#really had him prey on her fears and insecurities
boltgunkiller-archive · 9 months
the way for so long santana’s biggest fear was not only being gay but not being loved back (by brittany but also in general she has a huge fear of being unloved) and then finn really aired that all out in a CROWDED hallway as a comeback 😐 ryan murphy when i get you ryan murphy.
#no because i do like the finntana friendship dynamic#but those fucking episodes piss me off to no end#why did they make finn do that?? all his weird homophobia in general tbh was so unneeded#like i like them as friends but i can never forget what ryan made him do to santana??#she really did not deserve that idgaf what anybody has to say about her bullying or teasing or wtv#the narrative or show or wtv always had to frame her as 10x worse to excuse the men’s actions toward her#like when she suddenly got kicked out of the glee club for the purple piano??😭#they always paint her as this big bad person when others around her are doing worse or equally bad#not that that absolves her of doing anything wrong like that’s not what i’m getting at but it’s just noticeable the way they frame her vs#others in order to make one of them the clear good guy and santana the bad guy#but then you really examine the scene and it’s like Well That’s Not…?#Ugh the finn outing thing pisses me off so much & then he rlly blackmailed her into joining again. AGH#really had him prey on her fears and insecurities#one’s that could damage her life if they got out (her queerness in conservative ohio small town to a school#with a ton of horrible homophobic bullying background)#and just had him let it out in a school hallway IM JUST SO MAD#I CANT EVEN GET REAL COHERENT THOUGHTS OUT#maybe i’ll explain more tomorrow i’m gonna sleep. Good Lord#tldr love finntana but NOT in s3 😐 so many gripes. and it’s all ryan murphy’s fault#ryan murphy when i get you ryan murphy#(third time tagging that in 2 days)#gleeposting
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ambrosiagourmet · 7 months
Did Laios have a plan
... when he made his deal with the Lion? How much of it was intentional and how much of it was out of his control?
Well. If I'm being honest I don't really want to try and provide a definitive answer to that question, because I think the ambiguity is, itself, part of the story. I've gone back and forth a few times myself, and I don't think either category - "fully intentional" or "fully coincidence" - is entirely true.
That being said, I would like to point out a few things that I've seen taken for granted as true. Things that, imo, are much more about the character's perspective, or about what the character WANTS people to think (well, that's really just the Winged Lion).
Consider this not exactly an argument for "Laios masterminded everything from the start and saved the world with his cunning," but more... "Laios considered what he was doing more than people give him credit for." Make sense?
Alright then, let's go:
So to start with, I want to show every time (that I could find, at least) that the question of 'does Laios have a plan' gets brought up. This is specifically after his Ultimate Monster Form is revealed, to be clear - the question isn't about if he has a plan in general, it is if he has/had a plan when he made this specific deal with the Lion.
Here they are:
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You'll notice, in all of these instances, there never really is an answer given to the question. Either because there is no way to get one, or, with Kabru at the end there, because he explicitly doesn't let Laios answer. There's even a bit of an arc here: we start with a sort of desperate 'I've mostly given up but maybe this isn't as bad as it looks,' then get a more optimistic 'maybe we really are saved,' and finally end on 'it all worked out in the end, so we maybe don't need to know.'
But, as much as there is some genuine growth in Kabru's 'accept the outcome, rather than dissecting the truth,' I also think it says a lot more about him than about Laios. Kabru is the one trying to handle his questions and his uncertainty - as he said, he wants to confirm his judgement of character. He wants to feel like he had control over things.
And he lets that go! But he also doesn't actually get the truth, either, and his implied assumption here (that Laios, the wide-eyed monster-lover, probably just followed his desires), still relies on his judgements and assumptions about Laios.
But okay, these bits are all focused on the characters theorizing about Laios. How about we look at the character who actually tells us the facts ("facts"): the Winged Lion.
The Winged Lion has quite a bit to say about Laios and his monster form.
He says that Laios hates humanity, and would rather be a monster
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I've talked about this a bit already, but the Lion makes a lot of claims and assumptions about Laios that aren't necessarily true.
First of all, let's just make sure we clearly establish that the Lion is being manipulative here. That may seem obvious, but it's important to understand that there is a difference between 'the truth' and 'a version of the truth specifically framed to prey upon your deepest shame and insecurities about what you really want.'
To point out a few quick-and-dirty contradictions here:
If Laios really hated all other humans, then the Lion wouldn't hinge so many of his other arguments on Laios' love for Falin and his friends.
the Lion claims that Laios "[doesn't] even care enough about the future of [the] world to express an opinion about it," even though Laios has literally expressed opinions on what he wants for the world, to the Lion's face.
In general, the Lion does not make a distinction between urges and choices (see, for instance: him using Marcille's subconscious fear of the canaries as a way to keep her from stopping the monsters from attacking in chapter 86).
I'm not saying there is not a piece of truth here, but also... we are not our darkest thoughts, and we especially are not those thoughts as defined by someone who wants to hurt and control us.
But let’s move on to the stuff the Lion claims about Laios once he has been turned into his monster form.
2. He says that (or rather, acts like) Laios is under his control
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The Lion really enjoys grandstanding about how Monster Laios is an ultimate tool he has control over. He gloats about making Laios fight the others, and has him smash through the magical barrier.
But smashing the barrier is kinda the only thing that Monster Laios actually does for the Lion. He doesn't attack anyone. He doesn't hurt his friends, despite Chilchuck thinking that Laios has "turned completely into a monster." And he certainly doesn't simply let the Lion go through with his plan to eat everyone.
This barrier smashing is actually an interesting and odd thing for Laios to have done specifically, so remember that one. I'll come back to it later.
But, yeah, to the original point... despite the Lion's dramatics, all that Monster Laios does is pose, smash up a magic barrier, and then eat him. Not exactly under his control.
3. He frames Laios attacking and eating him as thoughtlessly violent
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This one is pretty funny to me, and the Lion keeps it up for the whole scene. I'm not sure how much of this is his genuine understanding of the situation, and how much is him intentionally framing things in the most insulting manner, but like... truly. The ego involved in this. To see someone who has, multiple times, tried to stand against you - someone who has literally wished for your non-existence, to your face - to see this person attack you, specifically, and have your first reaction be 'huh, I guess he's a reckless weirdo to the core???'
Incredible stuff.
And this part, too:
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He claims that Laios can't recognize anyone, that he's out of control. And yet, the Lion is the only person that gets eaten here. He is Laios' singular target.
Hell, Laios even specifically attacks one of the bodies that is actively hurting Chilchuck. I don't know if that was entirely intentional on Laios' part, but I do think it's notable.
The Lion torments Laios' friend, and when Laios does something that interrupts that action, the Lion reframes it as unhinged violence. I don't know, there's something here about the way that cruel people only talk about the things people do to resist them as violent, and ignore the violence that causes such resistance in the first place.
In any case, the main point is that the Lion insists on treating Laios like an unthinking animal during this fight, despite the fact that Laios is clearly trying to accomplish something here.
And what exactly is Laios trying to accomplish? Well, the Lion isn't entirely wrong. Laios is trying to eat something. He tells us as much.
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And truly, everything Laios does as a monster points to this. He had a goal. And he accomplished it.
Let me back up a moment. I need to explain smashing the barrier.
So, Laios first starts considering how to kill the Lion when he is confronted with the fact that his only other choice would be to kill Marcille. Immediately and entirely discarding that solution, because of course he does, he tries to wrap his head around what defeating the Lion would even look like.
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He clearly continues thinking about this, as a nearly identical conversation happens a few chapters later, when Laios is once again told that killing Marcille is the only way forward.
Only, this time, he's started to come up with an idea for how to do this impossible thing.
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Harkening all the way back to the Living Armor chapter, Laios draws on the same lesson - if the Lion has made itself part of the world, if it has made itself into something alive, that means he can kill it. And eat it.
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But there's an important extra detail to this. If he's going to try and kill (and eat) the Lion, he needs to strike when it’s vulnerable. He needs to strike when it's eating.
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This is why he smashes through the barrier. Again, nothing else he does as a monster really benefits the Lion. He doesn't attack anyone else. The only command he obeys is to smash the barrier. Because the Lion has to think he has won for Laios to be able to eat him.
Beat him. For Laios to be able to beat him.
The question of why Monster Laios wanted to eat the Lion is, I think, the most ambiguous part. Was he curious? Hungry? Did he fight for his own life, for his friends, or for all of humanity? Did he know how to win because he had planned everything from the start, or because he was driven by an unquenchable instinct to do whatever it took to survive?
I don't know that it is possible to say for sure. But I do know that the Lion underestimates Laios, through it all. He underestimates Laios as a human, and he underestimates Laios as a monster.
And in the end, after he is bested, even then I don't think the Lion ever gets Laios. I don't think he understands how much Laios means his words about the Lion being burdened by hunger...
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or what Laios cares about most...
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or what meaning there is in life, for him.
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So I don't buy what the Lion is selling about Laios, generally speaking. I don't buy that Laios didn't ever know what he was doing, and I don't buy that he was nothing more than a hungry beast.
Well. I mean. He was a hungry beast. But he was a more than that too. He was the Devourer of All Things Horrible. And he didn't just happen into that title by chance.
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I know complaining about The Acolyte’s horrible writing is pretty standard, but it's genuinely fascinating how bad the writing on this show actually is.
It’s the best example of “Characters do things because the plot says so and not because they want to.”
Mae went from wanting revenge, to wanting to reunite with her sister, to abandoning her sister, to being okay with Qimir erasing her memories of Osha in the span of eight episodes.
Speaking of Osha, her motivations make even less sense. It’s clear that she failed her Jedi training because she had a lot of repressed anger and hatred regarding her mother’s death, but with the way she’s written, she kind of comes off as someone who’s just going with the flow.
“Oh, this Sith Lord is clearly trying to manipulate me into joining him by preying on my fears and insecurities? Guess I’m evil now!”
It’s like if Anakin suddenly decided to join forces with The Separatists after Ahsoka left the Jedi at the end of The Clone Wars.
But I think the worst character has to be Sol, I get that the writers wanted to deconstruct the “Wise Jedi master” archetype, but he just comes off as a complete moron.
Why is he so hell bent on wanting to take Osha under his wing? What was about her that made her so special? Why didn't he just tell Mae that he killed her mother because he thought that she was going to hurt her? Why does he leave out Aniseya's dying words?
And what's even dumber is that Mae tells Qimir that she wants Sol to face justice, yet she just stands there like a fucking idiot as Osha force chokes him to death.
You'd think being Qimir's former apprentice, Mae would realize just how terrible the Dark Side actually is and she would do whatever she can to stop her sister from going down that path, but she doesn't.
She's all like "Oh yeah, I have no issue with you turning to the Dark Side. It's fine, I won't stop you."
This entire series feels like a really bad Star Wars fan fic from the early to mid 2010's.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
The Owl House Watching and Dreaming full review/analysis
Part 1 Nightmare Sequence
Dana and the Owl crew really stuck the landing with Watching and Dreaming, giving the Owl House the beautiful ending it deserved. Perfectly wrapped up the themes of the show, of loving yourself, wanting to be understood and of finding people who accept you for who you are. Luz's arc comes to a satisfying end, she becomes the Witch she always wanting to be and she gets the happy ending she deserved. If you haven't seen it you can watch it here for free on Disney's Youtube channel.
Turns out the nightmare sequence was just the first five minutes of the episode and that the trailer didn't really spoil anything which was a nice twist considering how important it seemed and I'm honestly glad that it wasn't really about that because what they did was a lot more interesting. Looking at the nightmares that the Owl family main trio are stuck in, all of them are really prey on the deepest insecurities of the each of them. Luz confronts her fear of being like Belos and her irrational guilt. She's afraid of hurting the people that she's close to and while that's understandable, everything that she feels guilty for like accidently helping Belos was completely out of her control and she needed to realise this. Which she already had in Thanks to Them when she opened up to Amity and the others, which definitely helped her in confronting the possessed angry versions of her friends and even her girlfriend. There's also her other fear of her motivations being just as bad as Belos's motivations but we'll get more into that when I talk about King's parent and what they have to say but the fact that Luz is dressed like Belos in her nightmare is very much connected to that.
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Eda's nightmare had put her in the Conformatorium, something that she's been having to avoid for the majority of her life because of her life as a wild witch and refusal to conform to Belos's suffocating system. But her biggest fears were loosing control of the Owl beast, accidentally hurting someone again and her family hating her which is why she's confronted them and most devastatingly her father Dell who was the last person she seriously hurt because of the Owl curse. Since then however she has figured out how to control the Owl curse and been able to reconnect with her family. King's nightmare is about being the last titan, and he's confronted with the bones of his people and people who murdered them. And as nice as it would have been for King to meet other Titan's, he has recognised his adopted Owl family as being a true family that is just as meaningful.
All three of them have overcome their insecurities in the past, but it is Luz who is able to put what she's learned into practice to not be overwhelmed by the nightmare. And the thing I love the most about this sequence is that the last straw in helping Luz is how well she knows her girlfriend. Her girlfriend Amity, who is just as much of a dork as she is would never get a quote from their favourite book series wrong. It's really cute and Amity telling Luz to wake up and giving her the light glyph to do it is an appropriately powerful moment for what is both one of the biggest emotional cores of the Owl House and also one of the most groundbreaking queer couples in mainstream media. This is thankfully not the only great Lumity moment in this episode because there's a few more that come later.
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Part 2 The Collector's Origins, Amity and Raine breaking free
While I'm still don't really like the Collector a lot as a character and I think that a lot of people are way too forgiving of them considering how much damaged he caused, I do think the way this episode handles the obvious direction they were taking their character to be really well executed. They work well as the chaotic but ultimately forgivable antagonist compared to Belos's calculated pure evil and I think they play a good role in this episode. Him being a younger god like being who is incapable of understanding death and the harm that they cause on other's is really interesting and plays into a major plot point later on in a powerful way.
I think now is a good moment to mention that I really appreciate how this episode really focuses on the other biggest emotional core of this series which is the adopted Owl family. The found family dynamic between the human Luz, Eda and King has always been really strong and is where the everything started. Three outcasts who didn't fit in because of their differences were able to come together and not fit in together, becoming a found family and showing that the people that matter most are those who love and accept you for who you are. And I love that after they break free from their nightmares and surviving the Collector's games, the Owl family and especially Luz are able to use their immense empathy to relate their own experiences to the Collector's experiences. It's here that we get a proper explanation of the Collector's origins of originally being from a family of Collectors, and that their older siblings are known as the Archivists. According to the Collector, the Archivists had sent them down to the Boiling Isles to get him out of their business and while they were actually able to make friends with the baby Titans, the Archivists were not happy after discovering the Titans themselves and the fact that their powers can cancel out their own. Because they saw the Titans as a threat, they wiped them out but not before King's dad had hid King away and sealed away the Collector, believing them to be the main threat. The whole thing was clearly very messy with some misunderstandings, but what we learn for certain is that the Archivists are the true villains of this situation.
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Raine playing a big role in this finale was pretty cool. They've been such a great character throughout the series and are some of best nonbinary representation in any story with how well they've been written. They finally get to start breaking free from Belos's control while Belos was on his way to the Titan's heart and while it was always obvious, it was pretty cool to see even Belos recognising their strength. They tried their hardest, even making one last desperate attempt by banging the violin on ground but was just unlucky and Belos was able to slip through a small hole in the magic barrier.
Speaking of strong witches, Amity being strong enough to regain her autonomy enough to draw the light glyph while she was a puppet was an awesome moment and what makes this moment even more special is that I think this is the first time she has drawn a glyph successfully. And just like it was Luz's love for Amity that allowed her to break free from her nightmare, I like to think that it was Amity's love for Luz that gave her the strength to draw the glyph. She uses what her girlfriend had taught her to help her break herself and her friends free from being Collector puppets. Amity, Willow, Gus and Hunter end up having to save everybody who was turned into puppets and being kept in the archives. I suppose it's now that I'll mention Hunter because I won't otherwise because I still really don't care about him and I never will but I am so happy that they kept him out of the big final battle. As perfect as most of this show is and with how important it has been for it's representation, my one problem is the fact that they decided to introduce this generic cishet white edgeboy and suddenly started pushing him as one of the most important characters to the detriment of the much more interesting queer and poc main characters and sometimes even Luz, the character who is supposed to be the main character. I'm just so relieved that they knew to stop pushing Hunter so hard as a white saviour and to actually let their queer afro Latina protagonist get to be the hero in the end.
