#seriously though why am i like this
daisydocked · 2 months
Sorting thru the stash
Ok so I moved to a new place in March and I kinda was using my spare room/office as storage space and it got out of control. I need the space back by August so I'm starting the dreaded task of figuring out What I Own.
This is all of my yarn that is not currently on needles or being worked. I'll sort thru that....tomorrow...some other time not tonight
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It's truly not as bad as I thought it would be. I sorted it into bags by weight and if I already had a dedicated project for it. Some of the stuff IS legitimately 15+ years old because it's from high school which is embarrassing but now I know what I have so.....
Good stopping point
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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I have two essays and a third of my dissertation due by the first of January and I'm writing fanfic instead. But I'm only capable of writing fanfic when I have essays to do. It's not fair help. :(
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piquuroblox · 3 days
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ghostly-shade · 2 years
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Soooo, can we talk abaut the fact that the crown and ring are tecnically sentient and that there are possibly very powerful and very old beings inside of the artifacts???
And also the fact that those beings are most likely the reason why they are called the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage???
Just- can we please talk abaut that?????
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fairfarrenpd · 3 months
"He's so fine~" but he's a masked man
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soot-and-salt · 4 months
With a sigh, Lucifer returned to his rooms on the penthouse floor to while the day away tinkering with a new duck design. He paused in the doorway, catching a faint wisp of music curling around the room. 
On his fireplace mantle, dead center in the room, sat a stately cathedral radio. Unlike all the others in the hotel, this one had been painted a creamy white complete with gleaming gold grills and bright red knobs. Something classical, sweet and airy, played softly.
— A Taste Of The Divine by soot_and_salt
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Hello and welcome to my further decent into insanity. There is someone on Etsy who makes absolutely stunning Hazbin cathedral radios. I asked if they would take a custom order and they were thrilled to do so. She was so incredible to work with. And now the Lucifer radio from my dumb fanfiction exists as a real actual object.
What a bewildering time to be alive.
The radio is 3D printed and hollow inside with a removable face plate. It is gorgeous. What am I doing with my life.
(Did I also sneak into the very fancy conference room at work to take these? Maybe.)
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marclef · 6 months
Honestly, that little ramble on your 300 followers post kinda makes me wanna start posting my PT art on Tumblr now. I used to post FNF art over on DA, and did so for a few years. I poured my heart and soul into that AU, even if the art for it was usually pretty simple, and guess what I got in return?
... Someone posting my art to R/DeviantArtHell, calling a ship that I had between a canon character and an OC of mine sexual-related and incest (It was neither), and I ended up leaving the site out of fear people would try to accuse me of doing even worse stuff.
So yeah, that situation was really demotivating and made me seriously question if I was ever gonna want to share my art with anyone besides my friends ever again. But hearing that little ramble about how you’ve received so much love and support since moving to Tumblr makes me think that maybe I could have a better time posting my art here as well!
gosh, that's awful, i browse Reddit on occasion without an account just for cute/fandom posts, but an unfortunately-large portion of that site is bigoted and filled with hate. it's especially big in certain fandom circles like Undertale/Deltarune, but yeah, there's a good reason i deleted my old account from there.
and you know? i was honestly terrified about posting art on here originally. there's definitely still people here who will be rude and bullying for no reasons other than to be mean. but the Pizza Tower fanbase here is surprisingly supportive, and a lot of blogs i've met i've actually gotten fairly close with!
i'd say, if you want to post your art here, go for it! it might be slow to get attention at first, but the more you make, and the more people you talk too, eventually you'll get there!
and if you ever feel bad about making OCs or forming your own lore for stuff, just remember this important message from Eyhm:
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naomiknight-17 · 6 months
Picked up Dave the Diver yesterday, and it's much more intense than I expected and I've been really enjoying it except for two things
1. Characters make rude comments about Dave's weight (he is very round)
2. I keep getting murdered by fish
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hallowsden · 2 years
DC x DP Idea Thing #4
Dual-sided Rebirth AU (Official name pending)
Brain had this idea for over a week (or 2...) now, rent-free, but what if Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Ellie all reincarnated as Harvey Dent's kids? Jazz and Dan are the old set of twins while Danny and Ellie are the younger set. Will all of them remember their past lives? I say majority of it.
