’s not like we’re completely fucked. It’s not like-”
“Virgil.” Roman grabbed his face softly, guiding it back to face him.”You’re not going to hurt me.”
“I can’t promise.”
“You don’t have too.” Roman cut him off with a smile he didn’t quite feel. “Because I promise. That you won’t hurt me.”
“It doesn’t work like that, Roman.”
“It does, because I trust you, ok?” He held Virgil’s gaze for a few seconds before the other man closed his eyes. Letting out a chuckle that didn’t sound cheery in the slightest.
“You’re a moron.” The fondness with which he said it made Roman crack the first smile since they got captured that didn’t feel forced.
“But I am your moron.”
“Not for long.”
Roman pretended not to hear the last comment in favor of guiding Virgil’s head to his lap.
“What makes you relax?”
“Not being about to murder my best friend.”
Roman rolled his eyes.
“I mean what can I do to make you feel more at ease?”
Virgil felt silent and Roman started to worry the man started to spiral away into panic. He opened his mouth, another reassurance already forming on his lips when Virgil spoke up, his voice quiet and vulnerable.
“Can you stroke my hair?”
Roman didn’t have to be told twice. He sunk his hand into the raven black hair, massaging the scalp. He smiled when the body on his lap started to relax.
“I’m sorry.” Virgil whispered.
“You haven’t done anything to be sorry for.”
“I might-” his voice sounded as if he was crying. Roman decided not to press. “-I might not be able to.”
“You might not have to apologize.”
Virgil let out a wet chuckle.
“God, why are we even friends? You’re so optimistic.”
“Someone has to balance you out.”
“You know. I always thought-” Virgil cut himself off with a loud hiss, Roman heard himself joining as the man’s nails dug into his thigh. 
“Sorry.” The man groaned, deeper than Roman was used too. His voice seemed to echo in his throat as he spoke. “I’m sorry, Ro. I’m soo-aaargh. Nrgh.”
The grip on his tight tightened, he was sure his friend drew blood, but it hardly mattered at this moment. 
He wrapped his arm around Virgil, pulling him into an awkward hug as the man struggled to break free.
“Shhhh, shhhhh, Virgie.” He spoke softly, fighting to keep the fear out of his voice. “It’s ok, I’m here. It’s ok.”
He winced as Virgil shifted, digging his nails into his chest. The cut wasn’t deep. 
He pulled him closer.
“I trust you ok?”
Virgil groaned in response.
Roman moved his hand from Virgil’s head to his back, rubbing small circles into the fur as he hummed a lullaby.
His friend’s breath was still ragged, but he didn’t seem in pain anymore as he pressed their chests together, nearly knocking Roman onto the ground.
“There, there.” Roman whispered as he planted his face in the crook of Virgil’s neck. “It’s ok now.”
Virgil let out a sound between a groan and a scoff, his body tense.
Fortunately, Roman wasn’t one for quitting. And so he rubbed his hand up and down until he felt Virgil relax, he rubbed it until the man pressed all of his body weight against Roman, he didn’t stop when he heard the man softly snore.
“Who would have thought all I needed to trick you into peaceful sleep was to have you turn into a werewolf.” Roman chuckled softly. “It almost makes me wish the full moon was every night.”
He shifted slightly under Virgil, careful not to wake the man up as he placed his friend’s head on his lap. The man gave a displeased snore at the shift, but soon he settled again. Melting under Roman’s touch.
He would keep watch until the moon set, and tomorrow? Tomorrow they will come up with a plan to escape.
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folliesandfolderols · 6 months
Writing prompts day 85-86
From this prompt list. If you’ve read this far, I’m not sure you need any explanation, but the short version is I hadn’t written any fiction since 2019, I set a goal to write at least 150 words/day in 2024, and this list was my way to restart. Also I abruptly decided on day 2 I would write an entire Tim/Damian story connecting all the prompts, because I am Good at Judging My Limits. /sarcasm Anyway, I finished the rough draft a while ago and am now unlocking the old entries as I edit.
Read from the beginning here, or on ao3 here.
Day 84 here
37. “Now, why don’t we teach you a lesson?”
122. “Let’s take it back to my place.”
Damian didn't come over that night, though he did text to ask how patrol had gone. Sort of. The text message actually read, I see no injuries on the notes for tonight so I assume you are well. But it came down to the same thing. Tim replied with You assume correctly, and even used a period for good measure. Damian liked the message. Tim fell asleep with a smile on his face.
