asterlocke · 19 days
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"What a woman!"
Fanart for @merumisu their character Galiphae Cessard!
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asterlocke · 26 days
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merry butch4butch yurimas (terfs don’t touch my post)
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asterlocke · 26 days
hey arch :) i'm sobbing now :)))) you'll hear from my therapist /j
for all you Zelda fans
Sloan, your Wayfinder mentor was described as a "whirlwind" by most other people who met them. The first day you met them, they nudged your walls softly, asking more and more questions and sitting closer and closer to you every day, they had finally torn down your metaphorical walls of Constantinople.
Day by day, you got more and more comfortable with them. One day, you brought your switch to work and you played together on your lunch break. Somehow they'd never touched the Zelda franchise before.
"What the fuck just killed me??" They place the joycons down and huff, blowing one of their bangs up. You smile and take their hand in yours. You swear their cheeks darken just a bit, but you keep going.
"A boss bokoblin patrols this area. Don't worry," You grab the controllers and raise it to the ceiling, striking a pose reminiscent of Reinhardt's as you proclaim, in the most fake-regal voice possible: "I, Knight of Hyrule will vanquish this foul beast for my beloved Monarch!"
If their face wasn't red, it sure was now because they sputter out an agreement and watch as you take care of the boss bokobolin, with only a flimsy bow and travelers sword, as well as 3 total hearts.
After it was slain, Sloan jumped up from the break room sofa and scooped you up in their arms, spinning.
"Youre— that was amazing! How did you—?" Their sentence was ended by a soft kiss on their lips, plush and soft.
"Oh. Can you do that again?"
Your Zelda dates were the highlight of your day. Spending time with Sloan was always fun, and especially kissing them while their sturdy arms held you was almost divine, but all good things had to come to an end.
Your apprenticeship was ending soon, and you had to go back to university to finish your education. You had both promised in between kisses that you'd keep in touch, and "we'll meet again, mi tesoro." They sealed that particular promise with a kiss to your collarbone in their apartment, decorated with hundreds of geodes and artifacts and marble.
Your eyes lingered on a golden piece of rock for a second before going back to loving kisses and roaming hands. You'd tell Sloan about it later...
"Oh, that? It's fools gold. Worthless, not even a precious metal— but it is very pretty." The golden flecks and brownish tint went so well together... just like Sloan's eyes.
"I do have an eye for pretty things," You said.
"That you do, tesoro." They kissed your forehead and gave you the small geode.
"Keep it safe for me, okay?"
They saw you off as you climbed in the taxi. You already missed their warm brown eyes, and you texted them a Zelda meme you thought they would enjoy.
They responded quickly with a heart emoji and a cute picture of both of you cuddling, together on the small break room couch.
Your heart already ached, but you remained sure in them. Nothing could come between both of you, not even distance. You clutched the fools gold in your pocket as the airport came into view.
It'd been a week back home. No amount of calling or Zelda memes would make Sloan respond. You felt like Link, having his life sucked out of him every passing second,  Ganon leaving him defenseless.
You couldn't bear to even touch your switch anymore. You removed that cute picture of you together off of your lock screen after your calls went straight to voicemail after the second day back home.
Maybe, you'll stop feeling like gloom sucked all the life out of you.
The tears came rolling down your cheeks, as you defiantly opened your school laptop, and got to work writing a report about your time on site.
Maybe, just maybe, you'd forget about them like they forgot about you.
Eventually, they wouldn't be the first thing you thought about in the morning and the last thing when you sleep.
The fools gold is on your desk, one year later.
You couldn't bear to throw away such a pretty thing.
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asterlocke · 27 days
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Latest sketch of my oc Toni! Missed drawing her ngl, but be careful! She will bite you :3
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asterlocke · 27 days
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oh venture the person you are.
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asterlocke · 27 days
Don’t let me near Sloan Cameron, it’s genuinely unsafe.
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asterlocke · 29 days
This is the skin they’re dropping, trust 🙏
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asterlocke · 29 days
Awaking in a sarcophagus with a pounding headache was not the best way to start your day. But you felt another person's body heat, shifting slowly and their breathing getting faster and faster.
