#reigan x reader
rokiibrok · 2 years
A whimsical moment
(Reigan x reader)
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I walked through the doors with Reigen by my side. His arms shoved into the pockets of his black,dress pants. Both of us in formal wear for one of my friends weddings. I glance over at him,his eyes scanning the room. Looking for something or someone out of place. Every now and then stopping,watching as if he expected something to appear.
“Oh my god I can’t believe you made it,” The bride walked up to us. Her long,white,wedding dress trailed against the ground. Even though she was smiling I could practically feel her judgmental stares.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I replied as her arms wrapped around my waist,pulling me into a hug.
“And who’s this?” She pulled back. Her voice an octave higher then usual,almost as if she was surprised.
“Oh- this is,” I paused only for a second before continuing. “Reigen,my boyfriend,” His brows raised as he watched me with mix emotions.
“Boyfriend” the bride said the word like a foreign language. She excepted me to come alone,which is why I brought Reigen. I wouldn’t be tricked by her little tactics.
“Yep,” Reigen spoke in a chipper tone. His hand wrapping around my forearm,pulling me in close. Even without warning he was able play the role like a special improvised actor. “Their boyfriend,” His nose scrunched up as he pulled his lip up. My head was nearly laying on his shoulder from the distance between us,which was nonexistent in this moment. The wif of his Cologne filled my nose with strong yet alluring smell. The mixed chemicals seeming to clash together to creat a mysterious, enticing scent. 
“We’ll I’m glad y’all made it,” She gave me one last smile before striding off,back to her new husband. Reigen looked down at me with a signature smirk. The way his lip quirks to the side almost mange to annoy me just as much as it manage to entice me. I let out an exaggerated sigh,reluctantly backing away from his grasp. I was already prepared for his slick mouth.
“Care to explain what that was about” one eyebrow raised. His hands now laying on his hips. “I’m starting to think we’re not here looking for a spirit,” His sarcasm was so apparent he wasn’t even trying to conceal it. “Don’t tell me you wanted to date me so bad you made up some half-baked ruse,” He laughed slightly as he spoke.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” I simpered,only returning his energy. “I might’ve lied about the spirit but I had to get you to come,” I shrugged every so slightly. My hand swaying up in down for a split second in a way to say ‘it’s no big deal’ “you can laugh at me all you want but I needed to come. I have a point to prove,” I crossed my arms,looking across the mass of people. Everyone surrounding the two most important people of the night. The practicality glowing bride and the just as happy groom,dancing. The bride may seem sweet but I’ve know her long enough to know how judgmental she is. Reigen hummed,nodding his head a little as if in thought.
“Well since we’re already here,” He takes my one of my hands. As if it was planned,the music changed. People scattered off into their own groups,dancing,drinking,talking, all having a grand time. Reigen pulled me close to his chest taking us onto the dance floor,surrounded by flowing dresses and skittering sound of aviator wingtips. He was smooth,even if I had no idea what was happening he was able to move me around the dance floor like a priceless puppet. Similar to young children playing dance with their Barbies. Each movement was so precise. If I were an outsider I’d assume we had practice for this very moment as soon as we learned to walk. “after all I am an amazing boyfriend,” He placed emphasis on the world ‘boyfriend’ like he was trying to remind me of the small lie I told.  “and considering how much you want to date me I’m doing you a huge favor right now,” His cocky demeanor coming back almost immediately.
“Yaknow you are so full of yourself right,” He pulls me back in as I spoke. “Everyone says it,” though it is true,I was only teasing.
“You probably like it,” His arrogant tome should’ve been insufferable but any word coming from those lips sounds like tolerable banter. The music seem to slow down and so did Reigen. We we’re nearly slow dancing,still very much on best due to Reigen long,graceful legs.
“As if,” I chuckled slightly,looking down at the floor. I was honestly captivated my the skillfulness way he moved us around the floor. His legs seem to never miss a beat. His arms so in-tune he was able to move me around just at the right moment. Once again the music got slower and so did we.
“Are you going to tell me you aren’t enjoying this?” I glanced up to catch his tended,gaze. Something felt different, almost whimsical. Perhaps it’s was the low lights that somehow mange to reflect off of every piece of jewelry in our vicinity. Casting a shadow over his face and making his lashes look as if they’re fluttering like a falling black feather. A movie moment in reality is all I could think of. I’ve only just now noticed both his hands grasping so gently around my waist. Like he was nearly scared to touched me,to scare me off like a stray kitten. I felt my chest heave,as my heart race quicken. I could feel each individual finger,resting on my waist.
“It’s not the worse thing in the world,” I spoke low,like I was telling him a secret I didn’t want the noisy listeners to hear. “It’s a surprise how good you are at dancing,” Unlike our usual banter my tone was hushed. Not a hint of sarcasm or derision. Finally I looked up,instead of just staring at him through my lashes.
“Well I’m a jack of all traits,” I felt his thumb move up in down on the small era it was provided.
“Well,” I mocked. “I know that is a fact,” I didn’t have to say it but he understood exactly what I was insinuating. His scammer but some how working lifestyle. Due to his multi talents and ability to talk his way in or out of any situation. My lips curled into a smile almost unnoticeably. The moment was a Disney classic. The best friend moment where they’re dancing in eachother arm,teasingly mocking eachother. All while moving,inching in with every word. Until the very moment their lips connect letting sparks and fire crackers fill the sky. But this isn’t a child’s movies filled with fantasy. It’s a reality,as odd as it is. We may not be kissing but our faces we’re still only inches apart. Our eyes seemingly connected to each-other,unwilling to move. 
A loud bell like sound pulled me out of my whimsical state. I blinked my eyes a few times as if I was lost and looked around for the direction of the sound. The bride stood with a glass in one hand and a silver spoon in the other. Once again she tapped the spoon against the glass gathering everyone’s attention.
“I would like to toast one last time for the night,” I drowned out her words,looking at Reigen. We weren’t dancing anymore. In fact we weren’t even in each others arms anymore. The moment may have been ruined but it’s one I’ll never forget. It’ll replay in my head over and over like a joyful child’s favorite Disney movie.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Those Who Live by the Sword.
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Yan Claude von Riegan x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships and imbalanced power dynamics. Word count: 3k.
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There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must test the boundaries of what they can and cannot get away with. 
This has been your personal creed as of late. Though you now fight under the Leicester Alliance’s banner, the lack of a shared history with your fellow alma mater is tangible. It isn’t intentional on behalf of your comrades-in-arms, not that you can tell, but an inadvertent consequence of joining the ranks when you did. 
The time in between battles and skirmishes stretches on seemingly forever. You adhere to a mundane routine: training, ensuring the integrity of your equipment, and wandering aimlessly like some specter in the night. No one troubles you and you trouble no one. You may share the same ambition, meager war rations, and thin tents that can barely keep the night’s chill at bay, yet your common ground ends there. 
You thought this would be enough. Perhaps it will be, if you keep trying, so that’s what you’ve resolved yourself to do. 
