#self-interest: yeas :)
halflifebutawesome · 4 months
I see that tomrey tag on the ghostbusters au pleaseeeee talk about them 🥺. You're a voice for the people
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YEAGH. tomrey..... UMMM. well. Like I said ☝️ my AU my weirdly specific personal tommybeny dynamic.
This is also just kinda tied into my personal hlvrai canon thoughts but like. Ok. When Tommy was like..... probably a teenager..... Benry (a teen-aged Fucking Thing) escaped through a Crack in the fabric between the world of the living and the ghost realm and ended up meeting Tommy who was out on his first ghost bust.
Tommy's like. Pretty in-tune with ghosts and their presences/energies so he just kind of. Decided to befriend Benry on the spot and drag him around with him. I think Bubby and Coomer and Gman I think always. Kept an Eye On Benry because they figured out pretty quickly that Ben wasn't like..... a normal ghost and was some sort of entity.
But all that to say they were just always kind of casually affectionate with eachother to the point where I don't know If it ever was an official like. "Now We Are Partners" thing but it was just kind of like. They just kind of were always like that. Kissies and naps together and just generally joined at the hip. Tommy I think Knows what Benry is and is kinda trying to avoid talking about it for fear of something Happening to Benry.
TLDR they kind of grew up together and it was just a natural and casual progression of their dynamic. They're just kind of goofy I dunno
When the AU kicks off with the Resonance Crossrip, Tommy isn't on the bust where they capture Benry in the trap, otherwise he probably would've protested quite a bit lol.
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have this warmup from yesterday also smiles
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nekomim1 · 8 months
Hmmm. Something about Griddlehark and Merthur is giving me very similar vibes sometimes, but its nigh impossible to get my thoughts into words 💀
Just. Something about sacrifice. Something about giving up every part of yourself, for the preservation of the person you love most. And something about that person not even Wanting it. Because what is a life lived without you in it? Why would I want you to change yourself for me? How dare you take the agency away from me to make this choice? How dare you make the decision for me, and decide that I'd be happier living without you than dying with you?
Just. The pain on all sides. To give your life wholly to another person, only for them to reject it. Not because they don't love you, but because they DO. And you're so fucking furious with each other but only because you love each other more than anything else in the universe, even yourselves.
Something about, "I gave you my life, and you didn't even want it."
And something about, "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you."
Yea. Something like that.
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anteroom-of-death · 7 months
Teacher's Pet part 15
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Synopsis: The Doctor steps into his role as the wolf in this game, fully.
A/n: I had to tone down some of this smut. So it's a bit shorter than intended. Elsewise I fear the worst of tumblrs filtration system. LOL! Enjoy! Love you alllllll!
Apparently a young, fresh companion of his future self had formed this support group after several bad experiences and being dumped back on earth ‘for her safety’.
He didn’t have time to care for whatever this distraction was. He already was at the point of near-snapping. He was not going to risk anything into the future. Live under false pretenses. The cords of the actions set would not weaken under these new stressors…
Obviously, his little fawn would die. Obviously, he’d regenerate. Obviously, this would end.
He drew a line in the sand, no peeking at her or his shared fate.
Meeting her at the front of UNIT, and trying the best to not record any facet of this future girls face or being. Doing so would be a catastrophe, just skate down around and go off into the afternoon and his plans.
A perfect date that would further enchant his pet fawn to his side. Especially since she now had the nattering of other voices in her head regarding him. He had to undo the damage. Keep her from cleaving herself from his side.
He admitted to himself that he was spiraling- and just about ready to cross another line. It was just now a matter of how, and how far…
He set that in a corner of his brain how he would go about this.
She was currently entranced by the arrangement of coffees the café and the cacti available. He would have launched into a diatribe about flowers, but she was leading the charge here.
She was oddly well-versed in the secret meaning one could send another. He was impressed. A secret hyperfixation.
He indulged her and him.
One particular flower meant ‘I give you my soul’. He made a note to buy her some. A shallow offering. As he sold his soul long ago. Her knowledge of these meanings and the gesture would go on to create a meaningful ripple effect in the relationship.
