max monroe
47 posts
I hate listening to people's dreams. It is like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them and nobody is having sex, I just don't care.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
oceanfrontmax · 6 years ago
I don’t want to have feelings!! I want to have money.
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
“When was the last time someone smiled because you walked into a room? I can’t imagine anyone deriving joy from seeing such an over-privledged husk of a shallow human being.”
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
no one looks dumber than a guy who calls a girl ugly after he was just hitting on her
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
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“cute old friend”
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
☠ which muse is The Worst™
What does it say about me that I have literally been agonizing over this question for hours???? 
Okay so – these are my top contenders, but I can’t decide who???? is The Worst™??? 
Leck Quasar - an obvious answer. he’s a horrible person. he’s violent, rash, unbalanced, sadistic, cruel, an actual murderer, bUT he at least is super loyal to his family which, I’m realizing is more than I can say for my next contestant. also, he was literally raised in a cult/was brainwashed since birth like … he hardly had a chance, tbh. 
Rob Barret - so, at first glance, he is NOT as bad as Leck. Like he’s literally risking his life r/n as part of a resistance to fight the evil queen!!!! but that’s about all he’s got going for him and as he stews in his own emotions of feeling held back/inferior to his bros, he’s proven that he will do ANYTHING to get the glory he “deserves” including selling his nephew and murdering his sister-in-law who are the two most important ppl in his brother’s lives and he doesn’t even bat an eye at this. 
Max Monroe - okay so he hasn’t killed anyone, but I can’t think of 1 good thing to say about him???? he’s super manipulative, abusive, toxic, and selfish. the only person he cares even a little bit about is noah and tbh he’d screw him over in a heartbeat if it meant he could gain from it. I don’t think he’s ever done a good thing in his life
Elias Turner - he acts like the perfect gentleman/family man, but he’s literally conducting secret experiments on people in his basement????? and he’s manipulated his own little brother into murdering/kidnapping innocent people??? and his brother is who he cares for most in the entire world, outside of himself?????? 
So yeah??? Who is the worst???? Who knows?? Not me. 
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
🍕 which muse is a terrible cook
So many!!!!!! There’s a lot of them who haven’t ever even tried cooking at all???? And just kinda think food just appears for them??? Like Rowlin Stafford, Leck Quasar, Henrietta Allen, Ward Eastwood, Chase Hawthorne, Max Monroe, Renfry Moran, Cornelius Pembrooke, Lennox Stanford, and Harvey Wilder would all cook terrible meals (if they could be bothered to even try … which I don’t think any of them would be. Except maybe Ward when he’s trying to impress the ladies, but lbr he def thinks that having a five star chef cook a private meal for them is more impressive so …) 
I know that Roran DeGrey and Kara Larsson have both tried cooking and failed terribly (but they both keep trying ~*~thumbs up emoji~*~) 
And then there’s Greg Walker who is definitely super bad at cooking and knows it. So he just makes cereal and heats up frozen burritos to survive. 
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
👅 which muse is the kinkiest
Max Monroe is definitely into some weird shit. 
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oceanfrontmax · 7 years ago
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
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for @clauwrites
alycia debnam carey & paul wesley manip
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
Max was on his way to the store, but by the time he had walked there (goddamn Ginny had went and sold their car because apparently she didn’t make enough to keep it ... she spent enough time hanging around Drew that Max knew she had the time to get a second job, but it looked like he just wasn’t that much of a priority for her and she’d rather snuggle up to her boyfriend while Max trudged the streets like some peasant just to get some food), he decided that he’d just get Noah to do it instead. He was exhausted from the walk and, as Ria had pointed out, grocery shopping wasn’t something that people like him did. 
Getting Noah to do it would be easy. You put something just right, and Noah would practically pay you to do your errands for you. All he had to do was comment about how much more in shape he’d gotten since he started doing the grocery shopping and how lifting the food had toned his arms nicely ... and Noah would offer to do his, too. 
The idiot. 
“Oh shut up, Ria,” Max said, annoyed, “You wish you could get a piece of this.” He said, gesturing to himself. “But you know you can’t, so all you can do is try to convince yourself that you’d actually say no if I tried to have sex with you.” 
He scoffed, “Yeah, like I’d be caught dead in there,” He said, gesturing to the building behind her. 
He laughed, “It’s more comfortable than that sad excuse of a building where you chose to live. And I’m not living at Ginny’s forever,” He said, “No, i’ve got plans that’ll put me back in a penthouse in three months, five tops. Just watch.” 
Right Round | Ria & Max
“Wow, Maxipad, looking hawt,” commented Ria, dryly.  She was leaning on a pillar, and had just witnessed him gracelessly tripping on - as far as she could tell - nothing.  It had pretty much made her day and she hadn’t even had to do anything to make it happen.  “Please let me be the mother of your horrible bastard offspring.  I think it’d be exciting to raise the antichrist.”