Sparks fly off the whetstone as you manipulate a chipped blade against it. You repeat the motion without reprieve, your muscles crying out their protests and your body heavier than the rock this stone was chiseled from. Raising the sword by the hilt, you inspect the fruits of your labor, then frown. A weapon incapable of striking down the enemy is as useless as it is potentially deadly for the wielder. And so you carry on your thankless task, seeing to the repair once more.
There’s a change in the breeze. A slight course correction that some may chalk up to nature’s design; inconsequential, unworthy of granting a second thought. 
The hairs stand on the back of your neck. Firmly, you anchor yourself to the foreign soil, finding that it swallows your boot’s heels rather than spitting it back out. This wouldn’t be an ideal landscape to fight on. That’s why Claude chose to establish camp with this mire acting as a perimeter, deterring potential ambushes and conflicts without a drop of blood being spilled. It’s also why you ventured off here beneath the moon’s looming presence, not wanting to wake your fellow soldiers who often must go days without rest. If there’s anyone who deserves uninterrupted sleep, it’s them, and you eventually, when your goal has been achieved. 
Unblinkingly, you study the thickets where you sense a presence to be staring back. 
You hold your breath and consider your options. Vantage points, escape paths, where the terrain may prove a boon or a bane— 
“Nothing dampens your senses, hm?” A feminine voice that rings familiar asks. From the verdure emerges a lone figure, whose once sky-colored hair is now a frosty mint. Your posture relaxes. 
“Not if I want to live, no.” 
She advances forward. Her eyes go from you to the whetstone, indiscernible in their intent. 
“While being proactive is admirable, it isn’t a good idea to go off by yourself in hostile territory.” 
Byleth no longer officially holds the title of professor, though she still acts the part. It’s never felt unwelcome, this inclination of hers to guide those under her command, but you’re no longer a child worrying over her next grade. You’re a cog in the machine of war. Those who steer said machine needn’t worry themselves with the specifics, so long as you can keep playing your part. 
Yet for some reason, Byleth has often sought you out when you’re certain there are other, more pressing matters to attend to. 
She jerks her head in the direction of the camp. “Let’s head back.” 
You wipe the sweat accumulating on your brow. 
“I’ll be right behind you. This shouldn’t take much longer.” 
Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t appear convinced. 
“... You’re upset,” she reasons. The two words come out slow, cautious. Not caring for the pitying gaze that’s being directed toward you, you return to your previous task. “I get why. Still, Claude never issues orders without reason, you know that. He sees what we don’t even know to look for.” 
Byleth has undergone a metamorphosis since she first walked the cobblestone avenues of the monastery, distant from everyone and everything. Her perception extends far past the battlefield. In many ways, Claude served as a sharpening stone for her, allowing qualities that had rusted over to shine through. 
“I know.” 
“Do you?” She challenges. Her voice slices clean through the air, though it’s not without tenderness. “Lately, you’ve been looking to prove yourself, right? It isn’t worth overexerting yourself.” 
You gulp down the rest of what’s in your waterskin. “I’m not ‘overexerting myself’, I’m just trying to do my part.” 
You glance down at the offending sword that dragged you into this conversation. The condition has greatly improved since when you started. It’s your hope that the owner will live longer thanks to your handiwork. The thought makes your mouth go dry, as if you hadn’t just been chugging water. 
“Don’t you think it’s strange?” You murmur. In the distance, an owl warbles its song. “We need every fighting body we can get, we’re even outsourcing to mercenaries. What reason does he have for taking me off the battlefield ‘indefinitely’?” 
Byleth places her hand on your shoulder. It weighs on you heavily. “There’s no one who knows how to use what’s at their disposal better than Claude. You’ve placed your trust in him before, don’t take it back now.”
“I’m not,” you respond, a hint too fast, like you were retracting your hand after almost being burnt. “I trust him, really, I do, but— I don’t know. First, it was removing me from the vanguard, then putting me in the safest part of the formation, and now this? I’ve become just another mouth to feed. A burden.” 
Whether you intended to say this much, you don’t know, but it all comes tumbling out regardless. The fatigue, stress, and confusion have been building and building to a boiling point. It was only a matter of time before you’d get scalded. 
Dead silence occupies the air, thick and potent. Neither wind nor animal stirs. You have company, and still, you’ve never felt more alone.  
Eventually, Byleth gives your shoulders a squeeze. You think she intends to reassure you. “There is a reason. It’s an important one, too.” 
“And what would that be?” 
Momentarily, the composed countenance Byleth usually maintains cracks, showing an emotion you can’t quite identify. 
In the blink of an eye, it’s gone. 
“I think we both know that isn’t a question for me.” 
As per Byleth’s request, you’ve allowed Claude to be the sole holder of your trust. 
She didn’t need to convince you with lofty words and promises. The respect she’s accumulated from you sufficed. You convinced yourself that even if you felt like a deadweight, so long as the golden banner advanced, you’d swallow down your pride and accept Claude’s decision. 
This personal covenant found itself tested within a few weeks. 
The tides of war are a finicky thing. Momentum can be with your cause, almost to the point you’re convinced some divine power is on your side, then it all comes to a screeching halt. One stalemate and one loss — that will be what a historian one day will write in this bloody chapter of Fódlan’s history. 
The groans of the wounded and silence left in the place of those who perished form a haunting symphony.  
You find yourself in the tent Claude occupies. Understandably, he’s been busy as of late, unable to hold an audience with you. Bypassing common courtesy felt like the only way to get through to him, even if this is a breach of privacy. Any other ruler could have you sentenced for life if you tried pulling this stunt, but sticking to strict tradition has never been Claude’s philosophy. You’re confident the scaffold doesn’t await. 
While awaiting his return, your eyes take to wandering. To the left stands a cot, a bow, and various quivers beside it in case of a surprise attack. In the middle is a crudely outfitted table, a map of Fódlan the centerpiece, scribbled with notes that are updated every time a scout comes back. His personal belongings are few and far between. 
There is a single thing that catches your attention. A leaf that doesn’t match the flora of this area — one species found in Garreg Mach Monastery and nowhere else. You know this item well, for you’re the one who gave it to him, five years prior. On the eve of the White Heron Cup, you’d pressed leaves and gave them to your fellow students, regardless of class affiliation. You wanted to ‘preserve your bonds’, or whatever the naive dream was. 
Considering the current state of the country, it’d seem your wishes fell on deaf ears. 
He kept something silly like this for so long…? 
“Are you here to assassinate me, by any chance?” 
You almost jump out of your skin at the abrupt appearance of Claude. The man you’ve been seeking out all this time certainly knows how to make an entrance. The world itself takes a secondary role when he enters, fading away into an unidentifiable blur. His presence commands attention without him doing anything. There’s this magnetic aura surrounding Claude, a quiet brilliance, dazzling as a crystal. 
“Of course not,” you reply. It’s terribly tempting to fall into a trap of lighthearted banter when he’s around, so you must remain vigilant. “I was only hoping to take a few minutes of your time.” 
He frowns and visibly deflates. “There isn’t any requirement saying you have to speak so formally with me. You didn’t used to.” 
