#remember what you're trying to do
r0semultiverse · 1 month
Small indie artists in need of support for moving out by September!
💜 These lovely folks [@QuinsCurse (they/them) & @sswitchblade03 (xe/xem and he/him)] are part of a small queer-owned Youtube community I'm in. 💖
💖 If you could lend a helping hand by reblogging & queueing this post up until the start of September, I'd greatly appreciate it & I'm sure these fine folks would too! 💜
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"Hi everyone! Requests are officially closed as I am opening emergency commissions! Please consider supporting me as we are getting kicked out and have managed to find a place that’s affordable but need to save up 5k by the end of the month! Anything helps! I also have a dontations page if you are willing to help do that! All the money received from commissions will be going to the deposit! https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/commissions https://ko-fi.com/quinscurse/goal?g=32"
⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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"https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/commissions https://ko-fi.com/sswitchblade03/goal?g=0 EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS!! My roommate ‪@QuinsCurse‬and I are needing about $5000CAD for a down payment on a new place as we need to be out of our current place by September! Every bit counts! My goal is to be set to $3000CAD. I will draw anything (coloured and rendered) for $5 CAD each! If you are willing to give more it will be appreciated. Examples of my work below!"
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⚠️ Do not tag as d*nations or anything like that! ⚠️
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pepperf · 29 days
There are so many things to be annoyed about the TUA s4 debacle, and I am exploring every one of them. This is not a particularly joyful thing for me, I don't run on spite, but I guess I just need to work my way through this.
TODAY'S ANNOYANCE! Read at your own peril! Dead dove, do not enter, I'm venting about both fandom's and Five's attitudes towards Lila.
I remember how much vitriol and pearl-clutching there was about Lila after season 2. Fandom at large HATED her: she was manipulative, she lied, she drugged Diego, she tried to kill them all, blah blah blah, god it was like people had never watched TV before.
This shifted to a somewhat grudging acceptance after season 3, "Well she's going to be a mum so maybe her claws have been clipped - but OH NO SHE'S STILL MANIPULATIVE, SHE PUNCHES FIVE AND FAKE-DRINKS AND EATS SUSHI?!" (If it's bad for babies, apparently someone forgot to inform the entire nation of Japan).
But now - now that Five "loves"* her, now she's been portrayed as a saccharine shadow of her glorious self, a living mannequin for your favourite blorbo to fuck - NOW you like her? Go fuck yourselves.
If you can't handle Lila at her most chaotic and weird and destructive and terrible, you don't deserve her. Let's be real, it's not about Lila at all. It's not about the character we've seen for the past two seasons. You don't want that Lila, you want some kind of Stepford wife to make Five happy. Which, hey, was apparently what he wanted, too!
For the record, and to stave off some of the flames I may be provoking, I think this version of Five is equally bullshit and feels like they twisted the character to fit the plot they wanted, rather than following what he'd been like previously. I mean, I do think he has control issues, he's forever telling people what to do, but he's not, in general, an emotionally-stunted manchild, and he's definitely better than this.
*Tell me, gentle readers, is it true love to lie to someone for six months about something that you know is vitally important to them, and then claim you know what's best for them, and then fucking sulk about it when they turn you down, or is that being an emotionally-stunted manchild with control issues? And some people think that is the height of romance! Are you on crack? Are you in a cult? Knock three times if you need help!
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originalcontent · 10 months
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I can't find art of my ship anywhere so I GUESS that means I have to make it myself, here are some doodles.
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incesthemes · 8 months
i can't stop thinking about the first episode of season 6, when sam tries to convince dean to come with him, to come back to hunting. he says "it's just better with you around, that's all." it's an interesting line because sam is soulless, obviously. and even though he doesn't understand the details yet, he knows something's wrong with him.
"it's better with you around" he says, citing dean's compassion and care for others as the reason why. and how interesting is that? sam's working with plenty of other hunters who still have their souls—they're all more than capable of caring about the people they save. but sam needs dean specifically. he knows he's missing something, and he sees dean and recognizes that something in him. even cold and calculating and unrelentingly logical, sam recognizes that dean, alone, can "complete" him, give something back to him that he's supposed to have.
in episode 8 he tells dean he "needs his help." he doesn't elaborate; he never explains what he means by that. he has a whole family of hunters who'd be willing and able to help him, but still he needs dean. even without his soul, his hyperrational mind knows he needs him.
soulless sam isn't capable of caring about dean. but he doesn't need to care to know they need to be together, no matter what—to know dean is good for him, dean completes him, dean needs to be there for him.
it's like a sick reversal of season 1. sam drags dean back into this life because he can't keep going without him. because he needs him. because when you think about it logically, and sam has no other choice, there was never any other option for them.
