Soundtrack, Life's flow
I'm proud of this title for some reason
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Prompt #1089
"Why did you come back?"
"Because I forgot something important."
"Oh, what did you forget?"
"You, you idiot."
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What is...
On every What is Wednesdays I will explain a trope, a rhetorical device, or a literary technique in a few sentences. Put in the comments what you would like me to explain next.
What is... a drabble?
What is... dead dove?
What is... archetypal characters?
What is… deus ex machina?
What is… whump?
What is... plot bunny?
What is... canon vs. fanon?
What is… a headcanon?
What is… a plot hole?
What is… retcon?
What is… WIP?
What is… a sequel hook?
What is… a crossover?
What is… crack?
What is… a rarepair?
What is… a red herring?
What is… fluff?
What is… smut?
What is… OOC?
What is… a missing scene?
What is… Coda?
What is… a trope?
What is… Alpha vs. Beta Reader?
What is… a cliffhanger?
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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Silly drunk dialogue
Can also be under the influence of other stuff.
"Oh, look at the stars! Ursa Major… so beautiful!" "We're inside. Those are just ceiling lights."
"Please don't leave me!" "I'm just going to the toilette." "Can I come with you?"
"My arm is floppy. I'm like a puppet."
"Can you be my girlfriend?" "I already am." "Oh, lucky me!"
"Let’s go play baseball!" "Your shoulder is dislocated, maybe not right now."
"You look almost as pretty as this moon." "That's a street lamp." "And you're almost as pretty."
"Have you ever thought about penguins? I think we should think more about penguins."
"You have a stupid face and it's my favourite one to stare at."
"I will definitely remember this tomorrow! How could I ever forget?" *doesn't remember anything in the morning*
"Oh, I think we haven't met before." "We have been in a relationship for five years now."
"You should go, otherwise I'm doing something stupid. Like kissing you or falling asleep on the bathroom floor."
"Let's get you home." "Oh, mine or yours?" "Ours." "Oh, wow!"
"I'm totally, absolutely, not at all drunk at all. Like... at all."
"Why are you all laughing? That is not very nice. I haven't even told my joke yet."
"How many drinks did you have?" "Yes, yes I am."
"You are too beautiful for me." *starts crying*
"Why are you undressing?" "Because it's hot! And I'm hot!"
*starts singing a remix of all their favourite songs*
*then starts crying, because their own voice is too beautiful*
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Ideas of fatal character flaws? :3
Hi :)
Fatal character flaws
Aristotle calls this ‘Hamartia’ - a tragic flaw or error. It can be anything happening to good or bad characters, even otherwise good character traits and with good intentions that ultimately lead to the character’s demise. They are often traits that don’t neccessarily lead to someone’s downfall, but can if they’re done to an extreme. So think of these otherwise normal ‘flaws’ as extremes.
ignorance - not seeking helpful knowledge
selfishness - not thinking about others
curiosity - getting involved in things they shouldn’t get involved in
impetuousness - being too passionate/ not thinking before acting
pride - not giving in/ not taking help from others 
hubris - exaggerated opinion of oneself/ thinking nothing can get to them
lack of self-control - can’t help/stop themself
indecisiveness* - not being able to make decisions
confirmation bias - only taking in information that supports one’s own belief 
arrogance -  thinking they are superior
Have fun!
- Jana
*Interesting example: Chidi from The Good Place. A morally great character who is so extreme in always trying to make the right choice and therefore not being able to make a decision until it is proven to be right, it basically lands him in hell.
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Reactions to... seeing someone again after a long time
"Long time no see."
"Wow, I mean, how long has it been?"
"It's really good to see you."
"You have not changed at all."
"No way! What are you doing here?"
"Hi, I... I don't really know what to say."
"Is it okay to give you a hug?"
"I am so happy to see you again."
"What have you been up to?"
"Not sure where we stand right now."
"This must be fate, right?"
"I told you we would see each other again."
"You were the last person I expected to see here."
"Not a day went by without thinking about you."
"I can't believe it's really you."
"How is [insert partner] doing?"
"Oh hi. Interesting to see you here."
"I have waited so long for this moment."
"How's life going for you?"
"And now we're here, once again."
"I wasn't sure this day would ever come."
