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alwaysbewoke · 10 months ago
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mariwatchesmovies · 1 month ago
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Dahomey (2024) dir. Mati Diop cine. Joséphine Drouin-Viallard
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evacrstairs · 4 months ago
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the edge of darkness (stacey rhodes) headers. please, like or reblog if you save or use. 🖤
art by btzart_ commissioned by sagednhue
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anordinaryarchitect · 7 months ago
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22/06/24 | 3/51 Productive Day
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universitypenguin · 2 years ago
I was re-reading "Restitution" and remembered how much I love this story. One of my favorite things, is Ari's growth. It was so sweet seeing him turn into such a good father and how settled he became. Have you ever thought about doing a oneshot about him after the new baby is born? He's already been a great support for the other babies, I'd love to see him when he gets his own.
Word Count: 490
A/N: Here you go! 🥰 Thank you for the ask! This came out so cute, I love it.
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The light in the nursery came from the mobile over the crib and a plug in light beside the door.
Ari sat in the dim room cradling the newborn baby in his arms. The little one stirred, reaching his tiny fingers out and grasping Ari’s thumb with surprising strength. His mouth curled into a grin as the little fingers tightened and relaxed in a steady rhythm around his thumb.
How could watching a baby squeeze your thumb inspire such a sense of awe? How could it fill him with such joy, and at the same time send a jolt of fear down his spine?
He’d never been one to dwell on his more serious emotions. Sitting here in the near dark, there was no avoiding the profound responsibility that had been bestowed upon him. Ari never would have thought profound responsibility could be so thrilling. He knew there would be sleepless nights, diaper changes, and so many things to do for his son. But instead of feeling mundane and tired at the prospect, he felt energized, as if he had the power to scale a mountain or sprout wings and fly.
Ari traced the curve of the baby’s chin and marveled at his perfect Cupid’s bow lips. He was so tiny. There were thoughts to disturb his sleep and no emotions that weren’t related to his own comfort. Everything was insignificant except food and sleep at this stage of life.
Ari's heart swelled with love. He’d never been so happy to be right where he was, doing what he was doing, before. Tranquility - that was the word he was searching for, what described this emotion. He wanted to stay in this room with his baby forever.
A soft creak in the hall alerted him to another presence. He raised his head and locked eyes with you. You leaned against the door frame, watching them with a smile.
The baby wiggled in his arms, so he rocked the chair to settle him. Ari gazed down at him with a mixture of wonder and love.
“Look at him,” he murmured. “Already showing off that incredible grip.”
“I see he’s already got Daddy wrapped around his finger,” you said.
“Literally… Can you believe how tiny his hands are?! But they’re so strong.”
You moved into the room, softening as you took in the sleeping features of your son. He’d passed out with his cheek pressed to Ari’s chest and his hand gripping his thumb for dear life.
“He must have gotten your sense of resolve with a grip like that,” you said.
Ari chuckled, shifting the baby's weight in his arms.
“I believe that came from his Mama.”
“Stop trying to butter me up. We know he’s your spitting image. He looks so much like you, I can hardly believe he even came out of me.”
His lips curved into a devious smile. “Well, we definitely won’t need a DNA test this time.”
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year ago
(my new years resolution was to be more brave, and here are some things that have paid off this month:
-candlelight sleepy girl yoga (so relaxing and lovely and it feels so good to move my body and stretttch. if they did this class every night i would probably go to it)
-got my eyebrows done (i know this is silly but ive always been weird about folks putting chemicals and products too close to my eyeballs but got SO TIRED up maintaining brows and also doing them every morning, so here they are!!! And im going to bed and theyre still there and i am *so natural* so glamorous)
-i said yes to a teaching opportunity, so will officially actually be a Professor Grey too, and Im actually very excited (i never thought i would ever teach art, i always thought if i taught something it would be something serious and idk practical, but, thats not what worked out, and instead i get to spend my time once a week playing with paint and youths and clay and—)
anyway, will add to this as i hopefully continue to be brave 2k24)
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agentfascinateur · 6 months ago
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allykatsart · 1 year ago
I absolutely loved this page when the pale king realizes what he had taken from his children in his process of creating a pure vessel.
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A masterpiece if I do say so lol
That face was so fun to draw. It holds a lot of weight to... Well, everything. That line is so raw in the original....
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mybeautifulchristianjourney · 2 months ago
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Laws about Hebrew Servants and Restitution
1 "And these are the judgments which you shall set before them.
