#should i add their names or is that like... doxxing?
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jefferkyleson · 1 year ago
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psychoticallytrans · 2 years ago
This post is specifically meant to help kids and emerging adults that were not taught what you might not want to share online.
The purpose of not sharing personal information is to make it more difficult to connect up information about you, and especially to make it difficult to connect the "you" online to the "you" offline. The reasons one may want to do this range from maintaining safe relationships outside of an abusive relationship, to making it harder to put together enough information to break into their bank account, to being actively concerned about doxxing and swatting.
For any of these reasons, if you're not completely sure you will be fine having that information on the internet indefinitely, it's best not to share it in the first place. The internet is full of turmoil, but we all know that some posts never die, and that others are archived.
Here's some information that is generally considered a bad idea to share publicly or privately online, with the exception of applying for jobs or working with online financial and legal systems, and some strong alternatives.
Your full legal name, or any particularly distinctive part of your legal name. My first name has less than six hundred people with it in the States. I use a nickname on this blog for a reason. Nicknames are a great alternative to legal names.
Your birthday, especially if you also share your exact age. That allows for people to look for you based on your exact birth date, which is a very powerful piece of information. Unlike your legal name, there's no way I know of to change it. Consider not sharing this at all. For age, "minor" or "adult" are all the information a reasonable person should need.
Your precise location. Big cities, like Tokyo, New York City, or London, have a high enough population to act as a bit of a smokescreen, but as a rule of thumb, stick to stating a local with at least a million people in it. I often just use my time zone, since it's the main thing people need to know online.
There's other information that is questionable to share openly online, particularly your personal phone number and email, but those are the three big pieces of information that it's generally not a good idea to share either publicly or privately. This is because they can be plugged into background checkers and other databases to try to find you offline. The more information you share, the more someone can narrow down who you are. If that is something you are concerned about, consider following these guidelines about what not to share.
I encourage people to add onto and spread around this post.
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l1fe0njup1ter · 7 months ago
PLEASE READ. quick reminders esp for newbie l1fters
i’m seeing a lot of baby l1fters on here which is great but they are also making some common mistakes which puts our community at risk! i’m not trying to be rude (i made some of these mistakes too when i started this account and people had to dm me to remind me lol) just trying to keep everyone here safe.
PLEASE don’t post with hashtags. don’t use #\lifting or whatever. please remember this is a public forum and you are posting yourself roleplaying illegal activity. tags make it easier to find your account.
hide your likes and following!! it makes it easier for people outside our community to find it - as one account can lead to many others by just looking at your likes and follow lists.
use that block button liberally. BLOCK ANYONE WHO FOLLOWS YOU AND IS NOT PART OF THE L1FTING COMMUNITY. for me - anyone i find somewhat suspicious. blocked. anyone with only one or two small posts related to l1fting. blocked. people with their follow or like lists open. blocked. as difficult and silly as it may seem that you will be doxxed or caught via tumblr, it is always a possibility. i will also block those who use their regular tumblr accounts to repost or post their l1fting content.
this one is obvious and should go without saying but just in case- censor shop names, don’t post hauls right away, and for fucks sake clarify you are ROLEPLAYING or just telling a story or whatever you want to say. people might think you’re actually carrying out illegal activity… which we all definitely are NOT.
let me know if you need any help with anything i said here, if you have any questions or anything to add. please please stay safe everybody.
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gaywineauntsstuff · 2 months ago
I’m about to dox myself but I started reading comics in 2018 bc I had realized teen titans robin my first crush was the same robin as young justice robin my second crush (i then found out that this robin was part of the Batman animated series that i watched in poorly dubbed Arabic at my grandmas thank you spacetoon) so I started looking for fanon content by reading fanfiction and then I found out they had comic books much later and started going “what’s the comic where character did this��� and then proceeded to read as much of that until I got bored or find out it was fanon and and then went back to fanfiction until I found something new to hyper fixate on.
Here are some examples
“What was the comic where Jason came back to life”
“What comic did Dick Grayson become nightwing”
“Does dick canonically hate Jason Todd Reddit”
“Comic where Tim plays baseball to save a planet”
“Comic with mirage introduction”
“Comic with tarantula”
“Best comic to start nightwing”
“Is redhood better than nightwing in a fight Reddit”
“Does Artemis crock exist in comics”
“Why is nightwing on every pride cover but he won’t kiss Wally west” (this I didn’t search im just mad about it)
Also thank you Reddit assholes with a need to be hyper specific when arguing these dudes weren’t just naming issues they were like “obviously you didn’t read page 12 of Batman #571 where is states”
Anyway all of this to say there is no correct way to start reading if you only wanna read redhood or new 52 or pre-crisis
If you wanna stick to one character or hop from person to person
Or avoid the bats entirely (good luck it’s impossible they r everywhere unless it’s a female bat)
(Instead of fixing this we should just add Steph into every comic book forever she deserves it)
It’s fine
It’s really not the stressful as long as we all agree that DCs animated content is way better than the live action stuff
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chaifootsteps · 5 months ago
Hi hi! It's me, Concerned Anon (Directed to the Anon who had expressed feeling threatened.). The doc I created is NOT meant to harass people. I am fine with regular people in the fandom, it's extended to people like DJ and the like. I scrolled through the Doc and there's nothing of the sorts threatening people to off themselves.
