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empressgeekt · 4 months ago
Sonic and The Black Knight - "Medival in a Modern World" fic summery
So, I've fallen back into the STH fandom for a hot minute. Falling down into the rabbit hole that is the Black Knight game. Which apparently has a small cult following? And if anyone has read my Pokémon fic, you know medieval meeting modern is one of my favorite tropes. So, After reading through such fics as "Coruscation" by @oz-qwin, "What Isn't Yours" by aTalewithEars, and the "Sonic Destiny AU" by @burning-stars98 I've been bitten by the Sonic X Arthurian tales bug. (Pls go read these other fics, the authors are very talented and their works deserve far more attention then they current have.)
So, taking some inspiration from the fic mentioned above, and my own headcanons/aus, here's my take on the knights of the round table being taken forward in time to the age of what ever the heck year the present is for the Sonic lore in fic summery form.
HeadCanons to keep note of For context!
Maria : This story will be featuring my own version of Maria Robotnik. She was revived as a Hedgehog using old DNA stores from PROJECT SHADOW with modified phenotypes, and chaos energy, to be used a psychological weapon against Shadow by a rogue branch of GUN, during an Event known as the Equinox War. Later on after being freed from the Rogue branch, she joined the front lines (that girl took a bullet to save her brother, she is not going to sit on the sidelines while he fights a war), mostly working in the desert zones, where she picked up swordsmanship from Zero the Jackal, and an enchanted blade of her own (this one is not from Camelot though). She starts working with Team Dark Post War, to stay close to family, but keeps in contact with all the friends she made in the Desert along with her own team, Team Sahara (Maria, Gadget the Wolf, and Zero the Jackal).
Equinox War: One year Post Forces, (this whole concept was written out before fronters was released) the world was kind of wrapped up in a second major conflict that is known as the Equinox war. That event was basically another ancient god-like being rising from her slumber that go so big that GUN had to get involved and they took a big hit in terms of resources. However, unlike before Eggman was just caught in the crossfire of the whole thing and didn't actually raise the deity.
Eclipse the Darkling: Eclipse had remained in hiding after the conflict on Angel Island, until he was captured by human forces and held for experimentation that less than legal. He was captive until mid Equinox War, where Shadow raided the base he was trapped in. Post rescue the brothers sort out there issues and bond while trying to locate the Dark Arms (Maria really got on their case as well, wanting her brothers to not kill each other). He still doesn't like humans, but it's more from a trauma stand point rather then looking at them as lesser. He joined up with GUN for the protection it offers him Post War, and to stay close with his brother and sister.
Zero the Jackal: Like many people of the fandom I was disappointed with Infinite's wasted potential and decided to do something about. After Forces, Eggman rips the phantom Ruby from his chest and dumps him in the desert to die. A fate that Zero is fine with at this point, he's lost everything and without the Ruby to manipulate his emotions his head is clear enough to finally grieve and accept his death. By some miracle Gadget finds him, and goes "No, you don't deserve this. If you feel guilty, then chase redemption, cause I'm not letting you give up." Zero does achieve this, by destroying all Phantom Ruby copies during the Equinox war, though it does cost him his left arm. And Gadget and Tails build him a prosthetic. His situation with Shadow is still kind of tense, but they play nice for Maria's sake.
(if you have any questions feel free to ask, if I missed the context)
We start with Ivo Robotnik. Eggman had been sort of in the dry spell when it comes to evil schemes. He's been in a slump since the Equinox conflict and with GUN stretched thin, it was the perfect time to strike.
While plotting, Sage had been going through his old data files and stumbled upon some old notes from Gerald Robotnik. Eggman would at first dismiss it until he reads closer, and learns that during the early days of PROJECT SHADOW, his uncle, Maria's Father, had stumbled upon a number of tombs from a kingdom lost to time. Due to the relics inside the tombs it was believed they belonged to great warriors, and Eggman's Uncle ended up sending over some of the relics along with bone samples up to the ARK. With Eggman's curiosity peaked, he decides to explore his Grandfather's quarters on the ARK. Sure the place had been cleaned out during the initial invasion, but Gerald wasn't called a genius for nothing. Hidden in a secret compartment inside of his office, Eggman finds a collection of old swords and the bone samples. With that the mad doctor has his next plan to hatch. He would revive these warriors of old, and use them to Concur the WORLD!!!! Ivo is pretty confident in this plan. Modify one of his bases with the right equipment, and have metal steal a chaos emerald or two and he'd be golden! Right?...No way these guys would side with Sonic the blue rat.
Let's swap POVs real quick! Lancelot is very confused when he wakes up. After all the last thing he remembers is dying during the fall of Camelot. One final attack on castle town ended in a blaze that consumed all who were involved. He should be dead. So, how in his mother's name is he alive on a cold armored floor, surrounded by his comrades and son imprisoned in crystal chambers filled with unknown waters. Gawain, Percival and Galahad (Sir Lamorak's tomb was never found hence no revival) are released from their chambers not long after, and then a tall creature enters the room, a man dressed in strange garments with a mustache of utter fantastic propositions. Ivo Robotnik as he introduces himself, is some form of a wizard, who tells them he has used very powerful magic to summon them from beyond the grave to fight against evil forces who are now invading the land.
The next week is a confusing one. Robotnik fashions them new armor and while he claims to have their swords the Dr. has not returned them yet. There's a lot of conflicting emotions surrounding the whole ordeal. Lancelot is just mostly relieved that Galahad has been brought back along side him, as he had to learn that his son was slain on the same battlefield as he. Percival is quiet, though she is suspicious of Robotnik off the bat. Gawain is the first to get stir crazy, and wants to know they way to the exit, however he feels as if he owes Robotnik for his rebirth and should be loyal.
At some point Galahad ropes Gawain into exploring the base and they find some rather interesting things. First off clearly Robotnik is by far an incredibly powerful wizard, judging by the number of enchanted armor soldiers he wields and the fact that he has a daughter whom they mistake for a fae spirit, on a count of Sage's less corporal nature. However the most surprising fact they learn comes from the little servants that follow the Dr. around. Orbot and Cubot were the first of the enchanted armor suits they met, and they eventually let it slip that Lancelot's Bone was used once before in an experiment to make an Ultimate Warrior. Cubot is the one who rambles on about it, how there is no question since they look so similar, and how shadow betrayed Robotnik before Orbot shuts him up.
It's this discovery that raises a lot of questions. After all if warrior made from Lancelot's bone was anything like his father, why would he turn against Robotnik...unless he knew something they didn't. Unfortunately for them they have this conversation right in front of a set of security cameras and Sage let's Eggman know immediately. and he figures the plan is a bust, so he decides to terminate it before it gets any further. In the middle of the night the knights flee from badniks through out the facility, a chase that ends with Lancelot sending the other three away with magic and getting captured. Percival, Galahad and Gawain are tossed into a random spot on in the mobius country side. This place while outside is clearly not camelot, they are with out swords...and WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE UNDERWORLD HAPPENED TO THE MOON?!
Switching gears over. Sonic has been enjoying a little break from the mayhem of the Equinox War. Eggman had been quiet and peace restored, meaning he had a lovely few weeks of just freedom and hanging with his friends and brother. Of course, he knew this wouldn't last, it never did, and one night Tails' satellite picked up on a weird energy jump near the workshop on the Greenhill coast. Figuring it's the next big adventure, he grabs a flashlight and zips over to investigate. Only to find faces he never thought he would see again. Sonic remembers the fall of Camelot, burning alive by dragon fire, only to wake up in his room in Tails' workshop. He thought it was dream. Yet here stood three familiar faces he'd never thought he would see again. Their reunion is one of relief and shock. Still once pleasantries are exchanged, Sonic is down to help them, their his friends and its his job to stop Eggman at whatever the doctor is planning. He takes them to Tails' workshop, to further a plan and to get Tails' on the hero network, or a web of communication between Mobius' heroes he set up for easy information exchange. The Fox was underneath the impression that the whole Camelot thing was a dream too, but isn't that phased by the bizarre situation.
