#shows all the orders you have placed in the past.
didhewinkback · 3 days
on my way to buy some flowers for you
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as if i was going to resist THIS. little blurb from the something old universe.
word count: 1ishk; warnings: zero this is fluff city baby.
It was the type of September day you fantasize about in the dead of the frigid cold winter months or during a heat wave in July - the sun was shining but the air was crisp, the breeze creating a slight chill. The dewy grass smell walloping him with nostalgia for the first day of school - how he would fiddle with his new backpack while also trying to make sure his curls fell just right for the 800th time.
It’s his favorite time of year in London, something he only realized recently, having spent his first decade or so living here either on tour or in America doing talk shows and photoshoots and meet and greets and interviews and dinners with executives and feeling himself slowly slip away bit by bit. 
There’s none of that now, as he leans up into the sun, the jazz album playing through his airpods adding an extra pep in his step as he turns down his street. This city has never felt more like home and he’s never felt more like himself. He’s gotten to be a real friends and family man this year, a standard he set for himself in the aftermath of tour. He’s someone who shows up, now - birthday parties, concerts, major work events. He’s there. 
He’s also set strict standards for relaxation - yes, he is the type of person that requires a routine in order to actually feel at ease but it’s worked out great so far. Nothing too crazy, just living in the familiar, building a life through habits. Like this one - how he’s gotten to wake up before you for a year and a half straight, rather than just a few weeks at a time, kissing you on the head before quietly slipping out of the house to head off for a cold swim or bike ride or walk through the neighborhood. Coming home to find you blinking sleepily over a cuppa or getting ready for the work day or, his favorite, still in bed, waiting for him.
It’s his favorite thing, waking up next to you. His stomach swoops at the memory of how good you looked this morning, your arm wrapped around his waist, the sunlight glowing golden embers across your skin. 
He adjusts the bouquet in his hands to enter the gate code once he gets to the house, the surprise gift making him so giddy he has to laugh at himself, barely able to contain his grin. It’s not elaborate, it's just flowers, but it will make you smile and that’s enough for him. 
He unlocks the front door, taking his airpods out of his ears and putting them away, taking in the sounds of the house. He quickly toes off his sneakers when he hears the sound of pages turning, can close his eyes and picture you sprawled out on the couch, book in hand. He feels buoyant as he walks down the hall towards the living room, hiding the flowers behind his back. 
Yeah, this is his city, he thinks, this is his home. And this, he thinks as he lays his eyes on you - still wearing that shirt of his you love to sleep in, bare legs stretched along the couch, fully engrossed in what’s unfolding on the page in front of you - this is his person.
You look up as he enters the room, placing the book down on your chest as you look at him, sleepy smile growing wider as he shuffles over to you, bending over with his hands still behind his back to steal a kiss. 
“Good morning,” you mumble against his mouth as he ducks in to steal another, humming into it. 
“Didn’t know if you’d be awake.” he says.
“It’s half past 10!” you squawk indignantly. “I’m not a heathen.”
“Feel like last night would say differently.” he says, laughing when you smack him, living for the way your face flushes. 
“Didn’t hear any complaints.”
“And you never will.” he says seriously, poker face lasting all of two seconds when you honk out a surprised laugh, your grins growing as you look at each other. 
You shake your head, stretching your arms over your head before squinting at him, the way he’s standing awkwardly, hands still behind his back. He feels a bit like a novice magician, heat blooming behind his cheeks as he pulls the bouquet from behind him and holds them out in front of you. You gape at him for a second, eyes darting between the flowers and his face, before pressing yourself up into a sitting position. 
“Who are those for?”
“What do y’ mean who are they for? A man can’t get his wife flowers?” he says, loving the way the word feels leaving his mouth. 
It’s been about three months but he never tires of saying it, never tires of knowing it's you. A flash of heat flows through him as he remembers the late hours after the reception, being unable to stop muttering the word into your neck as his hands desperately clamored to hold you impossibly closer. My wife, my wife, my wife. 
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, the loss of words apparent as you take the bouquet from him, biting at your lip as you look over the bloom. Eyes lighting up when you see your favorites. You huff a laugh and he swears he can see a blush blooming along your cheeks. You look back up at him, grin wide on your face and you look better than he imagined. You’re better than he imagined. You’re everything.
You wrap your hand around the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss, thumb brushing along his skin, causing goosebumps in its wake, your lips pressing against his just the way he likes. It’s a shit angle for his back, hunched over the couch, one arm on the back of it to support his weight but he really doesn’t give a shit, pulling away to press kisses all along your face until you giggle and push him away. 
“They’re beautiful. They’re fucking massive,” you say and he huffs a laugh against your skin, playfully biting at the apple of your cheek before pressing a kiss there and flopping down on the couch next to you. “I love them. Thank you.”
You lean over to kiss him again, he wraps an arm around your shoulder to hold you closer, kissing you softly. It’s the sound of the kettle that makes you pull apart, the kettle that takes absolute ages but he got it for you when he was twelve and you’ve never gotten rid of it. 
“Fancy a cuppa?” you ask softly and he nods, heart skipping a beat when you press your lips to his again before getting up off the couch. “I’m gonna put these in some water.”
You head into the kitchen and he settles back onto the couch, smile never leaving his face as he listens to you putter around. He pulls his cardigan off, smirking before doing the same with his trousers. 
“‘M taking my trousers off,” he announces, kicking them off his legs and staring at them on the ground for a moment before quickly folding them and placing them on the chair next to him. “We’re going full lazy Sunday, baby.”
“Now you’re speaking my language,” you call back and he laughs, reaching for your ipad on the coffee table before laying down on the couch. 
“Will y’ do the crossword with me?” he asks, opening the app up on the ipad, eyes poring over the clues. “The wordle kicked my arse this morning.”
“That’s because you suck,” you say, heading back into the living room with two steaming mugs, placing them on the coasters on the table. “You’re also the only person on the planet still doing the wordle.”
“‘M a man of commitment, what can I say.” he says and you hum, pressing a kiss to his forehead before shuffling back to the kitchen. “And the guy who made it, made it as a gift for his wife, so from one wife guy to another, I’ve got to support.”
He hears you snort at that as he gets a bit lost in the crossword, pausing only when he feels your eyes on him. He looks up, sees you leaning against the doorframe, the vase of flowers in your hand as you look at him with such love in your eyes he swears he stops breathing.
“What’s that look for?” he asks, voice a little breathless.
“My husband got me flowers. And now he’s laying on our couch without any trousers on,” you say with a shrug, taking a deep breath, the way the word husband leaves your lips causes goosebumps to bloom along his skin. That’s him, he’s yours. He’s got a ring on his hand to prove it. “And I’m just feeling really lucky. Because I really love him.” 
His breath catches in his throat as he smiles over at you, the two of you just looking at each other for a moment, both a little in awe of this life of yours, this marriage. This family. 
“Even if he’s really shit at the crossword.” you say, cheeky smile on your face that only grows when he honks out a laugh. 
“Then get over here and help me,” he whines and you quickly shuffle over, placing the vase in the middle of the table before crawling on the couch over him.
It takes some rearranging but you’re squished together, you halfway on top of him, the ipad in between you as you start to go through the clues together, legs intertwined, his arm around your back, holding you close. He presses a kiss to your temple and takes a deep breath, feeling so much gratitude for this moment he may just explode.
There’s just nothing else like it, is there. Nothing like you. No place like home.
a/n: if youre reading this and are like bitch theyre married?! canonically, yes. i promise some writing about the wedding will be coming but its taking forever and this inspo hit me like a truck so i had to work with it. also so fun bc grapejuice always reminds me of this fic anyway w the lyric "give me something old".
hope u like it, let me know what u think. shoutout to the random girl on twitter who tweeted my username asking for more writing last summer sorry its taking so long but wow u made me feel special. i missed them!!
taglist:@tobesolovelysstuff, @louyoursins, @daydreamingofmatilda, @jojo-blog53, @marzhshaim, @devilsqueen722, @just-happiness-only,@lomlhstyles, @feestyles, @spock4presidnet, @sunshinemoonsposts, @indierockgirrl, @jerseygirlinca, @kissitnhekitchen, @goldnrry,
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mononijikayu · 3 days
immortal sukuna who — in your fourth life (1).
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immortal sukuna masterlist
immortal sukuna doesn't remember how old he was, he thinks that he has lost count.
but immortal sukuna was aware that it had been two hundred years since he had met you. that's how he counts how old he was. he was born again when he met you.
it was two hundred years of living and losing for immortal sukuna, but just as much two hundred years of love, of endless devotion.
immortal sukuna had wandered the countryside for the past fifty years, his feet carrying him through lands he once ravaged.
immortal sukuna could not even remember all these places that now barely whispered his name.
but something different stirred in immortal sukuna this time, an unfamiliar weight that grew heavier with each passing year.
immortal sukuna had to be honest that he didn't expect to find you in this life just yet.
when immortal sukuna stumbled upon the scene, his bright red eyes immediately locked onto the sight of you, bound in chains.
he could feel himself shake in anguish, in vexation as immortal sukuna looked at your face bruised and your clothes torn.
immortal sukuna looked at your pathetic, useless waste of air captors as they barked orders at you.
it was a disgusting sight, an outrageous sight, a disgusting sight; immortal sukuna had nothing to describe how they were treating you like less than human.
and though your eyes remained closed, your movements were careful, as if navigating a world you could no longer see. immortal sukuna hated this.
immortal sukuna was shaking as he could feel his feet to rush, to hurry without any other thought.
something in immortal sukuna snapped. in a flash, the men were dead, their bodies left in ruin.
immortal sukuna stood over you, towering and terrifying, yet you showed no fear. not because you couldn't see him.
immortal sukuna's touch was warm on you, and that had allowed you to release the tension and the pain as you squeezed his hand.
you did not know immortal sukuna, you seem to forget in each and every life you meet him.
but something else lingered between you — a familiarity, an old connection buried beneath the years. immortal sukuna knew you felt it.
you felt tears fall from your closed eyes as you relaxed onto immortal sukuna's touch, who tenderly observed your cuts and bruises.
"who had made you in such a state?" he growled, sukuna's voice sharp, filled with barely contained rage. "are there more of them?"
you tilted your head slightly, your face turning toward the sound of sukuna's voice, though your eyes remained closed.
"i… don't know." you whispered back at sukuna, voice hoarse from pain and exhaustion. "i never saw their faces."
sukuna knelt closer beside you, his crimson eyes scanning your form from top to bottom.
sukuna began noticing the way your hands fumbled slightly, how you hesitated with every step, how your eyes, though closed, seemed so lost. so afraid.
to see you like this broke immortal sukuna's heart. you did not deserve to be like this. you were a goddess. one that deserved worship and yet....
"you're blind." sukuna stated, his voice low. his heart breaking over and over at the words he had just uttered.
you nodded slowly at sukuna, the chains rattling with your movements. "i have been for a long time."
immortal sukuna felt a strange pang in his chest. blind. how could fate be this cruel to you? you who had done nothing but good?
you had once seen the world, had once seen sukuna, but now you were trapped in darkness, enduring horrors you didn’t deserve. not ever.
immortal sukuna could feel as though he was feeling the rim of his eyes clog with tears. he can't help it. he grieves. he grieves for him, he grieves for you.
without a word, sukuna reached out and snapped the chains that bound you, the metal shattering like glass under his strength.
you stumbled slightly, not expecting the sudden freedom, and sukuna caught you with a gentle but firm hand.
