#remember when i was good at doing replies lol
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I don’t remember where, but I think it was right here on Tumblr that I read about a sort of challenge a while ago—to say why we like Spawn Astarion.
Well, since I think it’s a really nice thing to do…
Here are all the reasons why I love Spawn Astarion.
He’s an elf. I’ve always had a weakness for those elegant, slender, and ethereal creatures (no, not you, Halsin, lol). High elves, wood elves, wild elves, drow—love them all. And Astarion is a high elf with the most wonderful stuck-up attitude. I adore him.
He’s a beautiful man. Or at least, I think he is. I love his physicality. Sure, he’s got a great body, but what I especially adore is his angular face. Sharp ears, cheekbones, nose, jawline, chin. I love the elongated and captivating shape of his eyes, and those curls on his head. His hair is gorgeous, and even if he hates poetry (well, after having one carved into his back by Cazador, it’s understandable), I find it absolutely beautiful how his curls wrap around his ears! And also at the nape of his neck and on his forehead! xD
The way he moves and speaks. Of course, this is also thanks to the brilliant performance of Neil Newbon—props to him! I could watch Astarion for hours, talking about this or that, gesturing with those elegant hands and tilting his head from side to side. And when he puts his hands on his hips? Aww. And how can we not mention the expressiveness of his face, shifting incredibly between moments of vulnerability and defensiveness, especially in Act 1. In any case, he’s hugely entertaining, as well as just visually stunning to look at—he truly belongs on a stage, as Shadowheart would say (though maybe not the one with the noose, please!). And those abandoned puppy eyes? End of the world. I can’t resist him.
His sarcasm and dark humor. Lol. He kills me. Sometimes he’s inappropriate, idiotic, or downright an asshole—but apparently, I’m a terrible person because I laugh anyway. He’s such a fun companion, and he never fails to entertain me during the game, especially in his banter with the other party members, which is often hilarious.
His disapproval. Oh yes. I still remember my first playthrough— the more he disapproved, the more I wanted to understand why. And I felt personally attacked, thinking: “Look at this bastard, nothing ever pleases him.” But it added just the right amount of spice to my adventure and my relationship with him. It pushed me to ask questions, to want to engage with him, to understand his reasons and have him understand mine. Like a real person you disagree with. That dynamic always fascinated me—our differences.
Our arguments. I loved arguing with him, even when we saw things differently. I enjoyed playing along when we joked about how we’d prefer to die or which of our companions to feed on. It was fun. And it was even more engaging when things got serious—when we talked about Cazador and how cruel he was, or Astarion’s hunger for power, about bending others to his will, the heroes who never saved him, his willingness to deceive and doom his siblings… I loved every word, every clash, every sharp line, every time he made me grit my teeth. And I especially loved how it made me feel—the patience, the attention, the caution with which I picked every single reply, never backing down just to please him, contradicting him whenever I felt it necessary. And at the same time, the fear of losing him for good if I made the wrong move—because I had sensed how fragile he really was.
The surprise! Yes, when he proposed spending the night together despite all the times we had been on opposite sides. I didn’t expect it, and it made me curious. And sure, at that point in the story there’s a personal motive for Astarion—but we know that the offer only comes if he trusts Tav/Durge enough.
The contrast between the monster and the elf. I think this is one of the most beautiful aspects—his duality. The unbearable dichotomy he’s trapped in. Astarion suffers from being seen and treated as a monster. On one side, he leans into his vampiric nature—his thirst for blood and power (the latter driven by fear as well). But on the other, there’s this deep desire for redemption, for connection, to be understood and accepted, for real intimacy, to belong, to have a place in the world. And all those internal battles make him incredibly dear to me.
He’s morally complex. His view of the world—and the people in it—is very dark, especially early on. Personally, I’m not a fan of the spotless hero type—I usually find them flat and boring, especially when they’re not well written. The Gary Stu kind is just unbearable. Thankfully, that’s not the case with Larian’s characters—the writing is top-notch. But when you combine a well-written character with moral grayness, that’s my perfect character. Again, I love the contrast between good and evil, right and wrong. And Astarion is always walking that razor’s edge, constantly pulled between those two forces that often leave him conflicted. And to be honest, I also believe sometimes the ends do justify the means. Within limits, of course. xD
His backstory. I love characters with tragic, tormented pasts—especially when they manage to reach some form of a happy ending. And even more when they’re written as well as Astarion, with such deep themes and psychological complexity that make him feel incredibly real.
Projection. I won’t go into details, but I’ve been to dark places too, and I’ve had even darker thoughts. I’ve hurt people as well—even if I didn’t know or wasn’t able to do better at the time. I just didn’t have the tools. The positive note is that, like Astarion in the Spawn ending, I’ve managed to accept a whole series of unpleasant events, emotions, and feelings—and learned to live with them. Whether I like it or not, they’re mine, they make me who I am, and I keep them with me. And now I’m in a much better place—safe, loved, and seen for who I am, flaws, strengths, and all. And I love being able to offer my pixelated vampire boyfriend that same opportunity.
The breakdown after Cazador’s death. My God, that scene. That release. The moment where Astarion stabs and screams is already powerfully raw—you feel the rage, the tension, the bottled-up hatred. But then—he collapses to the ground and cries. Fuck. That moment is everything. A whirlwind of emotions so deep and intense I could almost feel them as my own. A cathartic release of everything he had held in for too long—pain, sorrow, grief, relief, hope. God, how I love that moment. And I wish I could hug him, wrap him up, comfort him—but it wouldn’t be right. Because that moment is his. He earned it. And he needs it. Anyone who has suffered that much deserves a moment like that—when it all comes out and slips away, leaving emptiness in its place, as terrifying as that may be.
“This is a gift. Thank you. I won’t forget it.” What can I say? This is a conversation that begins in Act 1, with the first act of trust Tav/Durge offers Astarion, and concludes at the end of his quest—in the good ending. Tav/Durge never saw him as a monster. They always trusted him. They knew he still had so much to give—he could be different. Better than Cazador. And the way I played it, constantly clashing with Astarion from the start over our differing worldviews—hearing those words wasn’t just satisfying. It was everything. Because just as I wanted to know him, understand him, and he became a part of me—he also knew me, understood me, and I became a part of him. And we met in the middle. That, fuck, is the perfect simulation of a healthy relationship between two people. And it’s beautiful. Just thinking about it makes my heart race.
“I feel safe with you. Seen.” It’s pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll say just a couple of things. These are powerful concepts. Especially when we’re talking about someone who has been through everything, and finally finds someone who makes him feel safe. Someone who won’t hurt him. That’s huge. And the concept of being seen? I think that’s the most fundamental desire every person on this planet has. And Astarion waited 200 years to feel that. It’s moving. And so deeply fulfilling to hear.
Spawn Astarion’s kisses. The sweetness. That soft side of him that comes out. The way he looks at Tav/Durge as he leans in—his face relaxed, his eyes shining, that smile on his lips. Love, in its most tender form.
Unique dialogues from Spawn Astarion. I’m referring in particular to the confrontation with the Gur after Cazador’s death, and to the moment when Durge wants to leave him out of fear of causing him harm. I find the way he handles these situations absolutely beautiful—it perfectly shows how much he’s grown, and how willing he is to open up to others, to consider their feelings. Even those he once saw as old, despised “enemies,” to whom he spares the pain of watching their children turned into ravenous vampire spawn. That line always moves me—I think it hits incredibly hard, especially given the context and his history with the Gur tribe. And then, of course, there’s the confrontation with Tav/Durge after the betrayal involving Mizora, which again shows how much he’s grown—even in terms of self-perception, understanding his limits, and asserting his right to say no. And what he says at the top of the Netherbrain, when Durge tries to claim it for Bhaal, perfectly reflects how his priorities have shifted since breaking free from Cazador’s mindset.
Self-acceptance. It's such an important, healthy concept. Astarion is perfect just the way he is. He has nothing to fear in that regard—he can simply exist and express himself. He doesn't need more power; vulnerability is okay, being fallible is okay, being full of flaws is okay. Being afraid is okay. You're still worthy of love. And the world isn't this terrible place where you have to crush others to survive—you can find your place among others, with others, and live with others. And it's beautiful to see how Spawn Astarion begins to internalize these ideas.
Facing his fears instead of indulging them. I’ve done the opposite for so long that I can honestly say—it’s usually a terrible idea. Because most of the time it means running away and giving something up. But Spawn Astarion doesn’t do that—he fights. He chooses the hard, uphill path of self-discovery and acceptance. With all the consequences that come with it—no matter how painful, like losing the sun or dealing with the gnawing hunger. It’s an act of immense strength and courage.
He takes responsibility and makes amends. That’s called redemption. And yes, he couldn’t refuse to obey Cazador’s orders—he had no choice—but when the ritual is within reach, the choice is entirely his. The lives of his former targets and his brothers and sisters are in his hands—an enormous burden on his shoulders. And in the moment he gives it up, he rights a wrong both suffered and inflicted. He saves himself and all the other vampire spawn, freeing them from Cazador’s influence and from the path the vampire lord had laid out for them.
He becomes an antihero. Yes, Astarion is better than Cazador. He’s become kinder, more open toward others, more willing to help, and more optimistic about life. But he hasn’t become a saint—he’s still a bloodsucker, and deep down he’s still the lovable rogue I fell in love with, always ready to say something inappropriate, foolish, or even cruel. And to take advantage of situations when he can. I adore him! But he’s still a charming scoundrel with a whole world of possibilities to explore, and plenty of room to grow—both in his relationships with others and in the one he has with himself.
There’s probably more, but I think I’ve written plenty already—and I’ve got a real life and a family breathing down my neck, lol. Let’s just say these are the main reasons why I love Spawn Astarion, why my relationship with him has become so precious to me, and why it’s so damn hard to romance any other companion in camp when that damned vampire is around. Lol.
#astarion#astarion ancunin#baldur's gate 3#bg3#bg3 astarion#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate#baldurs gate#baldurs gate 3 astarion#astarion bg3#baldur's gate astarion#spawn astarion
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pink cheeks. - chapter 1.
masterlist requests word count: 2.9k
a/n: first ferran fic! i think this could actually work quite well as a series, or at least with another part, so let me know if you're interested! genre: fluff? i don't know, not fluff, not angst, not comfort, so i guess that leaves fluff 😭 warnings: mentions (literally once) of parents dying in car crash, swearing (i think? don't remember lol)
After spending a gap year travelling around Europe and the Americas, you’ve finally settled in Barcelona for the next few years anyway. Living with your two older cousins so you don’t have to pay for accommodation as well, Pedri and Fer are proving to be interesting roommates, but Fer cooks good food and Pedri’s always down to play video games or do something with you - so you can’t really complain. And Nilo the dog, too, who’s taken a particular liking to you.
You managed to land yourself a scholarship at Universitat de Barcelona, with your major being sports science, taking sports psychology and strength and conditioning classes. It’s something you’ve always been interested in, and growing up around a cousin obsessed with football, and who is now one of the best midfielders in the world, definitely helped.
Because you’ve spent the last year pretty much alone all the time, discovering and exploring the world, having roommates again feels a little odd, but this isn’t the first time you’re living with Pedri and Fer, having moved in with them and your tía Rosie and tío Fernando, when you were just a baby after your parents died in a car crash. So your ‘cousins’ have pretty much always been more like brothers than anything else to you. And you’ve always been somewhat of their little sister.
Currently sitting at the kitchen table, reading through pages of your textbook and taking notes at the same time, you hear the front door open and close, greeting whoever’s just come in, “Hola!” you call, without looking up, assuming it’s just Pedri or Fer. But when an unfamiliar voice replies to you, your eyes move in the direction of the door. “Buenas días (good morning),” there stands a rather tall man, he’s muscular looking, with short, dark hair, a beard and beautiful brown eyes. Talk about a Spanish dreamboat. “Uh… morning. Disculpa, ¿quién eres (sorry, who are you)?” you ask uncertainly, raising an eyebrow. He hangs up his jacket on the hook by the door and walks closer, holding out a hand for a handshake, which you accept. “I’m Ferran, Ferran Torres. I play with Pedri.”
Oh. Oh.No wonder he’s so hot then, there’s hardly a single ugly man that plays on that team. His hands are gentle, but his skin is rough, and his handshake is firm. You blink, and realise he’s waiting for you to introduce yourself back. “Y/N. I’m him and Fer’s cousin.” He smiles charmingly as he takes his hand from yours and puts it into his pocket.
“What’s all this?” he asks politely, but curiously. He tilts his head to the side to look at the books better, his eyes then flicking to yours once more as he waits for your answer. Pretending your cheeks haven’t gone pink, you answer his question. “This? It’s, uh, just uni stuff.” “Uni stuff? What are you studying?” “Sports psychology and strength and conditioning training, specialising in footballers, actually.” you chuckle. His eyebrows raise, his expression equally surprised and impressed, “Wow, that’s actually really cool.”
There’s the smile again. God. That fucking smile. Saved by the bell, Pedri comes down the stairs, spotting Ferran. “Hola hermano, ready to go?” he asks, putting on his shoes by the door. Ferran nods and gives you a wink goodbye, making you turn from pink to red, looking down at your textbook to hide your face once more and, hopefully, save a small shred of your dignity. “Y/N, we’re going out to Gavi’s, I’ll be home by four!” Pedri calls as they’re walking out the door. “Vale (okay)!” you call back, continuing your revision session, although your focus is now no longer on your textbooks.
Just then, Fer comes into the kitchen from playing out in the backyard with Nilo. He takes a water bottle from the fridge and begins to drink it whilst gathering the ingredients for some type of muffins. “Fer?” “Yeah?” “What do you know about that Ferran guy? Pedri’s friend.” His head appears out the doorway of the walk-in pantry, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. “That he’s way too old for you.” You sigh and roll your eyes, giving up on using him as your source, deciding Google might be less judgemental. He emerges from the pantry now with flour, vanilla, and various other ingredients to bake his muffins. It’s silent for a while as he gets started with the dry bowl, and you continue your notes, until about 5 minutes later you feel his eyes on you.
You look up to find his gaze fixed on your face. “What?” “I’m serious, Y/N. He’s 25, and you’re 19, almost 20.” Fer says firmly. “Whatever,” you mutter, looking back down to your notes. But inside, knowing he’s older almost makes you like him more.
Fer gives a disapproving sigh at your nonchalant answer but keeps his mouth shut for now.
Later that night, lying in bed when you 100% should be sleeping, you’re deep into the results of your “Ferran Torres edits” search on TikTok. And Jesus, this man is finer than you originally thought.
He has ridiculous muscles too. Always a bonus. What girl doesn’t love a man with good biceps? And back tattoos. God, the tattoos almost got you the first time you saw them.
Glancing at the time, you sigh and switch your phone, plugging it in and putting it down on the nightstand. Just as you’re drifting off, you make the decision that you’re going to follow him on Instagram tomorrow, when it isn’t ridiculous o’clock in the morning.
The next morning, you’re awoken by four paws trampling over you on your bed, and Pedri standing in the doorway. Blinking a few times, you sit up and scratch Nilo on the head before addressing Pedri. “Morning.” “Morning, limónita. Wanna come for a walk along the beach with me and Nilo?” Limónita - or, ‘little lemon’, the nickname you had gained as a young child, due to your resting sour expression, even if you’re perfectly happy inside. And unfortunately for you, it stuck. You roll your eyes, but nod anyway, tossing back the cover and swinging your legs around. “Sure, I’ll come downstairs once I’m dressed.” Your older cousin nods too and disappears from the doorway, Nilo trailing along behind him, tail wagging happily after hearing the word ‘walk’.
While eating lunch later on, you had followed through and followed the account that you spent far too much time stalking the previous night.
Deep down yet another Ferran rabbit hole on TikTok when you were meant to be asleep, a notification pops up that physically makes you throw your phone to the other side of your bed in shock. ferrantorres has viewed your profile!Picking your phone back up and clicking on the notification, you’re sent to the real, verified account of the guy you’ve been obsessing over the last few days. Silently screaming, you realise that you had followed him on Instagram, not TikTok, meaning that he’d found your account himself. And he’s also awake at this stupid hour. Stalking you.
A stupid smile appears on your face.
