#reggie peters / answers.
galentir · 9 months
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Alternative universe where Luke and Reggie share the best werewolf vampire solidarity 🤝
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 9 months
For the prompts... Which social media platforms they use and which they hate. This could be for all of them... or as many as you want.
It's been a hot minute since I was on twitter but I've wanted to play with this idea for a bit and you provided the perfect opportunity! THANK YOU! Please forgive the laziness in formatting and choosing handles and also any weird inaccuracies about how the platform actually works. Enjoy! :D
“It happened again!” Alex mutters as he collapses face first onto the couch in the studio, arm extended above his head with his phone cradled in his hand.
The others look at one another and back at him.
“What happened again?” Julie asks.
Alex waves his phone at her without moving his face from the cushion and she gets up from where she’d been seated at the piano to grab it from him. She quickly enters his passcode and is met with a screen filled with Twitter notifications. She chokes down a small chuckle before opening up his app.
Luke and Reggie look over her shoulder to see what the big deal is. They both *have* Twitter but neither of them use it. Reggie prefers being able to entertain his followers on TikTok and Luke… well, Luke insists that nothing replaces that in-person connection with fans.
sunsetcurve4eva caught the boys (and Julie) at their show last night! SO GOOD! Always love seeing them play #sunsetcurve #julieandthephantoms *attached video*
Insertusernamehere replying to sunsetcurve4eva their drummer is incredible!
alexmercer replying to insertusernamehere he’s alright i guess
insertusernamehere replying to alexmercer lemme guess, you could do better?
strummingdrumming replying to alexmercer 🙄where’d you even come from? it takes nothing to acknowledge someone else’s talent
Reggie can’t stop the giggle that escapes as Julie scrolls through hundreds of people coming to Alex’s defense and Luke snorts at the next tweet he sees.
alexmercerislife replying to insertusernamehere strummingdrumming JFC do none of you even realize who that is?
“Oof,” Alex huffs out when Reggie jumps onto his back, laying out over his friend.
“Own your awesomeness, Alex!” Reggie exclaims, turning to rest his cheek between Alex’s shoulder blades and staring up at Julie and Luke who are both bearing huge grins of their own.
“Yeah, Alex,” Julie adds. 
“What awesomeness is Alex owning?” the four of them turn to look at where the new and unexpected voice had come from. “There’s a lot to choose from!” Willie smirks down at his boyfriend who promptly sits up, knocking Reggie off of him and onto the floor.
“Hey!” Reggie cries good humouredly as Alex reaches grabby hands out to Willie who complies immediately and allows himself to be wrapped into a hug as he stands between Alex’s legs.
“They’re all being mean to me,” Alex mumbles.
Willie laughs as he runs a hand through Alex’s hair, “I’m sure. What is it this time?”
Julie just hands Willie the phone and he lets out a guffaw as he reads through the same tweets that Julie and the boys had just worked through. He locks Alex’s phone and throws it onto the couch beside him before reaching down to gently grab Alex by the chin and force him to look up at Willie.
“When will you learn?” Willie asks earnestly before leaning down to drop a peck on Alex’s lips. “People love you! Let them.”
Reggie nods while Luke points at Willie in agreement, “what he said!”
“Fine,” Alex grumbles as he pulls Willie down into his lap. 
“We’ll bully you into loving yourself if we have to,” Julie says with a grin.
“Sounds homophobic,” Alex mutters into Willie’s shoulder.
Julie laughs as she rolls her eyes before quickly pausing as she realizes something, “wait, you said again. This has happened before?”
“So. many. times,” Alex cries as he collapses back into the couch. 
“I’m confused,” Reggie wonders as his brow creases in thought, “if these people love you, how do they not know you’re you?”
Julie lowers herself to sit beside Reggie on the floor where he’d made himself comfortable, “not every fan is a stan, Reg. You know that.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Luke chimes in. He loves their fans but there is a limit to how much being recognized and photographed that he can handle. 
“And maybe they’re new fans or this was their first time seeing or hearing us,” Julie adds with a shrug.
“I just love that it allows this to keep happening,” Willie grins, looking back toward Alex who had covered his face with his forearm. “When you say so many times…?”
“This is at least the third.”
Luke lets out another chuckle, “serves you right.”
Alex removes his arm from in front of his face to glare at Luke. 
Reggie’s eyes widen as he realizes something and he pats his pockets, looking for his own phone. He comes up empty and scans the room before spotting it and crawling over to grab it. He types for a moment and grins as Alex’s phone chimes from beside him.
thereginaldpeters replying to insertusernamehere alexmercer yeah, own your awesomeness Alex
Prompt List
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Hey, could you please do a fanfic where the guys are in the garage and Alex is thinking about ghosts and that they should be able to float or something but luke is not really paying attention and then they suddenly get into a friend teasing figth something at the loft and luke falls down and proves Alex's hypothesis true please?
sorry this took so long, anon! I had a lot of fun with it :)
“Please be careful!” Alex calls without looking away from the drumstick he’s trying to balance on his nose.
From up in the loft, where he and Reggie are inevitably in the middle of doing something stupid and dangerous, Luke shouts back, “You’re not allowed to have opinions if you’re not gonna help!”
The drumstick falls, clattering onto the floor too far for Alex to reach it, so he gives up and sits up on the couch with a sigh. Sure enough, Luke has one leg looped over the loft railing while Reggie stands poised with a basketball.
So much for plausible deniability.
“What. Are you doofuses. Doing.”
“No opinions!” Luke says again, and holds tight to the railing while he steps his other foot over. “All right, Reggie, you ready?”