Jason returned to town the following day, exhausted and grumpy from being on the road, if his video message announcing his arrival were anything to judge by. The three of them agreed to meet at Tim's that night.
“Somebody or some group is running them both,” Jason announced before he'd even sat down in the living room. 
Damian and Tim exchanged a glance, but Tim was the one who replied. “We thought the same thing. Do you have any ideas about who it could be?”
Jason shrugged. “If we're just guessing at names, maybe Black Mask? He likes to get his hands filthy. Or Falcone, he's done it before and he might like the irony of getting the Irish Mob and Bratva under the Mafia banner without either side knowing it.” 
Damian’s pensive frown deepened as he clicked through the documents Jason had shared with him and Tim. “I don't care for guessing games. Too inefficient. We need to interrupt a transport between an entry point and a distribution center here in town, or Metropolis, so we can question our way to the higher-ups.”
“In the past, the harbor shipping containers have been a good place to watch,” Tim offered. “We could split up the next time all three of us are unscheduled and keep an eye out.”
Jason nodded. "I'm all for that. Is there a way we could talk to one of the victims who's here in town, though? Without letting the people running the show know we're this close? I'm sure they're getting rumors of shit going bad in the western parts of the operation, but no one's going to be talking about it with the bosses here if they know what's good for them."
Tim sat up straighter as an idea occurred. "There was one woman who I met the night I—" A sudden sensory memory assailed him: Damian's hands warm on his thighs as he lifted Tim against the closet wall, the embroidery on his suit smooth against Tim's palms. He swallowed and fixed his gaze on his screen. "The night I went to the opera, one of the escorts with Waters seemed to know I was there for another reason. She saw me heading to his office but, judging by the lack of follow-up, I'm guessing she didn't say anything to him. And she did something to the bug I planted on her to stop it from working, so she's pretty savvy. If we can arrange a meeting with her, then she might be willing to give us info."
Damian, apparently unaffected by any flashbacks, rubbed his chin, considering it. "So, catch her while she's out during the day?"
Jason shook his head. "Too risky. Someone might see.”
Damian shrugged. “In that case, I believe it will be more effective if we use our civilian personas to make contact. Perhaps one of us might arrange a date with her."
"It can't be me." Tim twisted his mouth in regret. "Me making contact with her again will make her suspicious if she isn't ready to talk."
"And I'm too officially dead to make the date worthwhile to anyone," Jason said.
They turned their gazes to Damian. He only made them wait for a moment before sighing deeply. "All right. Drake, should I use you as my referral when I contact Waters?"
Tim sat at home, watching Damian set up his phone as a surveillance camera in the lounge where he was meeting Katarina. There were also actual cameras which they were piggybacking on, of course, but the phone would give the best point of view. Jason had made the drive to Metropolis to provide closer oversight and backup. Tim was up for patrol, so he would have to watch piecemeal from afar.
"This place is too fucking loud," Jason grumbled from the van where he was sitting.
"Indeed," Damian agreed, pretending to be talking on speaker the way a true douchebag would. "It will be difficult to catch audio without a great deal of filtering the background music and conversation. Clearly Waters wants me to be seen with her. This place is . . . popular." He said the last word in the same tone most people would have used for "a garbage heap."
"Well, I'm guessing it makes it easier to blackmail some targets if they've been seen publicly with the sex workers," Tim said.
Jason's tone sharpened. "Target's approaching. Entering through the front door. Must be a regular. The bouncer didn't even give her a second glance when she went past the line."
"We should look into who owns this place, then." Tim called up the superficial information and started following the names.
The angle of the video feed from Damian's phone swooped and settled again as he swiftly put it into a place better suited to capture Katarina's face. He leaned back, arms spread across the leather back of the half-circle booth in the center of the lounge to which the hostess had instantly directed him. Everyone close to Gotham wanted the reclusive Wayne heir to be seen at their place, even in Metropolis. (Never mind that all of them were technically Wayne heirs, as some excruciating conversations with Bruce's attorneys had made clear. The only one the reporters seemed to want to bother without an appointment was Damian, which was a blessing most of the time for the rest of them.)