"who are you?" you asked, your voice trembling, but there was a strange curiosity behind it.
"someone you knew, long ago." sukuna murmured, watching your expression carefully.
you didn’t recoil, didn’t pull away. even without sight, you seemed to sense something in sukuna — something familiar, something safe.
"thank you." you whispered, your voice barely audible. you reached out hesitantly, your hand searching for sukuna's own.
immortal sukuna without thinking, placed his own hand in yours, his large, rough fingers enveloping your smaller ones.
for the first time in fifty years, immortal sukuna felt something he hadn’t felt in centuries — purpose. life.
immortal sukuna didn’t know why he had come across you, didn’t understand why fate had brought him back to you after all this time.
but standing there, your hand in his, your body fragile yet unbroken, sukuna knew one thing for certain.
he would protect you, sukuna would make sure that you would live this life without worry. that you would always smile. even if you can't see him anymore.
and perhaps, just perhaps, you would heal the darkness in him, the same way immortal sukuna had just freed you from your own.
you both will always live happily together, no matter what. immortal sukuna would make sure of it.
even if he suffered over and over again, even if immortal sukuna lives in misery waiting and waiting, he does not care.
what is two hundred years passed, and mayhaps two hundred years more to the eternity of sukuna being in your arms for forever?
these little miseries were the map of sukuna's soul. to get back his soul. you. you who he had been waiting for all this time.
when you fell asleep from weariness in his arms, immortal sukuna lifted you and carried you carefully on his back.
"welcome home." sukuna whispered to you in the quiet, for the first time in fifty years.
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tpwk-formula1 · 23 hours
haii could i please order a pizza with sicillian crust with red sauce, and jalapenos, chicken, and tomatoes and my drinks are mtn dew(dom), beer and diet coke. Served by Max Verstappen please!!
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
sicillian crust dating red sauce rough sex jalapenos "always such a fucking brat" chicken "awe you thought I'd let you cum that easy?" tomatoes "do you enjoy pissing me off?" mt dew dom (reader) beer edging diet cock recording kink served by Max Verstappen
Max Verstappen x Dom reader
AN: I am so pleased with how busy the Pizzeria has been! I work at night today so I'm gonna get a couple fics more pizzas done before I have to go in.
TW - edging, sub max, dom reader, begging, unprotected sex, filming, taunting
WC 2100+
I've been watching Max from the other side of the bar for the past 15 minutes while he talks to Checo about something having forgotten about the drink he was supposed to be getting me.
Another 5 minutes pass before Max is finally waving the bartender down to orders drinks and another 3 minutes before I watch Max approaching with his puppy smile trying to sweeten me up once he saw the cold stare I was giving him.
"Max it's been almost half an hour since you told me 'I'll be right back just gonna get your drink' right back my ass" I saw while rolling my eyes and talking the drink he was offering me.
"M'sorry, Checo was talking about the car," Max tells me sheepishly. I could tell he was sorry so I decided to brush it off and pull him to my side before placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"It's fine, just stay on task next time," I tell him softly whispering into his ear.
I don't know how or when it happened but there had been a shift in max and I's relationship. At one point in time, Max was a young curious boy doing any and everything he could to dominate me and 'keep me in check' but as the years progressed there was a switch and he was no longer the one wearing the pants in the relationship. Most people just assumed Max was whipped but the very few who actually knew about the dynamic just understood it. To them it all made sense, on track, Max was a dominant force that instilled fear in his fellow drivers but off the track, he just needed an outlet to be taken care of.
"I promise," Max whispers before placing a kiss on my lips.
"Love you," he says when he pulls back. "Love you too"
As the night progressed Max had done really well about doing what he's asked but then Lando showed up and I knew instantly I was gonna lose him in the crowd.
I trust Max and I have no issues with him going off but being left at a table by myself surrounded by people I had never met was making me grow more anxious than I would like to admit.
It was about an hour later when I finally saw Max approaching the table with a dopey smile across his face letting me know he had definitely had another drink or two.
"Hi baby," Max says while plopping down right next to me not picking up on the annoyance radiating off of me.
"Do you enjoy pissing me off?" I ask back watching as the smile on Max's face instantly falls.
"Wha- huh? Wait, what did I do?" Max stutters, struggling to try and figure out what to say.
"You just disappeared for over an hour. You left me alone at this dan table and you didn't even tell me where the fuck you went or ask if I wanted to join," I tell him back piching his thigh slightly under the table.
"M'sorry. I promise I've been trying to be good. Don't wanna make you mad, schat" Max mumbles clearly feeling the shame of the verbal lashing he was gonna get later when we got back to the apartment.
"You're gonna be in tears tonight," I reply back straight faced not cracking a normal smile.
"Please just one more chance," Max begs knowing I meant every word.
"I gave you a chance with Checo. I don't understand how you hanging out with Lando somehow always results in you getting punished. Maybe we should send him a video of you tonight to let me know he's a terrible influence," I tell him while looking into his eyes before placing a soft kiss on his cheek to throw him off.
"You wouldn't" Max says with wide eyes of the threat of sending a sex tape. I just shrug my shoulders playing along with the bit.
"I don't know, I think he would love to know that the man he's fighting to get the World Driver Championship is just a needy whiney little bitch," I reply back making Max whine.
"You're a meanie," Max mumbles.
"And you're a brat. Don't we make a perfect pair," I saw with a smile on my face.
When we finally get back to the apartment for the night Max was pretty much sober knowing I would wait until morning if he wasn't sober. He chose take his punishment now versus the morning when he would be nursing a hangover.
"Go into our room, make sure the cats are out of the room, then strip down and be laying on you back in the bed. I'll be there in 5 minutes," I say the second the door is closed.
Max makes quick work of disappearing into our room where I assume he listened to every word I said.
In the 5 minutes, I stripped down into the lingerie set I had chosen to wear under my outfit before making my way down the hallway where I find Sassy sitting by the door staring up at me curiously. I give her a quick pet before slipping into the room to find Max exactly how I told him to be. I look around the room and found a neatly stack of clothes letting me know that Max had folded them up instead of throwing them arounf our room.
"I see you remember some of our rules," I saw while staring at the clothes so Max understood what I was referencing.
When I start climbing into the bed with Max I can see him tensing slightly in anticipation.
"You know how embarrassing it was tonight?" I said before spitting onto Max's cock and starting to jerk him off making him instantly grow hard under my hand.
"I was sat there all alone for over an hour. I looked dumb as fuck. I'm sure the Monaco gossip is gonna eat that up "Max Verstappen disappears leaving his long-time girlfriend alone at the table' You know how media is, they're gonna make it seem like there's trouble in paradise. When in reality it's just little Maxie being a brat. Oh! I almost forgot," I stop my teasing to grab my phone which I brought with me into the room.
"Say hi to Lando," I say while pointing the camera at Max's face. He's giving the camera such a pained yet slutty look it makes me laugh at his desperation. I wait a couple seconds before my voice booms through the room, "I said, Say hi to Lando." While verbally reprimanding Max I send a quick slap to his inner thigh close to his dick before pinching the same spot making Max squirm a bit.
"Hi, Lando," Max mumbles barely audible.
"Try that again. I hear the way you yell at your engineer. Such a disrespectful boy," I tell him with a raised brow.
"Hi, Lando" Max finally says in a loud enough voice to be heard.
"Good boy," I tell him while moving my unoccupied hand back to his dick making sure I have the perfect angle to get Max and his already wet with precum ccok.
"So needy. You're already dripping for me," I say with a smirk on my face.
"So good, schat" Max whines making me speed up slightly just to watch Max's breath hitch.
"I love it when you get like that," I mumble while squeezing Max's cock a bit harder.
"M'close," Max mumbled making me speed up just slightly before pulling my hand away and watching Max's eyes roll into the back of his head and tremble slightly from his pleasure being ripped away in a matter of seconds.
"No," Max whines dragging out the O sounding so desperate.
"Awe you thought I'd let you cum that easy?" I tease while starting to jerk Max off again while zooming the camera in on Max's cock dripping with precum.
"Schat, please," Max says already starting to beg.
"Oh come on, you can handle more than one," I tell him while leaning down and kicking softly at his tip collecting a bit of his precum.
I shuffle down the bed slightly to start pulling Max into my mouth and down my throat taking all of Max's length into my mouth making sure to bob my head slightly before bringing Max to the edge all over again.
I could tell when he was getting close again because his thighs started tensing under my hands making me rip away from Max's cock to watch him thrash around while bucking his hips to try and gain some kind of friction.
"Fuck no," Max whines staring straight at that the camera that I angled perfectly on his face.
"I love watching you get progressively more needy," I say with a smirk while gripping onto his cock and giving it a rough couple jerks before pulling Max into my mouth again.
I didn't give Max much time to calm down so he was on the edge rather quickly.
"Please, I'm gonna cum," Max says making me bod my head a bit faster before pulling away and watching Max try and chase his orgasm on his own by moving his hand to go and finish himself off but I quickly get a grip on his wrist and giving Max a look that says knock it off.
"No more," Max whines making me smirk slightly.
"Can you give me one more?" I question with a raised brow making Max whine but slowly start to nod his head.
"Yes, I can give one more," Max mumbles softly making me smile softly.
I started jerking off his cock softly making sure I'm filming everything again. I loved it when Max got like. The noises, his hips bucking, and the pure desperation in his eyes always seemed to turn me on.
I could tell Max was getting close but I wanted to push him farther than previous so I continue my movements till the second I know Max will cum I rip my hand away and watch as Max lets out a roar of desperation while jerking his body around not being able to gain any friction as I moved away slightly.
"Please, I need it. I can't do it anymore. I need to cum baby, please," Max begs making me smile softly.
"I'm gonna let you cum in a minute," I tell Max softly while rubbing his thigh in a soothing manner making Max whimper at the touch.
I turned the video off and tossed my phone away from us. I was still sitting in my lingerie set which is completely soaked through both from just witnessing Max get to the point of begging and also because I had snuck a couple fingers into my folds and teased my clit while giving Max head.
I stand from the bed softly and strip down completely before climbing back into the bed and climbing on top of Max before instantly sinking all the way down on Max.
"Oh fuck," I moan when I feel Max stretch my tight walls. I knew neither of us would last very long but looking at Max's face he was completely blissed out.
"So good," Max mumbled making his accent come out a bit thicker.
"So big baby," I moan while softly grinding my hips to gain some friction but not enough stimulation to bring Max or I to an orgasm.
"More, please" Max begs and I give him exactly what he wants because I start bouncing my hips slightly making both Max and I moan at the pleasure coursing through our bodies.
It doesn't take me long for the knot in my stomach to grow alerting me of the incoming orgasm. I look at Max's face and can tell he's trying to hold his orgasm off until I was cumming.
"Cum for me baby," I whisper out bouncing harder on Max's cock throwing me off the edge and into a violent orgasm.
The way Max's hips were erratically thrusting and the feeling of him filling me up sent me over the edge into a shaking orgasm. I'm shaking on Max's cock trying to ride both of our orgasms out.