He’s around at the house again the next day, you walk in after your gym session and then the following run home, to find him sitting on the couch playing FIFA with Pedri. You don’t notice him at first, headphones still in your ears, but you turn around from shutting the front door and find his eyes fixed on you, making you remember you’re just wearing your running shorts and skin-tight, slightly cropped, a sliver of your toned, tanned abdomen visible, white tank top, sweating and panting. Pedri gives you a passing welcome home, his eyes staying trained on the TV in front of him, meanwhile, Ferran is having a hard time looking away from you, but when Pedri starts cheering after scoring a (basically) free goal against him, his gaze reluctantly goes back to the game. Your face is already red from the tiring workout, but you feel yourself getting even hotter after realising he could hardly keep his eyes to himself.
After showering, changing and getting changed, you come back downstairs. You’re getting a salad out of the fridge to eat for lunch when Pedri wanders into the kitchen as well, Ferran following behind him. Pedri gets some pistachios and a few other snacks for the two of them out of the pantry when he speaks up. “Limónita, me and Ferran were meant to go out for dinner with Gavi and Eric tonight, but they cancelled so we have two free seats at the table we reserved. We were gonna ask if you and Fer wanted to come?” You can feel Ferran’s eyes on you, waiting for your answer. You nod. “Sure. Is it a dress nice kinda restaurant?” you ask nervously. Pedri nods. “A dress wouldn’t hurt.” You see Ferran look down at his phone, finally removing his eyes from you, but smirking to himself, clearly pleased at the idea of you wearing something nice, so you make your mission to get his jaw to drop when you walk down stairs tonight. “Cool. Be ready by 6 PM.” Pedri replies, “Come, hermano. I have a match to beat you in.” And so they leave the kitchen. At 2 PM, you get up from your bed, and take a quick shower, despite having had one this morning, you wash your hair thoroughly and shave everywhere, even exfoliating. Once out and dressed in a silk robe, your hair blow-dried, you sit down at your vanity and get to work. Not really a makeup girl, you’ve decided that tonight you’ll try it, and 20 minutes later it comes out not too bad, dark eye makeup and a nude lip. You run a straightener through your hair and do the final touches before going to the wardrobe and putting on one of the dresses that you hardly wear. It’s a deep navy blue, backless, and ankle length with your black Loubiton heels. (a/n: this is the pinterest board i made for what I imagine the look to be!)
Now fully dressed, you stand in front of the full-length mirror in your bathroom, smoothing out any creases in the dress and studying the full look. Applying one last coat of lip gloss for good measure, you turn and head back into your room, gathering your phone and a few other things and putting them in your purse before taking a deep breath and walking to the bedroom door, suddenly feeling a little nervous.
You never get this dressed up, and downstairs are your two fairly protective cousins and the best friend of his that you’re crushing on hard.
Oh well. It's too late now. Exhaling sharply, you leave your room and walk through the hallway before making your descent to the living room down the stairs, your stomach doing flips. Hearing your footsteps, the three men look up at the stairs.
Pedri’s eyebrows raise. Fer blinks multiple times as if to check what he’s seeing is real. Ferran just stares, his eyebrows also raised, his tongue coming out to wet his lips.
You fight the nerves and act casual. “What?” you ask, arching one perfectly sculpted eyebrow back at them. “Nothing.” Fer mutters, giving you a final skeptical glance before looking back at his phone.
“You look, um, different, limónita.” Pedri says, awkward as ever. “Thank you, Pedro. ¿Estáis listos para iros (are you guys ready to go)?” you ask politely. There’s a general murmur of “sí” so they all stand up and you start filing out the front door and into the driveway, then into Pedri’s Cayenne. He’s driving, with Fer next to him in the passenger seat - leaving you and Ferran alone in the back.
It’s quiet in the back for a long time, your cousins chatting away in the front, until Ferran quietly breaks the silence. “I like your nails.” he says quietly, gesturing to your hand that was sitting on the empty seat between you two. “Oh, uh, thanks.” you smile, and he smiles back, furthering his compliment. “The colour suits you.” “You think?” “I do. The whole navy outfit brings out those eyes of yours, guapa (pretty).” ‘Guapa’? Hold on. Is he flirting? No way. Internally, you’re freaking out, but on the outside, you manage to play it cool(ish). “You look nice too.” “I always look nice.” he teases, and you laugh. The backseat goes quiet again, but this time the silence between the two of you is much more comfortable, as you both watch the city of Barcelona go by outside the windows.
About 30 minutes into dinner, you’re once again left alone with Ferran as Pedri’s gone up to the bar to order another round of drinks for everyone, and Fer’s in the bathroom. “So how’s school going?” he asks you over the rim of his wine glass. “It’s good actually. The stuff we’re learning is really interesting to me and I got good marks on my last exam.” you smile. “And what’re you learning about, hm?” “Well in strength and conditioning, we’re doing some biomechanics-type stuff about the upper arm muscles.” “What, like biceps, and stuff?” he asks, putting the glass down. You nod. “Yeah, so we’re looking at how muscles move during certain exercises, and then creating a workout plan to work on strengthening them in the most effective way possible. A cheeky look appears in Ferran’s eyes. “Well, if you ever want to test one of your exercises, I’ve got some pretty good arm muscles, and you’re welcome to come and watch me in the gym any time, you know… for study purposes,” he smirks. Your face goes bright red. You know he has amazing arm muscles because you’ve been scrolling pictures of them on Pinterest every night since the first time you met him.
“I might just take you up on that one,” you reply, trying to be confident and flirt, but it still comes out sounding a bit shy. He opens his mouth to speak once more, but then Pedri returns from the bar, and he closes it again. The dinner goes well, the food is good, the drinks are good, and you’re all laughing and having a great time.
Eventually, the meal comes to an end and the three of them head up to the front to pay for their dishes and refreshments, you tell them that you’re just going to head to the bathroom quickly and then you’ll come to pay for your part. You finish up and head to the desk as well, the three guys standing and waiting by the door, you ask the server for your share, but she tells you that your meal has been paid for by ‘that gentleman over there’, you turn to see where she’s pointing and there, leaning against the wall is a smirking Ferran.
You laugh in slight disbelief walking closer to him, “Why’d you do that for? I can pay for it. I’ll transfer you when we get home.” “No, you won’t. I did it because I wanted to,” he says, holding the door for you as you trail out behind Fer and Pedri.
You wait for him and walk together towards Pedri’s car again, a distance away from your cousins up ahead. “And why did you want to?” “Because pretty girls like yourself shouldn’t have to pay for their own meals.” “You think I’m pretty?” “Only an idiot would think otherwise, hermosa (beautiful).” he smiles, looking down at you. Despite your tall heels, he is still a large amount of inches taller. Once again, this gorgeous man has turned your cheeks pink. Damn him.
“Well, uh, thank you.” “No problems. Mamá raised a gentleman. I wouldn’t be here without a woman, so I should be grateful to them and treat them right, she used to tell me.” he chuckles. “I think that’s a good way to raise your sons. Maybe we need more Ferrans in this world.” you laugh softly, and he does too, your hands brushing slightly as you walk.
There’s nothing more you want than to take his hand and hold it in yours, but Pedri’s waiting at the car now, and Fer’s already suspicious of your feelings towards Ferran, so you daren’t. Speeding up your pace a little, you both reach the car once more and Ferran politely opens the door and offers a hand to help you slide into the backseat once more.
You guys drop Ferran back at his own place on the way home, and jeez, does he live in a nice house. He says his goodbyes to Pedri and Fer and waits until they aren’t looking to push a folded-up napkin, discreetly into your palm, closing your fingers around it, then slipping out of the vehicle with a smooth wink. You smile back at him as he closes the door, walking off towards his front door.
Later that night, once you have gotten ready for bed and into your pyjamas, you remove the napkin you had stuffed into your purse, unfolding it. I wasn’t joking about that gym thing, by the way.
Well, maybe the gym part isn’t a requirement, but I’d love to hangout with you sometime, without Pedri or Ferran around.
My address - 1234 Street Street
My number - 123 456 7890
It’s safe to say you go to sleep a happy woman, with a stupid smile on your face.
a/n: would we want another chapter two? or even make this into a series?
#ferran torres#ferran torres fic#obvithebestsoph!ferran torres#fc barcelona#fanfiction#football#football fic#culer#FT7
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(KICKS DOWN DOOR) HELLO STRANGER! I love your idea I'm playing.
Vivec: Need I say more? Ugh. I do need? :/ Fineee... One time I read a well written vivec x reader fanfic, well written enough for me to see the vision I was like. OP. Ur right. I love him. If I had to put my finger on WHY I like him the way I do I guess I'd say he has a lot of like. Tumblr blorbo potiental in the character that he is? Partially genuinely endearing partially annoying partially FUCKED UP! He deserves more love but so does like. All of morrowind. Also addendum to my point: Almalexia but she doesn't get her own section because we ALL have a crush on Almalexia!
That one dunmer girl in raven rock that flirts with you: I forgot her name and I cant remember for the life of me. Usually I find characters in Skyrim who flirt with you really annoying and mundane? But she made me go "TEEHEE... HI..." I'm pretty sure its like Raven Rock trivia that she's secretly fucked up and yet? I wish there was more content of her. Or just any observation of her? And on the topic of Dragonborn NPCs...
(Also if I ever figure it out I'll come back to fix my poorly remembered entry. Sorry dunmer lady :( )
Ralis Sedarys!!!: Another npc who I realized I liked upon seeing people love him on Tumblr. Yes Ralis take all of my money whatever you want Ralisssssss 🫡 I've never had him as a follower but... sigh. Someday. I deserve it
Will you forgive me for adding another dunmer? Good. Gabriella, you know, that dark brotherhood lady?: I LOVE HER!!! She makes me laugh shes cute and funny we are BSF. Shes not new to this list, I have liked her ever since I played the dark brotherhood questline and talked to her, in which she says, from UESP: When asked about herself, she replies, "What a curious question. Well, I enjoy moonlit nights, taking long walks on the beach, knitting and unicorns. In fact, I once took a seaside stroll, on a moonlit night, and discovered a unicorn... which I proceeded to stab in the throat with a crochet needle. I'm a woman of refined, yet simple tastes." I LOVE A WOMAN WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR! Assuming that was her being funny, though, being in the dark brotherhood I can see her being completely serious. Anyways, shame she dies but I'm not too hung up about it, its the dark brotherhood afterall. Everyone dies! Bonus to even out this out, but also an obvious answer, Lucien Lachance is cute in Oblivion. Yeah thats all I have to say LOL
Scouts-Many-Marshes: GIVE IT UP FOR THE BEAST RACES !!! A simple pick but I saw another Tumblr user appreciating him and I was like. You're right. I love him. Our husband now (Said communistly) It's funny I don't think I've actually done his marriage favor cause I hate going to the windhelm docks? I still love him tho. I go there and I go "OH MY GOD SCOUTS HIIII :D!!!"
Kharjo: I dunno! He's very sweet and handsome and I like him, also he has a really neat design as a khajiit :3 I think hes another popular pick but it doesn't change the fact I like him!
J'zargo: I DONT HANG OUT WITH HIM ENOUGH! A crime. Hes funny and his overconfidence is very cute. I guess one thing you should know about me from this list (aside from that i love dunmer) is that I LOVE a person with a hubris!
TES Crushes
I'd really like to get to know people in the fandom space, so here's an open invite to discuss something fun!
Which NPCs in TES (all games included!) do you crush on, and why? They don't have to be marriage candidates (in vanilla), just people you find yourself blushing around. Hell, it could be a Deadric Prince if that's what you're into. Name them and say what about them you find appealing! Then feel free to tag a friend or two!
Don't be afraid to reiterate what someone else has said if you happen to like the same characters.
I'll start off by tagging some really cool-looking people I've seen around: @skyrim-forever @mareenavee @changelingsandothernonsense @ladytanithia
Mine? Well, they'll go below so this intro page isn't all about me and mine. ;)
((So far I've only played Skyrim, so my NPC crushes are all from TES: V. And I haven't met every single NPC there is in the game so my list may expand with time, lol.))
Male Crushes:
Onmund - He's just a sweet, nerdy Nord doofus who tries his best at the College despite feeling like a fish out of water. As a spouse, he's always supportive and loving. As a follower, his AI immediately picks up on threats (usually before I do) and it gives the impression of his character being protective. First spouse I ever chose (also it just makes perfect sense for Elur, my first LDB, to fall for him as far as her character goes).
Enthir - Shady but undeniably charismatic in the fact he gives zero shits what anyone thinks of him. There was always an undertone of odd genuineness to his personality in the College quests that made him fun to be around -- and that came full circle when we realize just how much he genuinely cares for members of the Nightingales. I love characters who act shallow but think and feel deeply.
Female Crushes:
Niranye - I crushed on this merchant the second I saw her because I just thought she was beautiful (her eyes got me for some reason). I also find her voice type the most attractive. I have no idea why, but I usually end up enjoying the uppity tone her voice actress pulls off for everyone she voices. Such a fun and charming mix of pleasant and passive-aggresive, lol. Then Niranye reveals she's a fence and her appeal to me became stronger because now she's more than just a pretty merchant, she's got a cunning little personality. She's a smart businesswoman and she knows it well. Used a cheat code to marry her to my second LDB (who is a Thalmor sympathizer who would only fall for another Altmer, and Taarie is too old for her). Luckily she has voiced romance/marriage dialogue. Since I really like the sound of her voice, my sappy ass melted to bits hearing it when my Altmer LDB proposed.
Jenassa - Hired her randomly because I needed extra pockets and was shocked to discover that she has a personality (was not expecting that of the sell-swords in this game). Took her to a Dwemer ruin and girl laid out paragraphs of lore that I hadn't heard before -- which gives the impression that she's rather book smart for a mercenary. Helping this is that every time I make camp with her, the first thing she does is read a book -- which in my mind, is something she keeps with her at all times because she enjoys reading in her spare time. I enjoy how excited she gets when she sees a hidey-hole she could ambush someone from and how she'll comment on the DB's strong ability to fight. I like that she's a suave, confident, capable fighter that comes to enjoy your company beyond the fact you're paying her. I plan to have my third LDB marry her because she's won my heart as far as the mercenaries I've come across.
Astrid - She's a murder-happy bitch who loves what she does and I'd be happy to let her stab me. . . . Shut up. Also, she's the only member of the OG Dark Brotherhood to have a full-blown character arch and in this house we are SLUTS for good character development. Absolute SLUTS for it.
#i feel bad that *i* dont blush over a daedric prince none of them juuust. interest me in any romantic sense?#tho. if you told me fmk id probably fuck hircine? take that as you will. and then probably contract lycanthropy LMAO whoops!
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class swap design masterpost for convenience (from top to bottom: bard!riz, cleric!gorgug, sorcerer!kristen, barbarian!fig, artificer!adaine, and rogue!fabian)
#dimension 20#fantasy high#fhfy#fhsy#fhjy#riz gukgak#gorgug thistlespring#kristen applebees#figueroth faeth#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#my class swap stuff! oh yeah I think I got a tag for that I'll call that#fh class quangle#gna slowly go back and get that tag on relevant posts too. for organization's sake#even tho I didnt really intend this blog to be that kinda blog lmao. we were all just gonna be out here dealin with that at our own pace#anyways uh! they! u know all the lore for the designs already I put em in tags. but otherwise this also collects like the#color keys kind of for these. mostly the things that change between designs#doing this did make me realise half of these are a Lot more consistent in color keys than the other half lol#like kristen's palette stays pretty much the same. and fabian's. the hit's mostly in the construction#a lot of this is overall like an exercise in remembering what high schoolers would actually wear and how to work in Costume pieces#on this point at least I straight up have No relevant recollection lmao all the basic education establishments I went to have uniforms#and outside of school I was. well kind of a shorts and tee guy. so#on that topic I feel like fabian's is the furthest stretch lmao. like if a guy in high school wears the same bright yellow raincoat#to school every day that's like. people would Not like that guy. fabian really is saved by being cute and a rogue#he will still have stans when he's deep in his fishing arc in junior year he's the manic pixie dream bf#anyways uh. things to do! stuff to get done. sleep first tho. have a good night lads#I have not caught new nsbu yet! seems I mostly catch them like two to three days late nowadays.#so please uhh. don't reply on my posts with nsbu spoilers? we are all excited and having fun but that's rude#ok thank u. signing off for the day have a good night#!!
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It seems to be pretty well established that most fanfic authors don’t mind when readers leave comments on old fics and in fact welcome it. But what about authors replying to old comments?