Dinner was great, and a perfect segue to the new levels he needed to take.
It was a very deliberate. Give her a small glance, or trail up her exposed skin and a small hit of her own hormones amped up with a mental reimbursement. She was already becoming undone from her own natural need for him. The secondary reinforcement from him was just foreplay.
Humans loved a bit of touch.
This human was definitely no exception.
After a while, the perfect idea dawned on him. A less overt invasion than when they consummated the success of the term’s end the other week. A quieting one. Make up for the directed hormonal release by appealing to darker desires. He knew the thoughts she held for him. Play into some of those fantasies while he shut down the dissent from within.
He paid for the meal and playfully dragged his fawn into a cab, a bit of dancing…and a bit of glamor. He fully realized that there was no turning back now.
The darkness inside him grinned.
He grinned back.
She wasn’t the most agile at the waltz they preformed. A natural-born klutz. The way she was looking at him reminded him so much of the gaze that she held when they first made true contact. Intrigued, deeply in thought, a bit distracted but firmly all for him.
Eventually, the last call for drinks at the dance hall rang. He paid their tab.
He absconded off with her in tow. Back to UNIT. Back to their room. Back for the next phase in his own self-corruption.
She planted a kiss on his forehead as she went off to get herself ready for bed.
The Doctor started stripping himself down to his bare flesh, save for his boxers.
She came back, with a thick layer of product smeared onto her chest, neck and face.
“I’d like to try something new with you. Always been a secret that I’ve had since we’ve started this…” He lied, like a liar. “But I’ve been so concerned about your fragile human body…”
She finished rubbing some hand crème in.
“Oh?” Her eyebrow arched itself over the ridge of her forehead.
“I want to take you on a chair. I want to bend you over, grab a fist-full of your hair as you dangle over the top and have my way with you.” He didn’t fully elaborate what exactly fantasies she held, just put the carrots out and have her think.
“We could do that. Bit tired, but sure! I’m game!” She started to remove her robe.
He pounced and ripped it and her clothes off, tearing them in the process. Hungry kisses he began laying on her as he spun her around and took one wrist to march her over to the chair in the room. (‘Cuck chair’ he delightfully recalled her calling it weeks previously…)
She started to get on willingly, it wasn’t enough. He picked her up and placed her in the position he saw in her mind. The chair let out a little creaking noise with the weight of her.
He bit the back of her neck, not hard enough to deter her income-base, but enough that it would leave a pleasurable bruise. Gone within a week at maximum.
His cock stood at attention. Hard and aching from it all. He had to have and fully make sure she’d never stray or even think of leaving him. He’d been, quite frankly, nursing a little bit of a stiffness down there since she smacked his ass and snogged him on the Tube.
He grabbed at her hair like a leash on a dog and slid himself in to her cunt and her mind.
A man on a mission…
He kept pushing himself in and out of her, but going deeper into her brain. He found the brush she had with his past and future companions. He quieted these voices and the doubts they gave permanently. Still allowing her to keep the friendships blooming and the memories, but revoking the feelings of inadequacy and the fears of the future. The doubts. The everything. A very delicate and deliberate job.
The pruning was difficult, as her mind was very distracted by the current sensations of him pulling her neck back to a semi-dangerous level. Just to kiss her on the lips and tell her, “What a perfectly filthy girl you’re being…” That shuffled her brain like a deck of cards.
The words, especially, they made her audibly shiver. He briefly let go.
He grasped a fistful of her hair again and pressed his mouth once more to her neck. He slid himself to the absolute maximum her tight cunt could handle. He bit down, gently touching the new wound with his tongue. Savoring the taste of her neck, now inflamed so close he swore he could taste her blood through the developing bruise…
He grazed her ear lobe with his eye-tooth and breathed a hot, needy breath into it, he rolled her one nipple in the
He inhaled her hair once more. Its scent just as delicious and just as addictive as he was trying to be to her…
Gently, he laid her back into her stomach over the chair’s back. Her back was beautiful as he ran his hands up and down it, raking his nails like the claws of the wolf he kept coming back to in his analogies.
