#scorose fic
souptastical · 2 months
✨Calling all fans above 21!!✨ (im assuming if your below you will have no recollection of the sites im talking about but idk surprise me lol)
give me the name of a lost-fanfic & the now dead site it was on- I wanna start making my collection of lost-media fics, thx to how I was able to acquire the 'delicate" series
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ohmygodshesinsane · 25 days
rereading just another midnight run god this fic slaps
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languidbones · 9 months
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The semi-darkness gentled the harsh lines of his cheekbones, the devious stare she knew so well now softened into something boyish and gorgeous… In her arms, all his diamond-sharp edges were blunted by a blinding, heartrending affection. For her. And she, in kind, felt all sorts of tender and bruised on the inside for all of the reasons that somehow led back to him.
It must be love.
| A Bouquet of Scandals (Scorpius Malfoy / Rose Weasley) | Chapter 46: The Arrangement
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phoenixlionme · 11 months
My Favorite Fictional Couples Part 42
NOTE: Be respectful of my choices; the OTPs are not ranked, just of who I thought when making this list.
Kill La Kill: Ryuko Matoi + Mako Mankanshoku = Ryumako
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2. Codename: Kids Next Door: Wallabee "Wally" Beatles aka Numbuh Four + Kuki Sanban aka Numbuh Three= Walluki
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3. Codename: Kids Next Door: Hogarth "Hoagie" P. Gilligan Jr. aka Numbuh Two + Abigail "Abby" Lincoln aka Numbuh Five = Hoagabby
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4. Harry Potter franchise: Scorpius Malfoy + Rose Weasley = Scorose
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5. DBZ franchise: Krillin + Android 18 = K18
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6. TLOK: Jinora + Skoochy = Jinoochy
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7. Disney's Bambi: Thumper + Miss Bunny = Thunny
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8. Dreamworks' 3Below: Prince Krel + Mary Wang = Krary
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9. Fionna and Cake: Gary Prince + Marhsall Lee = Gumlee
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10. Chuckie franchise: Jake Wheeler + Devon Evans= Jevon
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fidgetyweirdo · 1 year
Hello my Next Gen siblings! After almost SIX years, the wonderful Janel has stepped down and the lovely, artist extraordinaire @eleonorapoe and I are the new, bubbly, fresh-faced admins at the long-running next gen server.
We're both really wanting to breathe new life into a fandom full of some very awesome people. Come chat and help Next Gen rise, like a phoenix from the ashes!
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ravenclawstearoom · 10 months
Currently having the OPPOSITE of writer's block. I am having writer's word vomit. and I LOVE IT
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alohaemora · 2 years
Day 12: Rose
Thirteen Days of Christmas
A collection of thirteen seasonal one-shots — one for each of the Weasley-Potter grandkids (including Teddy, of course). Chapter artwork by the lovely, incredibly talented @thecatisdrawing.
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"Hey," Rose said quietly, reaching out and taking his hand. "Where's this coming from? We're hardly ancient, Scorpius—we're wizards. We've got decades ahead of us."
Scorpius's jaw clenched. Rose peered at him closely, pressing her lips together against the sudden tightness in her throat.
They did not speak often of his mother. Her untimely death had devastated Scorpius—and his father—so thoroughly that Rose could not bear the pain it caused him to remember the many things he had loved about her. Albus had met her a few times, had been there for Scorpius in the very worst days of their third year, but Rose had learned of Astoria mostly in bits and bobs, in odds and ends of old, fond memories—and it had become clear to her, over the years, that the joyful, persistent, fiercely loving man she'd married was every bit Astoria's son.
She was certain that Astoria had loved Christmas, too. That she had roused her grouchy husband in the middle of the night to help her wrap presents for their son. That she had dreamed of many Christmases she'd never made it to.
That Malfoy Manor had become a much quieter place in her absence.
Read Chapter 12: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus on AO3. Read from the beginning on AO3.