Do readers care in general whether an author replies? Is it expected and seen as rude if they don’t? Is it nice when they do but not expected? Is there a time limit to the welcomeness of replies? Like is it nice if they respond within a few weeks but if it’s been months or years it feels awkward because you don’t remember the fic anymore? I’m curious!
#basically I have let my ao3 inbox accumulate like 1600 comments#and I am wondering what to do about it lol#historically I was very good about responding to comment bc it’s important to me that my readers feel appreciated#cause genuinely I’m so grateful that they took the time to read and especially to comment! most don’t so it means a lot when they do!#but then I went through a very long phase where I was too lazy/overwhelmed/tired to reply to comments#so I just stopped doing it except for occasionally when I had energy or when a comment was particularly detailed/heartfelt#I always felt bad about it and wanted to eventually catch up again#but now I’ve let it build so much that it’s overwhelming and it’s been so long that it’s awkward lol#and every reply would need to begin with an apology and explanation#but anyway. I was thinking I’d at least like to respond to comment on particular fics#or that are within a certain threshold of time#or that are more thoughtful#but idk#just curious what the vibe is#personally I don’t expect authors to respond to me but it always feels nice when they do#especially if it’s a comment I put a lot of thought/energy into#and I think I’d be pleased to hear back even if it had been years#I might feel a little awkward if I don’t remember the fic lol#but it also could be nice to jog my memory and go ah yes that was a nice time!#haha#anyway#mine#polls
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Just finished rereading ITNL chapter 2 again
Yknow, it's long felt like a weaker chapter to me, especially compared to chapter 1. It's a Necessary chapter, but it's basically an entire chapter of introspection. Add in the fact that I wrote it in a single day and was half falling asleep by the end of editing it, but pressing onwards anyways bc I wanted So Badly to get it out that night...
The Legato part was the weakest for that. I remember staring at it and breaking my brain just trying to make it sound better before just giving up and posting. But when I worked on my full-fic re-edits about.. a year ago now? A year and a bit. I think it was October ish of 2023. But I focused on that part again, trying to get it up to my standards to be satisfied with it.
Coming back to it after some number of months, my brain relatively fresh, I think I actually did a pretty decent job. Despite being an introspective chapter, it really drives home how Wrecked vash is about it all. I like to say that chapter 1 is like a thesis to the fic, where you get vash's goals laid out pretty clearly (him picturing the things he wants to fix + him picturing his dream of having all the people he loves around a table with him, including Knives. It serves as motivation for him jumping back in time in the first place and it remains his driving force throughout the fic). In contrast, chapter 2 is... almost a secondary thesis. We see his doubt, his fears, his panic. We see the things that he's going to be struggling with throughout the whole fic. His wish to handle it all on his own, as well as how overwhelming it all is to him. Chapter 2 is the necessary second side to chapter 1's thesis, showing the weakness in his own strength and drive.
The cracks in his own unstoppable force.
Idk it's just interesting to me. Having been away from it long enough, I think I really do appreciate chapter 2 after all.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#kinda wanna post Thoughts for each chapter as i work on rereading this fic#anecdotes about what i remember doing while writing and thoughts about the chapters themselves.#part of my goal with rereading this fic is to reconnect myself with who i was while i was writing it.#ive changed so much since then that it feels like a different person wrote this fic. which gets in the way of my immersion#and is part of why it's been so long since i last updated.#i tried to force it back in july. managed to get a chapter out but im not entirely satisfied with it.#im probably gonna try to do some editing on it when i get to that point. there are a few things i want to improve about it.#the key thing being that i just Cant force it or else the finished product wont be to the level of quality i want#and i cant Keep writing in the same way i would if i was fully immersed.#this isnt to say chapter 19 is bad. people seemed to really like it. but theres just... something missing from it for me. just a bit.#i think the thing that most influences my writing's quality is how much i put myself into the character's brain#so even if the prose itself isnt the most masterful. the writing is so in touch with the character's mind that it's really impactful.#i'd like to think at least 😅#but the other side of that is the fact that my writing just isnt as good if im not fully invested and immersed. it just isnt.#so that was the problem with 19. and im gonna try to fix those parts where that feels most apparent.#the chapter will overall be the same. just. this is my perfectionism speaking probably lol#anyways yes. full reread to really get back into it. replying to comments to remember that people love my fic.#engaging with readers and also with my own analysis. i think that this will help a lot with re-engaging myself.#and if i do this right then it wont be many months before another update again.#i'll be able to go back into it and Stay in it. for hopefully Plenty more chapters and updates#gonna write at least 100k of ITNL this next year Just You Watch. maybe even more if i can manage it.#💪💪💪💪💪 i believe in myselfffff
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finally bought Freedom Planet 2 since it came out on Switch recently, woo. I'm interested enough in the story but it's been long enough since I actually took in the first game's story so I'll probs replay that first.
#freedom planet#15.4.24#i don't remember much about the first game's story but i do remember that fuckin#when i first played it (which was on wii u btw lol) i was at that stage where#if i got into *anything* then i had to get into everything to do with that thing#and to that end i basically had a freedom planet lorehead phase for a few months#i still kind of do that btw but just for a lot less things nowadays than i used to#but yeah no the first game had enough of a story to where i think it's only fair that i give that another playthrough#since the second game seems to have even more story emphasis#although it'll also be good on a gameplay front too since second game adds additional depth and complexity to the character mechanics#so it'll be nice familiarising myself with the basics before 2 pushes me to be more advanced#fun fact i have a facebook dm with the fp social media team where i shared a bug from the first demo of 2 and they replied#i felt super starstruck at the time lmao#anyway yeah no end post i'm going to bed
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and is there not just generally a certain level of decency that would make you like ease up on a person who's obviously more than a little frazzled i am sorry that i cant process all my feelings and regurgitate them to you in an easily digestible manner while im actively In a situation or have a prepared disclaimer about how im so sorry but im just overwhelmed and need you to leave me alone right now or whatever else maybe i just dont know maybe i cant tell you exactly what im feeling or need and if i have to figure it out and explain that to you my brain is going to explode. but you could read the room. is there not a point where a friend would probably just go oh okay let me not continue pushing this person let me take a moment to reflect on their state and perhaps try to ease that or at least not keep fucking pushing on it. and also maybe not choose these moments to make otherwise innocuous but contextually just kinda meanspirited jabs. ok whatever
#not to be a sensitive little bitch except im not.#i dont want to be rude or too explicitly open about the things i dont really like to talk about#but sometimes. frankly. people need to take on the weight of their own feelings. insecurities. thoughts. etc and then some#some of us grew up with little to no emotional support and in fact took on the weight of their family's issues and the brunt of their#emotional immaturity and sometimes that makes someone feel fundamentally rattled and unsafe in moments like that#some of us had pretty much every big personal emotional. thing. that happened to them minimized and turned into some tragic#family conversation. or had someone reply like huh idk if that could have happened to you i certainly dont remember that#and then you wonder if people were ever looking out for you and if the ones that did just truly didnt care.#um. anyway. this is not just to be like oh im so quirky and different and traumatized lol but im reaching a boiling point when it comes#to people just like. doing this shit. or whatever. im going to start screaming#i shouldnt have to bare my fucking soul to you for you to go oh huh maybe this is a sensitive subject perhaps#frankly we arent the same and we dont relate and aw bummerooni ik im not the only sufferer but good god.#our lives were very different in some ways!#and sometimes all i want is for someone to say its ok kid you did good#again. not to be dramatic. but when ive talked about MY upheaval of feelings or w/e like if thats been impacting#how ive been acting and people start crying at me or get all whatever. oh it makes me wanna be the one to pass the torch#yeah man imagine how tired we are.#ok talking incoherently now so im gonna go do my job i guess.#abby talks#i know no one will save me but maybe sometimes it’d be nice to share the weight regardless
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How I learned to write smarter, not harder
(aka, how to write when you're hella ADHD lol)
A reader commented on my current long fic asking how I write so well. I replied with an essay of my honestly pretty non-standard writing advice (that they probably didn't actually want lol) Now I'm gonna share it with you guys and hopefully there's a few of you out there who will benefit from my past mistakes and find some useful advice in here. XD Since I started doing this stuff, which are all pretty easy changes to absorb into your process if you want to try them, I now almost never get writer's block.
The text of the original reply is indented, and I've added some additional commentary to expand upon and clarify some of the concepts.
As for writing well, I usually attribute it to the fact that I spent roughly four years in my late teens/early 20s writing text roleplay with a friend for hours every single day. Aside from the constant practice that provided, having a live audience immediately reacting to everything I wrote made me think a lot about how to make as many sentences as possible have maximum impact so that I could get that kind of fun reaction. (Which is another reason why comments like yours are so valuable to fanfic writers! <3) The other factors that have improved my writing are thus: 1. Writing nonlinearly. I used to write a whole story in order, from the first sentence onward. If there was a part I was excited to write, I slogged through everything to get there, thinking that it would be my reward once I finished everything that led up to that. It never worked. XD It was miserable. By the time I got to the part I wanted to write, I had beaten the scene to death in my head imagining all the ways I could write it, and it a) no longer interested me and b) could not live up to my expectations because I couldn't remember all my ideas I'd had for writing it. The scene came out mediocre and so did everything leading up to it. Since then, I learned through working on VN writing (I co-own a game studio and we have some visual novels that I write for) that I don't have to write linearly. If I'm inspired to write a scene, I just write it immediately. It usually comes out pretty good even in a first draft! But then I also have it for if I get more ideas for that scene later, and I can just edit them in. The scenes come out MUCH stronger because of this. And you know what else I discovered? Those scenes I slogged through before weren't scenes I had no inspiration for, I just didn't have any inspiration for them in that moment! I can't tell you how many times there was a scene I had no interest in writing, and then a week later I'd get struck by the perfect inspiration for it! Those are scenes I would have done a very mediocre job on, and now they can be some of the most powerful scenes because I gave them time to marinate. Inspiration isn't always linear, so writing doesn't have to be either!
Some people are the type that joyfully write linearly. I have a friend like this--she picks up the characters and just continues playing out the next scene. Her story progresses through the entire day-by-day lives of the characters; it never timeskips more than a few hours. She started writing and posting just eight months ago, she's about an eighth of the way through her planned fic timeline, and the content she has so far posted to AO3 for it is already 450,000 words long. But most of us are normal humans. We're not, for the most part, wired to create linearly. We consume linearly, we experience linearly, so we assume we must also create linearly. But actually, a lot of us really suffer from trying to force ourselves to create this way, and we might not even realize it. If you're the kind of person who thinks you need to carrot-on-a-stick yourself into writing by saving the fun part for when you finally write everything that happens before it: Stop. You're probably not a linear writer. You're making yourself suffer for no reason and your writing is probably suffering for it. At least give nonlinear writing a try before you assume you can't write if you're not baiting or forcing yourself into it!! Remember: Writing is fun. You do this because it's fun, because it's your hobby. If you're miserable 80% of the time you're doing it, you're probably doing it wrong!
2. Rereading my own work. I used to hate reading my own work. I wouldn't even edit it usually. I would write it and slap it online and try not to look at it again. XD Writing nonlinearly forced me to start rereading because I needed to make sure scenes connected together naturally and it also made it easier to get into the headspace of the story to keep writing and fill in the blanks and get new inspiration. Doing this built the editing process into my writing process--I would read a scene to get back in the headspace, dislike what I had written, and just clean it up on the fly. I still never ever sit down to 'edit' my work. I just reread it to prep for writing and it ends up editing itself. Many many scenes in this fic I have read probably a dozen times or more! (And now, I can actually reread my own work for enjoyment!) Another thing I found from doing this that it became easy to see patterns and themes in my work and strengthen them. Foreshadowing became easy. Setting up for jokes or plot points became easy. I didn't have to plan out my story in advance or write an outline, because the scenes themselves because a sort of living outline on their own. (Yes, despite all the foreshadowing and recurring thematic elements and secret hidden meanings sprinkled throughout this story, it actually never had an outline or a plan for any of that. It's all a natural byproduct of writing nonlinearly and rereading.)
Unpopular writing opinion time: You don't need to make a detailed outline.
Some people thrive on having an outline and planning out every detail before they sit down to write. But I know for a lot of us, we don't know how to write an outline or how to use it once we've written it. The idea of making one is daunting, and the advice that it's the only way to write or beat writer's block is demoralizing. So let me explain how I approach "outlining" which isn't really outlining at all.
I write in a Notion table, where every scene is a separate table entry and the scene is written in the page inside that entry. I do this because it makes writing nonlinearly VASTLY more intuitive and straightforward than writing in a single document. (If you're familiar with Notion, this probably makes perfect sense to you. If you're not, imagine something a little like a more contained Google Sheets, but every row has a title cell that opens into a unique Google Doc when you click on it. And it's not as slow and clunky as the Google suite lol) (Edit from the future: I answered an ask with more explanation on how I use Notion for non-linear writing here.) When I sit down to begin a new fic idea, I make a quick entry in the table for every scene I already know I'll want or need, with the entries titled with a couple words or a sentence that describes what will be in that scene so I'll remember it later. Basically, it's the most absolute bare-bones skeleton of what I vaguely know will probably happen in the story.
Then I start writing, wherever I want in the list. As I write, ideas for new scenes and new connections and themes will emerge over time, and I'll just slot them in between the original entries wherever they naturally fit, rearranging as necessary, so that I won't forget about them later when I'm ready to write them. As an example, my current long fic started with a list of roughly 35 scenes that I knew I wanted or needed, for a fic that will probably be around 100k words (which I didn't know at the time haha). As of this writing, it has expanded to 129 scenes. And since I write them directly in the page entries for the table, the fic is actually its own outline, without any additional effort on my part. As I said in the comment reply--a living outline!
This also made it easier to let go of the notion that I had to write something exactly right the first time. (People always say you should do this, but how many of us do? It's harder than it sounds! I didn't want to commit to editing later! I didn't want to reread my work! XD) I know I'm going to edit it naturally anyway, so I can feel okay giving myself permission to just write it approximately right and I can fix it later. And what I found from that was that sometimes what I believed was kind of meh when I wrote it was actually totally fine when I read it later! Sometimes the internal critic is actually wrong. 3. Marinating in the headspace of the story. For the first two months I worked on [fic], I did not consume any media other than [fandom the fic is in]. I didn't watch, read, or play anything else. Not even mobile games. (And there wasn't really much fan content for [fandom] to consume either. Still isn't, really. XD) This basically forced me to treat writing my story as my only source of entertainment, and kept me from getting distracted or inspired to write other ideas and abandon this one.
As an aside, I don't think this is a necessary step for writing, but if you really want to be productive in a short burst, I do highly recommend going on a media consumption hiatus. Not forever, obviously! Consuming media is a valuable tool for new inspiration, and reading other's work (both good and bad, as long as you think critically to identify the differences!) is an invaluable resource for improving your writing.
When I write, I usually lay down, close my eyes, and play the scene I'm interested in writing in my head. I even take a ten-minute nap now and then during this process. (I find being in a state of partial drowsiness, but not outright sleepiness, makes writing easier and better. Sleep helps the brain process and make connections!) Then I roll over to the laptop next to me and type up whatever I felt like worked for the scene. This may mean I write half a sentence at a time between intervals of closed-eye-time XD
People always say if you're stuck, you need to outline.
What they actually mean by that (whether they realize it or not) is that if you're stuck, you need to brainstorm. You need to marinate. You don't need to plan what you're doing, you just need to give yourself time to think about it!
What's another framing for brainstorming for your fic? Fantasizing about it! Planning is work, but fantasizing isn't.
You're already fantasizing about it, right? That's why you're writing it. Just direct that effort toward the scenes you're trying to write next! Close your eyes, lay back, and fantasize what the characters do and how they react.
And then quickly note down your inspirations so you don't forget, haha.
And if a scene is so boring to you that even fantasizing about it sucks--it's probably a bad scene.
If it's boring to write, it's going to be boring to read. Ask yourself why you wanted that scene. Is it even necessary? Can you cut it? Can you replace it with a different scene that serves the same purpose but approaches the problem from a different angle? If you can't remove the troublesome scene, what can you change about it that would make it interesting or exciting for you to write?