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So the Owl family is able to relate to the Collector, but to really connect with him Luz decided to take them the places where she was able to connect with other people while sharing her stories. The first place being the Owl House itself, or "the bird house" as the Collector calls it. It's where she properly got to know her now found family of Eda the Witch, King the Titan, Owlbert the Palisman and Hooty the Door. The weridos that came together and accepted each other when they needed it, just like they were doing with the Collector. The next place they go is the Grudby court which also feels like it could be a stand in for Hexside in general because it represents Luz finding her friends and the love of her life. Where she met other outcasts Willow and Gus and they became close friends, and also where she met and was able to break down the rough exterior of former bully but now loving girlfriend Amity Blight.
The final place they go to is the Knee, the Titan's knee where Eda had taught Luz how to connect with the Boiling Isles or rather the Titan itself, where she was able to learn the Ice glyph with the help of the Titan is great foreshadowing for when we get to meet the Titan in person. The Collector themself even mentions in this moment that he's jealous that the Titan had showed Luz the glyphs and not them. Even though you could have made the assumption, this is our confirmation that the Titan really has been helping Luz to find the glyphs this whole time. The way this comes up, and the way this episode is able to brilliantly wrap up all these mysteries and plot points was very satisfying. This show has always been great at bringing back small plot details and paying them off in a big way. After hearing about all of Luz's adventures and about all the family and friends she's made along the way, the Collector makes the assumption that she must have somehow forced people like her own girlfriend Amity and her cool aunt Lilith who had started off as adversaries into liking her. But as is explained by Luz, people are complicated and sometimes they just need some kindness and forgiveness. There is more to people then what we see on the surface, and sometimes if you are able to see past someone's hard exterior you can reach the kind person on the inside and maybe even bring them to the surface. Throughout the series Luz with her kindness and sincerity has been able to do this for a lot of people, and now she's showing this kindness and sincerity to the Collector.
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Part 3 Luz's Death and Meeting King's Dad
It's at this moment where the Owl family notices the influence of Belos, spreading his goo self across the land in a desperate attempt to take control of the Titan's corpse. Like a disease running through someone's body. Along with this he even creates a kaiju body for himself that comes from the Emporor's castle which is was just absolutely wild and unexpected. When the Owl family and the Collector go to confront Belos, the Collector tries to use what they just learnt about kindness and forgiveness on Belos which very obviously doesn't work and Luz ends up having to sacrifice herself to protect the Collector from Belos's blast. Luz gets in the way and disintegrates into balls of light that float across the Boiling Isles, the place that she'd learnt to call her home and that she fought so hard to protect. This scene is not only a good way of showing that there are some people that are so evil and stuck in their ways that kindness and forgiveness doesn't work which is a brilliant subversion of the "befriend all your enemies" trope that a lot of stories do and is much more realistic, but it also brings back what we learnt about how the Collector perceives death earlier in the episode and this was a devastating but effective way to teach him the weight of what it really means. He'd started to make friends with Luz, but now she's gone and they can't bring her back they've finally started to regret their actions helped lead to this.
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Another tragic thing about this scene is that while the balls of lights that once made up Luz reach their destination, they go the Archives where her girlfriend Amity, her friends Willow, Gus and Hunter, and her mother Camilla are. As this happens we see that even while Camilla is a puppet and even if she didn't see what happened to Luz, we see tears come from her eyes. Like she knew what had happened to her baby, and it's hearbreaking. It's almost like Luz just wanted to see her mum again, but also the light is what turns back into a human just like it did with Amity and friends. She wakes up and talks to the kids who still don't really know what happened to Luz, but even with their bad feelings Camilla is able to take some insipiration from daughter by not giving up. She comes up with a plan to draw glyshs on the sticky notes she bought to help the kids to rescue the Puppets, using the knowledge she had learnt from her daughter. I have to mention here that I've always loved Camilla learning to draw gylphs throughout season 3, it really goes to show with everything else that she's been doing that she fully embraces her daughter and wants to a part of her world by leanring about it and understanding.
As Eda and King get taken over by their sadness and anger, going into super beast forms to fight Belos, one last bit of Luz's light drifts into the Inbetween. She turns back into herself as she starts to drown, but the Titan himself appears to pull Luz up before it's too late. Luz finally gets to meets King's dad, the Boiling Isles Titan themself. Or rather King's parent, as he says when they quote their son "I am both king and queen, best of both things." Luz met the equivalent of god and he is genderqueer which is just awesome. I assume you could refer to the Titan with any pronouns, but they do say "but dads fine" so I'll keep referring to him as King's dad and in this situation I'll use "he" and "they" but not she for the sake of not getting confused with Luz. So we learn that they have been using the mirror cubes to watch Luz and the Owl family this whole time, watching over the people who have been looking after son. As it turns out, it really was the Titan who in a mystical was helping Luz to find the glyphs this whole time. In fact the first glyph Luz had found was the light glyph and it helped her to protect King from Eda when she turned into the Owl beast which makes this knowledge even more poetic.
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So this whole scene of Luz meeting King's dad is one of the best in the entire show and besides what I've already mentioned about it, the biggest thing that really makes this so good is the conversation about Luz's guilt and how she irrationally compares herself to Belos. She says that her and her friends wanting to protect their families and Belos wanting to protect humanity must come from same place, and so she feels guilty for wanting this. The response from King's dad however is incredibly important and has a powerful truth to it. He points out that Luz's feelings come from a genuine place, she has the heart and she's come to love the Boiling Isles and the friends and family she met while their. Meanwhile Belos's feeling are disingenuous, he just wants to be the hero of his own dilusional world and it's because of this that he fears what he can't control. I think it's pretty obvious what King's dad is talking about here but to get real, this perfectly discribes why bigots exist and the way that the people of right leaning idelogies think the way that they do. They have an idea of what an acceptable human should be and it always happens to benefit them. They want the praise that heroes get but need somebody that they can call an enemy to overcome. They lust for violence but need a justification for hurting others. So they manipulate the public perception of vulnerable minorities by fabricating scary stories about those that are different, othering their victims and creating an "us and them" scenario which justifies the violence they get a rush from. It also ensures that they are perceived as heroes who deserve to rule, and sends a message that anyone who steps out line will feel their wrath. It's evil, that's the only word to desrcibe it and the fact that this show is speaking out against this toxic mindset and the evil people who perpetuate it is especially relevant right now with the unfortunate rise of Rubuplican Conservative efforts to attack and eventually genocide queer minorities. Make no mistake these people are not doing these thing's for some sort of "greater good" or because the "care about the children." They just need someone to point their fingers at so they can indulge their violent nature and appear as the heroes in the process.
This is also how Belos thinks and why he's the perfect villain for the this story. For a story that celebrates what makes use different, encourages self love and understanding of others, having a villain who refuses to understand and sees nothing but reasons to hurt when looking at the differences of others, Belos is a perfect villain. He is a perfect depiction of the old timey Puritanism that he comes from and unfortunately the Fascism that is still rampant to this day. But this is also what makes Luz the perfect hero. She is the opposite of him in every way. She's kind, accepting of others and is always trying to help people to the point of being self sacrificing. She came to the demon realm and saw the beauty in the land and it's people. She was able to make a positive impact on the lives of so many witches since her arrival, meanwhile Belos had the exact opposite impact and has bought nothing but pain and suffering. Luz herself is a bisexual neurodivergent afro Latina girl. She belongs to several historically oppressed groups and is exactly the type of person that a bigot like Belos would discriminate against in real life. They are complete opposites in everyway which makes them the perfect hero and villain for the story of the Owl House.
King's dad tells Luz the truth that she needs to hear to put her mind at ease before deciding to give the rest of their power to her. He's fading away because of Belos's influence, but they've put all of their trust in Luz to save the Boiling Isles and defeat Belos for good. As Luz returns to the demon realm, King's Dad tells her one thing that they want her to tell his son which you don't get to hear until after the fight is over but it is really cute and funny. One last thing to mention about this perfect scene is that Luz's Dad turns into the giant skeleton version of themself, and what I take from this is that this is what he actually looks like currently but was taking the form of a human sized version of King with a dad bod, a Badgirl Coven Shirt and glyph cover pyjama pants which is just really funny to think about. Also have to mention it, what was the mini Hooty coming out of their eye? Is this a hunt to Hooty's origin? Is Hooty a part of a titan? Definitely gets the imagination running.
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Part 4 Titan Luz vs Belos
So Luz returns to the Boling Isles, now with the power of the Titan and a new badass form to go with it. She shows up just in time to save Eda, King and the Collector makes a really cool entrance while exclaiming "I'm back" which then turns into a loss for words as she tries to think of a cooler line to say which is so perfect and fitting for Luz. What I love about this is that even after gaining the power of god and anime she's still remains her true to her funny dorky self and what I also love is this is the thing that helps Eda to realise that it really is Luz. Although Luz's palisman Stringbean was able to sense that it her right away, flying by her side and turning into her staff which was another cute detail. I also love everything about Titan Luz's design, the long curly hair which is definitely what Luz with long hair would look like, the black fur, the horns, the black eyes with yellow pupils, the fang, her keeping the witches hat, literally everything about it is perfect and a detail I appreciate is that she actually looks like a mixture of herself, Eda and King. While she's now part titan, she not only has King's fur and horns but also Eda's fang and eyes. The adopted Owl family now looks like they are all a biological family and there's something beautiful about that.
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Luz with her new Titan form along with Eda and King go on to fight off Belos's growing influence while the Collector goes to the archives to help Camilla and kids to rescue everyone who was turned into puppets in the Archives by stopping it from falling. This whole sequence of the Owl family flying across the Boiling Isles and destroying Belos goo is beautiful and where the animation really pops off. The Owl House always looks good but during a lot of action scenes or important story scenes the animation quality will just shoot up and it turns really smooth and always looks amazing. A lot of the scenes with Titan Luz look amazing and the animation exploding just makes it even more special. Something I love about this whole sequence is that even at the end of everything and even though Luz has all this power, Eda still holds her hand tells her to concentrate when she struggles with shooting the Titan magic which shows that Eda will never stop being a loving mentor to Luz. We have King teaching her to use the Titan yell, which feels like how he always wanted to teach her about demons. And then the three of them use Stringbean the palisman staff to draw a giant light glyph in the sky which is also very fitting, light being the first discovered and most important glyph after all. During this entire action scene an epic remix of the intro theme plays, making everything feel even more special and final.
The three of them fly into space and we get a nice view of the Demon Realm which shows us the far away unexplored lands and the other Titan corpses that make up islands like the Boiling Isles. It's a beautiful sight and gives us good idea of the scope of the Demon Realm really is. Luz figures out exactly has happened, that Belos has spread himself across the land with the help if the Titan's heart, and she figures out exactly how to stop it. Luz references what she had learnt from Eda all the way back in The Intruder, the fourth episode of the entire show which is a brilliant call back. In was there that Eda had taught Luz that magic is natural to witches and demons because it comes from bile sack next to their heart. Luz reminds Eda of magic comes from the heart before they all plummet down to the Titan's heart, and I want to add that when they all say "from the heart" it feels like they are saying that both their own magic is coming from the heart and that it's where they need to go to stop Belos. They crash into the Emperor's castle but before they can go into the throne room to confront Belos at the heart, they find Raine Whispers, tied to wall with Belos's goo and loosing their energy. They are missing their glasses, and whispering the iconic tune Raine's Rapsody/Eda's Requiem, the special song that Eda had written and performed for them while they were originally a couple. It's the song that has played during several of their more significant scenes as a couple, and speaking of those moments we can another intimate moment with the two of them here as Eda approaches to rescue them and put their glasses back on their face so they can see her. She pulls Raine off the wall and they embrace as Eda showers them with kisses on their forehead in a scene that's really cute. As well as getting another Luz and Amity kiss scene which we do luckily end up getting two of, another thing that I really wanted from this special was getting a Raine and Eda kiss and while this is closest we get, at least the two officially get back together by end and do get share some nice moments at least.
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Now with Titan Luz, Harpy Eda, King and Raine our main heroes go in to finally face Belos in the final battle. To defeat him, Luz must pull him free from the Titan's heart to drain his energy and it's here that the animation pops off even more then it did before. Luz's magic looks beautiful as she draws a spell circle of fire and creates some ice steps to reach Belos, running across the ice using Stringbean to fly up to him. She grabs his ribcage, using the ice steps as leverage and starts pulling as her adopted family protect her from all of the gooey hands that Belos tries using to stop her. Luz is getting to finish Belos of directly, and her family are there to make it fair and it's here that we get one of the powerful scenes of the entire series, literally everything was leading to this. Luz finally gets to be the hero and defeat Belos, and as she does we get a call back to the very scene in the series. Luz's very own version of an important line originally spoken by the heroine of her favourite book series that had inspired her to want to become a witch in the first place. The book series that was given to her by her now late father Manny, the Good Witch Azura.
"Do not underestimate me Belos for I am the Good Witch Luz. Child of the human realm, student of the Demon Realm and Warrior of Peace… NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!" She shouts as she rips him out in the most satisfying and beautifully animated way possible. A great detail about this scene is that not only is it a well built up and sincere call back to a now iconic line, but it also feels like Luz has really found herself after everything she's been through and is reasserting this, her identity.
After the defeat of Belos we see his goo that had spread across the land disappear and his kaiju self turning to stone before also disintegrating, ironic karma given Belos's abuse of the petrification spell to punish wild witches. Belos himself fascinatingly turns back not just into his human self, but his old self from hundreds of years ago. And so Luz comes face to face with Belos's pathetic 16th century puritan self. Even to his very end he's just as manipulative and conniving as he always has been to his very core as he attempts to make one last desperate attempt to appeal Luz's kindness and what makes this scene so glorious is that she doesn't buy any of it. Everything that spews forth from his mouth is just more lies, that is until the acid rain comes down and begins to melt him down to his goo form again. Physically and metaphorically his mask is removed and his dissolves into threatening that Luz will become "just as evil as those witches." Just as you think he's going to have a slither of self awareness in to his vileness in saying that Luz will end up like him, even in his dying breathes he refuses understand reality and blames all of his problems on the minorities that he has chosen to oppress. Luz decides to step away, letting him burn in the rain and rejecting his toxic ideology before her family- Eda, King and Raine step in to finish him off by giving the remaining bits of a him a good stomping, finally finishing off the dictator once and for all.
What I love about Belos's death is the significance of it and what it means to the story. As I said before about the Collector's attempt to use kindness with Belos, this is a glorious subversion of the "redeem all your enemies and become friends with everybody" trope that a lot of stories especially in recent times like to employ. And not only are some people so vile to the core that they refuse to change, but there are people who just do not deserves forgiveness and that's ok. From the start Belos has had a hateful, close minded view of the world and has only ever wanted to cause suffering to others. He craves violence and in 16th century puritan fashion he has chosen the witches as his victims, literally committing hundreds of years to his genocidal schemes and killing his own brother when he didn't agree with him. There is nothing that Belos could do at this point to redeem himself, he is beyond redemption and I love what the Owl House has to say about this. Belos is fascist dictator who refused to change his world views over hundreds of years of opportunities and has attempted actual genocide, this man is unforgivably evil and needs to removed from existence before he can hurt anybody else. Something I love about the Owl House is that not only does is celebrate oppressed and unrepresented minorities, but it directly calls out the evil people who oppress them. It's beautiful and it's realistic and what I love about how this show presents all this is how literal it is.
