9 posts
This is a multi-muse blog for Mrs. Susan Turner from The Fairly OddParents, Trixie Evans from Codename: Kids Next Door, and Sabrina Ryan from Phineas And Ferb. This blog serves as a multi-muse blog for the Forgotten Friendship RPG.
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madisonmuses · 1 year ago
Sabrina looked at the other person. "Gabriella? You look just like Milly, who is one of Isabella's best friends. Well... There is The Krusty Krab. It's in the theme park of this island. And you're welcome! Do you need help with finding The Krusty Krab? It's nice to meet you, Gabriella Roberts. Hm, a lot of people keep showing up here. My name is Sabrina Ryan." Sabrina replied to Gabriella.
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Gabriella had been looking for some kind of restaurant that would sell burgers on Canterlot Island but she didn’t know where to go to find one. She walked towards a person who is nearby her at this moment. “Sorry to interrupt what you were doing over there, but do you happen to know if there are any fast-food restaurants around here? Like a Burger King or anything like that? My name is Gabriella Roberts and I just recently arrived here. If you could please help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!” Gabriella said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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madisonmuses · 1 year ago
"Thank you! That would make me so happy. And that would be nice, but I don't think you're too late. He still loves you, Trixie," Mrs. Susan Turner said to Trixie.
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“Oh, thanks for informing me of that. Yes, I know that Timmy has loved you for many years. Thanks for telling me that, Trixie. And it’s a pleasure to meet you. Can you take me to the Krusty Krab? Thank you.” Mrs. Susan Turner said.
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“You’re welcome! I’m very happy to have helped you find him. And I can walk you to the Krusty Krab. It’s really no problem. You’re welcome, Mrs. Turner. It’s a pleasure to meet you too. I think that I could love your son, but I feel that I may have missed my chances with him.” Trixie said.
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madisonmuses · 2 years ago
“This is a Pride festival, like for people who are homosexual, bisexual, Non-Binary, pansexual, asexual, and etc., and a festival for the beginning of Summer. And my name is Trixie Tang. I’m not sure if you remember me or not, but I know your son. I used to call him Tommy, though. Timmy was my classmate, and he was madly in love with me for the past couple of years. Timmy works at the Krusty Krab. It’s inside the theme park. And I really like the booths that The Rainbooms have made. They’re my favorites. Their names are Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.” Trixie replied to Timmy’s mother.
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“Oh, thanks for informing me of that. Yes, I know that Timmy has loved you for many years. Thanks for telling me that, Trixie. And it’s a pleasure to meet you. Can you take me to the Krusty Krab? Thank you.” Mrs. Susan Turner said.
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madisonmuses · 2 years ago
“Can someone please explain to me what is going on around here? What booths do you recommend that I check out? And has anyone seen a young boy named Timmy Turner yet? He has brown hair. He is my son, and I am trying to look for him. Thank you.” Mrs. Susan Turner said to someone close by to her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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madisonmuses · 2 years ago
“Oh, I was going to the theme park, that is where I work at. Hello. My name is Mrs. Susan Turner. It’s a pleasure to meet you. What is your name? And the Entertainment Stage is inside the theme park, and it is near the Krusty Krab restaurant. I can show you where the Entertainment Stage is before I will begin my work shift as a ride attendant at the theme park.” Mrs. Susan Turner said to the girl.
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“Alright, so, where are you going? Or what are you doing right now? I’m trying to find the Entertainment Stage so that I can watch The Rainbooms preform, but I don’t know where it is. Do you happen to know where the Entertainment Stage is? You can tag along with me if you want to.” Princess Amber said to the other person who is standing or sitting nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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madisonmuses · 3 years ago
Will get more replies done tomorrow.
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madisonmuses · 3 years ago
“Geez, really? That sounds crazy. No, I’m sorry. I unfortunately also do not know why you are here. I don’t even know why I’m here. This place is really strange if so many people were placed here at random with no explanation for why they are here.” Skye replied.
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“I feel like everyone that I have talked to does not know why I am here, but I guess I’ll ask you too. Do you know why I’m here?” Leni Loud asked the person in front of her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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madisonmuses · 3 years ago
“Wow, really? You have the nerve to call ME a loser and a geekbait? I’m not a geek, and I’m not a loser either. My name is Skye Hamilton. And I’m the most popular girl in my grade at my previous school. And you do not have a ‘You talk to losers’ sign on your head, and I’m not going to walk away from you.” Skye replied. And then she looks surprised when the cashier is now offering her a free drink. “Well, then in that case, I will order a cappuccino, please.” Skye said to the other girl.
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“Do I have a "I talk to losers sign on my head?” No? Then, walk away, geekbait. I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone.“ It was at that moment that Mipsy realized that she is currently working at the Java Lava Coffee House as a barista/cashier right now. "I mean, uh… Your drink is on the house,” Mipsy said to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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madisonmuses · 3 years ago
“Oh moons, no.”  Her tone is soft, and quiet.  Princess Luna never would have ever expected Rainbow Dash to be one to worry about getting into trouble.  “I’m in the same situation you are, my friend.  No one is getting in any least until we figure this out.  I’m just glad to have found you.” Princess Luna said to Rainbow Dash.
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“I thought that we weren’t supposed to go into the portal that goes to the… Human universe that Sunset Shimmer lives in. Please don’t tell me that I’m in huge trouble now,” Rainbow Dash says. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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