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
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Archery Science Professor at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts [Patreon | Commissions]
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calamitys-child · 7 months
My purpose and singular mission in life is to make sure queer and/or neurodivergent kids know that sometimes it really is their parents who are stupid and other adults are on their side. This, unfortunately, does not make me popular with their parents. Gonnae keep doing it though.
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I have a terrible idea just now.
Do you know those consultants (?) the people who help brides decide on what wedding dresses to get for their wedding day. I feel like Ace would be great at that job. He might not understand aesthetics very well—he finds all that high key boring—but he would put the bride first in every decision he makes. He'd smile and his flirtish side would come out in complimenting the bride to encourage them. He has definitely beat up more than a few annoying entourage.
What if femlaw is a customer one fine day and Ace is absolutely smitten! He knows she's off-limits, like get it together she's getting married, but she's so pretty! Ace loves her pouty lips, piercings, tattoos and slightly muscular shoulders. She's also very shy and timid. To Ace, that meant very cute.
He's determined to help her find the dress of her dreams!
He's happy to see that she seemed to have a good man who's willing to pay whatever she wanted and seemed to treat her affectionately. She deserves that much, anyway. When Ace asked what she wanted for her dress, Law just looked away, very clearly embarrassed. He reassured her that whatever she wanted can't be 'that bad'! She just said she wanted something simple and figure-hugging. Ace said sure and went to work.
After thirty minutes, Ace returned with five dresses for her to try. Ace told her to knock the door three times when she's ready for him to add accessories. Law thanked him and closed the door.
Ace was surprised to hear her knock the door in just ten minutes. He closed his webnovel and walked inside. Fuck- She was stunning. Despite doing this for a living, he never wanted to get married but he was having second thoughts now. To have a beautiful woman willingly dress up, put in effort to feel pretty just to be with you was an honour.
Ace finally understood why some men would simp so hard for their wives. He sure hoped Law's man simped for her. A girl like that isn't common at all!
"Ace, can I be honest with you?" She said. She had only spoken a few words to him up to this point, and they were mostly pleasantries. He was surprised when she stopped him from putting the veil on her head, though he sensed there was a deeper reason than her not liking it. "I don't want to get married. I'm not ready."
"Oh?" Ace knew he looked stupid. "What made you realise that?"
"I knew it when I realised I love this dress," she said softly. Nearly tearing up, she said, "Which is why I don't see myself walking up to him in it. I don't think I love him as much as I think I do."
"What do you want to do? The consult is free, you're not obliged to buy anything-"
"I know. Thank you," she said. They looked at their reflection in the mirror. She looked so tired all of a sudden. She looked like she would pass out from exhaustion. Ace felt bad for her. "To answer you... I don't know. I've wanted to call it off for a while now. Might as well before I sign anything binding."
"How are you going to do that?"
That was when she laughed slightly. Granted it was a sarcastic laugh but Ace ate it up all the same. He knew he was falling for her.
"Again, I don't know. But I'm tired of waiting for a plan," she said. She smiled triumphantly at Ace like she was proud for even saying she wanted to rebel. That's it. Ace was gone. "I'm going to be reckless and I'm going to castrate him and take his money!"
Ace's heart squeezed.
"I'll help," he said easily.
She smiled like she accepted the offer. Ace fell in love for the first time in his life.
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angelthemanspanker · 7 months
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics like you described genuinely put me off Buffy fandom for years, it was absolutely everywhere, in Spuffy fics, in faith/buffy fics, it felt like I couldn't read a fic without the obligatory 'Buffy apologises to whoever the fuck for being so mean' and I just stopped, it was so baffling
For real its so weirdly pervasive. It genuinely blows my mind bc I totally get the urge to use your fic to call out a character/plot point you don't like, more power to you. Like I'm constantly imagining rewrites of the scenes where Xander is at his most insufferable but no one in-show is verbalising obvious holes in his bullshit (my big one is that besides a one off line from Buffy that everyone in the show ignores and a DELETED line from Giles is that NO ONE calls him on his absolutely infuriating "I was jealous of Angel being with the girl I like and I'm gonna have the gall to pretend it was bc I saw him turning evil coming" BULLSHIT)
But like. Buffy? You came out of this show and the person you had beef with and want to call out is BUFFY? THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? The protagonist of all time? Bc she's mean sometimes :( people try to apologise for trying to kill her and she's so unsympathetic :( she carries out her responsibility as the Slayer whether she wants to or not even if the person she's targeting is a character I like :( why won't she apologise. why won't she apologise. why does she insist on taking up space. why can't she just be nice all the time. yes my ao3 tag is princessspuffy why do you ask. yeah I know their relationship is abusive but I think Spike would forgive her :)
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Hey just so you know vinecoveredgarden is a propara (pro paraphilia) pro-transID radqueer
jesus christ this was a word fucking salad. can you guys please fucking relax. did you know i can agree with a post's message without knowing the OP or following the OP nor agreeing with everything OP believes in. did you know that was possible.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Here's the thing about politics, and ultimately, the world: you are going to be biased, and you are going to have a limited understanding of others to an extent. The key is to not deny that this exists because you will be ignorant when you are biased and limited in your worldview.