If that's the case, then I would remove it. This is towards Chai as I treat him as a source. I feel like most people assume the Doc has content that's "Extreme as all hell" when in reality my language is only directed at people who commit actual crimes, I am not that extreme with my beliefs and anyone who name drops me on twitter for "threatening behavior" is only spreading false narratives and this ask is meant to clarify some things.
I do not care for the tame side of the fandom, as long as your not doing anything shitty and bad then it's fine by me.
The beginning of the Doc has stated numerous times to not harass others or send any hate. Hence: "If you are reading this with the full intent to harass anyone in the critic community or even outside of, then don’t. Especially if you follow Viv’s work and worship her. This will only further add more to the document and cause more issues than not. This document is meant to inform and educate/help others and make sure that Viv doesn’t get away with anything, as much as you like to not listen to what has been said, just act civilly and don’t act like it’s the end of the world because someone says VivziePop’s writing is bullshit. This will also serve as an open letter of some sorts, a walking, living, reading example of what the fanbase has done, that if VivziePop tries anything, we can show this document. You can still like her work and be critical of it, no one’s forcing you to not like it. "
The end of the Doc has a harsh message to the more "messed up side" as usual, most of us cannot control who comes to who, but we can also tell people to NOT harass others.
I do not intend to spread hate, if anything I am harsh on people like DJ, Dani and the creator.
My blog is not a Critic Space, nor do I intend for it to be that way. People who clarify this post as me being "harsh" hasn't read the full doc and are going off what Fans are saying.
I am simply only harsh to people who harass others for opinions, Dox, send death threats etc. Anything as a result of my Doc is my bad. But it's not in bad faith. I am simply doing my due diligence of cleaning up the Fandom, and if you haven't done anything wrong then I see no point in worrying.
I know this ask targeted to Chai, but this is for everyone whose worried. I am not some crazy "Critic" I am just someone whose Mentally Ill, with several disabilities who have been mistreated by the fandom and keeping archives.
By all accounts I am a normal human being. I just want to post Dragon Ball, not be called someone who wants to "hurt others" (trust me, the last time I did I ended up in the loony bin. I literally had the FBI shown up to my place."
So yeah, Doc isn't meant to sent any harassment, and if there's people doing that, cut that out. I am not dealing with this shit right now, as I already got alot on my hand.
I once again want to apologize if my "posts" causes issues. Not my intentions.
--Cooler's Malewife, Anon
Passing this along even though I have absolutely no idea what doc you're referring to. It sounds fair to people who enjoy the shows though, which is the way it should be.
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roleplayhonestybox · 8 months ago
Just had the weirdest experience ever of my RPing career.
Dude I’ve been writing with for a long time, probably the better part of half-a-year, just sent me a zip file. Inside of it, it contained one document and then a folder. The document said READMEFIRST, so I did. He also reiterated when he sent it to me to read the doc first.
Let me preface that this guy has been nothing but a gentleman for the entire half year I’ve known him. We’ve vibed together since day one. We’ve never shared photos of one another. He’s literally been my best friend and best RP partner for the span of time. Our writing styles work so well together and I just. I really thought he was awesome. And now, I’m just sort of broken and at a loss as to what I should do.
The document I opened started with a single-typed page. He essentially went into detail saying this was a half-year anniversary gift. I couldn’t remember for the life of me the day that we met, but he remembered, which I thought was shocking. He said that he’d been collecting these for a long time as sort of like a memento/gift of our time together, which I thought was so super cute. I literally thought this man was rizzing me.
He went on about how he loves how open I am, how we mesh, great partner, blah blah blah. All the usual stuff. Says how excited he is for the next six months, and hopes I enjoy.
I open the next folder, and it contains another document and 134 images.
I have my settings to where my image icons are set to small so I just see the file and the name, so I didn’t see the images immediately, but they were numbered 1-134. So, I go to open the document. My brain was on overdrive by this point. I thought he somehow was commissioning people for artwork of our characters (he told me he’s loaded prior and loves to support artists), and I was just so excited.
Open the document. And it’s just. Pages and pages and pages of detailed descriptions of him LITERALLY. GETTING OFF.
It would be, like: “[date it happened] 1. [roleplay excerpt of mine]” and then it would go into gratuitous detail of how his orgasm felt, what he was thinking of, and imagining me as my OC in that instance, and then rate it out of 10.
I only skimmed, but I caught sight of him sometimes going back to previous passages that he denoted as his “favourites”. So he’d go into detail about how different or better it felt.
I thanked the good Lord above that I had my image files small because that meant that I had over 100 unsolicited dick pics (including…him finishing) sent to me immediately. I didn’t open a single file to check and see if it’s not just an elaborate prank because this happened probably an hour ago and I don’t know what to do.
He messaged me about 20 minutes after I said I was unzipping the file and basically said: “Well, what do you think?”
I honestly don’t know what to think. I haven’t said anything back to him, and he hasn’t messaged me, again. I don’t know what to do, either. I really love what we have and our characters. If he would have told me he liked me, I may have felt flattered and maybe beige flags but still, like…he has never once said or done anything out of line. He’s been so patient and great and just. I am literally sitting here in shock.