He pressed his full body weight down, tilting the chair into the wall and bracing, it, her and him from total disrepair. Or concussion.
A concussion on her brain would undo all his fine-tuning and actually make it harder to deal with her mind.
And he needed it in as best of condition as he could have it!
He kept his pace up as he leaned down to bite her nape of the neck, carried away, he drew a tad bit of blood. It dotted itself up around the divots of the fresh wound.
He flooded her mind discreetly once more. Bringing her to her first orgasm mentally. His work was done and fine tuned.
He sped up his pace and grabbed her up by the collarbone. Sliding her down over his knees, firmly set in the seat of it. He grabbed her legs and slid them over and tucked her feet and ankles between the backs of his calves and thighs.
He drilled her more, tougher, the rate he went bordered on blood-lust. He couldn’t tell if her cries and grunts were in pain or pleasure. He went back in to her mind to see if he was going to far.
He wasn’t. It was both.
It egged him on, he unexpectedly lost control and he came before he wanted to. He went on as he felt himself coming to bring her another orgasm with her mind, and forced her body to react accordingly…
He relinquished his hold on her body and got out of her and stood up. She slumped over. Shivering. Shaking. Breathing heavily.
The Doctor didn’t know what all he was feeling. Pride, disgust, relaxation? A mixture? It was a tad too overwhelming.
He had to go to her…
He moved to the side of the chair, crouching down. Finding eye-contact. She had a very unreadable expression on her face.
“Hey, how are you?” He went for the simplest route.
“I…think….you fucked…my brains out. Not exaggerating. I feel like people say. Fuck.” She exhaled after a minute of reflection and catching her breath.
He peeled her off the chair and carried her to the bed. He laid her simply on her back, head up.
“I think I need to buy another set of pajamas now.” She turned her head over and looked at the pile of ruined cloth on the ground.
“You were so good.” He praised her.
“And you weren’t too bad yourself…” She replied, again. Keeping herself, and by extension him, in check.
After what felt like several hours, but was in all actuality, fifteen minutes, she pulled her body off the bed.
“I need to shower again. Yeah.” Her voice as quiet as a fall of a grain of sand.
“I’ll join you. If we need to sleep, we’ll need to be cleaned.” He said.
They showered, she redid her skincare, and they held each other in bed.
She was asleep, he didn’t need to sleep.
As he gazed at the wall, and contemplated the meeting with Gwen Cooper-Williams the next day, it dawned on him:
The beginnings of the story of Little Red Riding Hood was a folklore in the deep dark annals of European history. A dark passionate tale in origin about the defilement of a young maiden and a beastly wolf-man way beyond her years. In some, the wolf-man left her and she killed herself from being impure. In some, she was corrupted and became worse than him. Really depended upon the cultural values of the little tribes telling this shared story.
And here he was, living the fairytale out in real time.
It was up to him now, this wolf had a choice.
And he would not let either happen.
The hunt was finished.
Now to fully devour.
Game over.
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mydictionary-yume · 6 months
“Hello Kitty, こんにちは!”
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This was highly inspired by the style of the dance MV for Popcorn!! Def check it out if you can, it’s a banger<3
(Click for higher quality lol)
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There's multiple ways to self harm that aren't cutting. For example, liking female characters in a fandom that prioritizes the male ones
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deadrlngers · 11 months
hm. i actually really like cazador (<my last words before getting executed)
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ezlo-x · 2 years
Three (3) figures that I would kill to have in my collection
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tiredassmage · 5 months
what type of villain are you?
your honor, i do love a good uquiz diagnosing the diseases and problems of my fictional characters and also i might be slightly procrastinating a final paper. saw this one from @sasslett and simply could not resist :3 quiz link! for those who'd like.
swtor edition first!
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tyr deckard - then let me be evil
You never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. You did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. No matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. It wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. Well, fine. They want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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alucren ellery - the betrayer
You like to do things up close and personal. As personal as you can get. You are an excellent actor, and you do adore putting on a smile knowing your worst enemy, the one you hate the most, doesn't suspect a thing when they tell you their deepest secrets. Your only motivation is revenge, and revenge you shall get. Perhaps you loved them once, long ago, but any fondness for your target you once felt has long since warped and twisted into perverse obsession, laced with malice and venom and seething hatred. Good or evil does not matter to you. All that matters is they get what they deserve.