“Julie’s gonna kill you if you die,” Alex says helpfully.
“Shut up, bro!” Luke bends his knees. “Okay, man. Three, two, one. Go!”
Reggie throws the ball as Luke jumps off the railing. Before Alex can so much as cry out, Luke disappears with a whoosh of displaced air, and Reggie poofs out after him a second later.
There’s a series of sounds from out on the driveway—the double whoosh of ghosts poofing in, the clang thud of a basketball hitting the rim and then asphalt, and then Luke and Reggie’s twin cries of disappointment.
Alex rolls his eyes. They’ve gotta get hobbies.
A moment later, Luke and Reggie phase through the studio doors, basketball in hand.
Alex smirks. Luke looks no worse for wear from his experiment, just pouty and determined. “Did you dunk it?”
“No,” Luke says grumpily. He gestures Reggie toward the loft. “Come on, let’s try again.”
“Alex could probably do it!” Reggie points out.
Alex laughs. “He’s calling you short.”
Luke glares at both of them. “I’m gonna do it. I just need to keep trying.”
They climb back up to the loft. Alex leans forward in his seat, clapping his hands together to watch the impending disaster.
The second try, Luke poofs out too early and Alex catches the basketball as Luke’s cursing rings through the studio doors.
The third try, Reggie follows Luke out to the driveway without actually throwing the basketball, leaving him standing on the driveway with it while Luke has nothing to dunk.
The fourth through ninth tries, everything goes totally as planned, Luke is just bad at shooting hoops.
As Luke’s clambering over the loft railing for the tenth time, Alex muses, “You know this would be way easier if you could float.”
Reggie cuts his gaze to Alex. “Like Caleb?”
All three of them shudder. “Like… stereotypical ghosts,” Alex corrects. “Then you wouldn’t have to time the poofing right, you could just levitate and dunk it.”
Luke glares at him over his shoulder, feet braced between the bars of the loft. “That defeats the purpose, Alex. If I wanted to take the easy way out, I’d just learn how to dunk.”
“Oh, yeah, cause that’s super likely and possible.”
“The point—” Luke insists, speaking over him, “—is not to make the basket. It’s to do something awesome. And floating, like some kind of creepy magician, is not awesome.”
He punctuates his words with a dramatic waving of both hands, losing his grip on the loft railing entirely. Reggie cries out. Alex lunges to his feet, ready to catch Luke as he falls.
But he doesn’t fall. As Alex watches in wide-eyed wonder, Luke stands firmly in mid-air, an inch or two from the edge of the loft.
“Holy…” Alex mutters.
“Wow!” Reggie says, dropping the basketball in shock. “Luke, you’re floating!”
“I’m floating!” Luke stares down at himself. “This is so cool!”
“Let’s go dunk the basketball!”
“Screw the basketball, we gotta go show Julie!”
Luke and Reggie poof out, leaving Alex to shake his head in amusement. “Ghosts.”
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legolasghosty · 9 months
For the au generator I got Scientist au and Enchanted Forest au! If you want to make it willex that’s a bonus 😊
Hiiii @beencryingfor25years, thanks for the ask!!! And of course I want to make it Willex, everything is Willex!
So! We have Willie, who is a really good chemist and researcher (Hey, that hyperfocus and need for answers has to be good for something, right?). He gets selected to be a part of a team to go in and study this massive forest (I have no clue where in the world) that seems to have some... odd properties.
Teams have been sent to research it before, but none have been able to get in, or they've been kinda insane when they come out, much later than they should have and never together. But it's been a few decades since someone tried, so time to sacrifice some more scientists to the scary forest in the name of research!
Willie is understandably freaked cause like... the only people who have been able to pass safely in and out of the forest are the indigenous people of the region, who tells some pretty wild stories about what lives in the wood. They range from giant monsters to pixies to robots to dinosaurs. Either way, everyone agrees that the forest is scary and to be respected at all costs.
The only reason Willie agrees to go is because his boss, Caleb (duh), says he has to in order to keep the business's assistance in paying off his student loans. Guess what, getting a doctorate isn't cheap...
So Willie, along with Julie (physics), Flynn (biology), Bobby (zoology), and Nick (geography/maps), goes off to wherever it is that the scary forest is. They are able to hire a local guide, who takes them into the forest (after telling some more terrifying stories). Unfortunately, they all get separated really fast.
Willie swears up and down that Julie only took three steps away from them and then he couldn't see her anymore. He couldn't see any of them. Nor was there any trace of the path they'd come down. It was like the forest itself had just swallowed him up.
They wander around for a bit, trying to find them, but suddenly run smack into someone else: a blond boy with twitchy hands and an odd, golden tint to his skin. Willie doesn't really understand the boy's response when he asks for a name, but the hums and clicks sound a bit like an Ah, then an Ex, so he goes with 'Alex' for simplicity's sake. Alex's sound for their name sounds more like We-Leh, but they both let the name butchering slide for the time being.
They kinda have to communicate without words for the most part, since Alex doesn't speak English and Willie doesn't speak whatever magical language Alex is using, but Alex shows Willie that the forest has a power of its own. It doesn't come from any battery or source, it just is. And it must be cared for and nurtured. That is why Alex and his people exist.
Initially, the plan of the magic folks had been to separate the mortals, show them a bit about the forest to see if they would respect it, and then probably capture them or drive them insane when they inevitably did what all mortals do: take and destroy. But Willie surprised Alex by actually showing respect for everything they were shown. Sure he didn't fully get it, but there was so much in the world that he knew he didn't get. He's a frigging chemist after all, there's so many unknowns that are just a part of his everyday life. So a magic forest maybe isn't as much of a stretch.
