anironwitch · 2 years
Potential Fan cast:
Qrow as John Krakowski
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
Sun looks rwdy to cry... he needs a hug
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Where are you?
[pt 2/2]
pt 1
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xourpipp · 2 months
kurwa ulana świnia pierdolona jebana krowa zjadla jakies 1000 kalori japierdole jeszcze jutro bede zmuszona zjesc pizze ide cwiczyc do 3 obiecuje chuj ze nie bede chodzila jutro japierdole kuzwa frajerki kalorie fuck you ide pod tory sorki ze nie dam rwdy wstawjc posta motywacyjnego papa motylki kochalamnwas
ej serio mam blisko chyba ide mowie na powaznie
jak nie spale 1500 kalorii do 3 rano to ide na najblizsza jazde
wrazie co to przepraszam jak mnie lubiliscie bo nie wytrzymuje kazdy mnue ma za idealna dziewczyne z dobrymi ocenami i idealnym zycuem. Kazey mysli ze ja nawet niewiem o takich problemach i co to jest ana albo kod kresowy. Kazdy mysli ze ja nqwet njhdy nie przeklenal. Mowia ze mnie znaja. Nie znaja. Bo ja gnije w srodku
o kurde zapimnialan o istnienuy zyletki
dobra codam to z torami jak nie spale 1500 do 3 to ide po noz motyleczki kocham was
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bestworstcase · 8 months
It sucks how ship obsessed the RWDY Fandom is. I just tried to scroll through the Cinder Fall tag, and every other post was about Jaune having a harem.
Fucking why are they like this!?!?
oh you could not pay me to peruse the cinder fall tag
or any other character tag really. i have a set of blogs that i scroll through like the morning paper and very occasionally skim the main tag (<- psychic damage lottery)
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starlightseraph · 10 months
not ready for tonight not ready for tonight not ready foetonig not ready for tinght not ready for tingt not rwDy—
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I thought with RT shutting down won't be able to continue on with their shows. How come rwdy beyond got released?
From what I saw, with the production being barebones thing with no animation at all, that kind of explains it.
I see this as something they threw together as last-ditch effort to generate "hype/buzz" so someone would acquire the franchise. Basically just like the animatic release.
Everything after V9 ended wass about that.
The dumb crossover movies?
Them suddenly bringing in a bunch of characters that they have forgotten about before? And most of them just HAPPEN to be fan favorites?
The Vale offscreening bit to create danger so fans are riled up to get the conclusion of it?
New queerbait for Qrow?
Look new mysterious characters and plot hooks!
This feels like desperation. Something they put together from existing production materials (likely from what they had to remove from V9 to make the awful crossover movies) and new plot bait ideas with a team of less than ten people.
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doxiedreg · 9 months
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Tis the season of gift giving! So here is my first batch of gifts for friends of mine! These were super fun to draw and i still plan on doing more so watch out friends!! You might be my next target!
(no promises though. we shall see how long my energy lasts and some of you have mostly non furry ocs/ocs that dont suit my style so augh im sorry. Love you all lots though) These were all drawn in procreate with the free color pencil brushes i downloaded here: https://fatimamandouh.gumroad.com/l/sdcbd They are really fun to use once you get the hang of them! just like real colored pencils! As for the characters and people they belong to, from left to right we have: Rosita belonging to @xmaveria Ocean Man belonging to @pteradyle Rwdy belonging to @nerdyena21 And finally Will the fox belonging to @finnthecartoonist Hope you guys enjoy!!
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minthe-lover · 1 year
Is it weird that I like a certain show (clue is: anime(?) girls with weapons but also a gun) but hate its “critics” (most of them) who are in my opinion are just plain misogynistic and bigoted masking their shittery with “criticism” even though they are exceeding Olympic levels of mental gymnastics but like to internally shit on LO? Like I just stopped reading LO because it feels so hypocritical of me to like the show and wish that some dudebros do cultivate some braincells but still read LO and shit on it at the same time.
I wanna say they're both different and that the other show was actually a bajillion times better but idk
Honestly the most important thing I could tell you is that criticizing media is not like.. an inherently moral thing. People who are doing shit like being outwardly sexists but shielding it by saying it's just criticism are asshole but critism in itself isn't a moral thing.
Criticing and joking about lo is just something we do for fun.. if criticing something isn't fun for you then you don't have to feel guilty about that not matter the reason why.
