PJ or Ciel
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Hello! My name is Paris Jones (PJ)! I'm an artist and writer! Hope you enjoy your stay! PFP/Header by @upmostrylan
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cielcreations · 4 days ago
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cielcreations · 7 days ago
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cielcreations · 7 days ago
I have a headcanon that Candy Apple is wildly jealous of Milk's Velvet, and Black Sapphire (who I'm shippin' with Archer XD) is very much on friendly terms with him and sometimes invites him on live shows to talk about his dogs.
Black Raisin… She's a bit more complicated. She is extremely negative towards Velvet at first. Like. Hey, this is GENERAL DARK ENCHANTRESS! Vanilla, that can't be true! Don't believe him!!! But Vanilla believes it, and Velvet is totally honest and selflessly fighting on their side, plus… He just loves her crows. She warms to him a bit, but treats him with some distrust. But then still realizes that this guy (as well as, sorry Witches, the Beast) makes Vanilla happy… And doesn't even hurt anyone! Anyway, they make peace. Maybe it's the result of dogs and crows, who knows.
Things are much easier with the others. The trio of main characters accept Velvet almost instantly. Shadow Milk has to achieve this for Nilla, long and hard, but eventually the kids warm to him.
Crepe is immediately ecstatic. That's a lot of interesting material to explore!
(Shadow Milk doesn't feel like the mentor and teacher he once was. You'd think.)
Sorry for my bad English
Soup Snake 🍜🐍
So, for my headcannon:
Black Sapphire and Candy Apple were jealous of the attention their master was giving to Pure Vanilla and Red Velvet, especially Candy Apple. However (in my story/hc), when RV convinces SM to join the light side with him and PV, he also brings his minions. Black Sapphire just goes along with it, who is he to tell his master no? Candy Apple throws a fit because why do they have to go with these dumb cookies?! This is so stupid! Those cookies are stupid! What did they do to the amazing Shadow Milk Cookie?! How dare they trick him! They should all just- Red Velvet shows her a cake hound that he says reminds him of Candy Apple. The reason? The cake hound's face is mainly white with red eyes and red ears, a little bit of black on its legs (like the little wings CA has). Candy Apple falls in love and asks to see more and RV is happy to show her. She is whatever with PV, but she really likes RV now!
Black Raisin, when she first realizes RV is joining the Light Cookies, pulls PV aside and asks if he's sure about this. PV reassures her that, yes, he knows about RV's past, but RV has changed and wants to do good! She trusts PV, not RV, so she has her crows watch RV for the first while. Then, one day, a crow comes back and tells her about how nice RV was to it. Needing to see for herself, she watches RV from afar. She sees RV sit down on a bench with a cake hound before a couple of her crows land beside him. RV immediately smiles and takes out some food for them, giving them some treats. Black Raisin, seeing this, smiles and goes to walk towards him. "I'm always happy to see you guys. You crows are such beautiful birds, it's a shame not everyone sees that." She hears RV says as she walks towards him. She doesn't tell RV that the crows were really spying on him (tbh, RV knows but didn't mind), and they do become friends. With SM, it's a bit different. Now that she trusts PV AND RV, she knows that, even if SM is lying, then they could easily put him in his place.
