Silver Compass Maps
177 posts
Battlemaps | Cities | Worlds.Forever DM that lives vicariously through maps.Check out all my work on Patreon
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silvercompassmaps · 12 days ago
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Time Machine | Take your players through the various time periods, ranging from prehistoric times to the far future in this encounter!
Welcome to the Time Machine, my newest map pack and collaboration with Balatro. This pack has 11 phases that cover major historical time periods, allowing your players a glimpse into the past or the future. But beware, for if they go too far, they may end up stranded at the End of Time, the last and final phase for this map.
Foundry VTT modules with pre-built walls and lighting are available to my patrons. Enjoy!
Check out the full map pack here.
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silvercompassmaps · 20 days ago
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Modern City Streets
Whether your players have a run-in with the law, a thrilling chase, or shootout with assassins, this map can be used for a variety of encounters!
This map features multiple streets, intersections, and a highway overpass. Roofs of varying buildings surround the streets, providing cover and a nice vantage point.
This map pack includes Night, Modern, Abandoned, and Empty (no car) variants!
Check out the full map pack here.
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silvercompassmaps · 22 days ago
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Race against time to save this city from burning down!
This map features 8 phases, which shows a fire spreading through a city. The flames only affect homes made out of wood, while the stone buildings could potentially be safe spaces for your characters to take refuge.
This map pack includes gridded/ungridded versions and a Foundry VTT module with walls and lighting.
Check out all 8 phases here.
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silvercompassmaps · 1 month ago
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A Collection of Monster Forts
Welcome to a collection of hideouts and forts for various monsters, inspired by the upcoming Monster Manual! This map pack includes hideouts for 4 classic fantasy monsters: the bandit, pirate, demon, and drow.
Some hideouts feature walls protecting the living quarters, while others rely on natural rock formations for defense. The hideout can be accessed through multiple entries, giving your players flexibility with how they want to approach.
Each hideout map comes with a night variant (or a lightless variant for the underdark and hell maps). Foundry VTT modules with pre-built walls and lighting are also available to Patrons.
Check out the complete map pack here.
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silvercompassmaps · 1 month ago
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Gothic Mansion
This mansion looms ominously on the edge of the mist-shrouded forest, its towering silhouette a stark contrast against the dark, overcast sky.
Whether this mansion is inhabited by bloodthirsty vampires or slightly less evil nobles is entirely up to you!
This mansion comes with 3 floors with a variety of rooms including bedrooms, living rooms, dining areas, bathrooms, a plant nursery, offices, and much more! This map comes with multiple variants along with VTT tokens.
Check out the map pack here.
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silvercompassmaps · 2 months ago
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Pharaoh’s Tomb
After a long journey through the scorching desert sands, you have finally arrived at the rumored Pharaoh's Tomb. Now begins the real challenge!
This map pack depicts a intricate catacomb underneath a pyramid, inspired by the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. This pyramid has a main entrance to the south and a secret entrance to the north. There are a total of three floors to this dungeon. The third and final floor holds the tomb of the Pharaoh, surrounded by tombs of their companions.
Check out the map pack here.
Check out my entire map collection here.
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silvercompassmaps · 2 months ago
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A terror on the high seas, the Man of War commands respect from enemies and awe from allies. It is a true warship with plenty of firepower to hold its own.
All aboard the Man of War! Designed for naval warfare, this ship features 4 decks including a forecastle, 44 cannons, and room for 50 sailors. It also comes stocked with 3 rafts for scouting or rescue missions.
This ship comes with multiple variants, including versions without cannons. This map pack also includes tokens for each floor of the ship.
Check out variants of this map here.
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silvercompassmaps · 2 months ago
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Hastinapur, a capital city in my Ancient India 5e setting!
Welcome to the ancient Indian city of Hastinapur, the city over which the legendary Mahabharata war was fought. It is a place where the gods rode through the streets, where millions of inhabitants lived, where travelers and merchants from all over Devabhumi came to visit.
Now, this city is but a shadow of what it used to be prior to the war, hosting a population of a hundred thousand. Hastinapur has two layers of circular walls dividing the city into three sections. Different city districts host temples, wealthy nobles, barracks, markets, and much more. A large central palace is divided into two sections, one for the Raja and his family, and one for the royal advisors. The sacred Devapani river runs right through the middle of the city, and serves as a place of pilgrimage for the people of the surrounding countryside.
This city is part of my Devabhumi book, a D&D 5e and Pathfinder campaign setting inspired by Ancient India. This book includes over 200 pages of lore, new races, magic items, monsters, and much more. You can pre-order the digital copy here.