I even cried a little bit because I just feel?? Extremely violated?? And it’s just so out there and strange and I don’t know what to do. I just needed somewhere to vent. I feel like I have to block him, but now I’m wondering it he’s capable of anything else? I use a VPN and haven’t given him any information that could dox me. And, also thank God that I use a separate account to RP with.
Should I just ghost him? Should I confront him? Should I just block? Should I change my RP account completely? Has this happened to anyone else before? 😭 If anyone has any advice, I will surely take it…
I wouldn’t confront. I would remove yourself entirely from that situation and prioritise your safety.
Please anybody add advice. The mods here are more than happy to try and help the anon if they want to contact us in DMs.
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atinyaccount · 2 months ago
King Dice/Vox
Hello internet nation! I'm brainrotting this crack ship cause... I can :p
What should we call them? I have TV Kings as their aesthetic ship name but also... I keep coming up with ideas cause I'm a ship name fanatic lol (help)
if we use Voice or Dox/Doxing we can add like "ship" or "KV" at the beginning or end cause voice and dox are their own tags (I do not condone doxxing btw i just think it'd be a funny name for them)
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aspengenic · 1 month ago
Hi, I saw your recent post/asks and I'm a little confused so I wanted to ask for clarification
I'm part of the DID/OSDD community on tumblr and I've been seeing a lot of posts there lately advertising the sunnyville minecraft server. It doesn't really look like my thing but we have a couple alters who love minecraft and were thinking of joining. But I stumbled upon your posts about someone named Eden who's the owner of the server being really gross and harassing people? Have I read that correctly? I'm completely out of the loop and I have no idea who this Eden person is, what they've done, if any of it is true, or how this relates to the mc server thats going around Tumblr right now. Pls explain like I'm 5 years old because I'm so so lost. This feels like the kind of thing you need to be 9 layers deep into lore/drama to understand in its entirety and I just can't decipher whats going on or what's wrong with sunnyville but I would really like to know the full story since I was thinking of joining
aight im at work so this is probably not going to be as detailed as it should be but eden/collectiveofeden/welcometosunnyvillesmp used to be known as aspensentourage on here and on tiktok. they did some reaaaaaal problematic shit like calling people slurs, doxxing childrens pks, trying to doxx a trans girl who is a minor and also said some super disgusting things about her and find out who her parents were (and roped other people to do it too), said gay people groom children, all kinds of things.
they did this for a long ass time (theres people saying theyve been doing this shit since 2019 but i personally havent been sent proof abt it yet). people told them how it was awful and harmful and they doubled down and said they didnt care basically.
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heres just some of the screenshots i have from the aspenfrostsnark. theres much more on this blog though.
so anyway they gave an "apology" but only to the snark reddit about them. but no one trusted it and they promised they wouldnt be engaging in the system community anymore and stay off social media.
but they deleted the apology altogether and their excuse was "having an account would trigger me to look". but then they kept using reddit anyway with their account
theyre also posting back in the system community despite saying they were staying away from it bc they caused so much harm. they rebranded and refuse to answer people asking about it and will block anyone who does. they wont talk about it on their biggest platform, or anywhere.
many people aren't even aware that eden is aspensentourage. its all just super fucked up.
now theyre pretending to be fine with endos and pretending they didnt cause harm to endos and traumagenics alike.
no one trusts them because they are untrustworthy. those that do trust them are blinded by their bullshit and excuses.
hopefully this is enough bc i gotta get back to work before they catch me chilling in the janitors closet to type this lmao but if you have any more questions feel free to ask. youre also welcome to scroll through as much of this blog as you like
and anyone is allowed to add their own stuff of course
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sea-of-dust · 1 year ago
Could we please get general relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, and Sumire (if you'll write for her) from Persona 5?
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Power of LOVE!!!
Phantom thief girls x GN! Reader
relationship headcannons
notes: ima have to start naming p5 annons 💀. Also, THEY'RE MULITPLE?! Thank you for reminding me to add sumire and akechi to the clarification post btw
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This girl WILL know your clothing size but by a simple glance and go "you want me to dress you?" You don't have to answer that question you WILL be bought clothes along with other things you like
She likes leaning into you, smirking a bit and whispering in your ear "we should kiss" "!" your face is as you turn around and look at her of course you give in using a book to cover the views of other students,Ryuji, or you'll just look at her shocked. Either way she still ends up satisfied one way or another
She likes when you come to shoots with her. Happy when she's posing and she just sees you throw a little thumbs up, it's always lifts her spirits.
She will not let you leave without her. You could be getting ready to go and she'd just "where are you going?" "Home, my mom called I told you" "take me with you!" "You're already home though" "Home with with you wait here lemme get dressed!" You had to explain to your mom the sudden guest
She's bragging about you. Alot. If she feels like she can't go a day without telling Ryuji "they made me breakfast I love them so much" she thinks of you so much it almost scares her when you tap her shoulder. "Ann?" "Yes my darling?" "." Ryuji looks at her "Why yes my dear" "oh my god" he burries his face into his arms leaning into the desk as you two continue to call eatchother affectionate names.
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She probably has your dox from the school ids has been down bad since. It's way more obvious when you two start dating. "You're so soft just like what the Id shows" "excuse me?" "Oh- nothing"
study dates early on are her go tos, as soon as you two get more used to each other she's often on doing simple domestic things with you.