Katarina's arrival seemed to be heralded by a surge in the volume of the music, which rendered her greeting as she approached Damian inaudible. Tim frowned and adjusted what he could, but the audio would need considerable cleaning up after tonight if they were going to use any of it.
He had to admit to himself that he was impressed by Damian's acting. The kid was good—body relaxed and welcoming, but confident in the entitled way expected of a man who'd never not been rich and indulged. They were talking, faces betraying only idle interest in one another, but their words remained obscured. When Katarina started moving in closer, Damian captured her hand and raised it to his lips, eyes sparkling wickedly over her knuckles. She laughed, clearly charmed, or at least engaged enough to pretend she was.
Abruptly, Tim realized his heart was hammering. Huh.
With a tiny tug, Damian offset Katarina's balance so that she draped gracefully over his lap and torso with a startled exclamation that didn't sound upset. Instead of chastising him playfully the way Tim expected, she snuggled up closer and let one slender arm wind its way around Damian's shoulders. Damian gave her a lazy grin and traced the line of her dress's zipper down her back, to just above her ass. Their mouths never stopped moving, but the angle was too difficult to allow Tim to read their lips.
Tim zeroed in on Damian's fingertips, rubbing tiny circles into the small of her back, and missed when she started kissing him. The sight of their mouths locked together felt like an electric shock to his nerves. Tim frowned and tried to swallow down the instinctive surge of sick fury that wanted to rise into his throat. Damian was only playing along, that was all. Acting. As they'd all been taught.
It was just that Damian had never seemed that interested in pretending, before now.
Katarina kissed Damian's jawline and paused at his ear to whisper something, while she sucked his earlobe between her teeth. A real multi-tasker, this one. Good thing Damian had removed his comms before all this began. Tim realized he was wringing his hands and forced himself to let go.
"Ha! Got it!" Jason crowed, and the audio went crystal clear, just in time to hear Damian say, “Now, why don't we teach you a lesson?”
Tim's alarm to head for the door and start his patrol sounded. He hastily hit "stop" on his phone screen.
On the video feed, Damian's hand slid lower, past Katarina’s waist, to grab just above her ass and pull her even closer. Something in his face reminded Tim of the way Talia's softened when she looked at Bruce.
Katarina giggled and rose to her feet, withdrawing gracefully from his grasp. “You’ll want privacy for that—I’ve been a very, very bad girl. Finish your drink and let’s take it back to my place. It’s just a few blocks east."
Damian tossed back the remainder of his drink and they started making their way through the lounge. Tim yanked his gaze away and stared, unseeing, at the windows, trying to force his breathing into a recognizable pattern. It was fine. This was undercover work. Damian didn't mean any of it. It was just acting.
His teeth clenched so tight the enamel squeaked. Shoving his hands into his gloves, he stalked toward one of his hidden exits, telling himself all the while that he was overreacting.
day 87 here
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dru-reblogs-stuff · 2 years
15 Questions 15 Mutuals Tag
Thanks for the tag, @sync-eqm!
Tagging... Anyone that sees this? Still don't have a gen tag list...
Are you named after anyone? My parents say no; my brother likes to say I'm named after a girl he liked at school XD My middle name is hereditary though - my Mum and maternal grandmother have/had the same. I think I may be after another female relative back the chain, but I'm not sure.
When was the last time you cried? What level of tears here? Because I had a medium sprinkle on Wed... Work was a bitch, the blood tide rose, I was exhausted and couldn't cook. I asked the Gent for validation that I wasn't a terrible person, and his response made me cry in relief. Last time full out sobbing? I had a dream about my dad that messed me up to the point of waking the housemate up to sob on her shoulder.
Do you have kids? Not biologically.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try not to. I know a lot of people who have trouble picking it up, so it's unfair to use it around them.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their hair
What’s your eye colour? Not to sound *~❁special❁~*, but I'm told the colour is 'sea green' - nominally they're blue, but they hue shift towards green sometimes.
Scary movies or happy endings? Neither; bittersweet/ tragic endings
Any special talents? Pretty good sense of direction, pretty good sense of time, apparently I make an excellent cup of tea.
