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tttewolves · 10 months ago
Give me a TTTE Character, and I’ll tell you 3 random facts about them for my ‘The Girl and The Wolves’ AU!💖🐺
There’s three OCs, Faylen, Glen, and Kirra!😁
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k0mmari · 5 months ago
Im not done with this, so to the people that wanted more, here it is! I, fortunately or not, have thought way too much again, so once more this is going to be a very, very, VERY long post. If you guys have any ideas about this btw, please do share them! I really am just letting my mind wander a bit more than usual, so maybe someone else can have more structured thoughts than me lol. (Fair warning, there probably will be plot holes, so sorry in advance!)
Please read Pt.1 if you haven't, or this won't make any sense!
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After SY warped away from his impromptu meeting with Binghe, the last place he would like to end up would be even deeper into the Endless Abyss, but according to his System, the next piece of the virus was here. While not happy, since his Personal System was (mostly) working as intended, SY managed to activate Ghost Mode and walk towards the next part without having to deal with any of the creatures down there. (He had to try very hard not to get distracted by the monsters, lest his supervisor thinks he also went missing.)
It takes considerably more time to find the virus this time, so much in fact, SY starts to recognize his surroundings from SQH's ramblings (not that he was interested or anything), and he feels a cold sense of dread running down his spine. There was no way he was that unlucky that the object that got corrupted this time was-
He was that unlocky. Lo and behold, after entering a run down ruin, SY is faced with the legendary Xin Mo, power so overwhelming it manifested as dark fire covering the blade. The only reason why SY wasn't immediately writhing on the ground from the sword's power was Ghost Mode, which he could not rely for too long, as his Personal System was displaying warning after warning about Possibility of Corruption and God Like Plot Point. It all meant that SY was on a timer, and if he took too long, the sword would start corrupting his System, which in turn could corrupt him.
Now, since this was a VERY important Plot Point, Luo Binghe had to find Xin Mo or else the plot would derail to an unfixable degree, SY couldn't just snip at it, which was a problem, since manual debugging took a considerably longer time! Still, he summons his Scissors and positions it so he can start at least trimming off the virus.
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His plan immediately backfires however, as an ominous crack sounds through the air and he's suddenly pushed away from the sword by a gust of energy. A bit disoriented, he shakes his head and acesses the sit-
Xin Mo, the horrible sword it was, was apparently so OP that it seemed to detect the Scissors at the last second, and the thing attacked back! The metal of the Scissors was dark and broken where it came close to the sword, almost broken in half! Which, not good! It any other time, a pair of broken Debugging Sheers would be more or less fine, if not a major inconvinience (and pay deduction) for SY, but since he'd been warping all over the time for a while now, his Personal System's energy reserves were carefully rationed, and if he were to use a chunk to send the Scissors back for some emergency repair, he'd only have one chance to go back to HQ. Alone.
He couldn't delay it any longer, he desperately needed to find SQH and pray he still had some energy reserves left.
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Setting his Personal System's next warp location to SQH's last known location, SY wouldn't have guessed in a million years that he would go back to Cang Qiong Mountain, but whatever; maybe SQH had wanted to start with fixing the bug on Binghe's pendant? Not that this was the right time since it was after Binghe fell into the Abyss, but SQH had never been good at warping. It takes a bit of wandering and going inside different buildings, but eventually his Personal System managed to get a dirrect ping on SQH's System, which sent a massive wave of relief rushing through SY, since it meant that SQH was still slive.
Though as to why he was at An Ding Peak, SY could only guess.
After a bit more wandering, SY enters on what seems to be a (very messy) office space, SY feels all the pieces coming together in his mind. Half sprawled across the table with piles of paper covering the entire table's surface lay the An Ding Peak Lord, which- was already weird, since wasn't this guy supposed to be an enemy of the Peak now? After the whole betrayal thing or whatever? But that would've been something to look into later, were it not for said Peak Lord casually scrolling through a Personal System screen. A Personal System that could only be used by the System's Maintanence Staff.
SY wastes no time in deactivating Ghost Mode, and when SQH's eyes snap to his, the man jumps so high from his chair he almost falls back. It's not a happy reunion by a longshot, since SY immediately jumped his friend co-worker and demanded an explaination, almost screaming about it was all his fault for doing shitty maintenence, and creating this shitty world if it's shitty OP sword which broke his Sheers? Do you know how expensive these are?? I know you do, cause the supervisor never lets you touch the good ones cause you keep cracking all the other pairs-
It takes a more or less one whole hour to calm down SY, but eventually the younger settled and lets SQH say his bit of the story: Apparently, in his messing around with the System's world creation program when he was trying to find the bug in his world, he'd accidentaly managed to get himself actually transmigrated to PIDW, though still with (limited) acess to his Personal System, which let him still send messages to their supervisor and pretend that everything was ok. He'd gotten so unlucky too! Out of all the people to accidentaly select, did it have to be the An Ding Peak Lord? Couldn't it have been Binghe? Or MBJ- (SQH cuts his lamenting when he notices SY's absolutely viscious death glare being stared right through his soul.)
Long story short, he'd initially did try to fix his blunder, but as more time passed and SQH's access to Maintenance priviledges went out one by one on his System, he eventually just... Started actually living there. In fact, he was living so well there that he dared say his life as Peak Lord was even better then when he was with the System! Of course, since he had been integrated as a 'character' now, he had his limitations, he actually managed to get to know his fellow peak lords! He knew the name of his character's family members and his disciples! He'd managed to build a life he never even thought he could have inside the System.
Sure, did he betray the Peak? Yes, yes he did. Were they all going to die in a few years time when Binghe came back from hell? Yeah, yeah they were, and he was immensely guilty and terrified, but! The plot could be changed! He already assumed someone from the System had popped up in the Conference, as when Binghe had recently made his alliance with MBJ, and had mentioned in passing this weird thing that had happened to him just before he fell into the Abyss.
Anyways, eventually SY begrudgingly accepts SQH's decision to stay in PIDW, but he still had to help SY; and so they form a plan: SY was going to transfer some energy to SQH so he could temporarily get his acess to the full version of his Personal System and use his energy reserves to send SY's Sheers and get them fixed. SQH was also going to properly apologize to their supervisor for suddenly quitting without notice AND order some more energy stacks to be sent to SY's System. SY on the other hand had devises a plan to get closer to XIn Mo without the sword exploding his face off:
Infiltrate Demon Emperor Luo Binghe's palace as a lowly staff member and slowly debug the sword from the inside.
A perfect plan! What could go wrong?
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SY selects to warp to a time where Binghe had Xin Mo mostly in control, so it is to no surprise he warps to a place were the Demonic Emperor's Palace is absolutely filled with women. Not the best situation, since a lot of people could and probably would be able to see him, but with that many harem members, it wasn't too much of a stretch to assume there was also a considerable number of staff, which, to SY's luck, there was! In fact, after he managed to activate a disguise for his clothes so they matched the rest of the servants, no one bat an eye on his presence; at most someone would inquire about his short hair, but other than that he was as noteable as a fly.
The first phase of his plan was already a success, so now he had to move on to reconnaissance which was mostly easy and the worst thing in his life. He was mostly looking for Binghe's quarters could be as he probably kept the sword close to him at all times, though with how big the palace was, his objective had gradually shifted to mapping out the labyrinth of halls as much as possible (SY was very glad that the System allowed him to create a map in real time or he might have gotten lost in the first five minutes). He walks so much he even manages to catch a few pieces of gossip, though the most interesting one by far being one about Binghe:
Apparently, a year ago, the Emperor had a qi deviation where, for a day, he seemed to have completely shifted his personality; he refused to touch any of his wives and kept screaming for his long dead Shizun. SY doesn't really remember that plot point, though his wondering is cut short when he hears people walking towards his direction. instinctively he his behind a dark corner, momentarily forgetting that he 'worked' at the palace now.
At list his bad luck was finally turning over as the Golden Protagonist himself walked past him with one of his wives hanging off his arm, looking just as cool as SY had always imagined. He had to snap himself out of his stuppor though, as two things caught his attention: First, Xin Mo was, predictably, strapped to his waist, still glitched but at least the virus seemed more or less contained, which gave SY a bit more time to work, though the other thing he noticed...
Hanging onto an old-looking braid laid SY's missing tassle that Binghe had found for him all the way back at the Conference.
What the hell was Luo Binghe doing wearing that old tassle at this day and age??
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A few days passed and the Tassle Incident (as he called it) had to be set aside, as it seemed that passing as a servant also meant that other servants and even some wives expected SY to actually work. Not great, he sucked at cleaning and the other servants spared no words to make it clear to him, but it at least gave him something to do while he waited for his Scissors to arrive. SQH had sent him a few messages saying he'd gotten his part of the deal done, so now all SY could do was monitor Xin Mo's condition (from very far away), and occasionally manually debug some small virus pieces that had fallen from the sword, which luckily were easy enough to deal with that he didn't need to cut them off.
