#scotland gra
testogeldyke · 2 years
i am so tired. i am so tired. i love being trans. i love my trans friends. i love my trans community. i would not swap my trans experience for the world. i love being t4t i love being androgynous i love being trans!!!
I hate watching Westminster absolutely shred any chance of legal recognitions, Scotland's GRA, make us all the topic of the month, i am so exhausted watching every conversation about trans people turn into spite and transphobia.
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
Don’t want to spoil the other post but a transphobe reportedly flashed their genitals from the public gallery.
Normal behaviour.
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I love this idea that now that the GRA Reform has passed that suddenly sexual predators will enter women's public toilets, as if there was some magical barrier stopping them from entering before this reform was published.
Do y'all know just how many times I've seen cis-men in women only public toilets. I lost count before I was even in high school.
Nothing stops anyone from entering whatever toilet they want. This legislation does not affect the rights of women in the slightest.
If you're worried about sexual predators entering public toilets, then I hate to tell you this, but literally nothing has ever stopped them from doing so before. A door with a gendered sign on it is still just a fucking door. It's not some magical forcefield.
Sexual predators have always been capable of entering women only spaces. Claiming that this legislation is the reason they are able to do so is ridiculous. Maybe reevaluate why you think like this.
The people benefitting from this, are transmen and transwomen.
Take your terf rhetoric and ram it up yer arse
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bunger-royale · 2 years
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poniatowskaja · 2 years
WOMEN wearing suffragette colours have been told to leave a committee room where MSPs were discussing Scotland's controversial gender reform laws.
Scottish Parliament security told one woman that her purple, white and green scarf was "political". Another woman wearing a purely purple silk scarf was also asked to remove it if she wanted to stay and listen to the debate in Committee Room 6. One of the women, who tweets under the name Obsolesence, told The Herald she had been attending committee discussions on the Gender Recognition Reform Bill for months, but that this was the first time she had been asked to remove her scarf.  She said she had been sitting in the room for the first ten minutes of the commitee's scrutiny of the more than 150 amendments to the legislation, when the clerk asked her to remove a scarf. When she refused she was then asked to leave. The women asked a security guard why now and not before, he said they had previously been "missed."
The woman - who spoke on the condition of anonymity - said: "I asked how they could be political when several of the MSPs and their advisors are wearing rainbow lanyards and he squirmed and said 'yeah I understand'." MSPs who questioned the decision were told it was because the colours breached the code of conduct for visitors, which states that anyone coming to Holyrood must not display "banners, flags or political slogans, including on clothing and accessories (such as face coverings)." Scottish Conservative MSP Russell Findlay said: “It’s shocking that the Scottish Parliament thinks it’s acceptable to police a woman’s clothing in this manner with the order to remove a scarf in the colours of the suffragettes. “To do so during the discussion of a Bill that would limit the rights of women and girls makes it even worse. “You can buy items bearing suffragette colours in the Scottish Parliament gift shop but for some baffling reason, you can’t wear these colours while listening to a committee. “Nicola Sturgeon herself has worn a suffragette scarf in the Scottish Parliament, so this decision makes no sense. “The Parliament fashion police need to think again. To call suffragette colours 'political' is a complete overreach and troubling attempt to control people’s lives. "In 2018, the First Minister and a number of female MSPs marked the centenary of the Representation of the People Act, which saw women given the vote for the first time, by wearing scarves in the suffragette colours in Parliament. The SNP's Joanna Cherry took to Twitter to criticise the decision. She tweeted: "It seems no rule has been broken so this woman should be readmitted or the @scotparl could face a claim of discrimination on the grounds of belief, particularly where MSPs are permitted to wear rainbow colours. This is not my Scotland." Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone later apologised on behalf of the Scottish Parliament. She said there had been an "error."
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vvrgo · 2 years
every time i think westminster surely cannot get any worse they do
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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mr-crow-man · 2 years
Never been so proud of my country 🏳️‍⚧️
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westeroswisdom · 2 years
Remember Karl Tanner? He was a mutinous member of the Night’s Watch who killed Jeor Mormont and Craster and then set up shop for a while at Craster’s Keep. In the clip above from S04E05, Karl’s stint on GoT ended when Jon Snow and other Night’s Watch brothers caught up with him. 
