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grendraws · 1 year ago
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New sticker coming to shows this summer! Snap up one of these cuties at any of my shows!
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bitsnbobsboutique · 2 years ago
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Back from some R&R as the doctor ordered. Getting away really emphasizes all the daily stressors. Hopefully I can work towards living more aloha at home from this point forward. #chronicpainwarrior #syringomyeliawarrior #vacation #mindsetreset #restisbest #doctorsorders #wellness #istillknit #legobatman https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLmuUfP_yJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reneesrockingredesign · 2 years ago
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This girl has been under weather and actually even missed school yesterday (I know 😱), but this evening, aside from that terrible allergy drainage cough, she is doing so much better and (mostly) back to her spunky self! Thank you to those who were thinking of her! #tistheseason #restisbest #onthemend https://www.instagram.com/p/CpO-6wbOR1RCFLD8FAhQe8bO5BZRe2JiL0gOFA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hscottfitch · 2 years ago
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WHAT'S YOUR Evening Routine? Do you have one? Tomorrow starts TONIGHT...I'll check with my team and my coach (yes I HAVE 2 Coaches & a TEAM that I PAY for) and start to wind down at 9. I'll be ready to Own The MORNING whiche leads me to ask... Do you have a MORNING routine? Habits make your priorities Happen when Motivation Melts and Feelings Fail. Start At Night and Own The Morning are 2 Non-negotiables for my Fit50 team starting Jan2. Habits that will help you get to your goals and benefit you the rest of your life once anchored. I have 5 spots available for Fit50 starting Jan 2...If you'd like to apply and see if you qualify, Pls Dm the keyword "FIT" and we'll chat soon! Scott ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #sleepytime #eveningroutinees #eveningroutine🌛🌟 #goodsleep #restfulsleep #eveningroutinetips #eveningroutine #sleepproblems #eveningroutinedone #eveningroutine🏃 #restisbest #eveningroutines #eveningroutine💡 #belief #mentalwellbeing #goodnightssleep #eveningroutineiskey #sleeptight #sleep #sleepbetter #lovesleep #bedtimeroutine #eveningroutine🌙❤️ #eveningroutine🧘🏻‍♀️ #goodnightsleep #eveningroutine🌙 #sleepwell #sleepsolutions #morningroutine (at Barrie, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIXulPuW6P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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srinivasontop · 4 years ago
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#rest #sleep #sleepy #rest&sleep #restyoursoul #restyourmind #restyourbody #sleepingbeauty #sleeping #sleeptime #sleepwell #sleephelp #sleepbetter #restisimportant #restisbest #thursdayfeels #thursdaythoughts #thursdays #thursdaytip #thursdayevening (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNsIeBTsKRi/?igshid=1f7inf9o046lo
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lynethpt · 4 years ago
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Client came with pain without movement and 10/10 on movement of the (L) shoulder. Pain and Edematous until the wrist on Day 2 of the injury Assessment : Acute Long Head of the Bicep tendonitis Treatments: Since its acute and edematous we did lymphatic drainage using @m2tblade. @raphahealthcup all over the left arm, shoulder joint until the upper traps to drain the swelling. @vigorkinetictape #kinesiologytape on the front of the shoulder for pain and immobilizing the shoulder. #RESTISBEST for healing in this case. Isometric training on all the muscles to maintain tone and pain relief. Day 3 (Day after the treatment) Swelling went down to 90%. Less Pain Tendon takes time to heal since it is avascular may take 4 to 6 weeks. Nutrition helps a lot in this case for sure. And of course therapies. Tomorrow is our 2nd session. #M2TBlade #iastm #cuppintherapy #tendonitis (at NUCares Health and Beauty Therapy-MNL) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmVLMLj08u/?igshid=1u1r1drhr6uzp
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blastoffbabies · 7 years ago
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Home watching Captain Underpants. I think we both needed this sick day. #restisbest
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funkcutter · 5 years ago
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All hail and surrender to thee mighty #NHS and genepool that saved this (AŘ)soul thanx #krypto @friedamunro #fakenews #coronatime #coronacabaret #restisbest #savetheNHS #saveoursouls (at Loonyverse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-6-0FMD0A6/?igshid=1jvrlsbt3hgh9