“Wouldn’t you say that times have changed?” 
“Times have changed, yes,” Claude relents. The twinkle in his eye tells you he’s far from finished. “That doesn’t mean you have to. I’ve always appreciated your candid nature, it’s refreshing. Even more so when you enter the convoluted world of politics like I have.” 
“I think breaking into your tent is rather candid.” 
“That it is. So,” he pulls out a rickety chair and sits, his posture open. “Let me guess. You’re here to challenge my order for you to remain off the frontlines?” 
It’s always amazed you how he goes from beating around the bush to addressing a point directly. In every discussion, whether it be subtly or overtly, he finds a way to take the reins. His boldness temporarily takes you aback. You prepared an opening statement that’d help ease into your dissent, but that slips your mind like sand through your fingers. 
“I don’t want to question your judgment. It’s just… I think I’d be better utilized out on the field. I came here to help, to fight.” 
“For me, correct?” 
You pause, gauging if he’s joking or not. It’s difficult to tell. 
“I suppose that’s a way of putting it?” 
Claude leans back in his chair and folds his legs. “You did your fair share of snooping around on me back then and even now. That assassin jibe really was a potential theory of mine at one point. I wasn’t sure what to make of you. Coming from me, that’s quite the compliment.” 
He steeples his fingers. 
“The solution was so simple that I hadn’t considered it. Maybe you weren’t aware of it yourself, maybe you were. You found me intriguing, to the point you’d be willing to leave your country of birth behind. This level of dedication, when we’d hardly exchanged words back in our academy days… let’s just say it endeared you to me.” 
Heat rises to your cheeks. 
“You shouldn’t joke around about stuff like that.” 
“I’m not joking,” he flashes a handsome smile. “Knowing how tenacious you are, I thought it’d be best to give proper context to my decision. I don’t want you in harm’s way. This is what I get for trying to delay this conversation until after the war. A tent is the furthest thing from a romantic backdrop, but… beggars can’t be choosers, hm?” 
Endeared you to me. Don’t want you in harm’s way. Romantic backdrop. 
Your legs almost go out beneath you. “W-Wait, this isn’t— it can’t be— a confession?” 
He puts his hands up as if in surrender. “Ah, you caught me. Is it all starting to make sense now?” 
You scrutinize him without trying to hide it in the least. He might be using the casual language that’s typical of him, but his physiognomy is serious. His lips ease into a closed-mouth smile, his eyes contain a certain gentleness, and the tone of his voice is unlike any you’ve heard him use before. A tempest of thoughts and emotions encircles you. It’s stupefying, this situation you’ve stumbled into, almost dreamlike. While you aren’t certain if you reciprocate in full, his charm is undeniable. 
You’re about to explain as much to him when a realization hits. 
So much emphasis has been put on this revelation that the true reason for your meeting here was almost covered, sitting elsewhere and collecting dust. 
The traps he sets are tempting indeed. 
“So that’s the reason,” you say, almost breathless, “I can’t just sit back and watch everyone else put their lives on the line, knowing I’m not doing the same, because of favoritism.” 
Claude sighs. The oil lamp sitting atop the wooden table flickers, casting shadows over his face. Green eyes take in your discontent through thick eyelashes. The undulating shadows become one with the bags forming beneath his eyes, a testimony to the relentless pursuit of his dream. The sheer exhaustion staring back at you pokes and prods at your heart. You don’t want to add to his stress, you want to help, but this isn’t something you can concede on. 
“It’s only going to get more dangerous as we advance on the capital.” 
“Which is why I—” 
“I won’t allow it, simple as that,” Claude cuts you off. There’s a dangerous edge to his voice he rarely ever uses with others. He wants this conversation over with, that much is evident. “Why do you think I kept that gift from you, hm? It always appealed to me, that optimism of yours, so willing to overlook what everyone else in this land and the ones beyond it fixates on. I’d look at it and remember I wasn’t the only one who aimed for something better.” 
You know the expression that etches itself onto his face. That’s the look of a man willing to do anything, give everything, to obtain what he wants.  
“So. You can huff, glare at me, do anything you please really, but I won’t be changing my mind. Not on this. I’d prefer not to gamble more than I care to lose, for once.” 
It’s as if a spirit possesses you. Your legs stride toward him, magma flowing hot through your veins, searing you from the inside out. He remains unwavering upon your approach, silently testing to see what it is you may do next. You grasp at his collar with hands that are calloused from a lifetime of training. Your height overtakes his while he remains sitting, and yet, you feel he’s the one looking down on you from an unreachable podium. 
“And what about what I want?” 
“You should want to live.” 
“I want to fight.” 
“There are more ways to help than shedding blood.” 
“Are we at a point where that’s true?” 
“We will be,” Claude places the palm of his hand over your clenched fist. “Is it so bad that I want to keep you safe?” 
The expression you regard him with speaks louder than words. 
“Alright, alright, I expected as much. You aren’t one to be convinced by words alone, which is truly a shame, because talking is my whole thing… that leaves taking action then. Are you going to let this play out without raising a fuss, or am I going to have to get creative here?” 
This enigmatic phrasing does not sit well with you. He could already foresee that you weren’t planning on hanging back now that you know the true reason for his command, further narrowing your options of retaliation. It isn’t like he’d be in a position to do anything if you were out on the field, his attention would be forced elsewhere. 
Claude’s serious about this. He’d truly have you twiddling your thumbs and wallowing in idleness while you watch faces leave that you might never see again. 
You try retracting your hand. He doesn’t let you. 
“What exactly does ‘get creative’ mean?” 
“Well, since you asked,” he closes his eyes and hums, as if in deep thought, “Posting guards to keep an eye on you, physically restricting your movements, or even sending you back to the monastery with an escort. There are plenty of options, really.” 
Eyes narrowing, you dare to call his bluff. “You can’t spare the manpower it’d take to escort me back.” 
“Ah, I think you’re mixing the phrases ‘can’t’ and ‘would prefer not to’. Trust me — I’d love to keep you close to keep a better eye on you — but we can’t always get what we want. If I think you’re preparing to pull a stunt that’d put your life in danger, I’ll act accordingly. That’s a promise.” 
It isn’t often you’re faced with such an immovable force. His relaxed posture belies his serious intent, the discordance is further unsettling you. 
Then you’re struck with an epiphany. 
“If you won’t listen to me, you’ll listen to the Professor, right?” If there’s a hint of haughtiness to your tone, no one can blame you. “There’s no way she won’t think you’re overstepping your boundaries by acting like this.” 
Your threat doesn’t phase him in the least. If anything, there’s a hint of amusement on his visage, as if you told him a joke in good fun. He has the decency not to laugh, but from the crinkling of the skin beneath his eyes, he might as well be. 
“You’re more than welcome to try. I should warn you, though…” 
Hues of piercing green bore through you. 
“Half of this was her idea.” 