Will sneak around you when you're in shibuya you're not escaping. So when you turn around and see her thinking it's a coincidence it's suddenly a date. She would come home nearly collapsing but it's worth it
Tries not to ask much of you except when it comes to school one homework she KNOWS you didn't do it's over. "Did you do your science packet" "yea why?" "Good what's the answer to 2" "two uhhhh...d?" "...I'm comming over" "ITS JUST THE FIRST PAGE" you bond with Ryuji over this you two come to school after those nights with background music and look like you two about to crawl to class.
She WiLL cling onto you!! If you dare to go anywhere scary you will have to run with her added weight. She tries to run with you and then one ominous can shes weak in the knees, so you try to avoid scary things to the best of your ability
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Its obvious she's gonna be dragging you to akihabara. New game came out? "HEY Y/N" "I'm already dressed" "YAY! RUNNING OVER"
She's 100% calling you a cringy name as SOON as you pick up. "Hey my pookie wookie smuckum baby shawty thingy nugget person human thing" "...." "DONT HANG UP"
She wants hugs forever stay with her!! You should sleep over!! You should stay on a call for her for an entire day. Yea she loves these little brain thoughts while you're terrified of them.
Forces you to match pfps on ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. No matching pfps? You Hate her simple. "I wanna use this theme I found" "do it with me!! 👹👹👹👹" "chill with the emojis!"
Joker and Sojiro WILL run a check on you as soon as Futaba isn't there. You date her you must answer these dubious 5!! As much as the intense looks were exchanged turned to "wadya think" looks back and fourth little to say that approved
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She's sending you everywhere with her! You're having dates every week and will almost straight up refuse to let her pay
Very affectionate and often likes showing pda, if you aren't much of a fan it's alright she'll be minimal with it or just stop all together. She does like laying her head on your shoulder while your walking together
Interested in watching shows you like and talking about them she's gonna come up to you and be like "you haven't watched this scene yet?" She doesn't spoil it but it's incredibly tempting to just to get your reaction.
She dosent insist but she loves hand holding in public. She tries not to squeeze too hard but your hands are so warm! When you initiate the hand holding it just makes it so much better.
Refuses to let you sleep in another room. If you so dare to say "you have the bed ill sleep on the couch" expect the very momment you drift to sleep to be lifted off the couch and with her to the bed. If you ever so dare to wake up and try to leave the girls gripping you tight "where are you going?" Her voice is so soft almost distracts from the fact you might need a doctor after this squeeze. "Stay here I don't wanna be left alone with all the plushies" she rubs her face into your back, seeing no other option you slept there.
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She daydreams of you SOOOO much. It's crazy she thinks of you so much she finds It hard to focus. She'd think it's embrassing she thinks of you so much but then she'd imagine you brushing her hair to the side and going "you look wonderful today Sumire" girls brain just BOOM
If you'd ever dare to say you haven't eaten, she'll open her bento and offer a bit of it to you. "I don't see why you can't have some?" "Sumire...I don't like sausages" "don't worry there's rice" "you really don't have to"
She wants to try and play a sport with you. Don't wanna run? Table top tennis! Or maybe darts! She will need encouragement, but is super good
She likes asking out on just outings in shibuya to just "I'm watching my senpai's right now wanna see if they'll put their rivalry aside and be normal?" You go with her no matter the reason the only time this back fired was when akechi recognized you and tried to get you to settle if vegans eat animal crackers
She won't tell you when she has an issue that much. Unfortunately for her, you notice quickly hugging her or patting her head. She won't tell you, but she loves when you do this. It's comforting knowing she doesn't have to say a word and you'd be there
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thequeenofthedisneyverse · 7 months ago
Epic: The musical game - more in depth
Me and my new mutual @mariylle have been talking and came up with these ideas for an Epic: The Musical gameplay
Ok, so to start off, this isn't the dating sim version. That'll be further talked about down the line. My ideas are red, Mariylle's are purple
Troy Saga
So basically, my idea was us from our universe, being sent to Ody's to make sure they all actually get home safely. We grow up alongside Odysseus, Eurylochus, and Polites and signed up for war with them.
Some things in the game would be inevitable. Like even if the crew didn't open the bag, Poseidon would have found them and sent them away from home anyway. So, some things could come out better but some things, like any good tragedy, would have to happen regardless.
In regard to the Troy Saga, all events happening in that are inevitable. Including the Infant incident. Y/n knows Zeus made him do it and if y/n were to step in they'd just piss of Zeus and cause more problems later on.
Imagine talking to odyssues after he dropped that baby 😬😬
To be clear, Prophet y/n is a soldier too. (side idea: y/n could have had hurt their head badly and therefore our powers don't work all too well afterwards. Hence why we see certain events but not others. This could be a way of letting inevitable events happen)
2. Cyclops saga
Y/n would probably stop Polites and Ody from going into the cave by telling them it's a trap or tell them to just quickly get in the cave, get the sheep, and get out, NO TALKING!
But they can't kill the cyclops until they get out of the cave. Or at least stop Ody from doxing himself.
One funny option should be smacking the sh*t out of Ody before he says his name (just for gags). Fully animated and everything!
But the other options should be talking Ody out of it not killing Polyphemus to the BEST of your ability. You have to be mindful of whatever text option you choose ensures the safety of the crew AND you.
If we keep the "game 1" options, you have True Endings and Good endings depending on your text. The true ending leads to the next game but Good Endings mean, for that game, you get to go home.
