#wakfu the great wave manga
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cocogum · 2 days ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 17 Review
Nothing too major happens in this chapter which I think is a good way to relax a bit from all the serious stuff (and doppelgangers) that we've had to see in older chapters. But sadly, we don't get to see Amalia freaking out over the orphan ouginaks like a customer at a pet smart store (sorry @kirichux looks like it'll just stay a fantasy 😭) Too bad that didn't happen (for now 👹). Either way, it's at least nice to know that Yugo was actually not personally angry at Joris but rather just had a very serious while thinking about daddy Rasalar's face in the last chapter.
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I mean I know that he still does call him 'Jojo' since we also saw him in season 4 calling Joris like that, but I'm just happy to see him addressing him like that even in the Great Wave 💕💕💕💕
And yeah Luis is right, relax you're not acting as Bonta's representative/messenger right now lol Even your shushu has a point which is honestly saying A LOT. You can call them your besties here Joris don't be shy 🥰🥰🥰
And speaking of Yugo, I'm semi glad that the face he made last chapter wasn't meant for Joris. Cuz not only would he have confused the living hell out of Joris but he would have also scared the crap out of these kids.
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(sidenote: I personally see Lilotte as Joris's mortal bestie while Yugo is his demigod bestie. Yeah that's how I think i know it's clever ✨️✨️)
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(yeah @geekgirles ur right, these two look so good in that panel 💗💗)
Like Joris is literally hearing that his demigod bestie got poisoned by the dragon who was meant to use him as a vessel. Shit was always personal but Joris knows that he crossed a line when he went for Yugo 🩷🩷
This must be such a weird day for Joris to visit memory lane again. First, he catches a thief who looks way too much like his past best friend. Then, he learns from Yugo and Amalia that the dragon who was meant to use him as a vessel poisoned Yugo.
Who's next on the list that would resurface from the dead and punch his childhood in the dick? His mom??
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So uh Atcham really doesn't remember...either he sucks at remembering past faces or he's genuinely tweaking.
No cuz like wtf is going on in his head?? Same with Kerubim. Aren't they aware that they're standing face to face with Lilotte's doppelganger??? Come on, they literally look THE SAME. Fine, maybe Atcham kinda forgot since he had only seen Lilotte a few times BUT KERUBIM DOESN'T HAVE ANY EXCUSES TO NOT REMEMBER!?!?
He literally watched Joris GROW UP WITH LILOTTE. She was literally his best friend! After she died, can you honestly tell me how many more mortals Joris has gotten this close with??? Exactly. Atcham may be dumb for not remembering one of Joris' friends, sure, but Kerubim is the true dumbass here.
Speaking of Lilotte actually, Thirteen is clearly her doppelganger but it would be super ironic if her number (aka name 💀) was meant to be a bad omen for Harigue lol (if you forgot who that was, I don't blame you. It was that disgusting old man's name who slaved these precious kids)
Like her number name literally meant 'bad luck'. And you're telling me that she ended up being the one to bring Joris to his base? Yeah, if that isn't shit luck for that old bastard, then i don't know what is. It's especially ironic for her because that ended up being her lucky number 💕💕💕
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She's such a fighter, look at her still moving around with her little stubs 💕💕 It's nice to know that she survived 500 years with Joris and can still manage to run around...Pupuce is a real fighter lol
Also fun fact about her kind, they kinda work like bees: when they attack the player, they instantly die afterwards. So one attack equals immediate death. Looks like Pupuce is a pacifist....💀💀
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These two bozos forgot that their asses got handed to them and are now Joris's kids. Yet they don't wanna share their stuff with OTHER orphans 😭😭😭
I swear to god it doesn't matter how old they get they are still lazy morons in each life.
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I missed Luis's house magic 💕💕 The dofus movie made his skills look so smooth and satisfying like the motion and the way the bowls would just appear out of thin air, I loved it!!
LOOK AT HOW THOSE LITTLE PUPS ARE OGGLING THE TABLE!!! That fucking old man never fed them right, he literally lashed out at them that they should be grateful that he feeds them every once and a while. So for them, seeing as table filled with food without anyone pushing them away or sneering at them is literally like seeing a miracle happening right in front of their eyes.
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I bet that some of them still can't believe that they're out of the sewers. Those poor kids must be thinking they probably died or something because ever since Thirteen came back to the sewers, they got saved by a strong important guy that managed to scare the shit out of 'their master', got taken out of the sewers, got told they could just call their rescuer by his first name, got told they could stay at their rescuer's house, got told they could eat his food and sleep at his place, AND got told by their rescuer that he would give them normal names.