Just like that, Belos is gone and our heroes are free to relax. The power of the Titan leaves Luz's body and as it does we get one final look the literally fiery soul of King's dad. King himself gets one good look at his father before he disappears into the sky and Luz turns back into a human. In a heartwarming moment Eda and King hug Luz and they all fall to the ground, finally able to look up and breath. The Owl family is reunited for good, and Luz gets to tell King what his dad had wanted to say to him and it's a cute call back to King's love of bread puns, showing that she was watching over him this whole time. "I loaf you."
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Part 5 Peace on the Boiling Isles
We get a couple of beautiful montages at the end of everything, one before the time skip and a proper epilogue set after the skip. It's nice that they allow for some time to breath at the end and give us some quality time with these amazing characters that we've gotten to know and love through this series. There's so much to wrap up at the end here and they manage to take the time to give all of these characters a satisfying ending. After Disney shortened this show over disgusting bigoted reasons, it's nice and poetic to see it get such an uplifting ending and with this final episode being as perfect as it is, everything about it feels like a beautiful triumph. And with all of the adversity the characters have had to face and all the suffering they have all been through, they deserve to get this happy ending. Both this show and it's character got the heart warming send off that they deserved.
Now that the final conflict is over, the Collector turns all the puppets back into themselves and everyone returns to their families. The Owl House has not only been great at representing different types of relationships, but also different types of family dynamics. Lilith who is aro/ace reunites with Steve who she's been good friends with since they were both in the Emperor's Coven, Amity reunites with her dad who she finally has at least a decent relationship with while her no longer apart of the family abusive mum watched from the distance, Gus reunites his dad in an funny scene where he uses his illusions and his dad has to hug a couple of them before hugging the real one, Willow reunites with her queer dads who I believe are both specifically gay and actually get an onscreen kiss which was really cute and pleasant surprise and Hunter finally gets adopted by Darius and Eberwolf. And then of course we get to see our main Owl family together at the Owl House itself with Luz the human, her adopted brother King the Titan, her adopted mum Eda the Wild Witch and Eda's partner Raine the not Wild Witch. Then the Collector flies in on their star to drop off Amity, Lilith and Camilla and we get our intimate reunion between Luz and Amity with another sweet onscreen kiss between them. Eda hugs her sister Lilith, Luz hugs her mum Camilla and we finally get to see Luz's Owl mum and her biological mum meet which is something I think we've all been waiting to see.
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The Collector then materializes Hooty and we get an adorable hug between him and his best friend Lilith, one of the most unexpected but also wholesome friendships in the show. He then decides to travel back to the stars to do some growing up, which I'm honestly kind of happy with because while I personally don't like the Collector, it's clear that the he is supposed to be just a chaotic kid type of character and I suppose this is a good compromise. They were clearly way too powerful and way too irresponsible so him not being around for now is the right choice. Before he leaves King says that he hopes to see them again and gives them his doll Francois which is nice and a good sign that King is maturing and doesn't need him anymore. We then get an discovery where Luz explains that because the Titan's soul was gone, we was the power of the Glyphs. This has a lot of implications, but I have to say that while this would have been really sad we do get a good follow up to this later at the end of the time skip epilogue. With that, Luz proclaims that her adventures were only just beginning as Stringbean and her look on towards the future.
This is when we get out few years time skip and it's handled perfectly. One of the things I wanted the most from this finale was an epilogue timeskip, and on top of everything this else we even got exactly that. Every character is given a satisfying conclusion to their story. Seeing the kids grown up and what all the characters are doing in the future and with all their cool new designs is awesome and I have to go over all of it.
So to start off, Luz is seen packing up her stuff in her old room in the human realm and preparing to move to the University of Wild Magic in the Demon Realm. As she puts her Azura figure in the box, we can also see her Grom tiara from when she danced with Amity, the Tamagochi looking message thing that her and Amity use to send messages to each other and Eda's old Grudgby jacket which she gave to Luz to comfort her. We also get a look at a board with photos that have been taken over the past few years, as well as one of them being held up by a bisexual pride pin which was cute detail. Of the photos, some of them we've already seen before this episode but there are others that were taken during the timeskip and these ones are really interesting. They show us the many adventures of Luz and her friends from Demon Realm traveling back and forth between the worlds. There were a lot of directions that they could have gone with how they handled the rift between the worlds and how this would effect Luz. Whether Luz would always be stuck in Demon Realm, whether she would be stuck in the human realm and unable to get back or if they created a permanent door between the worlds to travel back and forth and I think picking that last option was the right decision because anything else would have completely gone against the themes of the show. To start off, all throughout the entire show they've shown the negative effects of putting people in unnecessary boxes and limiting ones potential, so Luz being forced to choose or being unable to choose between the worlds would go against this. Not only that, but what I believe to be the most important theme of the Owl House is loving yourself, wanting to be understood and finding people that accept you for who you are. And Luz has never felt more at home then on the Boiling Isles. It's where she was able to find true friends like Wilow and Gus, a girlfriend with Amity and even an found family with Eda and King and she was accepted and loved for who she really is by all of them. In the human realm she did have her mum Camilla but nobody else really understood her and at the start of the series she felt like she had nobody. In the Boiling Isles she was able to find her people, and to be torn away from them at the end of the show would go against everything that the show had been saying from the beginning. "Us weirdoes have to stick together."
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Some of the photos in the background also show that Vee has stayed with Camilla in the human realm and has become and adopted sister for Luz which is nice and makes sense for her because of her positive experiences in the human realm and how much she's come to love Camilla and Luz as family. Camilla comes into the room to help take Luz to the Demon Realm University, and as she asks what subject she chose and she show the paper saying that of course she all of them. I love that Camilla is still wearing the queer pride pin because it shows that she is always supporting her daughter. I have to say that while Camilla was always a good character, season 3 made her one of the best which how it showed her always being so supportive she is of Luz and how she is always going to extra mile. Vee sends Owlbert to go gather everyone to meet at the Owl House to celebrate a secret party they've been planning for Luz. As the door opens to let Owlbert through we hear the Collector's voice welcoming whoever comes through to the Boiling Isles, explaining that it was the Collector who created the door.
We see Willow flying around on her Palisman, training for Flyer Derby with a new uniform on. Throughout the show we saw her grow her confidence and discover her passion for sports and especially wanting to bring back Flyer Derby, and she was able to do just that and has become a professional Flyer Derby player. We see Hunter who is now a Palisman carver, carving Palisman in the forest along with Eda's father Dell while her mother Gwndolyn and the Batqueen are also there. I guess this is Hunter's way of getting closer to Flapjack, and we also see that he has a new Palisman, this one being a Blue Jay named Waffles. Willow and Hunter get a little moment that implies that they are official now, and we get an admittedly sweet moment where they visit a grave dedicated to Flapjack.
Next we fly into the city, and on the way to Lilith's new museum we see Mortan the potion seller and Boscha who is selling Grudgby equipment because I guess she's still a big Gradby fan but at least she's no longer a jerk. Once we reach Lilith's museum we find her with her cool new design looking at the design plans, and we can also see that Mathollomule is still part of the construction coven and is helping to build the museum along with Kikimora of all people who I imagine must be doing community service for all the evil stuff that she did. After Lilith has left the Emporor's Coven we saw her finally be able to indulge her special interests like History, and back in Elsewhere and Elsewhen she was going to become the curator of the current museum at the time. Now she's building her own, based on the real knowledge of the Boiling Isles history that has now become well known instead of the false history that Belos had fed everybody in order to villainize wild magic. We then see Amity drop in on an Abomination air ship, with a new design that appropriately conveys "adventurous explorer." She swings down on a rope and gives what appears to be a history book of some sort to Lilith, indicating that she's helping her with some research. Amity was always a more adventurous spirit that had been tied down for far too long by her controlling mother before the now girlfriend Luz had come into her life and encouraged her to follow her heart. So her now being a badass adventurer suits her, and I like to think that her and Luz regularly go on adventures across the unexplored areas of the Demon Realm together. Another fun detail about Amity's design is just like how Luz had kept her Grom tiara, Amity also kept hers except the crystals from it have been turned into a hair band. The interaction between Amity and Lilith is also a nice call back to Lilith being Amity's mentor at the very start of the series, while both of them were still jerks. It's heart warming to see them reconnect after they've bother grown as people. As they all take off we see Lilith turn into her new Raven beast form, showing that she's learnt to control her curse like Eda had done with hers.
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The next stop is the Hospital in Latisa but before we get there we fly pass the Hexside School. Here we Skara and Barcus who are now teaching the next generation of witches, the old Illusions teacher who is still teaching and old Principle Bump who is a groundskeeper. Now what's awesome about the new Hospital is that it's actually replaced the police station that Belos had built in Latisa. They've repurposed a place of pain into a place of healing, and speaking of healing we see Amity's father Alador teaming up with the healers so they can use his new technology to remove the sigils from the witches wrists. Belos had created a system toxic system that involved branding witches with sigils to limit their magic and as well as essentially branding them with a ticking time bomb that was going to kill them all on Day of Unity. Alador by building the Abomatrons for Belos had helped him to achieve his sinister goals, but in a positive turn he has now been dedicating his time into building technology with the purpose of healing the people that Belos had hurt and removing their sigils to give them free will over their magic again is one of the best things he could have done. The healers who are helping to power this technology with their magic are his daughter Emira who had gotten into healing as a second track that she wanted to do along with illusions, Viney who had chosen healing as one of her two magic tracks along with beast keeping because she is very much like a vet, Bo who was a background student at Hexside, and one of the older healers who we don't know the name of. A really fun attention to detail in this scene that the witch getting their glyph removed who is presumably the first witch this has worked for considering everyone's excited reaction, is also the first witch in the series that we saw get a glyph back in Covention, the fifth episode of the entire show. The Owl House has always been really good with it's attention detail, even with minor stuff like this and it's always cool notice it all. Along with Alador we see the other researchers are the ex Coven Heads who ended up being allies, with Raine, Darius and Eberwolf along with Jerbo who has once said that he wanted to help give the system the overhaul it needed which he was now doing with help to remove the sigils. We get a cute moment between Alador and Darius which confirms that they have romantic feelings for each other. A connection between them was hinted at in earlier episodes and now that Alador's abusive ex Odalia is out the picture we can finally make Aladarius canon which is cool.
Raine notices Owlbert at the window and so them, Darius, Eberwolf, Alador, Emira and Viney all go down to join the others. Something I'd really like to mention is that it's at this point that we finally get to see Raine's Palisman and its fox which feels really fitting for them. Throughout the show Belos had fed on Palismans to keep himself from turning into a goo monster, and so he confiscated the Palisman of other witches in the Emperors Coven and ate them to satisfy himself. This included the Palisman of the other Coven Heads, however Raine who has consistently proven to be the smartest character in the show by playing 5D chess the whole time was able to not only hide their Palisman but hide it in plain sight. If you've been paying attention to Raine's violin, it had a fox head on it's neck this whole time. Meaning that Raine's palisman was able to turn into a violin to act as Raine's instrument and to hide themself which is insanely smart. We haven't been given a name or gender for them yet, but I assume they would be nonbinary like Raine and I did see someone suggest they their name would be Trot because Foxtrot so I'm going to adopt that and go with it because it's too perfect. So the next and final stop before we return to the Owl House for Luz's Quinceanera is the brand new University of Wild Magic that Luz is going to be moving to. On the way there we got shots of the Slitherbeasts in the snowy parts of the Boiling Isles, as well the the Selkidomus swimming in the ocean.
The very existence of the University of Wild Magic is one of the biggest triumphs as it defies everything that Belos's toxic prejudice system was about. As a form of control, Belos had spread the propaganda that Wild Magic, that is being able to learn any magic you want, was somehow dangerous which helped him to build his system and gain of the Boiling Isles. Belos was literally a book burning fascist that was trying to hide real education away from people. Now we have University that is able to give Witches a real education by teaching them all about Wild Magic and other knowledge that was previously restricted from them and a really cool extra detail is that this University was built where the Emperor's Castle used to be. We see Amity's brother Ederic teaching about Beastkeeping, this was the type of magic that he was always passionate about along with Potions but was previously forced to stick with Illusions until Eda encouraged him to pursue his passions. We the Guardian of the Looking Glass Graveyard, teaching about the history of the Looking Glass Graveyard which was previously a mysterious place that not many could find. We see Gus spreading his passion for the Human Realm by teaching a class all about it while rocking one of the best new looks including some dreads with his hairstyle. And finally, most fittingly of all we see Eda who is revealed to be the head master of this University. For most her life Eda had been treated like garbage by and unfair system that refused to accommodate her in any way. As someone who wanted to learn all sorts of magic and saw it as a natural thing of beauty that shouldn't be restricted, she was branded a Wild Witch as a mark of shame. But now, after helping to overthrow the dictator who had put that system in place and turned society against her, she was now helping to establish a new system. One that is more accepting to those who are different and villainize them like it did to her. Eda could not have more perfect end to her arc. And something else worth noting is just how awesome her new design is, she looks like a badass pirate and has even replaced her missing arm with a hook. In the background of these scenes we see Vee's people, the Basilisks are still around and are able to thrive now which also nice.
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Now that we have everybody, everyone returns to the Owl House to thrown Luz the secret Quinceanera that had been planning for her. Luz, Vee and Camilla come through the portal door which is now the front door of the Owl House and it's and Luz gets a heart warming welcome from all of her closest friends from the Demon Realm with Amity running to the front to give her girlfriend a kiss. Seeing them still together after all these years makes me really happy. They've always been a great example of a healthy and wholesome couple, and them being a queer couple made that especially nice to see as someone who is queer. While all the bad stuff was happening around them Lumity was always the constant bright light in the darkness and they've become inseparable. Luz's family has set up a nice Quinceanera in their own style with the pinata that is the Snaggleback from that was last seen in season 1, an Azura themes cake with bugs inside and of a course a beautiful dark Demon Realm dress knitted that's bought in by the Bat Queens kids and the Echo Mouse. Everyone clearly went all out for Luz and while Quinceanera's are usually held for 16th birthdays and not 18th, apparently they had held off because Luz was too busy helping rebuild the Boiling Isles. I know that Dana wanted to have an episode about Luz's Quinceanera before the show got shortened and while it's a shame we didn't get it, at least we were able to have it at the end of the show here. It's nice seeing Luz's Dominican heritage being represented like this.
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Something else I want to mention here is that during this entire epilogue we have a nice, longer remix of the credits theme playing, giving it a very nostalgic feeling and between that and seeing all the characters again and getting all these call backs it really makes this ending even more emotional. It makes you reflect on the whole series, the journey we took to get here and the all the friends we made alone the way. And because I don't know where else to mention this, but along with the animation of this episode being top stuff so was soundtrack. Not just the remix but all the music, like there's a new song that plays during that first epilogue before the time skips and it's a bop.
Anyway, we also learn that because King has been getting older and stronger, the power of the glyphs has been returning the Boiling Isles. And while it's the glyphs are different from his dads because he's a different Titan, Luz now has an entirely new set of glyphs to learn and try out. Honestly I'm glad they did this, I feel as though Luz loosing access to magic permanently would have been an unnecessary downer. King then tells Luz that the Collector has been in the area and set up a nice light show for her. As everyone looks up at the Collector passing by with the shoots stars, Luz tells everybody that they have to get ready for their last goodbye. Everybody then turns the camera to say "byyyyyyye!", one final call back, this one to a recurring catchphrase throughout the series.
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That's the end of the Owl House and of my analysis. I ended up having more to say then I thought I would, but this episode had a lot a great stuff and this show means a lot to me on a personal level. As someone who is both queer and neurodivergent I appreciate having a main character like Luz who's experiences I've really related to. She's an incredibly endearing and relatable protagonist and is one of my favourite characters of all time. I've never connected with a show as much as I have with the Owl House, and it's that along with how much heart Dana and the Owl team put into every aspect of it and how consistently great it is all the way through that make it my favourite show of all time. And it makes me happy that they were able to stick the landing with such a perfect ending.