The only thing that was worrying him now is how... odd Luo Binghe seemed. Of course, he was supposed to be the pinnacle of the Cool Guy trope, so some edginess was to be expected, but Binghe didn't look just Edgy, he looked straight up depressed. There were bags under his eyes, and he barely seemed to tolerate the presence of 99% of his wives, and that damned braid with the damned tassle was still there-
Point is, Binghe acting so weird really threw SY through a loop, and he may have gotten a bit careless. At a random day when SY was carrying some dirty laundry another servant had just shoved at him, he had no prior warning before a voice sounded from behind him: "You seem to have dropped something."
He barely managed to shake off the violent sense of deja-vu that had sucker punched him in the face before he realized what was happening; Luo Binghe was talking to him. Directly to him. Shit- shit! Did he notice? Was Binghe doing a clever call back, spider-man style?? Was SY going to die????
SY shakily turns to Binghe, keeping his eyes locked onto the floor, bowing as much as possible that he still seemed respectful but the bag of clothes he had didn't all just fall to the floor. Thankfully Binghe didn't seem to mind, and simply put the fallen piece of clothing on top of the others and walked away. Though, just as SY was regaining his breath, Luo Binghe's voice stops him again. "You... Have we met before?"
SY trembles something about only being hired recently and not having the opportunity to formaly meet Junshang, and it seems to be a decent enough that Binghe just stares at him for a while longer before walking away. He really should grow out his hair if even the Emperor got weirded out like that...
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Binghe started eyeing SY way more after that day. The protagonist would rarely speak directly to him, but SY could feel his gaze as if it were burning; though, since Binghe never said anything, SY just assumed that whatever Binghe's problem with him was, it was likely nothing to worry about.
In fact, it probably was because one of Binghe's wives had used SY is an impromptu act to try to get Binghe jealous (he just frowned, separated the two and walked away) and after that she had gotten infatuated with him, so she'd turned SY into her personal servant. Because of that SY saw Binghe at most two times a week instead of the 50% chnace of seeing his shadow once a week. Wow.
Because of this, as much as Binghe noticed SY, SY noticed Binghe as well, the protagonist seeming to get even more down as the days went. The tassle was still braided in his hair (SY worried it was just going to become a lock at this point), his eyebags never seemed to leave his eyes, and he was always muttering about... something. (SY managed to overhear something about 'fairness' and what Binghe actually wanted...?)
It all culminated at a seemingly random night. Most of the wives and servants had gone to sleep, only the more in-human women still hanging around, and SY, of course, but mostly it was because he wanted to see how close he could get to Binghe's quarters (aka Xin Mo) at night. Not that it was necessary, as when he was walking his attention was adruptly caught by the strangest sight: Luo binghe, sitting on one of the stone stair that lead to one of the many courtyards, being absolutely drenched in rain. The weirdest part was that a few servants and wives had also passed this place, and they all seemed like they didn't see Binghe, or didn't care.
Hating to see such an usually proud man (not that he'd seen much of that either) just soaking outside as if he'd just caught the love of his life cheating with another man, SY decided that at least he'd do a good job as a servant and take care of 'his Lord'. He grabs an umbrella from one of the adjacent rooms and slowly walks outside, covering Luo Binghe's form, not really caring if he was also getting soaked.
They stayed silent for who knows how long, but eventually, Binghe's eyes that had been laser focused on the horizon slowly blink once, as if coming out of a trance, and slowly move to SY's face, up to his hand holding the umbrella. "My Lord should get back inside. He'll get sick that way." SY half murmurs.
Binghe doesn't respond, though after a few seconds, his eyes seem to widen a bit and his breath comes out a little shaky. SY doesn't dare comment on it.
"Have we met before?" Luo Binghe asks again.
"...Yes." Shen Yuan says.
Binghe closes his eyes, and they stay like that for another hour.
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strwbrychffoncke · 3 months ago
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"and so i drank one ,it became four ,and when i fell on the floor i drank more,, 2.4k words synopsis: lads men taking care of you when you're drunk contains: lads (separate) x drunk!reader ,f!reader (use she/her pronouns around + femme petnames) ,fluff, some drunk comfort ,completely self-indulgent (based on me when i drink so keep in mind) ,reader is a lightweight (lol) ,some suggestive dialogue but nothing happens its mostly teasing ,that might be it note: unedited! wrote after drinking myself so beware of typos lolol, this was written in honor of the new yrs :x
(implied) established relationship, you're at his place, doctor zayne mode activates, reader is pretty clingy, zayne gets you water, you get carried, you sleep in his bed, he hides the alcohol from you (lol???)
"it looks like someone overindulged themselves tonight."
you tilt your head, innocent eyes finding zayne's hard gaze.
"whad'y mean?"
coming home to see various alcohol bottles sprawled out across the kitchen counter, and a couple of empty bottles of some sweet mixed drinks you had sitting in the fridge for who knows how long was not something he expected after another long shift at the hospital.
he only sighs in response to your question, walking towards you to check you over before you cling to him.
"zayyyyne, missed you soooo much," you mumble, arms encircling around one of his tugging him closer.
"you're drunk."
you burst into a fit of giggles before refuting.
"no im nottt."
"just how much did you drink this time?"
you think it over for a long moment before deciding on your answer.
"just a little," you emphasize by holding your index and thumb fingers up, a small distance in between them.
zayne leans towards you, hand rising to rest on your forehead.
"how do you feel?"
"my head feels like its going to fall off...." suddenly your expression morphs into one of worry, and your eyes water as you look up pleadingly at zayne.
"it won't fall off, will it doctor?? its so heavy, it feels like its going to fall off...."
"no, its not going to fall off," he reassures pointedly, drawing his hand back in favor of pinching the bridge of his nose.
you look up at him, eyes wide and hopeful, and when he looks back down at you he can't help but to pat your head.
"really. now, let me examine you further."
you give a short nod, small giggles escaping your lips as he gives you a good once-over, dragging his index finger across your line of vision (noticing how you quickly lose focus and laugh instead) and taking note of your hazy, half-lidded eyes.
"my diagnosis is that you're drunk."
"i'm nooot," you whine.
"i'm going to get you some water, and then you'll get some rest."
you let out an involuntary yawn, proving his point before he stands up and turns towards the kitchen.
"i'll be right back," he says, but only manages a single step before you latch onto his hand with both of yours.
"don't leave," you whine, looking up at him again with those wide, tearful eyes.
seriously, how much did you drink????
"i'm only grabbing some water for you. i'll be back in a moment."
with that, he takes off, leaving you to giggle to yourself for a moment before calling out to him.
"zayne.... zayyyyne.... come baaaaack............ where did you gooooo?"
he's back in under a minute, and you're quick to cling to him once he's back in your sight.
"let's get you to bed."
"carry me?" you ask, reaching your arms up as your lips curl up cutely.
he sighs before promptly reaching down for you.
"it seems this particular patient requires plenty of rest given the way she's acting."
with those words, he lifts you up with ease, carrying you bridal style towards your shared room, quickly noticing the way you almost seem to go limp in his arms by the time he gets to the bed.
you already managed to fall asleep?
after he tucks you in, he makes sure to hide every liquor bottle properly while making a mental note to tell him when you wanted to drink so that he could make sure to be with you when you did.
even if your drunk self was a handful, he thought you were still quite cute.
who knew you were such an easily amused drunk?
established relationship, out together before he takes you to his place, sleepy!reader (+ xav), he gives you water, affectionate!reader moment, he changes you (freak mode is not activated), cuddling
tonight, the hunter's association went out drinking to celebrate a particularly grueling mission that turned into a success.
while neither you or xavier drank much, you decided to indulge just a little given the nature of the mission.
though, despite xavier's warning for you to not overdo it, he watches as you down your second drink as he sips on his water, already preparing himself for the trouble you'll be causing later.
which leads to now, supporting you (almost like half-carrying you) as he unlocks and leads you through the entrance of his apartment.
"ah, im so.. sleepy...."
"yes, me too. the sooner we get you in, the sooner we can get to bed," he reassures.
you're led to his sofa, falling back into the cushions as he runs off to retrieve water from his fridge for you.
when he comes back, your eyes are closed.
he bends himself to your level, nudging your cheek with his finger.
"hey, don't fall asleep before drinking some water."
"head hurts.." you mumble.
"the water will help, come on."
he opens it for you, pushing it towards your lips.
they part, and he takes the opportunity to tilt the bottle slightly, hydrating you himself.
after ten seconds, he pulls it back, wiping a stray droplet from the corner of your lips before screwing the lid back on.
"why would you drink so much when you can't handle it at all?"
you chuckle at this, and he sighs.
"come on, let's get to bed, i'm tired too."
"sleepy time," you mumble as he grabs your hand and helps you to your feet, steadying you with both his hands.
"sleepy time indeed," he nods once, leading you to his bedroom.
right at the doorway, you suddenly wrap your arms around him, planting sleepy kisses across his cheek.
xavier is stunned for a moment but accepts the drunken affection, wry smile forming on his lips.
you pull away to look at him.
"you're so pretty," you sigh, gaze faraway yet almost enchanted by him.
he laughs at this.