And I can't write sitting up to save my damn life. It's like my brain just stops working if I have to sit in a chair and stare at a computer screen. I need to be able to lie down, even if I don't use it! Talking walks and swinging in a hammock are also fantastic places to get scene ideas worked out, because the rhythmic motion also helps our brain process. It's just a little harder to work on a laptop in those scenarios. XD
In conclusion: Writing nonlinearly is an amazing tool for kicking writer's block to the curb. There's almost always some scene you'll want to write. If there isn't, you need to re-read or marinate.
Or you need to use the bathroom, eat something, or sleep. XD Seriously, if you're that stuck, assess your current physical condition. You might just be unable to focus because you're uncomfortable and you haven't realized it yet.
Anyway! I hope that was helpful, or at least interesting! XD Sorry again for the text wall. (I think this is the longest comment reply I've ever written!)
And same to you guys on tumblr--I hope this was helpful or at least interesting. XD Reblogs appreciated if so! (Maybe it'll help someone else!)
#creative writing#writers block#writblr#writers on tumblr#writing#writers and poets#writerscommunity#fanfic writing#writeblr#writing advice
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sum. two months into your relationship with your current boyfriend, your ex-fwb finally sends you a voicenote to let you know exactly how he feels about it.
feat. rintaro suna
cw. ex-fwb!suna, cheating, mutual masturbation (kinda lol), jealousy, dirty talk, anal mention, pillow humping, possessiveness, degradation
wc. 1.2k

When you posted your first official pictures of you and your new boyfriend, you had expected Suna to react…negatively. You basically braced for impact the moment you hit post, but all you got from him was an Instagram notification and two texts.
sunarin liked your post.
rin ;)
lmk if you want me to delete our pics. and hmu when you two break up :p
You never bothered replying, initially not sure how to reply, and then forgetting about the texts entirely. The two of you barely have any contact for a few weeks after that, but he's obviously keeping up with your socials; liking every post and viewing every story. It doesn't bother you, but it's weird going cold turkey on your relationship like that. You had expected him to reach out for some sort of closure. You wanted him to.
Halloween swings by in no time, and (much to you boyfriend’s dismay) you dress up as a sexy nurse. You don’t remember much of the night, but you do know that you posted a picture of you and your friends all dressed up on your story before getting blackout drunk.
Your phone dies early on in the night. Your friends take good care of you up until it’s time to bring you back home, and you don’t wake up until the afternoon. You don’t check your phone until a couple hours after that—long after it's been turned on and charged to 100%.
When you finally check it, two particular notifications catch your attention.
sunarin liked your story.
rin ;)
Voice Message
The voice message is 12 minutes long.
You exit your texts immediately, opting to distract yourself by tending to your other notifications. It doesn’t help much. Your mind races, wondering what he was talking about for so long and if it was really so important that he reached out after almost four months of near-silence.
You toss your phone onto your bed, shaking your head. You try to ignore it, cleaning the bathroom and folding the laundry and vacuuming the living room all in an effort to forget about the lengthy recording sitting in your phone.
But it doesn’t take long for the curiosity gnawing at you to win.
You practically run back to your bedroom, grabbing your phone and sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. Your fingers move quickly across the screen, hitting play without hesitation.
The first 8 seconds are nearly silent, and you start to wonder if it’s possible that he sent such a long message by mistake.
But then you hear a heavy sigh.
“I like your costume.” His tone is hushed, like he’s telling you a secret. “You look hot.”
There’s another moment of silence, like he’s giving you a chance to change your mind and stop listening.
But then Suna moans and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head.
“You never answered my text, y’know. When I asked if you wanted me to delete our pictures. So, uh, I kept ‘em.”
Oh fuck.
“I’m looking at one right now. It’s from last Halloween. When you-“ His breath hitches. “When you went as a Playboy Bunny.”
You remember. Suna dressed as Hugh Hefner and the two of you went to a party together. Then he took you back to his apartment and fucked you while you were still wearing the bunny ears and bowtie.
You’re pretty positive you’re not wearing the bodysuit in the picture he’s looking at.
“I don’t know how much of this night you actually remember, but I can describe the picture for you.”
You tense, anticipation sending goosebumps up your arms.
“You’re kneeling on the ground, looking up at the camera, and you’ve still got those bunny ears on your head.”
This voice message is going in the last direction you thought it would. Is he—?
“You’ve got cum all over your face, baby.” He laughs to himself before continuing. “And you’re sticking your tongue out like a fucking whore.”
Suna takes a ragged breath, a sound you're all too familiar with. It confirms your suspicions—he’s definitely jerking off.
“That was a good night. We had a lot of good nights.” He sounds miffed all of a sudden. “I seriously doubt the boyfriend is fucking you as good as I did.”
You suppress a shiver. A pang of guilt heats your chest at the mention of your boyfriend. You should stop listening. Delete the message. Tell him to delete the pictures and then probably block him.
Or you could let the message keep playing.
Suna inhales sharply, followed by a shaky moan. You swear you can hear the sound of his fist stroking his dick.
“I hope you’re not letting him put it in your ass like you let me. That’s our thing, okay?”
Under different circumstances you would have laughed.
“Fuck,” he hisses. “And I hope you’re not letting him spit in your fucking mouth. Or–shit–doing that thing where you’d suck me off with your head hanging upside down off the bed.” He falters at the end of the sentence, groaning into the phone.
“I’m not gonna–” he interrupts himself, sighing deeply. “I’m not gonna pretend I’ve been happy for you. I miss you.”
You feel hot all over, a heady combination of annoyance and arousal and embarrassment. There’s a dull throbbing between your legs and in the back of your mind you wonder if this is what Suna wanted when he sent the message.
“Just–just let me fuck you one more time. Okay princess? I’ll make it sooo good for you,” he whines. You can hear his hand picking up speed.
“It’s still early. Two months is nothing, it won’t even count as cheating.” You can hear the smirk in his voice. “God, just one last time. Please?”
Without thinking, you grab a pillow and position yourself over it in a straddle. You won’t let him fuck you, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make you come one last time.
“I promise I’ll do that thing you like with my tongue. And you can pick all the positions if you want to.” There’s a tremble in his voice. “Or just lay there. I’ll do all the work.”
You grind into the pillow beneath you, picturing the expression you know he’d be wearing if he were in front of you–batting those dark eyelashes with raised eyebrows, just barely able to control the smug curve of his lips.
Heat pools in your gut and a whimper falls from your lips. Suna keeps talking.
“I know you miss me. You have to. You’re probably touching yourself to this right now.”
You gasp softly and rock your hips faster.
“Such a fucking slut.” You hear the telltale quiver in his voice that tells you he’s getting close. “My fucking slut.”
You moan, his words giving you flashbacks.
“Oh fuck. Fuck, I’m coming,” he rasps, before letting off a series of moans and whimpers that almost make you concede. You grind harder into the pillow beneath you, imagining Suna in his room, chest heaving, talking into the phone and making himself come to pictures of you.
That does it. A tsunami of pleasure washes over you, forcing your body to tense before you go limp, collapsing onto your bed with a shudder.
You and Suna breathe in tandem, both of you catching your breath.
You hear another laugh through the phone. “Damn, that was a lot.” There’s the sound of sheets rustling. “Kinda made a mess, princess.”
He’s silent for another few beats before clearing his throat. “Text me, okay?” he says quietly. “Please.”
The voice message ends.

part two
#suna smut#suna x reader#suna rintaro x reader#suna rintarou smut#haikyuu smut#hq smut#haikyuu x reader#hq x reader#fatherbrat ♱ library#sunarin#hq#tw cheating
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Hii my beloved mutual
I just wanted to say, you're such a sweet and thoughtful person for always thinking about other people and trying to brighten their day up a little and I don't think you hear it enough. I'm sure you're a great friend to have in real life, and your friends are really lucky to have you.
But also, I do hope you're taking care of yourself. I don't want to seem too forward, but as a person with a people-pleaser attitude myself, I know that sometimes it feels more like an obligation, a burden and a weight to do it, even if it's for your own friends. But you also can't stop doing it because then they'll assume something is wrong. If all of this isn't very applicable to you, all well and good! I'm glad. But if it does, I just want you to know that I, and by extension everyone else you know, love you for who you are :)
I just wanted to make sure and tell you this. It doesn't have to feel like a duty. You are your own person and your worth isn't defined by what people think of you, so don't worry about them.
And for what it's worth, we really appreciate you ♡
Have a great day love.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
bro thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you 😭😭
is this how you feel? for what it's worth, I hope you're doing better in that regard and not still forcing yourself to do things out of obligation.
On my end, actually
funny that you mention it because I do *have trauma* from a certain friend because of that 😂🤭🤭
She would text me everyday, sometimes call me during online class even though she knew I was busy, and actually I was okay with it but then
she started making back handed remarks, and acting toxic in general 😂
after a big event where I felt manipulated by her, I lost some of my 'heart' for her and every day listening to her texts felt like a chore and made me feel trapped.
Came to a point where I hated the sound of a text notification because I dreaded if it was her.
Dude, she even got mad at me once because I didn't ask, "how are you?" after she visited my house.
Like, she arrived back to her home after visiting me, right? I get a text message later that day saying
"thanks a lot for asking how I am" (sarcastic)
like WOJEFRINA 😂😂😂
turns out she had a bad experience on her way back home but like JWEIJWRT be fr man 😃
when I first received that text, my first thought was
"Am I obliged to ask you how you are?"
and I hated her so much in that moment.
(At that point in time, she literally texted me every day and I usually responded cheerfully and kindly even though I had some things against her).
Bro, she's the reason I bought the book, "How to Deal With Difficult People" by Bo Sanchez 😂
I read that book and one advice from that book was to love them from a distance and to distance yourself from them cause you can't truly love a person who hurts you 😄(plus you're just enabling their toxic behavior which isn't helping either of you in the long run - but that's my opinion for another day-)

(inserting these excerpts because it gives me nostalgia looking back at them 😂)
That book helped me decide that I was going to distance myself from her. There were actually several 'ways' that book suggested in dealing with a toxic person. One of them was confrontation and another was gradually distancing (not meeting them if you can help it, etc.)
Me, being the person who hates confrontation at the time naturally went with the less...'scary option.' 😂🤭
I decided to distance myself gradually.
GIRL I KID YOU NOT. I was so anxious at ignoring her texts.
It was hard for me to not respond to her text for even a single day.
Like. Bro. Not responding to a text for a day felt like a milestone.
iirc there was even a time where ignoring her text for an hour felt like an accomplishment.
Like 😭😭😭😭😭
eventually, after lots of praying, crying, contemplating, hating her secretly that it ate me inside to overlook her annoying remarks (like when she made fun of me for my weight🤣), I eventually confronted her at like 2 am.
I sent her a text explaining why I've grown distant, my honest feelings, and that I wanted to take a break from her as a friend.
I fell asleep. Checked my phone again in the morning. Saw that she replied.
AND BRO. It took me like...a while. just. to. open. her. reply.
I opened it.
She apologized actually and said she understood.
Had a big 'THANK YOU GOD!!' moment. I was celebrating, dancing, screaming inside because I. literally. felt. so. free.
I will never regret that day I cut ties with her.
Had a whole 'closure' thing. She apologized. I forgave her.
(yk what's funny? my people-pleasing persona was like 'oh will a month break be ok?' then she was like 'girl, even if it's a year, I understand') <<< internally, I was thinking 'actually I have no plans of ever being friends again'
😂😂 past me is so sillay lol.
She's a good person. It's just..she just got toxic lol. even good people can be toxic if it's not confronted.
It's because of that experience that I need my friends to be okay with late replies and seen zones. I always tell them,
'If I don't reply or seen zone you, I'm either not in the mood or I'm doing something atm. It doesn't mean I hate you or that we have beef. I'll tell you if something's wrong. So don't freak out if I seen zone. It just means I'll reply to your message later '
because I can't stand feeling pressured to respond to a text message right away.
Thank you so much to my ex-friend for that ❤️
(JK. but actually, really though. It's good I'm like this now compared to before where I put everything on hold just to reply right away).
So right now,
I'm glad to say that I'm better at prioritizing myself instead of doing things for my friends out of obligation 🤭❤️
rn, I do things mainly because I want to. and I don't feel as stressed about my friends <3
(but I do admit, even if I tell my friends I seen-zone, I sometimes still feel uneasy when I don't respond after a certain amount of time---)
my main struggle right now is being confident because I'm super shy and socially awkward in real life.
the people-pleasing personality that keeps me from sharing my thoughts and personality, especially to strangers irl. that little pest.
(this is the people pleaser in me hugging the people pleaser in you. we're both struggling together lol.)
I appreciate you sending me this message. It means a lot. like..
this is prob me rn. (I'm kyouka on the left).
thank you...
really. i appreciate it.
have a good day, as in.
i hope you know we appreciate you too.
u made my day better.
thank you for sending me this.
and yes we will definitely succeed in killing that pesty little people pleaser part of us.
Have a lovely day and hug from me 💗
also I'm just going to add hehe..
you're giving me mom friend vibes. it's giving Kunikida ✨🤌🫴
I love it.
#thank you for this ask venus#I'm so dang blessed to have great mutuals#honestly I just..#dang.#ily. thank you.#TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT#i like how i just trauma dumped lol#also i have homework too but i chose to prioritize this because I want to hehe#usually with mutuals i dont rlly feel obliged to do anything (which is quite freeing in a way)#i just really like you thats why 😅#also i have like#some asks..and tags that i havent done#but im glad that it also rlly isnt a big deal. no one shows up being like <<why didn't you respond to my ask??>>#everyone's chill and it's freeing in a sense#dw though just to clarify i do see the asks and tags and i like it. (I like my mutuals and im rlly glad they remember me lol).#i also like interacting in general#similar to the thing about replying late -- i just do those things when its a good time (when im not busy w school etc)#or when i feel like it haha#thank you for appreciating me#❤️
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Playing Dangerous ཐི♡̵̼͓̥͒̾͘ཋྀ
Pairing: Police Officer!Boyfriend!Rafe Cameron x Girlfriend!Reader

You get pulled over by the police, but the officer just so happens to be your boyfriend. Will he let you off with just a warning? Part.2!
Wc: 1,822
SMUT (nothing crazy, just a steaming hot blowjob ;)) + winks of fluff
Hi guys!!! Uhm sorry I didn’t get a whole bunch out during October, I had lots of shit going on I fear…So take this as an apology lol. Also I have a (late) halloween fic coming out soon so stay tuned ;)
Feedback is always appreciated! xx
You hear the sirens chirp, and you take a glance at the rear view mirror, that’s when you see the police car riding your tail. You sigh due to the fact that you’re the only car on this road, and begin to pull over.
Were you going over the speed limit? No, you couldn’t possibly be doing so, you always remained cautious on the road.
Your hands rest idly on the steering wheel as you listen to the sound of boots getting closer. Your window is down, making the chilled night air kiss your skin.
The air is filled with cologne that rings familiar; you see his arms resting inside your car window first, the tattoo of your name staring right back at you.
You’re met with none other than your boyfriend, Rafe. He ducks down so his bright crystal-colored eyes are leveled with yours.
“Awfully late to be driving around here, huh Peach?” Rafe teases you with a smirk.
“I was just finishing my errands, Ray. And you scared me! I thought I was actually in trouble!” You try to keep the scowl on your face, but the more you stare at him, the more your face cracks into a smile.
Rafe quirks a brow at you after he takes a few seconds to assess you. “Who said you’re not in trouble? You’re driving without your glasses on, baby.”
You roll your eyes, “You couldn’t have possibly known I wasn’t wearing my glasses when you were behind me,” you replied.
“And besides, you act like I can’t see without them at all.”
Rafe tuts at your comment, “Thought it's already been established that you gotta wear ‘em when you drive, you not following orders now?” His smirk grows all the wider as he takes in your smaller frame.
You bite your lip and gaze at him, “Oh, well everybody knows that I’m a good girl, officer.”
“Yeah? ‘Cause I don’t think a good girl would break the rules, hm?” Rafe’s face is inching towards yours, slowly leaning more and more into your car.
You pout, feigning innocence, “I wouldn’t do a thing like that, that’s for sure.” Your lips part, going to leave a steamy kiss to the officer’s rosy, yet somewhat chapped lips, but he pulls away slightly, leaving you gaping with glossy eyes.
“I dunno…Think you should step out for a second, sweetheart. Y’know, just to follow protocol.” He whispers hotly against your ear, making your panties dampen.
You quickly exit your car, and as soon as you close the door, Rafe’s pressing you into it.
