#real talk though has a course like this ever actually helped anyone before?
caitas-cooing · 3 months
All those how to be successful in work and school courses are all the same and none of them are actually that helpful imho
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planetxiao · 2 months
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𖤐 sakura haruka ; togame jo ; kaji ren x reader
⟢ fluff, scenarios // random instances with them that feel like real love to you and him.
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All it took was a misstep on uneven ground for you to twist your ankle. Of all the things that could’ve taken you out, it was a spot in the sidewalk that was all broken up. Regardless, it hurt like hell to walk on, and as luck would have it, you have a somewhat willing boyfriend to help you out in any way you need it.
With blushing cheeks, you’re hoisted onto his back easily. Your arms came to rest around his neck, a small smile forming on your lips. Sakura carried on with one destination in mind: Kotoha’s cafe in hopes that she has the means to care for your injury. His gaze remained on the street in front of him, though it would shift back to you every once in a while. However sneaky he thought he was being, you caught every glance sent your way.
“I’m sorry Sakura,” You laughed bashfully, “I hope I’m not too heavy.”
“D-Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s just faster this way!” He sputtered out, averting his eyes to the dull pavement on his right to try to hide his burning cheeks once again, and grumbled quietly, “Can’t even feel you on me anyway.”
You giggled to yourself at his antics, ever the most easily embarrassed. His poor attempt at hiding the colored tinge of his skin gave you instead a view of Sakura that was your favorite. The rosy pink complemented his pale skin in a beautiful way, heterochromatic eyes acting as a perfect accent to a most delicately painted picture. You couldn’t imagine anyone matching up to how pretty Sakura Haruka looked right now.
You laid your head on his shoulder, honeyed gaze lingering on him alone.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
Sakura felt his heart skip a beat at how close your voice sounded in his ear. Your very existence did nothing but permanently leave him red. With a stutter in his step, Sakura scoffed.
“Don’t thank me. It’s my fault you got hurt.”
You huffed. “Sakura, I’m going to flick you.”
Sakura furrowed his brow with an incredulous look. Was this a challenge? What did he even do?
“Stop talking like that or I’m going to flick you hard!”
That time, he turned his head to bark something back, but his words caught in his throat as soon as his eyes connected with yours. Your face was mere inches from his. He wasn’t expecting your lips to be so close to his, to see the little details of your irises, to feel the heat radiating from your skin. His hard expression melted into a flustered one with a quiet gasp, eyes widened and mouth fallen agape. He was quick to turn his head away again.
Your lips curled. Your tough boyfriend was just too cute for this world.
“You always pay, ‘game! C’mon, it’s my turn!”
Togame acted blissfully ‘unaware’ of your claim, not even sparing you a glance as he swiped snacks from your hand. You gawked at the action. He totally brushed you off. The only sign that he heard you was the playful glint yellowed by his colored glasses.
Oho, okay. He wanted to play games with you, huh? Well, you weren’t going to turn down this challenge. Not without a fight, at least.
You’d just have to beat him to pulling out the change. Easier said than done, considering your boyfriend’s brute strength. But you were determined. He paid for you both every time you guys went out — he never let you, anyway — and you just wanted to pay this one time.
With Togame’s hands full of the snacks, you pulled out your wallet and tried to do the math on the total before you both reached the counter. Togame wasn’t oblivious to your antics, nor did you think he was, but he wasn’t going to try to stop you. He really just found it amusing — cute, even.
Togame set your items down on the counter before resting his hands in his pockets. You glanced at him quizzically. He wasn’t going to try to do anything…? Was he actually going to let you pay?
Of course not.
Once the total was given and you were about to hand the change to the cashier, a toned body shoved between you and the counter. Your eyes stared at the lion emblem on the back of the man currently body blocking you from the cashier, taking a second to process what had just happened.
You jumped to the other side of your boyfriend, trying to thrust the change at the cashier as fast as possible, but Togame’s body shifted in a way that pushed you away again. You jumped back to the right side, and again his body shifted to block you.
“Togame Jo, move!” You exclaimed, bouncing back to the left.
“Oi, stop moving,” He laughed, “It’s making it hard to count the coins.”
Oh, you could hit him.
You glanced up at the cashier to see them snickering at your attempts. You huffed. Trying to fight Togame was an uphill battle you were not winning.
Though you continued trying to slip the change through his constant guarding, the cashier ended up taking Togame’s coins instead of yours. He wore an easy smile on his face as he took the bag of goodies from the counter. You stared in both defeat and a bit of annoyance that you couldn’t best your boyfriend in a battle of strength. All because you wanted to pay this time around.
Togame patted your head, emerald eyes crinkling behind his yellow lenses.
“C’mon, the boys are waiting for us.”
You vowed to get him next time.
Static muffled the music playing from the speaker just above your head, making the melody barely decipherable amongst the bustle of the busy cafe. The dishes you both ordered had yet to come due to the sheer volume of customers surrounding you. Apparently, there was a new special being offered that drew in a crowd from all across town. You had no idea. When you asked if Kaji knew, he simply shrugged. You had somehow managed to accidentally pick the most crowded cafe on their busiest day. What luck you have.
