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luuletus-ee · 2 years ago
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- Lilia63
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ifpoetiswhoiam · 5 months ago
Pilk virvendab ees, süda on
Langenud saapasäärde, ei ole
Päris kindel oma järgmistes
Käikudes, aga ikka olen
Tänulik, et mul on aega
Ja ruumi olla üdini
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allionnii · 2 years ago
ok but real question: which types of porridge do people typically eat savoury, and which are eaten sweet? for example: never heard of savoury mannapuder
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analogwriting · 11 months ago
Fic Masterlist
It Comes in Waves - Law x gn!reader (Finished)
∞ Deep Water Waves, Tsunami, Capillary, Surging, Plunging, Surging, Tidal, Breaking, Internal, Seiche, Spilling, Refracted, Progressive, Kelvin, Corduroy Swell, Neap Tide, Shoaling, Diffraction, Fetch, Grinding, Trough, Whitewater, Peak, Crumbly, Wind Chop, Leftover, Amplitude, Bathymetry, Closeout
Childhood Crush - Killer x gn!reader (Finished)
∞ Mo Laochain, Tungsten, Steel, Carbon, Copper, Brass, Alloy, Wrought Iron, Cast Iron, Nickel, Tin, Zinc, Stainless, Cobalt, Magnesium, Bronze, Titanium, Silicon, Praseodymium, Vanadium, Adamantium, Lithium, Bismuth, Gold. Smutilogue (afab, amab)
Star-Crossed - Corazon x gn!reader (Finished)
∞ Zemra, Cridhe, Serce, Calon, Bihotza, Cuore, Sydän, Cœur, Hart, Cor, Süda, Szív, Sartse, širdies, Coração, Sŭrtse, Harts, Sydän, Core, Sirds, Kardiá, Corazón, Smutilogue (afab, amab)
The Other Side of Paradise - Killer x gn!reader (Ongoing)
∞ Youth, Poplar St, Hot Sugar, Tangerine, Take A Slice, Helium, Season 2 Episode 3, It's All So Incredibly Loud, Hazey, Black Mambo, Show Pony
Smut Pieces
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Beggin' • Back On The Road • Hard To Read • Life's Too Short • The Way We Do Thangs • Blessed • Süda Süda • Let It Be Known • Let's Dance Instead • Dandelion • Pride & Prejudice • Me & My Brother • Loose
Spotify (majority of songs unavailable in US/CA) ♪ YouTube
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beardisable · 1 year ago
hümni pole, cope
put in the tags if its something not commonly sang/hasnt been sang in the last like 20 years, or kill me if i missed your fave
edit: ma mõtlesin Lüdigi Koitu aga kui mõtled seda teist(mis on ka bänger) put it in the tags
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ebatavaline · 1 year ago
Paplipuude tolmendaval suvisel alleel
Kohtusime kahekesi viimast korda veel
Sul ei olnud sellel õhtul küüned lakitud
Sa teatasid, et nüüd sul ongi kohver pakitud
Mõrkjasmagusalt sind piidlen paplipuude varjus
Su rohelistest silmadest ma oleksin kui purjus
Me suvekuumas lubasime igatseda teineteist
Kuid siiani ei ole pidand lubadusi kumbki meist
Siiski sellest hoolimata lootsin, et sa oled see
Kelle muinasjutu lõpus jätan päris endale
Kuid vahel suvi kokku toobki värsked armunud
Et talvel nende süda poleks liiga külmunud
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ebareaalnemaailm · 1 year ago
Mesimagus jutt
Ta rääkis mulle mesimagusat juttu.
Ta rääkis taevas säravatest tähtedest
ja pehmetest sulgedega patjadest.
Ta rääkis varahommikul laulvatest lindudest
ja ookeanis laksuvatest lainetest.
Ta rääkis värvilistest suhkruvattidest
ja vanaema soojadest pannkookidest
Ta rääkis igavesest armastusest
ja enda suurtest tuleviku plaanidest.
Aga ta ei rääkinud mulle ühte asja.
Ta ei rääkinud sellest noast mu seljal,
mille ta sinna nii vaikselt, nii vaikselt surus.
Ei aitanud valuvaigistid, ei plaaster ega side.
Nuga oli sügaval ja veritses mu süda.
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smileymoth · 6 months ago
"Ma palju ei pane" jaaaa ma saan aru aga nagu MA EI TAHA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ma tahan kofeiini ja koolat ja brokkolit kana ja riisi aga ma ei saaaaa sest te tra pakite mulle kogu aeg toitu kaasa ja siis see mis mul endal kapis on läheb halvaks sest ma ei saa enam süüa neid asju sest te panite mulle juba toitu kaasa ja siis ma ei saa syya seda mida tahan sest te juba panite mulle toitu ja siis ma peaj paar päeva ootama millal mul ei ole süda paha enam sest ma olen nii palju söönud aga seda päeva ei tule sest koguaeg te annate juurde
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tulnukaz · 10 months ago
Katsed täna, nutan hiljem.