"come on, lets get to bed already."
he helps you shed your outer clothes before ridding of his own, pulling one of his sweaters over your head as he pulls on sweatpants, tugging you to fall into the mattress with him.
he hugs you close, planting a kiss on your head, then your cheek, your nose, and then your lips as your breaths even out.
"sleep well, my lovely star."
implied established relationship, whiny!reader, teasing!raf, he calls you "cutie," you're at his studio/home
truth be told, rafayel loved when you got like this.
since you didn't drink often, it was quite the treat for him to see you as clingy and needy as he felt for you on a daily basis.
"raaaaaaaaf," you whined.
"yes, cutie?"
you hugged him.
"'s so hot," you breathed out, slumping beside him.
he laughed.
"but i opened the window to let the sea breeze in awhile ago, isn't it working?"
you pout, shaking your head before quickly regretting it, laying it back down against his shoulder.
"not at all."
"you poor thing," he said half-teasing, reaching his free hand out to pat your head.
he broke into a wide smile.
"need somethin', cutie?"
"jus' like your name," you mumbled.
"oh? really?"
"well, i like yours more."
"do too."
suddenly, you reach for his hand.
you tug it towards you before beginning to trace his fingers.
"are you a fortune teller now or something?
he maneuvers his hand so that his fingers intertwine with yours.
"too bad, looks like you can't see it anymore."
you giggle at him.
"stay like this?" your words come out as a question.
"there's nothing i'd want more," he answers, heart full at the satisfied smile on your face before cuddling into him once more.
relationship can be seen as established or not tbh, he calls you "kitten" several times, incorrect use of evol? (but its to save reader from falling lol), you get carried, he comforts you
sylus walks into the kitchen as you step out, taking note of the various alcoholic beverage cans and bottles across the counter.
"having a party without me, kitten?"
you shake your head.
"no, no," you smile. "jus' needed t' grab som'ing" you manage to slur out, headed towards the stairs.
he watches you as you begin making your way up some stairs before you stumble.
before you can even register that you're falling, black and red tendrils wrap around your body, catching you with ease.
your airy laughs fill the room, uncaring of you almost falling down the stairs, the feeling of the tendrils circling your waist and thighs almost electrifying against your sensitive skin.
"s-s-sylus! aha! tickles, hahaha-!"
the man in question half grins at your reaction, none the wiser to the surge of panic you just caused him.
in no time at all, he's beside you, tendrils gently uncurling from you as he looks down at you.
"such a clumsy kitten," he shakes his head. "what will i do with you?"
you're still swaying slightly, blinking up at him, and he doesn't wait for an answer that you may or may not give before hauling you over his shoulder, causing a surprised sound and you erupting into another fit of giggles.
he holds you securely, making his way towards his room with you, the pleasant sound of your amused laughs his favorite melody.
he passes by luke and kieran, asking them to do away with the beverages that are still out on the counter.
"is she... alright?" luke asks out of concern.
"oh, she's just fine. it seems a little kitten can't hold her liquor very well," he shakes his head.
after they leave (you waving at them as they disappear into the distance) sylus feels you shiver against him.
"so cold..."
"don't worry, kitten," he begins, pushing the door to his room open. "you'll be warmed up in no time."
he wastes no time gently dropping you into bed, watching as you bounce slightly on the mattress, a pleased sound escaping you as you waste no time to get under the covers.
"are you alright?" he asks, head tilted and concern lacing his tone.
you nod before you frown.
"stomach hurts...."
"my poor kitten."
sylus quickly turns out the light, settling beside you as his large hand comes up to rub over your belly.
you curl into him, pleased grin stretching across your lips, and without realizing it, you've drifted off in sylus comfort and warmth.
he doesn't know how long he stays by your side, gaze fixed on your sleeping face as he continues soothing the spot of pain, but he knows that in this moment, there's nowhere he'd rather be.
implied established relationship, slight suggestive remarks, worried!caleb, caleb teasing you
when you stumble your way through the front entrance of your home, the first thing you're met with is caleb, hands crossed over his chest as he stares down at you, unamused.
before you can greet him, he speaks up.
"do you have any idea what time it is?"
your eyes slowly shift up to his, and you can't help but to burst into a fit of giggles.
"hiiii," you drag out once your laughing begins to subside.
caleb stares down at you for a moment, taking in your slightly disheveled state and your lack of comeback, hardened expression softening just slightly.
"are you.... drunk?"
you burst into giggles again as you deny his accusation.
"not at alllll," you deny, swaying side to side.
"ok, you're literally just lying."
you move to take another step but somehow stumble right into caleb, who quickly wraps his arms around you.
"what the hell did you drink, pipsqueak?"
"dunno..." you trail off, closing your eyes, feeling comforted by caleb's embrace.
"'m dizzy.. so sleepy...."
"ok, let me just get you to your room first, yeah?"
you nod, allowing yourself to be led by caleb to your bedroom.
you make it quickly, not without a few more stumbles, mostly leaning on caleb's large frame for support as you're led to sit down in your desk chair.
"ok, wait here, i'll be right back."
when he leaves your gaze lingers around your room, darting across the shelves and decorations as if its unfamiliar before you slump down in the chair.
you sway side to side for a bit before you allow yourself to slip down further, sinking down down down until you're splayed out on the soft carpet.
just as you make yourself comfortable, hurried footsteps get closer and enter through the doorway.
"ok, i'm back, i have-"
caleb pauses, staring down at you before his eyes crease in amusement.
"pipsqueak, what are you doing on the floor?"
"'s comfy," you answer, grabbing a nearby plushie (that caleb won for you) and hugging it to your chest. "wanna sleep here."
"well, you can't."
"because your bed is right there."
"don' wanna get up..." you whine, eyes shut and curling up comfortably.
he sets down the water and medicine bottles he brought in on your bedside table before his attention is on you again.
"making me do the work like usual, huh?"
you don't have time to try and process the underlying meaning of his words before you feel yourself being lifted, erupting into laughs at the action before you're tossed onto your bed, bouncing against the mattress before you're settled, amusement still circulating the room.
you're looking at him through your creased eyes, half closed as you slowly recover from your fit, watching as he shrugs, teasing smile playing at his lips.
"you said you couldn't get up, so i helped you."
when the giggles subside, you're both staring at each other for awhile before caleb breaks his gaze away.
"ok, you should really sleep now. do you need anything else before i go?"
your answer comes out so simply, so honestly, that it catches him off guard, stuck in momentary shock when you speak up again.
"sleep with me," you pat the side of your bed.
he recovers from his shock at these words, smirk breaking out.
"oh? really, pipsqueak?"
"caleeeeb," you whine.
he puts his hands up in mock surrender.
"kidding, kidding," he closes the distance, standing right at the side of the bed.
"you sure you want me to sleep with you?"
"yes," you say, grabbing his hand.
"ok, ok, let me just get the light first."
he switches the light off, making his way back over before being tugged into bed by your eager pull.
even after he falls into the mattress with an oof, he quickly settles in before teasing you again.
"you sure you don't have any ulterior motives in pulling me into bed with you this time?"
when you don't pipe up again, he takes a look to see you having already dozed off.
he sighs, hand reaching up to cup and caress your cheek.
"sleep well, my pipsqueak. i'll be sure to punish you for worrying me so much tomorrow," he whispers his promise into the night, sealing with a kiss to the corner of your lips before slipping his eyes shut.
with you safe and secure in his arms, he could finally fall asleep peacefully tonight.
a/n: writing this after drinking hehe... i want to write more detailed (maybe full fics) of lads x drunk!reader but wrote these little imagines up for nowwww... i would like them all to dote on me but i think im quite funny in this state hehe -
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playstation-dreamcast · 27 days ago
Loved your hc's on the residents evil boys! Since your requests are open could you perhaps make headcanons on Wesker's flirting game? I bet he's good at it y'know to get people on his side but when he ACTUALLY likes someone? Man got no game. He's probably going full autism mode and tells about his special interest and shit <- I see it but that's my opinion though LOL
Oooo, we have different takes here actually. I love yours, and I can see it! But, here's my take!
Wesker Headcanons: Flirting Edition!
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Gif is by @digitalangel777 btw!!!
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Okay so first of all, I don’t really think Wesker flirts to be honest. At least, not intentionally. This is mostly because I don’t see Wesker as the type of guy to develop, nor clock his attraction to someone immediately. It takes time!
Wesker flirting is him remembering your coffee order and leaving it on your desk. It’s him not completely tearing you to shreds when you make an obvious mistake. It’s him praising your work when you actually do a good job, beyond just “Well done.” Wesker flirting is him being able to speak with you casually about something, rather than being so damn professional and wound up all the time, ya feel me?
He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it until it's too late. Until he’s in his car and Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears comes on and he catches himself daydreaming about you. You could the quick, sharp “Fuck!” He let out from the next car over. 
I think after that he’s kinda in cringefail mode ngl. Like, he’s trying to avoid you, but he’s integrated himself so much into your life and you so much into his that it is neigh on impossible, and he can’t stop giving you special treatment now, cause that makes you sad and he genuinely can’t stand when you get that glossy, upset look in your eyes
He’s not flustered. I think he’s a little too well composed for that. But he did, in fact, catch himself rambling to you for like, 45 minutes about the different strains of Flu after you told him you had just gotten your flu shot. And while you were a good sport and humored him the entire time, that was genuinely a mortifying experience for him. Had him staring at himself in the bathroom mirror at the RPD like:
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“Get It Together Albert.”