“I think you deserve a ticket, Peaches, d’ya think so?” His expression darkens whilst he fondles your love-handles, your floral sundress from earlier being bunched up around your hips. You shake your head ‘no’, letting out a soft “uh-uh”.
Rafe’s eyes soften, similar to how you look; he mocks you, exaggerating his pout. “Well, what’re we gonna do with you then, huh precious?”
Your tongue darts out for his lips, your mouth encloses his, and there’s nothing sweet about this kiss. Your tongues battle heatedly, Rafe allows you to think that you’ve won, until he presses his prominent bulge against your stomach, making you gasp in surprise and delight.
Spit dribbles down your chin, his handle cradles your head, leaving no room for you to pull away. You moan and whimper against him, your nimble fingers glide down his chiseled body, and rest against his belt buckle.
Then, Rafe remembers that the two of you are still in fact, on the side of the road. He breaks the kiss, making you chase after him; the string of saliva breaking whilst you whimper for more.
“Mmm, I know baby. Tell you what, how about I have you atone in a different way, would you like that pretty?” His veiny hands raise, resting lightly against your shoulders as his thumbs rub against your throat.
You eagerly nod your head up and down, wanting nothing more than to get your hands on your man wearing his delicious uniform.
Rafe drags you to the passenger seat then dashes to the driver's seat, and he mentally, he thanks every god out there that he forgot to turn both his body-cam, and his dash-cam back on.
He leans the seat back and beckons you over with his index and middle finger. “C’mon Peaches, y’know what to do.” You reach over and begin to unbuckle his pants.
Your body digs somewhat uncomfortably into the center console, but you can’t seem to care— not when Rafe’s cock twitches in his boxers. Your mouth nearly waters at the sight.
You take him out, making him hiss and screw his eyes shut for a moment.
Your manicured finger brushes against his pink tip, rubbing circles as you leave soft, feathery kisses to the base of his dick.
Rafe grunts in frustration, growing impatient with your constant teasing. He grabs your hair roughly, angling your face just above his dick.
“Make sure you breathe through your nose f’me, Peach.”
Your head is pushed down; your lips wrap perfectly around his shaft as it goes deeper into your mouth. Your nose is pressed against Rafe’s hairy thigh, his cock kissing the back of your throat beautifully. You gag slightly at his length, making your boyfriend chuckle.
He pulls you off, then sends you right back down just as quick. You hollow your cheeks as your head continues to bob. Spit gathers around your mouth due to Rafe’s force. He uses his left hand to hold your hair, while his right rubs the back of your neck.
It’s something so soft, so sweet, while in such a dirty, sinful situation.
The wet sounds of your gagging and slurping is all Rafe can focus on. —That and how sexy you look with the blue and red lights reflecting off of your face. It’s a sight he wishes to preserve in his mind for the rest of eternity.
He fully removes you from his dick, allowing you to catch your breath. “Mhm, you got it baby,” he says through his panting.
He guides your head back down; you don’t even get a chance to wrap your hand around what doesn’t fit because he’s thrusting up into your mouth.
Tears pool into your eyes, but Rafe can hardly tell due to them nearly rolling to the back of your head.
You whimper around him, your angelic sounds and the squelching which permeated the car only encourage him.
“You’re my good girl though, right Peaches? You’re gonna take it real good f’me?” Rafe moans at the sensation of your tongue swirling around his cock.
You squeal around him, trying to shake your head ‘yes’ at him but Rafe continues to roll his hips up.
The car shifts when another comes speeding down the road, but he can’t seem to give a shit when the woman of his dreams is nearly sucking him off the bone.
Rafe’s head is tilted towards the roof, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows his spit. His chest heaves, his grip on the back of your neck tightening as he moans hopelessly.
“H-hah, that mouth was made f’me precious,” he grunts through his gritted teeth.
“You. Were. Made. For. Me.” His words are emphasized by his thrusts.
He switches hands, allowing his left to snatch up your hand, so his right can hold onto the open window.
His bucking grows erratic, his rhythm being lost, alongside his mind as he grows closer and closer to his climax. You can feel him twitching in your mouth, another sign of him almost finishing.
Rafe can no longer contain his moans, he’s borderline wailing at this point, his body is lifting off the seat, but you maintain your pace.
“Y-yes baby! That’s it! Make me cum, honey. Make me fucking cum.” He sounds almost pained, which fuels your burning desire.
Rafe’s been reduced to a whimpering mess now, despite his acts of dominance earlier, but neither of you mind. His moans go higher in pitch, then suddenly, you feel his warm load flood your mouth.
The salty taste makes you moan, making Rafe shiver, and his thighs twitch.
You release him with a ‘pop’, and you leave a sweet, yet seductive kiss to the head of his flushed cock.
His load mixed with your hot saliva drips down your chin, you take your index finger and scoop it into your mouth while holding Rafe’s deepend gaze.
You lock your lips with his, and he gasps at your attempt to literally, take his breath away.
He breaks away with a low grumble, and you giggle. You pull down the driver side’s visor and look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is sticking up every which way, your mascara from earlier in the day now dries against your tear stained cheeks, and your lips are kiss bitten and puckered.
Rafe tucks himself away before you climb into his lap, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“I think I atoned for my rule breaking quite well, don’t you, Officer Cameron?” You grin mischievously, pressing your nose against his.
Rafe only hums in response, he smiles at your antics and kisses you softly.
“I uh..I got a few things to take care of back at the station,” he mumbled.
“How about you go home and wait for me there, baby.”
You pout at this, while he exits the car with you still wrapped around him.
He sets you down once you reply, “Will you come home to me?” His expression softens.
He pecks all around your face, making it harder for you to keep up your sullen act.
“Of course, pretty girl,” Rafe whispers.
You cross your arms as he continues, “I’ll wrap up so quickly, babe. Then I can…” He trails off, before ducking down to your ear.
“Return the favor.” He nibbles at your ear, and you press your legs together.
“Mmm, okay. But hurry back..” You peer at him, fixing his wild hair strands. He kisses your wrist.
“Of course,” and with that, he firmly kisses your cheek before allowing you to step back into your car.
After you settle in—after he finished adjusting your seat back, you place your hands on the wheel and spare him a last glance.
“Can you do me a favor, baby?” He asks with a grin, but you can tell it’s far from sweet.
You hum, both in curiosity and excitement.
“Think you can hold onto these for me?” He places the item into your hand, and leans back to head to his car, but not without yet another kiss to your lips.
You lick your lips as you watch him walk back to his police cruiser.
You know he won’t leave until you do, so you eventually pull off.
The set of shining, silver handcuffs resting next to you, and an ever growing heat between your legs.
#lee’s writing! ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎#SoundCloud#rafe cameron#rafe cameron x reader#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron smut#outer banks#obx x reader#obx x you#outer banks imagine
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i gave a second chance to cupid!
or arranged marriage with nanami kento
– nanami was told that he has to get married by his parents
– since no one caught his eye he just let his parents choose for him
– nanamis secretly a hopeless romantic, so he cant help but be dissapointed in the setting. now all he hopes is that his partner is kind
– he was shown your picture and well, he found you really pretty but he also knows looks are not everything. if youre nice and understanding than he could live the rest of his life with you
– a date was set prior your marriage as to help you get to know each other
– nanami and you showed up at the spot. you were even prettier in person. and when you both started talking, it seemed like you were a little shy so it was mostly him leading the conversation
– he asked about your likes and dislikes, your dreams, your hobbies, what food you like and even your favorite color
– your mannerisms and the way you talked was very endearing to him
– you also asked about him and got to know about his dangerous life as a sorcerer, it worried you to know the man youre marrying has to constantly put his life in risk
– all in all the date went pretty well and he was happy that he got a partner like you and vice versa.
– you both went on multiple dates before the marriage. sometimes you chose the places (amusement parks and fairs) while sometimes he chose (museums and aquariums)
– during that time you both became comfortable with each other. nanami now genuinely enjoyed spending time with you rather than thinking of it as merely a duty. now he can say that hes a little excited to marry you and live with you
– after your marriage everything was the same except you saw each other everyday. you both wake up and make breakfast together, eat and leave for work together
– you also broke out of your shy phase, now you always fill nanami about your day. sending him texts on his lunch break about how hes doing and if he ate
– you make his house more lively bc of your creativity. theres a new cover you handmade for the table and stickers even on the fans
– slowly you both start to fall for each other. it was you who fell first tho and how could you not
– and when you realized you loved him well, you were never good with words so you became more affectionate with him
– shyly giving him pecks on the cheek (first time you did that nanami was frozen, you were afraid he was uncomfortable then you saw the tips of his ears reddening) from then on, you were unstoppable. kissing him when he leaves for wokr and when he comes back home. you also loved to run your hands through his hair.
– even though you fell first, nanami was the one who fell harder
– now he really cant imagine a day without your presence. hes slowly getting used to you and your mannerisms. you fussing over him when he's overworking, always making sure he ate, taking off his glasses and pecking his forehead when he fell asleep reading a book (he could feel you doing that) and your late night conversations
– you made his house a home. it took him some time to realize that he has fallen for you
– now you both cant keep your hands to yourselves lol. he always has to have a hand in your waist
– nanamis love is shown in the way he protects you. from glaring at people who randomly touch you in the crowed train to making sure you dont hit your head in the corner of table
– he also spoils you. remember on the first date you told him about your likes, hobbies and dreams? he remembers all that and gets you whatever you wished
– you guys still hadnt gone in your honeymoon so he and you visited malaysia after the shibuya incident. that was when nanami confessed his love for you. you replied that you love him too with tears in your eyes. it was really the perfect moment for both of you, away from all the sorcery and tensions of the world.
– nanami kento, the hopeless romantic is now getting the love he deserves in this arranged marriage with you
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꒰ synopsis. what starts as a quiet attempt to keep toji sober on new year’s eve turns into something far more intimate—because for the first time in years, he’s found something worth staying sober for.
warnings. mentions of child abuse (toji’s lip scar), mentions of alcohol abuse. fem!reader. established relationship. nsfw. unprotected sēx, orāl (f! receiving), size kink + more (can’t remember lol).

toji never celebrated his birthday.
december 31st passed like a ghost every year—empty bottles scattered across the floor by the time the sun set, and his phone powered down before midnight could roll around.
but it wasn’t new year’s eve he hated.
it was his birthday. and it was the day he got the scar.
toji was six when the zen’in clan dragged him to the edge of the disciplinary pit. he remembered the cold first—how it bit through the thin fabric of his yukata, numbing his fingers as he tried not to shiver. the reason didn’t matter. maybe he mouthed off. maybe he looked at an elder wrong. maybe they just felt like reminding him of his place.
“a lesson,” they had called it.
when they pushed him in, he landed hard, his lip splitting against the jagged rocks below. the curses that lurked in the pit slithered closer, circling him in the dark. none of them touched him. not even when he lay still, too scared to move, his blood pooling beneath him.
by the time they pulled him out the next morning, the scar had already begun to form.
every year after that, december 31st wasn’t about celebrating life.
it was about surviving it.
and so he drank. drank until the memory blurred at the edges, until the whiskey burned worse than the scar ever had.
but this year…
this year was different.
because of you.
december 30th
“you’re not drinking that whole bottle tonight.”
your voice was soft but firm, cutting through the low hum of the apartment.
toji didn’t look at you. his gaze stayed fixed on the skyline outside the window, the glass in his hand half-full and swirling with amber light.
“and why not?” he muttered.
“because if you do, you’ll sleep through tomorrow.”
you stepped closer, bare feet padding quietly across the floor.
the faint flicker of annoyance in his eyes vanished when you sank onto the couch beside him, your thigh pressing lightly against his. without hesitation, you reached forward and pried the glass from his fingers, setting it on the table.
toji finally glanced at you—sharp, unreadable, but lingering longer than usual.
“you’re bossy,” he murmured, but there was no heat behind it.
“someone has to be.”
silence stretched between you, the distant hum of the city filling the gaps.
then, quietly, you asked, “what is it about tomorrow?”
his thumb traced absent patterns over the scar on his lip, a habit you’d seen before.
“the pit,” he said simply.
the words were rough, rasping against the air like they’d taken effort to drag from his chest.
your heart clenched.
“they threw you in?”
toji’s gaze flickered to the bottle, but he didn’t reach for it. instead, his hand drifted to your thigh, his palm warm even through the fabric of your leggings.
“on my birthday,” he murmured.
you swallowed the lump in your throat, lacing your fingers through his.
“they can’t touch you now,” you whispered.
he huffed, but it wasn’t quite a laugh.
“i don’t need comforting, sweetheart.”
“maybe not,” you replied softly, squeezing his hand, “but you deserve it anyway.”
toji didn’t answer, but the arm around your shoulders tightened slightly, pulling you closer until your head rested against his chest.
the whiskey sat untouched on the table the rest of the night.
december 31st
toji didn’t expect to wake up to the smell of food.
most mornings, the first thing that greeted him was the stale reminder of unfinished whiskey and the sharp bite of morning light through half-drawn curtains. but today, something softer lingered in the air—cinnamon, maybe, and fresh coffee.
he cracked one eye open, arm thrown lazily over his face as the faint clatter of dishes drifted from the kitchen.
what the hell...
his gaze shifted to the clock beside the bed—9:00 am.
too early.
usually, he’d sleep through the morning. hell, he’d sleep through most of the day if left alone—anything to let december 31st pass by in a blur. but now, curiosity tugged at the edges of his mind.
dragging himself upright, he tugged on the nearest pair of sweats, padding barefoot toward the source of the noise.
there you were.
standing at the stove, swaying faintly to the low hum of music drifting from the speaker, one of his shirts hanging loose over your frame.
toji lingered by the doorway for a second, arms crossing over his bare chest, just watching.
you must’ve felt him staring because you glanced over your shoulder, offering that soft smile that always disarmed him.
“happy birthday.”
toji’s brows lifted, but the warmth pooling low in his stomach was unexpected.
“you’re up early,” he grunted, stepping forward to lean on the counter, arms brushing yours.
“had to make sure you didn’t drink the day away again.”
he huffed, shaking his head. “so you’re babysitting me now?”
“if that’s what it takes,” you teased, plating the pancakes with a little too much pride. “besides, if you hate your birthday so much, i figured we’d just make it a regular day. you know—coffee, pancakes, and some lazy movie marathon or something.”
toji didn’t answer right away. his gaze lingered on you, tracing the soft line of your features as the soft winter light kissed your skin.
the weight of that word sat heavy in his chest. when was the last time his birthday felt anything close to that?
you slid a plate in front of him, nudging his hand lightly. “eat. you can glare at me later.”
toji snorted but didn’t argue.
the sun had long since dipped below the skyline, and the apartment was wrapped in the kind of quiet that only came with late december nights. the tv flickered softly in the corner, casting faint shadows across the room, but the film had faded into background noise hours ago.
the glow from the tv barely lit the room, but it didn’t matter. your focus wasn’t on the screen.
toji’s arm lay heavy across your waist, his thumb brushing idle circles along the curve of your hip as the two of you stretched across the couch.
you nestled closer, your head resting against his chest, listening to the slow, steady beat of his heart.
outside, fireworks crackled faintly in the distance, but the soft weight of his palm sliding up beneath the hem of your shirt was far more distracting.
“countdown’s soon,” you murmured, voice barely above a whisper.
toji’s response was a low hum, his lips pressing lazily against the top of your head.
“hm? you excited?” he teased, palm flattening against the small of your back, his fingers trailing higher.
you smiled, shifting slightly to straddle his lap. the flicker of surprise in his eyes was brief, replaced by that familiar heat as his hands found your waist.
“maybe,” you replied, your lips brushing faintly over his. “you better make a wish.”
toji’s grip tightened, his thumb tracing the soft line of your spine.
“already got what i want,” he said, voice low, thick with something dark and rough-edged.
your lips parted in soft surprise, but before you could speak, his mouth captured yours—slow, deliberate, and impossibly warm.
his kisses trailed lower, each one leaving a path of heat against your skin.
the tv droned quietly in the background, forgotten as toji pulled the oversized shirt—his shirt—over your head, leaving you bare beneath him.
he leaned back just enough to let his gaze rake over you, dark eyes glinting faintly beneath strands of disheveled hair.
“been thinking about this all day,” he admitted, his hands sliding up to cup your breasts, thumbs brushing lazily over the sensitive peaks.
you arched into his touch, your breath hitching as his mouth followed, closing over one nipple with slow, teasing intent.
his tongue flicked, warm and soft, and when his teeth grazed lightly over the sensitive skin, your fingers instinctively curled into his hair.
he didn’t stop, his palm sliding between your thighs, pressing against the damp heat gathered there.