And the worst part is you can't even explain WHY you just b*tch slapped the king. The game should hinder you from saying anything OR you could tell him that you "dreamed" of that cyclops being Poseidon's son and therefore Poseidon coming after he's told what happened. You could be an onboard prophet if you will.
(I imagine getting the entire crew's reaction after we just slap the hell out of him. All of em are just flabbergasted
I'm sure eury would slap you too, or even kill you for such disrespect but I'd love to see it! It'd be funny!)
I like to think we should be given a chance in each saga to stop a certain event from happening. If we don't manage to get a good ending (going home) the game will continue on to the next one which would be Ocean saga.
I forgot to add but Polites should be saved in this level/game
3. Ocean saga
If you make it to Ocean saga you should be determined to keep the bag CLOSED by any means necessary. If Odysseus manages to trust you enough, he'll give you the bag so he can sleep.
So, Prophet! Y/n would be the one staying up for nine days and then when we're tired Odysseus will take it.
I was also thinking, if we don't get Odysseus to trust us in time, he'll fall asleep, and we grab it to keep it safe.
Yes, that would be a text option.
In other words, y/n is just like a tired dad dealing with idiot sons. If we don't choose the option to fend off the boys, the bag at some point will be opened by Eury.
When Eury opens the bag...there should be a full animation of our character either cussing him out in full tears, fighting him like, literally FIGHTING him, or slapping him across the face.
Another option would be to tell Odysseus that SOMEBODY (we won't tell its Eury, we'll pin the blame on another crew member) will open the bag and we'll keep it safe so he can sleep.
A funny gag would just be us fending off crew members while trying to keep the bag closed.
imagine y/n chasing him all over the boat back and forth lmao. And the crew, including Ody, are just starring in pure disbelief.
Or another option would be to keep quiet take the blame for it opening (y'know, for Eury fans)
4. Circe saga
Now, you would try to warn the men as best you could to NOT eat the food. I think it would be really angsty if you can't tell them why and all you can respond with "Just- just DON'T! I have a bad feeling about this!" Or "Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she has our best interest at heart."
"Don't go in there, she'll turn you all into pigs. Let me talk to her and just explain that we mean no harm". And then you would talk to Circe about everything, Including the pig thing. I'm sure she would be shocked as to how we know this, but we can tell her we are a future-seer who was sent to this world to ensure this crew gets home safely. We were "sent by the gods to undo catastrophic events" if you will.
"So, please just give us non-pig transformation food and...can you help us get to the underworld?"
Keep in mind, you don't remember much about the prophet except Odysseus is supposed to see him. And you got hurt during the war, so your memory is still a bit off.
5. Underworld Saga
If we, prophet! y/n, make it to the underworld saga our character should feel a little distraught and hopeless. Because no matter what we did we still ended up there despite all our attempts not to. Insult to emotional injury is if we didn't save Polites and see his spirit.
6. Thunder saga
We still do not survive the thunder saga. But I also kinda like the idea of Zeus being like "Hmm. You're not supposed to be here. You can stay. I'd like to see what you'll do."
Yeah, what if Zues KNOWS why y/n is there but also knows that we failed to do our task, so keep us alive just to let us live with the fact that we didn't stop anything from happening no matter how hard we tried.
Miscellaneous ideas
Another cool idea I had would be Y/n being a god themselves but a small scale one. Our power/strength can only do so much, so our power maxes out quickly.
Hence why some events would happen, and others wouldn't. We would have dealt with the cyclops but too tired to stop Poseidon.
One life changing event per game. It's a limited recourse and you can't wear yourself out
IMAGINE ZEUS GAVE YOU THE POWER. Like he notices you've been dropped in and is like "hmmm. How can I mess with mortals today? APOLLO give this man the power to change destiny, even just the slightest."
But we would use all of our power to save the men in thunder saga. Imagine an epic battle between you and Zeus. Like, imagine he's about to zap everyone into dust but you catch the lightning and absorb it, then using it against him.
If you play your cards right, and not get hit so many times, you'll save the crew and yourself. But if you get hit a lot, you'll only be able to save the crew and not yourself.
But this sounds like a whole other game LOL but semi-prophet y/n in a dating sim would still be so fun. It's like "which route would you like to take"
Absolutely! It could be a cute cartoon style while dating one of the boys but turns into 3D fighting style sequences for the canon events.
Amazing. Star stunning. Nothing I love more than dating sims with a hidden element to them (horror or action)
I think the time between after the war and before leaving on the boat should be when we can start dating them. Because all of you are done with the ten-year war in troy and are about leave. I think some moments before "Open arms" should be moments where we talk to our lover as well.
Text is from other post:
A Tragic Tale Dating Sim
First off, Odysseus would be off the table (that man loves his wife). As well as Eurylochus because he's married to Ody's sister, Ctimene.
HOWEVER, they could be dateable, but you guys would have to be already married. You are married to Odyssues and platonically or romantically married to Penelope/ You are married to Eurylochus and platonically or romantically married to Ctimene.
(I don't think the sim would/should delve on whether you platonically or romantically married their wives. It should be up for interpretation by the player)
Some others would be Polites (of course), Perimides, and Elpenor just to name a few.
Seeing as Ody had 600 MEN in his crew, you’ll have to a male player for this sim, if that wasn’t obvious.
