#regulus black Headcanon
isabel-lillah · 5 months
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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starmoondany · 6 months
Can you imagine how happy Euphemia was when she found out that her son and Regulus were getting married? She had taken Regulus into her home when he was still a boy, so hurt, so vulnerable. She practically took him and Sirius into her arms, raising them as if they were her own children, loving them as if they were her own children.
She wasn't stupid, she knew her son; James had been born to her after all. And she knew her boy was in love. She saw it in her boy's eyes every time Regulus was around. The woman didn't want to squirm in her wisdom, but with a smirk on her face, she knew those two would end up together. And she couldn't help but feel proud and somewhat mischievous of herself when, just after James had turned twenty, asked Regulus to marry him.
She had suspected that her boy was up to something; James had been working twice as hard since he graduated. She, worried, seeing her son come home tired every night, tried to reassure him; telling him that there was no need, that he would never lack anything at home. Oh, little she know that James was saving to buy a ring, and to pay the first installment of the house he was going to buy for himself and Regulus.
Despite that, she did knew they would eventually get married. What she didn't expect was that they would give her grandchildren so soon.
When James and Regulus announced it, right after having lunch together, she was speechless, she just couldn't form the words, thousands of things were happening inside her. She then looked at Regulus, seeking confirmation. He had a soft smile on his face, and when Euphemia looked down, she saw a barely noticeable baby bump under Regulus' clothes and that's when she started crying. Oh, how she loved that boy. And although she always considered Regulus part of her family, this was different. She hugged him, so tight, crying into the poor boy's clothes. Regulus hugged her back, feeling so overwhelmed, no one had ever hugged him like that. He cried too, he couldn't help it. Everything was so overwhelming and so beautiful. She took the boy's face in her hands; she always thought Regulus was a very beautiful boy. And now he was hers; part of her family. Regulus had just given her the most beautiful gift that only he could give her, and Euphemia was never going to let him go. He was her boy too.
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
I love the Jegulus dynamic in muggle aus because though their magic is gone, Regulus’s inability to have a normal conversation with anyone isn’t.
Like, James will try to flirt with him at a party and Regulus will say something like “alright, well um I’m gonna go talk to my friends now.. bye?” And walk away as fast as he can.
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karistiltskin · 7 months
i wanna talk about how james always just… grabs regulus’ face and kisses him.
when he has nothing to say in response to something regulus said (most likely unhinged): grabs his face and kisses him
when he thinks regulus is being adorable: grabs his face and kisses him
when regulus is fuming and going on a rant (looking absolutely beautiful): grabs his face and kisses him
in response regulus always does one of two things.
1) melts into the kiss because it’s james and james is a very passionate kisser
2) pushes him away and goes “james!” looking all flushed and huffing before going back to kiss his boyfriend again
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regulus arcturus black < 3
my favourite sad poet
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marsabillions · 1 month
Regulus is short in my head but not for twink reasons for his friends will try to put him in a knapsack and throw him in the lake if he starts pissing them off reasons
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
differences in sirius and regulus' appearances:
sirius' hair is long (usually around shoulder length) and has a curtains fringe. regulus' is short with a straight fringe.
sirius has some facial hair (he usually shaves, so it's stubble). regulus has none
sirius is a tiny bit taller (by like 1 inch)
they both have beauty marks but sirius' is by his eye and regulus' is under his lip.
sirius has more muscle, whilst regulus is more skinny.
sirius' eyes are slightly more grey and regulus' are slightly more blue
in terms of changes to their appearance; sirius has loads of tattoos and has his ears pierced, regulus has no piercings and has one tattoo (the death eater mark) sirius dresses in punk/usually muggle clothing, regulus wears wizard clothing and dresses in a very victorian gothic style.
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siriusthirdcousin · 1 year
regulus is the type of person to never back down from a fight or take back what he said, even when his words are misconstrued
regulus: i don’t like your outfit
regulus, shrugging: well yes, i’m just being honest
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e-regcanswim · 6 months
HI HI <3 i am here to ask for your favorite jegulus, or just james or just regulus hcs!!! AND what are your favorite tropes for jegulus fics?
Hi, thank you so much fo the ask<333 I'm so so sorry it took me this long to answer, i've been busy and i wanted to really think this, so these are some of my favoutites
he has antlers tattooed to his hips
he's latino (from monty's side)
loves ABBA
also loves spicy food
prefers hot chocolate over coffee or tea
is autistic
has freakishly cold hands
picks/scratches his skin when anxious
pandora is his absolute bff
wears only silver
regulus is the big spoon
they're both really flirty but get flustred just as easily
both very kinky
regulus big shirt small pants and james small shirt big pants
any deaf regulus and coda james hcs
for the tropes i love literally everything, there's too many to pick just one (:
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isabel-lillah · 6 months
Regulus thought James was weirdly chill about the fact that his first kiss was Barty, one of his best friends, his roommate, the guy he is in (physical) contact with on a daily basis
but then he finds out James's first kiss was Sirius
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starmoondany · 5 months
I'm sorry guys but James wasn't Regulus' gay awakening.
It was Remus.
Sirius took it upon himself to show everyone at Hogwarts his little brother as soon as Reggie entered the train in his first year. Reggie was embarrassed, Sirius was loud and talked to everyone, and little eleven year old Reggie wasn't used to talking to people he didn't know, much less crowds. He held his older brother's hand as Sirius went around the train introducing him to every person he met. He was surprised by how many people Sirius knew.
