#roleplaying maps
sekhisadventures · 2 years
Sekhi's Cart
Like the vast majority of Vulpera, Sekhi and her family live in a mobile home. That is to say a cart as part of her caravan, built to be pulled by Alpaca. Vulpera live simply, but they make use of every bit of space their carts offer them and it shows.
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A: Sekhi’s Bedroll
Naturally, Sekhi keeps her instruments close at hand. She’s been practicing a fiddle and guitar lately for her fire communion (the harp is lovely, but it feels a bit off for her tastes) and a small leather drum for communing with the waters of Azeroth (handmade for her by Samantha actually.)
B: Atu & Risala’s Bedrolls
Atu and Risala are Sekhi’s father and mother, respectively. They mostly spend their time planning travels across Kalimdor lately, eager to see the world beyond Vol’dun. While they do worry about Sekhi, they’re proud of her for doing her part to repay the Horde for ending the threat of the Faceless and G’huun.
C: Leza’s Bedroll
Sekhi’s younger sister, she’s quite the bookworm and will study any tomes she can get her hands on. After introducing her to Nelen and Leza discovering she could use magic, she tends to be found here studying her spellbook when nothing else is going on.
D: Zato & Eeda’s Bedrolls
Sekhi’s youngest siblings, not even having come of age yet. They were born just a couple years before the Horde landed on Zandalar. Sekhi brings them any interesting toys she finds on her travels, and had some really fun ones for them that she got in Ardenweald.
E: Spare Bedrolls
What? They wear out eventually.
F: Provisions and Trade Goods
Atu and Risala are still vulpera caravanners at heart and while they travel Kalimdor they make a point of continuing said business. They actually have an agreement with several business in Orgrimmar to keep an eye out for rare and unusual things for them to sell, including the innkeeper of the Broken Tusk.
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franciscolemos · 3 months
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Some OSR style hexes I made just for fun.
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suskindkore · 5 months
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credit: suskind
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
hi love!!! i love your writing. i wanted to request red wine🍷 with the alchemy by taylor swift and remus lupin! thanks so much lovely!🫶🏼
remus lupin x reader
lyrics ; ' So when I touch down, Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team '
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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long distance wasnt the easiest thing in the world.
but remus lupin made it worth it.
knowing he was waiting every time you returned home made your heart warm.
and with how long the two of you had been doing it, you had figured out how to make it work for you.
and making it work meant that when the two of you weren't together, you weren't exclusive.
but that simply meant you had other people warming your beds waiting for the only person you truly loved to come and take their place.
but recently you havent been happy.
you'd been missing remus immensely for the last couple of months and you couldnt go another day without seeing him.
so you dropped everything and booked a flight to london, the only thing on your mind the entire time being remus.
your feet carried you from the airport to his flat and only when you were stood outside with your hand ready to knock at the door did you consider what could go wrong.
he might not be here.
he might have another girl here.
it might be just another girl here and she would get a door slammed in her face.
you dropped your hand from the door, considering if maybe you should've called him, given him some time, but before you could turn to go, the door opened.
you held your breath, ready to be met with a girl a million times prettier than you that would make you question everything, but instead the sight calmed you.
your shoulders relaxed as you looked up at him, the shock on his face a priceless view.
neither of you said anything, he just wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your neck, a few laugh escaping his lips before he pulled back, his hands grasping at the side of your face as if to make sure it was truly you.
" w-what are you doing here? you weren't supposed to come for another 3 weeks "
that was true, you had planned to visit in three weeks, but sitting at home thinking about it made it seem like too long.
" i missed you too much. i'm sorry i didnt call but i only booked the flight this morning, then i was packing and i was late to the airport and-" he cut you off with an almost desperate kiss to your lips.
" dont you dare ever apologise for coming to see me " he scolded, his lips brushing yours from how close he kept you.
you pressed another short kiss onto his lips before you pulled back fully, the smile on your lips not able to be contained anymore.
" you got any girls in there you need to flush out before i come in ?" you teased lightly, your gaze remaining on his hazel eyes.
" no girls here, lovely " he said, moving out of the way for you to come in.
he followed you inside, not leaving your side for a moment. he dragged you to his couch and you fell into his lap, your arms looping around his neck and his around your waist.
" missed you so much, dovey " he whispered but before he could say anything else to make you cry, you slotted your lips over his.
there set of the afternoon was spent with the two of you in each others arms, catching up on the few things you'd missed, including eachother.
by the time dinner rolled around, you ordered a takeaway and lounged on his couch with it and a movie.
it was only after the movie that you decided to address the issue that had been on your mind for weeks.
" i dont want to go back " you whispered, your gaze still focused on the now empty screen.
