#scythe board game
games-franco · 1 year
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Scythe is an engine-building game set in an alternate-history 1920s eastern europe. Players control factions that produce resources, develop economic infrastructure, and build dieselpunk mechas to control territory and engage in combat.
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telamonz · 9 months
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rifle scythe ( phighting! ) stimboard for myself
☠︎︎ - with cowboy-related gifs and such ☠︎︎ - i'll probably remake this ☠︎︎ - no nsfw interaction please ! ☠︎︎ | 🏜 | ☠︎︎ 🏜 | ☠︎︎ | 🏜 ☠︎︎ | 🏜 | ☠︎︎
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drewnsberg-ext · 9 months
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Scythe (board game). Polania Republic, Anna & Wojtek, mechs.
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clankhead · 7 months
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Avalon Hill
Starting off the Heroquest villains collection with the best part about the game:
Boney Boys
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kithpendragon · 10 months
My friend @eaglehorn has asked me to help her make some already-awesome game pieces even more exciting! We'll be painting this tray of minis together and I figured I'd take the opportunity to post a step-by-step of the process for anybody who wants to personalize their own board game minis for the first time. We'll keep everything beginner-friendly and bring all these models to a tabletop standard with lots of photos along the way. I'll tag all the posts in this series #KP2023SCY to make them easy to find, and I'll create an Index post that links to all of the others when the series concludes. If there's a part of the process you'd like to see specifically, hit me up in the comments and I'll do my best to cover that topic!
Preparing to Paint
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These are from Scythe, and look at all those rivets! These are beautifully sculpted and molded figures with no obvious mold lines, so we can skip the step where we use an old hobby knife or sandpaper to grind away the extra plastic that we don't want.
The packaging also protected them well during shipping, so the deformations are few and slight. We could straighten out any badly bent parts if we needed by applying some heat. I use some hot water - about 50C (100F) is hot enough to soften the plastic but not so hot as to burn the skin. Hold the bent part in the water for 20-30 seconds, then bend it just slightly past where you want it. I find most minis spring back slightly over the first few days after this treatment. You'll need to hold the part in place as it cools, and this bit can be made faster with some cold water if you like.
Next, I give all the figures a bath in cool soapy water followed by a rinse in clean water and a light scrub with some isopropyl alcohol. I use dishwashing soap because it gives a very clean rinse. We're making sure we get any hand oils, dirt, plastic dust, and left over manufacturing residues off of the surface. This helps the paint to stick better and keeps the finished minis looking amazing for much longer.
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Next step: Priming (goes live 2023NOV21)
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galgannet · 1 year
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Миниатюры для Серпа. Оказалось красить шерстку очень даже приятно.) 
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toveryn · 2 years
Hey everyone! Tonight is the wednesday variety stream and we're playing Scythe with a bunch of friends! Come hang out and listen to us being idiots!
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retrogamer2099 · 16 days
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Retro_G is back with another Doom SnapMaps art cover! Now that Templar Knight has crushed the demon's ritual attempt he returns to Mars facility to destroy the legions final attempt at sacrifice to the pits of hell. Like comment and Subscribe! THX.
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meepleflix · 2 months
Scythe: Invaders From Within
A fictional documentary inspired by the Scythe universe!
let me know what you think!
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games-franco · 1 year
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Played Scythe for the first time!
I can’t recommend it enough 😁👌🏼
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goldenrods · 2 years
also currently playing Scythe Automa
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unpretty · 2 months
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humble bundle has a bundle of digital board games to benefit the world wildlife fund! the tiers are
$7 for root, scythe, and sagrada
$10 adds munchkin and wingspan
$15 adds everdell and terraforming mars
$18 gets the full bundle with dune:imperium and quilts and cats of calico
here's my affiliate link if you're interested, my partner already got the small bundle but i'm very tempted by the full bundle tbqh
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drewnsberg-ext · 9 months
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Scythe (board game). Rusviet Union, Olga Romanova & Changa, mechs.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
for the ask game! how about granta omega?
Sometimes, there are doors to the spirit world in the most convenient places.
Granta slips out of the wild tangle of electric and organic and into the sterile halls of the Senate building, light on his feet in the darkness. The air here hums, heavy and dark, and Granta breathes it in and smiles.
It never fails to satisfy, the fact that so many thousands of benders and Force-sensitives are so desperately chasing one poor, powerless thief around Coruscant, howling like tookas that just got their tails stepped on.
Well. For certain definitions of powerless. And poor.
Pulling his hood up, Granta hums a quiet tune, scanning the Vice-Chancellor’s office. Mas Amedda isn't quite stupid enough to leave proof of his involvement with the Sith out in the open, but it’s a near thing. And he’s certainly not that careful with proof of his corruption. If Granta didn’t know better, he’d think Mas Amedda was outright asking for someone to blackmail him into betraying Palpatine, and, well. Granta will graciously take him up on the offer if he’s so desperate for it.
It only takes a few moments of slicing to find what he needs, and Granta tucks the data chips away in his coat, neatens the office to erase all signs of his presence, and heads for the hall. There’s another door into the spirit world three levels down that opens up in a plain half-consumed by wires that grow and leaf like vines, and from there Granta knows a path through one of the more misanthropic spirits’ territory, leading to another exit deep in the Undercity. As much as Granta enjoys making the Senate Guard pull their collective hair out over his entrances and exits, sometimes it’s more productive to get out with less of a fuss—
Glass cracks, shatters, and the wind howls like an enraged thing, so strong that for an instant Granta is almost spun off his feet. He snarls a curse, wrenches around, and stopping a bender’s power is possible but not here, not suddenly. Getting away is a better plan, because once Granta is out of sight he’ll be faceless, unremarkable even to a clone trooper.