The waiting game was no easy feat when you were hungry, but neither of you minded too much. Your head came to rest on Kaji’s shoulder in the meantime, causing the blond haired boy to tense up a bit. Kaji still wasn’t fully comfortable with public affection, but small things like that he was learning to get used to. But only a little bit. 
You stole glances at Kaji – well, you tried to, at least. The first glance up at him, you had been met with his very same gaze, which was averted after a blink or two. It left you both with slightly burning cheeks. The second and third you managed to sneak were successful, and you were able to take in his pretty features: smooth, pale skin; deep blue irises that rippled with something akin to curiosity; soft pink lips which held a lollipop stick between them.
A small smile graced your face. Kaji had no idea just how pretty he was, and every time you told him, red would stain his cheeks and the tips of his ears. You closed your eyes, trying to remember a picture of him like that. The song playing over the speaker seeped into your mind, though, and with strained ears, you barely recognized it. It was a simple little tune that played on the radio from time to time. It wasn’t anything special, but it reminded you of something you’ve been meaning to show Kaji.
You sprung up with a blooming grin. Kaji jumped.
“Can I see your phone?”
Kaji furrowed his brow but pulled the device out of his pocket and gave it to you. You excitedly took it from his hands, typed in the password and found his music app.
“There’s a song that I think you’ll really like. I forgot who it’s by, but it’s right up your alley.”
You pressed play before he could really register what you had said. Before Kaji even moved his hands, his headphones were being pulled over his ears. How you were able to swiftly do all of that in a matter of 45 seconds flustered him.
“Hey, wait–! Stop-”
And then everything froze. At least, that’s how it felt to Kaji. He halted his protests as soon as he saw the alluring curl of your lips. It drew him in like a siren to a sailor, insatiably with a promise to show him things he’s only dreamed of. The twinkle of loving anticipation in your eyes made his heart jump in his chest. Even though Kaji had never heard this song before, he swore that the sight of you before him made the melody sound that much softer.
An unknowing smile softened Kaji’s face, causing yours to grow wider.
“You like it, right? I knew you’d love it!”
Kaji blinked away the trance he was under with wide eyes. Pink tinged his skin as his heart rate began to climb. All he could do to distract from his embarrassment was poke your forehead lightly.
I love you, idiot.
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note: i don’t know if you can tell but i love kaji <33 also YEAHHH MOTHE’S COMEBACK LETS GOOO!!! big shoutout to koi ( @dear-koi ) for helping me with these!! you’re the best
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vrystalius · 24 days
How would the Hashiras react to finding out that Sanemi is secretly dating the star Hashira ?Sanemi's girlfriend created the star breath and she became hashira around the same time as sanemi/she killed the lower moon 1. She and Sanemi were enemies turned lovers (can you include Sanemi's version please?/it was a discreet romance so she and Sanemi didn't tell the others)
Secretly dating Sanemi
The hashira’s reaction to Sanemi and you dating in secret.
Includes: Giyu, Kyojuro, Muichiro, Tengen, Gyomei, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Sanemi
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Sanemi was pressing you up against the wooden walls, planting desperate kisses all along your neck and collar. He was tugging on your collar trying to reveal even more skin to him. The air in the armoury felt steamy.
Your hands gripped onto his uniform. “N-Nemi, not here, i-idiot- n-not now.” You shuddered as you felt his teeth sink into your skin, before placing multiple kisses on it. “Fuck, I want you now.” Sanemi mumbled into your ear. He pulled away, his lips hovering over yours. Just as he was about to lean in for another kiss, the door to the armoury opened and the love hashira stood in the frame.
The news about you two spread quickly…. What do the others think about you two?
Giyu Tomioka
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Giyu would not show the surprise on his face. His face is neutral as always, maybe even a little more gloomy than usual. But on the inside, he’d be a little envious of Sanemi. Of course he’d be finding love this soon. But those thoughts were fairly quickly overshadowed by confusion. How did you two even start dating? Weren’t you guys at each other’s throats the whole time? Well, you still are, but more romantically now.
His respect for Sanemi prevents him from judging you two harshly, and as long as your relationship doesn’t jeopardise any missions, Giyu doesn’t mind.
“Good for you two.”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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He could be incredibly happy for you two. Kyojuro would have never thought that you two would be dating, since he was the one who used to break up your fights and make you mediate.
The flame hashira would slap Sanemi on the back, laughing and congratulating him loudly, unintentionally making everyone else on the estate hear him. Even though he was very surprised and confused after first finding it out, he quickly became your biggest supporter! From now on, he thinks everytime you and Sanemi are talking, you two are surely being romantic! Maybe even planning a date? He’s just a little curious.
“Oh? Are you going on date tonight? May I recommend a perfect establishment to visit? They have incredible sweet potato dishes!”