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The second day
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warning : Minors don't interact please this is really not for you. This is a dark fanfiction the whole thing is Dead Dove : Do not eat content , Mental Instability , blood & violence , kidnapping , sexual assault , rape , threesome , blood kink , obsession , unjury , Predator/prey , Angst , smut , Jealousy , dark themes , sexual fantasy , knife play , just the normal hardcore Slasher things
Again please if you can't or don't want to read this content please don't. The whole thing is just dark and not for kids. Last warning
Chapter Summary : Trapped in the Asylum you have to deal with old friends as well as sins and truths from the past. If there are not 10 murderers but eleven, this does not bode well. Especially not if the eleventh is an alien with red hair and a search for fear.
next chapter , masterlist
I knew that as soon as I would wake up, they would fall upon me. Whether all or one after the other no longer mattered. I had my dream loneliness in my dream even if this was no longer mine.
The darkness was broken and replaced by an elementary school. Not again I thought as I recognized the school. I knew that Freddy would not let me have a nice dream. But that it would happen so quickly worried me. He's probably mad that he was interrupted by Eddie. He's coming to finish what he started. Slowly and uncertainly, I walked toward the school. I knew I had no chance against the dream demon himself. Sighing, I walked into the school and saw children, children who looked horribly disfigured. Torn clothes, chopped off limbs, eyeless holes in their heads and a seemingly endless rain of ash. I did not want but something pulled me into the basement. Something I knew that if I didn't go, violence would come. On the way there I was looked at by the sad eyes of the children. ,,Please, Miss, you can't leave him alone with me. He will do it again behind closed doors, please don't" the children begged me.
With guilt inside, I left them behind and went down the stairs to the cellar. The basement that opened up to me was different from what I remembered. I knew for sure that it was actually brick walls and not hot pipes with steam coming out of them. There it was again a sound of metal. Which caused sparks and a dark dirty perverted laugh.
,,My little Y/N, at last you're here again. I've missed you, I've missed our playtime together" she heard the man murmur in her ear. Before a surprisingly cool tongue was passed over my neck. Followed by a presence that radiated heat in contrast. ,,Leave it Freddy, I want a quiet dream please" I tried to convince him. He wrinkled his forehead as he was in his human form and actually succeeded. ,,But why? Your dreams and nightmares were all so...so incredibly exciting," he purred, coming towards me with his bladed glove. I knew it, of course every child knew it in Springwood. I knew it too, even though I had only spent my teenage years in the city.
Before my parents moved away with me, but the dreams never left me. I knew that if he caught me and if he intended to kill me, it would be my turn. Then my lifeless body would die on the old, filthy, angular bed and they would probably get rid of my corpse. I shook off the horrible thought and ran on. ,,Oh, I see we are playing catch. Let me add more little ungrateful children who didn't listen to Uncle Freddy," I heard his angry voice. That was a problem Freddy, like most of my killers, had two sides. On the one hand, he could just be a pervert and enjoyed making his victims insecure and careless. On the other hand, when he was aggressive, he was so much more dangerous. You can still barely humiliate him and he kills you in cold blood within seconds. And then you would be his.
I ran and ran but when I bumped into two people I staggered slightly. When I blinked and saw who was standing there, tears of joy and vomit of disgust came up. There stood Quentin and Nancy, two children I knew well. I had met both of them in elementary school where I had worked as a chaperone for the children. Then we saw each other again in school I was two years above them. There was something between the three of us that I don't want to deny.
Even though we hadn't slept together, we were kind of soul mates. Quentin loved Nancy and I loved them both. It was relatively complicated. But now, as my two friends and former lovers stood before me, my heart was torn. ,,He got you, didn't he? I'm sorry, I should have been there, I should have," I tried to apologize to both of them. Qentin's eyes were darker than before and blood was running from his nose, which wouldn't stop flowing and wetting his shirt. Nancy also looked at me with dark eyes.
She was wearing a dress and had several cuts and scratches on her body. That's how they died, went through the girl's head. ,,Yes, he did, we thought we could defeat him. For a moment everything was fine. But in reality, we never went home. Nancy never woke up from her artificially induced dream. And I -" Quentin interrupted himself briefly and smiled bitterly. ,,I could not do anything, the adrenaline had not worked as it should. Nancy managed to bring Freddy back to our real world, but Freddy made her have another sleep attack. Then it was time I thought I could kill Freddy and save Nancy but it wasn't so I...Nancy". He finished his sentence and let Nancy talk. Quentin lowered his head and looked down traumatized and on the verge of a seizure. The girl who had once been so full of eagerness and hope and strength was only a shell. ,,He thought, we thought if Quentin would defeat Freddy we would be free, free from the nightmares. But it did not happe
Looking back at Quentin and Freddy
,,Nancy, for God's sake, wake up, please," the teeanger shouted at his girlfriend.
But she remained motionless on the old, angular and stuffy mattress. He was already sick of the pictures, those damn pictures they had found brought the vomit back down his throat.
He already had the broken piece of the paper cutting machine in his hand. Nervously, he twitched every now and then and tapped his foot on the floor.
Only when the watch on his wrist beeped did his mood change to desperate. He ruffled his hair and cursed. I have to do it he reminded himself in his head and pulled out the syringe with the adrenaline.
,,Please Nancy wake up!" he yelled at her one last time before jamming the syringe into her chest. Tearing her eyes open, the girl jumped up. She said nothing and the second she brought Freddy into the real world passed. Quentin saw the grateful, loving and determined expression before she closed her eyes in exhaustion. The teenager saw the momentary confusion and curiosity in Freddy. Almost uncertainly, the demon looked around and even seemed pleased.
When his dark eyes moved from Nancy to Quentin, the boy swallowed. ,,Oh my sweet little Quentin. You really thought you were safe in your world?" he said in an amused tone and laughed lightly.
,,You two are still just children". Quentin automatically took a step back out of fear, out of his experiences. The blade trembled in his hand and suddenly the teenager felt as if it was all just a bad dream. ,,Oh, believe me, if you think this dream is bad, wait and see," he heard Freddy say through his heightened heartbeat. When Quentin's eyes flew to Nancy and quickly back to the demon, he was gone. ,,What the!" but he had not been paying attention. That one second was enough for the Demon to get into Quentin's head.
But everything remained the same for the teenager, everything in front of him remained the same. Unsure of what was going on, he approached Nancy and began to shake the girl awake. ,,Nancy, come on, wake up, we need to get out of here, come on," the boy was cut off as someone choked him. ,,I'm your girlfriend from now on". With that, Freddy emerged from Nancy and lifted the kicking teenager up.
With a force Quentin would not have expected, Freddy threw the teenager onto another mattress on the floor. Dazed by both the impact and his condition, Quentin had no chance to escape. He tried to scramble away but when he felt something wet on the mattress he panicked.
Confused, he tried to get free, but shock was written in his eyes when he heard Freddy's voice. ,,No, no please," it dawned on Quentin what the demon was up to. ,,Oh, my poor Quentin. You have always overreached yourself. But you know, I've learned a few things too," Freddy said, bending down to Quentin. The teenager was held by bloodied hands. ,,You know, it's true that Nancy was my favorite, always so happy to play with me. But you oh you wanted more. No attention from daddy and no mother. But you needed something, someone to tell you that you were worth something. And oh my how you begged me to love you" Freddy purred as he ran his blades over Quentin's cheek. The boy felt himself starting to hyperventilate, everything inside him was screaming, screaming for the nightmare to end. ,,But now, now you can feel loved again my Quentin."
The lifeless body of the boy lay abused on the mattress. Cuts, cracks, bites, scratches, bruises and pieces of skin were visible next to and on the body. The former lively eyes were dull and you could see that the boy had cried. The clothes he once wore hung loosely on his naked form. A sad sight. ,,Q-Quentin?" Nancy was heard to say faintly as she slowly woke up. Her vision was slightly blurred, so she couldn't quite make out the abused form. It was only when she fell out of bed and crawled towards Quentin that she saw what had happened to her friend. Bile and an acrid smell instantly filled the room as the girl threw up.
With tears and sobs she turned away from Quentin and heaved herself back as far as she could. ,,Little Nancy, now I have you to myself. We're going to have a lot of fun for a long time" was the last thing she heard before her worst nightmare began.
By the time the two had finished talking I had had to sit down more than once. And more than once I had to throw up, it was indescribably cruel. ,,Are you suffering now? Does he hurt you?" I asked carefully and stood up again.
They shook their heads, No, not all the time, sometimes when he's sick, but not like this anymore. We are more prisoners than prey. I was about to start again when the two seemed to feel something. ,,Y/N ru-" I saw Quentin say before the two disappeared in a torrent of blood. ,,Oh shit!" I continued to run again through the factory-like terrain. ,,They told you, didn't they? Oh, how they had both screamed and pleaded. That puts you in the mood, don't you think, my sweet little Y/n?" I heard Freddy's voice before he sat up in blood in front of me. I backed away and thought I had room to maneuver, but I had forgotten about Freddy's powers. In the middle of the wall I automatically fell onto the bed due to the edge of it.
Images of my imagination flashed and panic seized me. ,,No, I beg you, if you do that then - then the others will kill you. If you want to marry me you will have to wait until the wedding" I tried to intimidate him.
Freddy stopped in surprise before a grin revealed his pointed teeth and he burst out laughing. ,,Oh my innocent little Y/n. You want to be innocent, you forget that according to the church you have to be a virgin. Oh, and you know as well as I do that you haven't been for a long time. I admit I was guilty of it too but it was your lust in your years of discovery you seduced yourself. Believe me I know what was deep at night in your room that drove your fingers inside you slowly and deeply to fill that void because you knew you could not. I still remember how you begged-.".
,,Shut up, shut the fuck up, fuck you. Everything is your fault, it's your fault you ruined me!" I yelled at him. Again he grinned and moved towards me. ,,You know your mouth says no, but the clenching of your thighs says something else" he chuckled and slowly drove towards me with his blades. I had not noticed, had I really pressed my thighs together? Sick you are sick I heard myself and despair arose in me. I tried to crawl away but those red bloody hands would not let me go.
I squinted my eyes and hoped he would finally start so it could be done faster.I felt the breath of air as he ran his blade over me. ,,This is going to be bloody," he purred, and I could feel his presence right above me. But when I opened my eyes, he had stopped. Shocked and relieved, I looked at him. He seemed to hear something, but I only heard my heartbeat, which was going much too fast.
The grin on his face disappeared and was replaced by an angry one. ,,You, you disgusting spawn of the universe, she is mine here. You can't have her. You should be thankful for the last six or have you already broken her so much that it's boring?" Freddy snapped at someone in particular. All of a sudden Freddy was gone, dissolved in blood.
At that moment I woke up with a deep breath. My chest rose and fell from the experiences in my dream. I wanted to get up but the jingling of the chain reminded me that this was hardly possible. But when I tried to get up, the chain was longer. Filled with hope, I quietly and slowly got out of bed. The tiles were cold on my feet and I got goose bumps.
I walked carefully and after several times I guess I got into almost every corner of the room. ,,Not much, but it's always better than on the bed," I said to myself. I had light only through the oil lamp on the emergency wooden bedside cabinet. It did not light all the corners of the room and made my shadow flicker. I heard a kind of scratching or crawling in the room. My pulse quickened, Calm down, it's not dark. None of the killers are here, everything will be fine I tried to convince myself that everything was fine. But my body betrayed me, my primal instincts betrayed me. I flinched at every possible threat in the dark. I was about to move to the lamp when I heard a ringing.
Confused and even more frightened, I fell into an involuntary stare. I stared into the darkness as a creature ran from there towards me. When I recognized it, I cried out in fear and closed my eyes. Before I knelt down as I did when I was a child and hoped it would not see me. As I squinted my eyes and my whole body was tense, I did not notice the figure in front of me. ,,Oh, what, you don't like clowns?" it giggled and I felt it lurking over me. I was so stupid, if I hadn't opened my eyes then, it might not have gotten worse. When I saw the figure in front of me I felt dizzy for a moment before I really looked at it. It was a clown but something was coming from him, something that told me that under the make-up was not a human being. He had orange hair that seemed tousled and somehow not. His whole body as far as she could see was white like clown makeup. He wore an old clown costume with three red pom-poms that probably held it together.
But what fascinated her were those eyes that initially had a light sky blue tone. However to a beguiling golden shimmer became as she looked at him longer. ,,Oh but human thing you like clowns don't you?" it said and looked curiously into her eyes. I desperately went through everything in my head to find every murderer I could think of. But I knew I wouldn't find anything, I didn't know who was here before me.
My eyes fixed on his for fear he would kill me instantly if I didn't do this. ,,Wh-Who are you?" I stammered the words as my throat tightened. It tilted its head almost in disgust and looked at me attentively as if I had said something wrong. ,,I am Pennywise the dancing clown and you are my human, frightened and extremely well judging being". I however pressed myself only more against the wall behind me. ,,I am Y/n," I answered back curtly. ,,Why does prey need a name?" he thought and had probably overlooked that he thought aloud. At the hand of my disturbed look he grinned. ,,But with something like you, I can make an exception. There will be nothing else but you for a long time. I am not allowed to touch you, they said, but a small drop is not enough"
I didn't understand what he meant and when I wanted to ask, it was too late. Within seconds his mouth had turned into a risky mouth and his gloved hands turned into claws. Out of pure fear I cried out which became a bigger one when I felt a pain. Suddenly the door to the room flew open and my ten tormentors came rushing in. Like a wild, crazed animal, Pennywise turned to face his tormentors. For a brief moment I thought that was it and the clown in front of me was going to chop up and kill everything and everyone in the room.
But instead he turned back to me in his normal form. He opened his mouth slightly and a long tongue covered with viscous saliva licked over the cut on my shoulder. ,,Sweet oh so sweet with fear I need more, I will get more human Y/N" it purred before standing up and disappearing into the shadows of the room. ,,Oh my darling, my darling, what did this brutal creature do to you, you're bleeding. Come on, we'll take care of you and then you can lie down again," I heard Eddie's worried shouts. I was aware of him lifting me up and I could feel the muscles under his old shirt.
We walked out of my room through the halls before I was set down in a hospital wing. It was only then that I realized that besides Eddie, Micheal and Jason had also gone with me. I cramped up again in the cool metal chair as Eddie arrived with more first aid supplies than I could handle. I stiffened even more, hating doctors and everything medical about them, my irrational fear of them. Eddie must have seen my suffering expression. ,,Oh, no, honey. Everything will be fine, this clown won't hurt you again. But you have to be brave for a minute, it's going to sting a little," he said, actually trying to appear trusting. When the alcohol touched the cut I hissed and suppressed further sounds. ,,You're doing a good job, sweetie," I heard Eddie say. But these very words in this tone as he said it caused something completely different. And I hated myself for it only more
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stoneinc · 1 year
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*     ◟    :    〔   ruth wilson  ,      cis-woman    +   she / her    〕      claire stone  ,      some say you’re a  forty one year old  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  conscientious  and  emotional ,  one can’t help but think of  you keep me crawling  by   aurora  when you walk by.    are you still the  ceo   of   stoneage inc ,     even with your reputation as the liability ?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and crumbling behind closed doors, intense glares of dissatisfaction and  creased silk blouses,     although we can’t help but think of jeanine matthews (divergent), rachel duncan (orphan black),   and rebecca bunch (crazy ex-girlfriend)     whenever we see you down these rainy streets.  