“fuck,” he rasped, pulling back just enough to meet your gaze. his fingers traced slow, deliberate circles over your underwear, feeling how soaked you were.
“you’re already this wet?”
you swallowed hard, tugging at the hem of his sweats, urging him closer.
“just for you,” you whispered, your breath catching as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric, teasing along your folds.
his eyes darkened, and in one slow, fluid motion, he shifted, dragging your underwear down your legs, leaving you completely exposed beneath him.
“better fix that, huh?” he muttered, spreading your thighs wider.
his mouth was hot against you—too hot.
his tongue moved in slow, deliberate strokes, pressing flat against your clit before flicking up in a way that left you breathless.
toji held you down easily, his grip firm around your thighs as he worked you over like he had all the time in the world.
you gasped, back arching when his fingers pressed inside you, curling just right as his tongue flicked again.
“s’good,” you breathed, tugging at his hair.
he groaned low against you, the vibration sending a sharp jolt through your core.
“fuck, you taste sweet,” he muttered, his voice muffled but thick with need.
his tongue dipped deeper, teasing your entrance before sliding back up to your clit, lapping at you with slow, lazy strokes.
your thighs trembled around his head, but he didn’t stop—not until you were whimpering his name, hips grinding desperately against his mouth.
when you came, it was with a sharp cry, your body tensing beneath him as the pleasure washed over you in waves.
toji didn’t pull away, dragging his tongue through every aftershock, his grip tightening around your hips to hold you still as you squirmed.
“good girl,” he rasped, pressing one last kiss against the inside of your thigh.
by the time he crawled back up over you, his sweats were gone, leaving the full weight of him pressing hot against your slick heat.
his cock, heavy and flushed, dragged through your soaked folds, the tip nudging at your entrance with every teasing roll of his hips.
“toji,” you whispered, the sound barely more than a breath, but the need behind it was unmistakable.
he caught your chin between his fingers, tilting your face to his until your eyes met.
“gonna take my time with you,” he rasped, lips barely skimming over yours. “make sure you feel it all the way into the new year.”
you barely had time to respond before he pushed forward, sinking into you in one long, unrelenting thrust.
the stretch stole your breath, toes curling as he sank in, inch by inch, until there wasn’t a part of you he hadn’t claimed. your nails dug into the hard muscle of his back, legs wrapping tighter around his waist as the slow drag of him against your walls left your head spinning.
"you feel that?" he rasped, his mouth trailing along the line of your jaw, teeth grazing just below your ear. "so fuckin’ tight—like you were made for me."
your only answer was a choked gasp as his hips rocked again, each roll deeper than the last, his cock pressing into that spot inside you that made your vision blur at the edges.
he moved with purpose—deep, measured strokes that left you trembling, each thrust pushing you closer to unraveling.
but soon, it wasn’t enough.
toji growled softly, his grip tightening on your hips as he drove into you harder, the sound of skin meeting skin drowned out by the faint crackle of fireworks outside.
his mouth found your neck, tongue flicking over your pulse before his teeth dragged faintly along the sensitive skin, leaving marks that you knew would linger long after the night faded.
when the clock struck midnight, toji was still buried deep inside you, his body heavy and solid as he pressed you into the mattress.
fireworks exploded outside, muffled cracks echoing through the thin apartment walls, but you barely noticed. not with the way he was moving—deep, slow thrusts that had your legs trembling and your nails digging into the broad expanse of his back.
his cock stretched you perfectly, thick and hot as he filled you to the hilt, the curve of him pressing up against that sensitive spot deep inside with every roll of his hips.
"shit," toji rasped, his breath hot against your ear. "so fuckin’ tight, baby. you feel that?"
you nodded, breathless, but it wasn’t enough for him. one of his hands—rough and calloused—gripped your chin, tilting your face up until your eyes met his.
“tell me,” he growled, his voice low, dangerous. his green eyes were darker now, half-lidded with pleasure, but there was something else burning beneath—something that made your heart race even faster.
“i feel it,” you gasped, barely able to form words with how deep he was. “you’re so—so big, toji.”
his mouth curved into a smirk, his thumb brushing over your swollen bottom lip.
“yeah? stretched you open real good, huh?”
your walls fluttered around him at the rasp in his voice, and his smirk only deepened.
“goddamn,” he muttered, leaning down to kiss you again, swallowing the soft whimper that slipped past your lips. his weight pressed you deeper into the mattress, the hard muscle of his chest flush against your tits, but there was a softness to him too—the faint give of his stomach against yours, the comforting warmth of his body that made you feel safe even as he fucked you senseless.
you wrapped your legs around his waist, heels digging into the plush curve of his ass, and toji groaned low in his throat, his pace quickening just enough to make you gasp.
the head of his cock dragged against that sweet spot over and over, pulling breathless little cries from you with each thrust.
“so fuckin’ needy for me,” he murmured, lips ghosting along your jaw. his breath hitched when you clenched around him, the muscles in his thick arms flexing as he held himself above you. “greedy little thing. takin’ all of me so well.”
your head tipped back, eyes fluttering shut as he ground his hips deeper, filling you in a way that made your body arch into him. the stretch was intoxicating, just toeing the line between too much and not enough, but the way he touched you—like you were something precious—made it impossible to stop craving more.
toji pressed his forehead against yours, panting softly as the fireworks outside flared brighter, casting flashes of color across his sweat-damp skin.
“you’re fuckin’ perfect,” he rasped, one of his hands sliding down to grip your thigh, pulling it higher until it rested against his side. the shift let him sink even deeper, and you moaned, head spinning from the sensation.
“so deep,” you whimpered, nails dragging over the broad planes of his back.
“mhm. feel me right there?” his hand pressed flat against your lower stomach, the pressure making you keen beneath him.
“y-yeah,” you stammered, writhing at the added intensity.
the wet, sinful sound of him thrusting into you filled the room, louder than the fireworks now, each snap of his hips pushing you closer to the edge.
and then he shifted again—leaning back, pulling his cock out almost entirely before slamming back into you, the force knocking the air from your lungs.
his lips trailed down the line of your neck, warm and soft as he moved lower, his breath hot against your flushed skin.
“fuck, these tits,” he growled, eyes dark as his large hands cupped them, kneading roughly. your back arched into him, desperate for more, and toji chuckled lowly, pinching your nipples between his fingers until you gasped.
“so soft.”
he wrapped his lips around one nipple, sucking deep and slow, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bud in steady strokes that had your head spinning.
he didn’t answer, just groaned against your skin, his teeth grazing faintly over your nipple before he sucked even harder, leaving it swollen and sensitive as his hand squeezed the other roughly.
“could spend hours just like this,” he muttered against you, the vibrations of his voice sending sparks of pleasure straight between your legs.
you squirmed beneath him, hips grinding up against his cock, and toji pulled back just enough to smirk down at you.
“patience, baby,” he teased, giving your tits one last hard squeeze before guiding himself back to your entrance.
the tip of his cock slid against your soaked folds, teasing, before he sank back in, slow and steady, until he bottomed out with a deep groan.
for a long moment, the only sounds were the ragged breaths you shared as you both let go and the distant crackle of fireworks still popping outside.
toji leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips—a stark contrast to the bruising way he’d just taken you.
“happy new year,” you whispered, brushing your lips over the scar near his lip.
he huffed softly, pulling you closer until there wasn’t a sliver of space between you.
“yeah,” he muttered, his voice softer now, almost fond. “it is.”
an. happy birthday toji 😓, you are so loved. HAPPY NEW YEAR’S EVE 🥳! new fic (unrelated to this) will be uploaded tomorrow! so turn on post notifications :)
#✎ luna.writes#jjk#jjk smut#jjk x reader#jjk toji#toji smut#toji fushiguro#toji x reader#toji fushiguro smut#toji fushiguro x reader#toji x you#jjk x you#toji x reader smut#toji fushiguro x you#fushiguro toji x reader#toji#jjk x reader smut#jjk fic#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujustsu kaisen x reader#anime smut#divider by cafekitsune
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Kiss and Makeup | LN4 smau
lando norris x reader
summary: you are lando norris's makeup artist
fc: isabela merced
yourusername added to their story

caption: my face after waking up at 4 am to do ppl’s makeup
Liked by yourbsf and 859 others
yourusername my life recently
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yourbsf you’re GLOWING babe
mclaren check DMs!
mclaren added to their story

caption: New stuff coming soon🤭
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user1 oh wow he's so handsome
Liked by landonorris, yourusername, and 171K others
mclaren Some new bags have been released with our partnership with Tumi, check them out below!
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user1 he's so—HJQHSJCHJW
user2 wow😋
user3 i want to bite him
user5 anything you say sweetheart😍
user6 #needthat
user7 i'll cook and clean the dishes just one chance plsss
Liked by landonorris, yourbsf, and 12K others
yourusername it was nice doing something else! thanks for having me! @/mclaren
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yourbsf remember me when you're famous😔
mclaren thanks for joining us!
user2 how does one get this job
landonorris thanks for letting me look at all ur powders!
yourusername haha ofc, anytime!
user4 lando commented what does this meannnnnnn

Liked by yourusername and 947K others
landonorris gearing up for the next race
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user1 P1 i see the vision
user2 i love that helmet
magui_corceiro good luck!
user3 letsssgoo
yourusername good luck!
landonorris thank you! ;)
user4 🤨
user5 ?????
Liked by landonorris, yourbsf, and 14K others
yourusername anyway i also have a life
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yourbsf body is tea tho
yourbsf GORGEOUS
user1 face card never declines
user2 i fear you are serving
landonorris pretty
yourusername thank you😊
user3 OHHHHH
user4 RIZZ?????
user5 oh to have lando norris call me pretty
user6 guys is this the start of something new?
user7 alright chill out zac efron
Liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 1.2M others
GQ Racing, gaming, and padel, hear all about Lando Norris in his interview here
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user1 WOWZA
user2 another photoshoot? please tell me y/n was his makeup artist
user4 lando has been feeding us lately
user5 i can't handle this anymore
yourusername added to their story

caption: bros messing up the makeup😐
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user2 soooo are yall dating or what?
landonorris oops?
Liked by yourusername and 1.3M others
landonorris that's more like it
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user2 absolute domination today
user3 congrats!!
yourusername invite me next time?
landonorris yes ma'am🫡
user5 im sick of them
maxfewtrell put a shirt on mate
user6 no we don't mind😊
Liked by landonorris and 27K others
yourusername who is this diva????
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user2 my b pose is naaastyyy
user3 he's so handsome
landonorris it's not too late to delete
yourusername but what fun is that???
user4 🚢🚢🚢
user5 so so jealous
user6 is she just like his permanent makeup artist now lol?
yourusername yeah he kidnapped me
landonorris for legal reasons this is a joke😑
user7 OMG
Liked by yourusername and 11.6K others
tumitravel Lando Norris for TUMI
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user1 ok i'll buy the bag
user2 does lando come with the bag???
user3 yn is one lucky girl
user4 love how y'all just assume their dating
user3 well yes
yourusername wow whoever did his makeup must be really good
landonorris meh shes okay
user6 stop i love them
Liked by yourusername, maxfewtrell, and 485K others
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user2 who u making heart pizza with??🤨
user3 if i say what i wanna say they'll silence me
user3 they're so dating
user4 🤫
yourusername aw cute cat
landonorris thx :)
user5 let me just sit back and observe
user6 yesss lando.jpg revival finally
yourusername added to their story

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user1 where ya going?🙂
yourbsf gonna miss u when ur in singapore :(
user2 y'all so cute idec if you're dating or not
Liked by yourusername and 1.6M others
landonorris sing a pore
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user1 bruh
user2 hard launch on live tv goes crazy
user3 bro's just gonna ignore that EVERYONE saw that kiss
yourusername you can't keep a secret to save your life
landonorris oops🤭
yourusername you're lucky ur cute
user6 I WAS HERE
user7 okay but that was so fricking cute
Liked by landonorris and 286K others
yourusername muppet🙄
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user1 HELP
landonorris i said i was sorry pls
landonorris sorry again😁😁😁
landonorris where did you get these photos
user2 nahh that's crazy
user3 okay now i'm definitely jealous
user4 this is literally a wattpad story like wdym she's his makeup artist and now they're dating???
yourbsf i'd like to thank beyoncé
taglist: @evasmlp @partnerincrime0 @r0nnsblog @raizelchrysanderoctavius @daniiiboo @wisestarfishbouquet @noodleysalad @thatgirlwholikescars @jxnellat @blakebearsblog @angelluv444 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @etterdotexe @scopeiguess @noope306 @burning8wood @styl1shl1v @venusandstardust @daniellef89x @nzygftoji @laheykol06 @blodwyn4u @allthings-fandoms @woozarts @astroniii @lilorose25 @dejavuontrack @xxx-betty @wobblymug @m3ntally-unstable @armystay89 @sarakay-gvf @kar1nsworldx @velentine @rexit-mo @blodwyn4u @lammys-thinking @sam02009 @kaorisakamotofan @taylorsvogue13 @loveparkersblog @delicatetrashtree @hashmiya @noodleboyluke @crispysoup318 @kisssleeping @comicalivy @lilypat @superlegend216 @pakotrzl @heavy-vettel @ilivbullyingjeongin @theblueblub @bloodyymaryyy @stressed-cherry @da-writer @chemiru @ks001
add yourself to my taglist here!
#f1#formula 1#lando norris#f1 fanfic#f1 smau#f1 x reader#lando norris x reader#smau#f1 imagine#lando norris smau#lando norris fanfic#lando norris imagine#social media au#f1 social media au#mclaren#f1 x female reader
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can i go (where you go?) | j.v

“Hey, it’s me.”
After a short beat, you opened the door to look at him, your hair wet around your shoulders, water droplets wetting his shirt you were wearing. Despite the early morning hours, Jace felt a some rush of excitement running through him seeing you standing in his shirt in his bathroom.
“You good?”
“I think I just met your brother,” you said lightly, your cheeks pink.
OR; 5 times Jace’s family meets you (and the one time you meet them)
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x reader
warnings: just incredibly tooth rotting fluff. i’m actually in love with them. in this modern universe, Alicent is married to Rhaenyra’s younger brother Baelon, Rhaenys and Viserys aren’t related, and Addam and Alyn aren’t Corlys’ sons. I think I solved the inbreeding, lol. Also, Harwin and Rhaenyra are happily married <3 (there will probably be more fics in this universe🤭)
word count: 7,2k (HOW)
author’s note: everyone knows i love a good 5 + 1 fic. this was born out of @eldrith and me just coming up with modern au headcanons and modern!jace consuming my thoughts at work. happy happy reading, I hope you're obsessed! <3
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
I Luke
“Jace… Hey, Jace.”
Jace let out a groan, burowing deeper into the cushions, hoping to drown out the voice.
Someone grabbed him by the shoulders, shaking him violently and Jace groaned, his eyes fluttering open just to see his brother peer down at him, his damp hair plastered against his forehead. Jace knew it was entirely too early for him to be awake with the way his body still felt too heavy. He glared at Luke, his annoyance clear as day.
“Luke, what the fuck.”
“Hey, I’ve just come from the gym, the showers in my dorm were blocked off because a pipe burst, can I shower here?”
Jace whined, turning his head to face the pillow, hoping it would smother him. Anything to be unconscious again.
“Couldn’t you just have showered at the gym?”
“I have a class at 10,” Luke replied, as if that answered the question.
It didn’t.
Jace didnt react, hoping that Luke would just leave if he feigned falling back asleep, but Luke grabbed him by the shoulders again.
“Oh my god, just go use the shower, you’re here already!”
“Thanks, you’re the best!”
The mattress dipped again and footsteps receded before Jace was finally alone again, falling back into a slumber.
Wait, had he been alone?
He could distinctly remember you coming home with him the night before but the bed was empty when Jace reached his hand out looking for you. You must have snuck out in the early hours of the day. Jace would definitely confront you about that as soon as he was awake enough to do it.
Just as he was about to drift back to dream land, a high pitched squeal woke him right up, and he shot up in bed, wide awake.
“Oh my god, I am so so sorry!”
A door slammed, hurried footsteps came towards his bedroom before Luke barged through the door with wild eyes; shutting it behind him.