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silvercompassmaps · 2 months ago
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Elven Tree Loft
The wood elves of this village are self-sufficient, and live united by a common creed to protect their homeland, at whatever cost. These forest-dwellers may serve as valuable allies...if you manage to convince them of your cause.
This Elven Tree Loft has three entrances with stairs leading into hollowed-out tree trunks, with bridges connecting to other living spaces that have been constructed on top of trees. Rectangular platforms decked with crossbows have been propped up at various points to provide protection to this settlement.
These maps come with day/night versions and a ruined variant.
You can download the high-res map for free here.
Check out my entire map archive here.
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silvercompassmaps · 3 months ago
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The Clockwork Dungeon
Deep in the realm of order and clockwork perfection lies the home of geometric beings known as modrons. The spinning cogwheel of this dungeon continuously churns out new modrons at regular intervals. As long as the wheel continues to spin, the realm of order will remain just as it was.
Welcome to the Clockwork Dungeon! This map features 8 phases which depict the cogwheel slowly rotating in a circle, allowing the map to be infinitely looped. The variants of this map are not phased, but are standalone maps.
Download the first 4 phases of the map for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 3 months ago
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Dwarven Castle with Underground Crypts
Nestled deep within the mountains lies a sturdy fortress, an ancient castle that is alive with the clanging of dwarven hammers and the roars of the forge.
Welcome to the Dwarven Castle map pack. This pack features a castle with 13 chambers and a throne room, along with an underground crypt. The northeast wing of the castle provides access to the crypt below. The only other access to the crypt is a highly-guarded entrance to the undermountain.
Download the base map for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 3 months ago
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Haunted Asylum
Nestled deep among the mountains is an unforgettable, inescapable asylum for the criminally insane. Only those who have committed the most heinous of crimes are sent here, to remain for the rest of their lives.
Although this place is an asylum, it more resembles a prison. The reason this place is named Asylum of the Dead is because not a single patient leaves this place alive. Some of the patients have begun referring to themselves as “the dead,” and the nurses as “the gravekeepers.”
Download the maps for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 4 months ago
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The Cathedral Mimic
Deep in the forest, there is a lone cathedral whose pillars resemble bones and whose gothic arches bear a sick resemblance to a living body. This cathedral mimic attracts pilgrims and travelers seeking refuge, only to be devoured later that day.
Welcome to the finale of horror-themed battlemaps that I made for October! This map pack not only features 7 phases brought to you but also standalone variants across different biomes.
Download the first three phases for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 4 months ago
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The Lighthouse Mimic
This lone lighthouse is built on the edge of a storm-battered isle. The keepers, isolated from the world, have slowly descended into madness.
Strange occurrences such as mutated monsters emerging from the sea, hallucinations at nighttime, and other incidents haunt this cursed lighthouse.
Some say this lighthouse is a living, breathing organism that slowly inflicts its inhabitants with madness before devouring them. 
This lighthouse has an original version which looks "normal" from the outside. The lighthouse then changes to its ghostly or mimic form, trapping the players and creating a sense of dread. Each map includes a night variant as well. This map pack also includes tokens of each floor.
Enjoy and Happy Haunting!
Download this map for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 5 months ago
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There is a lone shipwreck on an unmarked location of Anchor Island, a ship which bears the wounds of mutiny and murder. The restless souls of the sailors haunt this shipwreck, along with numerous creatures that have taken residence in the hold.
This ship has a total of 3 floors (4 if we count the quarterdecks and cabins). The cabins once housed the captain, first mate, and many of the ship's officers. The lower deck held the ship's crew and served as a common area for eating. A kitchen to the rear provided food for the crew. The cargo hold held many crates, and barrels, along with a small jail cell for mutineers and vagabonds.
This map pack includes a fully-functional "ship at sea," if you want your players to sail this ship before crashing it.
Download the map for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 5 months ago
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High above the crashing waves lies a well-defended castle that is built into the side of a mountain. This castle serves as the home of Captain Flint and his rag tag army of buccaneers and outlaws!
This fortress features high stone walls reinforced with two towers and plenty of cannons to scan the horizon. A large mountain provides natural protection from the north and west.
A small hamlet is set up within the castle, with a mountain spring providing fresh water. More buildings are in the process of being built, as this castle serves as a refuge for many convicts and brigands.
You can download the high-resolution map for free here.
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silvercompassmaps · 6 months ago
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This is a collection of 20 of my most popular ship maps! These maps represent many hours of work which I have been able to do full-time since the start of 2024. Consider this my way of giving back the positivity and support I’ve received in this community since the beginning of my mapmaking career!
Download all 20 maps for free here.
If you enjoy my work then please consider supporting me on Patreon. Supporters will get access to all of my watermark-free maps, gridded variants, and tokens in a VTT-friendly file format.
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