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oh look, it’s me bringing more morally grey female muses with daddy issues (now never to be resolved) and an obscene and overwhelming amount of power....
triggers: mental illness tw, abandonment tw, abuse tw, just very bad parenting in general tw, death tw, mention of pregnancy tw, ivf tw,
     claire, the first and only (known) child of multi-billionaire damon stone. born somewhere in the south of england, conceived in a ‘dingey bar’/a quaint countryside public house, and not a particularly wanted asset by her parents. her parents had been allies that supported each other’s work and had similar ideas about the future, they got on but were hardly romantic. perhaps their sexual affair had been because of loneliness or driven by their own narcissistic tendencies. both brilliant minds in their own right, they never really stopped working or striving for the future, thus, leaving their child somewhat neglected.
      an emotional child wasn’t something that was ideal for either of them - a massive inconvenience. claire would cry and cry only to be met with logic when all she needed was some contact, a hug from either of them. it was her mother who particularly despised her crying when she was trying to work, so much so that she would resort to physically gripping her daughter a little too tightly, not the type of contact she wanted. damon hadn’t seen his partner cracking but she was. 
    claire’s mother had become so consumed by research that she was unable to think about anything else. her obsession with technology, specifically artificial intelligence, had consumed her and lead her to constantly write journals (ones that would never be published under her name). obsession turned into delusions and resulted in her early death. her mother’s passing deeply affected claire, not so much damon. she was old enough to understand that something had been wrong but not how or why. one minute she had someone whom she called mother, the next she hadn’t.
     her mother’s journals were punished under damon stone. they brought about new opportunities for him and investments started coming his way. from a young age, claire had shown an interest in her father’s work because she quickly saw it as a way to garner affection from the man and get that ‘quality time’ she wanted. prodigy wasn’t an accurate description of claire but it was the words used when she attended university at fifteen. her entire life had been studying and was a compliant child - the thought of exams had terrified her but she had listened to damon and applied what he had taught her (or what she had overheard in passing). 
   it was an investment that paid off for him - she would stay with someone else and that freed up his time to devote to research. he hadn’t even told her that he had moved to the usa until she had turned up (as a surprise) at her now former home only for someone else to answer the door. luckily for her, the strangers had the right temperament to calm her down but she feared being abandoned and she had felt like it had happened. damon assured her that it was not the case but what kind of parent would not only move but move countries and not tell his child? damon’s selfish actions had preyed on her insecurity of only having him and losing him just as easily as her mother seemed to go.
    it upset her and her father couldn’t understand why. he had seen a fatal flaw in her, a weakness that he had a severe distaste for. while her academics remained at the top of her class, multiple professors advised that she was too young for the institution, that it was breaking her and that she should be withdrawn from the course. they made a point of it to damon but he declined. the professors spoke to claire but she’d burst into tears and say that it couldn’t happen, that she needed to do this. if she wasn’t able to keep up with damon’s intellect, she felt she’d lose him completely.
       nepotism would serve her well as she assumed a role in stoneage inc. at straight after completing her phd, at the age of twenty two. her academic would quickly be washed away by the inside hatred others would have for her, claiming the ‘special treatment’ due to the blood in her veins. at this point, her personal and professional life had fully merged into one. as stoneage inc. had more and more success, damon would only treat her as a colleague and would ridicule her, perhaps worse, for her emotional outbursts. he had always made them worse but he had hoped that if she received poor treatment, it would deter her from making the same mistake. claire wasn’t ‘strong’ like he was - all it did was knock her down. 
    to an onlooker, she was the classic spoilt prodigy nepotist baby in new york city. she would go out and party, would always take it too far and would even accidentally injure herself in the process. reckless and spoiled. when damon came to pick up the pieces, it was the only time he was kind and actually took care of her. however, he would take notes and label her as a liability in his mind and also spread it among his most trusted advisors.
damon kept her away from his dodgy dealings and somewhat forced her into motherhood when she assumed responsibility for sabine. the man made sure she was approved and that further lead her away from the research field. to claire, sabine was just someone that needed someone - who was she to argue with that? she wouldn't realise that it had been a calculated move, a rather misogynistic one from her father. claire quickly became attached to sabine. she cried and claire would have the natural instinct to run to her and give her a hug, to give her something she never got growing up (or rather rarely). AT SOME POINT, claire did become an overbearing mother and her control issues definitely started influencing their relationship with each other. it's not something that she realises she's doing but she is a stone after all - can you really fight your nature?
    over the years, claire would continue her research but would be kept at arms length. damon wanted her to remain out of the corruption and tensions, to keep her at arms length personally so she wasn’t a distraction. no one would know why mr. stone kept her so distant when also writing her as the sole inheritor of  stoneage inc. (keeping her in the dark would do his legacy and multi-billion dollar empire a favour in the future). 
    she would also develop her own unwanted feelings towards androids. they were emotionless, efficient, everything her father wanted her to be. perhaps that was why he was so obsessed. the woman found herself wishing far too many times that she was one - maybe appreciation would come with that. it was a thought that she’d run away with, primarily while drinking alone in her exquisite penthouse. it was so easy to just erase a models memory, to reinvent it for a particular purpose. it felt like dangerous territory and she knew it. claire envied them but her interest was peaked if they could be capable of taking on a particular emotion, a download of her own negative feelings onto a drive. it didn’t seem realistic but it also didn’t seem impossible. however it was only a thought, one that turned into several but none ever actioned or analysed. 
     multi-billionaire damon stone drops dead. that would be the headline. an unexpected death at a crucial moment in trial talks with the government, a bereaved claire steps in to close the deal. cause of death remains undetermined and foul play has not been ruled out. a surprise and expected, claire stone assumes the role of ceo of stoneage incorporation as well as inheriting her father’s fortune. it was a partnership that would be described as destined. she had failed at winning her father’s affection and she wouldn’t fail again. that was easier said than done.
    there is a period when it seems the woman doesn't care about her dear father's passing - she was thrown into the deep end and wanted to do well, finally given the chance to prove her worth. it was odd how little tears she shed given her past emotional outbursts. there was a lot she needed to be doing. there was a lot of pressure on her but for the first time in her life she not only accepted it but thrived on it. it was like a temporary high for her. with damon out of the picture, claire's life felt better and that didn't feel like it was stopping.
people would think it was the wrong time to try for a child shortly after her father's passing and her peaking in her career but claire felt like it was the perfect time - everything was going right. someone had donated and her ivf treatment had succeeded after a few rounds that had made her ill. she'd push through. of course, the maternal image does not go without stoneage capitalising on it, to show that it is just as about people and the new generation as it is about ai. claire doesn't believe everything that comes out of her mouth, she hates everyone telling her she's glowing when she feels absolutely terrible but it was good for business. the woman who's got it all - that would be a frequent headline.
at the end of june, claire has another daughter at a birthing centre surrounded by trusted confidants and a small selection of vetted staff members. the high from it all is beyond her. she names her celine but hopes no one will call her cece for short but lina instead. so many emotions are going through her during that first week and the room is silent after she utters the words 'i can't wait for him to meet her'. it's like she's been hit with a dose of reality, it finally sinking in that her father isn't here, neither is her mother. the memory of her and damon in the theatre clapping for sabine comes to her, they'd been so proud of her but she was unable to imagine that situation for the baby up against her because it was unattainable. finally breaking down in tears follows that, an extremely delayed reaction but an action, nonetheless. claire felt like she had destroyed her own happiness by making that statement, it forcing her to acknowledge what was happening, what had actually happened to her?
now comes the time where claire feels like she's pushed herself too hard. every thought somehow leads her back to him and nightmares start up in her very little sleep time. her subconscious has blocked something out and she can't uncover what. at the same time as trying to care for celine, she feels like sabine is the one that needs the most attention from her. she does as much as she can from home because she feels like lina's too tiny to be taken into that place - she wants to keep her from it.
     to those outside, claire stone is a formidable force but others within the corporation know that it’s only a matter of time before she cracks, and when that happens they will be there to assume the inc. for themselves...
the something that she has blocked out entirely and at this stage doesn't know about. the first model of replicant stoneage put out was an C1AI.re, a replicant that had been modelled by the couples own daughter with some modifications on the features that they thought weren't attractive/wouldn't 'sell'. the models were suddenly discontinued several years after their release, previously being a model to be upgraded. it was when damon had grown to despise his own daughter.
C - Claire
1 - first
AI - what it says on the tin
.re - replicant
perhaps some plots??
honestly looking for anything and everything but here are some ideas
people who work for meta news - perhaps they’re old friends that have spoken in a professional setting before? someone who ran a succession story on claire without permission, someone who’s been trying to get her to do that tasteless all-about-me interview after the death of her father? an ally that has buried stuff (can be discussed) for her in the past? 
sentient androids that, you know, want her gone. self-explanatory. also perhaps a privately hired android? only the best, of course. 
someone under her wing - we all know after reading my ramblings claire is a mess but would be nice if she had people under her wing, most likely started before she assumed her new role in the incorporation. what their intentions are is utp. maybe even her own protegé? someone with potential?
i’m tired right now so i’m stopping here but i love brainstorming and would love to get plots with you. this probably wasn't all of it but i love to muse!!
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Immortal Fears (5/?)
The International title has the power to make you question so many things; yourself, your relationships, everything. It makes you believe the only thing worthy of it is you, and vice versa. It is believed that holding it will have… Maddening consequences. Is any of it true? Is this just mind games played by your opponents instead, to get under your skin, to make you think losing the title to them is worth it? But is the current champion Orange Cassidy willing to take such a risk…?
Tags: Kip Sabian/Orange Cassidy (future). Hurt/comfort (eventually). Title Belt Corruption Arc. Enemies to lovers. Slow burn.
Best Friends/Chuck & Trent and Penelope make frequent cameos. More to be added.
On AO3 here
Yes this took two and a half months to write and no I'm not a huge fan of how it turned out tbh. But the content is integral for the future chapters, especially the next few, sssooo this exists now. Also wanted to highlight things a little bit from the side of our supporting cast, tho it doesnt really go into details about stuff.. Yet. 👀
Credits for @ss-trashboat babe for beta and my beloved @midnightpretenders0 for brainstorming this whole arc with me, it means so much to me 💜
Running her hand through his silver hair, Penelope observed the man laying on the bed, his head on the pillow on her lap. Kip had been talking enthusiastically the entire night about the downfall of the Best Friends, effectively trapping Penelope there to listen to him joke and laugh about this betrayal that had gone down earlier. How proud he was of this web that he had started to weave around them, controlling the now trio of friends like puppets on strings.
Penelope just nodded along, occasionally making a quiet approving sound to give out the illusion that she was listening to him. Obviously she was proud of what Kip had managed to achieve with this plan so far, but at the same time she had to wonder how much of this was actually them, and how much was just the other outside pressure - especially with Danhausen that Penelope knew they had nothing to do with - that was put on Cassidy that was causing all of this to happen.
She shouldn’t have cared about it as much as she did as everything was still going according to plan, but something about the sudden turn of events was bothering her. Penelope knew they put a lot of time and effort into trying to make this thing into something that benefited them as much as possible while tearing their competition down, while going towards their ultimate goal of that International championship being on the waist of her boyfriend sooner rather than later, but something about it didn’t quite add up.
It felt to her like there were some other powers at play here. And if someone knew what that felt like, it was her.
“…And then we will prey on his loneliness and insecurities until it’s time for the final act of this story: the climactic spectacle, the rematch, where the world will see me finally beat him for the International title. Where Kip Sabian will finally be victorious, where Kip Sabian will finally be crowned… A champion.”
Penelope just nodded, a hand running through his hair in an agreeing manner. Kip’s hands waved in the air a little as he spoke, signaling the amount of excitement and trust he had in his own words. Not that Penelope doubted him, but he was being a bit over dramatic this early in their plans.
“AEW International champion Kip Sabian…” He inhaled deeply, Penelope watching the smile playing on his lips, the man fully and truly already living in the fantasy created by those words. “Has the perfect ring to it, doesn’t it babe?”
She watched as Kip’s brows furrowed a little, his head tilting back so he was, for the first time since laying down, actually directly looking at her. “Babe, is everything okay? I was expecting a bit more… Enthusiasm with that, to be honest.”
Penelope just shrugged a little, but Kip’s eyes were looking at her with such intense determination it was very obvious that he wasn’t going to let her off the hook so easily with such a response. Kip was very into this fantasy he was building in his own head, and he wanted her to live it along with him, obviously.
“Don’t you think this is just all a little bit… Too convenient?”
Kip’s eyes narrowed at her a little, but he remained silent. Penelope wasn’t sure if he was catching on to what she was talking about, or if he was too deep in his own head to understand that there were things at play here outside of their control. As the thought crossed her mind, she glanced over her shoulder across the hotel room, staring back at the box set on top of the dresser, as if it was left to overlook the room at all times while they were eventually going to be asleep.
“Convenient for us, definitely,” Kip finally muttered, Penelope’s eyes returning to him. “But that’s a good thing, right?”
“I don’t know.”
Penelope couldn’t really put her finger on it, but something about this whole thing felt off to her. Sure Danhausen had always been a wild card, as honestly it had just been a matter of time before he did something neither of them had been prepared for and threw a wrench into their plans, but something they hadn’t really thought about before was him actually helping them further, faster than they had prepared for. And something about that was making Penelope nervous about all of this, making her rethink the pacing of this whole thing going forward.
“It feels… Odd.”
Kip just shrugged, slowly sitting up on the bed, turning towards her. Penelope didn’t look back at him but focused on her hands instead, contemplating her own words over a bit more, trying to form a sentence that both of them could, in this situation, fully understand, that put her thoughts and feelings into some sensible order.
“Anything that propels us towards the ultimate end goal is good for us, isn’t it?”
She shrugged again, not being really sure if she could answer such a question honestly. It felt like it was good, but there was some form of small doubt in her mind. They had planned everything so perfectly from the start to finish, and even though they had thought about some hiccups, to Penelope, things were starting to go so much off the planned rails that it was becoming concerning.
She just wasn’t entirely sure how to bring this up with him in a way that he was going to believe her that this was probably a bad thing. Kip clearly wasn’t as strict about staying on the designed and approved road map they had laid out for themselves with this plan; it was so obvious he was going to cut any corner necessary, take any easy way out and any cheap shot, whether it came from inside or outside their group, to get what he wanted.
“You have to stop worrying about all of this so much.” There was a very slight singsongy, almost teasingly lighthearted tone in his voice as Kip spoke up again. Penelope didn’t respond to him, shortly afterwards feeling Kip reach for her, hand gently placed under her chin as he pushed her face back up, getting face to face with her again. He didn’t intend to be mocking, as the soft smile on his lips was clearly telling her.
“We got this, baby. There’s nothing the Zest Friends, Clementine, or anyone for that matter can do about it. It’s just a matter of time.”
She smiled at him, watching as Kip carefully leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss on her lips. “You just have to trust me. I know what I’m doing.”
Penelope didn’t want to admit it, but he really didn’t, in reality. While yes, things were going in the right direction, it was less thanks to him than anyone or anything else. She remained quiet though, letting Kip bask in his blissful ignorance, hoping that things would just continue to go well enough that he wouldn’t notice the true course of things.
She just couldn’t shake the odd feeling that something was very off with their current situation, but if Kip didn’t see it, then maybe it ultimately wasn’t worth being brought up to disrupt the amount of glee he was currently experiencing with all of this.
Penelope followed his lead, leaning towards him to likewise steal a little kiss from his lips. She didn’t say anything, but the smile on her face and her actions spoke more than her unsure words surely could, giving Kip the sense he needed that they were on the same, safe page about all of this.
“Next week,” he stated as he pulled Penelope into his lap, kissing her again, “We got more work to do. I have a plan on how we can really show Clementine that those friends of his aren’t worth keeping around for much longer.”
Chuck was absentmindedly scrolling around on his phone, trying to busy his mind with something else than the thoughts of the day as sleep just wasn’t coming to him. The silence in the dark hotel room was ringing in his ears, only occasionally being broken by the soft snores coming from Trent who was already fast asleep in the other bed. Chuck wasn’t sure how he was able to so easily fall asleep after such a day that they had, but at the same time maybe Trent wasn’t seeing the whole picture as easily as he was.
He couldn’t get the visual of Cassidy snapping so violently at Danhausen out of his mind. While the situation was definitely understandable, Chuck also had rarely seen him being like this that it was throwing him into a loop. Cassidy was usually so calm and collected, barely showing emotions publicly, so this was really out of character for him.
And while his outburst was justified, at least in Chuck’s opinion, just the thought of it made him shiver a little bit.
