v. quaint
121 posts
He made her heart feel inadequate. She wished she was indeed the sky, large enough to embrace the scale of what she felt for him.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
languidbones · 3 months ago
Listening to TTPD and realizing The Bolter is so ABOS Scorose decoded 🥰
SO ON POINT!!! Thank you so much for this recc - I added this to the soundtrack!
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languidbones · 3 months ago
hi! do you plan on finishing a bouquet of scandals??? i am completely obssessed with this story
Hello sweets. The short answer is yes but if I write it the way I set out to do it, it's definitely going to be 100 chapters which is. A lot. Or maybe I'll end it somewhere earlier and write the rest as a sequel. Thank you for reading, notes like this one remind me to hurry tf up. :(
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languidbones · 3 months ago
Hey I love abos I’ve been reading it since I was in grade 11 and just graduated uni, I reread it recently and realised just how nostalgic it makes me. So keen for any updates but am also happy with everything you’ve give so far (it’s all amazing). Anyway i hope you’re well !
Dear god this lovely note made me realise how freaking long it's been since I started A Bouquet of Scandals, it's wild. I've literally moved countries twice and changed careers 4 times since. I've been well, thank you my dear. I finally updated!!!! Shocking I know, it's been a year. Have a wonderful Christmas.
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languidbones · 3 months ago
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“Rosie…” The hoarseness of his voice beside her ear put a flutter in her stomach. “You were magnificent.”
“Was it something I said?” she asked cheekily. She’d sensed this was coming the moment Scorpius stared oddly at her during the negotiation with Creevey. Like she was some sort of revelation.
He liked it when she stood up for herself. Very much, apparently.
| A Bouquet of Scandals (Scorpius Malfoy / Rose Weasley) | Chapter 47: The Interview
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languidbones · 7 months ago
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— Michelle Williams
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languidbones · 1 year ago
i just read a bouquet of scandals for the first time all the way through--and then immediately reread it. it's taken up every spare minute this week. i am so, so enthralled with this universe and these characters. they are all so wonderfully unique! rose in particular is beautifully drawn, i've never read a romantic heroine quite like her, and it's really satisfying reading scorpius's POV because he takes such open delight in her strangeness. i love that you lean into what an odd couple they are. they shouldn't work, and yet they suit each other so well! too many lovely worldbuilding details to count. i'm especiallly fond of greta the giant squid.
you move through mood and genre so gracefully. i was struck in particular by the gleeful brutality of the quidditch game; i've read a fair amount of potter fic featuring quidditch but never enjoyed reading a game so much! and then there's the gentleness and the poignancy of the music scenes! scorpius playing piano, rose lending him her heart! i loved how cuddly you write them, the story is packed with physical affection and kindness in a way that makes their love more convincing than a fast burn would have been. that line about scorpius seeing through the curtain was pristine!
i am on the edge of my seat to find out what happens next. i'm so eager to read how they decide to take on the scandal sheet amidst hermione's political rise, how their families cope with their's all built up so perfectly. every scandal in the bouquet! hope that you know how talented you are and feel proud of your writing because you deserve to be. it is gorgeous
Ahhhhh this really made my day! Such detailed and thoughtful feedback. I'm super fond of Greta the Giant Squid too. And I love that you mention the cuddliness because that's the kind of relationship I love reading... it's the seemingly small, cute gestures that feed into a more urgent intensity. I lean hard into their Scorpio/Pisces vibe, it's just dreamy as hell.
A lot more scandals to come, that's a certainty. Thank you for for reading and following the work, despite its slow-going!
+ Sending love to everyone who sent me notes of encouragement over the past few months... I appreciate all of you sooooo much.
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languidbones · 1 year ago
Hey! I just wanted to tell you how much i love ABoS. Of course we all love our main couple but i need to tell you how much i love whatever is happening with Albus and Poppy like a separate fanfic just for their thoughts at the beginning at their relationship all those years ago. Hope you’re doing fine! ♥️
I haven’t been able to reply everyone but I’m constantly amazed by the number of asks I get about Albus and Poppy. What do you love about them? 👀
I know we’re some ways from it because I am slow, but I meant to write a sequel post-ABoS that has a deeper focus on Albus. So I promise that is in the roadmap. We’ll get there!
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languidbones · 1 year ago
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The semi-darkness gentled the harsh lines of his cheekbones, the devious stare she knew so well now softened into something boyish and gorgeous… In her arms, all his diamond-sharp edges were blunted by a blinding, heartrending affection. For her. And she, in kind, felt all sorts of tender and bruised on the inside for all of the reasons that somehow led back to him.
It must be love.
| A Bouquet of Scandals (Scorpius Malfoy / Rose Weasley) | Chapter 46: The Arrangement
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languidbones · 2 years ago
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No, unfortunately. I don't like having my work on more than one platform :< That said I'm aware ffnet has awful rules on more intimate scenes, so never say never honestly.
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Hi anon! Yes, I have snippets (of everything and everyone!) but I'm not sure about posting it here – that's because it'll be part of the fic for sure! Hope you can stay patient anyhow, I know I've been gone a long time.
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Thank you so much anon. I just really haven't had time to write. I had so many people ask if I'm going to abandon ABoS and the answer is no! The long story is I switched jobs awhile ago and now I work at quite a demanding company, so whatever time I do have I'm spending with family and cats. I will eventually get back to ABoS, I'm just sorry I don't have a timeline for it now :( But thank you – and the many others!!!!! – who send me notes like that from time to time! I miss all of you too, and I definitely miss Scorpius and Rose.
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languidbones · 3 years ago
Novel recs?