" what do you mean, gorgeous ?" he questioned, his head tilting down to look at you.
" i mean i don't want to go back. i dont want to get back on a plane and be thousands of miles away from you. i dont- i dont want to be away from you anymore. i hate it. i hate not waking up with you, i hate only being able to talk to you when the timezones align. i hate not having your stuff in my space. i- i d..i don " your sentences began stuttering out into cries, and the sobs came soon after.
remus' arms wrapped tightly around you, his hands stroking your hair lightly, whispering some of the most calming words you had ever heard.
it was only after your tears had ceased that he pulled away to look at you.
he lifted his hands to wipe under your eyes.
" don't go back " he said simply.
" what ?"
" don't go back. stay here. stay with me. move here. "
" rem- "
" i hate it when you're not here, baby. and i know it might seem selfish, but i dont think i can live without you anymore. if you want to go back home then i'm coming with you because i can't do it anymore either "
your hands lifted to his cheeks, leaning up to press a kiss onto his lips before rolling your lips together.
" i'm not going back. i want to stay here. with you. if you can make room for me "
" sweetheart, there's always room for you here " he replied earnestly.
" and tell your girls they can't come over here anymore. i don't want to come back one day to find a random girl in the kitchen " a soft laugh bubbled past your lips, in hopes of that coming off as a joke even if it was probably the thing you were most serious about.
" done. baby i don't want anyone else. no one ever set foot in here "
" not even sirius ?" you teased.
" okay maybe sirius set foot in here but after what he did to the kitchen he's never allowed in there again "
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callumogden · 2 years
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I made a set of Tolkien inspired fantasy maps of real-world locations including Scotland, the UK and Ireland, Europe, New England and North America for fun but turns out people like using them in their games so, here's how you can find them!
You can download copies of all these maps for free with or without labels for printing or use in your TTRPGs over on my Tumblr page here:
Fantasy Maps in a Tolkien Style
You can also buy prints of these maps on my Redbubble page :
If you would like to use these in a commercial project, drop me a DM and I'd love to chat!
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harriertail · 7 months
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cartographer allegations etc etc // maps for @felisfern
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ultimavela · 1 month
Solo Co-op TTRPG
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For a while, I had the idea of writing a game that you could play at your own pace, as a solo game, but that would allow you to share part of the experience with your friends, in a way that didn't require everyone to meet/talk at the same time.
So as the One Page RPG Jam is on, I thought this was the perfect time to try out this idea of a Solo Co-op TTRPG.
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silvercompassmaps · 4 months
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Elven Tree Loft
High above the towering canopy of the forest lives a race of nimble, reclusive folk, who guard over their homes with great determination.
The wood elves of this village are self-sufficient, and live united by a common creed to protect their homeland, at whatever cost. These forest-dwellers may serve as valuable allies...if you manage to convince them of your cause.
This Elven Tree Loft has three entrances with stairs leading into hollowed-out tree trunks, with bridges connecting to other living spaces that have been constructed on top of trees. Rectangular platforms decked with crossbows have been propped up at various points to provide protection to this settlement.
These maps come with day/night versions and three variants!
You can download the original high-res map for free here.
Check out my entire map archive here.
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tabletopresources · 1 year
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Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Dissonantia's Lair
The location of the hidden lair of the Witch of the Blackwald would be worth quite a bit of favors or gold from Avalon and Savage United, but just knowing the location is not enough. Dissonantia has spent her career with Avalon securing her sanctum and arranging for several rather nasty traps and other dangers to befall any who try to follow her back, even going so far as to curse the very path so that any she has not granted passage to (only demons she has permanently bonded to via a demonic pact) will become confused and lost along the path, heightening their chances of stumbling into one of her traps.
Her sanctum resides deep within the Twisting Nether and is heavily defended, nevermind the fact that any who did infiltrate run the risk of encountering the worgen and her demon allies which would put their life and soul at considerable risk to say the least.
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A: Soul Shard Stockpile
Dissonantia is a firm believer of saving some resources for a rainy day and has been stockpiling soul shards ever since she regained her sanity in the early days of the Cataclysm. While she subsists on Anima to keep herself immortal and young she needs a soul to extract and refine the Anima from, thus the soul shards. Whenever her supplies run low she takes a shard to her hidden refinery in the Shadowlands and uses the device there to drain the anima from them for her consumption, the refinery acting as both wine cellar and torture chamber for her.
B: Body… disposal
Being in the Twisting Nether does have some perks, and Dissonantia makes use of them. While she consumes souls, the bodies don’t go anywhere and sometimes she needs to have her minions disappear one back to her lair. Sometimes she’ll use bits for her spells, but more often than not they get chucked into the lava pool surrounding her sanctum.