While Gawain and Percival are exstaic to find that they had been reborn in the realm of their King. Galahad is a little more worried. Out of the three he had the least interactions with Sonic while in Camelot, he and Lamaork were out on a training journey for most of his short rule, and only came back for the fall. Getting his father out of Robotnik's hands is his priority, after all snuffing a life was far easier then bringing on back to life, and the Doctor was capable of both or worse things. And while Sonic does want to get Lancelot back, Galahad feels as if merely the five of them will be enough. So, he asks if they could locate his brother, as surely he'd want their father back as soon as possible. Sonic and Tails are confused at first but once Galahad explains what Cubot told him, their faces drop and they utter one word, "Shadow."
It's decided after this revelation that they have to involve Team Dark, one they have the most experience with infiltration and have access to GUN resources, two if Lancelot is Shadow's dad, they can't not tell Shadow with how touchy the topic of family is to the dark hedgehog. Sure, he had definitely mellowed out since Maria was revived and Eclipse was reformed (these three are a trio of chaos siblings who get their happily every after, and I will die on this hill), but his history with parental figures were never the best, with the at best brainwashing him and at worst trying to kill him. Still Shadow will likely be more upset the longer they keep it from him, so Sonic, along with Gawain and Galahad travel off to the cities since Rouge isn't picking up her phone, while Percival and Tails try to locate the base Eggman is likely using for his main base this scheme.
By the time they make it to team dark's apartment it's really late at night, but Sonic decides just to barge in anyway, after all Rouge can be nocturnal if she wants to be and Omega only needs to charge his chaos drive like once a week so at least one person is awake at all times. Omega answers the door and in order to wake up his flesh bag teammates he activates his intruder alarm system, the chaos that followed ended with several broken windows, shouting, a bunch of crying dark arms and a flaming sword stuck in the living room wall.
Galahad knows his brother the moment Shadow runs into the room. The spinning image of their father, down to sleepy sneer. What he didn't expect was for this reptilian creature to growl at him when he got close to his brother. Several family realizations happen in the next coming moments. Galahad learns of Maria, who is technically his sister due to her new body being built from left over DNA samples from PROJECT SHADOW, just with altered phenotypes so she resembled her human self, and Shadow having a half brother from a race the lived in the stars.
Shadow doesn't take learning of his hedgehog heritage well, as far as he's concerned Lancelot is a stranger. Sure, he'll rescue the knight from Eggman, but only because he's being held against his will..and maybe because he wants a blood test just to be sure. Maria is a little more open, she gets the whole stranger thing, however she can't deny that it makes sense. Her human father and grandfather were obsessed with old legends, even going so far as to read tales of the round table to her as bedtime stories when she was little. That along with the passion she found for swordfighting after being revived is enough prove for her. Eclipse just wants to back to bed, he has four little ones all of which were rudely awakened in the middle of the night. He does not have time for family issues, besides technically this has nothing to do with his side of the familial tree. However, he does keep a mental eye on Shadow's mind through the hive just to make sure his big brother is okay.
Rouge goes into spy mode once given a directive. She knows this situation might become explosive if they don't start focusing on a mission plan. She video calls Tails and the fox reveals their findings along with what the Chaotix have after getting in touch with them. Sadly their findings had been meagre so far but they've narrowed down a few hidden facilities, Rouge with GUN Intel can cut out a few more, and Shadow and Maria know the revival process and what type of environment is needed for it to work properly. Unless Eggman built an entire new base for this plan which is unlikely due to a shortage of resources post war, they narrow it down to one location. They call Topaz for a ride and to watch the dark arms while they're gone and the mission is on.
While on the plane ride to the base. Galahad and Percival talk about Shadow. Galahad is rather disappointed Shadow acts so distant, he's always wanted siblings. Maria has been sweet, but she still feels detached and Eclipse hasn't talked to him period. The cat revealing that she had read over the files that Tails had on Shadow's birth. The information explains some things but not others, the closeness between Shadow and Eclipse is explained by some magic linking the two as Black Arm "Princes", being born from the Black Arm king's blood, however how did Maria fit into the picture? What happened to Shadow's other parent? Did he perish? Where was the Black Arm kingdom? Did it crumble? Leaving Shadow without a family or crown to inherit? Is the reason Shadow is so distant with him because he doesn't want to replace the Black King with their father? Sadly however, Galahad doesn't get to dwell on his questions, as he has to watch as his brother and king jump out of the flying machine for an air drop assault.
Omega, Rouge and Tails with air support keep the badniks outside busy, while the rest of the team goes inside. First the stumble upon a storeroom that thankfully has Caliburn. However, it becomes rather evident that this whole thing was trap, as soon they come face to face with Metal Sonic and a Roboticized Lancelot, wielding Arondight. A fight quickly breaks out, the rest of them covering Maria as she tries to jerry rig the equipment in the room to try and reverse the change. Eventually Metal gets knocked to the side, and this gives Maria chance she needs successfully reversing the transformation, much to everyone relief. However the moment is short lived, Metal is never down for long, and to escape he shoots the still woozy Lancelot.
A hasty retreat is call, cause good lord, a hedgehog should not lose this much blood. A GUN medical center is happy to take Lancelot in, however they need information from a next of kin and Galahad knows nothing of their modern medicine. Shadow and Maria thankfully step in at that point (they know how to talk to doctors), and they settle in for the long wait. At some point Shadow drags Galahad off to the showers, the grey hedgehog still being covered in blood. Which leads to a little bonding between the two. Commander Tower comes down to figure what the hell is happening, because when his assistance came running to him saying "Shadow" was just admitted to surgery, he thought there was a new weapon threatening the world. Only to be less then thrilled with the whole medieval knights thing, since it means a lot of paper work for him.
Eventually, Everyone (including Lancelot, he's at major risk for post-op infection at the hospital, and Shadow, Rouge and Maria are first aid trained) just heads back to the Team Dark Apartment and once there set up, crashes. Shadow gives up his bed for Lancelot, and bunks with Maria, who insisted on a "Sibling Sleep Pile", while everyone else piles on their massive couch. At some point in the night Maria realizes that Galahad never went to sleep, staying perched at his father's bedside despite looking half dead, and drags him to join her and her other brothers and the Dark Arms for the night.
Galahad wakes up the next morning, too Shadow and Eclipse leaving the room. He follows them and is roped into helping them make breakfast. The grey hedgehog ends up asking about the whole Hive mind thing, since it's very clear the other two are having a conversation without speaking. He quickly learns that Eclipse talks a lot more willingly then Shadow, however when the Topic of Black Doom comes up and Galahad starts pushing a little two far, Eclipse subtlety points out Shadow's back scars from the Doom Wings. Galahad quickly catches on, and his opinion of the Black king drops greatly. Once the smell of fresh waffles hits the air, the other occupants start to wake up. Rouge makes coffee (giving straight beans for Shadow and Maria, with a disgusted look), and maybe hooks Gawain on the stuff.
The topic of finding the other blades come up, at this point all they have are Caliburn and Arondight, and reasonable that Eggman took the others with him as he escaped. So, they spend a few hours making plans to go Eggman hunting. Sonic pulls, Tails, Gawain, Percival and Omega out into the field to get information, and start tracking. They take shifts looking around, using the Team Dark Apartment, and Tails' workshop as home bases. During this time a number of interactions happen. When Galahad is ordered to take a break from sitting at his father's bedside he's sparing with either one of the knights or trying to learn some of the battle tactics his new brothers and sister employ. Sonic would take Gawain over to Angel Island to see what Knuckles knows and the echidnas get along like water and rain. While Rouge introduces Percival to the wonderful world of grave robbing.