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clairelutra · 1 year
#augtickletober2023 - Day 1: Anticipation Harry Potter, Rose Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy, G, 500 words
She should have insisted on taking the notes, fourth year Rose Weasley thought ruefully as she watched the large white plume of her Potions partner's quill wave around. Mommy dearest must have sent it to him in one of his care packages.
Bad enough that she had been stuck with Malfoy all this year, now he got to wave that... thing in her face while she was stuck was handling dangerous ingredients.
(She was handling flobberworm guts and the potion was a mild wetting potion—extra-wet water that never dried out—but those were details.)
She was banking on the fact that Malfoy was even more meticulous about his grades than she was, and wouldn't dare flicking out that plume and brushing it over her ears and neck if it meant she might ruin the potion.
...He wouldn't dare, would he?
Just look at that crooked mouth, sliding into a crooked slice of an evil smirk. Just look at those pale, spidery hands smoothing down his parchment. Just look at the way he was handling that feather quill, deftly flicking back and forth as the delicate, terrible tips swayed in pure menace.
Goosebumps raised on her arms as she contemplated it, her heart pitter-pattering.
Malfoy looked up, seemingly oblivious to Rose's reddening face, and studied their cauldron. "Potion's starting to turn blue."
"Bugger," Rose swore, and lurched to finish measuring the flobberworm guts.
Somehow—though, to her chagrin, it required Malfoy's stupid bloody help—they finished the potion without messing it up.
Rose took out the big ladle and carefully filled a vial for Professor Slughorn's appraisal. Holding it up to the meager light, she admired the clarity of it, only the faintest of blue tinges to suggest that it wasn't water—unlike some of her classmates, whose vials ranged from aquamarine to orange.
She was surprised (not disappointed, surprised) that Malfoy hadn't tickled her with that giant feather of his at any point in class when usually he was all too happy to attack her whenever he bloody well saw her, but—
As soon as her shoulders dropped, something big and soft and far too light caressed her jaw and throat, sending fizzling squiggles through her muscles.
"Ah! Hey!" she yelped; the vial dropped to the ground and shattered. The white plume just started to dance, teasing her sensitive skin. "Ah-ha-ha-hee!"
He was merciless, targeting her neck and collarbones even as she danced and squirmed away, shoes crunching in the glass shards and her hysterical squealing giggles piercing the shuffle of the class as they prepared their own samples.
"Now, now, that's enough," Professor Slughorn boomed jovially, not a moment too soon. "Horse around after class."
The feather withdrew, leaving Rose gasping and fizzling and overwarm. She turned to glower at her evil, evil, treacherous classmate.
Malfoy just sat there, one leg tossed lazily over his other knee, waving the plume of his giant bloody quill mockingly, the grin on his face only a huff of breath away from a snicker.
She puffed her cheeks and stuck out her tongue at him, but he only laughed, the noise warm enough to tickle her bones.
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stephsycamore · 8 months
Harry pitter fanfics that are old but i have intense memory of and need to know if anyone else does too and can u locate some of them??
1. Stygian trilogy. Actually don't need help locating I know where to find this i just really loved and think its great and want to talk about it. Its a next gen trilogy that starts with a weird disease putting hogwarts on quarantine and then becomes this insane very well researched adventure around the magical world. Very cool worldbuilding also scorose
2. This one where i literally do not remember anything else except I think it was scorbus and they move to syria and become aid workers and like toe the line of statute of secrecy and adopt a child
3. One called lady malfoy it was dramione obvs and i think is gone from the internet but was so good and hermione was pretending to be malfoy's wife for some reason and malfoy manor had this scary half ghost half banshee thing with a tragic backstory that draco was trying to protect/defeat
4. This fic about merope gaunt and tom riddle sr lol where like if she had just been more patient he probably would have actually fallen in love with her
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heatherleighann · 1 year
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Today’s post is brought to you by Chaser’s Retribution by toninor 💗 It’s giving Dramione vibes but also Casper. Mostly based on the quote I gave. But now I can’t unsee it 🥰
This is a Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley fic. Listen I LOVE Scorose. I used to write as Rose back when tumblr roleplays were super popular. I haven’t read Scorose in like 10 years though because I have high expectations and love them so much. But this fic? It was perfection. From start to finish. Enemies to lovers, great banter, mutual pining, miscommunication, protective Potter/Weasley clan. It had everything. Also Molly Weasley (the second) as a seer?! I love her. I need more. Albus was alright really well done here which since Cursed Child I don’t see very often 😅 I guess I should tell you some plot right? Rose and Scorpius are rivals at school, fighting for not only top grades but also out pranking each other. Chaos ensues. There is a time jump to adulthood where we find them as unlikely.. friends? After Scorpius seeks career advice from Rose. I don’t want to give too much away but just trust me when I say this is amazing.