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leo ashold - the coward
You didn't have another choice, honest! Have these people SEEN what the heroes are up against? It'd end you in an instant, whether that be a lovecraftian abomination with a hold on your soul, a rampaging monster that's destroying more than a hurricane and an earthquake could in one fell swoop, a shadow organization that has tabs on everyone you love and will end them in an instant, or just a particularly grumpy boss that might yell at you if you don't fall in with his excessively tyrannical methods, you can't go risking your neck for the poor saps that think they can stop it. No way, you're staying on the bad guy side, where it's SAFE.
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rhyst delavast - for the greater good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
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savosta - no moral compass
You are cold, analytical, and you strive to be as objective as a person of flesh and blood can be. Either don't understand the concepts of good and evil, or you understand it perfectly and think it's a load of bull. Some may call you selfish, some may call you unfeeling, but you're just doing what you believe will yield the best results, plain and simple. Why bother with petty ideals of right or wrong when you can do what will actively help those you give a fuck about? Your goals may be selfish or noble or anything in between, but you will not let anyone make you feel like garbage for going after them. You couldn't care less about what people brand you as. You just care about getting shit done by any means necessary.
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princehendir · 1 year
Anyways R.I.P. Self-interest you would have loved the Prometheus myth
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tamagotchikgs · 5 months
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i am so filled w love rn i am so ,,,,, Something. & maybe i am allowed to be comfortable w someone for the first time ever mayb i am safe...... i keep saying this because i never thought i would b. but it only feels more true,,, more possible as time goes on n that is wild 2 me
#when did i get here how did i get this how did i get the best thing in my whole life#they r so fucking cool they r everything good in the world#& i adore them w my whole soul#i dont even know how 2 convey it#i dont deserve any of it but god does it feel so good. to just. be able to give love n receive it n it feel .Real#feel like maybe i can fit n exist n have a place even if it's with a single person#not only a place where i belong but where i am allowed 2 love#because like !!!!!! holay molayyyy !!!!!!!!!! i love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! them so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i dont even know how to show it but a !!!!!!!!!!!!! it is in there n it is bubbling every second n i . every moment spent w them is nourish#nourishing my soul#straight lasagna in that bad boy#there has never been anything more important or interesting 2 me i have ever come across in the world than them#yea i still get nervous or . self-conscious w them sometimes because o boy they deserve the world but. it feels so different#it's different to the one i feel everywhere else#im not gonna lie the strong emotions i get because of how much i care can b.. agonizing when it's the bad ones#but the good outweighs them so hard#and ive never had that#usually the bad hits n it takes me down n thats it#i keep going down#but here i get down n then. hey wait. here is good#here is sosoososos much good#n i cherish them for the way they can handle my shit so much HBJABH...#on top of already loving them#instead of . me being a problem it's ok#they grab my shit n twist it#it's like i can be a person if im with them#and the experiences i have had n continue 2 have build onto me#like i am a person. and i can see it. which i never have been or could before#but more than any of the ways they affect me i just love them for . the fact they r them#standalone they r so fucking incredible. n i want them to know that i want them 2 feel that too
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luciality · 6 months
iggypan established relationship aka 📽️📽️📽️📽️📽️ literally everything i want in life
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once again minecraft fans be mad for all the wrong reasons
#minecraft#june speaks#dawg if u wanna be mad about the vault block be mad that we had to wait ages just to learn the key is used for what seems to be midgame gea#not that the vault performs an incredibly basic multiplayer feature that shoulda been added ages ago#it only feels like a disappointing feature cuz they took so long to tell us ''oh yea it unlocks player-specific loot containers''#which is a good fucking feature even if it's not particularly interesting! i'm very glad they added it!#this game really does need some multiplayer QoL changes when it comes to the gameplay n this is a great step towards that#it's just stupid to have to wait two months to learn that when by all means we were made to expect it did something more interesting like#idfk. open a secret area or summon a boss. which maybe it could still do! we just don't know yet. update's not fully announced yet!#personally imma save my negative feelings (beyond being annoyed having to wait that long for something that simple) for AFTER the update#at which point if the vault doesn't ever give better loot or if the keys never get any more uses i'll feel a justified mild disappointment#which like ngl. even that's motivated purely by my position as a seasoned player#i'm certain that as-is the vault is amazing for new and learning players in every possible regard. it's a good block n a great feature#but even considering that i feel like it's reasonable to want to be catered to a little bit as a seasoned player yknow?#beyond insanely tedious self-imposed tasks there's not a lot to minecraft's endgame. beat it a hundred times n eventually you get bored#which i think is why a lotta other people get so annoyed with some of these updates too#there's just not a lot bein added for the sake of catering to old players who want new experiences most of the time#anywho that's my bi-monthly minecraft rant outta the way lol
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nulltune · 2 years
five interesting facts about Hakuno & five things you consider uncanny. Go!