Where were you born? SW UK
What are your hobbies? Vidya games, TTRPG, writing, '''media consumption''', making graphics, travel
Have you any pets? Nope. Unless plants count? Fuck it, I'm telling you about my plants. * Bird of Paradise - I've had this since it was a wee babby. It's 17y/o now, sadly never flowered, but lives quite happily in its massive white pot and occasionally causes problems by being Huge and In The Bloody Way. * 'Alo Vera - I had a small Aloe and tried to pot it on but it died. So Sister In Law gave me one of hers. I water it when I remember and in the meantime it pretends to be a triffid. * Blueberry Bush - Mum got this for my birthday 2 years ago. It was brilliant the first year, but I went on holiday during the really hot weather last year and it didn't give many berries. Fresh bluebs for breakfast is amazing though. * Winter Heather - This came from someone my Mum works with. No one wanted the poor thing so I took it in. It's very pretty. * Strawbs - It was like 50p last year. I thought it wouldn't survive but I got a few berries off it. Last summer was not kind to it either. It's still got greenery so hopefully it'll fruit again this year. * Dianthus - Another one bought last summer, because I said Fuck It, I Want Flowers. The petunia didn't last, but surprisingly the dianthus is still growing well. * Sammy the Littlest Cactus III - A tiny cactus I bought 5 years ago for my office. It's doing really well, but it needs potting on and I'm a bit afraid to... because guess what happened to Sammy I and II? * Spiky mcWTF - A zebra plant I adopted when its person left our company. I'm surprised it survived because it got left in the office during lockdown and was over-watered by the Boss. Also needs potting out... * Amarilys - technically this one is the Housemate's but it lives on my desk and I look after it. Very pretty. Hopefully it flowers this year, it might need some plant feed though.
What sports do you play/have played? I used to swim competitively and I also use to kayak. I still enjoy sea swimming in the summer and medium hikes. But I never was and am not still very sporty.
How tall are you? Allegedly Average at 5'4" / 1.63m
Favourite subject in school? Geography.
Dream job? IDK. I used to say I wanted to be a librarian or a coder. Working as a H&S assistant was really fulfilling. Now... Travel writer?
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hel-phoenyx · 2 months
I'll have to admit that it has been a while since the last time I saw my mother like this.
Under the eternal day of the Gaikamshigtai lands, where no warrior ever finds solace, we decided to take a break waiting for the next fight in the Tournament for Glory. This year apparently, there is quite a number of good candidates, rumors even go around about the young king of the Kraken Coast as the one who finally has a chance of winning against War herself for the first time since she ascended ; but I pay no attention to those rumors, because I know her strenght better than anyone, having felt it restrain itself in tenderness against my very skin.
Still, I think that if anyone has a chance to go far enough, it will be the woman sitting in front of me. Her hair is greying the more years are passing, and in her right eye a cataract is beginning to form, but she still holds the strenght of her forties, still was able to fend of a full army in a matter of seconds without even using her powers.
We are currently in the middle of the fights to the death, and her next is in a few hours ; All the time needed to catch up. It's just too bad the permanent sun is constantly hurting my eyes. The things a woman would do for love.
"Ugh, I complain for the third time in the hour. How I hate the light of that unwavering sun. It's way too hot to fight."
Queen Lina the Ist Frosilaen gives me a sly smile before downing her third serpents' liquor. As always, she's unscathed by even the strongest of alcohols.
"Maybe you shouldn't have put on that black velvet dress then, girl."
"Mom, I am in my sixties. Stop calling me girl."
"And I am in my eighties, sweetheart, argument invalid."
She laughs, albeit a little bitter. I let it slide. I don't think I ever heard her laugh genuinely.
"But black velvet dress or not you'll complain anyway will you ?"
"Better complain than keep silent."
"Right. I'm happy speech therapy allowed you to break my ears with nagging," she said with a hint of sarcasm. "But next time, at least, bring an umbrella. And please, not the boney one. It's scaring your own faithful."
I roll my eyes. My faithful are used to it. The mandatians, anyway, I'll have to admit some of the clerics here still are not used to my bone set, the meltdowns that still happen when the sun is too hot or the noise too strong, my inability to talk in front of a lot of people when Moon isn't there, or my unfocused eyes. But I am Greater Archbishop for Moon's sake, they can get used to it.
Mother finishes her drink, before looking around the tavern.
"Where's Moon, anyway ?"
"Chasing interesting people. You know how they are. and you know, since we got king Kaizarz the Ist among the candidates..."
"Oh right ! I've been dying to test myself against that young bastard. Rumored to be the one who will kill Faloi and shit. Heh. Maybe he will, childlike that he is. Will get a thorn out of my side for sure."