For the Swifties it’s giving You’re on your own kid and Invisible String
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souptastical · 23 days
i wanna write a nextgen fic SOOO BADDD but i dont even know where to start/main plot point...
to think my last nextgen fic was right at the movie release of deathly hallows p.2 (so literally like 13 years ago) is just wild lol
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hollyparker · 3 months
➺ Name: Holly or Kiara (not my real name, though I wish either was)
➺ Birthday: August 7th
➺ Hobbies: Just reading (I'm boring, I know)...
➺ Zodiac: Leo (idk much about this, only about me)
➺ Personality Type(s): INFP-T or ISFP-T
➺ I really like Greek Mythology
➺ Multifandom (though, at the moment, I'm hyperfixated on HP)
➺ I'm pretty open-minded and like trying new things
➺ I love art, especially fanart! Artists have my heart forever and ever; they’re gifts sent from the heavens. Here to bless us with their glorious minds and talent 😚❤️✨
➺ I love genderbent or genderbending characters (i.e., fem!Harry, fem!Percy, etc), though there's never really any good fics about them. It's a struggle out here :c
➺ I'm a canon and fanon follower
➺ I’m a Golden Trio fan & Marauders fan (specifically the Potters).
➺ I actually really love Jily, Hinny, Romione
➺ Characters I stan: Harry (but I am the chosen one) Potter, Perseus (I didn't want to be a half-blood) Jackson, Sakura Haruno, Bonnie Bennett, Hope Mikaelson, Jean Grey, Wanda Maximoff, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Nightwing, Matt Murdock, Midoriya Izuku, Yuji Itadori. There's more, but I can't remember at the moment.
➺ I am a hardcore women lover (platonically, I think...), okay? So if you're misogynistic, then please stay far far away from me. Thank you!
Fun (or not so fun) Fact About Me ↓↓
• I'm very introverted and VERY indecisive (and I mean this for everything). I cannot, for the life of me, decide on what exactly I like or don't like. Especially in fandoms, for like ships and characters. Some days I'll hate a character (or a ship), then the very next day I'm swinging my feet, giggling, and jumping up and down reading a really good fic on them/with them or I saw some really good fanart or character analysis of them. Like, I'm not on anyone's (or maybe I'm on everyone's) side. I'm just in the middle, listening to everyone, being swayed back and fourth. I'm basically a double agent or spy (Severus Snape type beat, honestly). • I have the worse memory ever, and I really mean the worst. I not only can’t recall things from my childhood but I can’t recall what I did the previous day. I forget things so fast. I’m always forgetting if I’ve eaten or not.
My Other Socials & Stuff ↓↓
My (maybe) Controversial Takes ↓↓
➺ I'm anti Jegulus. Do I like Regulus? eh, it depends. Do I like James? Of course! 100% but do I like them together? ab-so-lute-ly not, hard pass. This ship is the one ship I can't ever get behind (but if I see some really good fanart of them and I really like it, you best believe I’m going to heart it or at least comment on it because, while I don’t ship it and never will, you, my brilliant, beautiful artist, did a fantastic job, and I hope to see more of your work.)
➺ While I love James Potter, I do in fact believe he was a bully because he was (as was Sirius). You will not and cannot change my mind on this. He was not all sunshine and rainbows and perfect. He was an annoying teenage boy who did annoying teenage boy things. He’s human, he’s imperfect, and he has flaws. Let them show and free my boy from the shackles of Fanon.