Lancelot wakes up a couple days later. Galahad was forced to go to bed once 1 am rolled around, so Sonic and Gawain took over watching the wounded knight. They get him caught up, before bringing in Galahad, leading to a touching father-son reunion. Bullet wounds aren't fun to heal from, so despite waking up he's still pretty much not field ready yet. So, he has to entertain himself with speaking to those taking short breaks from searching. This gives him to talk to his sons knew siblings the sheer number of them, unknown to him but not unwelcome. Maria and Eclipse are the most open to talking. The former being polite, curious about more swordsmanship techniques and very willing to explain modern inventions, and the latter, while clearly not Lancelot's by blood, is still clearly a child on some level and will blabber on about anything given the chance. Shadow however, is distant, much to Lancelot's disappointment. Galahad would mention that the scars on Shadow's back were from his (and Eclipse's) other parent, and the elder knight's opinion of Black Doom drops greatly. No father, King or not, should ever harm their child.
Eventually the search for the other swords leads to the desert zones, and Maria pulls in Team Sahara, since no way in heck are they surviving the desert without a guide. Zero and Gadget happy to help, if Eggman is hiding out in their territory they want him gone. Even if their a little baffled by the whole knight situation (Z: how are you not weirded out? G: At this point I can't even question it anymore. M: You're weirded out, I'm living it!) Using connections to the gangs on the outer bend they find where the doctor is hiding. Long story short they take out the base and reclaim the swords.
Meanwhile, Galahad pulls Shadow out on a different mission. The young knight had noticed that while Shadow has accelerated healing, his father's has been lacking. So, he's been begging to see if they can find grandmother's lake. It was always her magic that aided Lancelot. Shadow indulges, though he's skeptical, sure spirits and immortal beings lasted a long time, but they never lasted forever. They could be killed, either by someone's hand or their power running out. Lakes hardly lasted in the modern world, they drain with dams or the landscape changes. Galahad holds on to hope until they manage to uncover the ruins of the lake. It's just another reminder that this is not the world they left so long ago. Shadow eventually asks if the lake was spring fed, and that leads them to a cave, and what's left of Nimue. She is not as strong as she once was. A fae coming to the end of her lifecycle, and unable to communicate beyond a disembodied voice. It breaks Galahads heart, but Nimue comforts him with the knowledge that while she is nearing the end, what she has left is much longer in mortal time. In return, he introduces Shadow, who Nimue is thrilled to meet. However, as much as it pains her she cannot help Lancelot. Once he is well he can return to her for her to restore the enchantments she placed upon him as an infant so long ago, but the distance is too far now. Shadow's magic comes from a different source (black doom's blood), hence no need for enchantments.
In the end, Eggman is beaten back, but he'll return. He always does. This whole situation makes Sonic think about how it would've been easier, if they had better contact with all the other heroes of the world. From an off comment from Caliburn, he starting thinking that maybe the whole table thing might need to be brought back, though it would need a better name.
Been awhile since I was part of this fandom. So, let me know you're thoughts?
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
Wait, I just thought of something...
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lines-in-limbo · 8 months ago
I've been mulling over a particular little passage in COS that often goes unnoticed:
“‘A student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber itself!’ Professor Flitwick let out a squeal. Professor Sprout clapped her hands over her mouth. Snape gripped the back of a chair very hard and said, 'How can you be sure?'”
This moment is crucial because it challenges the misconception that Snape is indifferent to his students' physical well-being. While Flitwick and Sprout react with audible shock and visible distress, Snape's response is more subdued yet equally revealing—he tightens his grip on the chair, betraying a palpable tension. It's a visceral response, underscoring his genuine concern for the safety of the students under his care. His cautious and analytical nature also emerges as he seeks confirmation to the seriousness of the situation.
This scene, occurring early in the series and long before any promises made to Dumbledore before his death, reveals Snape's innate care for his students. It's a subtle yet powerful clue to his character, challenging simplistic assumptions about his motivations.
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leglessstreetlights · 2 months ago
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fleshing out my Relativity Au some more, i fujking love these guys, they're so-
part 1/ part 2
#v's art#gravity falls#relativity falls#dipper pines#older dipper pines#mabel pines#older mabel pines#gravity falls fanart#they're in their upper 40's#we'll say they have an older sibling who gave birth to the stan's mother#bc twin genetics are passed down through the women :)#source: my family + my twin uncles on my mom's side of the family#dipper wasn't necessarily acting on as much hubris as ford#more genuine curiosity#and his reaction to getting reality shifted was “damn that's crazy”#“let me go get an adult to handle this”#cue the montage of him studying interdimensional law bc he has to represent himself in space/time court#smashcut with a montage of mabel commiting every conceivable OSHA violation possible while setting up the shack#she leans into the medium side of the business#copying what Caryn did on the phone when they were younger#but falls in love with the theatrics of it all#its not really a secret that its all fake#but her enthusiasm really sells it#its a different vibe from the stan twins bc dipper is just clever not genius level (and mabel is also smart just differently)#they're not competing as much bc gender difference (its more jealousy)((they swap later))#and theyre both fundamentally devious little shits who love a good scheme#so when dip gets home and he sees his sister for the first time running a scam wearing his name he goes “bet” and steals her's right back#there's no “leave these kids alone” its “oh thank goodness tag you're it bitch”#they fall back into step like they never left each other
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shanklin · 6 days ago
For the very sad realitivity falls au
I was thinking it really needed some comfort.
Which got me thinking about Soos, if Soos became like a son figure to Stan, maybe the opposite in realitivity falls?
Maybe Soos becomes like a father figure to Stan (dear lord that poor boy needs it especially with the whole Filbrick situation)
Stan: *sighs* Look I better go, I don’t want to burden you anymore than I already have.
Soos: Nah it’s fine dawg, c’mon, sit down with me. This cool new show is about to come on!
Stan: But, aren’t I selfish for wanting to spend time with you? Wouldn’t you rather do it with Ford?
Soos: Dude, you are being too hard on yourself. I want to spend time with you dawg, because you’re an awesome dude! *ruffles Stan’s hair*
Stan: *trying to hold back tears* I uh-have dust in my eyes.
Soos: There, there dude, let it all out. *hugging Stan*
Stan: *sobbing* I just want to be loved, but I—
Soos: I’ll be here for you
Selfish Shellfish AU - Masterpost
Rejoice, dear Anon! You’re getting out of prison early on good behavior!
Soos becoming a father like figure for Stan broke me. Haven’t stopped thinking about this since. I love it dearly.
This ask also made me realise a couple of things
I have no idea what Soos’ role usually is in Relativity Falls AUs
I don’t care. Don’t tell me. Soos is Soos. Maybe a tiny bit older than in canon. 30ish?
I imagine Stan to be like 15 in this for extra angst. He still hasn’t gotten a proper growth spurt yet and definitely has no drivers licence.
…I forgot what number four was. I was too preoccupied in outlining a fic in my head that I’m totally never gonna write. Don't look at the word count
Okay so, comfort? Sure! Dad!Soos! Perfect! Tonal shift with slight crack components incoming? More likely than you’d think!
Where did we leave off?
Filbricks dead, yaay!
Mabel, Dipper and Ford are currently having multiple breakdowns over how much they failed Stan.
And Stan? Stan’s on the run. He’s a murderer now and certain the police are after him and actually let’s say he’s right about that one. It doesn’t help that Filbrick had friends in the police force or at the very least used to pay them off on the regular.
One moment Stan stands above his fathers unmoving body looking at his hands - he really needs to wash his hands.
The next he's a state over in the middle of nowhere in a stolen car that's running out of gas with no money, no food and only the clothes on his back.