So Alex deems Willie safe to learn at least a bit more, and takes him back to the magic village. In my head, these folks are some mix of elves, fae, and dryads. There's also some variety, and multiple villages throughout the forest. There, Willie is startled and relieved to find Julie sitting beside a soft fire, beside another being like Alex, though this one shorter and with darker hair. The two seem to be communicating in melodies, humming bars back and forth instead of using words.
Julie is super happy to see Alex as well, and they have a lengthy discussion about what the heck is going on here. Bobby and Flynn also make it to the camp, though they are assured that Nick was deposited safely back with the local guide to go home. Apparently he didn't mean any harm, but also couldn't really wrap his head around the whole magic thing. It seemed safest for his health and the forest that he return home as soon as possible. The science gang decides that they're here to study the forest, so they might as well learn all they can. Respecting the things they study is essential to all of them, so they get along well with the Caretakers, as they've decided to call them.
Bobby has a massive shock a few days in though, because one of the Caretakers looks so much like his sister, Caroline. But that's impossible. She died when they were kids, in a car accident with their mom. But it is her. Part of the magic of the forest is that it gives new life to those who are lost, generally due to the fault of another. So Caroline, or Carrie as her name sounds in her magical voice now, is alive and well. The siblings are reunited!!!
Willie, meanwhile, spends a lot of their research time with Alex as their guide. He's good about warning them about what they can and can't take samples of, what is dangerous, and where the connections are between various life forms. He's also just a really nice person to hang out with. They start to learn each other's languages, mostly small words at first, but they learn. And as time passes, they grow closer. And Willie wonders if Alex would even know what he meant if he asked him on a date.
Apparently Caretaker courting is rather different from that of modern mortals. But they find a nice blend. It's not like Willie has anyone outside to go back to. So he mostly stays in the forest, learning and studying and being with Alex. The others come and go, they all have more family ties and stuff, but the forest takes them all in. It becomes their home.
Willie didn't know something like this was possible, and magic still doesn't make sense, but the feeling of Alex's hands in his and the way his heart races when the enter their new home for the first time can't be explained by science. It's magic, plain and simple.
Ack sorry about how long this got! Hope you enjoyed!!!
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mouse-fantoms · 1 year
Thinkin about that golden retriever I saw at work who’s neck like retreated into his body when he saw me bc he was so excited, it gives Reggie Peters energy is all I’m saying
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crookedghosts · 23 days
okay wait this is a tough callback to the start of/the inactive era of this blog but which of y'all peterpatter stans were there for jeremy shada playing yet another blue bisexual... how many of us are posers
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michelangelinden · 2 years
Reggie loves having his nails painted but they never last be he picks at them. Alex and Luke have their nails painted occasionally- Alex because his nails can last for weeks, and Luke because he chews it off immediately and is very bad at sitting still long enough to have his nails painted.
I think all of them like having painted nails, but they have very different opinions on the actual nail painting process.
Alex likes having painted nails to give his look a little feminine touch, because he usually appears quite masculine (also because it would piss his parents off). But he doesn't like painting them himself, because he's always unsatisfied with how messy it looks at the end. So he gets Julie or Willie to do it for him and he really likes that, talking about random stuff while Willie draws swirly designs onto his ring finger, it's really relaxing.
Luke thinks painted nails are so cool, so rock star, so emo, especially in black. But because he's a little hyperactive rabbit, painting his nails is always stressful for everyone involved. He has trouble sitting still while either he paints them or has someone else paint them, so they take breaks for him to stim and shake out his hands in between. Then comes the drying period which is also hard, because he can't touch anything with freshly painted nails. He's given the couch enough small black spots to know about that. So he just sits or paces around the room, hands raised to eye level, to keep his nails from touching anything. Once dry, they're all relieved and Luke can go about his day, only to come back four hours later with chips at the tips. Also Julie gets him some chewelery so he doesn't bite on them.
Reggie almost prefers the act of nail painting to actually having painted nails (although he also really loves that.) He likes trying out different colours and fun designs, almost like his nails are an artwork (they are). Unfortunately he's never gotten over the habit of picking at his nails when he's nervous. Julie also gets him a fidget toy, which helps, but it doesn't stop it, which Reggie is always sad about. One day Julie borrows Flynn's semi professional nail design kit and gives Reggie like gel nails or something, really short so it doesn't overstimulate him and it doesn't affect his bass playing. That really does the trick, because it makes it much harder to pick the design off, so Reggie chooses the fidget toy over his nails. Great success.
Once Julie tries to have like a nail painting party, but the boys immediately get distracted by each other, that they quickly go back to having their nails painted individually. She loves doing it though.
Thank you, this is such a great headcanon!!
Forehead kisses for you! One for each band member 😘😘😘😘+😘 for Flynn
Send me asks with headcanons!
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caswellseyes · 2 years
“you said you wanted to talk?" “yeah…it can wait, though. enjoy your date.”
For more of my Boggie brain rot
i'm always happy to help further the boggie brain rot, thanks so much for sending this in! it got a bit long so i've posted it over on ao3, the link to the full fic will be in the reblogs!
the one who's waiting at home
Bobby is getting really tired of this.
It just keeps happening, is the issue. It keeps happening, and Reggie keeps trying, and Bobby is always left to pick up the pieces when it goes wrong. 