Muichiro Tokito
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Muichiro could not care less. As long as you two aren’t being overly affectionate in front of him and don’t let this interfere with your duties as hashira, he does’t care.
He also didn’t care about your arguments before, so why would he care about you dating now? Also, he’d quickly forget about you two dating anyway.
“Oh? You two are in love?… Okay.”
Tengen Uzui
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Tengen would be incredibly amused. Just to annoy Sanemi, he would pull you aside and give you “tips” on how to keep things flashy in the bedroom. Also, he would offer Sanemi help in case he has any questions about relationships, given that he has been in three relationships, now marriages, while Sanemi probably was never dating anyone. Of course, Tengen is only saying this to fuck around with him. He’s actually supportive and real happy for you.
Also, he would probably tell his wives about you two, shocking them as well.
“Don’t be shy, tell me… What’s it like, hm? Sanemi must be rough with ya. Or is he gentle? I see him go both ways.”
Gyomei Himejima
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He knew about you two the whole time. Gyomei was planning this the whole time, ever since you became a hashira. He envisioned you with Sanemi since the start and gave the both of you little encouragements to make a move, without outright telling you. After you two started dating in secret, Gyomei could just tell how the energy between you two shifted.
But after the other hashira found out about you, Gyomei acted as if this is the first time he heard about this.
“I am truly happy for you two. I wish you the best for the future.”
Mitsuri Kanroji
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After drowning in shame and embarrassment when she found you and Sanemi getting on it in the closet, she’d be incredibly bubbly and happy for you two! Mitsuri would be so curious, asking a million questions about how it’s like, what you two like to do, who said “I love you first”, where and when the first kiss was, how it was… the list goes on.
Overall, Mitsuri is super happy for you two! She’ll squeal everytime she sees you two together, thinking you are totally being super romantic right now!!
“Oh! Oh! How did you two even fell for him? It thought you and him really hated each other…”
Shinobu Kocho
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Shinobu would have her usual grin on her face. She’d tease Sanemi about becoming softer, especially for you, and about being safe during certain activities. Her teasing would be gentler than usual though. She’s happy for you and him, wishing you nothing but the best. Sanemi could use the good influence, maybe you can stop him from slashing himself open during fights. Less work for her.
“Make sure to be safe during intercourse, okay? We don’t want a baby to disrupt everything, do we?”
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi’s first reaction is to yell and lash out at the other hashira, telling them to back off and leave him and you alone. Why are they so damn nosy?!
You (besides Kagaya) are the only one who can make him calm down and not to threaten to beat the shit out of Tengen for teasing him. He’d distance himself from the other hashira, not wanting to face their annoying comments. This is exactly why he wanted to keep this a secret…
“Nah, I’m not gonna go train with them. Can we train together instead? ‘m not in the mood to deal with their shit.”
So sorry it took so long! I really struggled with this one, I hope you enjoy it anyways!! My requests are open for both the hashira and the upper moons <3
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves!
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onestepbackwards · 13 days
Love That Bites Pt. 14
This took. So long. I'm so sorry OTL But!!! It's done! I hope you all enjoy it! This chapter was suppose to be around 3000 words. It ended up being twice as long. Oops haha. I hope you all like this chapter though! Hopefully the next one won't take near as long (❁´◡`❁)
Summary: It was finally time for you to head home, but it seems Dracula wants to at least make sure you are healthy and safe before you go. A shame after you leave all your anxieties seem to hit you all at once...
CW: Anxiety attacks, slight mental breakdown, mentions of abusive relatives, brief mentions of injury, blossoming feelings
Word Count: 6384 Words!
Like this story? Please consider checking me out here! Likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Taglist: @sisterofsin29 @str4wbang3l @nikkilovemark @ms-bakugo-blog @kittenlover614 @simpytheshrimpy69 @midgetdemon17 @just-nother-dreamer @adrakeshoard @tilldeathripsusapart @thedeadlynights @pumpkinvampie @bethleeham @mshope16 @sixsixtwenty @haleypearce @rvautomatic @tinystarfishgalaxy @marshmelloe @maorizon @ursamajor17 @sapphicsfordracula @dame-sunflowers @sleepyendymion @starrlo0ver @onewiththebeanbag
The @ 's are acting funky, so please lemme know if they work, or if i forgot anyone! Tumblr is not wanting to work properly as i finish this >:(
First: Here
Last: Here
Next: ?
You were beginning to wonder if your life was a party, and you were the piñata.
In the span of less than a literal week, you had your shit kicked in since you couldn’t just fight off your step family, and accidentally revived an ancient ‘evil’ vampire that was your family’s immortal enemy.
Said immortal enemy then has tended to your health, Death threatened you, and now you somehow, by some stroke of luck, have convinced Dracula not to destroy all of humanity.
It… confused you.
Perhaps this really was a dream? Maybe you were actually still bleeding out on the floor of the castle or your bedroom?
By all means, you expected to possibly be dead after Dracula mentioned wanting to talk. You were in a way, ready to accept such a fate.
But his willingness to hear you out, and perhaps try not to kill people threw you for a loop.