2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years. And in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. 3 If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself. If he was married, then his wife shall go out with him. 4 If his master has given him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself. 5 And if the servant shall plainly say, 'I love my master, my wife, and my sons. I do not want to go out free,' 6 His master shall bring him to the judges. He shall also bring him to the door or to the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall serve him forever.
7 And if a man sells his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do. 8 If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no power to sell her to a strange nation, 9 And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her as with daughters. 10 If he takes himself another wife, her food, her clothing, and her duty of marriage shall not be lessened. 11 And if he does not do these three things for her, then she shall go out free without money.
12 He that strikes a man, so that he dies, shall be surely put to death. 13 And if a man does not lie in wait, but God delivers him into his hand, then I will appoint you a place where he shall flee. 14 But if a man comes presumptuously upon his neighbor to slay him with guile, you shall take him from My altar so that he may die.
15 And he that strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.
16 And he that steals a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
17 And he that curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.
18 And if men strive together, and one strikes another with a stone, or with his fist, and he does not die, but is confined to his bed; 19 If he rises again and walks abroad upon his staff, then he that struck him shall be set free. Only he shall pay for the loss of his time and shall cause him to be completely healed.
20 And if a man strikes his servant or his maidservant with a rod and he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished. 21 But if he continues a day or two, he shall not be punished, for he is his money.
22 If men strive and strike a pregnant woman, so that there is a miscarriage, and no harm follows, he shall surely be punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him. And he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 And if any injury occurs, then you shall give life for life, 24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
26 And if a man strikes the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, so that it perishes, he shall let him go free on account of his eye. 27 And if he strikes out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's tooth, he shall let him go free on account of his tooth.
28 If an ox gores a man or woman so that they die, then the ox shall surely be stoned, and his flesh shall not be eaten. But the owner of the ox shall be clear. 29 But if the ox was known to gore in time past, and his owner has been warned, but he did not keep it in, so that it kills a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to death. 30 If there is laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatever is laid upon him. 31 Whether it has gored a son, or has gored a daughter, according to this judgment it shall be done to him. 32 If the ox shall gore a manservant or a maidservant, he shall give to their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.
33 And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit, and not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls in it, 34 The owner of the pit shall make it good and give silver to its owner. And the dead beast shall be his.
35 And in the event the ox of a man damages the ox of a neighbor, so that it dies, then they shall sell the living ox, and they shall divide the money of it. And they shall also divide the dead ox. 36 Or if it is known that the ox has been known to gore in time past, and his owner has not kept him in, he shall surely pay ox for ox. And the dead ox shall be his own." — Exodus 21 | A Faithful Version (AFV) Holy Bible, A Faithful Version © 2020 A Faithful Version. All Rights Reserved. Cross References: Genesis 9:5; Exodus 24:3; Exodus 21:36; Exodus 22:1; Leviticus 25:19-20; Leviticus 25:44; Numbers 35:10-11; Numbers 35:16; Deuteronomy 15;16; Deuteronomy 21:4; Deuteronomy 21:6; Deuteronomy 22:18-19; Nehemiah 5:5; Ezekiel 15:8; Matthew 5:38; Matthew 18:25; Matthew 26:15; Matthew 26:52; Mark 7:10; 1 Corinthians 7:3; 1 Corinthians 7:5; 1 Timothy 1:10
Exodus 21 - The Pulpit Commentaries
Key Passages in Exodus 21
1. Laws for men servants 5. For the servant whose ear is bored 7. For women servants 12. For manslaughter 16. For kidnappers 17. For cursers of parents 18. For smiters 22. For a hurt by chance 28. For an ox that gores 33. For him who is an occasion of harm
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culturefrancaise · 1 year ago
«Monuments Men»: Rose Valland, l'héroïne lesbienne oubliée - ADHEOS
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fabiansteinhauer · 7 months ago
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Lexikon. LexIkon.Lexklon
Die Bild- und Rechtswissenschaft ist eine lexIkonische und lexikalische Wissenschaft. Eine Technik, mit der sie sich beschäftigt, ist das Tafeln. Nietzsche spricht dabei von einem Unterschied, von altem und neuem Tafeln. Dieses Verhältnis ist eines der Restitution und damit des Nach(t)lebens der Antike.