"So good baby," I whine softly still feeling the aftershocks of the intense orgasm I just had.
"Thank you," Max says softly through staggered breath still trying to catch his breath again.
"You did good for me," I tell Max softly while pulling off his cock and laying down on his chest.
"You're not gonna send that to Lando right," Max mumbles softly making me chuckle a little and shake my head no.
"You know I would never, but I did love watching you get desperate on camera. Might start having to do that more often," I tell him softly looking up to watch his face. I could see the conflict in his eyes but he still nodded his head letting me know it was something he would be willing to do again.
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musings-of-a-rose · 3 days
Camping Trip
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Pairing: Will Miller x f!reader (nickname Autumn)
Word Count: 3400+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen. I don’t know. I just saw the picture in the upper right of my moodboard and came up with this. Ok fine I wrote the first 3 paragraphs in May and the rest now. Will and I are complicated, ok? Shoutout to @mermaidxatxheart for reading and listening to my ramblings as always!
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Main Masterlist
Will Miller Masterlist
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It had been a rough few months, no doubt about that. Somehow, I survived. Made it to the solo camping trip I had been thinking about for months. It's nothing I haven't done before. Even the trails and campsite are familiar. Still, it had been a few years and I was itching to get away from the city and all the noises it pounds into my head.
I head down the backroads, the pine trees growing thicker the further out I get from the city. At first I pass a lot of cars, mostly traveling into the city. But after a while, when the trees are so tall I can't see over them, so thick I can barely see through them, I'm the only car on the road.
I see the sign for the campsite and turn, heading down the dirt path to the small parking lot about a half mile in from the road. There are a couple of other jeeps and trucks here, one of them belonging to the park ranger who sits inside the small welcome center/general store. I head inside to use the bathroom, the last little "luxury" I give myself before spending a week away from everyone.
"Hi mis- Autumn! Haven't seen you for what...3 years?"
I smile at the man behind the counter, giving him a little wave. "Hey Jay! You're still working here? I thought you'd have retired by now." I grab a couple of bags of the beef jerky they have on sale. It's made by a local farmer and I can only get it here.
Jay chuckles. "Next year. Maybe."
"Don't push yourself too hard, Jay."
"Oh! Mary had her baby! Course she's 3 now."
"Oh really? Damn, 3 already?”
Jay looks at me pointedly. “Well that’s what you get for taking so long to come back and visit.”
Before I can answer, the bell on the entrance door jingles out and Jay glances over my shoulder. “Afternoon, sir! Can I help you with anything?”
“Just a trail map, thanks.” His voice is a little raspy, like he hadn’t used it for a while. I turn to point to the map stand but am momentarily frozen. 
This man is gorgeous.
Tall, short blonde hair, slightly longer up top. Military or ex military judging by the cut and the way he holds himself. But his eyes meet mine, slate blue and what was I saying? 
Jay pinches my arm. “Show him the maps, Autumn.”
I force a small chuckle to Jay, quickly pulling my arm from his pinching fingers and walk towards the blonde man and am hit with the scent of pine, leather, and old spice. Normally I would not be into the latter on a man but the way it mixes with his natural scent is going straight to my head. And other places.
“Here,” I somehow manage to walk past him and grab a map from the spinning holder, turning to hand it to him. The man takes it, his eyes twinkling before he gives me a quick wink.
“Thanks, darlin’.” His eyes quickly flick down my body, or maybe I’m imagining it? 
“You check the weather before coming, sir?”
His eyes are on mine still for another moment before he turns to address Jay. “Yeah I did. This isn’t my first time camping.”
Jay nods. “Military?”
The man chuckles. “Vet. Am I that obvious?”
Jay shrugs. “Not exactly. I just know people. Well, as long as you know what you’re in for. Shouldn’t be too bad but just make sure to stay warm. Not sure how long you’ll be here but if ever a blizzard alert comes up, you come right back here, ok? There’s a small cabin out back that’s open to campers 24/7.”
“Thanks.” The man takes his map, declining Jay’s offer of a bag. He glances back over at me. “See you later, darlin’.”
Fuck. Me. “See you!”
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It takes me the usual couple of days to make it to my favorite spot, but I breathe a sigh of relief when I break through the trees, the breathtaking view of the mountains and lake spread out before me. It feels like coming home. 
I get to work setting up my camp, fire and tent good to go, my food hanging from a bag in a tree. I managed to find a place with a good fallen log, perfect for sitting on or against and close enough to the fire so I can keep warm. The wind blows through the nettles of the tall pines around me, the cool, misty breeze coating the exposed skin on my face. I take a deep breath in and out. I really missed being here. 
I do turn on my high powered radio to listen to the weather report twice a day, making sure nothing unexpected is coming. There’s something the weathermen are looking at, but they don’t think it’ll be anything. Still, the temps are sure to drop in a couple of days and there may be a bit of snow. I’m prepared for it, but it’s still good to know. 
A couple days later, I’m about a half mile from camp, walking along the trail near the lake. So far, I’ve seen a couple of deer and a ton of birds. I’m stopped, leaning against a tree trunk to take a quick break when I hear the sound of footsteps on the path ahead. I know I’m not the only one camping, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t instantly on alert. Another couple of seconds of hearing the sound and I know it’s human. From around the curve of the path emerges the man from Jay’s, his pack full and looking heavy. He sounds a little winded and had obviously been walking for a bit. I straighten myself and wave to him.
“Hey! Fancy seeing you here!”
The man glances at me and smiles, the same one from the shop. “Hey…Autumn?”
I nod. I tell him my real name. “But Jay’s been calling me Autumn since I first came to this trail.”
“Let me guess. It was during Autumn?”
I chuckle. “Jay is original.”
He comes closer, but stops several feet away, breathing heavier. “I’m Will.”
“Nice to meet you, Will.”
He nods to me. “Same.”
He still doesn’t move. “I don’t bite, you know.”
He cocks his head, confused, but then seems to piece it together. “Oh. Well, I didn’t want to freak you out by invading your space.”
I’m fairly positive if this man wanted to take me down, he could’ve done that, several feet away with a pack on or no. “Thank you. That’s…unexpected. And kind.”
“Don’t other people do that?”
I shake my head. “Not really.”
“Oh. Well they should.”
I shrug. “Maybe….but Will, you can come closer. It’s alright.”
He raises his eyebrows. “You sure?”
“Yeah, why?”
He remains rooted to the spot. “You don’t think I’ll take advantage of you?”
I snort. “I’m fairly positive you could’ve done that already, Mr. Military. Don’t threaten me with a good time.” What the fuck did I just say?
I swear I see the tips of his ears turn pink as he chuckles, shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot. “A good time it would be.”
He comes closer and I gesture towards my bag which is resting against a log. He takes his own off and sets it beside mine, shrugging and stretching his shoulders a bit. “I really should’ve taken a break before now. Gettin’ old sucks.”
I chuckle, my eyes roaming down his arms, the flannel on his shirt hugging his biceps in all the right ways. 
“You look in great shape to me.” 
His eyes meet mine and we stare at each other for several moments before I blink, shaking my head a little to rid myself of the not at all PG thoughts I was having.
“So…are you trying to make it back to that cabin before the weather moves in?”
Will clears his throat, giving his own head a little shake before crossing his arms across his broad chest. “That was the plan.”
“Have you listened to the weather station today?”
He furrows his brows and I melt. “No, why?”
“The uh..storm? Is moving a little faster than they thought. No way you’ll make it back to Jay’s cabin before it starts to pick up.”
“Shit.” Will sighs, bringing his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I really thought I’d be able to make it but my leg was acting up.” 
I can tell he’s not used to this, needing breaks. He seems like the kind of guy that just pushes through the pain. Until it pushes back.
“Come on. You can stay with me.” I push back from the tree and lean down to get my pack, swinging it up on my back. When I look back up at Will, he’s staring at me, eyes wide.
“Did you just invite me to your camp?”
I adjust the straps on my shoulders. “Yeah. Let’s get going so that way we aren’t stuck.”
“You trust me?”
I click the last strap into place across my chest before I look at him. “I thought we established that I do.”
He studies me for a long moment, his eyes moving between mine and I swear he glances down at my lips. “You sure you have the space?”
I shrug. “May be a little bit of a squeeze but temps are dropping anyway. We can always find a way to get warm.” What did I just say?
A small smirk spreads across his beautiful face. “I’m sure we can, darlin’.” He leans down and grabs his own pack, situating it on his back before he gestures to me. “Lead the way.”
Talking to Will is easy, comforting almost. He tells me about his time in the army, Delta Force, and his brothers, including his real life brother Benny. A golden retriever of a man if I ever heard of one. He asks me questions about my life and listens intently, actually interested in what I have to say. Before I know it, we’re back at my camp. Will stops for a moment, staring out over the lake at the mountain behind it and whistles. “You found a hell of a view.”
“Thanks. It took me a couple years to find but now it’s like home.”
Will helps me start a fire and get food cooking, laughter and conversation flows just as easily as before and I find myself gravitating towards him, physically. But he also seems to be scooting closer and closer until our legs are nearly touching. Snowflakes start to fall, coming in faster and thicker.
“We should probably get the sleeping bags set up before it gets hard to see,” Will suggests, his breath puffing out in tendrils in front of him. 
“Good idea.”
Will gets the outside of our little camp ready as the sun starts to dip and night comes. We manage to get in the tent before the snow really starts to come down. It’s a little bigger than a one room tent, but we’re still pretty snug in here now that there’s two of us. And he’s so fucking broad. I shift my sleeping bag over a bit more and Will slides his down next to mine. He looks between our bags and then up at me, his eyebrows pulled together in slight concern.
“What is it?” I ask nervously.
I punch his arm and have to choke back a scream at how firm it is. “Just tell me.”
He chuckles while he dramatically rubs his arm. “Ouch,” he smirks as I roll my eyes. “But we should zip our bags together. For warmth. It’s about to get pretty cold.”
“William Miller. Are you asking to get in my sleeping bag with me?”
He shifts nervously, his ear tips turning red. “No! I uh, that’s not… I mean, it’s basic survival. I didn’t mean.. I don’t want you to think-”
I laugh then, cutting him off. “Chill out, Will. I know how you meant it. You’re a nice guy. I just like watching you blush.”
He rubs at his face. “You’re dangerous.”
“How dare you, good sir. I am a lady.”
He snorts and I swear under his breath he says “I bet you are.”
We get the bags zipped together and slide down in them, trying to leave as much space as we could between us. After several minutes of us shuffling around awkwardly, Will chuckles.
“You wanna be the big spoon or the little one?”
My laughter rings out in the tent joining his, tears streaming down my face at this brilliant tension breaker. “I’ll be little,” I choke out. I turn around, facing my back towards him. I feel him scoot closer and heat instantly rushes through my body, pooling between my thighs. Can he hear how my heart is about to beat from my chest?
“Is this ok?” Will’s breath fans out over my neck, goosebumps erupting in it’s wake. 
“Uh..I uh…y-yeah. All good. Is it uh, close enough? For survival, I mean.”
Will clears his throat. “Uh, well I mean. We should probably be, uh, closer. To stay warm. For survival, of course.”
“Well if it’s for survival, scoot as close as you want.”