Ou kallad, ärge tehke sama viga, mis mina: ÄRGE pange 2 kiirKOHVIT ÜHTE tassi. Teil läheb süda pahaks ning tekib ebamugav ärevus.
Edu kõigile, kes mingisuguseid katseid täna teevad.
Ü = :)
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hildegardladyofbones · 11 months ago
Luuletav Luukere I
Silbid ketravad sõnu, luues maailmu
õilsamaid kui see siin.
Klõbisemist kuulda on vaevu,
kui read kuhjuvad, pehme kui siid.
Hingetus põues süda mulda ei kaevu,
Vitriinis see, kui portselan serviis.
Ketramine kestab veel aegu
Ja ribide vahelt läbi käib iil
Sõrmed tasa jäävad raagu...
Süda nutab, trooniks vitriin -
Ning pisaraist tähed, silbid saagu!
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luuletus-ee · 2 years ago
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- Cobban
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ifpoetiswhoiam · 3 months ago
Olgugi, et toas oli hämar ja karge sügistuul
Mis paokil aknast sisse valgus, oli üsna vali
Kumisedes mu kõrvas, nägin, kuidas sa
Oma pisarais silmi hõõrusid, kirudes salamisi
Selle elu heitlikkust, murede ülekoormat.
Kord liuglesid sa põldudel, süda rõõmust
Rõkkamas, silmis ere säde eesseisva pärast
Lootes kõige paremale peale, kuniks reaalsus
End vahele surus, kinkites sulle mitmeid
Traumasid, millest sa paraku jagu ei saagi.
Nii me seisimegi vastamisi kurva tõega –
Südamed küll murdusid, aga elud jätkusid
V��tsid nõuks edasi rühkida, täheldamata
Kuivõrd raske oli su samm, hingevalu oli
Ju üüratu suur, halvates kõik su meeled.
Mäletan neid õndsaid aegu, mil su elurõõm
Valgustas kogu ruumi, hirmul ei olnudki oma
Kohta, ööpimeduse varjud ei heidutanud sind
Su vaprus oli mulle eeskujuks ka siis, kui
Asjad kipusid ainult allamäge minema.
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gothhobbithoe · 2 years ago
A song for my witchy bitches
This is a song written for the invocation of fire.
A loits is a song from Estonian witchcraft, sung to bring about anything the practitioner wishes, to worship or to thank deities and nature. Kerli wrote her own loits to the fire spirits to harness their power of warming the soul and cleansing energies.
Original version:
Sädemeke, sädemeke
Tõuse tuhast, heledake
Sädemeke, sädemeke
Tõuse tuhast, heledake
Kasva nagu minu vägi
Avane kui minu süda
Kasva nagu minu vägi
Avane kui minu süda
Tõuse, tõuse kõrgemale
Paista, paista kaugemale
Tõuse, tõuse kõrgemale
Paista, paista kaugemale
Lahvata taevakaareni
Kirga mailma ääreni
Lahvata taevakaareni
Kirga mailma ääreni
Põrmusta mu valukehad
Valgusta mu varjukohad
Põrmusta mu valukehad
Valgusta mu varjukohad
Kuivata need silmakesed
Põleta muremõtted
Kuivata need silmakesed
Põleta muremõtted
Puhasta mis ära olnud
Vabasta, mis pole veel tulnud
Puhasta mis ära olnud
Vabasta, mis pole veel tulnud
Uueks uueks uueks mind tee
Anna mulle jõud enda seest
Uueks uueks uueks mind tee
Anna mulle jõud enda seest
Tulelooma pimedusse
Kullakuma tumedusse
Tulelooma pimedusse
Kullakuma tumedusse
Valgust igasse meelekesse
Soojust igasse hingekesse
Valgust igasse meelekesse
Soojust igasse hingekesse
Ja nii on
English translation
Little spark, little spark
Rise from the ashes, the right one
Little spark, little spark
Rise from the ashes, the right one
Grow with my power
Open with my heart
Grow with my power
Open with my heart
Lift higher
Shine further
Lift higher
Shine further
Burst to the edge of the sky
Radiate to the edge of the world
Burst to the edge of the sky
Radiate to the edge of the world
Destroy my pain bodies
Light up my shadows
Destroy my pain bodies
Light up my shadows
Dry these little eyes
Burn these thoughts of worry
Dry these little eyes
Burn these thoughts of worry
Cleanse what has been
Release what is yet to come
Cleanse what has been
Release what is yet to come
Make me new
And give me your force
Make me new
And give me your force
Blazing light into the darkness
Gold shine into the blackness
Blazing light into the darkness
Gold shine into the blackness
Light into very mind
Warmth into every soul
Light into very mind
Warmth into every soul
And so mote it be
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analogwriting · 10 months ago
Chapter 10: Süda
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 1.8k next
“What in the everliving fuck just happened?” You turned, looking at Marco who started bursting into laughter. You were ready to deck him in all honesty. Though, your brain was currently focusing on the last thing that Law said. That Corazon even had a crush on you then. How the hell?