You guys could already be in an established relationship (either private or public. Though with Perimides' character it might be private) and are so gushy over each other it’s sickening. They are simps for you like how Ody is a simp for Penelope.
Idk, reblog with your ideas (And before anyone comments, yes, a dating sim would be pointless but Tragic tale dating sims aren't common and one in Epic style would be interesting...and sad)
And yes, like in the musical, you die with them. I'm not sure if you should die with the others if you chose the "Married to Odysseus option" but...wouldn't it be more angsty if ya did?
I female version could be where you play a nymph on Circe's Island. And from what I've read in this post with ideas from Mariylle.
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So, I think the romance would be short lived I suppose? OR this could be a wlw situation with Circe or the other Nymphs.
But another version would be where you are a female sailor on Ody's ship and end up at Circe's island. I think it would be kind of difficult . for you to romance the ladies. I don't think female sailors were allowed back then either.
So, a storyline could be you were a nymph that was friends with Ody since childhood. And because of that (and probably your navigation/fighting skills) he let you on the ship because it's always been your dream to travel.
Then you come upon Circe's island, but you don't know what happened to the other men until Eurylochus comes along and spills the tea.
You attempt to convince Circe yourself to let the boys go/or distract the other nymphs so Ody can talk to Circe himself. A later option would be to stay with the Nymphs because Circe wants you to stay where you belong.
it's the first time you've come upon other nymphs (besides your mother of course) so of course you'd want to stay. And what if after you stay and "a few years pass" and Ody comes back to the Island...but only to tell you that your other childhood best friend Eury and the rest of the crew is dead. He just wants you to come back to Ithica for the funeral.
He conveniently leaves out how they died. You, the nymph, grew up with Ody so you know he's leaving something. You are given the option to ask but he will just deny it/reflect it.
And like... knowing your friends died it's not even like you really want to know right now anyway.
Yeah, being told they died is already a bit much. But on the bittersweet side, you get to meet Ody's son, Telemachus, because the last time you saw him was when he was a baby.
Ody's mom is dead too and she was like an aunt to you so...yeah, more trauma.
Your nympha mom is still up and running though, she is Ody's mothers age but physically only looks 40 or 50.
This is all we have so far let me know what ya'll think.
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sprinkleonthatcriticism · 3 months ago
I do wanna correct smth in regards to the damagedcoda6669 ask: Jack was being groomed by a 31yo named Maddie at the time, and she almost got Jack to do weird stuff with the ferret… Jack vented abt this to Malachi (who's not only still a weirdo to this day but is BEING ENABLED TO BE A P3DO AND DRUGGIE BY HIS MOM, I'LL LINK TO PROOF AFTER THIS) and he leaked the SC in an attempt to criminalize Jack
(Link to Malachi being weird btw: https://archive.org/details/malakaizo-20240808-t-235310-z-001)
Do I think Jack was wrong for trying to make Dragy look bad and making it look like she was in the wrong? Yes. I do. But I'm very sure that Jack will apologize for his behavior in regards to the situation with the two, I feel like mentioning the fact that Jack's friends have brought up their concerns in private and the issue was resolved so I think there might be info that's been left out abt both parties... We're prob gonna have to wait for Jack to return for any info or update abt this...
I genuinely don't trust Dragy atp considering it takes only 10 seconds of scrolling thru her replies to find her relishing in the fact that ppl are making fun of his vent art and joining in on that which is gross and tells me a lot abt her character...
I should also mention I heard a rumor abt Dragy being doxxed in dms and forced to delete the original thread but there's no merit and it was also mixed in with rumors abt Jack's sister (Alvina) coming out abt Jack being an abuser (I checked and those were false, this isn't the first time ppl have come up with fake info abt Jack's siblings for clout)
Srry for making another ask, just wanted to add on a few things
Thank you for clearing things up, I'm pretty sure the whole Jack abused his sister thing is false too considering that Jack's sister said in his come back video that she was NEVER abused by him and it was just some rumor started by a group of kiwi farmers and shit.
Also yeah we should wait for Jack to return and speak his side of the story, which would probably be a long while due to people just being plain ass disgusting like comparing Jack to Synnibear03 or bringing up shit that he had already addressed in his comeback video (excluding Dragy which, I do think he needs to address).
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gordonengineswifenirmal · 3 months ago
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Gotta love how they keep spreading hate and misinformation.
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We can now add
To the list
(Which is not doxxing btw. Your tumblr address is publicly available, even by clicking on ur username. By that nature, since some of them shared my blog, that could also count as doxxing - under their definition. It won’t, because it’s not, and also because they will come up with some excuse to twist words around to spread more hate and make themselves look good - amongst themselves, anyway. ) It seems like we have a wee cult going with a couple main members, and then a bunch flying monkeys who hang around them. They sure do love sniffing each others’ wind. No wonder it’s so toxic.
As Ive said, there’s a difference between being liberal - I support equal rights for all, I support pro choice, I support lgbtq+ rights. I don’t support war on either end. Genocide IS wrong, but so are those who take advantage of it. These aren’t liberals. These people are misguided extremists with incredibly delusional and dangerous ideologies.
And they will keep hating me, they will keep finding others who are just as psychotic to join them. They are brainwashed, and don’t realise how they sound. They lack the life experience to realise their spoil attempts at seeming worldly are damaging and dangerous.