Because every single time Reggie goes on a date with someone, he gets attached. And every single time, whoever it is that he’s seeing ends up not appreciating the wonder that is Reggie. Every single time, it ends in heartbreak.
And every single time, Reggie blames himself.
It’s stupid, really. Reggie is quick to love, and honestly, it’s one of Bobby’s favourite parts of him. His roommate has a big heart and doesn’t hesitate to let people in, which, especially considering the difficult life he’s had, is really admirable. Bobby himself could never be this open with his affection. There’s a reason Reggie is the one scoring dates left and right while Bobby doesn’t even remember the last date he’s been on. Which is fine – based on the way dating is going for Reggie, he’s not exactly eager to ‘get out there’ – and he’s the last to judge, he really is. If dating all these stupid people who aren’t good enough for Reggie is what makes Reggie happy, then by all means, Reggie should date more people.
It’s just that, you know, all these stupid people aren’t good enough for Reggie and inevitably end up breaking his heart.
Okay, maybe Bobby is getting a little more upset about this than he has any right to be. In his defence, he’s been crushing on Reggie since the second the other moved into the apartment and so far, he’s doing an admirable job of not letting anything on. 
There’s no point in telling Reggie, of course. Reggie loves so easily, so openly, that surely, Bobby would know by now if his feelings were returned. They don’t seem to be, and thus, Bobby keeps his mouth shut. 
What he will not keep his mouth shut about for any longer, though, is how much these dates are breaking Reggie’s heart. No, that he has to stop. 
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belovedstars · 5 months
@greaterfinds's julie sent: " i thought you were gone. for good. " ( ' soft(ish) angst prompts ' )
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"i know, i know!" he frowns, putting his hands on julie's shoulders. "i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to," a pause, "ghost. i'm here. i'm not going anywhere."
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daddiesdrarryy · 8 months
James: Okay, you guys, there’s Reg. Watch. Just watch this
Regulus: *walking past*
James: See? Still pretending he’s not interested. Oh! He’s coming over. Just pretend like we don’t know him. We’ve forgotten who he is!
Regulus: Hey guys!
Remus: Hey Regulus!
Peter: Hello!
James: …
Sirius: Hey, Reggie. You know Prongs, my best friend? He’s nice. He’s not bad to look at, right?
James: Thanks, Pads
Regulus: Well, of course
Sirius: Do you want to go out on a date with him? You got my blessing!
James: Sirius!
Regulus: Sure. Is Sunday okay?
Sirius: Sunday’s perfect. He can’t wait
Regulus: On the date, I will be able to talk to him directly, right?
Sirius: Yeah
Regulus: All right, see you Sunday, Potter *leaves*
James: Okay. What the hell was that? You know what? Don’t answer me
James, giggling: I have a date with Reggie!
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ellecdc · 1 month
How about a fic where Remus falls for reader who is Sirius’ sister? If Sirius freaks out with Regulus and James, just imagine how protective he would be with a sister! Specially if she is sweet and kind (totally opposite of him and Regulus)
will I ever make a sibling fic that isn't chaotic? no, likely not. also, I didn't exactly make her the opposite of Sirius and Regulus but it could be argued that she's better than them anyways. ALSO, I've always refrained from reader-inserts with Black!sister reader simply because I see her as Reggie's twin who looks the way he does, and also can't get beyond the fact that she would have a celestial name SO, in any Black!sister fics going forward, please note that her middle name will have been Soleil which is French for sun, and the boys call her Sunny as a nickname <3
Remus Lupin x Black!sister reader who he has fallen head over heels for [1.5k words]
CW: siblings, threats of murder
Most boys at some point in their lives will be asked the following question:
Are you a mummy’s boy, or a daddy’s boy?
If a boy wasn’t asked such a question, it was likely because the answer was painfully obvious.
“Little Lucius Malfoy is such a daddy’s boy.”
“That James Potter, such a mama’s boy”.
“Oh, sweet Peter Pettigrew, he has always been a mummy’s boy.”
Since the answer was so painfully obvious, neither Sirius Orion Black or Regulus Arcturus Black had ever been asked this question. For them, the answer was simple:
They were their sister’s boy’s.
It was this fact that made Remus Lupin’s current predicament so bloody difficult. 
“Where is she!?” Regulus barked as he stormed over to the Gryffindor table where Sirius was sitting beside James across from Remus and Peter.
“Goodmorning, Reggie.” Sirius offered instead of answering his brother.
“For Sala- hi, Sirius. Where is she?”
“Where is who?” 
“Your sister.” Regulus spat, causing Sirius’ brows to furrow as he chanced a look over his shoulder at his brother. 
“How is she my sister? She’s your twin.”
“Nevermind that, do you know where she is?” Regulus muttered.
Sirius sighed and stood from his seat to scan the Great Hall. 
“Nope.” He offered with a pop of the p before returning to his breakfast.
“I’m going to avada that meddling witch!” Regulus hissed as he stormed off; Remus, James, and Peter all watching after him as Sirius continued happily with his toast.
“Are….you not worried about her?” Peter asked cautiously then.
“Not really.” Sirius responded quickly. 
James let out a breath at that and shook his head in disbelief. “Siblings are weird, mate.”
“Thanks, Siri.” You chimed as your head popped up between James and Sirius; the former shrieking not unlike a displeased mandrake plant as he clutched at his chest. 
Neither you nor Sirius paid him any mind as Sirius nudged his plate closer to you so you could pick from it. 
“What’d you do now?” Sirius asked.