“That kid never ceases to surprise me.” You can never guess how he would react to something.  He had that stoic expression most of the time, which is why sometimes his bedside manner sucked ass. He only really expressed irritation or annoyance. His friends and Corazon seemed to be the only ones who could bring out the softer sides of him, it was a humorous thing to behold.
Marco looked at you with a lazy grin. “I told you that you're overthinking things. It's okay to be thanked for the things that you do. Like he said, some people meet their heroes and end up being ass anyway.” 
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. “I guess I'll talk to Corazon,” you mumbled, shaking your head. Marco was right. You were terrible at letting people show you the least bit of gratitude. You just felt like you were doing what you were supposed to. You were doing your job. Nothing all that special. 
“Good. Cause he's actually here.”
The sheer speed in which your head snapped to Marco, you were surprised you didn't break it. “He had just dropped everything off when you showed up, so I told him to wait a bit. That I'd convince you to talk to him.” He stood up with a shit eating grin that made you want to punch him again. 
“I'll be right back.” 
You let out a loud groan once he left, covering your face with your hands. You weren't even sure what you were feeling right now. A migraine, for sure. You might have mostly cured your hangover but your entire body still hurt. Your original plan was to just come in and check in on everyone. A short and easy visit. 
Now it was all complicated.
You looked at the bouquet again, taking one of the chocolate “flowers” shaped like a heart and examining it closely. It looked pretty good, smelled good too.
“They're coffee flavored.” 
You jumped, looking up at the tall man in your doorway. You honestly felt your own heart almost leap out of your chest when you saw him. You didn't realize just how much you missed him until this moment. You had come to love his little visits and not having them made your life a little boring. 
He stepped into the office, closing the door behind him. You watched his movements carefully, trying to gauge his mood right now. Him closing the door made you a little on edge, but you tried not to think about it. He turned to you, bowing his head slightly.
“My name is Donquixote Rosinante.” What…the hell was going on? Did he hit his head? “I’m from the Donquixote Family. My brother gave me the title of Corazon and even though I have long since left, I still use the name mostly because Law just never stopped using it and I didn’t hate it so here we are.” He walked towards you and you couldn’t back up as you were already pressed into your desk.
“I am no contact with my family. As far as I know, my brother still thinks I’m missing. I have one kid that I found a long time ago riddled with disease. He’s long since cured now.” 
You still had no idea what was going on. What was this monologue? 
“Hearts are kind of my thing because I am full of so much love for others - at least that’s what Bepo says. I just like hearts. My favorite foods are lettuce, cabbage, and umeboshi. I don’t like pizza or bread. I’m incredibly clumsy and break almost everything. I-”
The man stopped talking, looking at you with surprise. 
“What are you doing?”
He frowned. “Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m starting over. Being transparent. It’s…” He paused, losing whatever momentum he had.
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Cute but unnecessary.” You took a deep breath. “However.” You looked up at him.
“My name is y/n l/n. I am from the l/n family. My mother died when I was young and I was set to take over my father’s family. I was never really about that life and didn’t get the courage to leave it until a small child and his clumsy father came into my life, giving me the final push to leave.” You watched as Corazon’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something, but you covered it with your hand to prevent him from saying anything.
“I took over this hospital and made it a safe haven for those who want to leave. And a neutral ground for those who need help. My best friend is Marco Newgate, son of Edward Newgate, or as you know him ‘Whitebeard’. We just call him ‘Pops’. I do enjoy coffee and coffee flavored things. The extra caffeine is something I always need.” You removed your hand from his mouth, looking up at him.
“We’re the reason you left?” It seemed he was hung up on that part. You nodded. “I had been thinking about it already and helping Law gave me that final resolve to do so. It seemed we both inspired each other.”
After a moment of processing your words, he finally spoke. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, y/n. I hope we can get along.” He smiled warmly at you, making your heart skip a beat.
“Nice to meet you too, Rosinante.” 