THANK YOU SUE FOR MY LIFE!!!! talking abt hakuno is my hobby fr so thank u 4 enabling me ehe <3 here we go!!
5 interesting facts about hakuno:
her name is an annagram of kimi no na hakushi which translates to "your name is blank". i think it's suuper neat because 1. it gives you the impression of it being an insert name here kind of thing that's common for self-inserts, but it's a nice way to start off hakuno's character journey of becoming her own character from a blank slate and 2. it's a pretty straightforward way of telling us that her name, much like herself, is blank. empty. there's nothing there ^_T
speaking of- you know how with mc characters, there's usually a silly haha kind of dialogue option? that's present for hakuno too but i like it because it's more like an illusion of choice than something more like a self-insert thing. the point hakuno makes in the end is essentially the same, she's just being a lil goofy about the delivery, y'know! i'm not even kididng btw sgfkshfj hakuno herself admits sometimes that she did do it to get a rise/see the other person's reaction to it. moon lady's got a lil michievous side ✨️
she knows the sa-shi-su-se-so which is an expression to memorize essential ingredients for japanese cuisine. so it's safe to say that she'd at least know the basics of cooking, though it's a lil headcanon of mine that although she knows it theoretically, she absolutely flops at the execution (and if you wanna make this more nuanced, you can think of this through the lens of food as a love language-)
she "doesn't particularly like octopus". we don't get a reason why, but it's kinda funny when considering the sea motif in fate/extra! maybe hakuno wouldn't like seafood in general? this isn't that interesting but agfkshf we barely get any information about hakuno herself ya kno!!! which makes sense considering she doesn't even know herself, but that's why i treasure these little crumbs !!
i've noticed this in my reread of fate/extra, but i feel like hakuno brings up the fact that she's "not alone" Quite A Lot post chapter 4 or so. it's her only solace after finding out the truth of her existence so it makes sense why that fact is important to her, but i also like to think that repeating it so much is her (likely unconscious) way of trying to cope with how truly lonely her existence is :,)
5 things i consider uncanny:
OH MAN THIS IS A PERFECT THING TO ASK BC there's always hints about something being "off" about hakuno. in hindsight, it's pretty sad when this disconnect with everyone and everything else seems almost inherent to her existence when all she wants is to be a normal human and find her place in the world </3 and spoiler alert: She Is Not and She Does Not. but it's neat!
there's this one hakuno dialogue response that was essentially her introducing herself in an almost automatic "pavlovian response" — it's a small hint about her true nature as an artificial intelligence but i wish we got more of this aspect explored tbh! how much of her is real? how much of her is her? it could really mess up hakuno's head but it'd be hella interesting to see !
her reaction to being felt up by someone as a first meeting was seriously underwhelming ! a lot of hakuno's reactions to things are pretty tame and iirc it's been noted that she's strangely calm for someone in such a high-stress situation (enough to cripple even the finest soldiers, according to rin). it's likely her being so numb to it all tbh ^_T but it's still pretty weird hakunochan!!!