He starts to actively look into you. Not necessarily in a “I have your official government docs” kinda way, but more in a “I’ve spoken to your friends and now know your favorite type of candy. Here, I got some for you.” Kind of way. More of a “You said you liked this movie. I watched it so we can talk about it. I liked Neo.” type of way, ya know? He’s going beyond the bare minimum office cordiality to actually try to connect
This is incredibly hard for him- you have to understand. The only other person he’s connected with on a human level bonded with him over unethical experiments and medical malpractice- give him time
He flirts by building a snowman with you. (This is my shameless self promo)
Oh, he also flirts by sharing his snacks. I think Wesker is genuinely really possessive of food for lack of a better word. I headcanon that he probably faced some food insecurity growing up (the boys home withholding food as punishment type deal), so he’s not big on sharing. Typically. For you though? Of course you can have the other half of his Twix. Here, don’t tell the others he hides suckers in his desk, but take one. Do you want to try this new weird chip flavor he found with him?
This is him taking care of you btw. Look at him, he’s such a good provider. He’d be so good at taking care of any potential offspring you have. Surely you want him, he is displaying so many Desirable Traits ™
This is how humans think, right? Like this is how it works? Of course it is, he’s an expert in human psychology. 
I think he eventually gets tired of beating around the bush honestly. And when that happens, a scene not unlike this one plays out
Aaaanyway- in conclusion, I think that Wesker is really good at flirting when the job calls for it and he needs to get people on his side. In that sense, he’s very good at it. But, outside of that context, he sucks at flirting. Mostly because it feels a lot like manipulation. So he doesn’t actually “flirt” to show his attraction. But there will be signs. (It’s the cup of coffee exactly the way you  like it on your desk btw. That’s the sign)
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chigirizzz · 1 year ago
↳ ❝ teddy bear ❞
megumi, fluff, post argument, wrote this when i was sick lol
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the plushie that was once in your arms was suddenly kicked by you, resulting in hitting the wall and falling on the floor, its face staring at you as if mocking you. the scene perhaps would be comical if it weren’t by your annoyed mood. no matter which plushie or pillow you hugged, no matter how many times you turned around in your bed, it seems that sleep wasn’t a thing you’d accomplish tonight. no matter which plush or pillow you hugged, nothing could replace the warmth of your boyfriend’s embrace…
it was your fault. it was your fault that you and megumi had an argument and now he’s on the couch just so he could give you some space.
your mind replayed the moments before and during the argument, hoping to find comfort in the pillow that you just grabbed. none of you raised your voices to the other—that is something neither of you could ever do—, but you still disrespected him.
you needed to apologize. he didn’t deserve to sleep in any other place that wasn't your shared bed.
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megumi couldn’t decide which was more annoying: his arm going numb because his head was on it, or the stupid background laughter coming from the series on tv.
he couldn’t sleep. he didn’t want to anyway. the male pretended to not be affected by the argument earlier, however, knowing you were in your shared bedroom without him made him feel cold and lonely. the words that came out of both your mouth and his made him feel like his heart was being squeezed.
the facial expression you did when he offered to sleep on the couch described regret. it meant that, despite the stupid and unnecessary fight, you wanted your boyfriend to be by your side the whole night. however, he felt like this was the best option; to give you space and time to clear your head (and his too).
arguments between you two had happened before. it's a normal thing in any type of relationship, after all. but they still hurt.
a shadow appeared by the corner of his eye, making his fight or flight mode activate.
“oh.” it was all it escaped from his lips. it was you, not far from the couch, with your hands behind your back. it was hard to read your emotions, mainly because of the fact that the only source of light was from the tv. why were you still awake?
“did i scare you?”
“yes, you did.” the dark haired male scratched the back of his neck and fixed his posture. “need anything? did you have a nightmare?”
“no, no. i’m fine,” you answered, shaking your head. your voice and body language were way more calmer than earlier. “uh… actually, i came here to give you something.”
he frowned, confused. “what is it?”
you sat close to him. really close. your arms and knees touching, making his cheeks get painted by a light shade of pink. it was a nice and warm sensation.
megumi was never the type of physical touch until he met you. in fact, he's still getting used to it. he always appreciated his friends in silence, but never hugged them or anything (even a simple ‘i miss you’ or ‘i love you’ couldn't be heard from him). that was until your presence was written in the book of his life, adding a new chapter that completely changed his story.
it was a teddy bear. a teddy bear holding a red heart and…a piece of paper taped to its arm?
megumi recognized the teddy bear. he offered you on valentine's day the previous year. he was all shy, scared that you were gonna think the plush was too corny. but all you did was grab his cheeks to pull him closer to you so you could kiss his forehead. i love you no matter what present you give me, is what you told him.
he caressed the bear’s ears. good memories flew over his mind, his heart now untangled and warm.
your arms were now around his arm, head resting on his shoulder. “read the note.”
sweet words could be read from the note. the handwriting was pretty and the choice of words was well done. you did you best to describe how sorry you were and how you wanted to fix things.
“i’m sorry megumi. i really am.”
“no… i should apologize too.”
“come to bed.” you tugged his arm so he could get up. “i'm tired but i can't sleep. today was tiring.”
“i don't know, the couch is actually really comfortable.” an attempt to hide his smile was made after telling you his joke.
“is this how you wanna play?”
he chuckled at your reaction. his laugh was music to your ears especially because it wasn't a very common thing from your boyfriend.
“not funny.”
all he did was ignore you and walk towards the bedroom. pretending to be offended, you jumped on his back to scold him. however, only laughter could be heard from you, making him smile even more. you will never let an argument ruin another day. you prefer moments like this one.
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tau1tvec · 1 year ago
S/O to a few of my favorite TS3CC Creators
I know this community is small, and therefore doesn't get as much love and attention as it deserves, but know that it is alive and well, much like my love for it, and it's many thanks to these ppl for keeping it fresh and fun even today.
@simtanico literally what would my sims be without you and your amazing sliders, slider fixes, and conversions.
@rollo-rolls you always work so hard to keep our sims looking stylish, I know a lotta people in this community appreciate you as much as I do!
@johziii you put so much love into your CC as you do your sims, homes and gameplay, you're truly the whole package!
@sim-songs an absolute legend for helping revive the Maxis Match ts3 community!
@nectar-cellar an absolute legend, period.
@imamiii idk how you do it, but you make this game look how it probably would had it been released today. Whether it's your gameplay posts, or your CC, I know when I see your post on my dash, I'm bound to be blown away.
@sourlemonsimblr still can't tell whether we're playing the same game, bc everything you post looks like The Sims 10, but I am so glad you're willing to share your CC with us, so maybe one day we will be playing the same game, lol.
@pleaseputnamehere just thought I'd let you know that I kiss your nosemasks goodnight as I tuck them into bed.
@xiasimla an amazing talented and devoted creator all around, every download post is a WIN.
@martassimsbook you keep my love for ts3's buy/build mode alive!
@billsims-cc ty for never giving up on us. 😭😭😭
@bioniczombie for sharing your amazing conversions, and helping run one of my favorite ts3cc finds blogs!
@satellite-sims although you aren't too active right now, I miss you, and I love your conversions sm. The extra work you put into making them the absolute best quality, just like all your posts is so loved and appreciated.
@simbouquet your mods and fixes are such a MUST, you always know exactly what this game needs, and execute it like a pro.
@phoebejaysims another amazing modder keeping this game truly interesting, ty so much for your dedication.
@criisolatex you're like some ethereal being sent to Earth on a mission to make ts3 the best it can be, and you're kind enough to share it with us.
@nemiga-sims-archive you pop out every once and a while like an all year round Santa giving us presents to throw into our games. TY!
@olomaya you work so hard to expand and improve and also make the gameplay in ts3 a lot more interesting.
@twinsimming you know you carry ts3 simblr, right? 💕
@thesweetsimmer111 besides being just the most talented animator I've ever seen in any modding community, your dedication to the youngest and ignored age groups is most admirable, ty.
@flotheory yet another talented and devoted modder giving ts3 the love and attention it deserves. I just know the devs would be so proud.
@greenplumbboblover you've always got something big up your sleeve, your ambition knows no bounds, and the ts3 community is so lucky to have you.
I'm likely forgetting some folks, so I'll probably add some more when I remember, and ty again everyone on this list for working so hard to keep this game alive, and fun, and freeeeeee!
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creative-caramel-coffee · 1 year ago
Hello!! I really like your writing, there is always such a nice level of care and comfort to your fics!!
I was hoping to request a wandanat x reader fic, where reader has chronic appendicitis and doesn’t realize it until she has to be rushed to the hospital from it getting so bad.