He paused for a moment before sighing. “I really am sorry, though.” He frowned deeply. “You did nothing but treat Law, the boys, and I with such kindness and patience. All I did in return was end up pointing a gun at you just because of who your father was.” 
“I did do the same thing to y-”
“But that’s not the same. You had just been attacked by my family and then you ran into me. You were scared and unknowing. In my situation, you didn’t do a single thing wrong. You did everything right and I still treated you like a criminal.” He sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
You could feel your face slowly setting on fire. Your heart was racing a million miles an hour and you had no idea what to do. You took a deep breath, finally speaking. “I knew you weren’t going to shoot me.” 
Corazon pulled away, looking at you.
“No offense, Ros, but you’re one of the least intimidating people I’ve ever met for one.” You watched his face turn red - whether it was from your comment or the spur of the moment nickname, you weren’t sure. “I don’t think you would’ve been able to pull the trigger. You thought I had lied to you and acted rashly, yes. But I knew that deep down you knew that I was right.”
“You disarming me in the least painful way possible and disassembling my gun before giving it back to me told me everything I needed to know. You don’t like hurting people and you trusted me. You gave me back the very thing that could kill you had I actually been determined to do so.”
You nodded, smiling. “Glad you saw it that way because that’s exactly the message I wanted to get across.” You sighed softly, shaking your head. “I was tired of all the violence. Of the killing. I hated doing it. That’s why I left. I wanted to help people.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled again. “I should’ve never-”
“Rosinante.” You used your firm tone that caused him to tense slightly and his face turned even more red.  You had to keep that in mind. “I swear if you apologize again, I’m not going to forgive you.” His eyes widened in surprise, nodding quickly. “I’m s-” He cut himself off. “Uh…yes, doctor,” he mumbled. 
You snorted softly. “Law told me something very interesting,” you mused, looking up at him. Corazon blinked, tensing slightly. He narrowed his eyes. “What did he have to say?”
“That apparently you had a crush on me back then?” A sly grin appeared across your face. 
His eyes widened and he started to sputter. You watched as his mind began reeling as he tried to find something to say to you. You grinned. “Real interesting considering I hid basically all the features that could give me away from you. Must’ve been my radiant personality.” 
He only grew more red by the minute before he finally spoke. “I mean, how could I not? You’re literally the kindest and sweetest person I’ve ever met. Not to mention you’re incredibly intelligent and willing to help anyone no matter what, even if it reopens your own traumatic wounds.”
That shut you right up. This time you were the one going red and struggling to find something to say. You just stared at him with eyes the size of saucers. “I didn’t need to know what you looked like to know how I felt about you.”
“You sure that wasn’t just gratitude since I had just saved your son back this?” you tried to brush it off as nothing, but the look in Corazon’s eyes said something else. He shook his head. “I’m positive.”
Before you could get so much as another word in, there was a knock at the door. For fuck’s sake, could you not have fucking anything?
“Can I never have a minute?” You were mumbling and grumbling, folding your arms across your chest as you pouted slightly.
Marco walked in with an expression that immediately made you uneasy. “You know that I do not want to interrupt right now because no one has been waiting for this moment more eagerly than me. But…” He looked at you with a deep frown.
“Your father called. He wants you to visit the estate immediately. Didn’t say why.”
You just stared at Marco. What the fuck did your father want? Why now? He was just here. And as much as you appreciated him for contacting you in a more appropriate manner, you were annoyed that he did it right now. Didn’t he say everything he needed to the other day? Is the weird cryptic thing that Pops said earlier going to unfold now? Were you finally going to get some answers?
You looked at Corazon apologetically. “I-”
He shook his head, holding up his hand. “Just go. I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled at you. “Marco said he programmed my number into your phone last night anyway, so call me when you get back.” You felt your face warm up. “I…” Man, you didn’t deserve a man with so much patience. You nodded. “Okay. Will do.” With that, you grabbed your coat and headed out of the office, silently cursing your dad for interrupting your love life not once, but twice.
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fifest300 · 2 years ago
Vihma hakkab sadama varsti jällee
Mõtlen so peale jälle
nagu vihm mis jätnud asfaldile jälje
tunded suured isegi kui me planeet väike
jõua ära oodata need huuled
sest me südamed on suured
isegi kui meil olid ebaterved juured,
hoian sind kas kuuled?
koti mind see sotsiaalmeedia mulin,
kodus ootab aus süda ja sen me sulin,
tulid ja ma tulin, kuum nagu tuli
peas Sul segadus
sest olen Su plaanidele vahele seganud
ja seda kogemata,
po prints vaid Su Pegasus
Sind kaitsva pilguga silitan kui puu all lebanud
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