I frown.
"Won't Lamia be unhappy about that ?"
"She will, but it's really not a matter of alliances or for the good of the divine Mandate," sighed mom while playing with her ring. "It's really just personal opinion."
Like always with cousin Faloi. I never got why exactly, but to be honest, I stopped being interested in the affairs of the Divine Mandate after Moon made me reorganize their church from scratch and put me at its lead. Religion has no place in state matter, neither personal ones.
I hear some noises at the entrance of the tavern, and before mom has any time to look, two people make their appearances. A blonde giant with a ruby-encreusted sword on his back, and a eerily beautiful woman behind a veil. Both are no older than twenty-one, I'm sure of it, even if I can't see much through the veil and the scales on the man's face make it harder to guess his real species.
They have a certain presence among them, the kind even mom, used to the biggest of this world, notices. She turns her head towards them, and watches as they take a place somewhere with beers without even noticing us.
"Well those are interesting people. See them, Selene ?"
I smile.
"Oh, they are my favorites here. I noticed them when Kaizarz and his guard came to the arena. The boy is a sorcerer strong enough to bring thunderstorms in the Eternal Day, and the girl has a weird magic within her. Strangely, only she participates to the tournament, and has been eliminated in the qualifications anyway."
"Too bad, I wanted to fight both, they look like compelling foes. But you didn't noticed them for their fighting abilities, did you ?"
As always, mom knows me too well, and her smile is a reflection of my own, sly and teasing. I wink softly, before turning my eyes towards the two youngsters that are now talking without even paying attention to the world.
"Lord Moon no. Only one glance is enough to see these two have a complicated relationship with a certain Kraken King. I've been watching them for some time and the dynamic is fascinating. If I didn't know any better, it would look like a weird love triangle. A real one."
"Ah, how it brings me to my youth, said mom with a smile. Monarchs and their convoluted relationships before they realise they can basically do whatever they want with enough notoriety."
"How much time did you take before marrying Chiara ?"
"Hey now, no sassing me, girl."
"Continue calling me girl and I'll never stop."
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
WIBTA For Not Letting my Ward See Her New Friend?
I (30sF) am currently the legal guardian to “Cadence” (13f), whose parents are on another continent for work. They have plans to officially move back to the states within the next few months, but have opted to send their daughter here first so the culture is less of a shock (my girlfriend offered for us to take her in, for reasons I’ll get to shortly). Until now Cadence has been homeschooled by her mother, so she’s pretty excited to attend public school for the first time, even if it means she’ll be transferring into 8th grade in the middle of it.
I live with my wife “Eliza” (30sF), our girlfriend “Hadley” (30sF), and our daughter “Jayne” (13f). The reason Hadley decided to offer up our home to Cadence is because she thought we could kill two birds with one stone: not only did Cadence need a place to stay and a friend would make her transition easier, but it would be in Jayne’s best interest to also have someone with whom she could socialize. Due to severe bullying by her now ex-best friend (“Jennifer Kingsley,” 14f), Jayne is being homeschooled by my wife (who’s qualified to teach) for the remainder of the school year. She wants nothing more than for the world to leave her alone, so sometimes getting her to therapy is like pulling teeth. As her mother, I want nothing more than for her to be happy, and to heal. We figured hosting Cadence would be worth a shot since the interaction would be one on one, it’d be in a place Jayne is most comfortable, each girl would have her own separate space, and the house is big enough so if they don’t get on they could easily avoid each other. When we talked it over with Jayne, I don’t think she took us seriously. We made it clear that we expected her to be polite at the very least. Cadence is still our guest regardless of whether they get along. It’d be ideal if they did, but completely fine if they didn’t.
The day Cadence officially came to stay with us, Jayne took her arrival very well. At first, she wasn’t keen on making friends because, and I quote, “girls suck,” but I think it changed when they actually met. She came out of her bedroom to say hello and helped Cadence put her things in her new room (which is across the hall from hers) without us asking. They spent more time chatting than unpacking to the point there was only one shirt hanging in the closet when Eliza went to tell them dinner was ready lol. She’s still a little prickly, but she understands this is a harder transition for Cadence than it is for her, so she’s being very good about keeping the snark to a minimum (thank God, because we had to explain sarcasm to Cadence). When we said our goodnights, Jayne was in a much better mood than she’d been in weeks. She couldn’t stop smiling. Apparently, she even snuck over in the middle of the night to keep Cadence company in case the homesickness was too much.