He hadn’t wanted to say anything before, but Chuck was sure everyone around them had noticed the subtle changes in Cassidy in the past few weeks. While most of this had definitely happened behind closed doors and away from the cameras, it was no secret that the champion had been struggling. The hints had been subtle but if you knew what to look for while he was in the ring, they were definitely noticeable. And the more Chuck scrolled through Twitter, seeing the various takes on tonight’s happenings, the more obvious it was that it was bleeding out to inside the ring as well, for the whole world to see.
People were talking about how Danhausen had snapped. How Cassidy deserved it. How this had been coming for weeks now, but they thought it was going to be the champion that cracked first. He was clearly tired, he needed a break. And so on and so on.
With a sigh, Chuck clicked off Twitter, almost on instinct opening Instagram instead. At least he didn’t have to read the comments over there, he could just enjoy some mindless scrolling of photos and hope to catch a glimpse of something more interesting and positive than whatever people were throwing around in the bird app. Scrolling past a few photos from tonight’s show and some promo shoots from people, one thing curiously kept poking out of his feed the longer Chuck kept going.
As the next ad popped up, he stopped. It was almost as if at that point a light bulb turned on in his head, Chuck looking at the flight offer with completely new eyes. Usually he just passed such ads by without a second thought, already knowing where he was going and when, most often already having flights booked for shows and such well in advance.
But this time it was something different. Maybe it was because of the exotic destinations they had listed in the ad, or maybe it was because he was in the mindset of thinking about Cassidy and his currently very exhausting lifestyle, but Chuck’s tired mind put one and one together with these two thoughts, actually forming an idea on the spot. He clicked on the ad, quickly sitting up on the bed as he continued to scroll through the selection of offers, actually finding a few pretty good deals, which was rare to see for a social media ad campaign.
Chuck glanced to the other bed, contemplating a little on waking Trent up to discuss this with him. Maybe this was a thing that could wait until the morning, and Chuck was sure he would still remember it by then unlike most of his middle of the night thoughts that regularly ran through his head. Trent had been complaining about a headache well into the night, especially after everything went down with Danhausen, so he had basically been out cold as soon as his head hit the pillow earlier. Chuck didn’t blame him, but out of all the times he could do that, of course it would be tonight when Chuck actually had a discussion worthy idea.
He kept scrolling through the page for a while longer, formulating a more coherent plan in his head. The flights were cheap, surely they could find a good but not too expensive or difficult destination to book a hotel in for a few days, for all three of them. Chuck didn’t dare to think about sending Cassidy out alone, and if he was going there too, of course Trent would need to be included. Just a few Best Friends on a relaxing little trip together, away from all the trouble and hassle of work for a few days to cleanse their palettes.
Well, Cassidy’s palette first and foremost obviously, but he wasn’t going to say that to him. It was probably going to end up being very obvious, but that was a bridge Chuck was ready to cross when they got to it eventually.
Copying the link to the ad, Chuck quickly sent it to Trent, detailing his plan in the text message as well. They could get Tony on the phone in the morning and get some time off for the well deserving champion and themselves. It was probably not going to be a huge deal if it was only going to be for a few days – they could easily be back for next week's Dynamite if needed.
Hearing Trent’s phone quietly beep on the nightstand but the man not reacting to the sound at all, Chuck smiled and nodded to himself in approval as he proceeded to continue to look through the options of locations they had to choose from in this specific sale. He didn’t really have any destinations in mind when he started planning this so suddenly, but Chuck knew Cassidy at least wasn’t picky about such things. Or he was hoping he still wasn’t, that’s at least how it had been in the past.
With how things had been changing recently, Chuck was hoping he could still at least trust that bit of knowledge he had about one of his closest friends. With so many things changing all of a sudden in such surprising ways, he was just holding onto hope that this wasn’t one of those things. Only time would tell however, depending on how Cassidy was going to react to the news in the morning, how things would go if they went through with this plan.
Chuck was determined to make it work though. He wasn’t entirely sure how, but hopefully with Cassidy agreeing to everything and Trent there to help make it all happen, it was going to work out. Hopefully.
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teal-fiend · 2 years
prey-god part 2
sequel to this
content: soft vore, implied digestion, implied reformation, willing prey, observer pov
summary: the goddess and worshipper are interrupted by an unexpected guest
~500 words
Iseriah passed over the threshold of the temple’s entrance. The goddess was here, he could sense her presence in the walls and through the floor. She was in her domain. But he still needed to figure out exactly where she was.
The temple seemed to be empty. It was in the newest hours of the day; her followers would all be asleep in their homes, until they would arise and around midday begin their work maintaining the facilities, and praying. And then they would go about the rest of the day. 
However, the visiting god did find one creature that was still on temple grounds. Behind the altar in the main prayer room, there was one of worshippers, he assumed, because it was draped in the customary robes that denoted they were one of hers. The creature seemed to be sleeping. A strange habit
Iseriah brandished his spear. He nudged at it, wanting to awaken the beast for questioning. 
Her follower awoke with a start, and looked up at Iseriah in surprise, but not as much fear and awe as he figured was due. 
The creature bared its teeth at him in a way that was supposed to be threatening. He sighed. 
“I seek an audience with the white-haired goddess Detune, your master. You are obliged to bring me to her.”
The follower seemed to clutch at their belly protectively, and Iseriah noticed that they looked quite full. 
The visiting god poked at their midsection with the spear, and was swatted away. He realised why he could sense traces of the goddess so strongly here.
“You would dare consume a celestial? I should cut you open right now.”
“You could try,” the creature growled, as Iseriah felt an ethereal tugging at their being, and he knew the little devil was trying to banish him 
“Iseriah, why are you scaring my cleric?”
Just as Iseriah was primed to attach, he heard Detune’s voice in his mind.
“This creature is a priest of your congregation?” He asked aloud, and the follower glared at him. 
“Iseriah, you come into my domain unannounced, you threaten my subject and you disrespect their rank.”
“Disrespect? This creature has devoured you like it would a shank of meat, and you think I am the disrespectful one.”
“Do you really believe that this was unprovoked? I am Detune, goddess of restoration and replenishment; this is what I offer to my subjects.”
“You would really allow them to consume you?” The god asked in disbelief
“Maybe if you fed your followers, you would be more popular.” the goddess suggested slyly. 
Iseriah was offended by that. He was doing fine with his following. Maybe not as well as Detune, but considering the niche he inhabited, he believed he had an appropriate level of enthusiasm and quantity of worship. And he didn’t want to feel insecure about it. 
“That’s- no, I am not doing that. My following receives enough power from me. I provide for them well enough without all of this going on.”
“Do you want to try it?”
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Living+ and That Gleam in Kendall's eye
Succession 4x6. Why does almost every new episode this season end with me feeling both sick to my stomach and buzzed to all hell? My hands are still trembling.
I have so much to say!
About Kendall and Roman watching their dead father insult them on videos played on loop whether real or edited, Shiv finally confronting her brothers like I always wanted her to instead of bottling up her hurt over their betrayal, the cheapening of the siblings' hug as everything "real" becomes repackaged as a negotiating tactic, ...
... Roman's spiralling grief and insecurity manifesting as he pushes people away and carelessly fires any woman who appears to question him and his place as Logan's son, Gerri noticing something off and giving him a reality check only for him to turn on her so viciously, ...
... the rekindling of Tom and Shiv's unconventional romance when they play "bitey", tease one another and she lets him in with Matsson, Tom's greatest strength being his honesty and his ability to show vulnerability in admitting that the money does matter to him but also calling her out in the process, ...
... Ken's event-planning fact-fudging number-cooking night of chaos and Hollywood mania, his businessbro techspeak jargon at an all-time high, Karl confronting him and trying to straighten him out with a dose of reality, only for Kendall in his Maverick-from-Top-Gun-inspired flight jacket to brush him off, unphased, ...
But I just have to talk about IT.
The gleam in Kendall's eyes.
Kendall's presentation was somehow more harrowing, more painful, more ridiculous and just all-round worse than L to the OG.
The sincerity with which he lays himself bare before the world — "big shoes, big big shoes, big big shoes" big nervous breakdown — the palpable second-hand embarrassment from watching him try to talk to an edited deepfaked video of his father to gain some kind of closure after death — the sickening nature of enterprises like Living+ which take advantage of people's fear of their own mortality and prey on the elderly — the horrifying realization that creeps up on you as you realize while watching this play out, that Ken is exploiting and commodifying his grief and confusion over his father's death, his vulnerability and fragility here functioning as manipulation, as a marketing tactic, whether he knows it or not — all as the world watching him (incredibly) applauds his stark raving mad proposal because nothing is ever sacred to these people.
It's the funniest and worst thing all at once.
And somehow — and this really says something about the state of the world — when these cringe billionaires hopped up on their own hype, hallucinations and delusions of grandeur, especially the ones in tech, make outlandish promises even a child would know better than to take seriously, the world feeds their egos, cheers their cults of personality and allows them to get away with anything because they're not insane! They're just eccentric visionaries, maybe even geniuses. It's genuinely frightening.
Hey, but at the very least, when Number 1 Boy walks into the ocean, an image that had my heart leap into my throat and fill with foreboding, he's floating up with his head facing the sky.
(When this new high inevitably fades, he will definitely sink, and I can't bear to watch it.)
And yeah, of course Lukas Matsson tweets disgusting Holocaust "jokes". Fuck him.
Oh, and was I the only one who thought I might have been watching behind-the-scenes footage or a special feature by accident when the episode first came on with Logan Roy against a green screen? I really though it was just Brian Cox for a second there and thought HBO had fucked up!
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yumichikah · 2 years
Sexual identity and transphobic traits TW!
I think it’s finally time I write this headcanon out since it’s been developing in my head for ages, but thanks to it’s controversial nature, I’ve left it to mature some.
Anyone who has read the tybw as manga knows that Yumichika commented on Giselle, calling her a man even though she identifies as a female. Now that we do have an active Giselle in the rpc, I’d like to discuss it. In all honesty, I think the whole transphobic attitude that is shown in that scene does fit Yumichika’s character. He himself isn’t the most friendly and understanding dude and we see him having issues with Charlotte’s version of beauty earlier in the series too. He is a very self-centred and closed off man, who quite often projects his insecurities outwards by putting others down(i.e. calling them ugly). With Giselle it was clear to him that she is an enemy and quite deserving of loathing thanks to her using others as her weapons instead of fighting traditionally like the whole of Eleventh usually does(and what they swear by). With such a person Yumichika would definitely not feel bad if he did hurt her feelings – hell, one could argue that that’s exactly what he was aiming for in the first place.
Now also there’s the issue of this ass of a man being really feminine himself. He grew up in a very hostile and violent place with that unconventionally pretty face and definitely had issues with rougher guys harassing him thanks to it. For what I have imagined his past to be, he would’ve gotten called a girl countless times, his skills as a fighter getting questioned constantly and him having to prove himself to everyone all the time. Surrounded by criminals, he most likely started to fight simply to defend himself from men who saw a petite long haired boy as easy prey. Such a thing would leave just about anyone struggling with their own identity as he did find more traditionally feminine things more appealing than masculine ones, but hated being called a girl thanks to creepers. Yet he most likely did use his looks to lure those people into traps so he could kill them and steal whatever he wanted from them too… so being almost like a girl had it’s advantages when surviving and staying alive, but damaged him mentally a lot. It’s one mess of a sexual identity that boy developed in the Rukongai, to say the least.
And with that said, Yumichika noticing a person who has accepted themselves and their sexual identity, who isn’t afraid to be who they want to be and present themselves how they want to be seen as would be triggering as hell to him. He would be going through all the years of living almost with two gender identities among predators that treated him like garbage. He would remember how much it hurt when he was told how he looked like a woman, while he definitely profited off of it at the time. He knew it was confusing and made you doubt everything you are when you got gendered wrong – and that’s why I think he wouldn’t regret misgendering Giselle at all. He wanted to hurt her. He wasn’t trying to buddy up an enemy and his own frustrations with his own mess of an identity and all the insecurities were there to amp everything up. He was letting out his own hurt in the form of looking down a person he pretty much wanted to be – a someone who is confident in their identity and who isn’t hiding themselves away in fear of getting rejected.
To conclude; Yumichika has transphobic traits, yes. It’s not because he is incapable of accepting others, but because he has trouble accepting himself. He will look down at anyone who reminds him of the years he struggled before meeting Ikkaku and he won’t be apologetic about it as long as the said person doesn’t become a friend. He still has no idea what or who he truly is himself.
This does NOT mean that I as a mun agree with him on this topic!! This is a very strong case of MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
October 9, 2022
The recent Night Vale episode with the John Peters, you know, the farmer?  I really really liked it lol.
Told my parents I might get a cat if I live by myself in grad school and my dad said he doesn’t see me with a cat so now I legally have to get a cat.  Them’s the rules.  I can’t let my father think he knows more about me than me.  (He does but I’m a grown woman so we can’t be havin that (to be fair, he knew me before I knew me.  long before.).)
I was thinking about how lucky I was that tiktok doesn’t prey on my insecurities to keep me watching, specifically how there’ll supposedly be a new thinly-veiled body-checking challenge that only really serves to make teenaged girls feel bad about themselves, but those never come up on my fyp because it doesn’t really work on me.  And for two seconds I was proud of myself for beating the algorithm when that actually isn’t the case.  The app preys on my fear of dating.  And I think I’ve realized this before because a few months ago I tried to stop interacting so much with dating-analysis or late-bloomer tiktok because it wasn’t making me happy and I use tiktok exclusively for happy chemicals.  Of course, they’ve seeped their way back in, but I didn’t realize until recently that the algorithm did, in fact, have its grimey little fingers inside my head.  And it’s a tricky thing because these videos disguise themselves as laughing at men’s profiles or discussing the state of dating today from what sounds like an academic perspective (not to be elitist but it’s literally just some lady in her living room) as opposed to those on-the-street-interview videos which, frankly, I scoff at, or relationship goals tiktoks which bore me, and the algorithm knows this.  They present content in a way that’s more likely to keep me watching, and insecurity directs what types of videos I grant my precious watchtime.
So what to do?  I think the smartest thing would be to not interact with those videos at all anymore.  No likes, no saves, no watchtime, tapping “not interested.”  I don’t go to tiktok to feel worse about myself.  I go there to laugh and to learn.  It’s going to take some discipline, but I might be able to do it.  No, I can do it.  I can.
I was trying to see how long I would be able to go without seeing Dream’s face because I knew it’d become a meme eventually, and this game didn’t last all that long because his face did, ultimately, become a meme that I stumbled upon on Pinterest, and not even a very good one at that.  All that thirsting over a man who looks like MattPat from GameTheory.  And don’t get me wrong, MattPat’s not unattractive at all, he’s just... a normal lookin dude (those who know me are aware that I’m not above thinking normal lookin dudes are attractive but that’s moving away from the point).  Part of me feels bad for the guy because it’s gotta be this nerve-wrecking thing to go from being a faceless YouTuber to being not that anymore, and most people are either underwhelmed or poking fun at him (to be fair, most people on the internet disliked him before), and that has to be so demoralizing.  On the other hand, he’s a grown man and he’s got his bag, so.
Today I’m thankful that I got to spend the weekend with the puppy!  I’m thankful that I made cookies!  I’m thankful that I register for classes on the first day because the plan is to take two “real” classes (they’re TuTh and midday, I’m livinggg) and fill out the rest of the credits with TAing, research, and junk tbh (not pep band though).  I just need to REST.  It’s weird to think that I’m almost halfway through the semester.
I have senior pictures this week, so I took out my braids, and it’s the first time I’ve worn my hair in a puff since freshman year of college, pre-covid, and I physically cannot keep my hands off my coils.  I was like this in high school too, and it’s why I had to stop wearing my hair out, but I didn’t have much time this weekend, and while twists are functional, they’re certainly not cute.  I do definitely feel cute.
Here’s to another week.  I miss the time when I would send zero emails in a week.  Truly.
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positivlyfocused · 8 months
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When A Scam Is An Awesome Gift Of Love
I suppose most people think being scammed is a bad thing. But a scammer taking advantage of you tells you something really good.