this one's kinda graphic but there's a scene where hakuno tries to reach her servant-- even as her body is literally being broken down and deleted in the process :,) i say it's uncanny because damn it's a great scene but hakuno's thought process behind it all is a widdle fucked up!! look at what she has to say when she goes numb from the pain + her stomach collapsed: "I just feel gross, like I’ve turned into a skeleton-monster. Though with my body being lighter, I’ll be able to walk faster, which is nice." HELLO??!? (bassbooted)
this one comes a ccc anthology chapter but basically hakuno was asked to pose for a photoshoot and she has no problems wearing a suggestive nightgown, a bikini, and a wedding dress but Draws The Line at a maid outfit (girl?) (she ended up wearing it — and absolutely slaying the look, if i do say so myself — but was Very embarrassed)
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orcelito · 1 year
Guys I think the writing for fire emblem engage is somehow worse than fire emblem fates. Im a longtime fire emblem fan, I've played every recent game, and this... this is just Awful lmfao
Im still having plenty of fun & I have my handful of characters I love soooo much. But God fucking damn this writing is just some of the worst I've ever seen in a game
(Major spoilers in tags. Ran out of tags so I can't spoiler tag hfkshfj.
Final conclusion (since I ran out of tags): What Even Is This Fucking Game. Definitely my least favorite fire emblem game in many respects, but By God I'm going to finish this bitch and I'm gonna have plenty of fun as I do so. And I'm also going to make fun of every narrative choice it makes along the way bc the writing in this game is just SO fucking bad holy shit. I just need to finish this game and get on with my life already. God fuckin damn.)
#speculation nation#ive been critical of it from the start. bc it really isnt good. tho ive softened in some respects#it's plenty of fun thankfully. i enjoy the battle system a lot & the maps can be challenging in a fun way#but the moment i stop to think about Anything it all just feels so ridiculous#there have been a few moments it's surprised me. plot twists that were Almost cool.#but most of the time it's just throwing a bunch of shit out of left field at me and expecting me to be invested (im not)#so it's like. the 'plot twists' are either things i saw coming from a mile away OR things that r just so fucking insane it's not satisfying#like. the game saying 'oh man this thing you need to get to is at the bottom of this biiiig frozen lake! however will you get there?'#'how about... you trust the woman who has been an antagonist THE ENTIRE GAME UP UNTIL NOW to be telling the truth & to be helping u'#'heres a magic item she used the rest of her life to make! how sad! dont you feel bad for her? she wanted to be a mother!'#'no dont think about all the times she hit your little sister :) she feels bad about it so it's obviously ok actually :)'#'anyways take her magic item. itll get you to the bottom of the lake. how you ask? underwater breathing? PHHHSH'#'NAH your ass is going a thousand years into the past to break this thing b4 it fell into the lake OH ALSO you meet your past self#from when you were evil. good luck! :)'#im. not making any of this up. im not making ANY of this up and i really wish i was.#i was just rubbing my temples for that entire stretch of story it's so fucking stupid.#i think one of the most interesting things it did from a narrative standpoint was take away the rings 12 chapters in#so you hit rock bottom and have to crawl your way back out with the help of some unexpected allies#like. yea that's interesting. EXCEPT from a GAMEPLAY standpoint it's one of my least favorite fucking things in the game#you get used to this set of mechanics but halfway through you have to switch gears to an entirely different set of mechanics#and by the time you finally get everything back & ur army is full and whole. the game is almost over.#itd like that narrative choice SO MUCH MORE if it didnt set me back in such a major way & restrict total gameplay access to the End#every game has a slow trickle in of new characters so you dont have everyone until later in but EVEN THEN#you generally have everyone by 2/3rds way thru the game. then the last third you pick ur favs and u train them for the end#in this game. you dont get everyone until fucking chapter 23 of 26. my army is full and veyle is such a delight to have#but i only got her in CHAPTER. FUCKING. TWENTY THREE OF TWENTY SIX.#i just finished chapter 25. im nearly at the end. i love my main army but it feels like ive barely gotten to know them as a whole#bc it only finally formed TWO CHAPTERS AGO.#im just. god this game is so frustrating in a way ive NEVER experienced before. and ive played a lot of games!!!!!#like dont get me wrong im still having fun with it. i love a lot of the characters and the gameplay (now that i HAVE all of it) is So fun