This is before Harvey got scarred and became Two-Face and maybe the mother is someone before Gilda Dent? Idk, all I know is that all of them present as Metas despite neither Harvey or their mother had the meta trait (this is a case that Black Canary II falls under from what my research says), Danny and Ellie's powers showing from birth while Dan's and later Jazz's activated after.
Danny and Ellie were thought to be dead when they were born but they proved otherwise. Danny froze a nurse's hand while Ellie went into goop mode a few times. Later Dan and Jazz both set something on fire but for two completely different reasons, severity, and time. At least to say, Harvey here has a handful, especially if he was acting as a single parent here.
Harvey's gonna have a bit of a hard time first as a parent, regardless if this is pre-Two-Face era or not. Man here is (secretly) terrified at the thought of becoming like his father to his kids.
It takes a while but he gets used to the life of fatherhood despite also being busy as hell. The kids help out by behaving (as much as they can anyways), though, Jazz's powers do come in handy.
(She's like SCP-999 essentially here when she notices people are stressed in her proximity, for lack of better words. No one noticed she had powers till it manifested into harmless flames that had calming effects to it when nearby. With her powers + support from her and the rest of her siblings, they managed to delay Two-Face's debut for a while later on. But uh, yeah, her powers are gonna be very helpful for Harvey when Dan, Danny, and Ellie all gain more powers cause OOOOO BOY, blood pressure, am I right?)
Harvey becomes more motivated to get into Law after all his kid's powers were shown so they can be seen/treated as equals and not have Metas outright banned from Gotham especially, even though he keeps his kid's status as "metas" away from public knowledge. It later becomes an open secret though.
As stated earlier, the Two-Face debut is gonna be delayed. Jazz, Dan, Danny, and Ellie are gonna be very protective of their dad (and pa when they officially meet Harv) after the attack. Mother henning children. I feel like Dan's gonna empathize with both of them a lot in a way and have late-night talks with dad and pa about the darker thoughts they all have.
As much as they all tried, though, Two-Face is gonna make an appearance cause this is Gotham.
When Two-Face era begins, Harvey and Harv likely avoid the kids (even if Danny and Ellie are still teens while Jazz and Dan are in Uni) as their way of protecting them from overall villain stuff the two do despite all of them trying to reach out to him and supporting them, hoping they'll get better.
I'm ngl, I feel like Dan and Danny are gonna join the criminal business with their dad and pa (much to their protests) cause someone has to look out for them. Ellie joins in on occasions for chaos and shenanigans (cause yes) and Jazz is glaring at Arkham with so much contempt cause YOU AREN'T HELPING HER DAD AND PA PROPERLY! (As well as the other inmates but STILL- YOU CALL THAT PROPER MEDICAL PRACTICE- Jazz ends up burning at least something whenever anything about Arkham is brought up. Everyone in the family is scared cause her flames normally don't even singe a thing)
Jazz is creating her own practitioner-place therapy thing cause TO HELL WITH ARKHAM!
I... Honestly don't know what I'm writing here anymore. More exhausted then usual. Might add/edit later. Idk. Just- Reincarnation for Fenton Kids, Harvey being Gotham's original Famous Dad before Bruce (which speaking of- he's Uncle Bruce and Dan and Danny don't trust him which confuses Harvey and Harv), and just, angst, fluff, chaos, and shenanigans.
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findafight · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know that I have not been able to stop thinking about your Steve/Barb au it's so good!! and so interesting to think about how that would change things!! Idk rare pairs are so fun to think about!
Forgive me if this is not where you were going with this but I'm thinking about Barb surviving the demogorgons attack because she's not in the pool with a cut hand. Barb doesn't know where she is or what happened to her, but she's scared and she knows that /something/ is hunting her. Everything smells like rot and decay and all she's focused on is survival. Her glasses are broken and gone, and she's sprained an ankle, but she's alive. Steve's sweatshirt is warm and still smells like him. It's a comfort, she thinks, as she runs and hides in the woods behind Steve's house.
Topside Steve is getting sucked into the Upside down stuff way earlier because his sort of (they haven't made it official yet) girlfriend is missing after leaving his house and she wouldn't just dissapear like that. And he's scared but he has to do /something/.
After some time in the Upside Down, God knows how long, Barb hears something. And it doesn't sound like the monster that's hunting her. So she stays silent, grabs hold of a stick or something to make herself feel safer, and peeks. And it's a boy. Alive. Human. Trapped just like her. And then for a while it's her and Will Byers, growing weaker and trying so hard to stay alive and let people know they're there.