He’d curse himself for not taking supplies with him but what the point? He deserves this. He’s a murderer. A selfish, rotten, evil person. He should turn back and surrender. Get himself locked up and pay for his crimes.
But that would mean he’d have to face Ford and the rest of his family. They would come and judge him. See how bad he really is. He can’t do that. He can’t face them. He’d rather die than face their disgust and disappointment.
And yet somehow. Something in him still wants to live. The selfish part of him that refuses to shut up and let him be. That makes him do awful things and hurt others.
Everyone was right about him. So there is no point anymore in trying to be better. He might as well embrace it. It’s easier than thinking about Pa staring at him with dea-no no no no. That doesn't matter. Nothing matters except his own survival.
His car runs out of gas near the woods. It’s dark and cold and the wind howls in the distance. Stan's fight or flight instinct goes into overdrive. He desperately looks for a weapon to defend himself with. After a couple of minutes of frantic searching he finds a small pocket knife in the glove compartment. This will have to do.
There are headlights in the distance coming ever so slowly closer and Stan grasps the knife tighter.
Go away go away go away, Stan silently begs but the car comes to a halt behind him and a large man steps out.
Stan gulps and tightens his resolve. He's a criminal. A- a- murderer. He’s already done the worst thing imaginable to survive. And he will continue to survive. 
Even if that means he has to hurt and kill others. Stan steels himself and decides to do the unforgivable once more. He will kill this man, take his car and money and only live for himself.
A knock on the window. Stan lowers it, ready to strike. One swift stab in the neck and it will alll be over.
“Sup little dood! Need some help there?”
Stan falls over, he drops the knife and stumbles back shaking.
The man chuckles and picks up the knife. This is it. This is how Stan will die. Killed in the middle of nowhere by a gopher like serial killer. No one will never know what happened to him
“Here you go dude. You lost your knife. You need to be careful with these things. Could’ve accidentally stabbed me or something.”
The man holds out the knife and Stan snatches it up and moves back further, holding it protectively over his chest.
“What- what do you want?”
Stan's voice is hoarse. He hasn't used it in days, he realises. And the last time he did, he was shouting before before-
“Saw your car parked here in the middle of these creepy woods and thought you might need some help.”
"Well, I don't. So f-fuck off.” 
Stan flinches. It never ends well when he gives adults attitude. Shit. Shit, why did he do that?
Luckily the man doesn’t react to his mistake. Maybe he didn’t hear him?
“Aw dude. I’d feel bad leaving you all alone. Is your dad here somewhere?”
The man looks around for Stan's…dad. Stan's throat feels like sandpaper.
“No. He’s gone.” Stan whispers and the man's eyes soften.
“I’m sorry du-”
“Gone to get some gas!” Stan exclaims all of a sudden, shoving all his terror, anxiety and guilt into a dark corner in his mind. He needs to put on an act if he wants to survive.
“He’ll be back soon so you can just. Go.”
“Ah no. That’s alright. I’ll wait with you until your dad comes back. It’ll be great. I’ve got some snacks in my car and we can play I spy. See, I’ll start. I spy something green!”
“A tree?” 
"Woah, Dude! You’re like super good at this.”
Is this guy for real? He’s clearly mocking Stan, only. Not. He seems way too sincere. Stan hates it.
“Well this was fun, but you should really go. Stranger Danger and all that”
The man's eyes widen in shock.
“Totally forgot! Sorry, Dude! I’m Soos.”
He holds out his hand. Stan eyes it suspiciously.
“You’re not going to leave are you?”
“Not until you’re safe. Can’t leave a kid like you out here all alone. Your dad, like, shouldn’t have done that. That’s not cool dude.”
Stan might be stupid, but he's not an idiot. The guy is most definitely gonna turn out to be a creep and/or serial killer. The moment Stan lets his guard down around him he’s done for. He should insist the guy leave or better jump out of the car and run away. As starved and tired as Stan is he’d be no match for a big dude like Soos, even if he uses his small pocket knife, but he could probably outrun him in the woods.
There is no way for Stan to come out of this alive.
Either he will piss the guy off by insisting he leave and get murdered or he runs into the woods, gets lost and dies of exposure far away from civilization. 
His only other option is to wait with the guy and play his stupid games until he realises no one will come for Stan and he’s free to do as much axe murdering as he pleases.
No matter what he does. He’ll end up dead, abused and broken with no one to grieve for him. He’s sick and tired of feeling like this. Helpless. No, he needs to stay strong. Strong and selfish.
Stan takes the outstretched hand and shakes it firmly. Just like Pa taught him to do. The firmer your handshake is, the easier it will be to make a deal in your favor.
“Steve Pinington and actually I don’t think my dad will come back anytime soon. He probably got lost and is waiting for me in the next town over. Would it be okay if I hitch a ride with you?”
It was surprisingly easy to convince the man of his lie. Apparently if you get lost you should always stay exactly where you are until you’re picked up. Stan is pretty sure it doesn’t work like that for adults but he won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
New plan.
Make the creep think Stan is just a helpless, innocent and naive kid
Wait until he falls asleep and slit his throat
Take all his money and leave the country. Or something. Stans will figure it out later. Maybe he could  steal a boat…
The drive is nice. There’s food, water and warmth. It makes his hands tingle. He didn’t notice how cold he was before.
Stan gets forced into playing silly road games and when his answers become slower and he feels his eyes droop Soos turns down the music and puts a blanket around him.
Stan tells himself he's just keeping up the act and will only pretend to fall asleep but is out cold a moment later anyway.
He wakes up with a scream and swings fist at the nearest object which happened to be the face of his kind of kidnapper.
A crunch. Blood. A body lying at his feet. His hands. He needs to wash his hands.
“Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I’m sorry-” Stan can’t breathe. There’s blood on his hands. Where is he? He’s sorry.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine dude. I Shouldn’t have woken you like that. It’s just a nosebleed, see?” 
Soos smiles and holds his hands up as the blood drips down his face, over his teeth and onto his shirt. It’s not a pretty sight. Stan looks away.
“You know, one time I tried to see how many hot dogs I could eat at once but I choked and pieces got stuck in my nose. I bled out sausage chunks for like a week straight.”
A weak chuckle escapes Stan's throat. “Eww that’s disgusting.”
Soos clumsily wipes off the blood from his face and holds out some fresh tissues for Stan. He takes them gratefully. It’ll have to do until they find a proper bathroom to clean up.
“I’m really sorry.”
“It’s alright little dude.” Soos replies and ruffles his hair. Stan tenses up but lets it happen. He feels the phantom touch long after it’s gone and it takes all of Stan's self control not to trace it his head. He flashes in embarrassment. It felt…safe.
Oh, the guy really knows what he’s doing. Stan will do the world a favour by killing him.
To the surprise of no one Stan’s “lost dad” is nowhere to be found. They spend the whole day exploring every inch of the town and asking people if they’ve seen Stan's dad. Stan makes a game out of it, trying to see just how outrageous he can make the descriptions until people think he’s lying.
Soos never once questions his stories.
Eventually they have to give up their search and get ice cream instead. It's the best day Stan had in years. He feels sick.
Soos gets them a motel room and opts to sleep on the floor when it becomes clear that only single bed rooms were available. 
His kidnapper is really bad at this, Stan ponders as he watches the man snore. At this rate he’s going to develop Stockholm syndrome and fall in love with him or something. Stan grimaces in disgust. Yep. That’ll do it. He needs to kill him now and proof once and for all that he can survive on his own.
He sneaks out of bed and quietly leans over the man, knife in hand. There’s drool on Soos' face and his nose looks swollen. Stan did that. He hurt him. And Soos didn’t care. He laughed it off with a silly story and distracted Stan until he could breathe again. 