"Oh— oh gods, where am I? Hello? Is that you, Y/N?" They feel around the small space for you and a large calloused hand finds its place on your chest. If you weren't awake before, you sure were now.
Your eyes start slowly adjusting, and a Sloan-shaped shadow started muttering softly. "Is this a dream? It's gotta be, right?" They exhale with a laugh. "Just my luck, I'd gladly share a tomb with you if it really came down to it." They held your face in their hands, admiring what they believed was a figment of their imagination before gracing you with a kiss on your forehead.
"Sloan? This isn't a dream? We're both awake?"
The Wayfinders located the tomb easily, and freed you both in under 15 minutes because Sloan couldn't stop apologizing for their actions.
Sloan had that exact same dream again. They turned in their cot as they attempted to fall back asleep, their words haunting them again and again.
"I'd gladly share a tomb with you!"
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asterlocke · 1 month
Slight nsfw
Your phone lightly ding-ed as the screen lit up with a text from a burner phone number, a number you'd been texting almost non-stop these past 6 months.
The person on the other end, known only by their username "Venture." They sent you pictures from the exotic places they went to, profiting from being a globetrotter. But they'd taken a liking to you, after subscribing to their private service. They send pictures of themselves lying in various hotel beds in stages of undress.
You unlocked your phone and admired their hotel room first— a view of Paris at night, lit up with beautiful lights and a picture perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. Their hair slightly mussed up, and the slight squint of their eyes as they took the selfie told you that the wind was blowing into their face, a thought that made you chuckle.
But what you really wanted to see was just one swipe away. Venture laid bare, covered only by their hotel bed sheets. They lay down as the moonlight contrasted their face. A shy smirk on their face as a hand pointed to a heart on their left pec, surrounded by eagles, jackals, wolves, hieroglyphics and more.
Your heart felt like it stopped just when you saw the picture. You almost dropped your phone when you read the caption.
"Wish you were here, Y/N."
They hadn't sent a personal caption like that before— it put you off guard massively.
But you retaliated with a flirty retort, after you were done saving both pictures to your growing collection.
A picture of the Eiffel Tower and a thumbs up in the corner. "Your wish might just be granted."
After you sent your photo, Venture left you on sent. Giving up on flirting back for tonight, you fall asleep, that image floating in your mind all night.
You woke up to warm skin on you and plush lips kissing your collarbone softly.
"G'morning, sleepyhead." Venture looked up at you through their mussed up bangs, and your heart leaps as you realize what's happening.
"You— you're..." you stammer out as you move to push the hair out of their beautifully brown eyes. They sound exactly how you imagined
"I'm here! Like whatcha see?" They shift to show you more of their tattoos that extend around their torso and onto their back, every one exhilarates you.
You trace a treasure map starting from their right shoulder blade to the base of their tailbone "yeah... I do." You press a kiss to their cheek and they flush beautifully. You've wanted to do that forever.
Just as they lean in to return you the favor, morning sun of Paris streaming through the window, you close your eyes in anticipation. And then... you shoot up in a cold sweat, hand slapping your cheek, still feeling the warmth of the sunlight.
You look to your left, and the Eiffel Tower is barely visible. Unlike Venture's room, your hotel is built for functionality and not luxury.
You sigh as you prepared for the day, picking out your clothes.
Just as you decided on a pair of pants, your phone dinged again.
Sloan put away their phone as they imagined what they could have done— would have done if they were with you instead of holed up in the hotel last night.
They imagine hot and heavy hands, exploring every nook and cranny as is their nature...
They take a bite of their free breakfast pastry to calm themselves and sigh.
"Soon, Sloan..."
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asterlocke · 1 month
Sloan took you on a ride, a chance to get away from the desk work you both were stuck on. As they opened your passenger door, they grinned widely. "Please keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, my liege." They bow and speak in a exaggerated accent, chipped tooth on full display.
"I shall, my monarch!" You giggle as you bow ever lower, in a somehow even more exaggerated posh accent.