Like christ I have multiple things I could probably talk about for as much time as I talk about lo but I don't cause it just isn't as interesting to me. We're all here to have fun, this isn't anything actually serious so don't worry it.
also I'mma assume you mean RWDY.. which like yeah I really understand where your coming from. All I can do is recommend this video from hbomberguy, it's one of the best critical looks at the show that I've seen and all his stuff is just fun.
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zjedzone: 1472kcal
poplacze sie zaraz chyba
cwiczylam dzisiaj ale przestalam w polowie bo kurwa juz rwdy nie dawalam a waga stoi w miejscu kms
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spoookyvivi · 4 years
Nov 14, 2020
There’s two confirmed dead, possibly more, after police attacked peaceful protestors in Lima. They are gasing us, shooting marbles at people, targeting those trying to help. There’s undercover cops in the protests, they put drugs in peoples bags and then arrest them while unidentified, wich is kidnaping. The whole country is protesting and the government insist that we are a minority. The media has been bought and is only showing us in a negative light. This is the largest protest in peruvian history, people of all backgrounds, rich and poor, are out in the streets asking for the new “president” that we have now after the coup to quit.
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There are military tanks in the streets
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Police are targeting first responders
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People are literally dying in the streets, this images are from today
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Spread information, don't let us die unheard
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antw0n-universe · 5 years
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why y’all draw pyrrha like this
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adhdanabray · 5 years
watching eruption fang and vexed viewer and then reading the comments to their videos is like asking to be put at the top of the waiting list for a fucking lobotomy 
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I just want to remind everybody that people started hating James the moment he went against rwby. Before that you had people who didnt like him, but most people where neutral or even excited he is back. Thats why they had to make him a cartoon villain in volume 8 because many people critizised rwby for lying to him for so long and then dont coming up with a better plan to save mantle/atlas.
The sad thing is you hit the nail on the head their anon. The writers said they wanted to make a morally complex scenario where you could see and agree with both sides but then got mad when not everyone sided with RWBY and then made him an over the top cartoon villain. Their are rumors that they redid the script to make him even more over the top when people where still siding with James and I could really sadly see that which is so annoying.
We could have had such a complex emotional volume dealing with choices and morals and what is moral trying to save who you can for sure or risking everyone to save everyone and maybe saving more then you would have but causing the deaths of people who would have been alive if you had left when you could with who you had. Because that is a really tough and complex moral question that doesn’t have a great answer. And it just boggles my mind that this is the volume they threw this crap in of RWBY is the morally superior perfect protags arc in because war? The people attacking you and trying to kill you often ensure you can’t make the most moral choices or even give you a choice like with Salem. She made sure they wouldn’t be able to save everyone and James realized this but we’re supposed to hate him because SALEM did this? It makes no sense.
It’s also still bonkers to me anyone thinks RWBY was correct still in what they did given when they threw their little hissy fit they didn’t even have a plan to save everyone and took waiting around forever with a bunch of people dying needlessly before they could come up with something that still didn’t save everyone.
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peterjuhaoyu · 7 years
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sokumotanaka · 5 years
you know I’ve seen some bad takes with RWBY but, the worst take I’ve ever seen yet is
“world of remnant is not canon.”
Good lord….I’m-
I saw this in the tag and I legit want to put my head through a wall. The lack of self awareness in RWBY stans is almost unrealistically cartoonish at this point. 
Snide aside even miles and kerry barely attest to it, WOR literally has the most retconned out of it, the most forgotten lore and the poorest writing in rwby.I mean one of the lines is that the Kingdom is run by a governing council and literally if you took a second you’d realize a kingdom is run by royalty a king and a council is run by the government.the WOR are so far removed from the series in terms of lore and more importantly legitimacy
A wise person once said if the world building is sound you don’t need a separate series in order to flesh the world out. If you’re invested in the series you won’t learn a thing cause if you watch these WOR the rarely apply to the world; it doesn’t feel like these fit into the world nor are the building blocks of sad world. “Monsters attack you if you’re negative.” “Should we do something about racism, depression etc?” “nah.”
WOR is the last place you should go for any canon information that isn’t told through you from the show cause remember everyone, as miles himself said. “I’m not good at memory related things, it’s really bad.” -Miles Luna
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I'm sorry but why don't old people realise that in the middle of a public place is not the fucking place to have a full conversation about things going on at home or things that need to be done or anything
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