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alwaysbewoke · 10 months ago
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I want every single cent!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"MORE DESERTERS AND WIFE-BEATERS," Montreal Gazette. October 15, 1913. Page 5. --- Society for Protection of Women and Children Handle Increased Cases ---- LAW NOT ACTED UPON ---- Legislation Providing That Husband in Jail Should Support Wife Adopted, but Not Enforced ---- The need of enforcing legislation for the protection of wives from dissolute husbands is emphasized this year to an even greater extent than formerly by the steady increase in the number of cases dealt with by the Society for the Protection of Women and Children according to Mr. O. H. Skroder, secretary of that body. This Increase he believes, is to a great extent due to the non-enforcement of existing laws, as well as the need for more severity in dealing with wife deserters.
An amendment was passed some five years ago providing that prisoners confined on such charges should be given work to do, and paid wages, their earnings to be devoted to the support of their families.
The increase in cases dealt with by the society has been noticeable for some time, most of such cases being wife desertion and wife beating. In June, July and August of 1912, 215 cases were dealt with, while during the same three months of the present year this number grew to 260. In September of last year the cases numbered 96, while last month there were 108 This increase has been steady, the number of cases increasing almost every month during the year, and it is feared that if some remedial measures are not taken the coming winter will be one of much hardship.
LAW ALREADY PROVIDED. The solution for much of the trouble according to Mr. Skroder lies in the enforcement of the law providing for the payment of wages to prisoners. About five years ago an amendment was introduced at Quebec and passed providing that men confined in jail on charges of wife desertion or similar offences where the wife and family had no means of support should be paid for their work during the term of the sentence such wages to be given for the support of the family. When the amendment had been passed and the first prisoner sentenced under its provisions it was found that there was no money to pay him wages. The city denied responsibility and the Government took no further action. Towards the end of the year the Society for the Protection of Women and Children usually introduces amendments which it desires to be made by the Provincial Government, and this matter may be taken up next month.
A case illustrating the need for such an amendment came to the notice of the Society yesterday, a man being convicted by Judge Lanctot and his wife and two children left absolutely without support. It appears some weeks ago he went to a hotel in Lachine, living there with his family, but paying nothing. He repeatedly told the proprietor that he was expecting mail from England with a cheque and on entering the hotel always asked if this mail had come. A few days ago it was discovered that he had left instructions for letters to be sent to the Montreal Post Office, and as he owed about $60, a warrant was obtained for his arrest. He was convicted yesterday morning, and will be sentenced next week. Meanwhile his wife and two children, one two years, and the other two weeks old; were left penniless. They were taken to the Sheltering Home yesterday until something can be done for them, but should the husband's sentence prove to be a long one such charitable institutions are not always able to maintain the family indefinitely."
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anordinaryarchitect · 7 months ago
06.07.24 • 17/51 Productive Day
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I think I went to measure the mansion for the last time before quitting my job.
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universitypenguin · 10 months ago
Thinking about our little Restitution family unit. What do holidays look like for them? Are they big on trips to see Santa and the Easter Bunny? Do they spend holidays with Dutchess’ family? Love this family ❤️
Holidays with the Restitution Characters
I think at Christmas time the family would make it a tradition of going to the parade of lights. Steve and the reader would be legally married, while Ari would be her known as her "boyfriend." Andy and the reader wouldn't have any publicly acknowledged relationship, which is why they'd avoid their local parade and choose to drive a few towns over to a different area where they could all be together.
Andy would have a hoodie partially covering his face to obscure his identity. Steve would be walking hand in hand with the reader, except when Ari cut in to steal her away. The guys would be primarily in charge of the babies and Steve's very worried about them having enough blankets. The reader would definitely break off from Steve and Ari to walk arm in arm with Andy, and despite him complaining about the risk, Andy loves it.
In regards to Santa, I'd bet that after baby Charlotte had a bad reaction to her first visit with Santa Claus (I mean, she was scared he might not have skin under all that facial hair and who could blame her?) the guys don't try to have the kids interact with Santa. The easter bunny is a different story, because Charlotte loves bunnies. She's obsessed with the Easter Bunny and loves getting Easter baskets from him.
I'd bet that they do spend the holidays with Duchess' family, although they do stay in a hotel because having all of them there is a lot of company at one time.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
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If someone would like to apologize to me, for saying untruthful and hurtful things about me (and there has been a number of individuals doing exactly that, throughout the course of my life), by paying me $787.5 million, I guess that would be fine by me.I might (might) consider accepting a somewhat smaller sum, too.
[Mikhail Iossel]
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