They were dressed to the nines in a tuxedo and pink tutu, (they claimed they had to attend a bachelor party after this) they slid smoothly into the driver's seat of the McLaren, fuzzy dice on the rear view mirror moving around as they turned on the ignition. The engine roared and the opening notes to a song played as the bass shook your chest.
"You got the food?" They yell over the music and the wind whipping through the car as they ripped through the mountain roads. You nod, your eyes never leaving them as the bass and the more-than-platonic feelings in your chest mix delightfully.
"And every time you come around, I feel like glitter-!"
Sloan felt the big smile on their face as they glanced at you, switching between the beautiful sunset of deep oranges and yellows and reds and staring at them.
"Because— you light my firework, I feel like glitter!"
You made it to your destination as the North Star appeared in the sky. A picnic blanket was laid out, and you and Sloan laid there, stomachs full and looking up at the light pollution free sky.
Sloan's arm inched closer to your torso. They thought about grabbing your waist in their head, and just as they were about to retract it, your hand shot out and grabbed their calloused one.
Without moving your eyes an inch, you lead their hand around your torso, snuggling into them like they were the warmest thing in a lonely winter storm.
"There was no bachelor party, was there?" You mused, teasingly as you toyed with the frilly tutu.
Sloan holds your hand messing with their tutu still and kisses it softly, with chapped lips. "Nope."
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asterlocke · 1 month
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baby bill!!!!!!
get baby bill sticker here
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asterlocke · 1 month
Can we just collectively adopt Venture as an OC so they get treated better than they currently are???
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asterlocke · 1 month
forgot to post this here !
i started a Ko-Fi ! Comms are now open for anyone interested !
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asterlocke · 1 month
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I uh..forgot to post this- but fanart of @tadaoren ‘s oc Bones :3 the crew lives on
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asterlocke · 2 months
Idea by @ardentlyadimiring
Stepping off of the starship, your body feels sluggish and slow, still adjusting to Earth's gravity instead of the Moon's but nothing compares to the rush of fresh Earth air that ruffles your hair.
"Y/N! Welcome back to Gibraltar!" A purple haired woman waves you over, and you walk over to her as she.. floats?
"My name is Juno," she introduces herself politely, "I came here from the Mars colony 6 months ago! I understand you left a year ago? How was it up there...?"
You and Juno speak about the jobs you did, reworking and repairing the Horizon Lunar Colony, and Juno talks about life on Mars.
You find a friend in Juno as she leads you through a revamped version of Gibraltar, greeting Winston and Ana and Reinhardt, but the one person you didn't know if you wanted to see appeared.
Their back was turned, working on studying a Persian statue, but you'd recognize your old favorite tank top anywhere. Their tattoos on full display, and your mouth went dry. But Juno spoke up...
"Meteor! We have our visitor!" Their shoulders tightened for a second but loosened as they turned to Juno, who was gliding over to engulf them in a hug.
"Hey, lovebug!" Their hands ruffled Juno's softly. They used to call you that name.
Juno placed a soft kiss to Sloan's cheek and your (friend? Ex?) coworker displayed a huge chipped tooth grin.
Now Juno turned to you. "This is Y/N, from the Lunar Colony! Have you met them before? I know you joined Overwatch after they went to the moon?" Juno looked at Sloan, questioning.
Sloans eyes, dark brown as they were staring holes through you.
"No, I don't believe I do."
The Wayfinders tent was big, but it felt suffocatingly small as you and Sloan argued for what felt like the thousandth time.
"Look, I'm sorry I'm leaving like this. It's just too good of an opportunity to pass up," you threw your clothes in a bag as Sloan yelled.
"You could have told me before, and, y'know, communicated? God, this is just like you." They accused.
The suitcase shut closed with a slam. Sloan was wearing your favorite tank top. You didn't care enough to ask for it back.
"Horizon asked me very last minute, it's not my fault I was chosen!" You stood up and met their gaze. Their eyes were glassy. "I'll see you someday, Sloan."
Something in your soul snapped when they smiled at Juno, and only stared passively at you.
"It's nice to meet you, Sloan."
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asterlocke · 2 months
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Anatomy practice.
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asterlocke · 2 months
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Anatomy practice.
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