Reggie's cheeks, which were chubby because of how small he still was, were red and he looked like a little strawberry. After his brother introduced him to so many people that he couldn't even remember their names -even though little Reggie tried hard to remember each one of them- Sirius said he would introduce him to his friends. Sirius looked especially excited about that and Reggie couldn't help but feel excited too, copying the smile Sirius had on his face.
The first person Sirius introduced him to was a chubby, blonde boy; his name was Peter. Reggie shook his hand politely, although he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at how sweaty the boy's hand was. Surreptitiously, Reggie wiped his hand on his uniform as he waited for Sirius to introduce him to the second person.
For a second, Reggie thought an adult had stepped between them, but that wasn't the case. Reggie looked up, looking at the boy who was looking over everyone else's heads. Looking down at him, the tall boy Sirius called Rem offered him his hand to shake. Regulus blushed.
There was something; Reggie was too young and too innocent to know what, but there was something that had shaken Reggie's stomach at the sight of that boy. And not in a bad way.
He shook his hand, as he had done before, not taking his eyes off the tall boy until Sirius introduced the third person.
“And this is James” Only then Reggie stopped looking at Remus and saw him. A boy with messy hair, as if he had never combed it in his life, with his tie wrong and with his glasses taped together.
That was the first time Regulus saw James.
“Hi I'm James” The boy said, smiling at him, extending his hand towards him. Regulus couldn't help but notice the dimple that had formed only on his right cheek and his canine tooth that stood out from the others. Regulus looked at his hand and then back at him, and, for some reason, he smiled.
“I'm Regulus” the younger boy said, shaking the other boy's hand. This time, it was James who blushed.
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
Random Headcanon: Regulus sleeps with a nightlight on (Barty and Evan hate it with a passion)
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bri-cheeses · 10 months
Evan’s favorite color is ice blue (or just light blue but it has to have a certain undertone)
Dorcas’ is dark dark purple
Pandora’s is some pastel color, either pastel green or pastel pink, I’m not sure
Barty’s is, very specifically, dark billiard table green
And Regulus’ is probably grey
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey!! so I just requested a James (or Sirius) fic where he finds fairy!reader in the forest with a damaged wing and helps her, and I was wondering if you could actually write it with Regulus instead 😅 (again, there’s no need if you don’t want to write it, and I’d be fine with any of the three)
thank you!!
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
The moment Regulus sees your tiny body plummet to the water, his heart stops. He had not been expecting you to fly over the lake while he was skipping stones, but the splash from one of the particularly heavy ones he'd chosen doused your wings, and you'd fallen instantly.
He rushes in without a second thought, but he's glad you're in shallow waters, because he can't swim.
He scoops your tiny, trembling form off of the surface of the water where you'd been trying to float. Your wings are soaked through, pathetically droopy, and you give a feeble cough as he totes you back to shore.
"I'm sorry," He rushes to apologize, the legs of his trousers wet as he sits back on the grass. He has a hard time finding his wand in the tall grass by the lake, but once he does a drying spell is tumbling from his lips, and you're devoid of all lake water.
You're still weak with your adrenaline crash when you sit up in his palm, looking disoriented and defeated as you stare warily up at him.
"I'm sorry," He repeats, dark eyes oozing with sympathy, "I didn't mean to hit you. Are you okay?"
"I'm dry," You marvel, glancing at his wand, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He shakes his head, "You're not hurt, are you?"
"I don't think so," You muse, wobbling to your feet as Regulus tries keeping his hand as steady as possible. You lurch sideways at an involuntary tremor, and he juts his thumb out so that you can grab it for stability.
"Sorry," He moves to put you down in the grass, but you cling to his thumb like a lifeline.
"You have pretty hair," You muse, walking up his arm like a tightrope as your wings drop golden dust from their glittering surface, "Can I fix it for you?"
"Uh," Regulus blanches as you flutter beside his head, miniscule fingers combing through his individual strands of hair, "Um, I suppose? What are you going to do?"
"I'll braid it like mine," You offer, turning your head so that Regulus can see a small, fragile braid running up the side of your bun.
"Alright," He nods slowly, then, "What were you doing over the lake?"
"I wanted to say hi to the fish," You explain, fingers already grouping and twisting his hair, "They're my friends."
"That's cool." Regulus keeps his eyes on the waters surface, knowing there's a lot more than fish down there, "Have you ever met the squid?"
"Oh, yes!" You nod cheerily, and Regulus shudders as the way your hands rake through his hair sends a shiver up your spine, "He likes the gifts I give him."
"Mostly flowers," You nod, "Speaking of: Can you hand me that daisy there, please?"
Regulus plucks the thin green stem from the grass, holding it up to you cautiously, "Why?"
"It's pretty in your hair," You explain simply, tucking the flower into his braid.
The flower doesn't last ten minutes in his hair after you flutter away. In fact, Regulus hunches in the shadows of the castle to undo the strands you've woven together in his hair, shaking it out before anyone sees him. But the daisy he slips between two pages of an old textbook, and when it's charmed to be unbreakable, the dried flower goes in his pocket.
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lolregulus · 2 years
Regulus is scared of the dark yet he still finds comfort in it
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marauders-but-chaotix · 11 months
no cuz regulus would be such a dry texter that james would think he's angry with him every day
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