➺ I’m not at all a Wolfstar shipper (though I can tolerate it). I honestly think Prongsfoot is way better than it, whether it's platonic and/or romantic
➺ I don’t mind Blackinnon (Sirius/Mckinnon), Remadora (Remus/Nymphadora), Prongsfoot, Rarry/Ronarry, Harmione, Drarry, Dramione, Scorbus, Scorose
➺ I am neither a Snape stan nor a hater, but I do think he’s an interesting character or could be if people gave him a chance and explored him more instead of scrapping him and jumping straight to the next DE (death eater) they deem "good.”
➺ I honestly find the Death Eaters (or Knights of Walpurgis) and the Volturi (from Twilight) to be interesting. Though, I obviously don’t support or condone what they do/have done
➺ I actually enjoy “HP and the Cursed Child”, though it’s not because of the plot/story, it’s because I love Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Also, the fact that Harry kept the Parseltongue.
Disclaimer (of sorts) ↓↓
• I'm not bashing or hating on anyone that likes different things from me, and it's never my intention too. If you happen to like a character/characters or a ship/ships that I typically wouldn't, then that's fine! there's nothing wrong with that, like what you want and who you want. Though, the one thing I can't really stand are those hypocrites that hate on/bash people for liking a character that they don't like because "they've done awful things or are an awful person" (which, ok, valid), but than turn around and like other characters that have done the same things or worse. Like....what? what gives you the right to hate on people for liking a character that has done bad things, when the character(s) that you like aren't/isn't any better? There is no high ground here, you're not special or better than anyone else. If anything all of your characters are bad people, so neither of you can really talk about the other, literally hop off. I would like to add that you don't have to like a character, if you don't like them than you don't like them, that's okay. It is only when you are actively bullying and downgrading real life people for a character that they like, that it's problematic. • Shipping isn’t my main focus. I’m here to have fun and focused more on the actual story, the friendships, adventures, and so on. So don’t come on here starting ship wars and demanding I tell you why I ship or don’t ship certain things.
• The most important thing to remember is if you don't like a character, ship, or anything that I happen to like and you take time out of your day to come at me for it. I want you to know that I read your comment, then I looked left, looked right, looked up, looked down, reread your comment, and still couldn’t find where I was supposed to care. I.do.not.care. Don't like it? Leave my page; it’s that simple! XOXO, I hope you have a blessed (or a better) day!
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roseweasley-nextgen · 10 months
a spicy scorose fic
i'm tired she complains. after only 30 minutes of studying, she has had enough already. then come here he said and pointed to his lap. surprisingly, her discipline was not large enough to keep her on the sofa with her laptop and she stood up and walked over. she managed sitting onto his lap facing his face while he kept brainstorming on his essay. feeling a little wild, she started moving her hips against his and soon heard his breath going faster. baby he said, i like that. she took his face into her hands and kissed him. even though he tried concentrating again and again, he enjoyed the movement against his lap too much. it felt electric between them and they ended up in their bed - of course.
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millennialgrandma · 11 months
January 2023 - Retroactive Words Recap
The fact that this little bitch has been sitting in my drafts for 10 months is quite frankly, nothing short of criminal.
Things I Wrote
There weren't a lot of my own words that happened in January (however, looking back, it was probably my most prolific month of the year. which is honestly devastating to think about.) I know I put in some time on the dramione MCD fic (switched it to first person POV for maximum pain). I also squeaked out I can't wait to see you again (dramione, E, 1.9k) right at the end of the month.
Things I Read
January was the first of the very busy stressy depressy lemon zesty months. My reading that month was almost entirely a product of several bouts of being a horny monster, which meant the pairings (and fandoms) I read varied. Lord only knows how I fell into HotD.