“I simply told one of Reg’s admirers that he was already seeing someone; I hardly see what all the fuss is about.” You offered simply, causing Sirius to look at you in bemusement and mutter “Reg is seeing someone?” at the same time James looked at you in horror and hissed “Reg has an admirer!?” 
You simply smirked and looked at Remus who was sitting across from you and shot him a wink.
He hoped to all get out that no one noticed the heat radiating in his cheeks as he smiled nervously down at his plate, though he was relatively certain he could feel a set of spectacled eyes burning a hole into the side of his head. 
“Wait, why do you look like that?” Sirius asked then, causing the table to look at him to see he was surveying your form.
“Like what?” You asked him slowly, looking down at your uniform as if to see what Sirius could possibly be talking about. 
“You look…like…nice.” Sirius muttered as if that was a particularly bad thing.
“I always look nice.” You argued then.
“That’s not true, you usually just look fine.”
“You’re such a git.” You spat, taking the piece of toast he had in his hand and taking a bite of it.
“Doesn’t she just usually only look fine?” Sirius asked then, and Remus was horrified to see he was looking at him. 
Sirius nodded impatiently as if saying “yeah? What about it?”
“Why are you asking me?” Remus asked somewhat shrilly. 
“You’re objective.”
“And Peter and James aren’t?”
Sirius huffed as he kicked Remus in the shin under the table. “Would you just answer the sodding question?”
“I…well,” and Remus looked at you - you, who always looked nothing short of lovely and radiant and dauntingly perfect in every way, and today had been no exception. But he couldn’t very well say that. “She…she looks fine, yeah.”
Sirius’ brows furrowed further as he turned back to look at you, and Remus tried to pretend he didn’t notice a brief look a hurt cross your features. “You do, though. Look lovely today, that is.” He added awkwardly, simply receiving a half-smile in response. 
“Sunny!” Regulus barked then; apparently having found his way back to the Great Hall in his search for you.
“Oh, Merlin and Morgana.” You grumbled as your head fell back in exasperation.
“What did you tell him?”
“Who?” Sirius and James parroted. 
“Sunny.” Regulus repeated, his gaze never moving from you as he sidled up behind you. “What did you tell him?”
“Oh, stop with the theatrics, Regulus; you’re embarrassing yourself.” You drawled, sounding like a true upper-classman as you refused to look at your twin. 
“What did you tell Fenwick?” He gritted out slowly in a way Remus was sure would make a lesser man cower, but you simply rolled your eyes at him. 
“I simply told him that he was grasping at billywigs because you were already seeing someone.” 
Regulus held your gaze as you raised your eyebrow at him. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.” You hissed, completely unimpressed. 
“Who in the hells are you seeing?” Sirius asked then, causing the two of you to look over at him.
“Nevermind, Siri.” You responded in a bored tone around another bite of his toast.
“I will too mind, thank you very much! Who is my baby brother seeing!?”
“Oh relax, Sirius, there’s no need to call the DMLE; it’s not like Sunny’s seeing anyone.” He chuckled, causing Sirius to snort in laughter.
“That’s true.”
You made a disbelieving sound as you looked between your two brothers. “What in Merlin’s name is that supposed to mean?!”
“That means, my dear baby sister,” Sirius responded curtly as he yanked his toast back from you, “that you must never date, otherwise your big brother will end up in Azkaban.” 
“Oh give us a little credit, Sirius; we’d get away with it.” Regulus countered. 
“Why!?” You beseeched. 
“No one is good enough for you, obviously.” Sirius responded simply, as if you were quite ridiculous for even needing to ask. 
“And anyone who thinks otherwise will end up dead.” Regulus continued earnestly, causing James to bark a laugh.
“Don’t worry Moons, Pete and I will make sure your funeral is nice.” He said as he brought another spoon of cereal to his mouth.
Remus felt all blood drain from his face as everyone turned to look at him.
Regulus stared at him in a confused sort of horror, Peter looked at him with a sympathetically worried expression, Sirius didn’t look exactly horrified or disgusted as Remus had thought he would, but he definitely looked disturbed to some level, and you were looking at him with what he thought (and certainly hoped) was hopeful surprise.
James looked up at the silence to see everyone staring at Remus, whilst Remus just stared at him in betrayal.
“James!?” Remus whisper shouted; his voice having apparently run off along with his bollocks. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Regulus finally asked then, staring daggers at Remus as Sirius raised his hand slightly as if warning Regulus off of his best friend, though never removing his own scrutinising gaze from Remus. 
“James, what’d you mean by that?” Sirius asked James - eyes still glued to Remus.
“I, well, erm. I’m actually, not entirely sure? I just…well…”
“Do you fancy her, Moony?” Sirius whispered as if it was some horrid joke and so completely unfathomable that Remus could possibly find you as enchanting as he admittedly did. 
No, he wanted to say, of course not, Pads. That’s your baby sister, I’d never fall so head-over-heels for the sister of my best friend, that’s absurd. 
But that wouldn’t be true.
And he’d already been outed. 
His gaze moved to you and offered what he hoped was an apologetic smile before opening his mouth to respond. 
“Regulus is shagging James!” You blurted then, causing James to flinch so violently that his knees hit the bottom of the table top, and Regulus deflated severely from where he’d been staring down Remus like some well-trained guard-dragon. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Sirius shrieked then, turning to point his glare at someone other than Remus, finally.
Remus had been so caught up in the verbal volleying taking place between Sirius, Regulus, and James that he hadn’t noticed you had disappeared from your spot beside Sirius until you popped back up beside him and were encouraging him up by the sleeve of his uniform jumper.