No, it doesn’t tell you you’re stupid. Or that you should be more aware…although you probably should. What it is telling you is that there is something happening inside you that makes you a match to that experience.
Yes, the scam “victim” draws that experience into their life. Being scammed isn’t a random event. No event is. Instead, it’s a reflection of an inner state, a vibrational state. The event vibrationally matches that inner state, so it shows up in the scammed person’s experience as manifested reality.
This is exactly what happened with a client recently, although she caught it early enough to avoid being scammed. Just like I did before.
I wrote about what most people would say was the positive side of this experience last week. But this week I’m going to share another positive side. A side most would probably think was “negative”.
But it’s not. It’s very, very positive.
Desperation: a great money maker
As I wrote last week, this client finds herself attached to a certain guy. This guy waffles in his affection for her. The client knows she deserves better. But because of beliefs causing her attachment, she can’t pull herself away from the guy. I mean, she could, but she feels compelled notto.
As a result, she wants him to change. But he won’t change. That’s because her focus remains on his waffling behavior. She doesn’t like that behavior. But because she fixates on it, it persists.
Not only that. It’s getting stronger.
And as it does, her desire for it to change gets stronger too. So the two amplify each other. That amplification leaves my client feeling desperate. And desperation is what the vibration feels like that makes one a match to scammers.
Especially scammers who use the potential of finding love as their leverage.
No where are people more desperate than in their pursuit of love. They’re willing to spend thousands to get it. They’re also willing to kiss a lot of frogs.
Meanwhile, the endearing, unconditional love they seek in the world around them exists closer than they think. It’s right there inside them. It’s the connection between them and their Broader Perspective. And when a person connects to that, love from another human pales in comparison.
The irony is, when a person has this inner relationship front-and-center, human relationships get better. And love one wants from another human gets better too.
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Conditional love or unconditional love?
The client in question doesn’t have this Broader Perspective relationship front-and-center though. Instead, she’s allowed her relationship with Mr. Waffle to displace that relationship. And this is why she feels desperate. Because love from another human always comes with conditions. Broader Perspective love, however, is unconditional.
Displace that unconditional love with conditional love and the immediate feeling is insecurity. Keep it there long enough and insecurity turns to worry, concern, fear, jealousy and even hatred. These emotions happen when that unconditional love another human brings to the table bears out as unconditional: when they get mad at us for not meeting their expectations. Or for doing something they don’t like. 
Our Broader Perspective has no conditions we can’t meet. It doesn’t get mad at us. We don’t irritate it. It just loves us, period.
A person trying to rely on conditional love can develop feelings of desperation when everything they try fails to coax their partner into behaving the way they want. That’s what was happening with this client. And that’s why she was feeling desperation. 
Finding her way
So last week when those four new perfectly-matched dating options showed up, the client was overjoyed, at first. As she explored one of them more deeply, however, he turned out to be a scammer. A scammer preying on people desperate for love.
This revelation had the client feeling angry, then sad. But what was happening wasn’t sad. It didn’t have to be anger-inducing either. That’s because the experience showed my client exactly where she was vibrationally. And if she didn’t know where she was vibrationally standing, she couldn’t do anything about it.
Thankfully, the client’s Broader Perspective got her attention well enough to trigger skepticism about this person. She looked into it a bit more, then discovered the plot. 
She’s still struggling though. She hasn’t yet found her way through disempowering stories on various subjects. Stories that have her feeling vibrationally low. And creating circumstances, events…and men, projecting that low vibration back to her.
And yet, improvement is on the horizon. So long as one persists in their focus, their desire to improve their vibration, that will happen. Then the world must reflect that improved vibration back to her in the form an improving life experience.
In the meantime, this client already has created enough evidence on other subjects proving the Positively Focused Way works. So she’s going to persist. Which means she’s eventually going to get everything she desires. Including a satisfying relationship.
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sanini-panini · 1 year
OKAY LAST ONE I THINK but. friends off tumblr threw questions at me from this oc ask game and i'm cross posting here for funsies (part 5). this one is also for all nineteen guys, but it's a lot easier because i have a chart of these since it's relevant to the soul hunt arc of karai's chosen.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
jinal - i talked about this already here! the tldr is "you're keeping the others here, condemning them to hell along with you."
haku - "you're just like the necromancer." when the necromancer told haku about his plan to reset the universe, haku immediately rejected it--but a small part of them understood the reasoning. they hate that part of them with a passion. now luckily, peter says this exact thing to haku in canon, as ill-advised as this sounds. peter actually beautifully dissects haku's thought process, so i'll let him do the talking:
“Ten years ago, you violated your own rules, though, didn’t you?” Peter said slyly, circling the soul splinter like a snake surrounding its prey. “You sacrificed ten innocent mortal lives to save your family from prison. You changed your definition of an acceptable sacrifice, and that still scares you, because now that the line has been crossed, you’re afraid you’ll keep going in that direction until you become exactly the villain you’re fighting against. After all, that’s exactly how The Necromancer was born.”
minerva - "you are a self-centered leech." which is basically what jinal said to her right before killing her for the first time.
ven - "you have not lived up to the opportunities they gave you." related, of course, to the fact that ven was raised by minerva, jinal, and kai, and she cannot help but feel like she has let them down. (she has not) (she really has not)
kai - generally speaking, the ticket here is the insult mateen used to break kai right before killing him: "promises are cheap, kai, especially coming from you." currently in canon, however, you could probably say something like "jinal and ven are dying slowly and you're doing nothing to save them" and that would work just fine!
mateen - "after all these years, you haven't learned a thing. you still become a monster at the slightest hint of danger to the people you care about." if you want bonus points, you could mention skye.
ridwan - "the people you hold dear are precious gems, better than you'll ever be, and your presence only detracts from their worth." speaking, of course, about felix, jinal, and silpa.
silpa - "you've worked so hard to prevent something horrible from happening, and it's not enough. it will never be enough. it's all pointless in the end." no one had to tell silpa this directly. by the end of the fifty year imprisonment, she already knew it to be true.
felix - "you're dragging them down with your incompetence." the day felix learned that mateen was only doing yaran's bidding to keep felix safe was the day felix picked up this insecurity. it's never left him.
ilia - "you're just like the Ennead." the Ennead screwed over every main character in the cast by saddling them with illegal powers against their will and ilia doesn't really want to be like that. she doesn't want to be a god--but auster forces her to reconsider.
morgan - "you'll never make anything of yourself. you're trapped, and you'll never escape your father's grasp." she already thinks this on her own, but killing that last little bit of hope in her would crush her.
peter - talked about this here! the tldr is "your death will achieve little, and those left behind will mourn."
juli - "you're a weakling, and if you can't let go of your silly little fears, you'll die in the dirt, forgotten and unloved." i haven't touched on this a whole lot, but juli is afraid of dying... and they think this is a bad thing, bc when you're a footsoldier, it kind of is a bad thing.
lian - ooookay not to be on the nose about this but i think the answer to this is identical to their patron's. oops. "you have not lived up to the opportunities they gave you," in reference to the parents who adopted them out to keep them safe.
joshua - "you're a monster, joshua tenine." next question.
rae - "they should've survived instead of you." referencing the fact that rae and his parents all drowned in the same car, but rae survived because he was chosen by a god, so to speak. haku kept rae alive until help arrived, and rae constantly questions why it was him.
karyme - "you were gifted powers, and yet you haven't lived up to them. you are still useless to those around you." this is probably a normal insecurity to have when you are the only person on the team who both cannot use a weapon and does not have a combat power.
dani - "you will inevitably turn into your mother. it is impossible for you to become anything other than what you were raised to be." i am keeping this vague because i have yet to mention in canon what, specifically, dani was raised to be.
auster - "you're just a liability, helpless to protect those you care about." no one told auster this outright, but he definitely got the message loud and clear over the course of karai's chosen and it has caused him to take some. questionable risks. it's fine.
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volleychumps · 3 years
« Insecure S/O Reacting to a Confession 2
part 1 here 
format: scenarios
genre: fluff
- includes: Iwaizumi, Tendou, and Matsukawa
Iwaizumi Hajime
The sun wasn’t helping his flared cheeks in any way. 
“Stop interfering.” 
“Stop stalling then.” Oikawa grins, rubbing his best friend’s shoulders as if he were about to enter a boxing ring. The dark haired ace rubs his eyes in irritation with one hand, ignoring the flare against his cheeks as Iwaizumi attempts to shake his childhood friend off. The sight of you kneeled down in the school garden, hair pinned back away from your face as you tended to the flowers, made the heat surge through Iwa’s cheeks even more. 
“I’m not.” 
“Really? Because every day you approach her creepily from some distance, and then disappear. C’mooon, I already owe Hiro like fifteen bucks-” 
“You’re betting on this, shithead?”
“Nope.” The answer comes out a little too quickly as Oikawa dodges a second swat. “She’s so pretty I might have to approach her myself-” 
“Not another word.” Iwa grits out, Oikawa slightly smirking at the tick in his jaw and the way his onyx eyes harden. “I just...don’t wanna mess this up.” 
“There’s nothing to mess up until you confess. Ah, young love.” Oikawa sighs dreamily, Iwaizumi ignoring his dramatic friend’s swoon before making a decision. Today was the day. 
You wipe sweat from your forehead, attempting to ignore the beating sun down on your face as you tried to hurry the process a long, ensuring the flowers were getting just enough water. The touch of an icy can of tea against your cheek startles you, almost making you drop the watering pot before you hold a hand up against the bright sun rays, tilting your head in confusion at the broad-shouldered man in front of you. 
“Iwaizumi?” You smile in greeting as Iwaizumi shuffles his feet, breath catching in his throat at the sight. He was so screwed. 
You laugh a bit awkwardly, the cold touch of the can beginning to numb. “Um, is this for me?” 
“Yes.” He curses himself at how stern it comes out, but you gently take the can from his grasp, nodding in thanks. “I-I know you like this one.” 
“You do?” 
“No.” He didn’t want to sound creepy, yet somehow made it worse. 
Iwaizumi was ready to kick himself. He was hoping you would understand, the day you shyly maneuvered your way through Oikawa’s fanclub to get to him to offer him an ice cold drink was the reason he became so infatuated in the first place. 
“Well, thanks for the tea-” 
“I like you.” 
This time, you do drop the watering pot, eyes widening like a deer caught in the headlights as Iwa’s heart sinks at your reaction. 
“I get it, alright?” You mumble, sadness swimming in your stomach as Iwaizumi fought the need to dart off. “You’re the handsome volleyball ace all the girls want, and they put you up to ask me out as a joke again. It’s getting old.” 
Iwaizumi sighs, knowing that the other girls preyed on you for your beauty and soft heart, finding ways to hurt you in the most immature ways possible. 
“Oi.” His heart tightens at the look of sorrow on your face, making him click his tongue before reaching a hand out before he can stop himself, smudging his thumb along the streak of dirt on your cheek. You look up at him in a doe-like manner, and your wet eyes are enough to make the ace want to hurt anyone who ever made you feel this way. 
“I’m not kidding.” 
“Hajime.” He cuts you off, hiding a smirk when he feels the heat rush to your cheeks. “You can call me Hajime. Only you.” 
“Hajime.” you try it out, clapping your hand over your mouth once in shyness as Iwaizumi smiles a genuine grin, elated when you shy away into his touch. 
“Then...please take care of me.” You manage, condensation running down to your other hand holding the can as Iwaizumi slips it out of your grasp, taking a heavy sip of it before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“I finished this one. Can I take you to a cafe?” 
“I’d love that.” You slip your gardening gloves off, Iwa slipping his hand into yours casually as you trail behind him, smiling when his grip tightens ever so slightly.
Surprisingly, the sun suddenly didn’t feel too hot today. 
Tendou Satori
“Today’s the day fellas!” 
“Oh, is it?” Shirabu mocks his surprise. “It’s not like you put ‘ask y/n’ out in huge block letters on our team calendar or anything.” 
“Bingo!” Tendou points finger guns at his teammate as Semi shrugs at a disgruntled Shirabu. “I’m about to get myself a Miss Tendou Satori-” 
“That’s not how that works-” 
“Hush, Ushijima. Your logic won’t ruin my day today.” Tendou bounces on the balls of his feet, waiting for practice to let out as he tugs his last shoe on, his other teammates still in the process of changing. 
“Is she waiting for you?” Semi tugs his shirt overhead as Tendou hums happily in answer, Shirabu snarkily making a remark from the other side of the locker room. 
“She’s out of your league.” 
“I know she is! Which is why I’m going to treat her like the queen she is, since I myself am but a lowly peasant beneath her-” Tendou perks up at the time. “Gotta go, I’ll text you the outcome boys.” 
“Please don’t.”
“Tendou-senpai-” But the redhead had already darted through the door as Ushijima glances at his worried kouhai, tilting his head in question. 
“What, Goshiki?” 
“Isn’t Y/N L/N the one who had that mean prank pulled on her last year?”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you rocked on the balls of your feet, fidgeting with the ends of your skirt as you wait for the rambunctious redhead on the volleyball team. No way a cute guy like him was actually- 
“Did I make ya wait long?” A pair of sneakers appear in your view, making you lift your head as Tendou Satori casts you a wide grin, school shoes hanging in his other hand. You tilt your head, wondering if he rushed here.
“Did you need something from me, senpai?” You blink, swinging your legs lightly on the bench you were sitting on, fearing the worst. Tendou clears his throat, suddenly feeling the nervousness he had been outrunning catch up to him. He can’t mess this up. Ever since you had adorably asked him to reach something for you at the snack shop for the school, he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind. He made sure to wait around during the same time during lunch hour, your usual snack already in hand and plucked off the highest shelf. 
“Go out with me.” 
You flinch. There it was. 
His smile fades slowly with every beat of silence that soaks in the atmosphere between the two of you, and you swallow back a sob. 
“How much are they giving you to do this?” 
Tendou’s shoes hit the floor, his eyes blinking rapidly in confusion as you refuse to meet his questioning gaze. 
“I um, can help you if you want. Go out with you for a few days so they really believe-” 
“Hey, hey!” Tendou’s arms begin to flail around as he shakes his head no. “I mean it Y/N, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. I really wanna date you for real-” 
“You do?” 
Tendou’s chest felt heavier at the crack in your voice and insecurity swirling in your eyes, and he nods his head, kneeling in front of you carefully before asking to take your hands with his eyes. 
“I 100% do. You can strip me of my honor if I’m lying.” 
This makes you crack a smile, making Tendou breathe out a sigh of relief through his nose. He thumps his forehead against yours, making your eyes glint in a way they haven’t in awhile.
“Can this lowly senpai please take you out on a date this weekend?” 
“No, my lowly senpai cannot.” You say, turning your palms over so he can hold them properly. Tendou quirks an eyebrow, but he’s slightly smirking as you offer a shy smile. 
“But my boyfriend can.” 
Matsukawa Issei
“You’re staring again, ya creep.” 
“I think the term you’re looking for is skillful admiring-” 
“Just ask her out.” Hanamaki yawns, getting comfy on his best friend’s desk as Matsukawa leans into his palm, eyeing the way you pout when your friends steal your snacks. So cute. “What’s the worst she’s gonna do, say no?” 
“Yes.” Matsukawa sighs, hanging his head slightly as Hanamaki arches a brow, crossing his arms in pure amusement. 
“Wow, Matsukawa Issei hung up over a girl?” 
“Who the hell is hung up-” 
Hanamaki arches a brow when his friend visibly tenses up, looking over only to smirk when he sees another boy in class shyly offer up his pocky to you, you gladly accepting and smiling widely in thanks. Issei rests his head on the desk, stubbornly looking out the window as Hanamaki withholds a laugh over the hold you have over your classmate. 
“Oh just ask her out.” Hanamaki uncaps his drink. “You’re so into her dude, it’s making me sick.” 
Issei shifts in his seat. Maybe his adoration for you wouldn’t have begun if it hadn’t been for the way your much shorter legs pumped to catch up to his figure, who had pretty much reached his home.