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abbacchiosbelt · 2 years
J is for Jealousy prompt 2 “Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?” For Claude Von Riegan. He’d def be the type to let you go out and then shame you for not being present
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It's hard to concentrate when the feeling that you're being watched is ever-present, the skin on the back of your neck tingling unpleasantly. The fact that you're aware of it at all is a sign Claude is doing it purposefully - if he wanted to keep an eye on you without you knowing, it'd be more than easy for him to accomplish. He was being exceedingly obvious, though, the corners of his bright eyes always crinkled with fake mirth whenever you caught his gaze for the nth time tonight.
It was ridiculous, honestly. Claude had been the one to invite you out in the first place, even providing you with a new outfit for the occasion. Sure, it had been tailored to his tastes, but you weren't going to turn down one of the newly-crowned leaders in the kingdom at large. It's not like you and Claude hadn't been flirting over the years, playing a game of cat-and-mouse that never seemed to find the right time to conclude.
But here you were at a fancy Leicester gala in order to celebrate the dawn of a new era, having arrived on Claude's arm to more than a few stares and cheers. Being on Claude's arm meant you were a hot topic of discussion, and even more sought after was the chance to steal a dance with you in hopes to glean any information about him.
You really hadn't expected Claude to be so... Jealous? Upset? It was hard to tell as you were whisked from person to person, Claude himself stuck in endless conversation with the lords and ladies who'd come to ask for his favor in some way. They didn't know Claude at all. They didn't know that keeping him away from you, the one thing he truly wanted tonight, was doing them no favors.
His eyes hadn't left your form for an instant, and his patience was growing thin with the meaningless drivel being spoken at him. Claude watches as you're spun around by your dance partner, and when they attempt to dip you, Claude breaks.
"Excuse me," he says, brusk. It's still polite, but it's enough to get the small crowd around him to instantly part as he beelines toward you. You let out a gasp when you're spun around again only to see Claude stalking toward you, determined gaze on his face. It only takes a moment for him to clear the distance. Without hesitating, he pries your dance partner off of you and shoots them a grin that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I'd like a dance with my date if you don't mind."
The person you'd been dancing with practically stumbles over themselves to apologize, scurrying away as fast as they can. You huff as Claude pulls you into position, his expression showing that he wasn't sorry in the least bit.
"Really, Claude? You could have at least let that poor man finish his dance with me." Claude raises an eyebrow at your words as he begins to move in time with the music, forcing you to follow his steps.
"Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?" Claude's gaze darkens, and your throat suddenly feels very dry. He pulls you closer so that you're chest-to-chest, the action inappropriate in such a formal setting. He doesn't seem to care, though. "I've spent long enough playing this game with you," Claude murmurs, swaying with you in time to the music. His gaze, like it had all night, never leaves yours. "Don't you know that you belong to me?"
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request from this set of ask prompts!
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karume-everything-else · 11 months
Whumptober 2023
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Day 30: "What part of me wasn't enough?" [Reader x Reigan Arataka] {Mob Psycho 100}
Sitting in your room with the lights off, the events of the day swirled in your head. The first time you'd worked with Reigan in a long while, and now you realized why. Things had gone awry fast and left you to get yelled at by the one person whose opinion really mattered to you.
Something about that was just too much. Maybe if you talked about it...
"[Name]?" You heard the front door open and close, "Where are you?"
You stayed silent, Reigan had a spare key but you didn't think he'd come over so soon. Not when you'd yelled back before driving off.
"[Name]? I know you're home." He was checking different rooms, "The lights are still on. It's me, I know you probably don't want to see me. But I thought you'd like to go out? Maybe? Instead of staying in? [Name]?"
It was only a matter of time before he found you in your room. This wasn't something he had a lot of experience with. But he was ready to at least try, he didn't know what was wrong though.
"[Name]? What's wrong?" He sat beside you on the bed, "C'mon, talk to me."
The red-eyed glare you shot at him almost made him stand back up.
"You really don't know?" You stood up, "After the day we had, you don't know what's wrong?"
"I... uh... no?"
"You were yelling at me every time something went t^ts up today!" You flung your arms up, "You blamed me for everything that went wrong all day even though it was either you tripping over your own feet or something neither of us could control!"
"[Name], I wasn't trying to--"
"You never try to hurt me when we work together." You hissed, "But you always do. I'm tired of it. Next time you need someone to help, call someone else."
"I can't trust anyone else though!"
"That's your problem." You huffed, "I'm not dealing with your blaming everyone but myself bullsh^t anymore."
"I wasn't doing it on purpose! I was just talking and not meaning half of what I--"
"What part of me wasn't enough then?" You shot, "Because you kept going, it was all my fault. According to you anyways. So what part of me wasn't enough? Did I not help you enough? Did I not manage to control the situation enough? Huh?"
He stopped, this wasn't where he thought the conversation would ever get here. Reigan knew he kept doing this, but he had no idea how badly it affected you. What it made you feel, it was harrowing to see this side of you.
Reigan exhaled deeply, "No, of course not, I was the one messing up and throwing salt at everything. I just... I never think in the moment, it just happens."
You stopped, standing straight up. As upset as you were about what was said, you didn't think Reigan would actually agree with you. Let alone accept blame and apologize. It wasn't exactly normal... you thought.
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dreams (drabble)
a/n: fe3h drabble ft claude, my bae, my boo. this is a reader insert and also very VERY short
tw: use of y/n / [Name], talk of fighting, weapons, fainting, talk of war (its fe3h, what did you expect)
I took a deep breath in and then out, I grit my teeth as I gripped my sword harder. ‘Why did I even agree to this?’ I blinked, my forced drowsily heavy eyelids wanting nothing more than to just close and sleep in an comforting darkness. 
“Let the sparring match between [Name] and Claude BEGIN!” Announced Hilda as I stared Claude dead right in his green eyes. I held a sword while he grasped his beloved bow in his hands with a small knife on his hip hilt, his arrows had blunted tips for training purposes. I held a wooden training sword and a wooden throwing axe on my hip. As Hilda announced, the sparring match began.
I lowered my body closer to the ground as I ran towards Claude, sprinting to close the distance between us. His reaction time was slowed as he grabbed an arrow from the hilt resting on his broad back. 
I gripped my sword tighter as I swung it at Claude. His response? He shot an arrow at me which I broke in half with one strong swing of my wooden sword. I brought myself up and swung my sword yet again. I used my sword to knock Claudes’ bow out of his hands as I dodged another arrow he sent my way with close precision. 
He quickly took his knife in hand while I took my axe in mine. I swung it at his knife, knocking it to my direction as he flung my axe in his direction. It was common knowledge amongst the golden deer that Claude doesn’t know or use knives but always had an extra axe with him. I was the opposite, I was okay with using all weapons but I excelled using knives and swords. My heart pounded as I raced to prevent Claude from taking up the axe.
I sped and took the knife in hand while I spun it outwards to have the ‘blades’ side facing away from my body. I tackled Claude to the ground, being the knife to his throat. My head pounded in my skull while my breathing became shallow, filled with a melody of exhaustion and drowsiness.   
A mellow silence filled the space between us as everyone rang out into a cheer for the victor of the sparring match. Little words would have barely been able to strangle out of my throat if I tried.   