Ria had just gotten off work and walked into the street just in time to see Max.  In general, seeing him was not a good thing, but she believed in small blessings.  “Wait, oh my God, are you heading to the grocery store?” she inquired, hooking a thumb over her shoulder, in mock-seriousness.  “Does the golden god stoop to grocery shop?  Stunning!  It’s just like us mortals.  I am blessed,” she added, pressing a hand over her heart.  Does he eat, too?  What must it be like to be trapped in a mortal body?”
Walking up to him, Ria arched her brows.  “What a time to be alive.”  She put her hands on her hips.  She should have walked away, really, because time spent with Max was time wasted, but she could never pass up the chance to mock him.  “How’s your sister’s couch?  It looks so comfortable.”
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
When he had money (and even, at the beginning when he hadn’t) Max had always prided himself in the way he dressed. He was a perfectionist when it came to the cut of his suit; the fabric of his tie.  The jab had hurt, but Max was determined not to give Harry the satisfaction of knowing how deep it had cut and took a long swig from his drink while he recovered.
“It is, actually. Trying out the vintage look.” He said, “My mom didn’t have to fuck anyone to get it, so in a way, it’s better than your’s.” He smirked. 
He nearly choked on his drink when Harry said that his sister could do better than Lex Porter. “Better than Lex Porter? And who would that be, might I ask? Have the gods fallen from the heavens and now walk among us? Because unless that has happened, she can’t do better. Lex, on the other hand ... “ 
He straightened, looking around the crowds for Liz as Harry asked. “Actually, yes. I’m wondering how much longer she can resist me. As for you -- you came here with that waitress, didn’t you? Is that really the best that you could do?” 
You Suck | Max & Harry
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
Melissa Bentley was kind of cute in a nerdy way, but Max had higher standards than that. On top of that, the cuteness factor was outweighed by her weirdness. He had a long list of chicks in Virginia Beach that he wanted to bang, but Lissa just didn’t make the cut. That being said, it was very clear how much she wanted to have sex with him. (Not that this was anything special. Max had never met a woman who didn’t want to have sex with him, but Lissa was one of the few people who didn’t try to deny it. In fact she admitted it. Frequently. She even spent her days lost in these fantasies.) 
“Whoa, whoa whoa -- did you just say zombie sex?” He asked, raising an eyebrow, “Okay, because I’d never be a zombie. The zombie apocalypse hits this town, who do you think this town would look to to save them? I’d kick so much zombie ass, there probably wouldn’t even be an apocalypse, because I would single handedly stop it from spreading. But that aside, even if I was a zombie: you and me would not have sex. I could still do much better than you, trust me on this one,” He said, putting up a hand to stop her from talking. 
“That is the most unrealistic thing I have ever heard. First of all, you will never catch me in a devil’s threeway, okay? Never. Secondly, even if I was into that kind of thing -- which I’m not -- it wouldn’t be with a guy like Ian Porter. Liz and Natalie at the same time though, that I’d be into. The only problem would be getting the two of them to want to share -- not that there isn’t plenty of me to go around,” He said, raising his eyebrows suggestively. “But ew, no, Noah would never be involved.” He paused, “My relationship with Lex? What does that have to do with anything? I mean, I guess, gun to my head, if I had to do it with a dude, then yeah it would be Lex, but our relationship is purely platonic. Why? Did he say something to you?” 
Max Gets Divorced | Lissa & Max
The zombie raises his head, torn cheek leaking black fluid that may once have been blood.  His face has turned to a greenish hue of death, but Lissa sees through to the man she loves at once.  Dropping down to one knee before the dreadful, she reaches out with one trembling hand.  A tear rolls down her cheek.  “Max,” she whispers, touching her lover’s face.  A growl escapes the zombie, but when Lissa touches him, something shifts in his face.  Max too stretches out a hand, reaching for Lissa’s butt-
Lissa looked up sharply when she saw a figure approaching.  It was none other than Max Monroe and, putting down her pen, the girl called out.  “I was just writing a zombie friend fiction about you.”  The sound was closer to a monotone than a shout, really, as was often the way with Lissa.  She blinked and waited patiently for him to respond.  “It’s about our epic forbidden zombie love,” she supplied.  “We were about to have some hot zombie sex.”  
His own butt would star prominently in that steamy scene.  Afterall, Max was one of the top three butts in all Virginia Beach.  She hoped he was proud of having such an exceptional bum.  He ought to be.  Neither Owen nor Tom seemed to quite appreciate their…assets as they ought.
The thick sexual tension between them - always present when they were together, Lissa knew - was it’s own entity by now and it hovered in the space between them, in the look in Max’s eyes as he stared hard at her.  She wondered if he was imagining touching her butt.  She often pictured herself touching his, afterall.