Soos grunts and Stan flinches. The knife falls out of his hands and onto the carpet, nearly missing Soos’ neck. For a moment Stan's heart stops and when it beats again it's racing. With shaking hands Stan pushes the knife into the farthest corner of the room and curls up next to Soos.
He failed.
The next morning he wakes up in bed all wrapped in a warm blanket.
Soos greets him but Stan isn’t listening. 
It's all over. He can’t do it. It makes no sense. Why can’t he do to a stranger what he did to his own father, intentionally or not. He can't remember. It doesn’t matter. It changes nothing.
Stan is stuck. He knows, logically, he could just make up an excuse and escape, but he doesn’t want to. Soos feels - it's not safe. No one is safe. But he feels harmless and he's a good distraction. As long as Stan focuses on Soos won’t have to think about anything else.
“Hey, Soos.”
“I don’t think we’ll find my father here. He probably left town already. So, eh, can I just come with you?” Stan fiddles with his hands. They always look wrong. Always a finger short. “It’s to look for my dad of course. I’ll be gone before you know it. I promise I won’t be a bother and I can help out with things! I’m good at following orders and I-”
“Dude! Dude! Say no more. I’ve so gotchu. We’re totally the same. I’m also looking for my dad.”
At Stan's befuddled expression Soos picks up the briefcase he's been carrying around and sits now next to Stan.
“You see, my dad left as well when I was little. Littler than you even and I’ve always wanted to meet him, but he never came. All I got were some postcards.”
Soos opens the briefcase and pulls out a card. Stan ignores it in favour of staring at the rest of the content in the case. Holy shit. That's a lot of money. Soos continues undeterred.
“Well, it’s always been my dream to play catch with my dad and I almost gave up on it but then I got this!”
Soos hands Stan a plain looking card.
I’m in a bit of a pickle and I could really use some help. Meet me at this address and bring 50 grand with you. You’re the best, champ.
Love, Dad.”
Stan stares at the card. Then back to Soos. Then back at the card. 
“You know this is a scam, right?” Stan waves the card in front of Soos who, stands up, grabs it and puts it back in without meeting Stan’s eyes.
“Perhaps,” Soos mutters. “But I still gotta try. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I mean I had my Abulita and she was great, but it wasn’t the same. And now she’s in heaven and I’ve got no one else left besides him. Maybe he needs the money for a fresh start and will come back home with me!”
Soos sniffles and rubs his eyes. “So yeah. Maybe it’s not the smartest thing to do, but I have to try.”
Stan hugs his knees and is quiet for a long moment.
“In my experience, money is the only thing that will make a dad like you, so it might work out after all.”
Stan peeks at Soos but it looks like his attempt at comforting the man failed. He looks even more heartbroken than before. 
Despite Stan's failure Soos agrees to take Stan with him and even suggests their dads might be at the same place. Who knows. They could be part of a secret run away dad club and play a very long and drawn out game of hide and seek.
Stan manages to muster up a smile at the suggestion and helps Soos pack their things. Not that they have much to begin with. Most of Soos things are still in the car and Stan suddenly becomes acutely aware that he still only has the clothes on his back with him. He’ll need to find a way to steal some while Soos isn't looking.
They’re about to leave when Soos spots something in the corner of the room and moves to pick it up. It’s the knife.
“Here you go. We almost forgot it. Be careful not to lose it. You never know when it might come in handy!”
Stan almost tosses the knife out right then and there, but instead he puts it back into his pocket. Soos is right. He should stay vigilant.
The next couple of days pass by like a dream. Most of the time in the car is spent playing silly word games and arguing about music. Apparently Stan has the taste of an old man. Which is ridiculous. He just prefers the classics, which are classics for a reason! They won’t be forgotten in two weeks like Soos top 20 hits.
[When was the last time Stan listened to music just because he can? How come he’s feeling so strongly about it? Music should be just a way to attract customers and nothing else. Certainly not fun. STOP HUMMING BOY]
At some point the car breaks down and Soos has Stan help him with the repairs. He makes a show of opening the hood and explaining what he’s doing. 
It’s awkward and the nervous energy Soos gives off as he keeps checking if Stan is still listening puts him on edge.
He briefly wonders if Soos is trying to place a bomb inside, but then he holds the tools out to Stan and asks him to give it a go.
Confused about the whole thing Stan does as instructed and finds himself grinning as the engine roars back to life.
“Well done!” Soos cheers and holds his palm out into the air. “Up top!”
Stan blicks and lightly taps the hand in a high six, blushing at the praise.
Soos throws an arm around Stan and guides him back into the car.
Maybe this isn’t a dream. Maybe the last three years were just a bad nightmare and he’s actually been travelling with Soos and having the time of his life, while Ford is off studying weird stuff with Grunkle Dipper.
So Stan pretends he’s just on a fun extended road trip with his friend Soos. It’s great! They eat all the junk food they can get their hands on, sing loudly to bad songs, stay up and sleep as long as they want to and visit every bad tourist trap they come across.
Those are Stan's favourites! The attractions are clearly fake and nonsensical but also the best things Stans ever seen!
Some are just a normal object but big while others try a bit harder to keep your attention with fake curiosities and stories.
There even was one Tax Education Center and Fun Park where you learned everything about the history of taxes and how to file them correctly. Or how to avoid them, if you’re like Stan and know how to read between the lines. 
Eventually, Stan managed to piss off another kid hellbent on becoming the most esteemed IRS agent the nation has ever seen. 
The fist fight that ensued will be retold for generations to come! 
Or at least got them both a lifelong ban from the museum. Stan forgot how much fun fighting was when the opponent is not double your size and responsible for your basic needs.
He leaves the kid with a short “See ya!” and starts running as the kid shouts after him in rage.
“I won’t let you get away with this, Steve Pinington! Mark my words! THIS ISN’T OVER!”
Stan is full on belly laughing when he meets up with Soos.
“Made a new friend?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Stan grins through his split lip. That felt amazing.
“Here Soos look!” Stan exclaimes as he shows off his fake abominations that he made out of junk from a nearby trash can.
This tourist trap thing is easy!
He gives Soos the grand tour around the little stand he built on the car and makes up fantastical and true stories of wonder and mystery about the items and tops it all off with the little broken toaster he found. He gave the toaster some cardboard eyes and legs that move with the help of hidden strings and voilà!
The Footbot 9000!
It even talks! Stan’s bad attempt at ventriloquism earns him some snorts and a wonderous “Woah, mommy mommy it speaks!” from the little toddler at the front of the crowd.
Wait. When did that happen? Where did all the people come from?
Stan looks around in alarm and finds Soos farther in the back watching him with glistening eyes. Is Soos crying?
Stan needs to get out of here but there's no good opening and then clapping starts courtesy of Soos.
With no escape in sight Stan takes a bow and thanks his audience.
“How much for the Footbot?” The mother of the toddler asks.
“30 Bucks.”
One firm handshake later and Stan is the proud new owner of a crumpled 20 dollar bill with more to come as more suckers have already shown interest in some of the other junk he put out.
In the back there are people whispering and pointing at Stan. He better hurry up and get out of here before he gets them kicked out of town for selling broken toasters and literal trash.
“You know I think I’ll open my own tourist trap in the future” Stan says and takes another bite of his burger. “That was fun.”
“You were amazing! I was totally entranced by your wondrous tales of mystery. You’re like a genius at this, dude!”
A genius? Him? Stan’s not a genius.
Then agaaain. Ford is supposed to be a genius and he wouldn’t be able to put on a show like this.
A giggle escapes him and he kicks his legs under the table.
He can’t wait to tell Sixer and see his dumbfounded expression. Stan the genius. HA! That'll show him for staying home and missing out on the road trip of a lifetime!