Eventually, they get out. And she's sick and barely holding on and traumatized but she's alive and in the hospital recovering. As soon as Steve's allowed to see her he's there. He's bought flowers and a fluffy teddy bear. He calls her Barbie because he knows she'll roll her eyes fondly at him. He kisses her forehead and holds her hand.
Sorry this isn't more coherent I'm just !!!!!! Thoughts!!!!!
Are you in my brain?? Because exactly. (I have been holding on to "steve is the only one allowed to call her barbie" for way too long. not even romantically just in "barb lives au" they deserve to be annoying friends to each other haha) In the show Barb almost got away, and possibly would have it weren't for the fact she was in the pool, so I don't think it's too far of a stretch for us to say she survives in this au (there is a version where she dies and it's just. Angst. But that's not this one!)
I think the potential for Nancy to suspect Steve of doing something (even when it was Jonathan who is officially the last person to see her) would lead her to Jonathan. Similar to the show, she sort of just...brushes off the creepy pictures (it's both easier and hard for her here because it's not her in the pictures so who cares...but it's Barb [and Steve] so she cares very much, actually) and they go monster hunting without Steve and see the deer and Nancy gets pulled in through the tree etc.
Steve, who's definitely freaking out that is (basically) girlfriend is missing and her best friend is mad at him and won't talk to him, uses his ninja skills to check on her to see if she's okay, and sees her with Jonathan. Nancy isn't his girlfriend so the only thing he's mad about is her hanging out with the perv who took pictures of him and Barb and specifically a picture of her almost in her car which they know she never got into. So he knocks on the window and they jump but let him in. And that's how Steve gets into monster hunting. (idk if Tommy and Carol also join...maybe Steve waves them off through the window, maybe he gestures for them to come to...idk. much to think about. Maybe they don't join the upside down gang but they remain friends with Steve and know Something Happened, but he can't tell them what)
blah blah blah it all basically goes the same except because no cheating allegations there's no graffiti or fight, Steve 100% gives a backhanded apology for breaking Jon's camera "Hey, man. I shouldn't have broken your camera like that even if you deserved it..." or something. The trio fight the demogrogon, even if Steve is a bit, ah, weary of leaving a bunch of twelve-year-olds who have proven that they don't listen to grown ups when they say to leave well enough alone even for their own safety...but leave them he does. Fight an interdimensional monster with a nailbat he does. Dies, he doesn't.
Meanwhile, now that our girl Barb has survived he initial confrontation with the monster with no face, she's wandering, hiding, around the woods behind Steve's house except...it's not actually Steve's house. It's some twisted up version, and it's dark and creepy and oh so scary. Her glasses are cracked through one lens but it's better than not being able to see at all or not feel the comforting weight on her nose, and Steve's sweatshirt is big, comfy, and smells like him. She holds onto these tiny bits of home as she tries to figure out how to get out of...wherever she is.
At some point, she hears shuffling in the woods, but not from the monster. It's definitely smaller, and...there's a voice. Singing. She walks over quietly, and says "hi". the little boy jumps and stares, wide-eyed. They stick together, she holds him close.
When all is said and done, she and Will end up sharing a hospital room, due to Upside Down convenience. She;s older and wasn't in it for as long, but she's still weak. Her parents are besides themselves, having been told it was a gas leak that led her to be disoriented and lost in the woods, only by grace of god did she find and help Will.
Steve is behind them, with scratches on his face and a haunted look in his eye, but he smiles a little, and wiggles his fingers at her. She wiggles hers back. Her parents shuffle around, and leave the room to talk to the doctor. He sits beside her and reaches out to gently fiddle with her fingers.
"Hey," she says.
His voice is soft, when he responds, "hey," and doesn't take his eyes off her face.
She squeezes his fingers a bit. "heard you fought an interdimensional monster with, like, a lot of teeth for me."
He shrugs, squeezes back. "also to get Will Byers back."
"He's a good kid." she flicks her eyes to where little Will is being smothered by his gaggle of friends who nearly died trying to get him back.