The silence was comforting to me.
 He placed his hands up next to his head showing surrender. More heaving panting filled the air between our bodies. My hair draped our faces while my head lay low on my shoulders, our faces a mere few inches apart, if I fell forward my lips would meet his. Sweat beaded down both of our foreheads as Hilda announced the end of the match with my victory. 
“Fair game [Name], you’re one tough customer.” Smiled Claude as he put both of his hands behind his head letting his head rest on them. 
I exhaled before passing out, sweet darkness bled into my head as my head slowly hit the hard sand floor of the training grounds. My vision blurred as more darkness rang itself out into the consciousness, rendering me asleep.
 Once I woke, I saw that the sky was dark and the mellow colours of blue and grey. I looked around me to find that I was in the infirmary. The clean white sheets pooled around my body. I placed my elbows underneath my shoulders as I pushed my body up, setting myself into a very pillowed sitting position. 
 “Woah there tough stuff, you’re still recovering. No need to push yourself.” I whipped my head only to be met with striking moss eyes. I shook my head only to regret it after my head started pounding again.
 “What happened?” I managed to rasp out My throat dry, my voice scratchy, it almost hurt to talk. I looked, slowly, around the bed to see if there was any water nearby only to notice that Claude had taken the liberty of pouring out the cool liquid into a cup outstretched in his hand. I silently thank him and take the water, knocking it down in nearly one gulp.
 “Woah, slow down [Name]. Don’t want to drown your lungs, do ya?” I met his jester-esque question with a glare of my own. He reached out to me using his strong, rough hands to help my tip the cup slowly away from my lips. “You know, you are one tough cookie darling.”
 I scoffed, “I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.” I looked away.
 “All I’m saying is that I would hate to be on the receiving side of your wrath, my dear. You are terrifying when you really get riled up during training, I can only imagine what you’ll be like on the battlefield.”
“And I would hate to be on the receiving side of your masterful shooting skills. And your flirting.” I replied. It was no secret that Claude von Riegan was a jokester and a flirter. I mean, my dear, darling?! 
“You know you love it, at least my flirting you do. Don’t worry though, soon I’ll have you singing a different tune.”
“In your dreams Claude.”
“Yes.” He replied softly, a gentle, warm smile playing on his ips.
“In my dreams.”
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theaceofonepiece · 1 year
Heyyy. I’m sure none of you know me yet, but I’m Aceial, or just Ace of One Piece. Im trying to start a Xreaded page for fellow lovers of One Piece, I’m free to DM if you wish for me to write in regards to any fanfics for the following fandoms:
One Piece Jujutsu Kaisen Fire Emblem Three Houses Fairy Tail My Hero Academia Demon Slayer Haikyuu
I look forward to writing for any of your requests!!❤️❤️🫧🫧
-Aceial of One Piece
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lilacxquartz · 2 months
au-gust 2024 masterlist
ao3 • main masterlist
attempting this as a way of exploring different fandoms/concepts, so i’ll be participating in this year’s alternative universe august. mostly posted on ao3, but tumblr will get my favs. this list will be updated daily through august with links. :)
understanding pairings:
characterxcharacter = romantic involvement
character&character = platonic involvement
1. canon divergence (jujutsu kaisen)
satoru gojo x suguru geto
2. colourless (stardew valley)
haley x reader
3. wings (sousou no frieren)
himmel x frieren
4. zombie apocalypse (attack on titan)
levi ackerman & his old squad
5. chess players (jujutsu kaisen)
sukuna & the family
6. reality show (attack on titan)
many vs giant game show puppets
7. farm (jujutsu kaisen)
satoru gojo x suguru geto
8. nomad (jujutsu kaisen)
normal universe serial killer kenjaku
9. accidental baby acquisition (jujutsu kaisen)
big brother choso & family
10. enemies to allies (overwatch)
moira x mercy
11. retail (jujutsu kaisen)
kento nanami & takuma ino
12. animagus (sousou no frieren)
fern x stark
13. found footage (jujutsu kaisen)
satoru gojo x suguru geto & utahime iori x shoko ieiri
14. princes and princesses (sousou no frieren)
himmel x frieren
15. secretly alien (jujutsu kaisen)
mahito & reader
16. hobby drama (mob psycho 100)
mob & reigan vs the internet
17. flower shop (howl’s moving castle)
sophie x howl
18. space travel (stardew valley)
maru x reader
19. spies (mob psycho 100)
reigen arataka, mob & dimple
20. crossover (mob psycho 100 & jujutsu kaisen)
reigen arataka & satoru gojo
21. absurd tragedy (attack on titan)
hange’s captured zombies & reader
22. orphan (stardew valley)
abigail x sebastian
23. musician (baldur’s gate 3)
karlach x tav
24. pretend hate (jujutsu kaisen)
satoru gojo x utahime iori
25. scientists (jujutsu kaisen)
shoko ieiri & satoru gojo x suguru geto
26. victorian era (stardew valley)
leah x maru
27. everybody lives (jujutsu kaisen)
choso kamo x yuki tsukumo
28. caretaker (jujutsu kaisen)
kenjaku x takaba fumihiko
29. forced into hiding (attack on titan)
levi ackerman x reader
30. guardian (original)
oc!midnight x reader
31. two of the above - flower shop & secretly alien (jujutsu kaisen)
hanami x reader
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zer0sugargumogacc · 3 years
Can I request some reigen x reader headcanons. He/they pronouns please. Thank you!😚
ok i deadass didn't feel motivated and i think you requested this during summer so im so sorry i just haven't been motivated 😭😭😭
TW: nothing other than swearing
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forces asks you to be in his sketchy ads
you send each other tiktoks but you literally have the same exact FYP so you always see them already
You both have a score board keeping track of how many times you get him with a deez nuts joke.
you both worked at reigens old job and quit together
you share an apartment decked in weird ass shit.
there is definitely framed fanfiction somewhere in your apartment
at this point you and reigen are mob's 1st 2nd family.
take out is an everyday thing because ya'll cant cook for shit 😭
reigen likes when his hair gets played with
reigen is down horrendous for you istg
having picnics together is something that happens often
reigen loves just listening to you talk about whatever
mmm forehead kisses yum
both of you decided to pick mob up from school one day and blasted the cringiest fucking music
questions your water intake everyday
dancing in the rain
booping each other noses? yessir
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gl00my-b · 2 years
Claude x Male reader “Sunny beach smiles”
A claude x reader oneshot since his beach design on FEH is just stunning to me. 
Pronouns: He/Him 
Genre: Fluff/minor angst if you squint 
You hadn't expected Lady Rhea to announce that the Golden Deer house would be free to have a free day since you all had won the battle of the Eagle and Lion.  Your professor had kindly asked Seteth if there was any good places to go, and when seteth had mentioned a beach not too far from Garrech Mach, your professor knew she couldn't pass that up.  So now here you were, sitting in the shade of a few umbrellas that were set up to shade some of the students who didn't want to be in the blistering heat. You were one of those students. You, (Name) Eisner, the younger sibling of byleth, was hiding under one of the bigger umbrellas to hide from the heat. Or so you told yourself. In all reality you were hiding from one person. Claude Von Reigan. Your house leader. 