Complete: (approx. 116.5k)
Only for Love by dalula (druna, E, 4.1k)
Yes Mr. Malfoy by @emotionalsupporthufflepuff (draco/rose, E, 1.1k)
Lessons by orphan_account (scorose, E, 1.3k)
Grindhouse by @provocative-envy (draco/rose, E, 2.2k)
Draco's Birthday Wish by sarahsempra (draco/hermione/ginny, E, 6.3k)
When Snakes Bet by peach_poppy (dreomione, E, 13.5k)
Take a Chance by @acciomjolnir (nevmione, E, 4.7k)
Summer Healing by emsie_writes (ronmionarry, E, 5.4k)
Future Thinking emsie_writes (ronmionarry, E, 4.9k)
Reread: Under the Moonlit Sky by arabellawrites (harmony, E, 5k)
Come to Me by @frumpologist (sirius/ginny, E, 2.4k)
Reread: Movements by @olivieblake (sirius/pansy, E, 2.6k)
Run For It by @provocative-envy (sirius/pansy, E, 4.4k)
How to Drain Your Dragon by @vukovich (luna/charlie, E, 3.7k)
Long Jacket by Willowfairy (parkweasel, E, 5.5k)
Mile End by @pacific-rimbaud (parkweasel, E, 8.4k)
Reread: Tied Up by @ladykenz347 (percy/pansy/hermione, E, 3.6k)
Reread: Incensed and Aroused by @ladykenz347 (parkweasel, E, 4.3k)
Useful by DontStopHerNow (parkweasel, E, 1.6k)
Boyfriend Dick by @fw00shy (parkweasel, E, 3.9k)
the difference between (being fucked and being taken) by LumosLyra (parkweasel, E, 1.7k)
Grey Days by MidnightChardonnay (parkweasel, E, 2.1k)
A Very Merry Christmas by @a-loveunlaced and LumosLyra (arthur/hermione, E, 3.9k)
jailbird by cordeliacordate (harwin/rhaenyra, E, 4.7k)
Partition by elegantmoonchild (harwin/rhaenyra, E, 1.4k)
A Terrible Lack of Respect by obsidian_hearts (harwin/rhaenyra, E, 7.6k)
menace. by orphan_account (harwin/rhaenyra, E, 0.7k)
Punishment by pecanbrandies (harwin/rhaenyra, E, 2.7k)
Reread: Practical Punishment by rockthecasbah18 (harry/rose/draco, E, 3k)
WIPs: (approx. 18.6k)
Kingdome Come by @inadaze22 and @jaxxartbox - Chapter 11-12 (dramione, E, 12k)
Good by @lovesbitca8 - Chapter 6 (dramione, E, 6.6k)
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ravenclawstearoom · 10 months
Chapters 2 & 3 are up!!!! I love writing these feisty little first years and their stubborn refusal to all be friends. 
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Tagged by @ashleyfanfic First and last lines of my last five fics.
I'm being VERY strict here, so even if it's a short line of dialogue, that's the line. And it's very obvious that I like to start with a longer descriptive passage and end on a FUCKING SHORT LINE. XD Skipping the two WIPs:
Towards the Finish of the Year First: The townhouse was full of people, warm and toasty from the press of the crowd at Parvati's Christmas party. Last:"Let's show off our son."
A Gift For Her is a Gift For Him First: Draco paused, toothbrush still in his mouth, as Hermione came into the room, wand threaded through her bun and his white shirt half-buttoned over her chest, and slid both arms around his waist to lay her head on his back. Last: "I love you."
On the One Hand (Scorose) First: The door of her flat slammed open and a pointed blond whirlwind entered, coat and hat abandoned on the floor, shopping bags dumped on the kitchen table, stack of magazines tossed onto the floor beside her sofa. Last: "I've already won."
Maybe Later First: "Happy birthday," Hermione murmured into the pillow as Draco placed a gentle kiss between her shoulder blades. Last: "Time to unwrap your present."
What Is Necessary First: Hermione took a deep breath, listening to the sounds of three people moving through the trees. Last: She had a war to win.
Tagging @wordsmithmusings265 @magicaltraveler3 @misdemeanor1331 and everyone who likes these memes bc I haven't had a lot of caffeine today and my brain hurts XD
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