#Even if I’m lucky that will only be maybe 5 or maaaaaybe 6 hours of sleep. Ending and starting the day the same way wtf man
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undyinglantern · 1 year ago
logically I don’t even think I’m doing horribly (the guy training me told the manager I was doing “pretty well” about handling a “mini-rush”) but mentally my mind keeps telling me oh he’s just lying because we keep getting out breaks at the same time and since I’m practically tailing him of course he’s say that to be nice during the only opportunity to speak to the manager. Only since I’m around and can listen in is he saying something nice.
#I keep trying to rush myself because I don’t want to make the customers wait#The first time I grabbed the popcorn myself I didn’t lift it high enough when I turned back around and knocked some onto the counter#Unless someone orders a large popcorn (which is a bucket) I feel like I’m taking too long fumbling trying to open up the bag#And then another TOO LONG scooping it in with the handle in there instead of just scooping the whole tub in there#One time I tried to rush too much and ended up lifting my hand too high and burned it on the popper#Twice actually once on my pinky knuckle and another larger spot on the other side of the back of my palm#One customer specifically I couldn’t understand and asked them to repeat like 5 times#And I could’ve SWORN they said ‘temp’ like I thought they were referring to ME as a temp or something#So I responded like ‘no I’m in training’ like a fucking idiot when it turned out they were asking for a motherfucking cup of water#Of all things.#I still keep getting confused and forgetting that hi-c and lemonade are the same drink#Instead of filling a cup with the proper fountain which is right there right text to the register oh no I turned around and went and got#Team before fixing the order and doing the right thing. And the tea machine has like 3 buttons for different flavored iced teas#So I just pressed a random one too like! Look at this idiot !!!!#Oh god and I still don’t know what’s in what drawer for refills. As in when we run out of cups for the sodas or icees or popcorn buckets#I still don’t understand how to make the popcorn. You press a button to hear it up? Wait until it beeps I think?#Then put it into the popper and let it keep popping even when it beeps again? Until it stops popping then you can pour it out? I think????#Could be completely fuckinb wrong for all I know#I work til past closing hour (cleaning. Roughly until midnight so go to bed around 1-2am) on Friday then have to be in again by 10.30am#Even if I’m lucky that will only be maybe 5 or maaaaaybe 6 hours of sleep. Ending and starting the day the same way wtf man#Why did I apply to a place that’s half an hour drive away when they only pay minimum wage#Why did I think a movie theater job would be manageable for me#Well actually that one I can answer it’s bc I thought I would be put to cleaning (sweeping theaters between shows) not customer service#It’s. Almost 5am now. I feel like my schedule has gotten even WORSE since applying here.
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evilblot · 8 years ago
22 questions
Because I was tagged twice. So let’s start with @nebbychan :
1. What do you dip your French fries in? Aioli, hot sauce or ketchup, it depends.
2. Scariest thing you’ve ever seen in a movie or video game? The first time I saw a Regenerator it scared me out of my wits, like I literally dropped the controller chanting NO NO GOD NO FUCK YOU and turned everything off. I refused to play the game for weeks until I decided to get my shit together and face that thing and well… you know the story 😂
3. Ever licked batter off the spoon? Yes.
4. Coke or Pepsi? Neither, it’s either plain water or alcohol, no in between.
5. Have you ever tried any secret menu items? If so, then which place and what did you try? We don’t have this kind of stuff in Italy. Sometimes you can try the “chef’s special” but usually it’s just a mishmash of foods that will probably result in a gastritis…
6. Favorite Disney movie? The Black Cauldron, the Lion King, Fantasia and the Hunchback of Notre-Dame.
7. What’s 3 of your biggest pet peeves? Noisy eaters, when people ask me for advice and do the opposite of what I tell them or who say I can’t, without even trying and least but not the least… children. Like, all of them 😂
8. Do you add extra to your Ramen noodles or do you eat it as is? I am fine with the flavor packet that comes with them :3
9. Who do YOU think shattered Pink Diamond? I did it.
10. How much do you sin on a daily basis? Sadly I have to admit I have no longer the time to sin daily as I did in the past since college is taking more time and effort than I could possibly imagine thus I’m find myself too tired to even try to whip out some good ol’ sin 😧😢
11.What…is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
And now for @hypertomboi :
1) Do you have a favorite webcomic? If so, what is it? Sadly I don’t have the time to. To be honest the only one I read is the Mickey Mouse comics but only because it’s more of a tradition than anything else lol
2) Outer space or the ocean? Anywhere as long as I have WiFi.
3) What past time period do you want to travel to? Either Viking Age or Romantic Era I guess, even though I’d like to see how dinosaur really look like… 🤔
4) Are you a Goofy Goober? We’re all Goofy Goobers!
5) What’s the one movie/book/game you have intense nostalgia for? I have no idea..? 😅
6) You’re given 1000 dollars/euros/whatever and a free roundabout ride; where do you go and what do you get/do? I’d get to the USA to finally meet all my friendos! 😍
7) What’s the most gross and/or disturbing thing you’ve ever seen? Honestly I am so desensitized that no matter what I see, I just cringe for a moment and then go back to my usual life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8) Which superhero or supervillain would you want to meet? In this moment I’d gladly catch up with Dormammu to bargain to make a deal so that I can pass this exam session and maybe sleep well for a couple of hours… and maaaaaybe I’ll ask for something else too ehuheueheu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
9) Favorite candy or dessert? Cheesecake.
10) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a sinner are you? NASA called, we need a bigger scale lol
11) May I interest you in some… chocolate? With or without nuts! Yeah fam pass the stuff, I am hongry.
Lucky y'all, I won't be tagging anyone nor making new questions because I'm honestly too tired to think about anything clever to ask. I mean, it took me two days to reply to these, you can imagine my current mental state lol
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