Gingerbrave, Strawberry, and Wizard? Gingerbrave immediately likes RV. "Any friend of Pure Vanilla's is a friend of mine!" Strawberry is, of course, super shy and takes a little bit to warm up to him. Wizard is skeptical because, uh, guys? This is the leader of the cakes, hello??? However, Gingerbrave's is able to convince Strawberry and Wizard to give him a chance, and they do. Gingerbrave and RV have training sessions, RV teaching GB how to be stronger, they form a brotherly bond of sorts. When Strawberry gets overwhelmed, RV lets her sit with him with cake hounds and wolves surrounding them protectively, as a way to give them some space. They don't really talk, they don't need to, Strawberry just needs some time to recharge and RV gets that. RV helps Wizard with his magic. Although he's not good with spells, he helps Wizard where he can and Wizard appreciates that. As for them and SM? Well, SM did scare them a little (actually, a lot), especially with the whole Truthless Recluse thing? However, Gingerbrave builds up the courage to first start talking with SM, as long as RV is around. When SM starts to mess with him, RV puts him in his place and SM will apologize. Gingerbrave kinda laughs at that. So even the Beast gets scared of angering RV? They're not so different! SM and Wizard, actually, become friends the fastest, mainly because SM caught Wizard struggling to read a spellbook and helped him decipher it. From then on, Wizard looks at SM like a tutor and mentor. SM won't admit it, but it makes him kind of happy, reminds him of when he was the Sage of Truth. Strawberry takes forever to warm up to him. She actually becomes best friends with Candy Apple, who then goes up to SM and is like "Master, you need to apologize to Strawberry! She doesn't want to be scared of you anymore but you make her nervous because of what you did!" SM would have refused, but CA confronted him in front of PV and RV, and they would have made him do it anyways. So, he groans and decides, "FIIIIIIIIINE." He apologizes and, from there, Strawberry takes baby steps to get comfortable around him.
RV is actually a little weirded out by Strawberry Crepe. Mainly because Strawberry Crepe is always going on about wanting to test him, wanting to understand his cake arm, wanting to know what exactly happened, and it just makes him a bit uncomfortable. They asks too many questions, questions he doesn't want to answer. He understands they're just curious, but it still makes him uncomfortable. SM doesn't mind it and will placate Crepe with little white lies about himself. Crepe doesn't seem to catch on, just goes with what he says and SM kinda laughs at that. Crepe is just happy that at least one of them (RV and SM) will let them ask questions and run tests and such.
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cielcreations · 10 days ago
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I asked awhile ago to give me six cookies to make into humans, here are the results!
Pumpkin Pie Cookie (and Pompon) - Requested by @sugarcowffee
Stardust Cookie - Requested by @comet--cove
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie - Requested by @ekskimosu
Caramel Arrow Cookie - Requested by @kat-draws-when-remebers-2
Capsaicin Cookie - Requested by @2dblep
Mystic Flour Cookie - Requested by @theapatheticflour
Will probably end up doing more because making cookies into humans/humanized versions is really fun!
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cielcreations · 15 days ago
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I present Rosia's older brother:
Eros, God of Lust and Desire! Son of Aphrodite and Ares, Older Brother of Rosia, Phobos, and Deimos!
Eros takes after his mother with both looks and his job. When humans are in love and are in a healthy relationship, he might push them to act out their desires.
Eros and Rosia have a playful love-hate relationship. They pretend they don't like each other, mainly because they're basically opposites in terms of their godhood, so they will tease and call each other names (ex: Eros will call Rosia a "naggy old lady" and Rosia will call Eros a "wannabe loverboy"). However, if anyone else makes fun of their sibling, they will throw hands. Their relationship is "No one can make fun of him/her BUT ME!" + "Let me annoy you to death."
He'd never say it out loud, but Eros is also very protective of his siblings, including Rosia. He would never admit it, but he hopes Rosia can find someone she truly loves like their mother did.
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cielcreations · 19 days ago
Velvet's reaction on the PV and SM skins?
(and their reaction to his two pls)
Soup Snake 🍜🐍
I have a whole story for Truthless Recluse, so I will start with Sage of Truth!
Two different reactions depending on what you want!
In (my head)canon reaction: Red Velvet would have seen pictures of SoT and would have wondered what happened. After the bois get together, RV would ask but Shadow Milk would just dodge and RV takes that as he doesn't want to talk about it, so no pushing.