He makes a choking sound but shifts closer, his body molding to mine. I can feel his hand hovering, unsure of where to place it. I reach back and take it, gently placing it on my hip, trying to ignore the heat that immediately ignites, flowing down between my legs. The wind blows outside, the tent rustling with it. I shift my hips a little and Will’s grip on my hip tightens, his fingers digging into my skin. And I can feel something else pressing against my ass and I swallow hard.
“You’re going to have to stop moving around, darlin’. Please.” He chokes out the last word, sounding restrained. 
I take a deep breath. “What if I don’t want to?”
His grip tightens even more and I know I’ll bruise if he keeps it up. And I don’t care if I do. 
“I’m trying really hard to be respectful, Autumn.”
I glance over my shoulder at him. “Don’t be respectful then.”
A quiet growl emanates from him. “What are you saying?”
I make sure I have his gaze. “Be disrespectful. If it’s permission you want, you have it.” 
He watches me for a long moment before I feel him shift, his arm that’s not gripping my hip sliding under my neck. He twists his wrist, sliding it down to unbutton my shirt, his hand finding it’s way down my shirt and under my bra, gently swiping his fingers over my nipple. But at the same time, his other hand slowly moves from my hip, pulling my leg up and over his own, his hand gently teasing my skin as he pushes it under my pantline and between my legs, another groan when he feels how wet I am. I gasp as he nips at my shoulder. 
“You’re so fuckin’ wet, Autumn.”
I try to respond, but instead a moan escapes me as his fingers start to play with me, gentle circles with alternating pressure as all my blood rushes between my legs, that fire igniting rather quickly. 
“Will, I’m gonna…” I’m not entirely sure what I say as I come, my leg twitching as my body soars, pleasure radiating out from between my thighs, spreading throughout me.
“Feeling warm?” Will speaks deeply in my ear, nibbling a little on my ear lobe.
I nod, my head flying already. “You didn’t even take my clothes off.”
He chuckles against my neck. “I told you I was respectful.”
Surprising even myself, I reach behind me and grab him over his pants. He grunts but pushes against my hand, no doubt relieving some of the pressure. I turn my head towards him, my lips barely brushing his. “Please, Will.”
His eyes are like a storm at sea, blue and wild, darkening. “Tell me.”
I take his hand and push it between my legs where I was growing wetter by the second as I push my hips back, grinding on him. He grunts in my ear. “You gotta stop doing that or I won’t be able to hold myself.”
My hand, still over his, pushes his fingers towards my entrance, his thick fingers circling me, heat and anticipation swirling around me. “D-don’t hold yourself back. Fuck me, Will. Please,” I’m not above begging at this point, his finger continuing to edge me along. But then he’s pulling his hand out of my pants, trying to sit up but struggling because we’re in a sleeping bag. 
“Take off your clothes before I rip them off.”
That command went straight through me, my fingers moving quickly to take off all my clothes, tossing them out of the sleeping bag. Will does the same on his own, starting his own neater pile outside of the sleeping bag. I lay back down, assuming he’ll want the same position. His fingers skim across my side, watching the goosebumps pimple up. But then he pushes my hip down, turning me on my back as he slides over my body, my legs opening as wide as I can to give him space. He’s heavy, fuck he’s so much bigger than I thought as he presses against my clit, hot and pulsing. His eyes find mine, a dark twinkle in them as he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. I part them and he slides his tongue inside, the kiss quickly heating up as he starts to move his hips. He slides himself over me, back and forth across my clit, swallowing my moans. My fingers dig at his back, silently begging him for more. The pressure is so intense, so much, that if he doesn’t fuck me now, I may just pop. Or go insane. 
Then Will gently takes my wrists, pinning them on either side of my head. His hips shift and with a confident stride, he pushes into me, my head pressing back into the pillow as I feel the pleasant burn, my body stretching to accept him, all of him. He pulls his hips back and pushes in, this time with a little more force and I feel a jolt through my body as he hits some spot at the back of me. I whine as Will continues to fuck me, slowly but forcefully, heat coursing through me. And then, I snap, crying out his name as I squeeze around him, my entire body lighting up and carrying me away from myself, my release made more intense by being pinned under him, unable to move away from the intense pleasure. 
Will’s breaths are heavy, panting out with restraint, like he’s holding himself back. He kisses me again, hard, nipping at my bottom lip before pulling back and out, but before I have a chance to feel too empty, he somehow flips me on my belly, my boobs pressing into the sleeping bag as he arcs my hips up just enough for him to slide in easily, my body greedily taking him in. He lays on top of me, his arms over mine as he laces his fingers with my hands. The weight of him both on and in me sends heat right back between my legs. He bites at my neck and shoulder as he fucks into me, deeper and harder with every thrust until I’m coming again, screaming his name into my pillow as I feel his hips sputter, Will whining in my ear as he spills inside of me. His body slumps against mine, both of us trying to catch our breath. Eventually, he slides off of me and to my side, turning me and pulling me to his chest. He nuzzles in my hair, wrapping his arms around me again, one massive hand holding a boob.
“Warm enough?” Will whispers in my ear.
“Mmm..” I respond. “You didn’t tell me you could fuck, Will.”
He chuckles and kisses my neck. “I’m restricted by this sleeping bag, darlin’. I did the best I could.”
The whine that escapes me is loud. “I’d love to see that.”
“Well when I’m done with you after this camping trip darlin’, you’re going to need some time to recover. And then I plan on showing you exactly how my fucking is.”
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General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe
@greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @icanbeyourjedi  
@wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso  
@theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz 
@gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @booksarekindaneat @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox 
@amneris21 @gooddaykate @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed  
@ladykatakuri @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol  
@mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry 
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @heartpascalispunk 
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mysteryshoptls · 1 day
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Dorm Uniform Voice Lines
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When Summoned: You got guts, calling for me.
Summon Line: Normally I wouldn't ever let prey escape from me... But I'm in a good mood right now. I suppose I'll not eat you, just this once.
Groooovy!!: I'll show you what it means to be the leader of a pack.
Home: I better not be seeing any Savanaclaw students actin' lame.
Home Idle 1: Ramshackle's not too shabby. It's empty and abandoned, so it's the perfect place to take a nap.
Home Idle 2: My dorm's got a simple enough rule. It's all about survival of the fittest. Do try not to get gobbled up.
Home Idle 3: If you need anything, just talk to Ruggie first. If he thinks it's important enough, he'll bring it to me.
Home Idle - Login: What, you interested in Savanaclaw? Yeah, sure, I'll teach you just how we deal with things around here.
Home Idle - Groovy: Why would a herbivore like you try to get closer to me, ain'tcha scared? ...Heh, guess you got nerves of steel.
Home Tap 1: The feathers on my staff are annoying when they flap, but... They say the King of Beasts' advisor was a bird, so I'd probably get scolded if I removed 'em.
Home Tap 2: Back home, scars are seen as a mark of bravery. Apparently, the King of Beasts also had a huge scar across his left eye.
Home Tap 3: My Vice Housewarden? I tried out a few in the past, but they all ended up challenging me for my seat, lost, then quit. So I don't have one right now.
Home Tap 4: Why'd I become Housewarden? Obviously, it's because I was the best man for the job.
Home Tap 5: Hey, stop bein' so clingy. I hate that stuffy feeling. 'Sides, you ain't a kid.
Home Tap - Groovy: You're severely lacking a chill factor. Sleepin' the whole afternoon away is the best way to go.
Duo: [LEONA]: Hey, Vil. Follow me. [VIL]: Don’t order me around, Leona.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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tragedycoded · 2 days
writing share tag!
Oh my goodness, all of my favorites left open tags yesterday. @the-golden-comet just about gave me a cavity, @dyrewrites shared the Mitra of all time, and @sableglass unleashed Dante onto the world.
You guys have been good. Here's the first 620 words of Khalid's short story, "Among the Elements," which I'm editing today. There's no content warnings... yet.
Passing on the open tag, btw. Show me what you got.
Monday Paris is smaller than I thought it would be. We touched down into the city at 22:22 on Sunday. Despite the hour, the hotel's bar was open. Seemed as if every participant at The Symposium on Quantum Biology was drinking when we arrived. And then in the morning. It's disheartening to sit alone with the memory of how quickly my own sense of accomplishment fades after the presentation is over. Always is an inaccurate qualifier, yet the correlation between my arrival at the reception and the speed with which my cohorts opened their tablets to share the content of their picture rolls is… notable. Frankly, I would prefer pictures of dogs. Dogs are a distraction from scientific discovery, same as children. But my cohorts only want to show pictures of their children. Perhaps this is a sign of emotional immaturity, to be asked to share in a moment of joy and pride with another human being and to think instead: It's no accomplishment to produce a child. People do it by complete accident every single hour of the day. // Upon further examination, I've concluded that certain aspects of my personhood have contributed to my solitude persisting into adulthood. It has never occurred to me that solitude was a deficit, until now. It's a foolish thought. Even if I did want companionship, of all things, significant hurdles stand between myself and the want. It's not possible to bypass companionship in order to produce a child. It's ridiculous. I don't want children any more than I want a dog. It would get in the way, make a mess, distract me from my Work. And what is to be done with a child when it grows large enough but send it away? Seeing other people's children reminds me even if I did want such a thing, the improbability of attaining it removes all motivation to pursue it in the first place. As though wanting means I ought to be able to figuratively pluck whatever I want down from a tree as I pass by, no dirt under my nails or sweat on my brow--that is an even more foolish thought. Here's another-- My Work hasn't made me work in a long time. // A previously unremarkable absence has revealed itself to be the missing crucial component of my life's Work. Everyone else has a companion, and I do not--I have watched all of my cohorts complete the mating ritual ahead of me and never spared it a millisecond's thought. My fascination with human biology on a quantum level has led to my eliminating my own Corpus as a source of biology. Whether or not my cohorts are pleased with their spouses, or view this Symposium as a chance to be away from the children they show off, they have used gross anatomy without thought to accomplish the impossible. All they needed was the appropriate bodily fluids and time. I've not been asked to speak at this Symposium because I spend my free time in bodily fluids. None of us have, excepting the gross pathologists. Bodily fluids, however, are essential to the creation of life. Perhaps I ought to have spent more time in bodily fluids. // The past decade I've spent toiling in separate directions appeared before me as a path, as if in a vision--a divergence from where I have been and what I have been Working towards, yes, but it is a path--and the way is unobstructed. Cellular reprogramming in a relatively controlled environment--some persistence and dialect adjustment to negotiate the open-air markets--I drafted and constructed a prototype in a matter of hours. I've no intention of sleeping this evening. I have too much Work ahead of me.
@cowboybrunch @finickyfelix @saturnine-saturneight @ashfordlabs @autism-purgatory
@noblebs @aintgonnatakethis @the-golden-comet @asablehart @mauvecatfic
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @words-after-midnight
@lavender-bloom @jev-urisk @wyked-ao3
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Could you write the Yandere Alphabet for Louis (Beastars)?
Sure! Only seen the Anime to bear with me here ^^;
Yandere Alphabet - Louis
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Possessive behavior, Trauma, Clingy behavior, Blood, Murder, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Louis would feel very... complicated towards his obsession. He's arrogant and has a ton of self-loathing due to his past. As a result, he tends to hate relying on other animals.
So, when it comes to you, Louis isn't sure what to think.