(Sorry this one is self indulgent because I had chronic appendicitis when I was younger, but I would also fake being sick to get out of school so when I actually had appendicitis my mom didn’t believe me. It would flare up like once every few months and just be the most debilitating painful thing I’ve ever experienced, made even worse when I had to try to walk and sit through school. She only finally believed something was wrong when I eventually had it on the weekend and immediately rushed me to the ER lol)
If you already have a fic like this or don’t wanna write it that’s so completely fine! Thank you and I hope you’re doing awesome!!! 💞
A Steady Decline
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 1.1K
Summary: Reader is in some weird pain. It feels like cramps from hell but its all wrong. What is it?
TW: Cramps, pain, surgery, mentions of injury, mentions of canon typical violence, pain medicine, needles (implied), hospitals, appendicitis
A/n Omg im so sorry this took so long, I have had so many requests and I finally got around to this one. Im sorry to everyone who’s waiting on requests and thank you all for being so patient with me :)
It started after a mission. It was a simple mission, and it went without injury so the pain didn’t make any sense. Maybe your period was coming early? What else would explain the weird cramping feeling in your midsection. But this felt slightly different. It's not where the cramps usually sat.
Walking off the quinjet behind Wanda and steve would normally be great after a mission with no injuries but your stomach really hurt. You plastered on a fake smile and did your best to stand at full height. Once you were clear of the jet Nat rushed over and pulled you and Wanda in for a hug.
“I miss you guys. How was the mission?” She said squeezing tight. You groaned softly and she immediately pulled away. Holding you at arm's length she scanned your body for injuries.
“Baby what’s the matter?” Nat said now in full spy mode.
“Yeah, love i didn’t see or hear anything about any injuries?” Wanda said looking both concerned and annoyed.
“Im fine. Just sore. Pretty intense fight with one of the stupid hydra agents.” You muttered and rolled your shoulders back to loosen the muscles. You winced as it moves your torso uncomfortably. Nat’s gaze narrowed but she let it go.
“If you're sure.” She said and Wanda seemed to dismiss it.
“Come on. I wanna shower before this debriefing.” Wanda said and grabbed your hand and started dragging you back to the shared room.
The pain seemed to settle, with the odd cramp and dull ache that had settled you were beginning to question if this really was your period or something else entirely. You pushed that thoughts away and began to strip for a shower. The heat of the water soothed your aching muscles but did little for the pain in your stomach. Was it your stomach? The pain seemed to almost be shifting to your lower right side. Your uterus didn’t move, did it? You almost laughed at the idea. Dismissing the thought.
After a warm shower you slipped on some tracksuits and a hoodie before throwing your hair into a messy bun and sliding on a pair of ratty old sneakers. They were old but you loved them to bits. Literally.
After brushing your hair, you went down to the briefing room now trying very hard to ignore the active pain that was shooting through your abdomen.
You ran your hands through your damp hair and hurried to your seat at the table. Resting your head on the desk you wrapped an arm around your midsection as you waited for the others to arrive. After a bit you heard footsteps and looked up to see the disapproving face of your redheaded spy girlfriend. Her arms were crossed as she looked you up and down her suspicions confirmed.
“Alright L/n whats going on? I know somethings up. Now spill.” She said.
“Im fine. Just … cramps … or whatever.” You said dismissively.
“Right…” she said slowly. “Cuz cramps make you all pale and sad.”
“Sad yes. Pale. No. Im not pale.”
“Yes. You are you-“ Nat began only to be cut off by your other girlfriend who came in.
“Whats going on?” Wanda asked, freshly showered.
“Y/n/n here is in pain and claims it's just cramps.” Nat said glaring at you with no real heat behind it. Wanda opened her mouth to speak but fury and steve entered and everyone took their seats.
You tried your best to pay attention, you really did but it hurt so bad. So so bad. You were curling in on yourself. And after a bit were fully zoned out.
Fury must have asked you something because there was a pause before Nat jabbed you in the ribs to get your attention.
However instead you curled in on yourself further, crying out and falling out of your chair. You didn’t really hear them tell Jarvis to get Bruce, you weren’t really present enough to remember the trip to the med bay. Or Bruce examining you while your girlfriends stood nervously by the door. You barely remember counting back as you breathed in the anaesthetisa. You just remember it hurting so much. Wanda and Nat were the last faces you saw before fading into darkness.
It was a soft darkness, kind of like an ocean. You floated around a bit and it felt nice. Spacey and soft. After a few seconds your conciseness faded all together and you drifted into a dreamless drug filled sleep.
But the next thing you knew, you woke in a white hospital room. There was a soft beeping of monitors as they measured your vitals. Based off the obnoxious sized poster of Ironman on the wall you knew you were in the tower's recovery ward. I mean of course it had one, with a team of superhero’s injuries were almost endless.
However, it was amusing Tony chose this room, or you assumed it was tony. This was the room where you met your girlfriends for a real introduction way back when pigs flew. It had been after a heat battle when you had stepped in and saved Wanda’s life. Who would have thought all these years later you would be back here. With them by your side again, but this time a whole new dynamic.
As you took stock of your surroundings you faintly realised the pain so much more tolerable. An IV was placed in the crook of your elbow with what you assumed was only the good stuff based off how buzzed and spacey your felt. Nat and Wanda were asleep either side of your bed each holding one of your hands. When you woke so did nat. Who immediately stood and brushed the hair from your eyes.
“Hey baby girl. How are you feeling honey?” She asked and you grinned back goofily.
“I feel great!” You slurred. Nat chuckled softly still carding her hands through your hair.
“Im sure your do love. Bruce has you on the strong stuff.” She said and Wanda made a noise as sat up rubbing her eyes.
“Morning sweetheart.” She said with a yawn “when did you wake up?”
“Natty woke me up.” You grinned and nat playful slapped your arm.
“No i didn’t you ass.” She said with a snort, and you gasped, clutching your arm in mock offence.
“Wands, she hit me.” You pouted and Wanda chuckled.
“Baby you kind of deserved it.” She said.
“Nooo. You're all ganging up on meee.” You whined and the two women chuckled.
You were stubborn as an ass and maybe the biggest flirt on the team. But Wanda and Nat would love you regardless, with or without an appendix.
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moriarfer · 4 months ago
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If someone had told Seylas in the past that he would soon be with an illithid tadpole in his head, be at the centre of a story (and even be the cause of it!), and then have an emotional attachment to someone else, he probably would have laughed. But now it didn't feel like a silly joke anymore.
He's always been that dude who uses flirting as a way to communicate with the world. And had never been with anyone in his life because he saw relationships as something that got in the way of being productive. Partly, you could say he was intimidated by such things, because he saw a certain vulnerability in them. When he got to Nautiloid, he thought he would quickly sort it out and get back to the things that were important to him at the time. The journey began to drag on, and he decided for himself that he would have to trust his companions to survive. So he "turned on" his usual mode and started flirting with everyone, just because he could, lol. He actively flirted with Shadowheart, joked around with Karlach, and responded with flirtatious jokes to Astarion's flirtatious jokes.
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They'd originally had some sort of competition, but afterwards it turned out that besides a sense of humour and similar views on some things, he and the vampire had a lot in common. They'd had each other's backs more than once, and they'd shared something personal when Astarion had called him in for a conversation (which was clearly something difficult and exciting for him, too). Seylas himself was already beginning to notice a growing sympathy for him. That didn't mean he wasn't surprised by Astarion's words, and even for a moment thought it was… a prank? But Astarion was more than serious. This was something out of the ordinary. Someone really wanted to be with him, not afraid of him or a dark part of his past.(I don't actually think Astarion was REALLY reckless enough to not be afraid of someone who had tried to kill him one night, but that was clearly a small thing compared to the fact that Seylas also absolutely didn't care who the vampire was or what he'd done in the past).
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They both didn't really know what to do now that their relationship status had changed from "mates" to "couple", and even tried to hide it from the other companions (I suspect they looked silly xD).
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Anyway, Seylas is glad that he allowed himself to be with someone and just hopes that Astarion is also happy around him. This relationship was a push for Seylas to become a better person.
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eddiediaaz · 1 year ago
Hello! I was wondering if u wouldn’t mind sharing a tutorial on how u making ur gif boarders? post/714133310754979840
hiii, yeah of course!
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there are multiple ways to do it i'm sure, i'll share the two methods that i use the most. first tho, you need to create your selection for that border. (rest of tutorial under the cut, i use photoshop cs5 for reference)
in that example gif, the border is 10px away from all sides, and my gif dimension is 540px wide (width) and 440px tall (height). if i want a border that's 10px away from all edges, i need to remove that number from the dimension numbers.
540 - (10 + 10) = 520px for the width 440 - (10 + 10) = 420px form the height.
once you have your numbers for your gif, select the rectangular marquee tool. under style choose "fixed size" and enter the width and height in pixels (don't forget to add the letters "px" if they're not there).
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once you have the numbers, click wherever in the canvas. this will create a selection with the right dimension. you can then move the selection around (with the mouse or arrow keys) until it's centered.
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you can definitely draw the shape by hand without bothering with numbers if you want, but i like knowing that the border is the same ratio as the gif.