A big loop.
One that had you questioning a lot, if you were being honest with yourself.
Had it always been that easy? Or were you genuinely just a special case? He did say he found you in particular fascinating.
One of your hands came up to rub your face as you felt your cheeks warm at the thought.
…Why did you have to find that kinda hot? Whatever, that wasn’t the point-
To be fair, given that the situation leading up to this point had already been weird and unusual, presumably even by your family’s standards. You doubted any of them would have had picnics with Dracula’s statue and run to his castle while critically injured.
But… you honestly couldn’t believe it was real. Dracula actually agreed not to try to destroy humanity. Somewhat.
Of course, that was his word alone, but…
…When you shook his hand, you couldn’t help but feel as if you had made a deal with the devil itself.
It was as if a part of you had a feeling deep in your chest that he would abide by the terms you both set.
But if you were being honest with yourself… you didn’t know if you could believe this. That the fact you even got him to agree was real.
You spent so much time worrying about it. Even before you ever found his statue, you had nightmares and days worrying about how you would handle Dracula if you had to confront him.
Was it all some plot? Some plan to make it hurt after betraying you?
Those pesky thoughts lingered, but you found it hard to believe them. Despite how often they popped up in your head, it was easy to counter them.
After all, why keep the Belmont alive after being slain so many times?
There were multiple opportunities to hurt you, kill you, torture you. Hell, if he wanted you as a prisoner, he didn’t have to give you such a lavish guest room.
Perhaps it was the fact everything you had been raised to believe at this point was now being called into question? After all, with everything happening, it felt like your world was spinning at a thousand miles an hour.
A part of you was probably also in shock.
Sure, your life has been hell up to this point, but it had a normalcy to it. You could expect to deal with dumb shit at home, and to fight evil monsters that were some of the worst of their kind when you did get to hunt.
It wasn’t fun, but it was normal.
This though? All the things you had happening to you?
Not normal at all, and it was hard to think.
Or maybe a bit too easy to do so.
It was as if a flood of thoughts swam in your mind, yet it was hard to comprehend so many of them.
“...At least the bed is comfy.” you mumbled, staring into the ceiling as you tried to calm your nerves. You still hadn’t completely calmed down since Dracula had talked to you.
Dracula had left not too long ago after you reached a… stable compromise?
He had said something about needing to check on some things, and to prepare to tell everyone about the deal you both came to.
You wondered just how much chaos that would stir.
A part of you felt a bit guilty. No doubt Dracula would have a lot of anger to deal with from some of his servants and the like. Many were already on edge with you just staying here, so you imagined the news wouldn’t go down without some outcry.
It was no secret many followed Dracula for his power, but it was also a well known fact many followed him because they hated humans. Hated hunters.
Though you doubted any public outbursts would be tolerated. Dracula no doubt would handle everything. You hoped.
If you were being honest though, a small part of you wanted to see the reaction on some of his servant’s faces. You bet some of the jaw dropping looks would be one to remember for years to come.
Unfortunately, you probably wouldn’t even be here to witness it.
Even if by some miracle you managed to possibly hold off the destruction of the world, you still had to deal with your step family, after all. Jason was already making your step brothers inquire about you, which was never a good sign.
You were lucky they backed off this long, and would probably give you a little longer before growing too restless.
After all, you did give them a bit of an ass kicking. Even if it was at the cost of your own health and mental well being, it was a long time coming.
That, and you doubted you would get such an opportunity so soon in the future. Best enjoy it before heading back and become their punching bag once again.
At least you probably wouldn’t have to worry about them trying to jump you like that any time soon. The fact they seemed to almost intentionally try and fatally injure you… it settled uncomfortably in your core.
Given you were willing to actually defend yourself for once, perhaps they won’t attempt something stupid like that again.
Despite that, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, either. Even if you showed you wouldn’t take a beating to that degree without fighting back, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t get creative with it for a possible next time.
Still, that didn’t change the fact you still had to go home. Sooner rather than later.
But… you’d be back. Hopefully.
That was one of the conditions Dracula asked for. He wanted you to come back. He wanted to see you again.
You tried not to think too deep about it. Surely, it was both to help keep the compromise in place, and to learn more about the current century, and all he had missed?
A part of you though couldn’t help but… daydream about the idea of him just wanting to see you. For you.
He said he found you fascinating, after all. But again, a part of you didn’t want to think too hard about it.
For all you knew, his version of ‘fascinating’ was simply seeing you as some sort of entertaining bug or something. Should you become a pest, all he had to do was squish you with his shoe.
…You didn’t want to believe that either, though. Not with how those ruby red eyes looked at you when he first was freed. How he asked who had hurt you.
The very thought of that moment had your heart racing again.
“Am I really that emotionally starved?” you mumbled to yourself once again. That question had been popping in your mind the more you thought about it, and how just one man/vampire made you flustered like a teenager having a crush.
When was the last time anyone had looked you in the eyes while injured, and asked who had hurt you? Then took care of you?