And you looked so sweet and so lovely and so hopeful and so mischievous and Remus really was helpless in the pull you had on him, which saw him rushing out of the Great Hall with your hand in his as you dragged him away from your brothers and laughing all the while. 
So yeah, this made Remus Lupin’s current predicament incredibly bloody difficult.
Because if Sirius and Regulus were sister’s boys, you were your brothers’ girl.
And that made Remus Lupin a dead man walking.
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raphael-angele · 2 months
It's all about the Hair
Regulus: *enters the Marauders dorm*
Sirius: Ah, look who it is! What happened? Did they stop funding the arts for you gothic kids?
Regulus: *head down*
Sirius: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?
Regulus: *looks up at him*
Sirius: *knows smth is wrong* What happened?
Regulus: ...Malfoy said my hair makes me look like a girl.
Regulus: And that my eye color is stupid cuz it's not a real color.
Regulus: *sniffles* I'm not a girl.
Sirius: *takes a deep breath and takes Reg's hands* Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
Regulus: *shakes his head*
Sirius: *leads him to his bed and wraps him up* How 'bout I get us some cocoa and we'll talk shit about those other Slytherins?
Two days later:
James: Hey, did you hear?
Remus: What?
James: Malfoy is balding.
Peter: What?! How
James: Dunno. No one has the actual answer. Some say it was an accident and he burned his hair, or that it's a spell gone wrong, or he was being punished.
Remus: Yikes
Peter: Wow
James: I know...wish I could've thought of that sooner, it's genius!
Sirius, coming to the table: Hey, fellas. What's up?
Remus: Malfoy's balding
Sirius, who definitely had nothing to do with it: Ha! It serves him right.
Regulus, coming over: Sirius, I think we switched bags yesterday. This one has your chocolates
Sirius: Oh, thanks, Reggie
James: *looks over at Regulus* Wow...
Regulus: What?
James: I see your brothers day out to Hogsmeade was a success. Nice haircut.
Sirius: Yep. Now, you can see his pretty eyes better.
Peter: You look really nice, Regulus.
Remus: Yeah. You look a lot more you.
Regulus: *smiles* Thank you
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
birthday week prompt: "i hope to celebrate many more with you like this." taking a bit of icing off the cake and putting it on their cheek .
For Reggie and Carrie but in specific mean girlfriend and her hopelessly in love boyfriend who likes when shes mean to him.
god. you really do like to challenge me, don't you? i imagine this is going to be too tame for you and too much for others 😅 but hope it's at least halfway satisfactory
Reggie scoops a finger full of icing off of the cake. He’s just about to put it in his mouth when he’s interrupted by Carrie clearing her throat from the doorway. 
“Seriously?! You couldn’t at least wait until after everyone else had seen it.”
“But… yummy,” Reggie explains needlessly. 
Carrie rolls her eyes, “Would have still been yummy in the half hour you could have waited.”
Reggie offers his finger to her as a peace offering. Carrie eyes him warily before accepting it, opening her mouth slightly so that she can lick it off. 
When she’s finished, he takes a clean finger and scoops off another bit of the frosting for himself. 
“You can’t possibly be serious.”
“When am I ever?” he replies cheekily. He looks at his finger and back at Carrie, a mischievous glint in his eye. 
She sees through him immediately. “Don’t even think about it,” she warns. 
“Think about what?” he asks innocently, looking back at his hand.
“You know exactly what.”
“What are you gonna do about it?”
“Reginald Peters, I will break your fingers.”
Carrie huffs out a frustrated breath. When Reggie gets into these moods, there is very little she can do to deter him. There’s a lot about him that she’s managed to hack but when he’s into her threats… Well, they’re less effective than she’d sometimes like them to be. “I’d have to redo my makeup.”
“You have guests waiting.”
“So? It’s my birthday. They can wait.”
“Reggie,” she warns again.
“But I could lick it off of you,” Reggie murmurs. 
Carrie feels her knees weaken and tries to nonchalantly lean back against the counter. “You don’t like the taste of my makeup.”
“I’m happy to suffer for you.”
Reggie can sense her resolve softening. He reaches out with his (mostly) clean hand and rubs a thumb over her cheek. 
Carrie glares at him
He decides to tempt fate and smears the finger full of frosting down the other side of her face.
She grabs him by the wrist, harder than is probably entirely necessary, and makes a show of licking his finger clean. He watches intently, mouth gaping.
“I believe you said you’d do something about this?” Carrie challenges, turning her iced cheek toward him.
Reggie snaps his jaw closed and nods. He leans forward and runs his tongue up her cheek, cleaning the frosting off of her face. He fights back a grimace at the taste of her foundation and tries to focus instead on the sugary sweetness and the poorly muffled sounds she’s making. 
Satisfied that he’s gotten all of the icing from her face, he trails his tongue down to her jaw and sucks lightly until she pushes him away. “That’s enough. You have people waiting for you.”
“For us,” he corrects. “And fuck ‘em.” 
He tries to lean in for a kiss and Carrie presses a hand to his mouth, pushing him back. “No, not ‘fuck ‘em.’ I have a reputation to uphold. You can wait.”
Reggie whimpers at the thought. 
“And if you can’t be good…” she trails off, letting experience speak for her.
“I’ll be good, I promise.”
“You’d better be.” She pinches the underside of his arm. “And you’d better hope that fixing this doesn’t take very long,” she adds, gesturing to her face. “Go greet your guests, I’ll be right down. And for god’s sake, don’t touch that cake again.”
“Yes’m,” Reggie readily agrees, stopping just short of offering her a mock salute when she glares at him. 