Louis is shown to be kind and caring to those he likes, even if he struggles with relationships. With his obsession he'd definitely be as respectful as he can. He no doubt thinks he shouldn't pursue you...
Yet as all obsessions go... You stay in his mind and it makes him conflicted.
Louis would start by being distant, although his affection later on would be close. You'd probably be like an unhealthy coping mechanism for Louis, making him stick around you.
In terms of how intense? He may not seem like it... but I can see him as pretty intense, especially as the leader of the Shishigumi.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Considering how he hates to show weakness, I can see Louis getting his hands dirty due to his obsession. He's used to guns and has killed before due to being in the Shishigumi. If someone pushed him into a vulnerable state, threatened you or tried to take you from him...
He may be unstable enough to pull the trigger for his own selfish benefit... under the guise of protecting you.
Afterwards... He can't help but notice it makes him feel stronger.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I feel his behavior depends on if you're an herbivore or carnivore. If you're a carnivore, he would mock you at times yet still cares about you enough to meet your every need. If you're an herbivore, he forgoes mocking entirely.
I feel Louis would have a higher chance of kidnapping if he was part of the Shishigumi. He has lions under his control and can simply order that you're looked after. He'd make sure you get the food you want and have a comfortable place to stay.
He doesn't care how comfortable he is... He wants you well cared for, even if he tries to be stoic. Having you safe beside him soothes him.
Even if you panic, cry, scream... He couldn't let you go if he tried.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
I feel Louis could go either way. I imagine he doesn't want to stress you or make you hate him on purpose. Yet at the same time... He's assertive and can't seem to be away from you for long.
He's only vulnerable with you, while he hates being vulnerable at all, he knows he loves you too much to push you away fully.
I imagine there's things he'll force, like who you can speak to or where you should stay. However, if he deems it safe, Louis would give you freedoms. Monitored, of course.
He doesn't like the idea of keeping you fully as a prisoner too much unless you try to leave him.
Too close to home.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
At first, barely any at all. He hates being weak. Even more so when he resents his obsession for making him... obsessed and reliant.
However, eventually Louis will end up being... very vulnerable with you in private. Privacy with you allows Louis to cope. In fact, he realizes you're better than any drug he can take.
He likes to lay against you, bury himself in your scent, and just sit there. He wants you to hold him. He wants your attention on him, all to himself, for as long as possible.
While he's stoic and hostile in public. Even intimidating and protective around you. In private...
In private he'd kill just to have you look at him with affection... not fear, pity, or rage.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Irritated. You fighting him and his feelings makes his insecurities flare. You fighting him stresses him... and he'll do anything to make you stop.
Be that bribes, threats, restraints, or pressuring you... He wants you to listen to him. He knows he shouldn't force your affections, that it isn't healthy.
Yet Louis is impatient... and full of fear for what could happen when he loses you...
He understands why you're upset with him, after all he's done...
He just hopes you'll understand why he has to be so forceful at some point.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not really and he'd hate you trying to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When it comes to Louis and his character... I can think of a few things.
Such as, seeing him shoot someone in front of you for one reason or another. Another could be having the Shishigumi kidnapping you for him. That or even the isolation he forces you into just to soothe his own trauma... not daring to ask anyone else for help.
One way or another, you will see the top student deer covered in blood most likely not his own... all while he takes you away from the society you once thought you knew...
Just so he can drown out his insecurities in you...
Just so he can "love" you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Hard to say for him considering he still has an arranged marriage technically. However, with how you make him feel by the peak of his obsession, Louis would rather have you as his spouse. You just seem to... take his stress away.
He's reliant on you, even if he never wanted to be.
You are his stress relief, his guilty pleasure, one way or another he'll find a way to make you his...
That's the only future he wants.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Louis does get jealous, yes. He's jealous of the power carnivores have and jealous that Legoshi treats Haru so much better than he could. So... when he sees you off with someone else? Smiling, laughing, happy...
He may just lash out.
He wants that attention, that look you give...
He wants you... needs you...
Hopefully he'll have you soon.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's obsessive, clingy in private, possessive yet tries to pass it off as protective... Louis needs you like he needs air to breathe.
When he first met you, he never wanted to admit it, but his addiction to you and your soothing scent...
He's desperate and he hates it.
When he takes you into the Shishigumi, he's vulnerable in private... yet in front of his lions he tries to be as possessive as a carnivore.
Louis is an herbivore who will try to be as intimidating as a carnivore... but in private with you?
He's still the vulnerable deer he hates to be... holding you in his arms even if you hate to be there.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I would think you both meet at Cherryton. Originally you don't associate much because he's the popular student at school. Yet eventually, fate brings you together, be that due to Tem's murder, drama club, or helping him in some other way.
If you're a carnivore, Louis originally looks at you with disdain. If you're an herbivore, he still tries to be distant, yet appreciates your presence. Louis doesn't like to rely on others, as said before.
However, when he tries to push you out of his mind, the thought of you doesn't leave.
This would make Louis hate his obsession for being so distracting. You make him feel weak and vulnerable... so he blames you. You don't deserve suffering for his feelings... yet it doesn't stop there.
After that he soon begins to realize he needs you. Even more so when he's with the Shishigumi for months. He hates to ask for help...
But you mean a lot to him.
Maybe you showed you cared for him but he always took it for granted or pushed you away? Maybe he realizes he shouldn't have been so harsh on you? Either way... Louis realizes he needs you.
You make his pain go away...
Which leads into him falling into his obsession, once again making you suffer due to his unchecked emotions.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
In public, he tries to act the same with everyone. In private, he's vulnerable with you because he trusts you as his coping mechanism... his beloved whom he wants to rely on...
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I imagine isolation or something psychological. Something that forces you to need him as much as he needs you. I can't see him physically harming his obsession normally.
There's no need for that in his eyes.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He wants you to have your freedoms, but isn't afraid to... "limit your options" by keeping you isolated within the Shishigumi.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Louis is mostly patient... but if you push his buttons in a certain way, like threaten him or try to leave...
That quickly drains his patience.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
I... imagine not. He knows he should move on, he has to move on... but he was so reliant... so attached....
He probably will eventually... yet the thought of you weighs pretty heavily on him.
You never leave his mind... and he's never the same.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little but he most likely won't let you go. He knows he should... but he can't.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Most likely trauma... unfortunately. He's lived without genuine love for most of his life. Now he's going to crave it once he feels it.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
A small part of him feels guilty he's using you... all while he attempts to console you. Another part of him is frustrated you keep doing this and won't accept him. He needs to either be patient or let you go...
Both options are hard...
But he knows deep down he isn't ever going to let you go on his own.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Good behavior I assume, reciprocating his affections and soothing him. Maybe trying to convince him to do the right thing and let you go if he truly loves you... That you'll come back to see him soon.... The issue is, if you try to trick him, he does have help and most likely will catch you.
However... play your cards right... and you may be able to taste a little bit of freedom for a while... until he finds you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Not a worship yandere... entirely. Yet he'd go to great lengths to keep you by his side. He needs you... and he's determined to have you need him too.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
I imagine it would be after a few months, maybe almost a year, before he finally gives up and realizes he needs you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
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lambilegs · 16 hours
night in (lee harker x reader)
(contains: calling lee "daddy," her spitting in your mouth, degradation, reader is referred to as having a "clit," "pussy" and "folds," reader receiving fingering)
idea came from this anon!! thank you so much for it hehe 💗💗
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"c'mon," you whine, wiggling your fingers at lee, cocking your head to the side, "just do it. please, for me?"
she rolls her eyes. "I'm not gonna arm wrestle with you in a public place."
you two are seated at a table in your favourite fast food place, awaiting your order number, 526, to get called out. after spending far too many seconds having stared at your girlfriend's hands, and the way the veins became more defined when she flexed and moved them, you inquired after an arm wrestling challenge.
lee isn't so up for it, tentatively watching the crowd of students surrounding you two. you pout at her, gripping her wrist and shaking it. "baby, please, we'll never see these people again."
she gives you a wry half-smile. "in a town this small, we absolutely will."
she has a point -- one that you choose to discard, tugging on her arm some more. "do it, do it. don't you want an opportunity to flex to me how strong you are?"
her smile widens, just by a twitch, voice lowering. "and here I thought you got enough of that when you watch me work out."
you smack her arm, bristling and leaning back. it's true, and you hated her for having that on you. whenever she worked out from home, you practically ogled her, mouth watering at how her muscles gently rolled as she lifted weights, the way her shoulders tensed and flexed when she did push-ups. there had been all too many workouts of hers that, due to your endless coaxing and flirting, ended with you on your back, her fingers shoved deep inside you.
you feel yourself clench down at the memory, trying to kick the mental image to the back of your mind, far away from the forefront. "well, regardless, there can never be too much showing off." you grab her hand, trying to will her arm into the position of an arm wrestle. "stop being so stubborn and just do it to pass the time."
finally, she heaves a sigh, releasing your hand and shrugging off her jacket. the sight has you holding your breath, eyes nearly shutting when she begins to roll up the sleeves of her turtleneck. she props her elbow on the table, palm open and ready for you.
you giggle at your success, patting yourself on the back.
a small scoff slips past her soft lips. when your hand slides into hers, palms rubbing together, you almost feel like you're back to months ago, when you had held her hand for very the first time. the way her long fingers wrap around yours, how cool her skin feels, the firmness of her grip -- all of which you're now intimately familiar with, but nonetheless, the slow, intentional interlocking of hands just reminds you of how good it feels to have her be yours.
"okay," you mutter, shifting in your seat, a tense flow of anticipation washing through you. "three, two, one."
immediately, you force as much strength as you can into your arm, gritting your teeth and furrowing your brows in concentration. you glance at lee, nearly crying out at how composed she looks. her jaw is tense, and her mouth is tightly pressed together, yes, but she just watches your hands intently, blinking slowly at it, her breathing barely altered. meanwhile, you're gasping at her strength.
it takes approximately ten seconds before the back of your hand smacks down on the table. you wince, bottom lip jutting out as you lift and twist your sensitive wrist around. meanwhile, lee settles back into her seat, a small, satisfied curl to her lips.
"oh, shut up," you grumble.
she tenderly grabs the hand you're rubbing, her thumb's tip beginning to gently circle it, the ghost of her touch nearly turning you into putty. "I didn't say anything."
you grunt. "your stupid face says it all."
"I thought you liked my face?" her voice is lightened with an edge of teasing.
"no, no, we have an amicable relationship only."
her mouth twitches, the near-smirk immediately fading away when you make eye contact. you sigh. "what? what were you gonna say?"
she shrugs, mouth twisting in evident amusement. "nothing."
"just tell me, lee."
"I was just..." she glances nervously to the people surrounding you two, pulling your hand gently so you two can be closer. your breath trembles at the proximity. her voice trickles to a whisper. "I was going to ask if you sit on everything you have an amicable relationship with?"