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mholquinn · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @drchristinacruz Do you ever feel guilty for sleeping in?⁣ ⁣ Or feel 'lazy' for taking a break?⁣ ⁣ If so, I get it. I grew up with a military father who believed sleeping in past 5 am was late.⁣ ⁣ But here's the thing, we are not machines. We are humans who are meant to oscillate between wakefulness and sleep. Activity and rest.⁣ ⁣ We literally HAVE TO sleep in order to survive. In order to be productive, functional humans.⁣ ⁣ Rest assured, (😉) our bodies are still working for us while we sleep. Our body repairs itself when we sleep. We process emotions and absorb what we learned when we slow down.⁣ ⁣ So, join me in prioritizing sleep and rest. Take naps when you can. Give yourself a much needed mental break. Disconnect so you can reconnect.⁣ ⁣ And remember, rest IS productive!⁣ ⁣ Tell me in the comments, do you take breaks throughout your day? How do you recharge?⁣ ⁣ #restisproductive #gotakeanap #sleepin #sleep #sleeptight #rest #restisbest #resttodestress #reducestress #nap #napping #restasresistance #healwhenyousleep #napministry #thenapministry #giveyourselfabreak #mentalbreak #selfhealing #selfrepair #abetteryou #selfcare #takecareofyourself⁣ - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NdJFpgoeB/?igshid=uj6ktxi4vrdp
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softservecbd · 5 years ago
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Let yourself be Loved today posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/33tRSgh
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biailiao · 6 years ago
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rest is a must! #realstuff 💯 #advice #rest #restisbest #restisbest #restisneeded #youcantpourfromanemptycup #taketimeout #taketimeforyou #relax #meditate #procrastinate #chill #donothing #selfcare #takecareofyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B2S2cvggegJ/?igshid=1fwujr6u65xka
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eyesbreathbody · 8 years ago
I'm not ready
Sigh. I’m sick. I knew it was creeping up on me, but ignored it. I guess that transatlantic flight was the kicker. Having jet lag also doesn’t help. I’m up again at 3.30 in the morning. My head pounds and body aches as I listen to sounds of the night. Scrap metal being shifted. Cars barreling down an empty road. I try not to be obsessed by the time and this aggravating interruption. I still have a couple of days to kick this before I am expected to work hard. My sister, an oiler, plies me with various unguents designed to boost immunity.
Please work.
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roomtonic · 4 years ago
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Things have been so hectic lately, I’m hoping to join Lulu in the breezeway this weekend. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Have a safe and happy fourth! . . #metime #restisbest #happyfourth #breezeway #leopardprint #leopardprintfurniture #leopardprintrecamiere #leopardprintlounge #thibaut #thibautfabric #thibautasianscenic #pinkandgreen #blueandgreen #vintagefurniture #chinoiserie #chinoiseriechic #chinoiseriechicstyle #chinoiseriefabric #chinoiseriestyle #roomtonic #roomtonicdecor https://instagr.am/p/CQ3YAwbsDxZ/ July 03, 2021 at 08:35AM
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bwellbhappy · 7 years ago
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Nice chill Sunday, rest day. No workout today; first full rest day in 8 days. Greens and eggs for brunch. Poquito vino 🍷con guitarra for the evening. @dryfarmwines are the best. REALLY digging this one. And it’s true... no hangover. Fall is officially here, which means reds are, too! #vinovibes #sundayjams #poodlepals #balanceisbalance #resttorecover #restisbest #yogidocchillmode https://www.instagram.com/p/BoFy_6lH6dDwupDZi_F7ab3UsXnxtDmlm5lgjE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g4lhzh006qer
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misscablackburn · 7 years ago
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Couldn't get more love than what I get from this dog 😍 #sybil #puppylove #bordercollie #lovethisdog #instadog #socute #instagood #postop #sheepdog #instalove #sleeping #resting #restisbest #tongueouttuesday👅 #tongueout #cute #follow #bedrest #nursedog #healthcare #therapydog
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als153414 · 7 years ago
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#restisbest #relaxation
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