All I can say is please let Yugo's wave not annihilate them and shred them into more pieces than they're already missing 😭😭
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I can't tell if they're purposely being petty assholes while having the mental age of a kid. Cuz wtf bro this is like being a mom and showing off your new baby to your other kids only for them to hate the newborn because they'll have to start sharing everything with them 💀💀
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I'll smack these two 😃😃
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Don't get me wrong, it's so cute that he gave his (make-shift 😭) teddy to Joris but the fact that he was thinking about giving him anything at all, especially his TEDDY, was as if he gave him some sort of payment rather than a gift. Because why would he give him his teddy of all things? He's still so incredibly young, he obviously uses it all the time. So to give it away would mean that he's so incredibly grateful, he would see it as his payment to Joris so that he and his siblings would be able to stay here 😭😭😭
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He says it way too casually too 💀💀
"Yeah no, he's been a pain in my ass for like 500 years now 🙄🙄 urgh I can't stand him sometimes i swear 😒😒" like excuse me????
I'm waiting for the Joris fans to use this face as their pfps lol
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And into the abyss they go...
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pinkysgallery · 2 months ago
I know I've been annoying... but Tot is NOT helping...
Here's the thing
I'm gonna leave these images here
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And here's the current translation of the fragment corrected by @cocogum
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No, that's not an illustration made for that chapter, it's from this tweet from Tot in X, obviously an art of Cathiane and a possible panel of the next Tome of the manga Le Grande Vague.
Says Tot:
Hello, I'm writing a script and I can't stop thinking about you. I've been working on the big finale of Wakfu for 4 years now, and telling myself that you won't see it before 2027 sometimes tends to get on my nerves. I want to tell you everything, share everything, spoil everything... I don't know if I'll hold out... Help!
Dear Tot, I'm in your same situation while writing my fanfic, that is looking more and more like your story, even before being published.
Would you like to talk? We've got a translator. Let's have a rich conversation, an we could help each other.
This is just a humble Wattpad writer, I know, but the offer is there.
And, if someone is interested, check this interesting post, just click HERE
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cocogum · 2 months ago
I was acting like a massive fangirl when the first great wave volume had Yugo on the cover but I'm growing feral over seeing this second volume!!
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LOOK AT THIS BOSS ASS QUEEN ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Can't wait for January to read it on Allskreen 😭😭😭 and for March to BUY IT 💖💖💖
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saturnyukaa · 1 month ago
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s4 amalia redesign. as a treat
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cocogum · 8 months ago
It took me a day to finally read this because I knew Aurora was gonna give me another major headache with her stupid bullshit.
Once again, you have dissected the two women in those chapters so perfectly well, and I really couldn't have asked for more details because it was all just done right.
Aurora continues to disappoint me with her lack of...well...everything that makes her a "character" and I have once again officially lost it.
The Interracial Wedding: Amalia's Convictions VS. Aurora's Hypocrisy
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am ToT never really intended for Aurora and her father to come across as having the moral high ground beyong Amalia's distrust of them causing her to jump the gun and suspect them of poisoning Yugo.
There are simply no instances where they are shown to be in the right aside from Amalia prematurely accusing them of trying to assassinate her husband and going after them.
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In this particular case, what I want to discuss is Aurora's reaction to the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding from chapter 6 and how it reflects how little she actually knows about Sadida traditions, using every opportunity to try and smear Amalia's name without knowing what's really going on.
First things first, we have already discussed the sheer hypocrisy upon finding out about the interracial marriage and her outraged, almost disgusted reaction to it.
Said hypocrisy hinging on the fact that she is an Osamodas who had an arranged marriage with a Sadida, meaning she is the last person with any right to complain about Amalia allowing two different races to marry. Although it is true her problem seems to be less about it being an interracial marriage and more about the fact that the bride is an Eliatrope.
As per usual, we were never given an actual reason as to why she would hate the Eliatropes. Only being implied that she hates them solely because Armand hated them too and she has no agency or ability to make her own judgements, unrelated to the opinions of the men in her life. Thus, she greatly resents Amalia for seemingly allowing outsiders in despite how Armand, supposedly, would have never done such a thing.
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(It's true he was adamant on not welcoming the Eliatropes after meeting their goddess, but given he, despite everything, still had a sense of honour and actually valued his sister's opinion, who knows? Hadn't he died, he might have actually rewarded the Eliatropes for their help, after all. Though this is just speculation on my part...)