You hated to admit it, but Dracula had charm that a lot of people didn’t have nowadays. Or at least from most people you have met up to this point.
No doubt he had to have had it in order to be considered the King of the Night. You don’t just get that without some sort of charisma, you’d think.
…A part of you was going to miss it. You really had to return home, which is why you were dreading sleep.
Tomorrow you would head home. You would be back here, of course. A part of the agreement, after all.
But you didn’t want to go, almost like a small child not wanting to go to school.
Your chest pinged with anxiety every time you closed your eyes. It was hard to even relax enough just to rest.
By the time you felt your phone buzzing with an alarm to wake you up, you had nothing to show for what you ‘slept’, except for a migraine and a brewing anxiety attack.
Eyes heavy, you sat up in bed. A bed you were very much going to miss.
Even now, as you shuffled out of bed towards your bag, you could already feel yourself yearning to stay. Like a child who felt unwell and wanted to skip school, except 20x worse.
Grabbing your bag, you quickly went through the stuff you had, making sure everything was still here.
You trusted Dracula just fine with your bag, but you didn’t trust any other entity in this castle to not try and pull a fast one on you.
As much as it felt like some sort of Looney Tunes plot, you weren’t gonna put it past some disgruntled monster or entity to put a stick of dynamite in your bag or something hoping to blow you up.
Thankfully, you didn’t have much on you to begin with, but it didn’t hurt to be sure.
Tossing your bag to the side, you ran a hand over your face, trying to soothe your head and anxieties.
However, you nearly jumped when you heard a specific knock on the door. That same one you had grown familiar with.
Just how had Dracula known you were awake? Was he just guessing, or did he know? Did the castle tell him?
…Or perhaps he heard you thumping around. That was also possible. You decided not to think too much on it at the moment.
“Come in.”
The doorknob turned, before the door was pushed open, revealing Dracula himself.
He entered your room, giving you a polite nod before closing the door behind him, and walking up to the bed. Much like before, he pulled a chair close and sat in front of you.
A part of you wondered if he was doing that to seem more on an equal level as you, though you didn’t dare ask or point it out.
Getting comfortable, Dracula’s eyes seemed to see through you as he settled. Those ruby red eyes practically pierced you, and he didn’t even have to say a word for you to feel a bit small.
Yet, his words next were so gentle.
“How are you feeling?”
Despite it all, a small smile appeared on your face at his question. Your eyes dropped, and you looked over to the side.
“I’ll live. Head kinda hurts, and I didn’t sleep too well. A me issue, don’t worry.”
A flicker of a frown appeared on his face, before his face cooled back to a more neutral look.
“I see. What about your wounds? Any irritation? Are the stitches still holding up?”
You tried to ignore the warm feeling bubbling in your chest again at his concern, despite how hard it seemed to persist.
“They are healing nicely. I only feel a dull ache now compared to the pain I was in a few days ago.”
It was true. You barely felt your wounds compared to how you felt when you arrived. Dracula had done a lot to help them heal, going farther than most people have for you.
Dracula though, looked over your body, his eyes lingering where your wounds lay.
“May I see? I would like to check on them myself.”
Blinking, you leaned back onto the bed slightly, not too surprised.
“Yeah, sure. Here-”
Immediately, he was up from his chair, gently hovering over you from a slight distance. Far enough away to still give you some personal space, yet close enough to check over you.
He was quick, yet still just as gentle. It didn’t take much for him to remove your bandages, and look over your healing injuries, making sure to look over them thoroughly.
You hoped he didn’t think anything of the goosebumps showing up on your skin whenever his hands or nails briefly brushed against your skin. Hopefully he would assume you were chilled from the air, or were reacting to how cool his own skin was.
Another part of you hoped that thinking didn’t seem too pathetic.
And in an even deeper part of your mind… a part of you wondered what he would do if he did think you liked his touch. That was a part of your mind you tried not to linger on too much while Dracula’s face was less than a foot away from your own.
Dracula hummed a bit as he checked over your worst injuries, as well as your head injury. You may not have known him long, but you could assume he seemed pleased with your progress.
Most of your wounds had mostly healed up into scabs, instead of raw and fresh ripped flesh. Something that no doubt would have taken at least two weeks on its own without the help of the few potions Dracula has been giving you.
It would still take some time for them to completely heal, but you were no longer at a huge risk of infection, or had to stay in bed to heal.
Truly, you owed Dracula a great debt. Another thing you were… feeling odd about.
Before you could dwell too much on it though, Dracula was carefully placing your bandages back on.
“Good. They are healing quickly. I’m pleased with your progress.”
You gave him a smile as he sat back down, trying not to soak in his words too much. You were happy he was happy with your healing! A totally normal thing to want and achieve!
While you were trying to mentally downplay the buzz in your head from his ‘praise’, Dracula’s eyes looked over to your bag, which sat innocently on the bed next to you.
“Ah, were you still planning on returning to your home today?” he suddenly asked, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Trying to keep your anxiety about the mere thought of your ‘home’ in check, you nodded.