Stan hands over the money he’s earned as soon as they arrive at the motel. Stan did so well today. He’s still giddy about it.
He found himself a plan for the future, made money AND got praised. The day couldn’t have gone better.
It’s almost a shame he has to go to sleep. But alas. Them's the rules. With a quiet hum under his breath Stan starts to get ready but is stopped by Soos, who is still holding the money.
“What’s up?”
“You don’t need to give me this.” Soos looks pained. 
“I don’t understand. What else am I supposed to do with it? The room has already been paid…”
“No, little dude. You can keep it for yourself. Your company is payment enough.”
Stan shakes his head. This isn’t right. Soos is taking care of things so Soos gets to keep all the money Stan makes. It’s only fair.
“No! You keep it. I don’t want it” 
“It’s fine dude here” Soos takes Stan’s hand and pries it open trying to return the bills. They fumble around and Soos won’t let go forcing it back into Stan’s hands. Stan can’t have the money! It isn’t right. But Soos is stronger than him and refuses to let it go.
“It’s yours. I don’t want it!” Stan repeats, runs to the bathroom and turns on the shower to cancel the noise from the outside.”
Stan needs to pay Soos back for taking care of him. He already wasted so much money on Stan. On food and clothes and sightseeing. Oh. Oh no. Was the money not enough? That's why he didn’t want it, right? It was basically an insult. Here I give you two drops of water back so forgive me for tuning the ocean into a desert and wasting it all on me.
There’s a knock on the bathroom door. Stan flinches with every bang. 
“Just come in!” Stan shouts to make the noise stop.
The shower turns off and in the absence of water pouring down on him he becomes acutely aware of the wet clothes sticking to his body, dragging him down.
Soos wraps him in a towel.
“I’m sorry dude for pushing. I’ll keep the money for now and we’ll talk about it later, okay?”
Stan nods and hopes later never comes. 
Soos gets him a change of clothes, helps him dry up and guides him to bed. Stan lets it all happen. He’s too tired to think and following orders is easier. More familiar. 
Stan falls asleep to a comforting hand stroking his hair.
Life is great! Stan decides as he jumps out of bed the next morning with renewed vigor. Yesterday evening was just a bad dream and he’s ready for a bright new day.
Who knew food, sleep and good company was all you needed to be happy?
Soos throws him an odd look before leaving to get them some breakfast.
Stan shrugs it off and turns on the TV. Soos is a weird guy so weird looks aren’t out of the ordinary.
He flips through the channels not looking for something particular. It’s been a while since he last had time to sit down and watch something.
He’s about to give up and do something else when the picture on the news is stopping him dead in his tracks.
It's him. It's Stan. 
15 year old Stanley Pines wanted for questioning in relation to the murder case of Filbrick Pines. The authorities ask the public to be vigilant as he is suspected to be armed and dangerous.
There's even a reward out for tips leading to his whereabouts.
The world around him shatters.
His little game of make belief turns into shards cutting into him and leaving nothing but sharp and cold reality behind.
Just what the hell has Stan been doing?
A fun road trip? Making plans for the future? Is he actually insane?
He fucking killed his dad. Let him bleed to death on the kitchen floor as he just watched in silence.
Exactly like he planned to do to Soos.
There is no future for Stanley Pines. Or Steve Pinington. Or any other name he’s going to come up with in order to trick people into liking him for a short while.
The moment Soos finds out what Stan has done it will all be over. Soos will be just like the rest of his family and see Stan for what he really is. A rotten and selfish child. A murderer. Someone not deserving of the love and care Soos showed him.
Maybe he can trick him into believing it’s some other child on the news. Soos is pretty naive sometimes. He could make it work!
Stan shakes his head. 
No. Stan is done pretending.. Eventually someone.will recognize him and then Soos will be in trouble as well for harbouring a criminal.
Steps in the hallway. No time to think. Stan needs to escape. Now!
He puts on his shoes, grabs the jacket and Soos’ briefcase and sprints out of the door.
If the money goes to waste on a good for nothing criminal anyway it might as well go to Stan instead. Really he's doing Soos a favour.
Someone runs after him but Stan is faster.
“Dude, wait! It’s alright, don’t go. Stan, STANLEY WAIT!
Stan is already out of town before he realises that Soos called him by his real name.
To be continued
This was supposed to be just a quick summary or a couple of bullet points about how Stan and Soos could become family in this AU.
And it was also supposed to be a bit more unserious and ha ha, so what if Stan tried to constantly kill Soos and couldn’t get rid of him. But it turned out quite different and not as bullet pointy as I set out to do.
I’m still a little bit in denial about that. But Stan is in denial for most of this as well. So it fits.
I wanted to completely finish it before posting but that’s gonna take too long and I've got no time. So for now have a sad ending for the sad relativity falls AU.
Don’t worry though. It will have a very sweet happy end. With lots of comfort. Maybe.
But for now let's all imagine Stan once again all alone and on the run :D
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autumnwhistles · 3 months ago
(note: this is purely from a character perspective, not a comment on CCs.)
grian and scar have now both been in opposite positions to the original 'cactus ring', and it's so interesting to compare their attitudes to sacrifice on both ends. whether or not scar threw the fight in the cactus ring, he did offer for grian to kill him before it began. grian declined this, but was clearly fighting with the intention to win during the fight itself – he's giving scar a chance, but not sacrificing.
in secret life, scar's on the other end of things. he's fighting another winner – who herself has been sacrificed for previously – and, like grian, is going into what he assumes to be a fair fight... but which is in his favour due to the others' willingness to sacrifice themselves for him. this is a common pattern for winners: in whichever order, they take the win once, and are once willing to sacrifice themselves to let another take it.
cut to wild life.
this time, it's grian in the final two once more, yet again against an – albeit more distant – ally. he's got a win under his belt already, so you might expect him to do what pearl did, what scott did, right? sacrifice their chance at glory to let another taste it for the first time.
and yet:
"I'm going to have to kill Joel"
"Can I win this? I worked so hard on this series, I'd love to win it!"
because here's an important thing about life series!grian: though he's willing to even the playing field, he's not willing to sacrifice – not when it matters. pledge your loyalty to right a wrong, yes; give lives to gain allies hours, yes; refuse others' sacrifices to fight on fair terms, yes. but in the end, no matter how much he wants to stick with friends, no matter how bad he feels about it, no matter how may "i'm so sorry"s he gives – he will put his own life first, in the end.
there's a reason he's the reason for so many of his allies' deaths, after all. and in its contrast, the wild life finale showcases this beautifully.
(and for the record, i don't see anything wrong with this from an out-of-univere perspective – it's been 5 seasons and 3.5 years since Grian's last win, and even if it hadn't been, it's the CCs place to judge fairness, not ours.)
#it would be so SO interesting to add martyn into the mix#(<– probably my most common quote but. he's the brainrot singularity ok)#i don't doubt for a SECOND life series martyn is extremely selfish#(it was so nice to have that recognised after limlife – even if it arguably did get worse over time)#(cue cc!martyn's 'ren's death permanently made martyn more selfish after 3rd life')#but the thing is – does the win even mean much to him anymore?#he was so ready to take the crown he was so ready to end it all#and yet#next series he's right back. everything starts as normal. nothing changed#does it even matter anymore? is there a point? to me it's no coincidence he's started placing lower afterwards#(before it was 6th (last member of dogwarts to fall in 3rd life despite being on the losing side of the war) 3rd 3rd 1st)#there's no way he has of knowing his fragment was repaired by a listener – he has no idea what fragments even are + is unconscious in the-#-void + has NO idea watchers and listeners are even at play!#(that's sth there's often confusion around – he's NOT a listener in his lore! he's not on a similar playing fieldl! and though the watchers#did reveal themselves at the end of last life/ that was wiped from c!martyn's memory as he went into the light (lore stream)#he's a regular confused traumatised person whose changed for the worse over the death games whom the watchers dislike after evo#who just wants things to be over with...)#anyway this to say#though if he WANTED to get to the end i'm SURE he wouldn't sacrifice himself (c!martyn at least – it's still relatively close to the win so#-not sure abt cc!martyn)#...does he actually want to?#anyway martyn ramble over#wild life smp#wild life spoilers#3rd life smp#secret life smp#grian#goodtimeswithscar gtws#trafficblr#double life smp
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mostlikelytofangirl · 1 month ago
Dude, if I tell you after all my years of fandoming in english, I got suckerpunched by some culture shock BS that I absolutely knew about but totally forgot????