They don’t even realise that the porn bots on here are also scammers, and they steal identities and groom those who are impressionable. These people are in essence, supporting and promoting PAEDOPHILES, ACTUAL PAEDOPHILES. Not JUST scammers. They are so gullible, they take scammers for face value. They put their trust in the most obvious wrongdoings.
Apart from meself being offended by the vulgar profiles, there’s this -
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They are causing a woman depression over THEIR behaviour. She is seeking legal council over it.
I'm NOT even asking folks to agree on everything. The worst part is that they CHOOSE not to educate themselves. No to Google things, and worse yet - to not even ASK ME HOW I ACTUALLY FEEL. They choose to PURPOSELY trust things. You get s bad vibe? That's Ur own. In fact, makes me feel like they r doing these things SIMPLY because they have other ill intentions of some sort. Their extreme defensiveness is HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS. They are not naive.
Also, as a Sikh n a woman of partial south Asian descent- although prostitution happens, we do NOT condone it. We also do NOT condone scammers. It may be common, but it is against our beliefs. Now, to b fair, I don’t feel sex should be just for having children. I never wanted kids anyway.
By the way, here are the realities about prostitution, sex work, and giving the body away so freely (no I’m not overly religious or spiritual, but I do believe in common sense, logic, and morality, which seems lost on so many). In short, it’s dangerous, it’s exploitative, and it opens you up to not only diseases, but trafficking, emotional traumas, and much more. Again, these folks are misguided. If this is what you support, you’re not welcome to either blog anyway.
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mysticalcream · 5 months ago
Sexual Abuse in the Online Cartoon Community.
I am an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse and I have developmental disabilities. Stefan Jankovic, known on Twitter/X as @etika2001 (and using the now-banned Tiny Toon Simp account) groomed and sexually assaulted me on multiple occasions between 2022 and 2024. Acacia Schell, using the main Twitter/X handle @kcnite1 (and also using the handles @kcdaycreations / @kcnite1 / @kcdarknite) supports him and contributed to my abuse. A woman named Priscilla, using the @smolcilla Twitter account, emotionally abused and socially isolated me after I was groomed by Jankovic and Schell into drawing Lola Bunny NSFW. A man named Steve, using the Twitter handle @toasttank, doxed these images to @smolcilla and distributed them without my consent in an effort to ruin my reputation. He claimed I “betrayed her trust” by “hiding” this from @smolcilla, even though it was done after my friendship with her ended. Neither party was upset that I was manipulated into drawing things that I didn't want to draw. They were upset that I drew a fictional adult in sexual situations that would be considered tame if broadcast on Adult Swim. The details and documented proof are in the following document:
I want to be very, very clear about something up front. @etika2001 and @kcnite1 identify as proshippers. This is NOT about that. When you are sending porn to someone who repeatedly says no, when you are gaslighting them to think they’re weird for being uncomfortable with it, when you’re telling them to draw porn and to “add more tears” so you’ll cum harder when you look at it, this is not fiction anymore. Even if you are so proship that you think that as long as the realistically drawn CP @etika2001 had in his likes is fictional, it's okay (more details on this in the document), I am still a real person he hurt. Legally speaking, what @etika2001 did is a crime. Regardless of whether or not he is prosecuted (considering the complications of him being in another country) the police took it seriously when I reported it. @etika2001 and @kcnite1 use proshipping arguments that "it's all just fiction" until it actually starts harming people. If you are proship, you should not want these people anywhere near your community, and you should want the same if you're an anti.
I have included everything I can in here so you know I am telling the truth and being as open and honest as possible, to my own detriment. I reveal in this document that I have religious leanings and even some conservative opinions on certain subjects, which is social suicide in these spaces. But even if you hate me for those reasons, this is not about that. This is about their overall pattern of behavior and the other people they are harming.
If you have a soul, reblog this, share it on other sites like X, make it known. Don't let these people get away with this and keep doing it to others.
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boomboompowpow · 1 year ago
people complaining about dream putting the names of people (who posted to Twitter publicly on their own violation I must add) in his video responding to the accusations said people accused him of is kinda funny. Especially since everyone would hop on the hate train w/o hesitation and laugh when people posted his address and house/made threats of shooting up his house. Like all his did was show something SOMEONE WILLINGLY POSTED during the biggest trend of hate against him. Like if you’re gonna post it, be prepared for others to see it? I’m not saying people should dox at all, but it’s crazy to me when he is doxxed everyone is just like “haha cringe Minecraft guy let’s go blow up his house!”
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tinkertechy · 5 months ago
I need to Scream about ChromeOS
It's been a long week and this is something I can rant about without doxxing myself too much.
So I teach kids about computers. And before anyone says 'But they're the technology generation, they know all about it!' remember that you didn't know how to drive a car before you were 16, and cars have been around for over a century. But I digress.
You know why Kids don't know anything about computers? Because we've set them up with the *worst possible computer* to learn about computers on: Chromebooks. Yeah, yeah pandemic and learning form home and all that, but this started well before the pandemic; Shutdowns just exacerbated it.