Having said that, even if Aurora were trying to protect Armand's legacy, it still doesn't change the fact that this is coming from the same person who not only intended to rule the Sadida even without her husband despite being an Osamodas and, therefore, an outsider; but who actually brought her father, an even bigger outsider, with her to rule the Sadida by her side and raise the kid.
The very same person who values a random bat much more than the people she's supposed to serve and look after, as opposed to her husband, who actually gave his life in order to protect his kingdom.
But I digress.
The point is, hypocrisy.
However, what really seals the deal is her reaction to seeing the Sadida/Eliatrope wedding, more importantly, what she thinks of Amalia for it.
Regardless of whether Armand would have approved or not, Aurora's real issue seems to be that Amalia is allowing such a thing to happen despite her not approving of her ascension to power. More importantly, she resents the way she's managed to foster positive relationships between the Sadidas and the Eliatropes in such a short amount of time, and what it implies.
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But as the above frames show, what really gets under her skin is Amalia's perceived hypocrisy. What she says about Amalia boasting about Sadida traditions despite going against Armand's supposed wishes (that last part is me reading between the lines) seems to imply these two have clashed over whether Aurora adhered to Sadida customs or not.
After all, while Amalia did indeed tell Yugo that Aurora was an outsider unfit to rule the kingdom due to not knowing anything about their customs, that was never brought up when the two women were in the same room. Instead, Amalia focused on the actual elephant in the room: the fact that they left them at the mercy of the Nécromes yet still have the gall to demand she hand over the throne.
Meaning they probably argued about Aurora not being fit to rule offscreen during the time between the OVAs and season 3. Otherwise, this comment just simply wouldn't make sense, as Amalia had never really boasted about her people's traditions before and, both until and during season 4, actually tried to be cordial towards her sister-in-law.
But most importantly, the way Aurora says this line implies she views Amalia as the hypocrite. If my theory is right and they indeed came to blows over Aurora not following the Sadida way of life, then it seems as she is taking Amalia welcoming the Eliatropes personally.
Something along the lines of "So I have to respect your culture but you can put your husband's people first?"
However, as we already hinted at early on, that's not really what's going on, is it?
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If you look closely at this frame, then it becomes glaringly obvious that at no point in time is Amalia placing the Eliatropes before her own people and culture. Neither is Yugo, as a matter of fact.
First of all, Amalia is the one officiating the ceremony, not Yugo. He seems to be there simply to give his blessing as King of the Eliatropes and to support his wife like chapter 1 said he'd been doing since they got married and she ascended to the throne.
Then, there's the fact that Amalia is reading from what appears to be the Sadida equivalent of the Bible or, at least, an important ceremonial document. It's not as easy to see in this frame, but that book looks more like a flower with words written on its petals than an actual leather-bound tome.
And, last but not least, it's the actual ceremony:
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To complete the wedding, instead of exchanging rings like Eva and Pinpin did (or, well, brass knuckles, in their case...), Amalia conjures up a flower that the groom must put on his bride's hair before they can share their first kiss as husband and wife. And then they're married.
Let's recap, okay?
Amalia is the one officiating the wedding, not Yugo.
The ceremony seems to follow Sadida guidelines.
The groom must present his bride with a flower before they're officially declared husband and wife...
Guys, it literally cannot get any more Sadida than that!
Seriously, Amalia and Yugo's own wedding was much more unconventional, compared to this. In theirs, there were at least portals!
So, what does this tell us?
Simple. It tells us that regardless of what that old Sadida from chapter 2 and Aurora say, Amalia is not going against Sadida tradition or giving the Eliatropes special treatment just because she welcomed them into her kingdom. In fact, she is still putting her people first, as the wedding shows their culture remains the predominant one (which can be either because the Eliatropes don't remember much of their own or because the bride and groom actually agreed on having a Sadida wedding; as always, that's only speculation).
Moreover, it shows Yugo is perfectly content with this. His main concerns being his people's safety and well-being and supporting Amalia without any ulterior motive, unlike the Osamodas and Aurora's political marriage to Armand.
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Finally, I'd like to mention a point made by my good friend @alittlebookdust: the fact that Aurora fails to recognise Amalia isn't actually turning her back on her people's customs or Armand's legacy already implies she herself was never familiar with said customs to begin with. Either that, or she is just desperate to find fault in Amalia's way of doing things and feels compelled to criticise everything she does solely because she hates her.
Nevertheless, what this chapter proves is that despite the similar position she and Armand were in due to marrying outsiders, Amalia's actions are actually anything but hypocritical. As, unlike Aurora and her father, she has always remained true to her convictions and put her kingdom first without purposely harming her husband's.