"order 526!"
you groan, pushing her away, stomping towards the counter. she remains in her seat, fondly staring at you as you grab the paper bag and head out the doors, which does nothing to help in quelling the blush in your cheeks.
as you head out into the parking lot, you immediately shiver at the cold, bitter air hitting your face. almost as though she senses your discomfort, lee appears a moment later, sliding her arm into her jacket, hissing as soon as she feels the weather. she turns to you, wordlessly bending down to hook in your zipper and pull it up. flustered and in awe, you nearly shove your face into the takeout and scream in that moment, the urge only intensifying when she wraps an arm around your waist, leading you back to her car, which of course, she somehow memorized the exact parking spot of.
when seated in the car, her eyes flicker to you, mouth opening and closing.
you don't miss it. "what is it?"
her lips press together, and she avoids your gaze. "was that joke, um, okay? the one I just made?"
at once, your shoulders sag, melting into your seat. you lay a soft hand to her cheek. "baby, of course. I was just messing around when I left the table."
"no, no, I know," she says as she plugs her keys in, turning the car on. "I just hoped I didn't push it too far or make you feel... uncomfortable. I'm, well... worried I wouldn't be able to tell." her eyes are frozen on the wheel.
"you didn't, baby, I promise. okay?"
her wide eyes blink to you, and when you nod gently, her own head tilts in response. it's barely there, but you can see the way her shoulders relax at your confirmation.
you clear your throat, smiling bashfully to yourself. "plus, you may have somewhat had a point."
as she begins driving, the corner of her lip quirks up. "I know."
you smack her arm again.
upon your guys' arrival at her cottage, you saunter through the door, tossing your head back at her. "though, I think we ought to have a rematch."
she practically glides past you, as though the idea is of no serious consequence to her, heading to the kitchen to set the paper bag down. "is there a point?"
you bounce lightly on the balls of your feet. in truth, there really is no point to engaging in any sort of physically challenging competition with her. she's part of the fucking fbi, for crying out loud, her body's probably numb from all the damn training she's spent years doing. but, you're not bringing this suggestion up for the sake of proving her weak. you know you have no chance in that. the truth is really that you haven't been able to get her casual display of physical strength out of your head since you two left the restaurant. the way it didn't even take her a minute before she sent your arm plummeting to the table. just like how it is when you watch her work out, or when she carries heavy things for you, you're worked up. and play fighting with her -- well, it was just one of many fantasies and wants you haven't confessed to her yet.
as she exits the kitchen, peeling off her jacket, which is damp with snow, her eyes scan you carefully, observing you. "why are you looking at me like that?"
embarrassed to have been so quickly caught in scheming, you grab the fabric of her shirt that's clutching around her stomach, yanking her forward. "come, come, one more match."
"baby, I'm hungry."
"so, use this as motivation."
she searches your face, eyes glinting with an unspoken question, before finally sighing. "fine. another arm wrestle?"
you drag her to her bedroom. "no, play fight."
you feel her pause. "is this some sort of competitiveness?"
a laugh bellows from you. "it's just fun, lee."
when she speaks, her voice is small, as though she pities you for the admission. "I'm probably going to win, though."
as soon as you two enter her bedroom, you grip onto her forearm, using her surprise as an opportunity to push her onto the bed. she flings onto it, a small, monotone, "ah," coming from her, and your face cracks at the noise.
"someone spoke too soon," you muse, something churning in your stomach at the sight of her on her back, looking up at you, her pony tail messy with strands streaming out.
she flattens her palms on the comforter, lifting herself up, eyes widening when you push at her shoulders again, an action which sends her sinking into the mattress again.
"babe," she breathes, eyebrows scrunched together, creasing her forehead in confusion. when she starts shifting up again, her eyes are narrowed on you, hooked onto your every single move.
and so, you let her stand up, not wanting to lose. her shoulders are tense, as though she's poised and prepared for your every move. it causes an eager thrill to whirl within you, your stomach flipping at her focused gaze.
"why do you want to play fight so bad?"
you shrug, trying to level your voice. god, even when done for the sake of pure fun, it was hard to lie to her. "just to see how it feels."
when the corner of her lip tilts up, and she looks away with a little snarky huff, you seize the chance, lunging towards her to shove her down again.
your heart beats in your ears when her eyes dart up right before you can touch her, her hands snapping up to clutch at your wrists, whirling you around and pressing your front to the nearest wall. she holds your interlocked hands to your back in one hand, the other flat against the spot between your shoulder blades, pressing you in.
adrenaline shooting through you, you push all your force back into her, trying to send her flying back. but, she's too strong and too acutely aware of your moves now, and she keeps ahold of your wrists as she yanks you from the wall, practically throwing you on the bed.
you kick your feet out, trying desperately to grab ahold of any win you can. what you receive in response is lee's iron grip to your leg that keeps you in place, her body lithely crawling on top of you so her thighs lock in your other leg. you grunt loudly at the pressure, but inside, you're marvelling at just how strong your girlfriend is.
she straddles your hips, knees pressing against the plush sides of your body. when your hands flinch, readying to try to push her off, she's faster than you could dream, long fingers wrapping around yours as she pins them to the bed.
as the heat of the moment wears off, your breaths evening out, her actions of the last few moments soak into your mind, and with it, comes an ache between your legs. the sensation only seeps further into your abdomen when you come face to face with her burning eyes, which are wide with energy, her soft lips releasing warm puffs of air all over your face.
her head dips down to yours, strays of her brown hair tickling at your cheeks. "satisfied? this is how it feels." her voice, like most of the time, is flat, but it's also heavy, deeper, with the charge of the moment, and you squirm under her.
her eyes flick down to your crotch, mouth twitching in realization. "you're turned on."
"no," you whine, shaking your head. "I'm not, I just--"
"stop trying to lie to me," she cuts you off in a hushed voice, smooth and thick like caramel. it's so authoritative and steady, and you whimper at it.
at the meek sound you produce, she blinks down at you, a small, endeared smile on her face. "was this your plan since the beginning?" she pushes her strong thigh between your legs, pressing down. "since we picked up food?"
"no!" you exclaim, indignant at the suggestion (as though you hadn't been hatching a plan since post-restaurant). "no, that was genuine."
"then?" she whispers, her hand languidly sliding from your entwined wrists to down your body. she playfully squeezes a tit, thumb rubbing slow, light circles around your nipple, then continuing her way down. her palm rubs at your tummy, sneaking under your shirt, and you gasp at her cold skin against you. finally, she tugs at your belt, releasing it from your buckle, her gaze never faltering. "since we got home?"
"I... I..." you hesitate, your previous boldness practically dissipating now that you have to confess to her.
"you..?" she drawls out, hand slipping into your jeans. when her fingertips brush against your sodden underwear, she hisses. "god. you've been wanting for a while." she says it plainly, as an objective, hard fact, and her bluntness only makes you even more turned on. at your lack of answer, she tilts her head, waiting.
your voice is small. "yes, I've been wanting it for a while."
"you still haven't specified how long," she murmurs, lips diving to your neck, pressing soft, wet kisses along your skin, pausing to suck a rough, stinging mark, the lovebite leaving you writhing. "tell me."
you shoulders twist in pleasure from her ministrations. "I... you're right. since we got home."
she hums in response, three fingers pressing into your clit, the wet fabric of your underwear stickily clinging to your pussy. she pushes and rubs slow, firm circles against your longing bud, her teeth gently sinking into your shoulder, licking a long stripe to soothe it after you cry out. "are you just always in the mood or something?"
her tone is absent of bite, the words playfully mocking. and as frustrated as you are to admit it, you still let her words get a rise to you. you shake your head hard, nose wrinkling in disagreement. "no! I'm not easy or something--"
she suddenly pushes her thumb to your clit over your underwear, rubbing it side to side with enough pressure to send you tumbling into a slew of moans.
"what was that?" she nips at your jaw, thumb continuing to roughly toy with you clit, her longer fingers massaging against your wet mound.
"I said I'm not easy." the firm intent of your words is made less believable with your moans and whines, you know so. stupid lee.
"yeah?" her hand pushes past your underwear, and the feeling of her fingers directly against your dripping pussy has you crying out. she rubs your folds between her thumb and index finger, lazily playing with them as though she has all day to be exploring you. her knuckles brush against your swollen lips, and she dips two fingers in, dangerously close to sliding into your hole. "are you sure you want to keep fighting that argument?"
her fingers begin to stroke a bit deeper, slipping in, slipping out, the teasing motions sending your hips bucking. she leans her weight onto you more, keeping your hips stuck under her. "just admit it."
your mouth quivers, clit fucking throbbing for more. you can't help but give in. "fine. I'm, um, I'm easy."
"who are you easy for?"
you turn away, face growing warm. "I hate you, lee."
she ducks down, grazing her teeth along your earlobe. "first, it was amicability, now hating me? it doesn't feel that way." to prove her point, she slips her fingers out, smearing your juices against your budging clit. her fingers become slippery against it, smoothly gliding along the bud, hard enough to send you clenching, but lacking in pressure enough to leave the burning in you unsated.
"well, it's true," you gasp out as she suddenly flicks her fingertips.
"mm, well, I suppose I should stop, then."
you groan in frustration, too needy to continue playing such games with her. "fine..." you eye her neck, which is shiny with sweat. "I'm easy for you, lee. I only want -- ah!"
you cry out loudly, nearly sobbing in pleasure when she finally pushes two fingers deep into you. she's ruthless, her fingers moving swiftly, her entire being completely in tune with the body she's lavished her attention on countless of times. her knees lock in, keeping your body still as her fingers curl in you, roughly pounding in and out.
"keep going," she demands, fingers thrusting in you so sloppily, your juices helping her reach in with ease. the sensation of her long fingers rubbing against your sensitive inner walls make you keen.
"I only belong to you," you moan, neck arching up. you'll do practically anything at this point, if it means she'll keeps going. and the longer she does go, the hazier your mind gets, inhibitions pouring away.
"I only belong to you, daddy." you pant, tongue hanging out as she continues to plunge her fingers into you, spreading you open. the feeling of her digits deep inside you is so distinct, so exact, and the intimacy of her truly being inside such a hidden spot of yours makes your mind hazy with adoration.
after a few more moments of nothing but gasps and moans, it sinks into you what you just said. you jerk up, hand flying to your mouth. oh my god. yeah... that is one of the things you never have told her about.
her movements slow down, and despite your humiliation, you let out a strangled noise.
she sucks in deep breaths, nostrils flaring. "did you just call me 'daddy'?"
you swallow hard, stomach tickling with the acute humiliation from having been caught saying it rather than introducing the idea in a dignified, or at the very least, fully clothed, conversation. "um, yeah. I'm so, so sorry. it just slipped out, I--"
your words melt into a relieved sigh when she presses her mouth down, pink lips slowly pressing and roving along yours. her tongue gently sinks into your mouth, and when you open wider, she slides it in, massaging your own wet muscle with hers. you gasp against her when her fingers begin to skim feather touches to your pussy lips.
"don't," she rasps out against your mouth. she pauses, before quietly admitting, "I liked it."
she meets you for another brutal kiss, lips hard with pressure, teeth gently clashing as her tongue flicks playfully against yours. at once, her thumb begins to circle your clit and the precipice of pleasure has you arching against her.
arousal courses through you as you register her confirmation. "you do?"