C: Dissonantia’s Cauldron
The centerpiece of her sanctum and one of her most important tools, the shimmering waters of her cauldron are used in a manner akin to a mage’s crystal ball, allowing her to spy on her enemies, namely the members of Avalon and Savage United, as well as Azeroth in general. She could spy on other worlds as well, but she has no reason to do so.
D: Az’arad’s Arsenal
Az’arad is Dissonantia’s Wrathguard and while he favors a double-headed broadaxe he actually has several to choose from. He keeps the spares here, sharp and ready to use at any time.
E: Dissonantia and Cennon’s arsenal
In addition to the last one, both Dissonatia and Cenoon make use of tools as well. Dissonantia has some scythes, daggers, staves, and other things to use as spell foci while Cenoon favors torture implements like whips, flails, and the like, or swords and daggers.
F: Dissonantia’s Throne
When she has nothing better to do, Dissonantia will simply rest here and plot her way forward. Next to the throne are what remains of two demons who used to call her sanctum home before Dissonantia claimed it for herself.
G: Portal to the Shadowlands
This is the portal that Dissonantia set up to take her to her hidden refinery in the Shadowlands where her Anima Supply is hidden. She spent great effort finding a secure and well-hidden location far out in the depths of the Great Empty and if one were to find a way to destroy it or the portal somehow she would be cut off from her Anima supply… and whoever did it would immediately be the target of the witch’s wrath. If you listen close, you can still hear the screams of the draenei soul she used to create it.
H: Dissonantia’s Bed
While she is a powerful warlock, she still has a biological body and such things do eventually require sleep. Her demons are pactbound to not harm her, though Cenoon has attempted a few times to seduce his way into her bed. He stopped when Dissonantia not only threatened to castrate him, but almost made good on her threat. Cenoon sulked for a week before Dissonantia dragged a virgin elf woman back to the sanctum to placate him. Cenoon found the elf’s eyes quite lovely, he still has them somewhere in the sanctum preserved in pickle brine.
I: Summoning Circle
Dissonantia has few permanent allies save for her three demons, but she established a summoning circle on the off chance she needs to make a pact with something else. Though lately the circle has seen some use. She’s been watching the Dragon Isles and feels she may need some additional firepower for that…
J: Portal to Azeroth
Dissonantia has established this portal in order to lead back to Azeroth. She has several exits/entrances established in various locales (a hidden grove in the Blackwald, somewhere deep in the Dread Wastes of Pandaria, a cave in the Borean Tundra, etc) but her favored portal is in a secluded cave in the Blasted Lands, the same one she performed the ritual to summon and bind Az’arad during the Cataclysm. Call her sentimental…
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rustymaps · 1 year
Xawellion City - Access
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raakdos-battlemap · 2 months
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[Innistrad Battlemap]Gavony Township
Gavony is the most populous province of Innistrad, where the humans remained strong and safe, sheltered behind the high walls of Thraben, the largest city of the Innistrad. While the surrounding settlements were constantly under assault, Thraben and its immense cathedral remained relatively safe. Small towns grew away from Thraben on Gavony's rocky moors. Small groups of trees stained the hills and moors of the province.
More variations of this map:
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mapdoctor · 8 months
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Party's Estate - Interior [20x27] [2 Floors]
Dear friends,
The first part of the party's estate - interior! A perfect home for 4-6 adventurers, especially if you have a hermit wizard like we do - and the guy loves basements! Use this building for whatever you see fit, and I hope it will serve as a perfect home to your party!
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veryberryjelly · 10 months
torn pages
pairing : remus lupin x fem!reader
prompt : secret santa
𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 ���𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲
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straight out of hogwarts, both you and your friends had very little money.
so your first christmas in your new flat, your group of friends had decided to do secret santa to save money.
while he was supposed to be a secret, you had talked to all the girls and knew who they all had
you had james, lily had sirius, marlene had lily, dorcas had frank and alice had remus.
it had taken a lot of convincing but you had all reshuffled your picks because some of you had already bought things for specific people.
in the end you ended up with remus, and while you hadn't gotten him anything yet, you really wanted to get him something really nice for your first christmas together.
you decided to go out shopping with lily, alice and marlene as you had all traded to buy things for the boys.
lily, alice and marlene's first stop was a quidditch shop which you had no interest in and neither would your secret santa. so you left them to it and went to a book store next door hoping to find something for remus.
you two talked a lot about literature. so you knew the kind of books he liked, but nothing in the store seemed to be good enough to get him.
so you moved on to a clothing store you knew he liked in hopes of finding him a nice sweater, but again, nothing seemed appropriate.
until finally you stumbled upon the perfect place. a place that combined the previous stores you had been looking in but elevated it to another level.