“There’s a girl in your bathroom!” He said, his voice accusatory as he glared at Jace, with his back against the door. Luke’s cheeks were red, and Jace wasn’t sure if it was the remaining flush from the gym or because he was embarrassed.
Jace only blinked at him, before wiping his palm over his face.
Luke frowned at him. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”
“She’s not-“ Jace broke off, sighing. “It’s not important.”
He got out of the bed, shooing Luke away from the door and padded towards his bathroom, trying to make sure his younger brother hadn’t completely scared you off. The bathroom was locked and Jace leaned against the doorframe, rapping his knuckles against the door.
“Hey, it’s me.”
After a short beat, you opened the door to look at him, your hair wet around your shoulders, water droplets wetting his shirt you were wearing. Despite the early morning hours, Jace felt a some rush of excitement running through him seeing you standing in his shirt in his bathroom.
“You good?”
“I think I just met your brother,” you said lightly, your cheeks pink.
The corner of Jace’s mouth tugged up and he flexed his hand around your waist, pulling you closer. Luke was lucky he met you so early in the day, your temper still subdued from sleep. Had it happened in the afternoon? Luke would’ve gotten an earful.
“Are you okay? I can make him leave if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“No it’s fine,” you huffed, hiding your face in his shoulders. “I was not prepared to meet him.”
Jace wrapped his arm around your waist, leaning his chin on your head with a grin. “You don’t have to be prepared to meet Luke. You just meet him and go “what a dork”, there’s not much else after that.”
“Yo!” Luke crowed outside. “I heard that!”
“You were supposed to!”
“Can I just take a shower please!!!”
Jace rolled his eyes, his hand dropping down to lace his fingers with yours. “Come on, I’ll make you a coffee.”
He pulled you into the kitchen, turning his coffee machine on, meanwhile hearing Luke flee into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. By the time his younger brother emerged again, his hair towel damp, you and Jace were sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal in hand, your feet in Jace’s lap.
Luke stood in the door way like a deer in headlights as you and Jace looked at him.
“Hey,” you said lightly; Jace only snorted into his bowl.
“Sorry again… About earlier. I’m Luke,” Luke said, rubbing the back of his neck, but you only waved it off as you introduced yourself. Luke glanced between the two of you, the wheels in his head must be turning a mile a minute. Jace did not look forward to whatever he was going to say.
“So… Are you guys like going steady?”
You pulled a face and Jace only sighed. Of course he chose to be a dick.
“Get out.”
Luke grinned, having expected the reaction. “Kay. Thanks for letting me use your shower,” he called over his shoulder, “Bye Jace, bye shower girl!”
The door fell shut in its hinges and Jace welcomed the silence that followed.
“I should’ve never given him the spare key,” he muttered, but you only pressed your heel into his leg.
“Stop it, he’s sweet.”
“He’s a menace.”
“He’s your little brother,” you laughed, pushing your empty bowl on the coffee table. “He’s supposed to get on your nerves, it’s literally in the job description.”
His bowl soon joined yours on the table as Jace wrapped his hand around your wrist, pulling you into his lap. You grinned at him, tucking his hair behind his ear, as he played with the hem of his shirt you were wearing.
“I like that you feel comfortable enough at my place to take a shower,” he mumbled, nosing along your neck.
“Shut up.”
II Rhaena
“Man, that was way too close,” Addam groaned as they walked into the locker room. Their game against the Stags of Stormlands University had ended with 2:1, which was criminal. It should’ve been at least 3:1 and Jace wasn’t even being arrogant. That one goal they scored against them was pure luck.
“Coach is gonna be on our asses during the next practice,” Alyn said as he tugged off his jersey.
“As if he needs a reason to make us run suicides,” Cregan pointed out and Jace shrugged.
“It wasn’t entirely our fault, though. The audience was crazy today. What happened after half time? There was some commotion in the stands.”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it,” Alyn snickered. “Apparently some girl punched Criston square in the face after he made some of his usual comments.”
“What?” Addam asked, his eyebrows risen as Jace only laughed.
“No way. That girl’s my hero.”
“I’m buying her a drink,” Cregan declared. “Do we know who it was?”
Alyn shook his head in no. “Nah, I just overheard some guys talking about it…” he then turned to Jace. “You coming to the bar with us?” Alyn asked. “My treat.”
“I can’t,” Jace replied, but before he could elaborate, Cregan wrapped his arm around his shoulder, squeezing him.
“Lover boy is meeting his girlfriend, he told me all about it.”
Jace’s cheeks tinged pink and he shoved Cregan off, huffing.
“Fuck off.”
“Leave him alone,” Addam said lightly from the bench, untying his shoes. “If I had another choice, I wouldn’t go to the bar with you either.”
“Thank you Addam,” Jace said, giving Alyn and Cregan, who were snickering to themselves, a pointed look. He grabbed a towel and his shower caddy from the locker, turning back to his friends.
“Have fun at the bar. I’ll see you guys around.”
Jace ignored how they made kissy sounds after him, rolling his eyes at them fondly. After taking a quick shower, and getting dressed, he made his way to the spot you had agreed to meet him. He passed a few familiar faces who congratulated him on the win, but he made no attempt to stay in a conversation too long, not wanting to keep you waiting. When he got to the gates of the football field, you were nowhere to be found though. Maybe you were held up by your friends. Jace shot you a text, telling you where he was, then pulling up his family group chat. His parents and Joffrey had gone hiking over the weekend, but his dad had received updates on the game via the uni’s newsletter, both of them sending him well done’s. Luke had watched the game with his friends, and Jace had no doubt he was now at the same bar his team mates were headed to. Jace then pulled up the text chain with you, but his texts to you went unanswered. With a sigh, he opened Find my..? frowning when he saw your icon float over the building that held the student med center.
“What the hell?” he muttered to himself, shoving his phone into his pocket, walking to the student med center in quick strides. The building was dark when he arrived, but the door was unlocked when he pulled on it. Jace stood in the dark for a while, his eyes adjusting to the lack of light, when he heard voices coming from somewhere. Following the sound, he reached the examination room, the voices becoming more distinctive.
“-never punched someone, why has no one ever told me that it hurts so much? He’s the one who should be hurt, not me!”
“You’d be surprised. You can actually break something while punching someone.”
Jace paused in the doorway, watching as you sat on the bed, ice pack in your hand, while another girl was rummaging in the cupboards with her back to him. You looked up when he called your name, and the smile on your face nearly made him forget how worried he was.
“Hey,” you said, “Rhaena, this is my-“
Of course it was Rhaena. Out of all the student meds, it had to be his cousin tending to you. You glanced between them your eyebrows high.
“You guys know each other?”
“Rhaena is my cousin,” Jace explained, distracted, his focus on your hand. “What happened?”
“Supergirl over here punched Cole in the face.”
“Criston Cole?”
“The one and only.”
Jace sighed, sitting down next to you to lift the ice back from your knuckles, frowning when he found them bloody.
“She’s bleeding!”
Rhaena rolled her eyes, holding up some gauze and disinfectant spray. “Yes, I was looking for the gauze, thanks for reminding me.”
Jace frowned as Rhaena sat on your other side.
“This is probably gonna sting,” she warned you, before spraying disinfectant on your wounds, but you winced anyway. Jace watched as Rhaena patched you up, the frown on his forehead not easing.
“Alright, we’re all done,” Rhaena said, balling up the wrapper. “I want you to keep that ice pack on for twenty minutes, it can reduce the swelling. And maybe try to keep it elevated, and lots of resting!”
“Okay,” Jace said, matter of factly.
Both you and Rhaena looked at him - you looking amused, while Rhaena looked exasperated - and he only shrugged.
“What? You know damn well you’re not gonna do anything she just said,” he argued and you grinned, turning to Rhaena.
“Duly noted, thanks Rhaena.”
“Alright, let’s get out of here,” Rhaena said, throwing the wrappers in the trash before shooeing you and Jace out of the building. As you walked outside, you and Rhaena seemed to be get along like a house on fire as Jace held your purse, and by the time you were standing out front, you had exchanged numbers.
“Hey, so really come by when I’m working, and I’ll treat you for a coffee,” you said while Rhaena locked up.
“Sure, that’ll be nice,” Rhaena replied, packing her keys away. “It was really nice to meet you.”
You beamed at her. “You too!”
His cousin smiled at you before turning to Jace. “I’ll see you Sunday?”
“Yep. Thanks Rhae.”
Jace gave her a hug, and she quickly hugged you as well, before waving in good bye.
“Bye, see you guys!”
“Bye Rhaena!”
Jace pulled you close as you walked, his forehead still creased. You were supposed to go out for dinner, but by now your reservation had probably fallen through, so Jace might as well just cook you dinner at home. He couldn’t help but glance at your hand, which you noticed immediately.
“Jace, I’m fine,” you insisted with a laugh, grabbing his hand to reassure him, but no dice.
“I know Cole is a pain in the ass, but why did you punch him?” he asked, his forehead creased. “You could get in trouble. And on top of that, you got hurt!”
“It’s just bruised knuckles and a little blood, it’ll be healed before you know it,” you promised him. “Besides, Cole had it coming. He was sprouting bullshit about how he should’ve made the team instead of you and was just being a dick.”
Jace froze mid step, and you were dragged back by him, not having expected the sudden stop.
“You were defending my honor?”
You glanced at him, lips quirking in a smile.
“I’ll always defend your honor.”
In that moment, Jace was so overcome with emotion, he thought he might do something stupid like tell you that he loved you, so he just pulled you into a deep kiss. You sighed softly against his lips, before you pulled back, looking at him in surprise.
“What was that for?”
“Can’t a guy thank his knight in shining armor?”
You snickered, lacing your hands with his.
“You can thank me by getting some food in me, I am starving.”
III Joffrey
“It’s nice here.”
The sun was shining, reflecting its rays over the surface of the water. It was rather still today, a stark contrast to the strong waves that usually lapped at the shore of Driftmark. The small coast town was only an half an hour drive from uni and since you had never been here before, Jace had decided to take you for an impromptu trip, armed with a blanket and some snacks, but not much else. The two of you were sat on said blanket, you sitting between his legs, head resting on his chest. Jace wished it could be like this forever.
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to Driftmark,” he said, amused. “My parents used to take us every weekend when we were younger. Luke and I used to fly kites, but his always fell nose first into the sand.”
You laughed, pressing yourself closer into Jace.
“That’s sweet,” you mumbled softly, your voice trailing off. “So how many girls have you taken here?”
Jace rolled his eyes fondly, his finger tracing your arm. If only you knew. He hummed, as if in thought.
“Let’s see, there was that one girl from Lambda Psi, then Jessica from my International Relations class…”
You laughed, squirming in his arms as you smacked his hand away.
“You’re an ass.”
He tightened his hold on you, a grin on his face. “You started it!”
Giggling, you settled back into him and Jace let out a happy sigh, but the moment was quickly interrupted by his phone ringing. He had half a mind to decline the call, but he paused when he saw the caller ID.
“Why is my mum calling me?” Jace said, frowning at his phone before picking up the call. “Hey mum, is everything okay?”
“Jace, thank god,” his mother sighed in relief. The background was noisy, if Jace had to guess, she must be at work. “My meeting is running longer than expected and I won’t be able to make it in time to pick up Joffrey from school, is there any way you could make the drive down here to pick him up?”
Jace glanced at his watch. It was almost 3 in the afternoon and on a good day, it took 25 minutes to get from Driftmark to Joffrey’s school in King’s Landing. But that meant, you’d have to tag along, because there was no way he’d make it in time for Joffrey’s school’s out if he dropped you off beforehand.
“… Mum, can you give me a second?”
His mother paused. “… Sure.”
He muted the call from his side and you had already turned around to face him, your eyebrows furrowed.
“What’s going on?”
“My mum is stuck at work and she asked me to go pick up my brother from school,” Jace started. “I’m not going to make it in time if we’ll make the drive back to Oldtown-”
“Jace, oh my god, it’s fine, let’s go,” you exclaimed, already standing up and collecting all the things you had brought.
Jace stared at you for a second, slack-jawed, before he dipped his head, smiling to himself. He quickly unmuted the phone call while he got to his feet.
“I’ll pick him up mum, it’s not a problem,” he said, while helping you put away the blanket with one hand.
“Thank you, Jace,” his mother said, her tone hesitant, like she was holding back a question, but before she could ask it, another voice called for her. “I’ll call the school and let them know you’re coming,” she said distractedly.
“Okay mum, thanks. Have fun at the meeting!”
Slipping his phone into his pocket, he turned to see you with everything packed.
“Come on, let’s go!” you hurried him, taking his hand to drag him to his car, missing the blinding smile Jace had on his face.
The drive to King’s Landing was quicker than expected, with the streets being free and Jace made it to Joffrey’s school right around 3:30, the cars from several other parents already lined up to enter the pick up zone.
“Are you okay waiting in the car?” Jace asked, turning to you, “I’ll be in and out in no time.”
“Yeah, of course,” you assured him, patting his knee.
Jace couldn’t help but lean over to press a kiss on your cheek, nearly missing his turn to find a temporary parking spot, but the security guard waved him along.
“Keep it moving, son.”
“Isn’t this the pick up zone for school?” Jace asked, unbuckling. “I can park here, right?”
The security guard eyed his license plate, before checking his clipboard. “Don’t see your license plate on my list, you gotta keep it moving.”
“You’re joking.”
The man blinked at him, clearly not joking.
“I only need to go in and grab my brother, it won’t even take five minutes,” Jace argued but the security guard shook his head, unrelenting.
“Can’t make an exception, rules are rules.”
Jace opened his mouth to try to make another argument, but behind him, the cars started to honk their horns at him, parents impatient to pick up their kids. Jace’s ears grew hot but before he could lash out at the security guard, you laid your hand on his arm.
“Jace, I can go get your brother.”
“Are you sure?” Jace asked, frowning. He felt bad for making you go along, ruining the day he had planned. You didn’t sign up for this and he didn’t want to make you go into a school full of kids to pick up his brother.
“Yes, I promise,” you said, a smile on your face as you squeezed his hand and he sighed, nodding.
He gave you a rough description of the way inside the school and Joffrey’s classroom number, before you got out of the car, as Jace exited the pick up zone, but not without giving the security guard a dirty look. He drove around the block, parking his car next to the curb when his phone rang announcing a facetime from you.
“Hey, is something wrong?” Jace asked as he picked up. The screen was blurry, and you were barely visibly as you stared at something behind the camera
“Hey, no, Joffrey just wanted to make sure I wasn’t lying,” you said, distractedly. “Alright Joffrey.”
The camera panned away from you until Joffrey came into view. His baby brother looked sceptical, clutching the straps of his red backpack, but his frown eased when he saw Jace.
“Hi Jace.”
“Hi Joff,” Jace said, his voice soft. “I know mum was supposed to pick you up, but her meeting ran long so she asked me to get you. I’m waiting in the car, alright? Are you going to be okay walking with my friend?”
Joffrey looked off camera, assumedly at you before turning back to Jace, scrunching his nose. “Mummy said I shouldn’t go with strangers.”
“And she’s right!” Jace quickly interjected, knowing his mother would kill him if he unraveled all the things she had been teaching Joffrey ever since he was old enough to talk. “But this is my friend, right? Not a stranger.”
With a purse on his lips, Joffrey seemed to think his words over before nodding.
Joffrey waved at him through the camera before looking up.
“Can we go now?”
Jace heard you suppress a laughter as the phone shook. Joffrey didn’t look phased.
“Yes,” you said. “Come on, let’s go.”
You offered your hand to him, before you quickly panned the camera on yourself again. “See you in a bit, Jace.”
The call ended and Jace quietly laughed to himself as he tossed his phone on the passenger seat, driving back towards the school. He didn’t wait long in front of the curb when you and Joffrey came walking out, you carrying his backpack and Joffrey carrying a booster seat.
“Alright, now let’s get your backpack in here-” you said, opening the door to put Joffrey’s backpack on the backseat, then scooching it over to put the booster seat on as well. “And then you go into the booster-”
“Hi Jace!”
Jace turned around, smiling as he watched Joffrey settle into his booster seat comfortably while you fussed over him.
“Hi Joff.”
“Okay, now the seatbelt… Is this too tight?” you asked as you buckled Joffrey in, but he shook his head. You gave him a thumbs up, before shutting the door behind him, climbing back into the passenger’s seat so Jace could pull away from the curb.