“Yeah, if I am away too long, it could cause some issues. It’s best if I leave today.”
Dracula leaned against his hand, his other on thrumming against the arm of the chair. You wondered if that was something he did often.
“And you’ll return?”
You nodded quickly.
“Of course. We agreed on that, right? Though…” you began, your hands playing with your shirt, “...It may take me a few weeks to a month to come back, but I will be back.”
Giving you a look, Dracula’s expression turned almost teasing.
“I would hope so, I would hate to have to hunt you down myself, Little Belmont.”
His tone was clearly joking in nature, with his lips curling into a grin that showed off his fangs.
You chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of your neck. However, the way he said it had heat rushing to your face.
God, why did you like the sound of that? Why? Why did your brain like it so much? You swear there had to be a deity out there who found your suffering hilarious.
You didn’t think you would be finding so much stuff about yourself when you arrived here a few days ago. Apparently you had interesting tastes, and were into things you hadn’t even considered before now.
No doubt you would be unpacking a lot of that later, possibly in the middle of a mental breakdown. It was too soon to tell.
Coughing a bit to try and stop those thoughts, you looked back at Dracula.
“Regardless, I will try to be here next month. I should be healed by then too…” You spoke, mumbling that last bit. Dracula gave you an odd look, and you had a feeling he wasn’t too sure of that, just as you were.
Sighing, Dracula then stood up, and much to your surprise, held a hand out to you. You stared at it for a moment, before looking back at his face as he began to speak.
“Well, are you ready to leave? If so, I shall escort you out myself.”
Your eyes flickered to his hand, which was still outstretched to you. After a moment, you took it.
“Trying to get rid of me so soon?” you joked, ignoring how your smaller, warmer hand easily slid into his larger, cooler one.
Dracula’s lips twitched upward as his hand gently curled around your own.
“Maybe I am? Someone has to get rid of the ‘Scary Vampire Hunter’ apparently haunting my castle.”
His words were pure jest, and that had the small smile on your face widening as he gently pulled you up to your feet.
“Can you walk?” He then asked, still clearly worried over you leaving so soon. You managed to stand on your feet without too much issue, and looked back up at him.
“Eh, I’m still a bit sore, but I can walk. I’ll be fine.”
It still actually hurt quite a bit, but hey, you have had worse.
Dracula also didn’t seem very convinced, but at this point, who was he to argue with you when you wished to leave?
Regardless, you were still a bit surprised to see him offer an arm to you after you managed to gain your balance.
“May I?”
Seeing Dracula offer his arm to you did not help the blossoming feelings in your chest. Why did the man who was humanity’s greatest enemy have to be such a gentleman??
Your face was hot, and you prayed to whatever god was listening that your blush wasn’t too noticeable.
“S-Sure.” You spoke, mentally hitting yourself with a hammer for stuttering.
Slowly, you reached out, nearly hesitating as your hand neared his arm. Gathering your resolve, you gently wrapped your own arm around his own.
He wasn’t as cold as you expected, despite him wearing a long sleeved shirt. Though it was hard for you to think as you registered just how big he was as you felt his muscles underneath said shirt.
Then, you nearly jumped when your bag was suddenly hovering in front of your face. You had nearly forgotten it on the bed behind you. Carefully, you grabbed it with your free hand with a quiet ‘thank you’.
“It is no issue at all. Shall we?” He spoke, looking down at you.
Oh stars, how he made you feel small.
With that, he gently walked to the door, opening it with a flick of his wrist, and leading you out into the hall.
His pace was most likely slow for himself, given you were positive his stride easily would outdo yours. However, Dracula took his time so you could easily keep up.
You found you didn’t particularly mind. If anything, it gave you the perfect opportunity to admire the decor of his castle.
Castlevania had been described in many different ways from the journals you had read. Some said horrifying and confusing, while others spoke of it as if it were gorgeous, yet almost fake feeling.
You found yourself mentally describing it as hauntingly beautiful.
Just the hall outside your room was nothing less than extravagant. Dark red curtains hung above the giant windows that seemed to lead to a courtyard, while painting after painting adorned the walls between each window.
Each painting was unfamiliar to you, but they still astounded you all the same.
Dracula noticed your awe, and his lips curled into a smile.
“The castle, being connected to me, usually inherits my tastes. Though I’ve noticed it has a fondness for decorating on its own, and even has preferences. For instance…”
He paused in front of one of the massive windows overlooking a garden.
“The gardens always look a bit different, but it is fond of giant fountains. Nearly every iteration has one without my interference, though it is pleasing to see.”
You tried not to giggle at that. The thought of a sentient castle being fond of giant fountains and having decoration preferences was so silly, yet given what you were looking at, was very possible.
Dracula and you didn’t linger long at the window, but after that, Dracula almost enthusiastically pointed out different decorations and what some of them meant to him.
It was little things, such as his tastes in candelabras, or the story behind every other painting. Apparently there were many immortals who dabbled in the arts.