(Thanks once again to @cocogum for the screenshots used in this analysis).
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p1ecetings · 2 months ago
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Can’t wait!!! Love Cynthia’s art as always!! 🥰🥰
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cocogum · 2 months ago
A panel, possibly from volume 2, has been leaked by Tot 💖💖
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Here's the tweet!!
Translated post:
Hello, I'm currently writing a script, and I just couldn't stop thinking about you all. It's now been 4 years since I've been working on Wakfu's grand finale and the fact that you won't be able to see it until 2027 really pisses me off sometimes. I want to tell everything to all of you, to share, to spoil...I don't think I'll be able to take it any longer...
Please help!
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cocogum · 11 months ago
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Cozy morning 💕
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articwolfclawartist · 10 months ago
Adamaï: I can practically hear your thoughts
Yugo’s thoughts:
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aphilayx · 10 months ago
Not all Sadidas
It seems that some Sadidas are friendly with the eliatropes. 
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Seeing the eliatropes talking to adults makes me think how weird and hard it has to be for them.
They're kids, but they're also the oldest of their people, so they are the future of their people. 
That one eliatrope who had a property problem, probably waited a long time before asking for help. They probably asked many times to the sadida to restore the land, but it didn't work. The way they stand shows they don't want to create any problems. 
And that old sadida who thinks because his grandchild died, he deserves more land. Like where was he when his grandchild was fighting? Where was he when children from another nation chose to fight so he could have a future?
They're kids, but they already have so many responsibilities.
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aishazero9i18r · 10 months ago
Just a piece of mind during midnight.
Warning for the great wave manga chapter 3 spoilers
Imagine if Amalia died not because of the great wave incident (oh boi yes she survive that) but because of the labour of giving birth?
I mean— well…. Idk. Knowing from that s1 credit-epilogue clip, Sadida babies normally pops out from the soil but we never really get to know how Sadida people actually reproduce. However, seeing that cross-race/class actually works (points at TristEva, and Aurora, if she doesn’t lie).
If whatever Aurora saying about her pregnancy was true, (and the entire Yumalia smut scene from chapter 1), it implies that Sadida people have 2 ways of reproduce(????), one is by planting whatever baby Sadida and gets them out of the soil when they are ready (which is the default way of Sadida people reproduction), or two, have some sex, the wife got pregnant, and there you go, a baby! Like how usual homo sapiens and other creature would normally reproduce! Usually this route is done if they are a mix-race couple.
However, since the sex and pregnancy route is like… the second option, i do have a thought that Sadida people is not really built for that route. It’s not impossible, just a bit harder to achieve.
So instead of died because of drowning, maybe, if Yugo and Amalia are compatible to have a child (oh, c’mon… you can make a story of how animal based tribe having a child with a plant!), maybe it’s because of that….
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cocogum · 3 months ago
Cathiane mentioned once how she was uncomfortable when she drew Yumalia's vanilla scene in the beginning of the manga.
EDIT: So Cathiane saw the same shower meme on the French Wakfu team account and said this:
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Cathiane: "Saw the notif and panicked”
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Even the official account doesn't play about them
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p1ecetings · 2 months ago
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Second book of wakfu the great wave manga will be coming out on the 20th of January in webtoon format!!
Exciting!! 🥳🥳
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chlogummy · 5 months ago
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Inktober 2024, jour 2 ! Un Yugo saison 4 pour la liste de thèmes de chez Allskreen :D
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yourlocaldragonz · 9 months ago
spoilers for a theory of wakfu la grande vague manga chapter 6
just a theory, but like hear me out. what if the sadida servant who hands yugo the drink is behind the poisoning, taking advantage of the whole tense situation because the blame will go aurora's way and so this is the reason why in the trailer aurora looks so upset to have been accused likely of the poisoning when she may not be. the servant who hands yugo the drink is the face of the final chapter staring directly to the camera also sought of a parallel to amalia in the first chapter (could be cool way to finish off if this is right) and having an 'irrelevant' background character reappear on a cover has gotta give them some form of importance
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extra note, I haven't read chapter 6 properly yet because I haven't bought it and have seen a few pages posted and noticed how it's the girl who has been on my mind for a bit for what she could have done while trying to analyse the chapter covers for theories
okay so edit I got some photos nd now my suspicion rises
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cocogum · 2 months ago
YAY OMG LETS GO ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💗💖💖💗💖💗
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Second book of wakfu the great wave manga will be coming out on the 20th of January in webtoon format!!
Exciting!! 🥳🥳
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