(if your gif is quared, you don't have to bother with numbers, you can just select "fixed ratio" in the style and enter 1 in both width and height, for a perfect square ratio. and then you can draw a box with the marquee tool until you reach the desired size.)
with that selection still on, create a new empty layer. this is where the stroke will go.
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then go to the top menu: Edit > Stroke...
a stroke settings window will pop out, where you can choose the thickness in pixels, as well as the color and blending mode (i usually leave it at normal and edit the layer's blending mode if i want, instead). you can't edit these settings later, so be sure of what you want (which is why i usually prefer the second way).
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this is what a white 1px stroke border looks like:
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i prefer this way, because you can later edit the color and thickness of the border if you want.
so, still with that selection activated from earlier, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Color Fill. pick whatever color, this doesn't matter at all, we won't actually use that color fill. put the Fill of that new color fill layer at 0% opacity.
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now that this layer is basically transparent at the moment, double click on it to enter the layer style options.
click on the Stroke option at the bottom and enter your desired values for size and color. you can change this later if you wish.
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and this is what a white 1px stroke looks like with this method (looks basically the same yeah lol, but this method gives more flexibility)
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to make the border more interesting than just a white 1px stroke, you can change the layer's blending mode, as well as giving it more styles, such as: outer glow, inner glow, gradient overlay, color overlay. and don't hesitate to play with the blending modes for each of these layer styles too!
here's an example of settings with outer glow, inner glow, and a gradient 2px stroke:
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to make sure the border is centered, here's a quick tip: select the stroke layer and the move tool. then with the keyboard, do Ctrl + A, it will make a selection of the canvas. then, click on these symbols at the top. it will center your layer horizontally and vertically.
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and that's it :)
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therentyoupay · 8 months ago
im completely feral over all your jelsa stories!!!!!! do you ever write established relationship jelsa or have any headcanons about what they would be like together in a serious relationship or marriage????
THANK YOU SO MUCH. 😭😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕🙏 thank you thank you nonny for this super sweet ask and this really lovely question and all of your love and support!! 💕💕💕💕💕
i have... never actually written established!relationship (in any fandom), now that i'm thinking about it? that said, i guess i can come up with a quick list of some headcanons, maybe? 😂 i will have to think about this more, but for now, here's a quick drop:
elsa is an early riser; elsa helps jack create more sustainable sleeping patterns and habit formations 😂
when jack gets Impetuous Urges to Do Something Rash and Impractically Spontaneous, elsa will ground jack, reminding him to think before acting. (he occasionally Still Does It, anyway.) elsa knows what she signed up for, lol.
jack loves to play Harmless(!) Pranks, just to watch elsa’s reaction. (he is no longer allowed to sneak up on her after The Incident).
they also quibble over the definition of "harmless" and the specific logistical implications of that; for a while, jack was banned from further pranking, but then he got more creative at showing elsa that pranks could be wholesome and genuine, in which they could both be in on the joke. however, due to elsa's deeply-rooted Need to Excel and her (Not-so)Secret Competitive AF Streak, her retaliation in escalating the Cleverness Prank War quickly resulted in jack's prompt implementation of the Prank-Free Zones and Time Periods. (no, he was not scared.)
elsa, usually reserved, has learned to let her playful side show more often with jack. she might still pretend to be exasperated by his antics, but sometimes it's part of the game (or habit).
elsa sill struggles with opening up emotionally sometimes, but she progressively feels safe enough to share her innermost thoughts and fears. with time, she confides in him more about her worries. she still never likes the idea that jack sees her Imperfect Parts, but at least she can tolerate the discomfort (and, yes, take comfort in it) now
(jack loves elsa's Imperfect Parts, and jack admits that he is Weirdly Proud and Competitively Honored to be one of the only people, even including anna, who gets to see them. he also is strangely Comforted and Validated that elsa is, in fact, not perfect because for a while there, he was pretty freaked out and intimidated by how fancy she is.)
until he realized that no one ever let her actually be a Weirdo before, and once he realizes the Truth of Elsa Also Being a Secret (albeit perhaps more Subdued) Weirdo, the Universe Aligns.
jack listens to elsa's Big Conversations intently, activating varying levels of Serious Mode.
jack is getting better at recognizing the moments when elsa needs him to play and needs him to listen or Give His Opinion or any combination of those things.
jack learns that it's not always about Saying the Right Thing (which he is not very good at, anyway, or so our Serially Unreliable Narrator thinks), but rather being able to read elsa's mood and anticipate what she might need (even if she is not aware of it herself yet).
elsa is meticulous about planning and preparing for special occasions.
elsa likes traditions! jack likes tradition only because elsa likes them, lol, and hey, okay, these are more fun than he thought?? (who knew fun could be organized??!!?)
so he really wants to show (off to) her by pulling off Incredible Planning Feats in her honor, too (they do not go as smoothly, lol).
jack will often go out of his way to spontaneously create something meaningful, a moment or a gift or a gesture, that reminds elsa that he cares. he is big on words of affirmation, gift giving (but like, souvenirs that he collects on adventures like, "i saw this rock and it reminded me of your cousin olaf, we should put it on the window after we paint his face on it"), and acts of service, as well as physical touch and quality time. HE WANTS LOVE. he wants TO BE LOVED. he wants to prove that he is worthy of being loved.
(and elsa has to get him to Chill Out sometimes, remind him that he doesn't have to Do Things For Her/Anyone in order to be deserving of care; he is more than what he provides for other people.)
(jack gets its, and appreciates it, but also, the Urge to Provide and Protect is still strong, even after so much time, and sometimes Old Habits Die Hard.)
i get the sense that he'd be the type to he wake elsa up in the middle of the night to take her on a surprise adventure, or convince her to Do a Fun Thing without any preparation (/warning).
and she would Be Alarmed at the Lack of Plan (especially if/when jack Did Not Think This Through), but he also took precautions to ward off Concerns by pacifying her with tea, or reassurances that yes, he did call ahead to make sure the restaurant was open before they left the house, of course he did, he would never just leave home without double-checking beforehand (and frantically googles it two minutes later when he thinks she's not looking; she is, naturally, and even occasionally pretends not to be).
elsa approaches conflict with a desire to resolve things Calmly and Logically. she tries to understand jack’s perspective, even when she disagrees, and she’s careful with her words, not wanting to escalate the situation.
however, she can sometimes withdraw emotionally, fearing that she might say something hurtful if she’s too overwhelmed.
jack was initially (and, honestly, still is, even though he understands more now) hurt by her tendency to shut down when she Feels Too Much, and understands (although it's still hard) that elsa needs time to process her feelings and organize her thoughts.
jack also helps elsa actually Feel her Feelings, instead of just trying to intellectualize and analyze them. (she hates it, BUT sees the value. jack lives for these moments in which he realizes that he's actually contributing positively to her life and helping her in some way, rather than just being a burden or a nuisance, as was/is his fear.)
his initial reaction might be to push for a resolution quickly, but he’s also deeply afraid of Creating Distance between them, so after the first few fights, he really makes an effort to find the right balance between Pushing Hard Enough and Not Pushing Too hard, so that he doesn't drive a wedge between them as they work things out.
jack FEELS intensely, and can be so stubborn. he does not always have the most precise vocabulary or tools to describe his thoughts and feelings, or identify the root causes of what is actually going on inside him; sometimes elsa asks a lot of insightful and guiding questions that help jack come to the conclusions himself, and other times, she Puts Into Words the very thing that he had been thinking or feeling, but could not name, and it is very reassuring to have someone who understands him well enough to be able to do that.
after conflicts or arguments, they take time to Decompress and reassure one another (especially if at least one of them, if not both, was Overthinking again).
when they argue (and healthy couples do, remember!), it’s a dance of patience and understanding: elsa might need a moment to Collect Herself, and jack learns to give her that Space while also making it clear that he’s ready to talk whenever she is, and that he is going to try very hard to be Rational and Patient About It.
in the end, they both prioritize their relationship over any disagreement, always finding a way back to each other.
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gaywarcriminals · 2 months ago
Imagine if Shen Qingqiu was actually a comedic genius. Like he knows exactly what to say in order to make someone laugh. But of course he isn't actively looking to make his talent known. Why the hell would he want to be laughed at by people? He isn't a damn clown.
Everythings all good until he accidentally let's one slip during a Peak Lord meeting of all places.
"Sorry Shen-Shixiong but I just can't raise the budget for Qing Jing Peak! It's impossible for me to get it up!" Shang Qinghua firmly stated.
"Yeah of course you wouldn't be able to." Shen Qingqiu scoffed briefly moving his eyes to the lower half of Shang Qinghuas body to signal what he's actually referring to.
Everyone in the room freezes, trying not to laugh at that. Shen Qingqiu takes everyone's hesitance to laugh as a challenge.
Because how dare they not laugh? Do they think they're too good to laugh at him?
So throughout his presentation of why his budget should be raised he keeps cracking jokes subtly, it easily slips into his presentation. Shen Qingqiu is just watching and waiting to see who cracks first as he makes another dick joke because that's what they struggled against most to not laugh at.(perhaps it was the irony)
Hope you enjoyed this CrackAsk
I do think that Shen Jiu had a dry and aserbic wit! I personally love it when he hides his insults in veiled phrasing or poetic references in-line with his Peak Lord persona-- I think his two argument modes are "lofty literary insults" or "straight up death threats" lol (as seen in how he talks to YQY verses how he talked to LQG in the 79 and Airplanes extras).