You wouldn’t lie. Walking through his castle was very… surreal.
This was a place you were supposed to storm through. A place you were supposed to look at with disgust and revulsion.
Yet, you were fascinated, despite being on edge.
Only one of your ancestors remarked on the beauty the castle had. Juste, you think was his name.
Juste had written how the castle had a strange charm to it, among all the horrors he saw. Apparently he had an eye for detail and decor, and briefly wrote about how he had found it fascinating before destroying Dracula’s wraith, thus destroying the castle.
You could kind of see what he meant now that you were seeing it first hand, even if it was most likely incredibly different than when your ancestor had run through here.
It didn’t take as long as you thought to get to the entrance hall, which was covered with a lush red carpet, and filled with different displays and extravagant furniture.
A part of you wondered if this was what some castles were like hundreds of years ago, just with a more modern touch. Maybe he’d tell you one day?
After all, you agreed to come back. You’d hopefully have plenty of opportunities for questions.
One thing though you did notice walking through the entry hall, was the uptick of monsters.
There were suits of armor you passed, where you could sense enchantments on them, each standing at attention.
That, and maids were here and there, cleaning or tidying up. You could tell most weren’t human just by looking at them, but that was none of your concern. At least not at the moment, so long as they didn’t attack you.
They kept their distance, but you felt all their stares. Some looked at you curious, before averting their eyes. While others gave you cold smiles. You suppose you didn’t blame them.
Ignoring their looks, you felt your heart pound in your chest the closer you got to the massive door.
It looked different.
Instead of a worn down door that looked as if it had been left to rot, was a magnificent massive door that looked warm and taken care of.
And imposing. Very imposing.
Then again, that was most likely the point, even if you were looking at it from the inside. You could only wonder how it looked outside…
You didn’t have to wonder long. The moment you both approached the giant door, it opened completely on its own, as if the castle itself was opening the door for its master.
Despite having been around Dracula a little bit, his impressive feats of magic and mastery over the castle still seemed to awe you.
A part of you also wondered if he was doing that on purpose to show off. You wouldn’t be surprised with how he would occasionally look at you after doing something with magic.
Magic itself wasn’t new to you, but all that he could do? Especially when it wasn’t combat related? It was a bit impressive, you’d admit it.
As he walked you through the large doorway, you noticed the courtyard between the entrance and the gate had also changed. What was overgrown, wild shrubbery and trees was now a full garden. The plants seemed alive, but in a way that was almost… unreal.
He guided you through the courtyard, his arm still entwined with your own.
It didn’t take long before you were at the gate, and he came to a stop. Looking down at you, he posed a question that had your heart thrum in your chest.
“Is this fine, or do you require assistance to your cabin?”
His question caught you off guard slightly. You hadn’t anticipated him asking, nor had you thought that far.
“N-No, I’ll be alright. Thank you.”
A part of you really really wanted to say yes, so this moment lasted a while longer. So you didn’t have to say farewell.
But the rational part of you screamed no. Even if you somewhat trusted this man, were you ready to let him know about your cabin? How to approach it? What if you both were followed? Did you want anyone possibly seeing any weaknesses in your defenses?
No, the hunter in your brain won out. You couldn’t risk anyone finding your defenses, or rummaging through the one sanctuary you had.
You just hoped Dracula wouldn’t take it personally if he or one of his underlings investigated your cabin and exploded or something from one of the traps or wards.
Dracula meanwhile gave you a long look. If you didn’t know any better, you’d even say it was disappointment you saw in those ruby colored eyes of his. With a sigh, he gently let your arm go from his own, turning to face you properly.
“Very well. I shall await your inevitable return. Do not keep me waiting too long, Little Belmont.”
You already missed him. How?
Slowly, you nodded your head.
“Of course. Um…”
A part of you felt so awkward already.
“See you soon?”
Mentally, you were smacking your head against the wall. Did you really just tell the Lord of Darkness ‘see you soon’? You wanted to explode.
However, most of your embarrassment almost melted completely away when he gave you a small smile.
“Indeed. See you soon.”
You stared at him for a moment, you both seemingly unable to look away. It wasn’t until a rumble of thunder broke your gaze away, and you stared at the long walk at the edge of the lake you would have to trek.
With a sigh, you turned, and began to walk.
Already, you were regretting not taking him up on his offer. But it had to be done this way.
Your heart was heavy in your chest as you pushed forward with every step. You couldn’t even muster up the courage to look back as you crossed the edge of the lake towards the forest.
At least, you couldn’t until you reached the edge of the clearing.
Already you were tired, but you couldn’t help but finally look back behind you. Back towards Dracula’s castle.
Your eyes widened when you did.
The castle, something that should have horrified you, was gorgeous surrounded by clouds and the forest. Its image even seemed to eerily reflect back at the lake despite the clouds above.
And Dracula remained in front of it, watching you.
It was hard to see from so far away, but you could just barely make out his cloak spiraling out behind him in the wind. He was watching you leave.
Was it to make sure you were really fine? Was it genuine concern? Why else would he watch over you while you left?