"mhm." she drops one last soft kiss to your mouth before her fingers easily slide into your hole again. you cry out at the sensation, and she sharply bites on your bottom lip, groaning into your mouth. she hesitates before saying, "call me it again."
your cry breaks into pieces at the request, hesitating before obeying her. "I-I... okay, daddy."
she sighs, pressing her forehead to your neck, hot gasps hitting your sweaty skin as her fingers speed up, jerking hard inside you. "there you go, baby. take it for me like a good girl."
you choke out a gasp at her words, hips impossibly unsteady. she pauses momentarily to slide her legs between yours. right hand still impossibly deep in you, she uses her left to bend one of your knees up, spreading you open even further.
she presses her torso flush against yours, fingers beginning to ram in you again. the way she's spread your legs out has her fingers' movements even more pronounced, and she has enough room now to tilt her palm up so that it presses into your clit with each thrust.
she bites her lip. "you hear that?" she goes silent for a few moments, nothing but the soaked squelching of your pussy ringing in the room. you softly whine, shivering at the noise and how exposed you feel. but, she doesn't back down. "your pussy is always so ready for me. sometimes I wonder if there's a moment where you aren't wet."
her chiding words have you trembling under her, your pussy beginning to latch on tighter.
she snickers softly, her laugh lines deepening as she smiles. in the midst of your guys' rushed, messy movements, fondness overtakes your chest at the sight. she's so lovely.
"so responsive," she murmurs against your cheek. "have you always been this good at being a slut?"
her words send you into submissive puddle, and you shake your head, whimpering. "no, daddy, only for you."
her eyes widen at the title, becoming heavy-lidded once she begins to speak, watching you fall apart under her. "that's right. this is my pussy. gonna fill you up every night and ruin anyone else for you."
you giggle, feeling nearly delirious with the mix of sensations. "yeah? you're so confident that you think no one else has a chance?"
a small, breathless laugh flies from her lips, and you feel the air of it hitting your skin. "I know no one else does." her forehead presses to yours and her tongue slips out, slowly stroking along your top lip, which parts from your bottom as soon as the contact hits. "the way you open up is proof enough."
your thighs clench at her honest words, burying your face in the sheets. "it's not my fault." your tone softens. "it feels too good, daddy."
something flashes in her eyes. you love what this little nickname seems to be triggering in her, as though each time you call it out, you're only tugging her deeper into her all-consuming state of dominance.
her jaw clenches and she presses the heel of her palm hard against your clit, which sends you squeezing on her fingers again, your orgasm fast approaching. "baby, I'm close, I--" you cry out as her fingers curl, hitting that deep spot in you. she starts relentlessly, ceaselessly pressing down on it, her palm still bumping against your swollen, stiff clit.
"I know, baby, I know," she breathes into your neck. "why don't you let go for daddy? come all over my fingers." her voice is shaking, but the command is firm.
god, fuck, that was so sexy. hearing her call herself it has your mouth hanging open, gasping, wanting her to completely take control of you. she smirks at the sight, grabbing your chin and roughly spitting into your mouth, the sudden noise resulting from it making you jerk up. as you feel her spit roll down your tongue and into your throat, your body twists in satisfaction, swallowing it down. you love when she gets like this -- so possessive and unhinged in her pursuit of your pleasure. she continues holding you in place, her gentle rubs along your cheek at total contrast to the fingers drilling into your hole, making you feel almost confused as to which sensation was which.
when you come, you spasm all over her fingers, walls fluttering and sucking her in, and she grunts as she struggles to continue fingerfucking you. but, she keeps going as best as she can, pushing and pulling, mindlessly sucking at your neck, until you whine for her to stop.
when she slips her fingers out, you feel suddenly empty, and you nearly beg for her to put them back in. but, the soreness that starts creeping in between your legs is enough to stop you. when you tell lee as much, she kisses your head, running a hot bath for you two.
in the warm water, you feel her chest, which is pressed to your back, suddenly rumble with silent laughter. when you turn to her curiously, her teeth flash as she chuckles gently.
"so, 'daddy,' huh?"
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coquelicoq · 1 year
crashes ur board meeting n drags u out by the collar but its fine bc youre the one always saying shit like "im looking for people i can use" ok lol. get used idiot
#just tracing like. the sequence of events that had to take place in order for this to come to pass#1. natori and his shiki are skulking around homura stalking ban. possibly it's just his shiki and natori is elsewhere.#either way 2. natsume shows up and natori learns about it either bc he witnesses it or a shiki comes to tell him#3. natori gets in his little richard scarry apple car (this is my mental image for some reason) & fucking. BOOKS IT to the matoba compound#4. goes inside. presumably matoba lackeys try to stop him bc their boss is in an important meeting but somehow he gets past them#(possibilities here are v fun to think about. maybe natori does this all the time and they're used to it. maybe he's never done it before#but they're all on orders to let natori in if he ever shows up. maybe natori convinces them he's supposed to be IN the meeting#which is great because it sounds like some important clan thing so what is he in the clan now??)#5. interrupts matoba's meeting like 'i need you' and matoba's like 'bye everyone whatever this is is more important'#6. they get in natori's comical apple car (again the apple car is not canon don't worry about it)#& natori drives like a bat out of hell back to homura. (SOURCE: matoba is so scarred he refuses natori's offer for a ride later)#i wonder what they talk about on the way there? because they don't talk about why natori is stalking ban until much later#so they must be busy talking about something else. but what??#that or they're both too distracted by all the near-death experiences from natori's crazed driving lol#natsume's book of friends#natsume yuujinchou#homura cats arc#horrible exorcists#my posts#sidenote i feel like that page at the end where both matoba and sensei refuse natori's offers of a ride is really funny because#sensei's reason is that it will take too long. but sensei did you know natori drives like a speed demon? think it thru...#also like. how long did it take him to decide to involve matoba? was that his backup plan all along?#also it's pretty lucky that he found matoba at all considering he could be anywhere...the matoba have like 15 houses...#he has matoba's schedule memorized lol#natori sparkling to the assorted clan members in the meeting: sorry ladies and gentlemen i just need to borrow this~#*throws matoba over his shoulder and fireman-carries him to the parking lot*
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It always seems a bit unbalanced on The Great Food Truck Race when there will be multiple teams who are cooking a wide variety of complex dishes with 10 different components and a bunch of prep work, and then there's that one team who like... exclusively serves plain crepes with some premade nutella on them, or plain waffles with just some whipped cream and cut up strawberries lol...
#AND then they'll be the winning team or whatever and its like... wow... imagine that... I wonder how its possible that they can get#more dishes out faster than the other teams... hrrmm.... lol#Not that they aren't still doing work like. obviously it's still hard and there's still a sales component and other stuff to be done#but It's just kind of unbalanced seeming when one group is serving like grilled shrimp sandwich with 3 homemade sauces and a#slaw and two sides and the other people are like... slicing fruit and drizzling a bottle of hersheys chocolate syrup on top of some thing#they just threw in a waffle maker for a few minutes#You see the footage of the teams cooking and everyone is like prepping a ton of different things and meat and vegetables and they have#boiling pots and pans and fryers going and tossing stuff in bowls and compiling these multi component dishes#and then That One Team is always just casually slicing bananas or doing some whipped cream in a bowl gbjhbhj#They usually dont even make their own caramel or chocolate sauces or anything. Nutella out of a jar babey!#So all you're really Making is like... whipped cream. and some sort of batter (waffle. crepe. etc)#If I got placed in a competition like that and I found out one of my opponents just sold waffles or pancake sticks or etc#like that I would just be like... okay.. I'm out then. bye. OR I would pivot and be like.. right I shall remove all complexity from my menu#whatsoever and just start selling plain balls of fried dough with powdered sugar or plain fries with nothing on them or something lol#update: OH my god.. one of these teams on a newer season is selling a 'bonus add on' where you can add#cinnamon sugar and caramel syrup (possibly not even home made by them???? just from a bottle) for $5 extra on your order#If I bought a $12 waffle from a food truck and they were like 'hey do you want to upgrade? for only $5 we'll drizzle a teaspoon#of caramel and sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon on there!' I feel like I would cancel my order and walk away.#that is a $1 add on at MOST.. for a freaking DRIZZLE of caramel sauce LOL#and of course this team is in the top 3... squirrel.... come ON...#Which I know all these shows are fake and bad and whatever. I dont watch them seriously. I think I liked the first few seasons#but then anything past like season 4 (or whenever they started having established people who already ran food trucks on there#instead of taking a bunch of peope who had never run a food truck before and giving them one - which is a much more equal footing#premise to me) I have just been increasingly annoyed at and I really just have the show on for background noise#whilst doing chores or something and am not genuinely paying that much attention but... my god.. At least try to pretend its fair lol#WHICH I KNOWW... you can say 'well the other teams could do similar if they wanted.' or blah blah. tehcnically it's THEIR choice to#make stuff from scratch and not sell a bunch of packaged frozen chicken wings dropped into a fryer over a shitty 6min waffle or etc.#but... I will never respect a $5 for 1tbsp of caramel sauce type of situation.. even if they win.. you will always be losers in my heart#So many teams with real cooking skill & good concepts go home to the 'slap nutella on fried dough' people... how...
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autumnrory · 1 year
oh godddd i was leaning towards a podcast app but i went through and found a few of the shows i've listened to didn't transfer over and then when i did a quick count there's like 200 shows missing and there's no way of knowing whether it's because they didn't transfer over or they're just not on the app skjdfkjs a nightmare
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yunmew · 1 year
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#Almost 2 hours straight of Ikegai Shun's voice 😭😭#But oh my godddd they are incredible#When kids 'grow up' listening to only the best music and then *learn* from it 😭#2023.06.27#(Also I finally when to LIQUIDROOM! 😭🙏)#(I'll post music when I get back to the US)#(I also when through all my posts all my drafts (on all my blogs) looking for what I wrote the last time I saw them but it looks like I#never posted it and deleted the draft. I first saw Yahyel that one time I went to midnight sonic in 2018 but I first saw Ikegai Shun earlie#that day performing glitch with soil and pimp sessions - on a beach - with his most beautiful voice. It blew me awayyyyyy 😭😭😭 I still am#Shocked to this day I'm still moved by how beautiful that experience was 😭🙏 Then later that night at midnight sonic I was exhausted at#Like 2 am and was looking for a place to sit down and I walked past the entrance to the area where yahyel was performing and it shocked me#It was INSANE O_O some of the most incredible music I had ever heard live 😭😭😭#I went in but I was so tired so I sat down at the back and started falling asleep but there music was so awazing 😭😭😭 there was a lot#of space so everyone was dancing and growing crazy and having an amazing time and I so wanted to join them but my body was giving out and#I kept falling asleep 😭😭😭 I was so sad 😥#And then Komu_i just suddenly walked on stage and was like 'Hi~ we have a new song coming out together next month so well play it now 💕'#And it was sooooo incredible 😭😭😭 (you can imaging my shock because I had been trying to stay up all night in order to#see Wednesday Campanella at like 4 am so I just could not believe she suddenly walked out on stage for this random artist's show I#had (literally) stumbled into 😭😭😭#Man that whole experience was just so amazing and it wasn't until a few weeks later that I realized the 'something something Shun' guy who#Performed with soil and pimp was the same person as the guy from yahyel 😭😭😭😭)#(and that's my yahyel story 😅 but I'll never forget how blown away I was the first time I heard them. THEY ARE INCREDIBLE.)
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Thank you, younger me, for drawing so many things in which the lines were never quite right. It is quite literally the only reason I ever figured out how to get them right.