I can't see him making a straight-up dick joke in public as that kind of crassness goes against the image he's so carefully cultivated, but I think if he was able to actually grow close to someone he'd be fine making those remarks in public (my totally unbiased top picks for this are YQY because they have the shared past and YQY wouldn't be surprised by it, and SY because SY is super crass in his own mind & with people he doesn't care about maintaining his image around (Airplane), so I think he and SJ should bicker foully).
In public I think there's an argument to be made that he would still make the joke, just in a more indirect way. Something like "This is surely a struggle in many aspects of Shang-shidi's life", perhaps. YQY is still able to tell what SJ meant right away, and there's a split second flicker in YQY's carefully maintained expression. 
I don't think SJ would mind people missing his jokes, though-- he's not something as lowly as an entertainer, and if they didn't catch his meaning it just means they're stupid. If SJ was able to keep a level head around LQG, I think he would quite enjoy seeing how many times he could insult LQG before the man caught on.
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whereispearlescentmoon · 4 months ago
Wild Life Pearl POV Live Reaction
Ooooo super powers!!
Sick ass guitar riff!
SHE CAN LAUNCH SUPER HIGH IN THE AIR?? I do wonder if she would be taking fall damage. Not that I want to risk it.
Invisible Jimmy?
Scott can become random animals!!! Perfect for subterfuge :)
Ghoul 1 and Ghoul 2!
Oh I just realized Pearl can leap super high. And she has a mace. And she doesn’t take fall damage from it! Hell yeah.
Ooo I’m gonna watch Cleo’s pov after this to see what convo with mumbo and Skizz.
Speedy boy Tango! Ooo Etho and Pearl have the same power.
They were slain? And she can bring them back every five minutes? Ah beautiful necromancy. DID CLEO DIRECT THEM TO MAKE FUN OF GRIAN?? AHSIWHWJAKHSJA
Bdubs can slow time? Makes sense for clock boy lol.
Oh we’re friends with Ren now? Beautiful. Just like Last Life.
RIP Scar.
“Gem, I know you’re looking at me” Jeez Louise Pearl. And she breaks her mace right after. A beautiful wet cat move. Those aspiring wet cats can truly learn from her.
Ooo Impulse can swap places with people.
GRIAN CAN BORROW POWERS?? Watcher ass activities. SHE CAN FLY?
Oh does Tango freeze water when he runs on it?
Trap time! And Tanguini is here! Wait that’s how calibrated skulk sensors work?
And another failed trap….. Pearl has failed to kill Gem again… my beautiful pathetic wet cat.
Love their beautiful cane tower now has cherries.
Cleo ordered them to go kill Grian! I somehow doubt this will succeed.
Oooo Scott can choose a mob if he clicks on it!
I am shocked that BigB’s face remains unburnt down.
Ooo Bdubs killed by Scar.
I need fanart of Pearl’s cute hat. HOW DID SHE GET POISONED?
“I did tell you not to fix it. I said don’t bother man” Yes Pearl I know and the way you said it made me go actually insane.
Cleo died to a creeper. GGGG loss.
“Hey! My eyes yellow! Can’t be stealing my eyeball”
“This is my skin from last season! You can’t *incomprehensible*!”
“I mean what’s hilarious is you’ve gone for different eyes. So you two have basically just shared contact lenses,”
“This is the eye I lost in the portal that you didn’t remember.”
“Oh sorry. Guess it wasn’t important enough to remember” DAMN PEARL IS GETTING SASSY WITH GEM TODAY LOL
Skizz wants to talk to Impulse privately?
Glad to hear that while Skizz struggles, Mumbo has been a great minion for Cleo. Cleo once again picks a favorite son.
“Minions are to be seen not heard” HAKAHWIANAB Scott I love you
Ooooh wait. That’s why Pearl said cockroaches. Because Skizz and Mumbo can’t die.
And the only thing it killed was Mumbo. GGGG loss.
Not Pearl pulling out the creeper eggs lol.
Oooo Martyn’s proxy chat is way turned up.
Bdubs on red! BDUBS SHOUTING AND CATCHPHRASE ANS MISSING LOL. Martyn on red! Scott on yellow!
Gem was getting boring because she wouldn’t stop complaining about how Scott and Impulse killed her? And how much better she is than their team? Guess Pearl can stop worrying about seeming obsessed lol. Seems the GGGG live in Gem’s mind rent free.
Oh never mind. The cockroach spoiler was about Tango! And how they keep failing to kill him because he’s so fast! That makes sense!
“They’re trying to get everyone off green and little do they know, you’re technically green as long as you use that, right?”
“Right, yeah,”
“A secret green. Like you got so much potential. I swear like, you better win the series, mate,” Where have I heard this before *flashbacks to Pearl and Bdubs in Secret Life*
“I’m trying Pearl.”
“You have a big advantage.”
“I’m trying but this whole lack of being able to kill people isn’t boding well for us is it?”
“No dude. I can’t believe how much I’m sucking this season. I suck so bad.” It’s okay your pathetic wet cat nature is charming.
“I cannot get a kill to save my life.” Yours too buddy.
Joel got hoppies!
Are we literally all meeting up to kill Tango? No wonder Pearl called him a cockroach.
Aaaaand Gem killed Mumbo.
This is actually super epic for tango. The whole server is failing to kill him!
GGGG has taken down Tango and Joel! Two wins!
Omg Jimmy tried to kill Pearl. Congrats to Jay for a single Pearl and Jimmy interaction where Pearl didn’t even see him. I’m sorry.
Cleo is scared of Gem and Pearl just isn’t lol.
“Oh that’s so weird to see me like that. Is that how annoying I look?” Ur not annoying :( your skin looks really cool.
Tango on red!
Pearl! That’s somehow significantly nastier than calling them eyes.
Oh no Pearl and Scott :( WAIT HI SCARLET PEARL!!! HI!!! HI!!
She commented on the red hoodie! She noticed their skins match!
Ren joined them? We have… six Gs at this point?
End of session! I see why Martyn was being super cryptic when someone asked how the session went. I think next session will probably be the last given how much of the server is on red, and that’s there’s no greens left to get lives back. Unless you count Impulse, I guess.
My final thoughts on the wild card are that it’s super fun! I love that they all got their own unique power, especially because some of the powers seem to be themed to them specifically like Cleo’s zombies and Bdubs having time manipulation!
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aubris-fox · 3 months ago
⊱ ─── ⋅ʚ❤︎ɞ⋅ ─── ⊰
꩜.ᐟAtlas' Headcanonsᯓᡣ𐭩
͝ ⏝𝅄︶ ͝ ⏝ ⊹ ⏝ ͝ ︶𝅄⏝ ͝
here's a bunch of random Horangi (Call Of Duty) headcanons because i keep coming up with them and need a place to throw them lol
˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ 🐯 ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
when he's incredibly focused, he sticks his tongue out a little. it's usually hidden by his mask, though, so most don't know he does it.
^ he almost constantly has a little wet spot on his mask from doing that. it's not obvious or anything, he's not drooling all over it, but it's there lmao (this is a shared headcanon, and my pal kade came up with it)
definitely a cat person
Horangi had a very solitary nature until he joined the army. he still kind of does, but by the time he joined KorTac he'd been conditioned to be around others and it doesn't bother him as much
smokes, but pretty casually. heavy smoking is an addiction he left behind with gambling.
he likes the snow!! (though over the years, he finds himself preferring to just look at it. the cold irritates his scars)
he likes thrillers, and cooking shows.
^ watches Nailed It! at like four in the morning to laugh at them (this is projection)
mostly lets out amused huffs/snorts instead of 'properly' laughing. (basically a human version of tiger chuffing!! chuffing has been described as sounding like car exhaust, snorts, and/or huffs, and it's vaguely akin to purring. in general, it's the sound of a very happy kitty, but it's also used for greetings and courtship. just a funfact :3)
^ on the topic of noises; grunting in response to things, those quiet grumbles that almost sound like growls when he's frustrated, etc.. gotta have tiger-like vocalizations for mr. tiger man
he can see exceptionally well in the dark, and he has an almost scarily good sense of smell.
sharp teeth, big yawns, and even bigger smiles.
his hair's almost always silky smooth (maybe just slighty coarse, at some points, but never too dry or brittle). not even he understands how he manages it.
Horangi has hypogeusia. it's a taste disorder that causes reduced taste and can make it hard to differentiate certain flavors. it isn't severe in his case, and it mostly affects his ability to taste sweetness.