and you found it sat amongst battered paperbacks and shredded children's clothes.
it took two minutes for you to purchase both items and slide them both carefully into a paper bag.
your secret santa date was a few days before christmas so you could all be around to do it and you were holding it in your new flat.
your friend group was scattered around over armchairs, pillows on the floor and your couch but you could not have been happier to be sat on a pillow leaning against the base of your couch.
so far you had watched james, marlene, sirius, frank and lily open their gifts and every single one of them had been truly excited by what had been bestowed upon them.
the gifts sat in a pile on your coffee table, marlene picking them up from the centre to hand out randomly.
you were a little zoned out in your conversation with remus that james had to nudge you to get your attention, holding out a brown bag with your secret santa present in it.
in all the trials to get remus' gift perfect you hadn't really thought about the fact that you get a gift too.
you unrolled the top of the bag before reaching your hand into it to pull out a book.
not a reading book, but a journal with your initials stamped on the front with an illustration of your old house mascot in the corner. after opening the book you found the pages weren't blank but lined and the back half was a calendar filled in with all of your friends birthdays.
it was beautiful .
the only thing you noticed was the first page had been torn out, along with the page for the 28th of december, but that wasnt even a slight damper on a beautiful present.
" this is gorgeous. thank you. whoever did this, i love it " with your agreement, you had decided not to tell who had gotten gifts for who.
you were so wrapped up in admiring your gift that you didnt notice marlene calling remus' name and handing him a bag that you had filled.
you could only ever recall being this nervous before your owl's, and even then you weren't as nervous as this.
you watched as he pulled out first the sweater you had found him at the thrift store, and since washed to get rid of that second hand smell.
his expression was difficult to read but you saw as he rubbed his thumb over the soft brown fabric.
" hey, there's something else in here, moons " sirius spoke from his side, the bag having been set between the two of them.
remus' gaze was torn from the fabric to the bag, reaching in for the other item.
a first edition 'frankenstein' in near mint condition.
you watched in slight fear as he inspected the cover of it. his expression was still unreadable and you worried for a moment that you had gotten it all wrong.
" this is awesome. thank you " he spoke to the room, though his voice and expression remained indecipherable.
you sat there with a rock in your stomach until everyone was done and you could excuse yourself to the kitchen.
you were only in there for a few moments before remus came up behind you, scaring you with his silent steps.
" jesus, dont scare me like that " you said with a slight laugh, your hand resting on your chest.
" sorry, i just thought i should thank you for the book and the jumper " he said, catching you like a deer in headlights.
" how-how did you know ? " you stuttered out, your hands dropping to hide in the back pocket of your jeans.
" you washed the jumper and it smells of you. " he explained and you could feel your cheeks heating up.
" oh- well yeah, you're welcome " you weren't really sure what this swirl of emotions was but you knew embarrassment was a huge part of it.
" and i thought you might want this " he reached into his picket, pulling out two folded up pieces of paper that resembled the paper from your new journal.
you reached out to take the papers from him, unfolding them both to find black scrawled text written on both.
on the page for december 28th you found three words that flipped your world upside down.
' date with remus ? '
your eyes flicked up to the taller boy, spotting him looking as nervous as you had ever seen him.
before he or you could say anything you read over the second page.
' merry christmas, y/n. i hope you can fill this with memories of us. and that it means you will start remembering the dates we set. - remus '
by the time you finished it your jaw was practically on the floor.
" wha- " you stuttered out, bringing your eyes back up to the sandy brunette.
" i thought it would be a good way to ask you out but i chickened out last night. but the frankenstein and the jumper just brought back all the things i feel for you and what you hopefully feel for me too or i'm going to look like a complete arse " he rambled.
you were able to cut him off by lifting your hand to take his.
" what do you want to do on our date ?" you questioned causing a smile to spread across both his lips and yours.
secret santa quickly became an annual thing amongst your group.
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Hi! Hello! Bonsoir, even!
We’re looking for more people to join our role-play group! Which is now officially active and we will be doing role-play when available!!!! These are the characters we have open!!! Please feel free to message if you wanna join! Also the server is 15+!
- Mary Macdonald
- Marlene McKinnon
- Bartemius Crouch Jr.
- Evan Rosier
- Pandora Rosier
- Dorcas Meadows
- Lucius Malfoy
- Severus Snape
- Bellatrix Black
- Andromeda Black
- Alice Fortescue
- Emmeline Vance
- Frank Longbottom
- Xenophilius Lovegood
- Ted Tonks
- Sybill Trelawney
- Rodolphus Lestrange
- Rita Skeeter
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candy8448 · 26 days
August art
(1 year of doing these posts!)
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