It turns out that Reggie had caused barely any damage to Carrie’s makeup and she joins the party in no time, hosting and mingling like the seasoned professional she is. 
When the party’s over and the house is finally cleared out, they work to clean up what they can of the mess. Yes, there will be cleaners coming in tomorrow but Carrie’s not one to leave a disaster in her wake. 
Reggie walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. “I hope to celebrate many more with you like this,” Reggie murmurs into the back of her neck.
“You’d better,” Carrie snarks back. 
“Nobody understands why we’re together, you know.”
“Yeah, well. It’s none of their business. Are you happy?” Carrie brings a free hand up to his head and runs it through Reggie’s hair, giving a light tug to accentuate her question.
“Of course. Perfectly. Are you?”
“As happy as I can be.”
“I guess that’s what matters, then.”
“Exactly. And if they give you any grief over it, they can answer to me.”
Reggie coughs out a dry laugh, “Yeah, okay.”
She turns in his arms and drapes her own over his shoulders. “If they love you like they say they do then they can keep their thoughts to themselves. They don’t have to understand me. Or us. But they do have to respect you.”
“Respecting you is part of respecting me.”
“Yeah, I don’t really care what they think of me to be completely honest.”
“Okay. Well, I care, Care.”
“That’s great for you.” She retracts her arms and turns back to what she’d been previously occupied with. “We have stuff to do. Now get to it if you want the rest of your birthday gift while it’s still technically your birthday.”
Reggie doesn’t need to be told twice, quickly finishing his task and helping Carrie with hers so he can see what she has planned for the rest of their night.
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legolasghosty · 9 months
"i hate you" "there's people coming" and now they're making out
for Boggie cuz... y'know. :D please?
Ooooo okayyyy! Hehe I love these two, I don't get an excuse to write them nearly enough!
Bobby ducked into an alcove and let himself fall back against the wall, trying to get his breathing under control. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Nothing about tonight was going right.
In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4...
Having someone on his arm tonight was supposed to get people to leave him alone. Sure, Bobby had known it wasn't a permanent solution to the constant nagging over his upcoming ascension to the throne and his lack of a partner to sit beside him. But he'd expected his family and the court to be too relieved that he was showing serious interest in anyone to tear into any issues about who his 'partner' was.
In, 2, 3, 4, out, 2, 3, 4...
"Hey, you okay?"
Bobby flinched away from the voice, one fist clenching around the edge of his tunic. "I'm fine," he said, tone flat.
"Well I guess I'll just come be 'fine' with you then," Reggie said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he slid into the alcove across from Bobby.
Bobby forced himself to meet the eyes of his friend and 'partner'. Reggie was sweet, too sweet to be dealing with this disaster of an evening. Bobby should never have dragged him into this. He'd barely known the man for two months, for heaven's sake!
"Sorry, I figured you were someone else," he forced out. "Are you okay?"
Reggie shrugged. "I'm alright, nothing I haven't heard before."
Bobby felt his shoulders tensing all over again at the thought of anyone talking down to Reggie like that at all, let alone often enough for him to be so accustomed to it. He wondered just how far away Reggie was from. It must be within the country. Bobby could likely have a whole squadron of guards there in under 48 hours, ready to destroy anyone who dared to hurt the angel of a man before him.
"I'm sorry," he said. No reason to voice any of his true thoughts. "For my family and for dragging you into this."
Reggie inched closer, fingers brushing against Bobby's knuckles. "Hey, I knew what I was getting myself into. It's all good."
"No, it's not!" Bobby snapped. "No one should be saying those sorts of things about anyone, but I knew they would and I still brought you here."
"They're just careful because they care about y-" Reggie began.
"No they don't!" Bobby interrupted. "They tear into everyone they see as 'lesser', regardless of how good that person is or isn't. They enjoy it. They don't care about me, they just care that I'm the one who's going to be sitting on that throne next year."
He felt like he was going to tear his clothes with how tightly his fingers gripped them, but he couldn't seem to stop. The words kept slipping from his mouth. He couldn't turn it off.
"I mean, why the heck do you think I haven't dated anyone? There's never been anyone that I cared about enough to make it worth the pain my family would cause them. Sure I'm interested in someone every once in a while, but 'interested' isn't enough to keep anyone around after them. I might as well just die alone and childless and let the kingdom pass to someone who isn't as polluted as I am."
He finally stopped, breathing hard. Reggie was just staring at him. Bobby waited for him to run. That was the only logical thing to do. But the young knight didn't budge.
"What would it take for you to let someone in?" Reggie asked finally.
Bobby blinked hard, trying to make sense of the question. Hadn't he just said that was what he would never do? What he shouldn't do? But Reggie's face is so open and curious, how can Bobby deny him an answer?
"I guess I would have to love them," Bobby responded.
"Then what does that mean you feel for me?" Reggie asked, voice soft. "If you would have to love someone to bring them here, what does that mean for us?"
I love you, Bobby wanted to say. But he couldn't. He couldn't subject Reggie to the pain that was the life he was trapped in. The people he was surrounded with. The constant nagging and prodding and needling to make everyone else happy. Reggie was good. He should be free. And this was never real to begin with.
"I hate you," Bobby said, the words catching on his lips like the jagged lies they were.
Reggie's eyes flashed with something Bobby knew he despised, though he couldn't fully read it before it was gone. Then Reggie's gaze darted past Bobby's shoulder and panic took over his expression.
"People coming," was all the explanation Bobby got before Reggie was crowding into his space, hands cupping his jaw as the knight's mouth met his.