Chromebooks are designed to be simple. But they're *designed to be simple*. I want to teach kids how to read a file system? Google Drive is all they got. Want to teach kids how to check computer specs and how well their computer is currently running? Nope-you *might* be able to check the RAM if you're lucky. Diagnose how much space is left on your storage? Good luck; Drive doesn't even show how much space they have left. Compare and Contrast different applications for a particular use? It's the Chrome Store or nothing. The entire environment is designed to be a glorified web browser. You never leave the Chrome environment.
There's no native apps on the Chromebooks because they have all the memory and internal storage of a 6 year old with ADHD. Everything has to be through a web browser, and since most of my students are elementary age they can't really make accounts for most stuff without their native school account which, guess what? is through Google. The whole system is designed to be as simple to use with as few buttons as possible. Which, as a teacher managing hundreds of kids, is helpful to a point. But it holds the kids back just as much. When something goes wrong, it's so simple that you feel like an idiot for not being able to figure out what went wrong. There's no room for troubleshooting or critical thinking here.
Oh, and by the way the entire OS is designed at a basic level to be readable by kids who *know how to read*. Teaching the lowest levels how to log in, click on a link for TypingClub or read basic instructions can be grueling. Google Classroom is optimal for middle school and maybe 9th grade and that's about it. They use touchscreens for everything, so it's hard to get them to learn to use a mouse in the first place. (It's also aesthetically ugly, but that's my personal opinion)
There also seems to be fewer resources or standards for teaching about computers; my state's standards are very comprehensive from a programming or analysis standpoint, less so from a 'they should be able to type X words per minute' or 'be able to format a report' or 'write an email with neutral tone' or 'be able to move a file from Google Drive to a flash drive,' stuff that Every student should know how to do. Stuff that most adults take for granted because they were either taught or grew up in an age where everyone had to figure it out for themselves because there were no teachers yet.
And, while this is a more niche one because I don't know how most schools operate, Chromebooks just add to the student's load. They haul them back and forth to EVERY class and were 'supposed to replace textbooks', yet somehow they still have a mountain of textbooks they haul around in a wheeled backpack because *there's so many books they can't use a normal one*. I helped a student lift their bag the other day and it must have weighed 20 lbs! (Definitely more than the car battery I had to haul home from the store, but that's another story.)
I have accounts for kids that can't even spell their own last name yet, let alone know how to type. It's hard to teach about computer security when half the school needs to have a sticker with the username and passwords for up to 4(!!!) different online accounts for various programs. And kids will share that information anyway because they don't think anything major of it yet, and half the time it's not hard to figure out.
(This isn't even getting into side tools and peripherals to teach kids about computers. Anything you want/find is niche and will be extremely expensive)
So how would I fix this? (Because I don't like to rant about something when I can't offer a solution.)
Get them on actual computers and not glorified web browsers.
Assess whether or not Chromebooks are helping students in the classroom or just creating more work. Their primary use should be in the event of a shutdown or virtual school day to allow all students to work from home regardless of personal computers.
Build an Operating System/UI that's designed to grow with the student: Kindergarten and 1st grade are primarily picture based, larger cursor, as little clicking as possible to get to activities. More options and standardized UI appear as the student grows until high school where it's a normal system.
Actual Standards. Not just 'this is a monitor' (Most of my students didn't know this) and 'Here's how to program a thing' (Which is fun, but can be advanced) but 'How to save my work' 'How to write an e-mail' and 'what is a file type?' A minimum typing speed should also be required.
Keyboards designed to teach how to type. Colored keys, letters in a font that match the typing program, maybe a bit bigger than a normal keyboard. And to wrap it up, some fun quotes from my students: "That's not a Computer, that's a PC!"
"That's a TV!" (It's a monitor)
"You're doing a writing challenge? Why don't you just use AI?"
"Ms. Teacher, (That's exactly what they call me) I found a weird thing!" (It was their Drive.)
"Why did you paint all those?" (I pass a hard drive around so kids can see it. They all sniff the yellow paint I sprayed it with last week.)
"I wanna play the ice cream game." (There is no Ice Cream game. They just want to play random internet games)
(Students sign out by turning off the computer)
(A student looks up a minecraft video on YT because he wasn't paying attention when I gave out instructions and thought I wouldn't notice.)
Next rant: The double standards of 'forbidding the use of AI' for students while using it behind the scenes for teachers.
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givemethememed · 6 months ago
Oh right I should probably add some context to that last post.
While I don't fully understand how it was hacked, FA's domain and both the Twitter accounts of FA and the late Dragoneer were compromised.
Said "hacker" changed where the FA site led, including an FA shop site that was assumed to be a scam, a news article about a group of furries raping a minor, and Kiwifarms.
They shouted kiwifarms out on the FA Twitter and even changed the handle and name to reference it.
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Interestingly Kiwifarms didn't exactly support what this person was doing either
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Besides that they also made the claim that they lost 300,000 usd because of this from either a combination of domain fees or expenses due to their crypto bullshit.
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They also made a post from Dragoneers account showing they had access to his Twitter dms.
Because they changed their handle they lost the FA handle which someone else snatched up so they could give it back once everything went back to normal.
They also posted just a bunch of dumb shit that makes people believe that the "hacker" is just an edgy teen.
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I don't blame that assumption.
So at the end of the day FA has gotten their domain back and now the "hacker" has pissed off both "A good chunk of the IT workforce" and "People who dox others they don't like for fun".
There's probably more details I missed but this is the general overview from my understanding
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