“I had a question for you.  I was thinking about a threesome for you with Ian and Natalie.  Does that sound realistic?”  She honestly felt the resolution the Ian/Natalie/Max triangle was a threesome.  In fact, threesomes solved a lot of issues in her friend fictions.  It was time to get down to the real questions in Virginia Beach.  “Or is a threesome with Natalie and Liz more likely?  Oh!  Or Noah?  Should he be involved?  What, exactly, is your relationship with Lex?”
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
omg noooo!!!!!!! (but also yes ;DDD) so yeah, that would hurt drew so much1!!!!!!! like annie was his first love and she was only using him and THEN on top of everything else she goes from him to MAX?????????? and even tho she hurt him, part of drew is always gonna care about her and he knows that max is bad news and ugh he def worried about her when she was w/ max
and I actually love the idea of going w/ that they mutually broke up with each other (altho if anyone asks, max def says it was all him) b/c he actually doesn’t have that kind of relationship w/ anyone else??? and I really feel like he’d have have a friends w/ benefits relationship with someone, you know? so yes good I’m down w/ all of this!!!1
ooc: max + annie
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
can I just say that his expression in that manip is so??? max???? ;DDD
I’m down b/c Max only has like one friend!!! :DD And yeah Kate and I are still figuring out the details about Cece/Max, but I feel like that did end badly and he also treats Ginny horribly ... so idk maybe they are friends who fight a lot, haha??? Like Stella gives him crap all the time about how he treats ppl and he just rolls his eyes at her, haha, but maybe they still hang out sometimes??? I can see them being divas together lmao. ;DDD
(also max HATES adam with a burning passion and I can see him trying to help stella w/ getting him to move out??) 
ooc + some of VA’s rich hot guys
Here’s a PSA to all the hot rich guys in VA whom I found crackship/maips of alycia and your boys. LOL
Somehow I wanna say these two are friends but it makes ZERO sense? Esp if Max did a number on Cece. BUT LIKE I feel like maybe they met as kids when Stella visited her fam here in VA and just since then have been buds? Plus, Ginny and Cece are best friends, so I’m sure they’ve all known each other and what not. Stella: Max Monroe, what can I say, you’re the thorns to my rose.
“Noah, I will work out with you after you move all of Adam’s things across town.”
“Wow, Noah, you’d look so hot painting Adam’s room for me. You know, without a shirt and all. Adam’s window faces the road… I think I’ve seen Jane walk by.”
They have some connections ~~Ginny through Cece, maybe Max (which wouldn’t be a good connection, but…) I think it’d be sweet if they were friends or something.
I just want us to come up with something to bring these two sweet faces together because look!!!! Also this pic makes me think early college days.
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
Honestly i’m up for whatever/whenever??? B/c Max isn’t a one girl at a time type of guy, it doesn’t matter if he was dating anyone else, haha??? Maybe he dated her sometime after his dad lost his money??? Like he knew that her fam had lost their’s too, but she had a nice set-up with her aunt and uncle and he might have wanted to get a piece of that???? So maybe it was a few years ago when she was in college???? Thoughts??? 
OOC | Cece & Max
*facepalms into the sun*  So what do you think happened here?  I mean, aside from the obv fairytale romance ;DDDDDDD  No, but when and how long do you think they dated, etc haha  I have no preconceived notions about her timeline or anything except what’s in her bio so I’m completely down for whatever works, since I know Max has a busy schedule of dating hahaha
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
hahhaa ommgggg I feel like the feeling is def mutual???? like you know that adam has messed with max more times than max cares to remember and now adam is like enemy #1 and max is like bent on destroying him and I feel like he comes with these complicated plans to finally best adam and they’ve become more and more extreme and horrible over the years as adam continues to make max’s life a living hell and I feel like max is sooo determined to completely destroy adam, but adam is like one step ahead of him and Max @ Adam after Adam drowns his car. 
OOC | Adam & Max
Adam def hates Max and he def makes it clear and smdh
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oceanfrontmax · 8 years ago
Natalie Hunters. max/noah
“Okay, so I’ve got a plan to get Natalie admit she wants to have sex with me again.” Max announced, walking into the gym. He plopped down his notes on the front desk, behind which Noah was standing.
“Gonna need your help for this one, man, because I gotta know what she’s up to, without her knowing that I’m checking up on her, because that will throw off the whole thing. So, how do you feel about being my guy? All you gotta do is casually watch her and track her movements, so I will know when the best time will be to swoop in and bang her.” He paused, “Not that I couldn’t do it at any time or place, but I wanna make this as quick and easy as possible, because she’s not the only fish in the pond, you know what I’m saying?”
He paused, “So, uh, whatta say? You up for it. You can just leave, right, like -- you don’t gotta stay here the rest of the day, do you?” He asked.
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