#And I imagine future me will have a very similar thing to say when I am them and they are no longer me.#original#something about zyr improved composition and speed hopefully#i keep wanting to use she pronouns for future me. probably bc that is what i do for past me sometimes.#but i really don't think I'm ever going to want she her pronouns again#I still don't get my lines exactly how I want them a lot of the time but I am at a point where I'm fairly confident I can#produce nearly anything I see in my head and capture the spirit of it in a way that makes me proud.#even if it takes a really really long time sometimes.#and although I don't think the art I made growing up was bad i love the phrase#' the road to good art is paved with bad art.' I think I saw it in a video by Bobby Chiu? idk.#and I like it because whenever I'm not sure about what I'm making and I get to insecure or perfectionist about it#*too insecure#I remember that if I want to get good at the thing I'm struggling with I'm going to have to do it poorly or just okay a bunch of times#and that doing this is my ticket to this skill I'm placing value on. also doesn't hurt that Im drawing things I love and I enjoy doing it#although at this point I really really should just sit down and study leg muscles for like a hundred years#it's one of the more longstanding blindspots of mine. that and literally everything that is not people.#as in locations animals objects scenery... did you know that most graphic novels have some or all of those things???#how homophobic that in order to show my characters experiencing such luxuries as plot action and context I couldn't just#drop them on a gradient and be done with it!#I've been drawing for like 20 years and only a couple years ago was i like... OH MY GOD I CAN'T DRAW A FUCKING TREE
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undyinglantern · 6 months
logically I don’t even think I’m doing horribly (the guy training me told the manager I was doing “pretty well” about handling a “mini-rush”) but mentally my mind keeps telling me oh he’s just lying because we keep getting out breaks at the same time and since I’m practically tailing him of course he’s say that to be nice during the only opportunity to speak to the manager. Only since I’m around and can listen in is he saying something nice.
#I keep trying to rush myself because I don’t want to make the customers wait#The first time I grabbed the popcorn myself I didn’t lift it high enough when I turned back around and knocked some onto the counter#Unless someone orders a large popcorn (which is a bucket) I feel like I’m taking too long fumbling trying to open up the bag#And then another TOO LONG scooping it in with the handle in there instead of just scooping the whole tub in there#One time I tried to rush too much and ended up lifting my hand too high and burned it on the popper#Twice actually once on my pinky knuckle and another larger spot on the other side of the back of my palm#One customer specifically I couldn’t understand and asked them to repeat like 5 times#And I could’ve SWORN they said ‘temp’ like I thought they were referring to ME as a temp or something#So I responded like ‘no I’m in training’ like a fucking idiot when it turned out they were asking for a motherfucking cup of water#Of all things.#I still keep getting confused and forgetting that hi-c and lemonade are the same drink#Instead of filling a cup with the proper fountain which is right there right text to the register oh no I turned around and went and got#Team before fixing the order and doing the right thing. And the tea machine has like 3 buttons for different flavored iced teas#So I just pressed a random one too like! Look at this idiot !!!!#Oh god and I still don’t know what’s in what drawer for refills. As in when we run out of cups for the sodas or icees or popcorn buckets#I still don’t understand how to make the popcorn. You press a button to hear it up? Wait until it beeps I think?#Then put it into the popper and let it keep popping even when it beeps again? Until it stops popping then you can pour it out? I think????#Could be completely fuckinb wrong for all I know#I work til past closing hour (cleaning. Roughly until midnight so go to bed around 1-2am) on Friday then have to be in again by 10.30am#Even if I’m lucky that will only be maybe 5 or maaaaaybe 6 hours of sleep. Ending and starting the day the same way wtf man#Why did I apply to a place that’s half an hour drive away when they only pay minimum wage#Why did I think a movie theater job would be manageable for me#Well actually that one I can answer it’s bc I thought I would be put to cleaning (sweeping theaters between shows) not customer service#It’s. Almost 5am now. I feel like my schedule has gotten even WORSE since applying here.
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fmhobeus · 6 months
fwb!suguru who knew he wanted to fuck when he first laid eyes on you. then wanted to take you out to endless dinners to chat his ears off when he first spoke to you.
fwb!suguru who grew to like you without fucking you, almost forgot it was what he wanted you for – a life together or a night together?
fwb!suguru whose dick got painfully hard when you taunted him, rolled your eyes at him or outwitted him. he lived for your sassiness.
fwb!suguru who happened to fuck you on a random night unexpectedly and it changed the trajectory of his life.
fwb!suguru who stayed after every dick appointment. cuddled with you on the bed, watched movies or your favourite TV show, ordered take out and held you in his arms till you both inevitably fell asleep.
fwb!suguru who couldve sworn he wasn't in love with you. he would still fuck other people (and then come back to you, poor baby was thinking of you the whole time)
fwb!suguru whose grown accustomed to your presence. he calls you when he isn't feeling okay, you call him when something bothers you. he's grown used to you telling him all about work, how you got your nails done, how you saw a cute cat near your apartment. trivial details, which coming from anyone else he would hang up, but he looks forward to them with you.
fwb!suguru who eventually stops fucking other people and is just your man, without you knowing.
fwb!suguru who is determined to mark you up in placed people will notice. your neck, your thighs, your collarbones.
fwb!suguru who believes in giving you his all. all of his long girthy dick that pumps you full it should be criminal, his long slim fingers that have made you orgasm so often and hit that deep spot with unbeat ease, his long tounge... oh god his tounge. he thinks maybe even his long life ahead is yours too, all yours. his little kids too maybe? he doesn't like to think too much about that.
fwb!suguru who has to have your pussy checked with his tounge daily. he has to lap up your insides no matter any circumstances. his voice purrs across your body when he talks you through your orgasm.
"mhmm yeah cum all over my face beautiful, I know you want to"
fwb!suguru who gets sick at the thought of you sitting so pretty for another man when you tell him you're going on a date. suguru who looks so disturbed at the thought of another man even looking at his pretty girl who isn't really his.
fwb!suguru who takes you to corporate events just so he can call you his girlfriend, even if it's just pretend. when you question him it's always "easier explanation than a friend i fuck on the regular, isn't it?"
fwb!suguru who knows how you like your coffee in the morning. he knows what you like for breakfast, your comfort food, your hobbies, your favourite movies, your least favourite movies, your icks, your past. he knows you like he knows himself. he thinks of you when he passes your favourite cafe, he texts you when he sees something in the colour you like.
fwb!suguru who is sure he hasn't felt this way before, who is so vulnerable with you that it scares the shit out of him.
fwb!suguru who is afraid, angered at everything about you. he's angry at how you lull him into a sense of security, how you hold him, how sweet your voice sounds when you call him by his name, how you take care of him, how you listen to him. he hates how your pussy clenches his dick for dear life, milking it dry and how you never let a drop of his cum go to waste, licking it up like a little slut. he's fearful too. about losing you. about where loving you the way he does leads. loving you? wait. he loves you? fuck. fuck. fuck. this hasn't been according to plan at all.
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whateveriwant · 10 months
Task force 141 reacting to their very pregnant wife still trying to clean, cook etc
This turned more into ‘Task force 141 preventing their very pregnant wife from trying to clean, cook, etc’ lmaooooo I hope that's alright
HA! Good one!
No seriously, it's actually hilarious that you think you'd do anything for yourself when your hubby's around
That man has been waiting on you hand and foot since you first got together. So now that you're pregnant and you think he'd let you so much as lift a finger? You must have a serious case of pregnancy brain, sweetheart
Price is doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the running errands, etc. throughout the entirety of your pregnancy (and at least the first several months postpartum)
He's kept you practically bed bound these last few months to the point where you think there's a perfect indent of your body molded into the mattress
Seven months in, he's suddenly called away to a quick mission halfway across the globe, and you think finally you'll get some of your autonomy back...
Well, think again because who should show up at your door the next morning than your mother-in-law herself, ready to pick up where her son left off
She came at the behest of your husband, of course, and was armed with a detailed set of care instructions
What does your husband think you are? Some sort of one-of-a-kind, priceless artifact that needs special handling? (Actually that's exactly what you are. Price-less… I'll see myself out 🚶🏻‍♀️)
When it comes to having some semblance of independence during your pregnancy, Ghost will give you a bit of a longer leash than Price, but only just so
You’re going for a walk around the neighborhood? Hold on, let him grab his coat to join you. Or you're going into the backyard to tend the garden? He'll pull the weeds while you water the plants
But when it comes to letting you do certain things, there are some hard nos that he will absolutely not budge on
You try to use a stepladder to reach the top of the cupboard? Stop! You'll break your neck! You try to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds? Stop! Give it here! You try to drive?... Don't even fuckin' think about it, precious.
The farther along your pregnancy progresses, the better he gets at predicting (and intercepting) your next move
You were gonna do laundry today? Well, wouldn't you know, he's already got a load going in the washer. You were about to make dinner? Well shucks, he just ordered takeaway from that Greek place you love
His ability to read your mind is honestly impressive once you get past how damn annoying you find it. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of fending for yourself, and you're tired of him acting as if otherwise
But really, you can never get mad at anything he does for you. After all, what kind of a husband would he be if he didn't take care of his missus and your little one?
If you take Ghost’s cautiousness, mix it with Price’s thoroughness, and crank it up to an 11, you get Soap
From the moment he found out you were pregnant, he put your house into full lockdown mode, stopping just short of booby trapping the front door in case you got any funny ideas
You want some fresh air? Just open a window. You want to go for a walk and stretch your legs? Just take a few turns about the living room like you're some Austenian heroine
Don't let him catch you doing any kind of physical labor, because so help him Jesus he will grab a spray bottle and use it like you're a feral alleycat he's trying to house-train (he wouldn't really... but don't test him)
You try to unload the dishwasher? Ehrr! Wrong move. You try to remake the bed? Ehrr! Nice try. You try to mop up your own mess. Ehrr! Enough already. You try to– OCH, WOULD YE BLOODY SIT DOWN, WOMAN?!
For nine long months during his requested leave from work, your husband is attached to you like some kind of loving, smothering barnacle
But doesn't he miss his job, or the lads for that matter? What if the world needs saving? What will they do without him?
Well, (in his exact words) fuck the rest of the world! You're his world, bonnie, and he'll give you everything you could ever wish for and then some
By far, you have the most independence with Gaz than you would with any of the other three men… at least, at the beginning of your pregnancy, that is
Once you get to around five or six months he becomes just as helicopter-y as all the others; he's just ever so slightly more bearable, perhaps
There's lots of peeking his head around the corner to check on you throughout the day or appearing seemingly out of thin air whenever you're doing something he'd rather you wouldn't
You've lost count of the number of times you've been in the middle of cooking or hanging up the laundry or whatever and his hand has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, gently taking the object from you before directing you to sit and rest
And like, look. He knows you can handle yourself. He knows you could conquer the whole world if you wanted to. That's one of the things he loves about you the most
But seeing you like this – so fragile, so vulnerable, so beautiful and soft and pregnant with his child; his child – it just… It makes him…
He just needs to do these things for you, alright, love? Just let him take care of you, please? Would you let him do that?
You already have so much you have to carry. Let him ease some of the burden off your shoulders. Let him do these small things for you because they don't even compare to all that you're doing for him 🥲
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