Sleep With Me by Joanna Briscoe – I was lukewarm about the actual story, but absolutely obsessed with the author's tone. I found the writing style evocative and a little bit creepy, and I enjoyed her word choices immensely (because of this novel I started a list on my Notes app called beautiful words, to collect pretty phrases).
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke – I imagine this is what the Harry Potter series would have been like if it were written for adults, but that's kind of reductive because this was a masterpiece in its own right. Humorous and dark, incredible world-building, and delightfully English.
Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino – Japanese authors and thrillers: name a better combo. Generally novels (and songs) translated from Asian languages tend to provide unique imagery and fascinating viewpoints. I also love in-depth character studies, and this was that.
Essays in Love by Alain de Botton – Non-fiction, but great for life. Recommended reading for anyone hoping to understand love and all of its glorious complexities... and how wonderful and terrible it is.
Thanks for asking, anon!
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languidbones · 3 years ago
Hi! How's everything going? We miss you🥺🤍
Promise I'm okay, hope you are doing well too @leighwasabi! Writing has been on the backburner for me recently. I've been reading a lot recently (for people who don't know, I literally only read Star Wars fic and historical romance novels...). I'm honestly not sure when I'll go back to writing consistently – work has been really intense. Not the best excuse but it's the truest! I miss you all a lot too – do send me a message if you'd like to talk.
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languidbones · 3 years ago
How be 2022
Hello sweet anon thanks for this loaded question lol. 2022 has been whip-fast for me, hbu? I haven't been writing much, it's just a lot going on at work, and after moving countries I'm trying to sort out my new home. Also been grappling with life and figuring out my priorities. I hope everyone is doing great too. Sorry I haven't been present much :(
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languidbones · 3 years ago
Excuse me what is this talent :( Thank you so much for your art I am not deserving!! Please continue blessing us with your Scorose art my dear.
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"Malfoy. I just want to study Grindylows in peace. And if it means being with you, then so be it." A loose crowd was gathering now. Rose gave Scorpius a somewhat apologetic smile, lifting her headphones to her ears. Mozart—how wonderful, she thought absently. Then, before Scorpius could react, she said, as loudly as she could, "Oh, Scorpius! Of course I'll go out with you!" Shock crossed Scorpius' features, but it was too late—the cameras were flashing, and students and journalists alike had gathered around them. Rose couldn't hear them past the Mozart, but from the wide-eyed fury on Scorpius face, she supposed a little kiss wouldn't hurt. So she jumped on her toes, fisted the front of his sweater, and brought his lips down to hers. To anyone else, the way his fingers fisted in her hair was an act of passion. To her, it was a warning. She pulled away from the abrupt kiss, flashed him a grin, then ducked under his arm and scampered off. Scorpius Malfoy was officially a Weasley conquest—and one she planned to keep.” -Chapter 1, A Bouquet of Scandals by Languidbones I LOVE this fanfiction and if you are a fan of Scorpius/Rose you will love it too! It is so well written and I can’t wait to read more! This was my attempt of their kiss moment! I don’t mind critique but I’m also doing this for fun
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languidbones · 3 years ago
Missing ABoS!! 😭❤️
I miss it too! Hope to update soon (this weekend? Fingers crossed). Had to relocate again recently so life's been pretty mad :')
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languidbones · 4 years ago
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A Bouquet of Scandals || a scorose fic || the cast "We have the right to make our own mistakes, don't we?"
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languidbones · 4 years ago
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His thumb came to stroke gently at her chin, coaxing her to open up to him, to let him kiss her deeper. Rose pulled away ever so briefly, but Scorpius didn't let up, chasing her tongue with his own, the mischief in his next kiss making her giggle. She glimpsed his fond smile as he lowered his head into her shoulder.
"You're so fucking adorable," he breathed, his gravelled words muffled against her skin. "No way I can study now."
| A Bouquet of Scandals (Scorpius Malfoy / Rose Weasley) | Chapter 43: The Rag
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languidbones · 4 years ago
When Rose flooed into the Abraxus House, it was as though she brought the sunshine in through the fireplace. The drawing room was barely furnished, yet appeared utterly complete the moment Scorpius heard her running footsteps. Her embrace was fervent as he caught her in his arms, their first kiss of the summer punctuated by her affectionate laughter—oh, he missed her, he missed her so much he could not bear to let go—his lips finding hers at every turn, every corridor, her hands running up under his dress shirt as his fingers moved deftly to undo her sundress.
They were inseparable. They made love that afternoon, hidden away from the world in a cocoon of fresh sheets. He kissed the blush into her freckled skin, returned every one of her caresses, her soft gasps like music to his ears. The summer light escaped the curtains and danced in her hair; he saw the sky in her eyes. In her tender embrace, his heart was home.
Rose shared his pillow, their hair spilling gold and red on a white cloud. She couldn’t stop touching him, irresistibly impish each time; he punished her mischief with feverish affection. Yet, she studied him with an artist’s eye, observing the way streaks of light fell across his face with a curious, girlish wonder. More than once, she traced a finger across his profile, as though to carve him into the memory of her drawing hand.
And he—he was so in love he wanted her again, over and over, the sharp pangs of missing her now outdone by the tender ache of cradling her in his arms, gorgeously warm and happy against him. Perhaps, between spells of their lovemaking, his face buried in her neck as he lost himself in her completely, he gasped stay, stay, stay.
And Rose must have heard him somehow, because she never left. Every morning after, he found her on his pillow, close enough for him to count her eyelashes.
– A missing scene between Chapter 8 & 9, Art & Alchemy (Scorpius/Rose)
Had a beer, wanted to share a hidden excerpt. :) I tried to work this into the story but it didn't fit. But here it is.
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