“Matsukawa-san!” You had gasped for breath, the messy-haired boy guiltily slipping his headphones off at how tired you seemed. Before he could profusely apologize, you shoved his notes in his hand, bright hue to his cheeks at the act of kindness. 
“Um, you left this in the library!” you manage out, Matsukawa seeming to freeze in the moment. “I added some notes in there, I hope you don’t mind. It seemed kinda empty-” 
“You wrote notes for me?” He finds his voice again, cursing himself at that being the first thing that came out. 
“I was bored during free time anyways.” You scratched the back of your head before turning on your heel again. “Anyways, bye!”
And then you darted off again as Matsukawa Issei stayed still in his spot, wondering just why the hell his heart was beating at the pace it was going, colorful notes hanging from his grasp. 
“I’m gonna do it.” Hanamaki almost falls off the desk at Matsukawa’s revelation and the way he suddenly stood up. “I could kiss you right now, Makki.” 
“I’m praying to god, please don’t.” 
You lean against the shoe lockers, humming to yourself as you wonder just what your classmate would need from you, figuring he wanted to properly thank you for the notes. You would accept it and go, knowing that Matsukawa Issei was favored among the girls- 
“You’re here.” 
“This.” You smile softly, holding up a folded note between your fingers as Matsukawa shoves his hand in his slack pockets, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “This made it hard for me not to be, you know?” 
You eye him carefully, stomach sinking at the familiar situation in front of you. 
“You might have already guessed,” Issei breathes, trying to steady the pounding in his ears. “Or Makki might have already told you because he’s a shithead like that-” 
You tilt your head.
“-but I’ve got this killer crush on you. And if you could help me out, I would thoroughly appreciate it.” It comes out business-like, and you almost laugh if it hadn’t been for the weight in your throat. 
“Help you out how?” He doesn’t notice the crack in your voice as he pulls his sleeves up to his forearms, swallowing tightly. 
“I think a date would begin to ease the pain.” 
You really do laugh this time, but it’s not the kind of laugh of amusement. It’s forced, awkward, and makes Issei falter in his smile and movements. 
“Do they ever get bored?” 
All playfulness drains from the middle blocker’s face as his tone hardens. “What are you talking about?” 
“Sure, get the hot guy from the volleyball team to try and ask Y/N out, are you getting it on video?” 
“I’ve gotta go.” you try to step away, eyes widening when he stops you with his much bigger frame. His lidded eyes widen at the tears prodding the corner of your eyes, carefully lifting a hand to swipe at them before looking at you seriously.
“You think I’m hot?” 
You can’t withhold the giggle that escpaes you, sniffling slightly as Matsukawa smiles gently, wrapping his arm around you to touch the small of your back. You yelp a little when you find yourself crushed against his chest, your upper back touching the lockers. 
“I don’t know what the hell happened to you in the past, but-” you look up at the handsome tall boy you had hand-written notes for, hoping your crush on him wasn’t too noticeable. “I can tell you right now that you’re really fuckin’ pretty, and I want to brag to my friends about how hot my girlfriend is-”
“Do you ever stop talking?” You cup his cheek in question as his grin widens. 
“Make me your boyfriend and I’ll show you.” He winks, and you raise both eyebrows in amusement before practically speaking against his lips. 
“I think we can arrange that.” 
General Taglist: @ebiharachan @purplefangirl2001 @ssuna @saffyspirals @baes-x @nabisonyeo94 @celestialuffy @uh-what-day-is-it-again @genesisrose74 @takemetovalhalla @thathoneybee3 @animebae100 @jesssobs @tsukkikeiibabe
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thenightling · 2 years
For those who were confused by The Sandman: A Game of you
I recently found out some people got confused by the storyline of A Game of you so I’ll write it out, simplified here. 
Barbie is the character who had been ironically married to a guy named Ken in The Doll's House. She’s divorced from him now.  Now she's living in a boarding house with a lesbian couple (Hazel and Foxglove AKA Donna), Larissa AKA Thessaly (secretly an immortal witch), and Wanda (a trans woman).
Barbie used to have a fantasy world she'd escape to called "The Land."  It's a bit like Wonderland, or Oz or The Labyrinth from Jim Henson's The Labyrinth if you're familiar with any of those. A "villain" named The Cuckoo has taken over this fantasy land.   One of Barbie’s friends from The Land, Martin Tenbones (A large, furry creature), comes to The Waking World to try to find Barbie. He hasn’t seen her in a long time and he wants to deliver her the Porpentine (actually the rose quartz dreamstone).  This jewel allows the wearer to control The Land, much like how Morpheus controls the majority of The Dreaming.
*This part is only revealed in The Sandman: Overture.  A long, long time ago Some Old Gods tried to take over The Dreaming and chained Morpheus in his own dungeon.  Morpheus called out to each of his siblings one at a time for help.  One by one they refused as they were much prouder and meaner back then. Delight was in the middle of “changing” into Delirium so she couldn’t help.  Finally Morpheus was forced to call on Desire who sent him a lover, Alianora.  Alianora had helped free Morpheus and kill The Old Ones.  From their bones Morpheus made his helm.  Over time Morpheus and Alianora fell out of love and Alianora had no where else to go so Morpheus gave her a skerry (a small island) out in the distant part of The Dreaming.  He also gave her the rose quartz dreamstone so she could govern it.*
Now it’s many centuries later and lots of women have used this Skerry as their fantasy land.       Martin Tenbones unfortunately gets killed just as he finds Barbie. 
George (who also lived in the same building as Barbie, Hazel and Donna AKA Foxglove, Larissa AKA Thessaly, and Wanda) turns out to be a minion of the cuckoo and is not quite human anymore (if he ever truly was).  He sends terrible nightmares to all of the women to prey on their insecurities. For Hazel it’s because she’s pregnant from a one night stand and she doesn’t know how to tell Foxglove (Donna).  For Wanda the dream is about being forced to surgically transition because she’s not being accepted as a woman (the audio drama changes it to just fear of surgery, period).  
Barbie is in some sort of coma.  
Thessaly (being secretly a two-thousand-year-old witch) figures out that George isn’t what he seems and that he is causing their nightmares.  So she kills him, cuts off his face and nails it to the wall... as you do...   She then calls his soul back to the face to force him to tell them who he’s working for and why.
 The group decide to rescue Barbie and use forbidden magick to open a way to physically enter The Dreaming- something you’re not supposed to be able to do.  In the original comic Thessaly claimed the Goddess of the moon would not accept Wanda because she’s not a “Real” woman.  Some readers mistook this as fact, that it was Neil saying Wanda isn’t a real woman. In reality this was just Thessaly being what we’d today call a TERF. Remember, she’s really a very old woman and a bit of a bitch.  
The thing about the moon not accepting Wanda is NOT in The Sandman audio drama at all.  In that version Wanda stays behind to watch Barbie because someone needs to guard her. Foxglove finds out about Hazel's pregnancy and the two decide to raise the baby together.
 After Hazel, Foxglove, and Thessaly enter The Dreaming, a terrible storm hits the boarding house where they lived. Wanda sees a homeless woman who is mentally unwell (she has a serious fear of dogs) and who had previously been rude to Wanda.  But Wanda rescues her from the storm anyway and dies trying to save her. 
Meanwhile in The Land The Cuckoo wants to make Barbie destroy the porpentine (dreamstone) because The Cuckoo accidentally got trapped in Baribe’s fantasy world as her villain.  She (the Cuckoo) cannot leave it until the stone is destroyed.  The Cuckoo spends most of the story in the form of Barbie as a little girl.   It should be noted that the characters in The Land refer to their God as "Murphy." This, of course, is actually Morpheus, but over several thousand years his name got distorted in The Land / The Skerry (island).
One of Barbie’s anthropomorphic muppet-like animal friends (a bird creature) betrays her other animal friends and even pretends to be the Cuckoo to slow down Barbie’s friends. The bird was in The Cuckoo’s thrall. Thessaly kills the bird.  
Barbie does, indeed, destroy the dreamstone while under the influence of The Cuckoo.  This gets Morpheus’s attention.  Morpheus arrives and draws all the characters and settings of The Land back into himself and (though Thessaly REALLY wanted to kill the Cuckoo for what she did) Morpheus tells Thessaly to let her go.  The Cuckoo takes off and flies away.
While uncreating The Land Morpheus meets up with Alianora and they have a friendly conversation.  She may or may not be a ghost, it’s hard to tell.  But he clearly still has some feelings for her and calls her ”Old Love.”
Morpheus scolds Barbie’s human friends for entering The Dreaming unnaturally (physically) and implies he’ll leave them there forever but at the same time he tells Barbie that he owes her a boon. He is pretty much heavily hinting that she should use the boon to save her friends, which, of course she does. 
One by one everyone wakes up / returns to The Waking World however behind the scenes Morpheus and Thessaly become lovers.
Barbie attends Wanda’s funeral where Wanda’s bigot family misgender her and deadname her the whole time, including on her tombstone and sadly this still happens with a lot of trans kids.  Barbie places a Weirdso comic on Wanda’s grave.  Weirdso (a stand-in for Bizzaro) was Wanda’s favorite character.  She also writes Wanda’s true name on the headstone in her favorite lipstick.
While dreaming Barbie is visited by Death and Wanda. Wanda is in a pretty dress and finally has the feminine features she always wanted, proving she was always and truly is a woman all along and that the bigots have always been wrong.  
And that’s pretty much it.     
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
please hear me out , student council president bully!armin x hot goth girl!reader?
Thank you for your request! This prompt made me really thirsty hehehe, but I hope you didn’t have to wait too long. I’ve been getting quite a few goth girl requests, so to all the goth girls who have found my blog, WELCOME!
Warnings: bullying, harassment, mentions of depressive topics, noncon, and then some sexy stuff bc i know yall are horn - ee. Also, sorry this isn’t proofread :(
Fem!Reader, FemBodied!Reader
Minors DNI!
How many times have you been in this position? Submissive under Armin Arlert’s malicious smirk and feeling measly under the bouts of laughter and mockery from your insolent classmates who encourage his harsh words?
How many times have you found yourself running to your dorm after class, crying, loathing the fact that you were different, feeling insufficient because you have never been graciously accepted by others, becoming disgusted with yourself as a failure as your insecurities painfully spill past your eyelids.
How many times have you found yourself hopeless? Hopeless because no matter how many times you go to teachers and counselors for help, they dismiss you with a cackle. “Armin Arlert? The student council president? He is such a gentleman - so responsible and well-mannered. He would never do those things.” Hopeless because of course no one would ever believe the girl who is quiet, strange, and unconventionally a freak who wears nothing but black clothes with edgy designs, chains, and tall boots that match the intimidating aura of your black nails and many piercings. Hopeless because even though you hate the humiliation, hate the demeaning of your very existence, hate Armin Arlert, you can’t deny that you have pathetically fallen like a beggar for his degradation.
Too many times have you found yourself crumbling under the merciless grip of Armin, being thrown around like a puppet to appease his twisted fantasies and inflated ego, his handsome face creepily contorting with a grin each time his cruel insults are aimed at your weak self. Though, soon enough, the school year will end as you are pushed into the warmth of summer, and then you will make your escape from his abominable cage - your escape from the monster that hides behind the intelligent man with the expensive blazers and sweater vests, seemingly gentle smile, and clean face - the monster that hides behind the beautiful, horrible student council president, Armin Arlert.
On the precipice of escape, the last day of classes before your final exams - that were supposed to be easy and meant for reviewing material - became total hell as you were summoned to the student council office for some ‘unprecedented reason’ or at least that’s what your professor told you.
The walk to the office was a petrifying one. Never before have your boots felt heavy and your knees weak with your heart pounding out of your ears, scared that out of the eight people in the student council you would be faced with the one-and-only Armin Arlert and his mischief.
As soon as you entered the office, you were met with the pain of a shockingly cold, hard floor. Your left thumb nail and pinky broken, your black fishnet stockings torn, and your black eyeliner trailing down your face in waves due to the impact. Armin was waiting behind the door and barbarically pushed you onto the floor right as you entered the room. Upon his sinister eyes, you were so pitifully sprawled in front of him in a confused, fearful haze - such a wonderful sight to see your dark makeup smeared, cheeks red, bruises forming on your knees where your fishnets tore, and the chain bracelet you wore on your frail wrist broken and lying on the floor.
Upon your confusion and fright, Armin quickly steps over your feeble figure as a way of keeping you in place, like a predator fatally cornering his prey. He crouches down on top of you, getting close to your face, his minty breath hitting you in warm swells as his clean-scented cologne invades your nose. In the worse possible position, lying so vulnerable under the man who has tormented you at school all year, you hate to admit how irresistible he actually is - his mesmerizing blue eyes pulling you in like the tides, his beautifully groomed hair contrasting with his menacing smile, his muscles tightening up in his dark blue blazer. How disgusted you are with yourself that just for a second you were willing to take all of his degradation if it meant you got to lay your eyes upon his being.
Armin, feasting upon your beautiful figure, was tearing you apart in his mind. Unbeknownst to you, your dark clothes complimented your skin beautifully, the gruesome designs on your shirts appealingly contrasting with the rare sight of your soft, kind smile, and the black makeup you always wore was never with a fault as it was done perfectly, your black nails leaving Armin with vulgar thoughts about how they would look leaving scratch marks on his back as he roughly fucks you into subspace, what your black and blood-red skirts paired with fishnet stockings would look like while he sneakily tears into you in a public place. How his hand would look around your neck in place of your black chokers. All Armin needed was some hot goth bitch who he could selfishly abuse and degrade while looking cute in her chain necklaces and fitted black tops, and all year had he fantasized about this moment - taking in the sight of your pity allowing the stress from council responsibilities - like speeches and useless complaints from students - to simply just disappear.
“Finally have you all to myself, huh?” he groans, hurriedly taking off his blazer, and unbuttoning his dress shirt, disheveling his collar in the process. Looking around at the empty desks and chairs, you noticed that you two were in fact the only ones in the office and that Armin had slyly locked the door after pushing you to the floor. Your head was burning, and your heart suddenly picked up its pace as you saw Armin begin to unbuckle his belt and fiddle with his zipper.
“W-what are you doing?” you worriedly exclaimed as you moved your messy hair out of your face and scrambled to hold down your skirt.
Armin paused, his grin eerily wide and the glint in his eyes made of pure malice. “Something I should have done a long time ago.”
He, on top of your timid body, shoved his girthy cock into your mouth, his red tip teasingly poking at the back of your throat as tears assault your eye makeup and your face reddens with embarrassment. Armin pulls your hair and forces your wet mouth off of his aching cock, admiring the sight of your wide eyes and blotches of black lipstick painting his thick shaft. He rubs your cheek with his thumb. “Such a pretty goth bitch,” he coos, nearly laughing at the fact his weak, long-time victim was finally exposed below him.
You were stunned, completely numb, so shocked because the man who was always so vile to you was losing himself every time your reluctant tongue slipped past his sensitive tip. So shocked that you couldn’t do anything but comply when he told you to take him deeper.
Armin, with such eagerness, forced your sloppy mouth off of him - after gagging you for what seemed like forever - and sat down on the floor, leaning against the locked door, and firmly grabbing your wrist as a beckon to straddle his lap. Sitting upon his muscular thighs, you begin to realize just how ruined you are, wanting with every inch of your heart to run away from the person who has caused you so much distress yet feeling such a heavy desperation in your throbbing cunt as you gaze upon Armin’s gorgeous figure, his collared shirt slightly unbuttoned and wrinkled, warm red blush thrashed upon his face in contrast with cool blue eyes.
In the midst of it all, you can’t recall how quickly he jerked you onto his lap, rudely pulled your panties to the side, and forcefully thrusted his cock into your messy cunt. Though taking you by an uncomfortable surprise, you hate - hate - to admit how good it felt riding the student council president, Armin Arlert’s, cock, hate to admit how the mixture of abusive slander and your bully’s member inside you made your body shiver with euphoria.
Choose your ending: 1 2
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