Cadence has settled in nicely. She’s incredibly sweet, bright, and bubbly, if a bit naive due to her upbringing. She has video calls with her parents every night (9PM our time is 6AM for them!), she helps Jayne with math (she can recite so much of pi, it’s nuts), and on her first movie night—which happens every Friday—she picked out and watched her first Disney movie: The Lion King (and unsurprisingly, she loved it. But first Jayne had to talk her out of Bambi; we plan on watching either Turning Red or Zootopia next week!). All in all, things are great on the home front... until now.
When she got home from school today, Cadence excitedly told Jayne and Eliza she made a new friend all by herself: a very sweet girl named Jennifer took her under her wing and made her part of her little group. Immediately suspicious, Jayne asked if it was Jennifer Kingsley, and by her description (since Cadence didn’t get her last name), it was. Until this point, Cadence didn’t know anything about or even questioned why Jayne’s been homeschooled instead of going to the middle school, but Jayne and Eliza told her the story. Cadence was surprised since that’s not what Jennifer told her at all (shocker). When asked how the topic even came up, she said that Jennifer wanted to visit her house so their parents could meet and they could get permission to hang out after school, but Cadence told her she lived with us. Jayne snapped that she better not have invited Jennifer over, and Cadence swears she didn’t. It’s not her house and she’s not that dumb, so of course she didn’t?
Jennifer is still an extremely sore subject for Jayne, which is understandable given how fresh the wound is. When Hadley and I came home from work that evening, Jayne had locked herself in her room and was refusing to speak to Cadence. She ignored her over dinner too. Cadence thinks the friendship with Jennifer can still work so long as she keeps it strictly to school, but Jayne doesn’t want Cadence or Jennifer anywhere near each other. She doesn’t trust either girl to keep it just to school, and frankly, neither do I. I’m not sure how much of Jayne’s anger is out of fear Cadence will turn on her and she’ll lose her as a friend, and how much is just pure rage due to it being Jennifer. We’re sleeping on it for now since, when Jayne gets like this, she’ll bite any hand that tries to calm her. This is why I get her to therapy.
I’ve had my share of toxic relationships when I was a teen. I can’t control who Cadence interacts with when she’s at school, but in my experience, what starts there never stays there. It’s going to follow her home eventually, whether she knows it or not. At the same time, I want to do right by Jayne.
WIBTA for not letting Cadence see Jennifer?
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trailingnightshade · 9 months
Visit of the Aged Vulpes - Reunion
Orfeo pranced on the sidewalk, humming to himself. The light posts' bulbs blinked, making the midnight view half-illuminated by moonlight more often than not. He wondered if the blood smear from a few days ago was cleaned up. The body had to be, but the traces might not've been. ['Probably didn't bother'], he assumed. ['The police here are, apparently, a joke.']
Suddenly, a hand pulled on his arm, closer to an alleyway. He turned to look. Just as he expected, and exactly how he remembered. Ryder.
After getting a better look at Orfeo's bright face, his eyebrows pinched together. “What are you doing here?”
“How else am I supposed to find you? I never see you anywhere.” 
“That's the idea.”
“So, I asked Ruya about the… rift. She let us in there, and we all explored a little.”
“Oh goodie. Was it fun?” He said, a tinge of sarcasm coating his voice. 
“Ah… ehe… it was definitely, uh- something.”
“Uh-huh. Are you done?”
“Hey- come on, I'm getting somewhere with this.”
“Then get there already.”
Orfeo had a lot of mixed feelings on everything that happened since the night he died and came back. He did not know what Ruya's true motivations were. He did not know whether those series of bus disappearances that Idris chattered on about were related to their own. He did not know why Terrell kept looking at him after the rift like they were both in on some secret.
But he did not care about those things.
He was far more interested in Ryder.
Someone who knew so much about the situation, but spoke so little of it. An outsider who was still deeply enmeshed in the situation. 
And then, there was what that spirit said.
[“Idris, you can't be trusting this… thing so easily.”
“Awwwh, he’s no fun!”, the reddish worm-like spectre said, directing his tip towards Orfeo.
“Leave it be”, said the white spectre with many hands. “It is in his nature to listen to his Eurydice.”]