Why were you hiding from him? well, a few days before you had ended up accidentally telling Hilda and Dorothea that you had a crush on him. The two ended up spilling it to some others “accidentally” and later it spread that Claude had heard. You had gotten to know Claude over the few months that you had been at the monastery with your father and sister, and found that you could trust him and he could do the same for you. When you first met you piqued each others interest and grew from there. He had sought you out many a time when he was curious about you and throughout many battles had now found that you were trustworthy enough to hold little of his secrets. He would never be ready to share everything but you never minded, enjoying his company enough. But back to now, you were still hiding. If you weren't at the beach you would rather be shut in your room like Bernadetta, trying to forget that you existed to relieve embarrassment. But now luck was not on your side as Ignatz came to sit near you under the umbrella. “Hey (name)? you under here?” Ignatz bent down to see if you were under there. He had a concerned look on his face as he turned to look behind him before looking back to you. “sorry to bother, but our professor and Claude have been searching for you. Our professor is concerned about you and Claude wanted to talk to you.” 
You sighed and told Ignatz that you would go out of hiding in a minute and he left to go over to Lysithea and Raphael. Raphael was hoisting up lysithea while walking into the ocean as she nagged at him to put her down before laughing. you smiled at the scene before turning to look to your right where Claude and your older sister were chatting before they looked over to where you were. farther beyond them was Leonie and Lorenz bickering over something while Cyril tried to break them up. You saw Hilda and Marianne sitting on the beach talking and seeming to collect seashells. Flayn seemed to be fishing with Seteth as the two waited for any new catch. You saw the Ashen wolves, who are now golden deer, chatting with each other and just enjoying being at the beach, the laughing of Constance and Balthus showing how much they were enjoying the beach. 
Getting up, you slowly and anxiously made your way over to Claude and Byleth. Your sister immediately perked up when she heard you coming over, giving a small smile and pat on the shoulder which you knew as an “Glad to see you, are you ok?” you nodded at her and she nodded back, heading over to where Flayn and Seteth were.Claude turned to wave at byleth before side eyeing you. Your eyes darted to look everywhere but him, he took notice immediately and grabbed your wrist to drag you away. Byleth gave you a knowing smile and waved. You cursed how evil your sister could be. You felt the pull on your wrist as Claude dragged you away from everyone on the beach, going farther down the sandy walkway to the eastern side of the beach. 
You tried to ask where he was taking you, but he gave you a look that made you stop speaking. When he finally stopped, he let go of your wrist but then intertwined your hand with his. “So...you've been avoiding me. I think I know why, but that really hurt me ya’know.” Claude gave you a small smirk, but it was one that never truly reached his eyes. You thought that he could see through you at that moment with how much his eyes glared at you. “I'm sorry It was stupid of me to avoid you-” you were stopped as Claude let out a sigh. “You avoided me for three days. Three days of me worrying if I did something wrong. Three days of me wondering if you didn't want to be near me anymore, but then I heard Hilda and Dorothea talking and I realized. But you didn't have to ignore and avoid me, you could have talked to me.” Claude gave you a hurt look. You spoke quickly, “I avoided you because I cant handle rejection and I was embarrassed that our friendship and trust would be thrown down the drain and I couldn't let that happen.” Claude looked at you then the hand that was still intertwined with his, giving a small smile. “That wasn't the way to do it you know. You could have talked to me and heard about my feelings before rushing off to hide.”  Claude gave you a smile as you gave him a shocked and confused look. He rolled his eyes with a smirk before bringing your hand to his lips. Your face flushed and he laughed, “Do you see it now? No matter what people might have said, I love you, and i'm a bit shocked you haven't seen it. But if this was the way to show you then I don't mind.” He smiled at you and turned out to the ocean. You also turned your head to see a beautiful sunset on the horizon. You turned to see Claude's eyes light up a bit as he saw the sunset. In a flare of courage you pecked him on the cheek and smiled. He turned to you a bit surprised. “You missed, love.” he gave you a look and pointed at his lips, you laughed and stared at him for a second, his Cognac skin was illuminated by the suns rays that fell on him beautifully. You gave him a second more of staring before reaching up to grab the side of his face and pulling him down to meet your lips. You both smiled into the kiss and stayed like that for a while more before departing from each other. “Thank you claude, I love you.” you said as you stared at him. You would have to scold Hilda and Dorothea later, but right now you were a happy man. 
AN: I was playing fire emblem heroes while writing this and got jumpscared by claude's dialog, but I also wanted to write a beach oneshot-  
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theodora3022 · 4 years
The LoveSick Schemers
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Summary: Claude and Yuri as Yanderes, as per requested.
Notes: Someone wants three houses yanderes?! Yeah I am also a FE blog pffttt- Anyway I assumed you meant separate, not poly(I’m not comfortable with that) or competition(sounds tempting, maybe I’ll do it once I clear out my inbox). I set the reader to be a fellow student in Garreg Mach for the convenience’s sake, hope that’s alright. I happen to love these boys a lot too, so hello fellow schemer lover!
These are pretty tame since you didn’t specify anything, I don’t want to accidentally trigger anyone! The Yuri one is gender neutral, the Claude one is a bit on the female side. 
Warnings: Spoiler for the game(obviously), possessive behaviour
Claude Von Riegan
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“I’m from the ruling house of the Leicester alliance, but don’t worry about all that madness.”
To draw his attention, you’ll have to be a trickster yourself, or an ideal-bound conservative like Ingrid. The former would light that competitive fire, while the latter your serious ways are amusing to behold to him.
At first Claude would only see you as a pleasant distraction, he has grand plans after all. But sometimes he would find himself eyeing at your concentrated form as you swing weapons, or study magic tomes, with a genuine smile on his lips.
It was at that moment, Claude knew something had slipped out of his control.
His mother and father told him what love feels like, but this is the first time the seventeen-year-old prince has experienced it firsthand.
If you are in another house, Claude will find a way to convince Byleth(or anyone leading the Golden deer) to have you transferred. But seriously, he can be charming when he wants to be, you won’t be able to say no. If even that doesn’t work, how about scouting away all of your friends so you’ll have no choice but to join the Golden deer!
He will go out of his way to spend time with you, finding flawless excuses so you won’t suspect a thing (even if you are as cunning as him). If your goal is to become an archer, that’s more than perfect for Claude because expect him to invite you to target practice everyday. “It’s a house leader’s duty to make sure the member honed their skills properly. Now, do you want to try with this killer bow?” Authority class is also a good way to bond with you!
Expect Claude to invite you every meal possible, with Hilda. You will feel odd to dine with him at first, but once you get used to it, he is just another goofball who has good tricks up his sleeves.(Claude will deliberately make himself appear dumber so you would lower your guard) If you are a goodie-two-shoe(A/N:like Ingrid), you might even scold him for his lacking of table manners!