^ he prefers foods that have much stronger tastes, because its easier to, well, taste them. while his disorder mainly hinders tasting sweet things, foods in general can taste a bit bland to him if they arent powerful enough.
smells 'warm'. citrus, cedar, spices, ginger, etc. (burberry brit for men is the cologne im thinking of for him). also always smells like cigarette smoke. definitely not overwhelmingly though; it's there, but mostly covered by the aforementioned scents.
he's actually pretty good at baking, which is ironic because most of the time he can barely taste what he's making.
massive spicy food enjoyer. feast mode ACTIVATED, he will tear that shit up. better pray you get some before him because there will be none left after he's done.
his favorite color is pink!
it's scary how quiet he can be. he's stealthy, a complete master of the hunt. you'll turn around and he'll Literally Just Be There like "hey man."
cannot find a pair of matching socks literally ever. the divorce rate between them is astonishing.
he reads/has read the classics, for sure. from historical texts, to renowned novels. i think he especially enjoys the iliad. also massive stephen king fan probably.
he'd take a strongly steeped cup of tea over coffee any day (though frequently he caves and drinks the latter for caffeine purposes)
that's pretty much all i have rn, maybe i will add more in the future!! tysm for reading !! ♡ (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
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unfortunately tumblr site killed the formatting sighh. looks cute on the mobile app though so i will leave it i guess
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okayprocrastinator · 1 year ago
Thoughts about jonmartin from a future therapist (in grad school)
Half of you are going to hate me and half are going to love me for this, but I need to say it: jonmartin is toxic. Yes, even S5 jonmartin.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ship as much as the next person, but looking at it from a therapeutic standpoint is so hard not to do (for me lol). I’ll explain:
Jon and Martin’s bond is 100% trauma-based.
In reality, this can go okay if the trauma bond moves from shared traumatic experiences to things the couple actually has in common. But Jon and Martin never have a chance to get their relationship out of the survival stage.
This too might have been acceptable if we hadn’t seen what their relationship was like before the trauma bond. Jon hated Martin, and not just out of a misunderstanding - he fundamentally disliked Martin because of who they both were as people.
Jon only started to like Martin after he was socially isolated from his peers.
As much as I’d like to believe otherwise, this looks to me like a survival technique. Every single person in Jon’s life hated him - except for Martin. It’s only human for Jon to latch onto the one person who wasn’t actively hostile towards him on a daily basis.
His dislike of Martin’s personality didn’t go away, as evidenced by his sniping at Martin’s quirks in S5. He suppressed it so as to cling to the one person who didn’t hate him.
Martin has no boundaries or self-respect.
Martin’s self-esteem is extremely low. Understandable, due to the cast’s behavior towards him throughout the whole podcast. His crush on Jon - despite Jon’s open dislike of him is S1&2 - never wavers.
When Jon commits crimes such as stalking his coworkers in S2, Martin is the only one who stands by him. This is the textbook recipe for an abusive relationship: one person does bad things and the other person is blind to it because they don’t believe they deserve or can have better.
This pattern continues even in S5. Martin does 95% of the communication, often forcing it onto Jon in a variety of ways: arguing, cajoling, wheedling. In a good relationship, Jon would meet Martin halfway, but he doesn’t.
If things are this bad in the height of the trauma, what happens after?
If Jon and Martin had survived after S5, my prediction for their relationship would be this:
Jon would come down from survival mode and fairly quickly realize that he is still annoyed by his and Martin’s fundamental differences. He would become snappish and completely closed off, like he was in S1.
Martin, still unable to see that he deserves better treatment, would cling tighter to Jon the more Jon tries to push him away.
After that, it’s more up to conjecture than anything else, but I don’t think they would fall apart right away. Rather, they would continue this cycle of Jon retreating and Martin’s forced communication until one or both of them has had enough.
In conclusion, I love them both. And I love watching their dynamic, I’m still a huge fan. I just think they need so, so much therapy. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ✌️
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coldercreation · 5 months ago
Life update (GOOD)<3
Heyy all! Just quickly dropping in with a lil note because I feel like I’ve been less focused on the writing-front as of recent, and more inactive here in general :’)
Thank you to everyone who’s been commenting on my writing and/or left me messages and prompts this year and recently, I absolutely adore you all. I have started many a draft based on the prompts I’ve gotten, and there’s plenty more I still want to get to. Thank you for sharing your ideas with me, they genuinely help me with motivation and writing (even though I haven’t managed to finish anything substantial in a while…)
I always say it but I really just appreciate you all a lot<3
As to why I have been more inactive responding or writing/updating in general, well…
Life has just been really, really good lately? Consistently. All the time.
I’m starting to tentatively trust that the worst is well over with my health stuff/treatment, and I’m feeling so much better compared to where I started that it baffles me daily?? I kinda feel like I have a new brain - and a new life. As in, I feel fully Alive for the first time since I was a kid, pretty much.
I have so much energy. / I just go and do things now. / I might actually be an extrovert??? (I’m having a culture shock rediscovering my own damn post-chronic health issue personality lol) / Anxiety and depression, who are they? Turns out I can feel a healthy amount of sad or upset, and it’s not all consuming. / I feel anger now! And it's great lmao! / Even bad days feel like decent days compared to my past days / I have always been interested in other people, but now I have the energy to show it better and engage, without burning out before I even open my yapper. / I feel like I’m connecting with people so much easier and better, and I’m having such a good time!!! / I’m actively trying to come up with new things to do with all the time and energy I now have. I’m still figuring this one out, because yeah, it’s a culture shock, after spending my whole adult life actively avoiding things just because I didn’t have the energy for anything (Tell me your hobbies and interests!! Indoor-outdoor-solo-social??) / I feel grounded in my own body and feel present / I finally feel a sense of ‘Future’ and I'm able look forward to things, instead of being in a constant survival mode and feeling stuck in it. / I’ve started to truly FEEL things, not just think things. I’ve started to want things. And not want things. And like things. And dislike things. Anything but the mild-indifference I am/was used to. / I can get through a work day without falling a sleep. Hell, I did a 13 hour shift the other week and still had the want and the energy to go for a run, after?! I felt possessed and a bit feral with power that day lmao! / AND SO MUCH MORE and BETTER and AAAAAAA 
I tear up regularly because I suddenly out of nowhere realise ‘wow, what the fuck, I feel so great??’
I really thought ‘better’ wasn’t in the cards for me after living literal decades feeling ‘not-good-at-all’. 
But mann, I think this is already better than the better I thought I’d never get to feel xx
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mintytealfox · 5 months ago
We got vampire Norton and Alice..,
So Fool's Gold comes out when Norton gets TOO MUCH blood heh
So Norton can't have too little blood or too MUCH blood or he starts loosing control of himself hehe
When Fool's Gold comes out, that means he is feeling GOOD, getting all loosie goosy, content, and playful PFF but also dangerous, cause Fool's Gold wants to ALWAYS feel good, which means he wants too much blood always. So he can get way too blood thirsty, and with this form being much stronger and ruthless than his normal form, can prove a problem 🙃
This is when Alice will be of GREAT help lol
I can see her trying to match FG's playfulness to keep his attention on her. Like her doing the waltz by herself waiting for FG to notice her. He just stops in his tracks and hurries over to her to slip into his spot, picking her up and waltzing with her. As he calms down and starts becoming more gentlemanly he lets her down on the ground and is willing to bend all the way over so they can both be dancing. So he can dip her and twirl her as well.
Dancing becoming a major way to mellow him out and soften him up again, remembering how to be gentle.
Once she gets him to the point where he will just sit and listen to her, it is usually a safe bet that anyone else around is now safe, but they still need to stay out of view pff lol
(if he spots anyone but Alice he will started getting all jazzed up again and ready roll and Alice will need to start from square one again PFF)
but the image of FG laying his head on her lap, as she sits next to him, and enjoying the feeling of her fingers through his hair and her gentle touch exploring his facial features.
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She will be able to calm him down enough to where he won't bother to look for more blood to stay active since he just wants to enjoy Alice's company ,but he will play at the idea that maybe Alice should share some of her blood with him so he can feel this good for a bit longer, and sometimes she agrees.
In FG mode, he likes to drink blood from the person, and usually not gentle about it, but with Alice, he is the perfect gentleman lol Just carefully lowering himself and bringing her arm up to him to meet somewhere in the middle, to bite just enough to draw some blood and takes very little from her. Her blood could probably be best described as "super rich cake icing" LOL can only handle in small portions 🤣🤣🤣 but even if her blood wasn't like that he would only take very little.
FG would probably carry her around everywhere after wrapping up her arm causing Alice to playfully roll her eyes
Alice: "I am barely bleeding, I am just fine to walk around without this bandage on my arm~" FG: "oooooorrrrr, you can let me do this for you~" Alice: "you barely took a drop of blood this time, I don't think this requires this much special treatment" FG: "ooooohhh milady please don't deny me this opportunity to care for youuuu~" -drama- Alice: "PFF alright alriiight~"
It likely takes around 48 for FG to return to normal Norton form again, but usually 24 hours prior its FG with Norton consciousness which is usually a very pleasant time for the both of them, Cause Norton feels good and gets to be himself again without the feral aspect pff. And Alice gets her usual Norton back and they can just sit and read together and all the things they usually do, just Norton is big lol
But GOSH the scenario when Alice meets Fool's Gold Norton for the first time??? I bet that didn't go overly well PFFFF A lot of trial and error trying to get Norton back to normal OH MY GOSH
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