#she's fed up with their bullshit
cmentary-drive · 3 months
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cocogum · 4 months
You know you suck balls as an osamodas when a dragon, a creature which the osamodas race DEEPLY cherishes (A PRIMORDIAL one at that), scowls at you and looks at you like you’re shit.
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see-arcane · 7 months
dracula, holding a sad, bastardized jonathan harker: this is not my good friend >:{
mina, holding a Different sad, bastardized jonathan harker: none of these men are my beloved husband >:(
The only story I want to see with Dracula and Mina on even slightly non-enemy terms is a story that's just the two of them hunting for the Missing Actual Jonathan Harker lost beneath the mountains of shitty adaptations and spinoffs, casually swatting all his replacements out of the way and into convenient packs of wolves
This is not their beautiful solicitor
This is not their beautiful wife-husband
They have standards and these retellings are shorting them with crappy knockoff bleached-out Jonny Harks that they'd not waste their time on. Get that lackluster shit out of here. Bring them their Jonathan
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rainy-writers · 2 months
I hope in episode 8 Daemon comes back to Dragonstone and cusses Rhaenyra the fuck out. Okay so what you’ve been kissing girls while I’m away. What do you fucking mean you’ve missed majority of your small council meetings? What do you mean you refuse to take sound advice from men who are more experienced than you whether you like them or not? What do you mean you keep sneaking away without telling anyone and completely leaving your supporters in the dark? WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN YOUVE GIVEN OUR DRAGONS, THE ONLY REASON WE EVEN HAVE THIS FUCKING THRONE, SO CASUALLY TO PEOPLE WHO COULD BETRAY YOU WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT IT COMPLETELY FUCKING RUINS YOUR ELDEST SON AND HEIRS ONLY CLAIM TO THE FUCKING THRONE????
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dramaticpandabear · 2 months
To boost morale at The Bear I feel like Richie should just walk into the kitchen one day, say “fuck it, we ball,” and then walk right out
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ambersgiantpanda · 3 months
Exorcist: I'm here to remove the demon that has possessed you. Eddie: I didn't call you. Osirian: I did.
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kekeartzworld · 4 months
Silly Comic
Karlie had almost lost an eye fighting Miss Circle afterward
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Based off of that one freaking pride month trend
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alisdairvalentine · 5 months
hamlet and horatio kiss
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zahra-hydris · 8 days
I was kind of thinking previously that the ameridan revelation would knock daewen out of her (unfortunately naive) belief that her position as inquisitor and her actions would genuinely improve the position of elves across southern thedas.
but now i'm thinking that - after her initial shock and grief at how ameridan, his friends, and his love ended up (both in terms of their actual fates and their bleaching from history) - it ultimately leads her to double down.
she cannot let that happen again. she won't.
she's gotta ensure that her legacy remains intact.
ameridan was right. they've taken so much from her. she can never go home. she's changed. her clan has changed. she's still playing the game and while she was so proud of how she'd mastered it, she feels increasingly like she's just dancing to the chantry's tune. and she's so alone. she finds comfort in briala's arms now, as well as others when she can, but she still feels... isolated, especially as her companions slowly leave.
so she actually goes into the exalted council intending to fight for the inquisition. it all has to be worth something. if she lets go now, who takes care of her legacy? what she's built for the marginalised across southern thedas, for her people? for herself? she can't trust anyone with that.
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moonrotting · 2 months
i really saw an abandoned, underweight, barely moving, jaundiced cat come into my clinic and immediately fell in love with her. and decided to adopt her. and i am finally bringing her home this week.
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mentalmeles · 10 months
I swear, one of these days I'm going to just snap and tear into one of/the majority of my coworkers bc I am SO sick and tired of their behavior
#today the newest girl messages me two hours before her shift and tells me she's going to be late#the time for her shift to start comes along and she messages me again saying she's going to be a bit later than she thought#at this point i'm like fine. whatever#30-40 minutes pass and i finally take my 30 minute lunch break#while i'm going she arrives at 4 (a whole hour late)#she clocks in and then proceeds to make a phone call#despite the literal owner telling her to end the call and come work she does not#he leaves and i tell her she has 5 minutes until she needs to hang up#5 minutes come and go and i tell her she needs to hang up now#i then had to tell her 3 or 4 more times before she finally did#and then she starts stalling and asking if she can call her mom or the boss or this and that and i tell her no each time#i also tell her that she doesn't get a 15 minute break bc at this point she was on the phone for a whole hour in addition to being late#but guess what this girl tries to do anyway!!! take a 15 minute break!!!#i confront her while she's trying to leave and she tries to lie and say that i told her she couldn't take a 30 minute break#she also tries to insist that she wasn't on her phone for an hour when i literally checked the time she clocked in#and the time i finally got her to come work#when she realizes i see through her bullshit she tries to say she's going to call the owner and ask if she can go home early#jokes on her but since he was gone that decision was up to me and i obviously told her no#she got mad at me ofc but i am just so fed up with this shit#my boss might put up with it but i have HAD IT!!!#legit going to tell him that we shouldn't allow phones anymore. period.#i hate to do that but at this point it's so much more trouble than it's worth with these kids#earth duty stuff#vent#negative
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inluvwcaitvi · 2 months
guys why does caitlyn lowkey remind me of batman
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princemaxxson · 3 months
every single time i post something in tsom, this same girl gets all bent out of shape and makes everything a competition. back up, i didn't ask you, don't care to, and i am not, was not, and will never be inspired by anything you make.
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the-tenth-arcanum · 11 months
had the weirdest 121 with my boss today... she was like "hey! you got some great feedback from [manager in another team]!! she said you did great on the client call!!" which is hilarious because I've mentally quit at this point and literally doing the bare minimum. and I was like, "I didn't do much actually but cool. nice to hear"
and then she asked me if I was still interested in changing teams. you know that team I tried to get into just to escape my hellish team, the one where they interviewed me and then went "amazing interview, we'd love to have you, unfortunately there's no open role at the moment!! this was just for fun", that team.
and I was like "...sure. I mean I did interview" (which is a lie because I just want to leave the company at this point but I'll take leaving my team in the meanwhile), and she was like "weeeell, wink-wink, heard there might be an open position soonish because someone isn't passing probation and they are keen to have you in that team" and I was like, "okay. I mean I'm sorry for whoever isn't passing probation" and she was like "haha no don't worry that happens :))". it was so fucking bizarre
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Every single time I see someone say that Wednesday wasn’t into Tyler but is totally into Enid I just want to go into hysterics
Take your lesbian flag colored glasses off for one fucking second and watch the show properly gdi lmao
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Jojo is going to stream on yt
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