He was curious. Too curious. Those two had said many enigmatic things, but he couldn't help but to wonder.
“Can you go into the rift with me?” Ryder's expression hardened. “Alone.” That caught his interest.
“It’s just that, ah… I want to look into it. But I don't want anyone else in the group to know. Except I'm not exactly strong, am I? I wouldn't be able to hold my own!” 
Ryder glared at him. He instantly saw through the lame lie Orfeo usually managed to get away with. He panicked, grasping at Ryder's arm.
“Please? I- I really… I… need you there with me.”
Ryder's eyes went wide. His expression cycled through surprise, understanding, and…. sorrow, as Orfeo understood it. He closed his eyes, and had a long sigh. “Fine.”
Orfeo laughed in relief, letting go of his arm. “Thank you.”
Ryder smiled, the same sort of flirtatious, sly smile he always wore when he teased Orfeo. “Couldn't say no, you're helpless without me.”
Orfeo finally could pin it down. Familiar in every way, yet worlds apart. An unspoken secret that everyone knew.
“I can help myself perfectly well.” He nearly winced at how shaky his voice was.
Ryder hummed, then moved his hand towards Orfeo's neck, adjusting his shirt's collar. “And yet, you're here.” Orfeo trained his breathing, but felt warmth crawling up from his neck and into his face. His fingers trailed a little, moving to the inside of his shirt. He wanted to grow used to it, to stay unaffected. He wasn't going to. It was tantalising, something he'd ached for for so long, but felt like it came from a stranger. He may very well be one.
His hand trailed up, towards his collarbone, then towards the back of his neck. He tried to hold back a sigh, but was unsuccessful. “There it is.” His voice was feather soft as he started running his fingers up the back of his neck, feeling his hair. Orfeo did his best to not move an inch, or make a single noise. “Repression isn't good for you, you know.” That earned him a sharp glare. He smiled in delight, and removed his hand. It felt cold afterwards, like it was supposed to be there.
“Right, then. Time is short. Let’s go.”
Orfeo was still a little shaken. “W-What, like, now?”
“When else?”
Orfeo shrunk a little. “...right. Let’s just go.”
The rift was full of things, yet empty.
A big darkness, with dancing lights within. Most were white, but some bore other colors, all of which he saw either on creatures or spirits.
He, somehow, could see perfectly fine. At most, with a small tint, like if sundown were black and white.
Ryder was clicking a retractable dagger into place. Orfeo knew he had one, considering he pulled it out that night, when he threatened to cut a man's fingers until he talked. 
“Are you sure a knife is enough?”
“Yes, I am. Turns out, pistols aren't very effective on these.”
“So, you've… been here before? If you know how to deal with what's here.”
“Always with the questions.”
“Well, there’s one very easy way to shut me up that you keep avoiding.”
He turned his head towards Orfeo, smiling slyly. “What way would that be?”
Orfeo felt warmth crawling up his neck. “Ugh- answering my questions properly, that's how!”
“Mhm. Too bad.”
Orfeo weighed the wooden baseball bat that Ryder gave to him on the way. It definitely saw its fair share of hitting people, not baseballs. But, whatever kept him from having to win a fistfight against an enemy would suffice.
They stepped forward, and walked down the tunnel. Orfeo glanced all around, warily, but Ryder was focused on looking ahead.
Soon enough, out came the same spirit that accosted him and his group on their first outing.
“Ah, The Lamenter… you are back already.” The spirit of many hands said, standing ahead and looking on. “And you bring The Forsaken with you.”
That title felt… strange. It insisted on calling them by titles. The Queen, The Third Sister, The Oracle, The Tragedy… Orfeo was Orpheus, The Lamenter, as painfully expected. But why The Forsaken, for him?
“Ignore it.” Ryder said, not even pausing.
“Why?” Orfeo held his arm.
“They won't help you. Most of the time, they just rattle off enough things to make you unsure of your footing to make you leave. Or die.”
“Well. I… Want to see that with my own eyes, then.
Ryder sighed, softly. “Fine. That one in particular isn't too bad to talk to.”
Orfeo stepped forward.
“You have questions, Lamenter. I cannot see the future. And I cannot tell you what you are not meant to know.”
“Why do you call us… that? Lamenter, Tragedy, Oracle….”