Claude would try to make your relationship as normal as possible. As a prince, he had seen enough toxic relationships in the royal court of Almyra. Someone as wonderful as you should not be a caged dove, a mere wife for your crest or bloodline(if you are a noble that is). He wants you to flourish alongside him, as a formidable mage/soldier. The future Queen of Alymra should be able to defend herself at least!
But him only. Don’t even think of getting into someone else’s arms.
That Blue lion lad who asked you to the grand ball? How unfortunate it is to hear that he had fallen off from a clift on a mission. That Black eagle boy who is getting too handsy with you at lunch? It was disturbing to know that his black magic backfired leaving him permanently disabled.
Too bad if you liked any of your suitors back. Because they will get their due for attempting to lure you astray from your dear Claude.
Would persuade you to become House Riegan’s knight during the timeskip so he can stay close to you. Golden deers need to stick together, especially during these chaotic times right?
Once you are in the Deirdru with him, that is when the new Duke will start trying to court you formally.
If you are charmed by his amorous advances during the five years, he will be overjoyed and the dark side of the moon will never come into play. Although Claude would be concerned about how to reveal  his real identity before officially announcing the marriage, and how his parents or the people of Almyra would think of another Foldanese Queen.
If you somehow didn’t get swayed by his smooth ways, that’s okay too! As long as you do not promise your hand to another! Surely he can work out something after this war. Since you are in his domain now, no one is allowed to make inappropriate advances towards you because of the Duke’s warnings. They wouldn’t want themselves and their family exiled from  Reigan territory, or even the entire Leicester Alliance.
Yuri Leclerc
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“Don’t let that pretty face fool you. He is a rouge, through and through.”
I imagine Yuri would like someone who is naive, virtuous,kind hearted like Ashe(A/N: It’s a crime they don’t have at least a B support IS!!!). You are that refreshing breath of air, the one who reached out to help him when almost everyone looked down to the residents of the abyss.
You are probably a sheltered noble lady, who has not learned about the sinister world well enough to not display kindness towards anyone. Or someone like Mercedes, who loves to take the role of an older sister to others in the Academy.
He would want to preserve your innocence, that precious pureness in this dirty, corrupted world. Yuri is a rat who lurks in the cold shadows, it’s only natural your radiant warmth would attract him.
When he is taken in by Byleth to the Officer’s academy, you are the first to invite him to the dining hall for a decent meal. You even gave him half of your peach sorbet to him since it charges extra and he didn’t spend money on it. “You have a sweet tooth, right? Well, I haven’t touched mine yet, here’s half of it.”
Another naive little fool, guess it’s only fair for him to protect you, to make sure your kindness doesn’t get exploited by other people.
Yuri always has interesting stories for you, or if you are a bookworm, he will bring you some banned books from the Shadow library. Be careful though, better not let Seteth see you reading them.
This guy is smooth and he knows it. Yuri would slip in some flirtaious words here and there, they can be considered as friendly even.
You in turn helped the people of the abyss in any way possible. If you are a white mage, you are happy to heal their wounds or care for the sick, since only a few healers are willing to devote time to “the underground”. If you are a soldier, you would teach the people how to wield a weapon, to defend themselves from thieves and bandits.
Realization didn’t strike Yuri all at once. Constance and Hapi are the first ones to notice how his gaze never strays away from you, and they love teasing him for it. He would deny it, saying he merely thinks of you as a good friend. Then when the thick headed Balthus also agrees with them, that is when his composure would collapse.
Genuine affections? Romantic attachments? Those things should not take up so much space in his heart. They can be perceived as weaknesses, to be used against him. How dare you make him feel this way, who gives you the right?
Maybe the goddess does watch over Folan and this is her punishment for all Yuri’s sins.
Like Claude, Yuri knows how to wear a smiling mask as if that is his true nature. He is a gang leader, he is not afraid to dirty his hands. Yuri is a lot less merciful than Claude when it comes to rivals. While Claude would not takes lives, only causing them enough harm so they get the hint, Yuri will resort to murder as he sees fit. He got underlings at his disposal, his rivals will be nothing against him even if they come from an influential family.
During the five years, since Yuri cannot leave the abyss, you two will keep in touch via letters, unknownst to you he also got some of his trusted henchmen to watch over you, making sure you are in good health and safe.
Once you return to Garreg Mach, you two can pick up where you left off! Don’t worry, Yuri won’t let you die or out of his sight again!
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misora-msby · 3 years
Uh hi! I’d like to request the song thing, 1:30 with Claude, please? This is my first time requesting from you so sorry if I did it wrong :)
“would it ruin the magic if i stole the words off your tongue?”
- say it first, ROLE MODEL
( i have to apologise, this was so so late! i’m so sorry! but i really hope you can enjoy it >< )
as you wrote in your notebook, every so often you would glance up. not at your textbook from which you were studying from but at the man sitting opposite you - claude von reigan. he was set to be the next leader of the golden deer alliance, the leader of the golden deer house in the academy, a charismatic and crafty man, incredibly handsome, a fun and funny guy to be around, and most importantly, the one you had a crush on.
you had been thinking of confessing your feelings to him for the longest time. but you were unsure if you should. after all, you were just some regular commoner, why would he ever feel the same way about you? thinking about that, you let out a sigh.
“what’s wrong?” claude asked.
you looked up to see his brown eyes staring right at you.
“a-ah, nothing much. just thinking about how the ball is tomorrow. i wonder what special things they’ll set up!” you lied with an awkward laugh.
"well, it's probably gonna be real fancy," claude hummed, "delicious food, nice drinks, beautiful decorations, they're probably going all out for us.”
“hm… that sounds like it.” you sighed, head resting on one hand as you already pictured the scene. you had even heard that one famous orchestra would be coming to play music! it would be the first time attending a ball so your thoughts were filled with excitement.
and in all of them, your dance partner was the man across from you. just thinking of swaying slowly across the marble floor with his hand on your waist and his face so close to yours had your heart aflutter. and of course, you haven’t even asked him if he would like to dance with you! you had been working up the courage and planned to ask for the past week but the time never seemed right.
but maybe now would be good - you were alone in the library and the ball would be tomorrow and all his attention was on you anyways so-
“say… you wouldn’t happen to have a partner for the first dance, would you?” claude asked with a cheeky smile on his face.
“d-did you remind my mind or something?!” you gasped.
he replied with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms back. “well… maybe i did. or maybe i could tell just by the look on your face.” as he said that, he leaned forward so your faces were only inches apart.
“what do you say? be my partner?” the slightest hint of a smirk on claude’s lips as he asked the question.
you were frozen in your seat, not even blinking due to your surprise. but slowly your face softened into a smile.
“you stole the words right off my tongue.”
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kabura-maru · 4 years
Can i request some claude and dimitri × a cute and beautiful female reader that has many suitors please? Thank you!! Love ya <3
I LOVED THIS REQ??? I galaxy brained and wrote this instead of paying attention to my speach class oop,, but writing this I realized the potential in this scenario??? Definitely wanna do more folks if y’all have certain people in mind! Otherwise I’ll just randomly write more at like 1am.