Yes, absolutely listen to multiple voices and points of view and a variety of different types of people. But know that this isn't the same as erasing all biases and "self-centered" views. Strive to do better without denying that you are fallible.
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spaciebabie · 9 months
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abandoned-quiche · 3 months
i think what undertale fangames should really strive for is to push undertale's themes of mercy to the edge - push the PLAYER to see what their limits are on who deserves mercy.
#like for example.#someone who's having some sort of psychotic break and trying to hurt you. can you really justify killing them just because they were trying#to kill you? even though they would have snapped out of it eventually? even though they didn't actually WANT to kill you?#some would say you're justified to kill that person in self defense because you might have died if you didn't.#remember that there's always a power imbalance between humans and monsters. the human always has more power to end the conflict peacefully.#how about someone who's killed before? not someone like asgore or flowey where the situation's intricacies run deep.#this person simply murdered another monster because they wanted to. because they had something to gain from it#physically or emotionally. let's say he poisoned his lovely father to get his inheritence.#he is not fighting YOU to kill you for some petty gain - he's doing it for some other reason.#perhaps he's fighting you with no intent to kill - just ​to deter you from doing something that could ruin his life. or perhaps he intends t#kill you for a good reason.#can you justify taking his life because of what he did before?#the answers to these may seem obvious to you. but there are many who do believe it is within your right to kill these people.#this game should push them to reconsider their stance on this topic.#when you spare everyone because 'it's an undertale game and that's what you're supposed to do' sometimes you can miss out. and miss the poin#many people would be like 'i'm supposed to spare this guy? seriously? that's stupid.' and do it snyway because it's what you're 'supposed'#to do because it's an undertale game and the lesson is 'killing is bad.' they don't stop to reconsider WHY they think it's ridiculous to be#asked to spare these people.#i want to make an undertale fangame where at the beginning it says something like#'Don't just spare characters because this is an Undertale game and that's what you're 'supposed' to do. I want you to actually think about#the decision. Decide for YOURSELF what you think you should do in these situations. And really consider why you feel that way. Ultimately#the choice is up to you - that's the point of the game.'
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willowser · 1 year
i want to write this fic that's like — cowboy bakugou, late 1800's style LOL
with him as a leeeeetle bit older, spent his life in cattle drives, wanted to be a marshal at some point, but his health and injuries from his younger days made it hard 🥺 he doesn't settle down, doesn't have any kids though he's in his mid-30's, and — one day he gets a letter that toshinori dies.
it's really supposed to be deku's responsibility, but only god knows where he is. probably got the news and can't accept it, too chicken-shit to face it. yeah, it tears katsuki up inside, too, but someone has to stick around in musutafu and help figure out his estate, the ranch.
help figure out you.
toshinori married in his late age, an ad he put out on the paper. bought you, as katsuki has always said, though the older man would always just smile wryly at the comment, look around at his extensive acreage, his horses and cattle, and he'd say,
"i only want someone to share this with, young man, do you understand?"
and he didn't. he really, really didn't. especially because you were younger than even bakugou, fresh-faced, hardly knew how to cook anything decent or how to ride a horse. waste of money, in katsuki's eyes.
but when he arranges his feelings right, he meets you on the ranch and — you're scared, because you're now a widowed woman and everyone and their mama wants a piece. you have the money, now, to upkeep the place but you've never done it by yourself. have learned more in the few years you've been married but it's a big place, a big responsibility.
and when katsuki hears that the bank wants to take it all from you, he's all, "over my dead fuckin' body."
it's really all deku's responsibility, since he and toshinori were closer, but you need someone now. and if bakugou has to stay in the house with you and help with the ranch, make sure no one comes to bother you—
then he'll do it. because that's what the old man would've wanted.
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lickthecowhappy · 2 months
Vigil for the Divine Heart
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my covenant of angelic serenity this heavenly smile a rictus grin corpse obeying its instinctual rules and votive soul divinely offered through wrought memories pried from a rigor grip heart exhausted like the candle at vigil’s end
Art by inspired by this poem by @stumblingoverchaos.
Read more of my work here.
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
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dead by daylight-- the game where you can play as steve harrington from stranger things, and can get sent to partake in a match of murder hide and seek at midwich elementary from silent hill, where you can then use a lute to perform bardic inspiration from dungeons and dragons to give a bonus to your teammates, except for the one who is being chased by nemesis from resident evil 3.
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transmechanicus · 5 months
I get a little indignant when i look up the lyrics for a song that has very straightforward and understandable meaning to anyone who has experienced a modicum of emotional pain in their life and there are websites like "Song Lyrics Explained" like ohhh some people have never had their heart broken I see.
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