“The stories of the past repeat, again and again. Some in more wondrous ways than others. You were fated to meet them, such as you were fated to be here. And you were fated to repeat the past.”
“That… doesn't quite answer my question. What past are we repeating?”
“I believe you know the answer to your own, Orpheus. Did you not look back?”
Orfeo lowered his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to control himself. Ryder placed his hand on Orfeo's shoulder comfortingly.
He took a deep breath, and opened his eyes. “I'm… I'm fine. What about the other names?”
“That is not your fate to know. But they also have executed theirs before this current moment.”
Orfeo risked a glance at Ryder. He'd been looking at Orfeo, with some concern, but after that glance, he shifted. “You’re not seriously planning to pry on me, are you?”
“What is it that you don't want me to know? What are you trying to hide?”
“None of your damn business is what!”
“So you get to know so much about me, but I don't get to know anything about you? Or what's going on?”
Before the argument could go on, the spirit with many hands spoke.
“Your friend, The Beauty… how is she?”
Ryder's head snapped towards the spirit. He pursed his lips, then answered. “She is doing fine.”
The spirit hummed. “I cannot see her fate, at this moment. You are shackled to your fate, in the meaning that you cannot control what others do. But you are capable of choosing your own actions.”
“I know.” His eyes had a tiredness to them, but also some form of determination.
“Let's… keep going.” Orfeo tentatively said. Ryder nodded.
“Your questions will be answered, in time. Both of you.” The spirit faded away.
They kept walking, in silence.
“So… The Beauty, was it?”
“One of them used to make fun of her for that title, sometimes. Say she wasn't particularly hot enough for it.” He almost sounded fond.
“Did you ever find out why she got that title?”
“She dated some creep before the fox took her here to deal with the rift. If you ask me, it's probably that.”
“The fox…”
“If you’re thinking of finding her and asking her anything, don't. She has amnesia. She doesn't even know about the rift.”
“And the others who came here with her are-”
A hush fell over them as they kept walking.
The two came across a strange creature, inching towards them. A sort of pillar with two arm-like extremities and a mouth-like opening, entirely made of a green, slimey material. Ryder stepped back.
“What are you doing?”
“You can take this one. Go on.”
“Ugh- are you trying to punish me for prying, or something?”
“How else do you plan on training when you insist to your comrades that you're some fragile little maiden?”
Orfeo huffed and weighed his bat. He dashed towards the creature, and swung his bat across what could be seen as its neck. Its ‘head’ splashed on the floor, but its ‘arms’ stretched to grab him. He swung his bat wildly at them, then started clobbering the thing's main body. He kept swinging, again and again and again, until it stopped moving.
He stood up, shaking all over. “Disgusting… filthy…!” He felt a hand on his head, petting his hair.
“Good job, darling.”
Orfeo moved away. Ryder laughed softly. “Wait, come over here.” He hesitantly stepped towards him. Ryder carefully fixed Orfeo's hair. He looked up at Ryder, who kept looking at him longingly. He sharply turned towards the path ahead.
“Uhm- let's- keep moving. Time is short!”
That earned him a genuine laugh out of Ryder.
He stepped out of the entrance of the rift, thoroughly sore from the variety of fights he got into.
“I'm not sure if you even helped…”
“What do you mean, now? I covered your back. And gave you quite a lot of encouragement.” He nudged Orfeo's cheek with his knuckles, seemingly the most calm and content Orfeo had seen him ever since he met him on his first day in the town.
“L- Lot of good that did me.” He wasn't sure if his heart was beating so quickly because of all the exercise, or if it was because Ryder seemed dedicated to keeping his hands on Orfeo as long as he could.
“Ah, right. Hand me your bat.” He wordlessly handed it over. Ryder set it on a corner of the entrance. “You should use this the next time you train here.”
“As much as I, believe you me, hate saying this… I'm not going in there alone.”
“No problem, then. I'll come with you. I end up around here at night, anyway.”
That surprised him. “What happened to ‘staying away from me’?”
“Well, if the only way to get you to train is for me to come with, I'll come with. Trust me, your silver tongue won't be enough for what you'll go up against.”
“You just like seeing me hit things.” Orfeo nearly instantly regretted saying that once the sly smile returned to Ryder's face.
“What, can't I have multiple reasons to do this?”
“Good night, Ryder.” He hissed out, before turning and hurrying his step.
“Good night!” He could hear from slightly far away.
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