Bobby tried not to melt into the kiss. It was just a performance after all. But Reggie's lips were warm and his hands were gentle and Bobby couldn't resist the urge to twine his own arms around the other's waist, pulling him closer. Reggie let out a pleased sound and Bobby was helpless against the desire to run his tongue over the knight's lower lip. And when he was allowed entry into his mouth, there was no stopping him.
He knew it was wrong. But it felt so good, so easy, so freeing to kiss Reggie. The guiding motions of the hand sliding up into his hair reminded him of riding through the fields, both of them spurring their horses to go faster and faster as the wind yanked at their clothes. The soft moans that passed between their joined mouths were sweeter than any symphony Bobby had been forced to sit through as a child. The steady weight pressing him against the wall was the best kind of drowning. It urged him to let go, to sink, to forget the world of before.
And then it was gone. Bobby couldn't breathe. Reggie leaned back, glancing past him.
"They're gone, sorry about that," the knight said, his voice hoarse.
"Don't you dare apologize," Bobby managed, still struggling for air.
"You said you hated me," Reggie pointed out softly. "And then I kissed you."
Oh yeah. Bobby said that. He should say it again. For Reggie's sake. But he couldn't. Not with all the memories if their adventures together at his fingertips. Not with his gentle words rolling over him like the tides. Not with the phantom feeling of their bodies entwined consuming his thoughts.
"I don't," Bobby admitted before he could stop himself. "I don't hate you. I should, but I don't."
A smile lit up Reggie's face, small as it was. "Yeah?"
"I want you to be safe," Bobby sighed, "and safest would be away from me. But I don't know if I can be okay with that."
"You don't have to be," Reggie promised, grabbing his hand. "We can make this work."
"It's not going to be easy," Bobby warned. But the war was already lost. They both knew it.
"I love a challenge," Reggie joked, like he had the first time they met.
This time, it was Bobby who kissed him first. It was softer than before, more honest. A promise to try. And Reggie kissed him right back, sealing the deal. Well this was a terrible idea. But Bobby couldn't bring himself to care.
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mouse-fantoms · 2 years
pfp backstory ? just like why you picked it and whatnot. I love it btw
I love it as well which is why I haven’t changed it bc it is perfect 😂
I think… I picked it the night I spontaneously decided to make this blog (I regret nothing, act on our spontaneous choices it goes great, at least in my case) I was really thinking about what my pfp should be and I think I originally put just the Jatp like logo as it bc it fit nice and was just straight to the point like “I am a Jatp fan and you can tell it in my name and pfp”
I knew the Jatp logo was just a temp thing for a pfp so I was like pondering what I could have it as. And first thing that came to mind was having it be Reggie bc ya know he’s my fav 🥰 and then I was like “Ok… but what Reggie picture of?” I think I just searched like “Reggie screen caps” and then when I stumbled on the beautiful shot of the boys just eating the HGC food I was like “…THIS …this is the one.”
I just think that photo of Reggie eating and it like half in his mouth is just 👌 it also liked that it wasn’t the stereotypical character picture that would be used like it’s a funny pic and I just like that …it’s the first impression someone gets of me 😂 like when you see an account you see the name and pfp and I just love that that’s the first impression you get of me is knowing that this is what I chose for a pfp. It tells you a lot about the individual.
I love that I actively chose this as my pfp and it’s a great one to choose
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ultravioletbrit · 6 days
“spin” - Jegulus microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 410 words
CW: drinking / smoking
“Ok! We’re playing fuck, marry, kill!” Barty announces, overly excited.
The party has been over for a while, but there’s still a group of them lingering in the common room playing random drinking games and they’re all fairly drunk by this point.
“Alright…” Barty thinks, looking around the circle “Reg! Fuck, marry, kill–”
“James.” Regulus answers instantly without letting Barty finish.
“Ugh. Reggie, you have to wait for the… wait what?!” Sirius starts then cuts himself off when he registers what Regulus said.
“You want to fuck James?!” Sirius asks looking shocked and appalled.
“You want to marry me?” James swoons with hearts in his eyes.
“I think you’re both focusing on the wrong thing here.” Peter tries to interject.
“I think we should have played spin the bottle instead.” Marlene grumbles under her breath from the other side of the circle.
“The bottle’s pointing at James!” Regulus yells as he starts crawling across the circle to James.
“No one even spun the bottle, Reg.” Dorcas tries to grab Regulus but he’s too far away, so she just falls back to where she was laying in Marlene’s lap.
“I don’t think Reg knows how to play any of these games.” Remus says as he passes a joint to Peter so he can try to grab Sirius who just got out of the chair the two of them are sharing.
“Stop that right now! What is happening!?” Sirius trips on his way to try and pull Regulus off James to stop what has turned into a rather intense make out session.
“Is no one concerned that Reg wants to kill James?” Peter asks seriously as he lets out a puff of smoke.
“He doesn’t actually want to kill James, you high idiot.” Mary rolls her eyes and smacks Peter on the back of the head as she steals the joint.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, Reg has some weird kinks.” Evan says as he’s reaching for the half empty bottle in the middle of the circle that was never spun, but is pointing at James.
“I think everyone’s really drunk and we should all go to bed.” Lily announces from her spot on the floor, dropping her head on the couch behind her.
“I think you’re really pretty.” Pandora looks at Lily from where she is laying upside down on the couch with her legs hanging over the back, her head laying right beside Lily’s.
Regulus and James continue to make out, completely oblivious to everything else around them.
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