Shits & Giggles reaction: Red Velvet would be confused because why is SM like that? But then SM is the same personality wise, albeit a bit more gentle, and so RV becomes blushing mess. SoT would see RV and think he's adorable, so he would always try to get close under the guise of teaching him. In actuality, SoT just wants that man-
Truthless Recluse
In (my head)cannon reaction: Y'all know how Beast Yeast episode 8 went? Yeah, that but RV and a bit more angst. RV would have to fight Truthless Recluse and that would hurt because, at the end of the day, that's his love. Then, you have them continuing through the spire. TR going into the Yogurt River? RV has a heart attack. Game of Chess? SM doesn't made RV into an actual piece, but does trap him in a cage, hanging off of TR's queen piece. TR using the queen to battle him makes him angry. Tarot Cards? RV manages to get in a card like Candy Apple and Black Sapphire. However, the card he gets into is The Tower, and he ends up falling. SM has to pull him out and TR has little reaction. Instead of Gingerbrave, Strawberry, and Wizard confronting TR, RV is the one who does it. RV is the one who calls him a liar, saying he knows Pure Vanilla the best, that PV wouldn't just give up. "Do you remember when we first met?" "Of course." "Do you remember what you told me?" "..." "You said 'You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You finally saw the light and people tried to chain you down. But you used your bare hands to climb your way out. You were all alone. I envy your strength. I was lucky enough to have friends help me. If you'd like, I want to be that friend to you that I had when I was shrouded in darkness.'" "You remember all that?" "Don't act like you don't." RV leaves TR alone and starts trying to find Gingerbrave, Strawberry, and Wizard. Ends up taking a wrong turn and begins to fall off the tower. However, unlike what the tarot cards said, Awakened PV saves him as he shows off his new outfit and his Other Realm. and yes, RV has a mini freakout over how hot his boyfriend is in the new awakened form
Shits & Giggles reaction: RV would, again, be confused, but 100% more embarrassed and blushy because unlike PV, TR has little to no filter, so TR be saying some wild stuff. TR's feelings to RV are a bit possessive (not as bad as SM) and keep RV by his side, so he reminds RV how much he loves him (and how much he knows)
As for SM and PV's reactions to his costumes
Hellhound: Both think he looks so hot. When they find out the outfit is because he's "in a band" (B.A.D 4), they beg for RV to show them what he can do. Oh, also? They love the croptop and want to see RV in more- Cake Stylist: PV loves it because he has his own costume in the same costume set, so he loves to say how they're matching and how cute they both are. SM on the outside is just "About time you wear a bit more blue!" but trust and believe he is in LOVE. Oh, and when he and PV are matching? SM is pretending he's not dying on the inside because both boyfriends be the cutest things. He especially loves the bow!
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cielcreations · 19 days ago
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Been really into Cookie Run Kingdom, and I want to humanize some more Cookies, so give me six Cookies and I'll draw them as humans!
Preferably from Cookie Run Kingdom, but any Cookie will do!
EDIT TO ADD: Got the six am gonna draw! Stay tuned!
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cielcreations · 20 days ago
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I cannot stop, it's an obsession, I'm sorry I'm not sorry
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cielcreations · 22 days ago
Red Velvet is an omega btw.
Pure Vanilla and Shadow Milk are his alphas.
They told me.
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cielcreations · 30 days ago
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He’s got them priorities.
he’s such a tsundere
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
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My boys are all on a date, don't mind them-
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
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Guys, Hecuba took down Polyphemus all by herself.
Give her some treats and pets. Such a good girl.