Steve blinks rapidly, and tucks his chin to his chest. "I was so worried, Barbie." the nickname usually annoys Barb, too baby-ish, too connected to the doll, too...a lot of things. But Steve says it like it's precious, like she's precious, and she thinks letting her boyfriend (because that's what he is, isn't he? What's a boy you kiss and who would fight monsters to find you?) can call her Barbie.
"I'm back. I'm okay now."
"Yeah. But. Christ, things could have gone so much worse." He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezes his eyes shut.
"Hey." she rubs the back of his hand with her thumb. "Hey. It didn't though. The government goons will be on us, sure. But Will is safe. I'm safe. All those kids and Nancy and Jonathan are safe. You're safe. Okay? And, when I get out of here, you're taking me out for burgers and milkshakes."
He smiles, actually smiles all squinty-eyed and toothy, "Yeah. okay. It's a date."
"Yeah, it is. I've got high expectations, Harrington. Killing a monster for a girl really sets the bar high, you know."
He laughs, and presses a kiss to her cheek, smiling.
(later, he tells her everything that happened on the rightside up, and she tells Jonathan to burn the negatives and that her boyfriend has a nailbat he's pretty good with, so he better not try to trick her...)
and idk. i think they're cute. They bicker, and Steve chooses topics just to rile her up so she'll roll her eyes at him but then explain why exactly he's wrong in step-by-step detail, and he also scoops her up and twirls her around and kisses her in the halls. they're gross and in love. In s2, i think Nancy still wants to expose the lab (other people did die, those hunters? what happened to them?) and both steve and barb are like "they will kill us" (pragmatic duo) so that's why they both go to nancy's to try to talk to her about it, which is how dustin kidnaps them, etc.
s3 we get scoops troop except robin is just tallying how many times Steve sighs dreamily until his gf comes by and he turns into a golden retriever and robin is like. ew. straight people (they are not, actually. I have a coming out scene between starb (seriously i need to figure out a ship name for them haha) that involves barb telling steve she once had a crush on nancy and steve's like yes obviously everybody has crushes on their best friend of the same gender you just don't do anything about it...like buddy...do i have news for you...bi4bi starbara) anyways the five of them get stuck in the elevator, stobin still hold the door, get tortured, etc, but this time dustin and erica have Angry Protective GF on their side. They get out, steve and robin have bathroom confessionals, which involves robin asking if steve's ever been in love and then immediately realizing he's going to wax poetic about Barb and steve also being like "i wanna be your best friend sooo bad barb said i maybe have a crush on you but i don't i wanna be like, the best man at your wedding, y'know? you're so fun and make me laugh and I want you and Barb to get along because I love Barbie and omg you could be my kids' auntieeee..." and robin tells him that he doesn't know her, and if he did he wouldn't want her around any of his hypothetical future children, tells him about tammy, and they sing total eclipse of the heart when dustin erica and barb bust in, and steve is like "barbie, honey pie, robin is gonna be our kids' godmother." as though that makes any sense. everyone else is like ????
idk i just like monster fighting power couple barb/steve a lot i think theyre neat.
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Wrapping up the fic with the final two chapters soon, you can read it here.
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eebie · 1 year
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i cant keep it hidden any longer
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horusmenhosetix · 2 months
I am being peak autistic here, I am unsatisfied with all the hair systems out there and need my own personal one. 🫥 I've decided I like liliths remi texutre blend and that the brown I've been using for my defaults is too dark x_x
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theories as to where Grace got the cigarette she was smoking after fucking Max's ghost:
she has actually secretly been an active smoker for a long time and always carries a pack with her
she bought a pack of cigarettes when she was on the run from the cops because she was stressed, and figuring that she had already disappointed the Lord by touching herself and lying to the police and dismembering a body, decided that she might as well relieve that stress by taking up smoking
Max died with a pack of cigs and a lighter on him and they stayed with him when he turned ghost and Grace pocketed them from his clothes after they had sex
she just found them in the school or on the ground somewhere after the Lords in Black meeting, and perhaps her mind made the association between sex and cigarettes and that's how she came up with the idea of giving up her chastity to end Max's reign of terror
Grace had immediately thought of giving up her virginity as the sacrifice after the Lords in Black meeting, and the entire time Steph and Pete are running away and tearfully coming to terms with Steph having to kill Pete to stop Max, Grace is running around the school or off to a drug store for cigarettes because she felt having a smoke after was that necessary
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benetnvsch · 1 year
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I want to see them having more casual interactions please-
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