Tanner was portrayed by actor Burn Gorman who had the honor of inaugurating the salmon season this year on the River Tay at Meikleour in Perthshire, Scotland last week.
Actor Burn Gorman opens salmon fishing at Meikleour
The article made no mention of whether Mr. Gorman caught any salmon.
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redeyedroid · 2 years
In case anyone was wondering, I'm incandescently angry that the UK government would provoke a constitutional crisis over a piece of legislation passed in the Scottish Parliament that is essentially merely a streamlining of administrative processes to make the lives of trans people a little easier. A piece of legislation that has next to no effect on the day to day lives of anyone who lives here; that mirrors that in 33 other countries, notably Argentina; that has been debated and amended over the 6 years it made it's way through Parliament; that has been subject to multiple public consultations; that every serious feminist and women's rights organisation in Scotland supports; and that is a matter fully devolved to the Scottish Parliament and has fuck all to do with them.
This is being done because an unelected Prime Minister sees Conservative support melting away after 12 years of governance-by-asset-stripping. He realises he can maybe shear off some support for the SNP by attacking the most stigmatised and demonised people in our society because Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland stands for trans rights.
The Tories have focus grouped this. They've strategised their culture war attacks and fascism. The Tory minister who blocked the legislation doesn't know what a Gender Recognition Certificate does, but he does know that they are protecting women and children. They will stand for the rights of women and children as long as they don't arrive on a beach here by getting off a boat from France. As long as they aren't poor, reliant on food banks and free school meals. As long as they aren't victims of the Metropolitan Police's endless lineup of sex offenders. As long as they aren't trans.
And Keir Starmer, leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, will stand with Sunak because he's a milquetoast fuck who'll throw the Labour Party In Scotland (who campaigned for GRA reform in their last manifesto!) under a bus for fear of upsetting the Daily 'Hurrah for the Blackshirts' Mail.
Fuck Sunak, fuck Starmer, fuck their supporters, and fuck their patriarchal fuckery. A plague on both their houses.
I don't support independence because it'll bring us riches. Chances are it'd be a economic supernova far, far worse than Brexit. I support it because it's the only chance I see of making in this country a progressive, equal society, away from the incessant othering and demonisation of anyone the tabloids take a disliking to, be it trans people, refugees, or whoever the next in line is. The truth is that no elected government in London will work for that. So independence is the only option. I'll welcome anyone from anywhere who wants the same thing for Scotland and oppose anyone who wants a Scotland that doesn't work for it's most vulnerable citizens.
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puddle-turtle · 2 years
with all due respect, would the member kindly shut the fuck up
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
Scottish Tories whining about the amount of time the debate has taken. Jeremy Balfour weaponising marginalised groups and Meghan Gallacher moaning about Scottish parliament not being 'family friendly'.
It is *your* party that have forced votes on every tiny text-fix amendment. It is your party that has constantly interrupted proceedings to say the same shit. Also I'm sorry, but if you're an elected official - the occasional late night vote comes with the territory. Yes, we should make politics more inviting and accessible but one late night to sort a key bit of legislation is not a big deal.
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Scotland's Gender Recognition Reform Act just passed and I'm so, so thrilled about this!
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elicatkin · 2 years
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quick note for all my non scottish followers: you will likely see uk media referring to the GRA reforms that just got passed in holyrood as 'controversial', that is an incorrect statement. the GRA reforms had a majority support from all but one major party (i'll let you guess which one) and won the vote with a substantial majority. Scotland is in absolutely no way perfect and neither is our politics, but trans rights are not controversial here amongst anyone who's not a vitriolic transmisogynist.
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kolajmag · 9 months
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Recycle Challenge, Reverence & Calls to Artists
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FROM THE ARTIST DIRECTORY Reverent Three-Dimensional Art Benjamin Malay | Seattle, Washington, USA
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