Like. For fanfic purposes I was asking around about the type of uncle WRH was to WQ and WN bc y'know, chinese is hella specific with your place in the family and how you address your relatives. Apparently, the only thing that was stated by canon is that the siblings' father was WRH's favorite cousin. I mean, not much, but it does help in putting their connection in a bit of order right?
You see. I was JUST reminded that in english- speaking countries, a cousin is any sort of relative after a certain degree of separation from your nuclear family.
But my ass is hispanic!!!
For someone to be your cousin, they have to be part of your same generation. If they are from the previous one, they are an uncle or an aunt; if they are for the next one, they are a niece or a nephew. The degrees of separation come AFTER you have established which generation they are from!
I have been just assuming that well, not much info, but at least I know WQ and WN's dad was from the same generation as WRH bc everybody agrees that the man was WRH's cousin but turns out it very well coULD MEAN PRETTY MUCH NOTHING
WRH could be freaking +100 years and be like, 3 gens above the guy!! And that's an actual real possibility bc dude's cultivation is just ridiculously high! This is a fool's errand!!
Idk why I'm so pissed about this but asdfghjkldfg FUCK
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anghraine · 1 month ago
I was just thinking about the through lines of Elizabeth's characterization and her relationship with Darcy, and I'm really fond of this one:
[Mrs Bennet:] “Ay, that is because you [Bingley] have the right disposition. But that gentleman,” looking at Darcy, “seemed to think the country was nothing at all.” “Indeed, mamma, you are mistaken,” said Elizabeth, blushing for her mother. “You quite mistook Mr Darcy.”
Elizabeth tried hard to dissuade him [Mr Collins] from such a scheme; assuring him that Mr. Darcy would consider his addressing him without introduction as an impertinent freedom, rather than a compliment to his aunt; that it was not in the least necessary there should be any notice on either side, and that if it were, it must belong to Mr Darcy, the superior in consequence, to begin the acquaintance. [...]with a low bow he left her to attack Mr Darcy, whose reception of his advances she eagerly watched, and whose astonishment at being so addressed was very evident. Her cousin prefaced his speech with a solemn bow, and though she could not hear a word of it, she felt as if hearing it all, and saw in the motion of his lips the words “apology,” “Hunsford,” and “Lady Catherine de Bourgh.”
In vain did Elizabeth endeavour to check the rapidity of her mother’s words, or persuade her to describe her felicity in a less audible whisper; for to her inexpressible vexation she could perceive that the chief of it was overheard by Mr Darcy, who sat opposite to them. [...] “For heaven’s sake, madam, speak lower. What advantage can it be to you to offend Mr Darcy? You will never recommend yourself to his friend by so doing.” Nothing that she could say, however, had any influence. Her mother would talk of her views in the same intelligible tone. Elizabeth blushed and blushed again with shame and vexation. She could not help frequently glancing her eye at Mr Darcy, though every glance convinced her of what she dreaded; for though he was not always looking at her mother, she was convinced that his attention was invariably fixed by her.
That he [Darcy] was surprised by the connection was evident: he sustained it, however, with fortitude: and, so far from going away, turned back with them, and entered into conversation with Mr Gardiner. Elizabeth could not but be pleased, could not but triumph. It was consoling that he should know she had some relations for whom there was no need to blush. She listened most attentively to all that passed between them, and gloried in every expression, every sentence of her uncle, which marked his intelligence, his taste, or his good manners.
Elizabeth was now most heartily sorry that she had, from the distress of the moment, been led to make Mr Darcy acquainted with their fears for her sister; for since her marriage would so shortly give the proper termination to the elopement, they might hope to conceal its unfavourable beginning from all those who were not immediately on the spot. She had no fear of its spreading farther, through his means. There were few people on whose secrecy she would have more confidently depended; but at the same time there was no one whose knowledge of a sister’s frailty would have mortified her so much. Not, however, from any fear of disadvantage from it individually to herself; for at any rate there seemed a gulf impassable between them.
During their [Elizabeth and Darcy's] walk, it was resolved that Mr. Bennet’s consent should be asked in the course of the evening: Elizabeth reserved to herself the application for her mother’s. She could not determine how her mother would take it; sometimes doubting whether all his wealth and grandeur would be enough to overcome her abhorrence of the man; but whether she were violently set against the match, or violently delighted with it, it was certain that her manner would be equally ill adapted to do credit to her sense; and she [Elizabeth] could no more bear that Mr Darcy should hear the first raptures of her joy, than the first vehemence of her disapprobation.
Lady Catherine had been rendered so exceedingly angry by the contents of her nephew’s letter, that Charlotte, really rejoicing in the match, was anxious to get away till the storm was blown over. At such a moment, the arrival of her friend was a sincere pleasure to Elizabeth, though in the course of their meetings she must sometimes think the pleasure dearly bought, when she saw Mr Darcy exposed to all the parading and obsequious civility of her husband.
"I [Lydia] am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much; and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help. Any place would do of about three or four hundred a year; but, however, do not speak to Mr Darcy about it, if you had rather not." As it happened that Elizabeth had much rather not, she endeavoured in her answer to put an end to every entreaty and expectation of the kind. Such relief, however, as it was in her power to afford, by the practice of what might be called economy in her own private expenses, she frequently sent them.
me, every time: oh, Elizabeth.
#there's literally no point in the book where elizabeth is not intensely fixated on darcy's reactions to her relatives#like - yes he /is/ judgmental but elizabeth is far less concerned about the opinions of other judgmental people#and i find it interesting that she keeps trying to intercede on his behalf - whether she dislikes him or hates him or likes him or loves hi#all things she feels towards him at different points! but her preoccupation with his responses and feelings about them is a constant#this is a big reason that while i am very much not on team elizabeth is secretly in love with darcy the whole time#i am also not on the ott backlash version (team elizabeth is actually indifferent to darcy for the first half of the book) either#she feels many things about him throughout the novel. disinterest is typically not one of them.#i do enjoy that this shifts from primarily being about her own visceral vicarious embarrassment and projecting her judgments onto him#to an anxiety about protecting him from situations she knows are particularly difficult for him specifically#(not like she hasn't spent a lot of time watching his every reaction like a hawk! she has good reason to know.)#but ngl my favorite is the anxious one during the lydia disaster when she's agonizing about how there's hardly anyone she'd trust more#to keep the secret - but also there's not anyone she'd rather NOT know. (elizabeth. ELIZABETH. it's fine. <3)#anghraine babbles#long post#pride and prejudice#jane austen#otp of otps#elizabeth bennet#fitzwilliam darcy#austen blogging#austen fanwank#edward gardiner
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anabetel35 · 9 months ago
Guys hear me out -- Ninjago DR AU where Morro manages to leave the Departed realm (or the space that used to be the Departed realm but is now in the merged lands) and kind of. appears on the ninja's doorstep. He's held on to a bit of his power as a way of defying destiny. The ninja absolutely hate the idea of keeping him around but he's the only one who can properly teach Euphrasia and also knows what's going on in the Departed realm.