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#sometimes i feel very normal and then i interact with ppl lol#i had an in person meeting with my boss for the 1st time in ages and i usually talk to ppl while theyre driving or were walking somewhere#so i forgot how much im like obviously not making eye contact when ppl talk to me while hunched over and fidgeting lol#and when im trying to explain ideas to ppl abt like data stuff im like: i dont understand how what im saying doesnt make sense???#also with a healthy dose of wtf is this person trying to say to me? u r saying words and i dont kno what theyre directed at#we had a lab party and im like v awkward at those things. idk how to interact in groups#ppl r interacting and im watching like u r clearly getting something out of this that i am not#i did maybe secure a place as a patient for one of our undergrads who is in the dental school lol#she was like yea i need 8 patients and i was like lol u can look in my mouth and then proceeded to tell her all the weird teeth problems#ive had. maybe that was weird but she seemed interested so 🤷#i hope she follows up bc i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years#and i still habe my wisdome teeth#lol me at any party: i am waiting patiently until i can leave.#like its weird bc those r the time when ppl bond and make memories and all that but everytime someone calls back to events that ive been#there fore it baffles me bc im like. yea that was a thing that happened. i dont really have any feelings abt it so idk y u r recalling it#fondly??? plus my ears r kinda fucked so it was hard to focus on individual conversations#ay im so scatterbrained. thats what happens when u get little sleep and dont allow ur self to chill. ill just crunch myself into a lil ball#at least my boss tried to reassure me that id get accepted somewhere phd wise. but i will not relax until its official so rip#i just really want 2 specific schools to work out bc one is close to home and the other i can prob get good classes and opportunities#ugh i need to sleep. but im not tired :-P#unrelated
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faaun · 2 years
you're dating coffee girl? im so invested
not coffee girl !! coffee girl is rly cool and we met up hung out etc and it was great !! she cut her hair short and wears long coats and is so much more free+happy now than she was before. she used to have a timetable of her life to the minute for the next 10 yrs and now she's spontaneous and happy and she told me about n+7 poetry and we ended up sitting next to each other in the dark for looking at generative art in this beautiful exhibition...anyway yh ! she's a cool human :) but we're not dating
but !! this is a different person (tagged as [chroma blue]). look @ tags for context.
#ok so i went to study in a venice for a bit but a few weeks before i did i met this peeson who seemed rly cool etc . but then when i was#in italy i became kind of infatuated w this person who was rly rly unrealistic to know so i told the first person i probably wouldnt be#interested in them romantically bc i was caught up in other feelings etc and we continued being friends but she is just So Cool so it was#like. inevitable. i got over italy person and we went on like 2 very perfect dates and i told her maybe im ready to explore things#romantically now but then i realised despite how perfect the dates were i didnt feel that intense spark so i was like. nvm. at this point#it had been 3 months and i thought i was literally incapable of love bc this person [chroma blue] was perfect etc#anyway so they came over to hang out as friends like 2 weeks later and they were supposed to go home the next day#and they ended up staying over for 4 days and then i realised i was being sooo dumb by rejecting them#like it was lich rally just self sabotage and fear of loss etc etc. and like. we ended up catching a spontaneous train to a diff city and#everything we did felt like a date and at the end they were like u are sending so many mixed signals and i was like. yh#so i told them abt how i felt and like my thought etc and they were like. u know i have liked u since the day we met . x anyway#so we talked a lot etc and then met up again and like. yh. literally she ended up staying over at my place again lol . also like that day#was so perfect our first kiss was rly nice everything was just rly nice we did a lot . anyway yh#she likes poetry and art n she carries her sketchbook w her everywhere and she knows so much abt like. the theory and history of fashion#etc etc and whenever were in an art gallery she tells me sm abt what she knows its so cool. shes also#rly rly pretty and cool etc etc . en ee way#yea#asks#anon#she knows sm abt colour and light and shadow. she stays up reading notes left by old artists.#the second time we met she told me she really wants to paint me and then she said it again after we kissed for the first time. etc
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