“How was school?” Jace asked Joffrey with a quick glance at him through the mirror.
“Good,” Joffrey replied, “We learned about shapes.”
He then fully launched into a retelling of how his classmates thought circles and triangles are the same and Jace meant to give you an apologetic look, but to his surprise, you seemed to be listening intently.
“No way! I bet his mind was blown when you told him about rectangles!”
“He thought I was lying!”
Jace quietly snickered to himself and you grinned at him, as Joffrey continued to babble on in the backseat. Without thinking much, Jace had started the drive back to Oldtown.
“Is it okay if I drop you off at home?” Jace asked, his voice quiet, even though Joffrey was humming a song that sounded vaguely familiar to Jace as he looked out of the window, content after telling you about his school day. “I think I’ll drive back to King’s Landing and spend the night at home.”
“Yeah, sounds good,” you said, smiling at him and Jace’s heart did a stupid flip in his chest. He reached over to squeeze your hand, forgetting about his brother in his backseat for a split second.
“What kind of friends are you?”
His neck grew hot and he almost reflexively pulled his hand back, but you tightened your hold.
“The bestest friends,” you said, turning around to look at him with the most serious expression you could muster. Joffrey pressed his lips together in an attempt to bite back a smile, but a giggle escaped his lips.
“Bestest is not even a word.”
“Well, I made it up because Jace and I are bestest friends.”
“You’re silly,” Joffrey laughed and you gasped, faking affront.
The rest of the drive continued about the same until Jace pulled up in front of your building. Your hand was on the door handle, but you threw a look to the back at Joffrey, clearly reluctant to go.
“Bye Joffrey, it was really nice to meet you,” you told him with a smile.
Your eyes turned to Jace, who desperately wanted to kiss you, but he wouldn’t, not in front of Joffrey, so he only inclined his head at you, hoping you knew.
“Bye,” you said softly, cheeks pink as you got out of the car, shutting the door behind you.
“Bye!” Joffrey called, waving at you through the window until you disappeared inside your apartment building. His baby brother then turned to him, a smile on his face.
“I like her.”
Pleased, Jace settled back into his seat, putting the car back in drive, his eye on his brother through the mirror.
“Me too, buddy.”
IV Aegon
“I don’t get why you won’t just make it official when you’re obviously so into her.”
“Can we not talk about this?”
The music coming from inside was loud, but Jace wished it was louder so he didn’t have to talk about this. Of course he’d rather officially call you his girlfriend than… Whatever it was he was calling you right now. But it was complicated, the both of you starting out casually, no labels.
That was almost four months ago and things had changed. For him at least.
Cregan kicked his foot, forcing Jace to look at him.
“I’m serious, Jace. You’re insanely into her and she obviously likes you too.”
Jace pretended like hearing that didn’t make him happy, looking around for you.
“Where is she anyway?” Jace asked and Cregan only sighed at the obvious attempt of changing the topic.
“Last I saw, she and her foxy friend were trying to get drinks.”
Jace rolled his eyes, pushed himself up from the chair.
“I’ll go look for her,” he said, taking a few steps before turning back to his friend. “And don’t call Alysanne foxy.”
Cregan’s bellowing laughter made Jace grin, and he only shook his head, opening the patio door to head inside. The air was stuffy and smelt of alcohol, but he was used to it as he squeezed past a kissing couple, craning his head over the crowd to try to spot you somewhere in the crowded house. He usually didn’t like splitting up with you at parties because it was a pain finding each other again. You also had an habit to make so many friends in a short amount of time.
When Jace finally made it to the kitchen, he saw the back of your head and he let out a sigh of relief. His face blanched however, when he saw who you were talking to. Calling out your name, you turned around with a cup in your hand as he walked up to you.
His cousin grinned widely at him as Jace joined you and Aegon by the kitchen island, as you slotted yourself against his side. You seemed content, like you were enjoying yourself. Jace took that as a good sign.
“Hi Aegon,” Jace greeted him lightly, before turning to you. “I see you’ve met my cousin.”
“Rhaena‘s brother?” You asked, eyebrows raised.
“You met Rhaena?”
Aegon’s brows were even higher than yours as his eyes flitted between Jace and you curiously, sipping on his drink. Jace already knew this would make it into the cousins’ group chat in a matter of minutes.
“Aegon’s from the other side. Kind of,” Jace answered, pulling a face. “It’s complicated.”
You smiled at him and Aegon’s grin only widened. Jace wished he would disappear the way he always did when their grandpa asked for help in the garage.
“So how did you guys meet?” he asked, voice nonchalant. “You don’t look like a PoliSci student to me.”
“I’m not,” you replied, laughing. “Jace always gets coffee at the coffee shop I work at.”
“Oh, which one do you work at?”
“Blackwood’s, the one on 50th?”
Aegon’s eyes widened and he nodded his head quickly. “Yes, I know that one. Do you think you could give me the recipe for the almond croissants? I’ve tried recreating them so many times and they never turn out like the one’s at the coffee shop.”
“I can ask my friend, if you want me to,” you offered. “It’s her uncle’s coffee shop, he’s gotta have the recipe.”
“Oh and what about the syrups, are those-”
“Alright, this isn’t 20 questions,” Jace interjected, knowing there was no stopping Aegon if he started talking syrups. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, Aegon?”
Aegon pressed his lips together in a grin, shaking his head. “Fine, Jace, I’ll leave you guys alone. But only because I know I’ll have other opportunities to ask for recipes.”
Jace narrowed his eyes at his cousin, but he had turned his attention to you.
“Nice talking to you,” he said. “Maybe I’ll see you at one of our family events, yeah?”
“Bye Aegon.”
Jace could hear Aegon cackling to himself as he lead you away, his hand on your lower back. He was mortified. Out of everyone at this party, you just had to run into Aegon. To Jace’s luck however, you seemed mostly amused by his erratic cousin.
“I like him,” you said and Jace huffed out a laugh, shaking his head.
“You don’t have to lie. I don’t like him either.”
You snorted, shoving him playfully. “I’m not lying. He’s very outgoing, but I like him.”
Jace pressed closer to you as you made your way out of the pation and you turned your head over your shoulder, glancing at him.
“So is your entire family just enrolled here?”
“Basically, yeah,” Jace sighed, “The only cousin of mine who’s not at this uni is Daeron but apparently he’s transferring next term.”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet all of them.”
Jace let out a laugh, wrapping his arm around you when you finally made it out of the house, Cregan still sitting on the sun chairs, Alysanne next to him as they talked. Jace had wondered where you had left her.
Aegon [01:21 am]: have y’all met jace’s new gf yet??
Jace left the chat.
Aegon added Jace to the chat.
Jace [02:04 am]: I hate you
Aegon [02:05 am]: <3
V Harwin
“If my husband doesn’t look like that like 25 years down the line, I definitely did something wrong.”
Jace only caught the tail end of the conversation, but knowing you and Alysanne, he wasn’t sure he even wanted to know what you were talking about. The two of you found the most bizarre things to talk about, it was astounding.
“What are we talking about?” he asked nevertheless, pulling out a chair next to you.
“There was this hot guy at the coffee shop earlier today, trying to find a good restaurant for dinner with his son,” Alysanne explained and you nodded.
“Super hot.”
“Wow, you really know how to make a guy feel special.”
You quirked a grin at him, leaning over to kiss him, your hand on his leg. Eagerly, Jace returned the kiss, deepening it which might be a tad inappropriate for the library, but he didn’t care. He never did when it came to you.
“Eurgh,” Alysanne said, rolling her eyes. Jace paid her no mind, already used to her antics, but you pulled away before it could any less PG13.
“Hi,” you mumbled, licking over over lips and Jace resisted the urge to kiss you again. “Am I seeing you tonight?”
“I might come over a little later than usual,” he said with a sigh, playing with the straps of your top. “Luke said he wanted to meet me for dinner.”
“Can you guys please go to Jace’s?” Alysanne interjected “I’d really love to have one night without hearing you guys have sex.”
“Oh come off it, Aly,” you laughed, swatting at your friend and she snickered. “You’re literally on the other side of the apartment and we barely hang out at our place.”
Alysanne stuck her tongue out at you and you only flipped her off before turning back to Jace.
“So eleven?”
“Yeah, sounds about right,” he said, nodding. “But I’ll text you, yeah?”
You hummed, and Jace pulled your chair closer to his, almost forgetting he had come to the library to study for a test. Next to you, Alysanne was rolling her eyes but he could tell that she was pleased by the way she let her hair fall over the side to give you privacy.
Well, as much privacy there was in a university library.
“How did you find out about this place anyway, dad?” Jace asked, reaching for his beer.
Turned out, Luke didn’t want to get dinner. Their father did. He had a work thing in Driftmark and decided to make it to Oldtown for a quick visit, surprising Jace. His dad felt bad for missing Jace’s first game of the season; he had always made it to Jace’s first game of the season ever since he started playing football when he was 7 years old. It was like an unspoken tradition.
Harwin Strong was a man of tradition and loyalty, and even though Jace had promised him it wasn’t that much of a deal, he had felt guilty either way.
“This nice girl at the coffee shop recommended it to me,” his father said, and Jace nearly spat out his beer all over the table. So it must have been his father you and Alysanne had been talking about earlier in the library. God really loved to play games with him.
“What coffee shop?” He asked as nonchalantly as possible. Maybe it was just a coincidence, right? There were lots of coffee shops in Oldtown.
“Blackwood’s I think? She said this was her boyfriend’s favorite restaurant,” his father explained, glancing over the menu. Jace’s heart stuttered in his chest at the word boyfriend before his father grimaced. “Well, she paused between boy and friend. It seemed like there was more to the story but I didn’t want to pry.”
“How funny,” Luke said, peering over his menu. “This is Jace’s favorite restaurant, too.”
“Yeah,” Jace pressed out, glaring at his brother while kicking him in the shins.
“Boys, please.”
Jace and Luke exchanged dirty looks, before turning their attention back on their menus.
“You know what I don’t understand?” his father started, but Jace interrupted him before he could continue.
“The steak sizes are their thing, no one actually orders the 14 oz steak.”
His father furrowed his eyes at him, confused.
“What? No, I’m going to order the fish,” he said, shaking his head. “What I was trying to say is, what is it with your generation and casual dating?”
Jace’s ears grew hot and Luke howled in laughter, nearly falling off the chair. His father glanced between them.
“Did I miss something?”
“No,” Jace said pointedly in Luke’s direction before turning back to his father. “I’m not saying that casual dating is good, or whatever, but sometimes it’s… Complicated.”
“Complicated?” his father echoed. “Either you love someone or you don’t. When I first met your mother, I knew immediately that she was the one for me. I wasn’t going to waste my time on casually dating her.”
“That sounds really smart,” Luke said, nodding earnestly, but Jace only rolled his eyes. What an idiot. “Sounds like something a lot of people our age should do.”
“How was Econ 101, Luke?” Jace asked, his voice low and Luke narrowed his eyes at him.
“So!” their father said, clearly ignoring their exchange, laying his menu down as he looked at his two eldest sons. “Are there any people in your life I should meet, Jace?”
Jace only sighed, leaning back in his chair while Luke burst out in laughter again.
“Dad, come on.”
+ I
You had been quiet for the most of the drive, which made Jace nervous. You hadn’t been his girlfriend long before his grandpa’s birthday rolled around. Actually, Jace had finally broke down and asked, begged, you to finally go out with him for real the night he got home from dinner with his father and Luke. Something about the way his father spoke about him and his mother just made Jace realize he hated this unlabeled, uncertain situationship he had with you. He wanted something real.
He was scared shitless when it took you a good minute to reply God, it took you long enough!
About a month later, his mother had texted him about the plans for his grandpa’s birthday and he had decided it was about time you met his family. You had met most of them already anyway.
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” you suddenly said, eyes darting outside the window.
“What? Why?” Jace said, glancing over at you. He had half a mind to stop the car, but it was less than 2 minutes before he’d be home.
“I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
Despite being one turn away from his house, Jace pulled up to the curb, turning off his car. Uttering your name softly, he reached over to grasp your hand.
“You don’t need to worry, I promise,” he assured you. Your hands were clammy, you must be so much more nervous than he had initially thought, which was endearing, really. “You’ve already met most of them, remember? And they all love you.”
“So far,” you corrected him and he sighed in exasperation, giving you a fond smile.
“You’ve already met the worst person in my family and Aegon still spams our groupchat with pictures from the pastries he’s baking with the recipes you gave him. The rest of my family is harmless compared to him.”
You quirked a smile at him, letting out a deep breath.
“Okay,” Jace hummed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. He squeezed your hand, not letting go as he started his car again. Even when you walked up to the front porch, past all the cars in the drive way, you were still holding onto his hand, like a lifeline in a storm.
It didn’t take long until the heavy wooden door opened, and Luke stood before them, grinning.
“I was wondering when you guys would get here,” he said, turning to his side. “Mum, it’s Jace and his girlfriend!”
“Thanks for that, dummy,” Jace hissed, punching Luke’s arm as he passed him. Luke winced in pain, glowering at his older brother, waving at you with a smile. Jace lead you through the entry hall into the living room when Joffrey came running around the corner, latching himself to your legs as he called out your name.
“Hi Joffrey,” you laughed, ruffling the young boy’s hair. “How are you?”
“So good!”
Your nerves seemed to calm as you chattered away with Joffrey, having dropped Jace’s hand for his brother’s, but Jace didn’t mind. Your feet came to a slow stop however, when you reached the living room.
His mother was fixing up the flowers on the table, beaming when she saw you come in.
“Hi mum.”
Jace hugged his mother in greeting, before taking your hand. “Mum, this is-”
“Oh, welcome to the family,” his mother said, pulling you into a hug as well, surprising you as you let out a laugh.
“It’s so nice to meet you!” you said shyly, smiling at his mother when she pulled away to look at you.
“And you! I have been waiting for the day Jace finally introduced us! I just knew that he was with a girl when I asked him to pick up Joffrey,” she said, shaking her head fondly. “He was so defensive when I tried to ask for details.”
“Mum,” Jace protested and his mother only waved him off.
“Your father must be wrangling with your cousins in the kitchen… Honey, Jace and his girlfriend are here!”
“I’m coming!”
His father walked into the living room with a strawberry cake in his hand, a smile on his face when his eyes laid on you, before turning to Jace, then back to you, realization dawning on him.
“That’s the boyfriend?”
You flushed, nodding with a laugh.
His father only shook his head, giving you a brief hug before glancing at his son.
“I taught you better, son.”
“I know dad,” Jace sighed, ducking his head when his father reached out to ruffle his hair.
His mother seemed confused, though it didn’t help when his cousins and Luke tumbled out of the kitchen, bickering. As usual.
“- stop it! You’ll ruin the cake!” Aegon lifted the cake out of Baela’s grasp, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. “Oh, hey! Told you we’d see each other at one point!”
“Supergirl, how’s the hand doing?”
“Supergirl? She’s obviously shower girl.”
“… Do I even want to know?”
His mother glanced around the room, starting to connect the dots.
“Am I the only one who hasn’t met you yet?”
“I haven’t met her yet!”
The rest of his cousins rushed forward to introduce themselves and you nearly sank into a wave of white hair with Joffrey still hanging off your arm. You seemed to be doing well, though, Baela and Helaena laughing as Rhaena recounted the story of how you met and Aemond and Daeron trying to give you tips on how to punch someone without getting injured.
“I like her,” his mother said as she bumped his shoulder.
Jace’s chest warmed, though he shrugged. “You barely know her yet.” Even though he knew his family would like you no matter what, it felt good to hear it spoken.
“She seems to be handling herself well around your cousins and it looks like to me she already won half of them over,” his mother pointed out. “Most importantly, she makes you happy.”
“Wait, you punched Criston Cole? But I like him.”
“Of course you like him, Aegon.”
Your laughter rang out between the bickering, and you turned to catch Jace’s eyes, beaming at him. He smiled, ducking his head. God, he was so in love.
✦ . ⁺ . ✦ . ⁺ . ✦
author's note: what are we thinking???
#jacaerys velaryon x reader#jacaerys x reader#jacaerys velaryon#jacaerys targaryen#Jacaerys x you#Jace x reader#Jace x you#hotd#house of the dragon#Jacaerys velaryon fanfiction#jacaerys velaryon fanfic#Jacaerys velaryon fic#Jacaerys velaryon imagine
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