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
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Modern College/University PureVelvetMilk AU
Making a story to go along with this, but needed some designs and, well, am a artist sooooooo-
I'll update/reblog with the link when I post the story but here's the basic info:
Red Velvet is a new transfer student to the university
Pure Vanilla is a popular kid who helps everyone, is super smart, and in like 10 different clubs because he can't say no to people
Shadow Milk is also a popular kid, always throwing parties and skipping class, it's very rare to see him on campus, yet somehow he's passing all his classes
PV and SM both fall in love at first sight with RV
RV was originally not going to put in effort to make friends or have fun or whatever, but this cute blonde guy and handsome tall guy have taken an interest in him and they're kinda cute too-
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
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No context Slay The Prince WIP
You can read the story here
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
Bro, I have a question (again). It confuses me a bit, and you may not answer it, but .... How are things with proximity in a blue trio? Velvet, as you said, is inexperienced in all this, and I'd be interested to know how his first time went (and I'm sure it was before he met Shadow. In principle, that's a good thing, for I always thought of him in that regard as a dude with a lot of.... questionable ideas. questionable ideas).
First kiss? First touch? (Oh, and Vanille is ABSOLUTELY the most gentle and cautious partner in the world. Well, that's Vanilla)
Soup Snake 🍜🐍
Before they got together:
Shadow Milk is definitely the oldest (since he's the first holder of the Soul Jam and one of the first cookies the Witches baked) and has the most experience. He's had plenty of relationships for the millions of years he lived. At first, he was a little shy. But then, as power got to him and he was slowly corrupted, so were the ideas he had. He became a lot rougher, more possessive of his partners, became jealous a lot easier, etc. Until he was imprisoned.
Pure Vanilla, as speculated, is definitely a gentle person. It's no shock that he is a patient and careful with his lovers. While he is a pacifist/healer, he knows that he can hurt people if he wants to. He is an Ancient Hero after all. Also, sorry to PureLily fans, but I do not see them as anything more than best/childhood friends, so no. White Lily (in my HC/story) is NOT one of Pure Vanilla's exes!
Red Velvet is a total noob when it comes to relationships. He grew up in his tower with his only friends being the other Dark Cookies (Pomegranate, Licorice, Dark Choco, and Poison Mushroom). He's never had a romantic relationship, he only knows about relationships from stories.
When they got together:
PV and RV got together first. PV was super kind and patient and let RV set the pace. PV was RV's first everything. First kiss, first hand holding, first one to call him pet names, etc. Once RV was comfortable (which took a few months), PV began showering him with love and affection. He will constantly kiss RV on the forehead, lips, and/or cheek, wants to always hold his hand/have RV hug his arm, and people will joke that PV forgot RV's name because he calls RV "my love" 9/10 times.
When SM enters the picture, it's at first a love triangle sort of polycule, with just PV and SM both dating RV but the two of them are not together. SM, with RV, is a lot more possessive and gets jealous easily. SM, for the first few weeks, followed RV like a lost puppy, just hugging him from behind as RV walks around. He uses any excuse to kiss RV's lips to the point RV has to push him back a bit because he needs to breathe and/or SM is taking it a little bit too far. Oh, and SM is definitely a biter. Likes to cover RV in bites.
When PV and SM start dating, SM tries to act the same as he does to RV, but PV doesn't let him. What I mean is when SM kisses PV, PV takes charge of the kiss, or when SM hugs him because he's being possessive/jealous, PV will tease "Is someone grumpy?" and embarrass SM. SM definitely tries to be in control, but PV is the dom, lmao.
All three of them together: SM and PV spoil RV to death in different ways. SM is a person who shows affection through action and, boy, does he spend almost every second trying to kiss RV to death. PV is a person who shows affection through words, so he's constantly praising and calling RV sweet names. RV is just trying not to die in embarrassment. He prefers showing his love when no one is looking because, again, embarrassed. But trust and believe, when they are all in the bedroom, RV is golden retriever and will not get off/let them get up.
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
Reaction of SMilk and Vanilla to "Fight me!" by Velvet???
(He just needs practice fighting mages, not to attack seriously, Vanilla, don't make THAT face!)
Soup Snake 🍜 🐍
SM pissed off RV and that's why RV was like "FIGHT ME!" and SM just goes with it. But RV can't stay mad at either of his hubbies for too long so it turns into a kiss.
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cielcreations · 1 month ago
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Whoops, I made another
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