When he goes to run, though, the airborne shards of glass that are supposed to be shatterproof are still spinning through the air, and the trooper in the center of the storm has his blaster up and aimed, perfectly steady despite the gale.
All benders are at least a little annoying, in Granta's perfectly objective opinion, but airbenders are some of the worst.
“Surrender,” the clone says, a clear warning, and Granta rolls his eyes even as he takes a half-step back, gaze flickering up and down the hall. Getting back into the spirit world is possible even without retreating to the door he emerged from, but the idea of giving away what he is so early in the game is disappointing. Granta was hoping to see the Guard scramble around looking for clues for at least another few weeks while he set up all the pieces on the board.
“Little old me?” Granta asks, pitched to faux innocence that’s meant to infuriate. He takes another step back, calculating his odds of getting into Mas Amedda’s office again before the clone can reach it. “I'm just doing my civic duty. Shaking off a few cobwebs, uncovering the truth about our esteemed leaders. Are you really going to persecute me for that?”
“No,” the clone says, entirely, delightfully unimpressed. “I'm going to persecute you for burglary and breaking and entering. Hands up.”
Obligingly, Granta raises his hands, palming one of his knives as he goes. “Really,” he drawls. “How uninspired of you. Commander, wasn’t it? I think I've seen you around before—”
Movement. Impossibly quick, almost as quick as a Jedi, with the force of a hurricane behind it. Granta flings the knife even as he throws himself to the side, hits the ground and rolls beneath a scything kick, a burst of air so concentrated that it leaves a dent in the wall. It just misses him, though, and Granta whirls grabs for the blaster at the small of his back and puts two shots in the air—
Impact, hard enough to steal his breath, and the clone commander slams him up against the wall with all the force of a tornado, grabs for his hood—
The face is as easy to slip into as a new coat, and Granta throws his hands up, turns his cheek like he’s braced for a blow as the dark hood falls away. The commander freezes, breath catching audibly, and Granta looks up at him with a clone’s face, eyes wide.
“Commander,” he says, and it wavers, almost cracks—
“Fox!” another clone shouts, and instantly Fox is moving again, grabbing. Granta throws himself to the side, but Fox follows him, hits the ground on top of him, and Granta laughs as he lets his own face flicker back into being.
“Fox,” he repeats, halfway to mocking. “What a good name.” In an instant he’s pulled that face up, twists out of Fox’s grip as a sleek black fox and flips free, then bolts sideways even as the other clones lunge to catch him. This shape is quicker than a Human, though, and in an instant he’s hurtling back towards Mas Amedda’s office, rounding a corner with Fox scrambling behind him—
One step sideways, a leap, and he’s back in the spirit world, landing lightly amidst a forest of trees with metal-veined leaves, the mortal world falling way behind him.
“Thank you, Mother of Faces,” he says lightly, and when he rises it’s as a Human again. The opposable thumbs are so useful, after all, even if wearing different faces all his life has left him only vaguely attached to any of them.
And then, with a whirling gust, wind sweeps through the forest, rattling the tree leaves and startling Granta. He whirls, and across the half-there shimmer of distance that marks the separation, he can just see Fox in his bright red armor, stalking up the hall and straight towards the spot where Granta vanished. He stops there, close enough to touch, and even if Granta can't hear what he says when he raises his comm, he can guess. Laughs, leans in, and there's no way for Fox to feel the brush of fingertips that aren't in the same plane, but Fox still pauses, turns his head.
“How interesting,” Granta says, and he can feel the shard of the Mother of Faces inside him, present since the moment he was born, turn towards Fox in contemplation. She likes the clones, so set in their identity, forging their own faces out of sameness. And that makes Granta like them, too.
Of course, that doesn’t mean he can't play a few games, particularly when it comes to toying with Fox. The man is interesting, after all.
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kithpendragon · 10 months
This is part of a series explaining the step-by-step process I use to enhance a set of minis that come with a board game. The whole series is tagged #KP2023SCY to make it easier to find.
Most minis are molded or printed from plastic, metal, and resin. All these are non-porous materials that, when very clean, should take a coat of paint without too much trouble. Especially with plastics, priming isn't strictly necessary. So why do we prime?
For me, priming does three things. First, it locks in that clean-enough-to-paint surface under a coat of paint that's designed to take more coats easily. Second, it opaquely covers up the original color of the mini, affording me a bit more control over the final product. Finally, it provides an opportunity to examine the details of the sculpt more easily due to Zenithal Highlighting. More on that in a minute.
I prime with a rattle can from the hardware store, which gives me perfectly serviceable results without too much work or cost. If you like, you can buy primer sold specifically for minis for about five to ten times the price of the hardware store stuff. The purpose-made primers are said to be designed with smaller pigments and spray more smoothly. If you happen to own an air brush, you can prime with that for much more control.
When priming with a rattle can, I start with a row of minis stuck to my trusty Priming Stick with some blue tack.
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I take this and my paint outside (because fumes), and carefully spray the group black from as many angles as it takes to get full coverage.
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You can stop here if you like, and often I do. Having the whole figure painted black allows for very fine control over the lighting when it comes time for that. But priming is also an opportunity for Zenithal Highlighting. By lightly spraying the mini with white primer from above you can approximate lighting as though the figure is outside, and bring out the details so you can more easily plan your painting.
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I've elected to paint one faction at a time because that's what fits nicely on my stick. I let each one dry to the touch (it should say on the can how long that takes) before moving on.
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With all the figures painted, I'll leave them to dry fully. Ideally that means "until I can't smell the paint anymore" and that depends on airflow, humidity, temperature, and the secrets of the universe. Practically, you can usually get away with painting on top of the primer after a couple of hours. A good middle ground here tends to be "the next day".
Next: Materials and Equipment (probably)
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