My first thought 100% is the Ingrid and Dorothea paralogue....
Dimitri is definitely more on the side of “oh I’m just protecting you from the shitty suitors... yeah definitely...” and Claude is similar but more jokey about it, tagging along “for the laughs” or “for the training” but hes also definitely there to make sure no one else gets you. Claude gives you goofy faces and winks and jokes all throughout while Dimitri tries to be serious.. faltering onky when you smile and thank him.
- He wants to be supportive, but his protective instincts and stuff kick in...
- Does not like any of them... even if they’re sorta nice he finds something to not like about them
- Doesn’t really voice any of this except to maybe Dedue, just kinda frowns/scowls when the suitors are around.
- If they’re particularly shitty and clearly making you uncomfortable he will 100% rush to your side and tell them (politely!!) to go the hell away.
- Dedue honestly ALWAYS stares down the suitors when hes in range because he knows how much Dimitri detests them
- Hes not sneaky but honestly might ask Annie or Mercedes about your suitors just to see if he has anything to worry about... they know he likes you but feign innocence lol
- sneaky... but also up front about it all??
- Will tell them to go away, even if they’re not particularly bad? This may be a bit annoying to you and you may get mad at him but he’ll flash a goofy smile and just claim he’s messing around
- Usually says things like “hey, dude, she doesn’t even like you” or “seriously?? we’re training right now”, aka telling them to fuck off without insinuating anything about his own feelings
- Probably at first didn’t recognize the frustration as jealousy, thinking he simply didn’t want suitors fucking with your training/studies, but later realizes he actually likes you 🥺
- Doesn’t like being vulnerable so he ALWAYS acts like the suitor thing is a joke even if he gets really insecure
- If the suitor is a particular pain in his ass, he might poison them... just light stomach poison...
- Yeh, he pranks/fucks with them often
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karume-everything-else · 11 months
Flufftober 2023
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Day 20: Being a little jealous of a pet/ stray animal [Reader x Reigan Arataka] {Mob Psycho 100}
After a long day at work, Reigan just needed to relax in your arms. He was looking forward to it all day if he was honest. Not like he ever would admit that.
"Aaw~ Lookie here Mittens!" Your cooing was cute as ever, your kitten playing only made you more adorable, "Get it! Get it!"
"I'm home [Name]." Reigan called, kicking his shoes off.
It annoyed him slightly when you barely turned, "Hey hon, dinner's in the oven. It'll be ready in a little while."
"Good good." He sat on the couch, "How was your day?"
"It was goo-- Oh, so close Mittens! Gotta jump baby! Jump!"
As much as Reigan loved your kitten, despite being more of a dog person, he didn't like how you were ignoring him. He just got home after all, you've had plenty of time with the kitten. But you barely saw him.
Standing up, hoping you'd pursue him, Reigan went to get a shower. Only a little more annoyed that you weren't anywhere near him. Why didn't you follow? He left you in the living room after all...
"Hon, everything's ready when you are!"
Reigan had to take several deep breaths, remind himself that you weren't trying to ignore him. You just got caught up playing with your kitten and weren't doing anything wrong. Not really, not intentionally at least.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Reader that gets caught up in Claude’s shenanigans [FE: Three Houses]
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anon: hey can i get a request for reader (not byleth) getting caught up in Claude’s shenanigans scenarios/headcanons please?
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Characters Included: Claude von Riegan
Note: I made this platonic for some reason. Maybe the hc I did earlier is still in my brain lolz (the mysme platonic hc). ANYWAY. Pls resend your request if you want a more romantic turn. Thanks 💞
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
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Claude von Riegan
You were innocently, I mean innocently, walking through the school’s hallways when a hand shot up from beside you and pulled you to them. You shriek in surprise but someone’s hand covered your mouth before you could even scream.
You glared at your kidnapper, only to meet a mischievous pair of green eyes. You rolled your eyes when you notice it was Claude von Riegan who pulled you inside an empty classroom.
You and Claude have been friends ever since you two entered the Academy. You could say you two were partners-in-crime, and the worse is that both of you are in the Golden Deer House.
But the real reason is that Claude just drags you along through his shenanigans, whether the reason is sharing the blame or not wanting to do it alone. You just get caught with Claude, who drags you one way or another.
Byleth, by now, is used to both of your shenanigans, mainly Claude’s though. In fact, she’s rather amuse to see your (not-so) amuse face and Claude’s fake innocent face. She tells you that you two were quite a duo.
You were, in fact, polar opposite with the Riegan heir. You liking silence and peace and books, while he does everything crazy that wasn’t suppose to happen. 
Claude wasn’t sure what attracted him to you, maybe the aura? How serious you always seem? Who knows. (Maybe it’s because he wants to see your smile :)).
Anyway, this time, you could feel Claude’s head spinning with multiple ideas of pranks. You sighed. “What is it now?”
Claude smirks at your cooperation as he explains to you the plan. It involves one of his retainers, Lorenz, and Ignatz’s paint. You sighed as you volunteer to distract Lorenz while Claude gets the pain, which he agreed on.
Moments later, Lorenz is covered head to toe from Ignatz’s paint. He was seeing red as he chased Claude to get “revenge”. You just stood there as you watch Claude trying to escape Lorenz.
You sighed as you went back to what you’re doing.
This is the Daily Life of [Y/N] [LN] ever since they met the Riegan Heir.
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xenia-cenia · 4 years
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Claude von Riegan relationship headcanons
-he teases you constantly
-‘ooh I think you have a crush on me’ ‘careful you might just fall in love with me’ etc etc
-actually super chill the entire relationship not jealous at all
-hugging other people? That’s cool! He still hugs Hilda time to time and he trusts you enough to not cheat
-if someone’s obviously flirting/making you uncomfortable while he’s around he’d put an arm around your shoulder and introduce himself as the heir to house Reigan which mostly made the person run off
-if someone’s making him uncomfortable while you’re there you’d tug on the bag of his cape while shooting death glares at the offender
-you tell spooky stories all night long and read each other various fables
-so far neither of you have been scared and theres an unspoken competition to scare the other one
-hugs hugs hugs!!!! Especially in private Claude is a very touch affectionate guy.
-in public Claude mostly sticks to words and small gifts he really wants his partner to see themselves they way he sees them
-if you have insecurities/triggers he makes sure to never joke about them
-he even goes out of his way to memorize what is and isn’t okay to joke about with you
-on important dates he’d send you long handwritten notes detailing how much he loves you
-he always claims he can never put down just how much he loves you into words but these notes are like two pages each
-loves every gift you get for him no matter how expensive or fancy
-actually gets super competive at odd times like don’t even try to beat him in chess he’ll take you down
-loves to sing loudly in public to embarrass you because he knows his singing voice sucks
-is the big spoon when you cuddle :)
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itsleese · 4 years
im NOT saying I’m finally releasing it, buuuuut if ya wanna be tagged in chapter 3 of Cruel Summer, please comment on this post!
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