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Reposted from @drchristinacruz Do you ever feel guilty for sleeping in? Or feel 'lazy' for taking a break? If so, I get it. I grew up with a military father who believed sleeping in past 5 am was late. But here's the thing, we are not machines. We are humans who are meant to oscillate between wakefulness and sleep. Activity and rest. We literally HAVE TO sleep in order to survive. In order to be productive, functional humans. Rest assured, (😉) our bodies are still working for us while we sleep. Our body repairs itself when we sleep. We process emotions and absorb what we learned when we slow down. So, join me in prioritizing sleep and rest. Take naps when you can. Give yourself a much needed mental break. Disconnect so you can reconnect. And remember, rest IS productive! Tell me in the comments, do you take breaks throughout your day? How do you recharge? #restisproductive #gotakeanap #sleepin #sleep #sleeptight #rest #restisbest #resttodestress #reducestress #nap #napping #restasresistance #healwhenyousleep #napministry #thenapministry #giveyourselfabreak #mentalbreak #selfhealing #selfrepair #abetteryou #selfcare #takecareofyourself - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B8NdJFpgoeB/?igshid=uj6ktxi4vrdp
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