And because he's still technically only like fifteen, not having aged since he died, he's now actually more similar in age to Sora, Arin, Wyldfire and Euphrasia than the OG ninja. Even Lloyd is/acts older than him.
He's the designated gay emo cousin of the monastery. People would definetly use that plant mister that Lloyd has on him when he's being annoying if it wouldn't kill him.
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childrenofthesun77 · 1 year ago
...okay, so I'm probably not the first person to notice this.
But gear's earing that he points towards when he says that he did the same ritual he wanted to help kuro with already on himself before:
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actually looks pretty similar to the pieces of the necklace the count used to create the servamps:
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The different pieces of the necklace seem to contain one demon each and the count used them to create the servamps.
So...did the count either learn this technique from the werewolves or is he possible even originally a werewolf himself? It would explain why he's immortal, that's why I'm wondering about this.
Gear says that the ritual is used to remove spirits, could it be that the count removed his own sins using the werewolf ritual and created the demons this way? But he went too far and removed too much unlike gear who only removed one part of himself? Him removing the sins from himself would also explain why he's so weird and doesn't understand other beings. As the sin demons say, they are a natural part of being a human and we have seen multiple times that denying their existence is harmful, removing them all from you would probably lead to you not being able to relate to other people anymore.
Maybe removing all these parts of himself is also why he has no appearance. Without his demons he's not a person anymore.
The count originally being a werewolf would also explain why he has magical abilities (gear can also use magic) before other magicians existed and why he's so anxious about certain people dying. Gear talks about how his immortality makes him sad because human friends do die, but unlike the count gear seems to accept death, grieves in a heathier way than the count and is able to move on and make new friends. Could also explain why his magic and creations are all strongly tied to the (full) moon.
Another similarity is that while werewolves apparently can't reproduce gear was able to have descendants by sharing his life force (it's mentioned in chapter 135 which isn't translated yet) with a woman and through her human children tsurugi is related to gear. Sigurd explained to nicco that the magicians came to be because the count let humans drink his blood, three survived, got magical ablities and became the ancestors of all human magicians:
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Maybe the count is more of a werecat though. He and the sloth demon do seem to have a closer connection, even though the count's appearance changes depending on the person looking at him he does usually keep his tail and the tip looks exactly like the one of kuro's cat/lion form and similar to the the one of inner sloth's non-human form.
It was also stated multiple times that the sloth demon is the strongest. I wonder why that is. Servamp comments on the fact that being lazy is often actually a sign of depression/anxiety through kuro's arc, so maybe the count was depressed and that's why the sloth demon is the strongest? Basically the demons strength depends on how much the count suffered from the different sins? It would also explain why melancholy is so strong, I assume kuro refusing to see him no matter how many siblings he sent his way to tell him to come looking for the count made him extremely sad and probably even made him come up with the plan to have himself be killed and then put in the same body as kuro through the ritual.
I assume he was behind C3 ordering the servamps to kill him because he's the one who created the magicians and thus C3 and lily who is kind of working for him was probably the one who put the idea that the count needed to be killed into the head of his eve (aka a member of the alicein family who hold a lot of power in C3 basically since the beginning. I explained this in more detail in another post). The people from C3 even said that the count can only be killed if he wants to and yeah, kuro didn't truly kill him, but he did destroy his body and kuro seems to have met little resistance when he attacked the count. Which probably means the count wanted this to happen.
#servamp#...if the servamps/demons all came from the count and the magicians are all basically the descendants of the count#does that mean this truly is all just a huge family conflict#since basically everyone involved is somewhat related to the count?😅#Sigurd says he's related to one of the three people who drank the counts blood#I'm still wondering if mahiru is special because he might have the blood of all three bloodlines#and C3 has a rule in place that forbids all three bloodlines from crossing#probably put in place by the count or lily#and that's why akira told nobody who the father of her child was#I still like my absolute crack theory that because mahiru might have “more” of the counts blood in him that he has no fixed appearance eith#But because he's so normal everyone perceives him as normal so nobody noticed until now that mahiru looks slightly different to all of them#honestly it would explain/excuse some questionable choices made by characters who as far as we know should be good people#Like why akira didn't tell anybody who the father was#why tooru tried to avoid being seen with mahiru in school by always saying he's to busy#Why tooru told mahiru not to tell the secret to anyone else#and why mahiru was raised as mundane as possible and as far away from C3 as possible#even why tooru kept his work for C3 secret from mahiru even after mahiru made the contract#and why he still didn't tell him the name of his father#If people know your relatives they start comparing you to them#If people knew that touma was mahiru's father they might expect mahiru to look like him#If people only knew mahiru was related to akira and tooru they would expect him to look like them#If people at school only knew mahiru but never met tooru before mahiru's appearance to them might be too different from tooru#Touma saying mahiru looks exactly like tooru doesn't disprove this crack theory either btw#Touma sees mahiru as tooru 2.0 and he's not 100% convinced he's actually mahiru's father so mahiru appearing as a copy of tooru makes sense#Just like mahiru would perceive himself as looking like akira and tooru because those are the only close relatives of his he knows#Sorry but I'm having too much fun with this crack theory#the twist that raising mahiru as the “ordinary high school student” was all a plot by his family#to keep people from noticing that they don't actually agree on what he looks like is too funny to me
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poparthuriana · 5 months ago
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The first two of these are referring to Lancelot, the third presumably to Morgan, who is winning their poll (in such a landslide I think I can go ahead and say it, even if some people who haven't voted see this). It seems we're in agreement that chess pieces are being eaten here but not in agreement by whom. So, just for fun...
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jellojolteon · 4 months ago
"My uncle works for Nintendo and he said—" YEAH WELL MY COUSIN WHO WORKS FOR NINTENDO SAID not that much actually because Nintendo is pretty secretive about their IP and even if he did divulge anything to me, he cares about his job and I respect him enough to not repeat anything said to me in confidence
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carry-the-sky · 1 month ago
#watching fandom drama play out when you're still mostly lurking in said fandom is a surreal experience#part of me is sort of relieved that i haven't been more active#would i have joined that server? would i have been one of the people they bullied?#i'm a mess of contradictions: i crave community but am terrible at all the things you need to cultivate it#i'm anxious and awkward and overthink every little interaction#but i've lucked out and found some really stellar fandom besties over the years who make me feel loved and accepted anyway#it takes a certain kind of bravery to put yourself out there online. a certain level of trust.#so for a group of people to actively choose to betray that trust in order to. what?#gain some imaginary amount of social clout? promote a fic? feed their own insecurities?#it's honestly beyond comprehension for me#i'm a relative nobody in this fandom so i'm not sure how much weight this will carry#but for what it's worth#having lurked here since last september#the broader community feels like it's a safe space. a space built on acceptance and love.#i've recently chatted with a few different people who have been nothing but lovely and i'm hoping that those conversations continue#and even though putting myself out there on discord feels like a nigh impossible ask atm#(did anyone else not know that secret channels were a thing? what in the supervillain hell!)#i'm gonna try my damnedest#fandom is bigger than one person. correction: one bully. bc that's what she is. a bully.#and i'm heartened that most everyone has rallied to show her and her cohort the door#to anyone affected by her bullshit. i love you and i'm so sorry and i hope you find a true safe space#ANYWAY#pass the what a year huh/lemon it's january meme#good omens
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epickiya722 · 8 months ago
After this moment in chapter 19...
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Alma then snatching the ring back after Utsuro takes it, I need to know the connection between these two. HOW DO YOU KNOW ALMA?! WHAT'S THE CONNECTION?!
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skepticalcatfrog · 3 months ago
Benedikt and Dimitri perfectly capture the awkwardness of interacting with your cousin's other cousin
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mars-ipan · 1 month ago
what is lovemaol
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i do not know how to even begin to explain something that i can barely comprehend
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