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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How to create an atmosphere: Supermarket
advertisements for products
big signs showing discounts
aisles full of colorful products
fresh produce
employees in matching uniforms
all different kinds of costumers
with shopping carts
with children running around
with a stroller or toddlers sitting in the shopping cart
with a service dog by their side
the sound of shopping carts being pushed and bumping into shelves
parents calling for their children
people talking on the phone
a man asking his wife if they still have enough toilet paper at home
someone asking the employee where they can find something
music interrupted by announcements about promotions the store is doing
the surring and beeping sound of the cash register belt
the sound of the electronic doors opening and shutting again
the stickiness of the floors
the differents textures of each item they think about buying
the coldness and often stickiness of the handle of the shopping cart
the sudden wetness from some products that are either fresh produce or where the package is leaking
the smell of spilled drinks that someone dropped and left for the employees to clean up
the smell of cleaning products from them having to sweep it up
the smell of hand sanitizer
the smell of different products the costumer holds up to their face and smells to decide if they like it
the horrendous smell of deposit machines where you return your not quite empty beer bottles to and the leftover liquid spills everywhere
different samples offered at the supermarket
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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How to create an atmosphere: Supermarket
advertisements for products
big signs showing discounts
aisles full of colorful products
fresh produce
employees in matching uniforms
all different kinds of costumers
with shopping carts
with children running around
with a stroller or toddlers sitting in the shopping cart
with a service dog by their side
the sound of shopping carts being pushed and bumping into shelves
parents calling for their children
people talking on the phone
a man asking his wife if they still have enough toilet paper at home
someone asking the employee where they can find something
music interrupted by announcements about promotions the store is doing
the surring and beeping sound of the cash register belt
the sound of the electronic doors opening and shutting again
the stickiness of the floors
the differents textures of each item they think about buying
the coldness and often stickiness of the handle of the shopping cart
the sudden wetness from some products that are either fresh produce or where the package is leaking
the smell of spilled drinks that someone dropped and left for the employees to clean up
the smell of cleaning products from them having to sweep it up
the smell of hand sanitizer
the smell of different products the costumer holds up to their face and smells to decide if they like it
the horrendous smell of deposit machines where you return your not quite empty beer bottles to and the leftover liquid spills everywhere
different samples offered at the supermarket
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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How to create an atmosphere: Supermarket
advertisements for products
big signs showing discounts
aisles full of colorful products
fresh produce
employees in matching uniforms
all different kinds of costumers
with shopping carts
with children running around
with a stroller or toddlers sitting in the shopping cart
with a service dog by their side
the sound of shopping carts being pushed and bumping into shelves
parents calling for their children
people talking on the phone
a man asking his wife if they still have enough toilet paper at home
someone asking the employee where they can find something
music interrupted by announcements about promotions the store is doing
the surring and beeping sound of the cash register belt
the sound of the electronic doors opening and shutting again
the stickiness of the floors
the differents textures of each item they think about buying
the coldness and often stickiness of the handle of the shopping cart
the sudden wetness from some products that are either fresh produce or where the package is leaking
the smell of spilled drinks that someone dropped and left for the employees to clean up
the smell of cleaning products from them having to sweep it up
the smell of hand sanitizer
the smell of different products the costumer holds up to their face and smells to decide if they like it
the horrendous smell of deposit machines where you return your not quite empty beer bottles to and the leftover liquid spills everywhere
different samples offered at the supermarket
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
Part IV
"It's going to be okay. I promise you."
"Let me feel your temperature."
"Can you just look at me? Please?"
"You can trust me. I hope you know that."
"Is there something I can do to make it easier?"
"Please talk to me. I need to hear you."
"We'll be fine. I know it."
"Let me wipe those tears away."
"You're doing amazing, I'm so proud of you."
"It would make me feel better to know that you're alright."
"Can't you see that you are being loved?"
"Do you want me to hold you?"
"You're comfort is more important to me."
"Thank you for sticking by my side."
"I never want to be a reason for you to hurt."
Hurt/Comfort Masterpost
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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Fantasy Names III
Aithne (f)
Elderic (m)
Minne (f)
Valira (f)
Isidor (m)
Marabella (f)
Albion (m)
Gloriana (f)
Sakura (f)
Wolfram (m)
Azahara (f)
Neizan (m)
Malasintha (f)
Sonora (f)
Zabel (m)
Rosamunde (f)
Jamilian (m)
Sybella (f)
Alamea (f)
Gael (m)
Tamar (f)
Kamilla (f)
Burr (m)
Alias (m)
Emmeline (f)
Kuno (m)
Rosella (f)
Maura (f)
Iker (m)
Hemma (f)
Disclaimer: You can, of course, use any name you like for any genre of story. Some of these names are from actual mythology, some of them I just liked as names in a fantasy story.
More names!
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While the dwarf dragon and the rest of the guild were arranging the place for a camp, the android and the nymph went foraging for some tea ingredients.
"I'll be counting on your affinity with the forest, I know that artificial beings like me are not all that welcome"
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Soulmates AU Masterpost
Soulmate AUs
Multiple Soulmates Prompts
Dark Soulmates AUs
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March Prompts 🍀
Word prompts to use for doodling or writing
grass green
cherry blossom
four leaf clover
flower crown
nature walk
brick house
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Angsty Dialogue Masterpost
Angsty family/platonic dialogue
Angsty Questions Prompts #1
Angsty Question Prompts #2
Angsty Question Prompts #3
Angsty/Fighting Dialogue Prompts
Concerned/Angsty Question Prompts 
Angsty Starters
Angst Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starters #1
Angsty Sentence Starters #2
Leaving Dialogue Prompts
Reunion Dialogue Reactions
Unwilling goodbye + love confession prompts
Trying to make them stay dialogue prompts
Betrayal Dialogue Prompts
Hiding from horror dialogue
Finding out the truth dialogue
“I’m sorry…” Apology Starters
Apologizing for emotional neglect
Desperate Dialogue
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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As night approaches, she laid her head upon his synthetic body.
" What are you doing? You know I'm not organic, nor do I have a heart. What comfort can I even provide?"
Although he was confused, as his computing mind did not understand some behaviors, he had no intention of stopping her.
" We feel... warmth... from here... safe... calm..."
And with no more words, the veil of night brought that day to an end.
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The deepest sorrows are behind the warmest smiles
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