…Did he actually enjoy your company? Did he already miss it?
It took more effort than you would like to admit to swallow down the warmth bubbling in your chest.
How silly.
No need to get your hopes up. You hoped that at least a few days away from this place might clear your head. Surely that’ll make these confusing feelings go away. Right? Right?
You just hoped this wouldn’t mess up how you perceived your cabin… You already came to terms with your sanctuary being next to an empty castle. Now it is alive, and its king has an interest in you and your motivations.
With a sigh, and one last long look at the castle (and its owner out front), you turned back to the woods.
Each step back was heavy, and you felt as if you were in a daze. If it weren’t for the fact you had been bewitched before and knew how it felt, you would have wondered if you had been enthralled by some sort of spell.
At least you were self aware enough to walk back to your peaceful abode with caution.
You checked your traps as you went, watching your step as you did so. Thankfully, most were undisturbed except for one or two traps. Those you suspect were simply disturbed by animals rather than monsters looking for a meal.
Well, you at least hoped that was the case. You didn’t sense any paranormal residue of any sort, but that wasn’t a guarantee…
Still, you took enough time to go over most you came across, and as your cabin came into view, you checked around the building.
It was tiring, but quick with how your mind was still a buzz. At least nothing seemed out of place.
Just… a few blood stains from when you were here last and critically injured. Oops.
You sighed, debating if you should leave it as a problem for future you. Not like this place and your home were lacking in blood stains if you looked hard enough. What were a few more?
Still, you didn’t just want to leave it there, so you at least cleaned it up a little bit so you wouldn’t come back to a gross smell. Well, at least a worse smell, anyway. The blood didn’t do your cabin any favors, but hey, it could be worse.
You’d clean it properly and make it spotless when you came back. Eventually. Hopefully. Maybe.
It didn’t take long, but it was clear what you were doing. Trying to keep yourself distracted while in this fog. Trying to buy time before you head home. Buying time before the reality of everything that had happened hit you.
You didn’t get as much time as you would have liked.
Thankfully, since everything else in your cabin was untouched after a quick sweep, you didn’t take much longer to leave said cabin. Even if you wanted more time, it was a weight off your shoulders that you didn’t have to worry about anything being… tampered with.
All you had to do was toss your bag in your car, set your whip aside, and drive off.
Should you be driving while in such a state? No, but you didn’t exactly have the luxury of keeping your home waiting much longer.
The drive itself wasn’t long, or at least, it didn’t feel like it. With each mile, the clouds began to part, and the sun began to shine. It was almost insane how much reach the castle had in terms of weather.
Or was it Dracula’s influence? You wondered if he’d tell you if you asked next time you saw him.
Next time. Right.
Your grip on the wheel tightened, and you could feel your anxiety peaking as you drove further from the cabin. From the castle. Only to grow closer to your home.
…Would they all be there? Your step family?
Dread was already pooling in your gut as you imagined them waiting for you at home. Would they be extra pissed? Would they do something reckless?
With the shit they pulled last time… You weren’t so sure you would be safe. Even if you scared them a bit, you feared you only pissed them off more. If they were willing to fatally injure you so blatantly in ‘training’...
You feared what they might do since they didn’t succeed, and you couldn’t do a thing about it until they acted.
Sweat began to form on your temple as your heart uncomfortably began to beat faster. You felt ill. Felt like you were cornered by a pack of werewolves who were starved for a meal, and you weren’t even at your house yet.
Yet as your city came into view, you felt worse.
Would they scream at you? Yell at you? Call you worthless?
Or would Jason lash out, and finally attack you? You knew he had been holding himself back, but after last time…
What about your home? Was it in good condition? Or did they start destroying things? You wouldn’t be surprised if your room was destroyed.
Worse… would they kick you out?
You had no real legal standing if they kicked you out. All your family’s artifacts, weapons, and history… gone.
They would never give it back to you, or any of your living family members across the globe. No doubt they would simply will everything to themselves if anything happened to one of them.
Why did your mother leave everything to them?
It wasn’t fair.
You were beginning to feel even worse thinking about it.
Still, you forced yourself to swallow what felt like bile rising from your throat as you pulled onto your street outside of the city. Getting sick wouldn’t solve any of your problems, and would most likely make things worse.
But you could barely fight the rising panic as your family home came into view.
It was never so daunting and imposing before now. A place filled with light in your childhood now brought you nothing but terror and anxiety just looking at it as you drove closer.
As you pulled into your driveway though, you paused, and stopped your car.
No cars were outside.
No cars were outside.
No cars in the driveway or out front, and if you were lucky, not in the garage either. But at least your step brothers were gone.
The way your body practically sagged in relief. Even if somehow Jason was home, that was better than having to confront all three at the same time after getting back right away.
Taking a deep breath, you turned off the engine, and climbed out of the car. You only grabbed your bag, keeping anything else locked inside.
It took a few moments to gather your courage, before you slowly unlocked and opened the front door.
You waited a few moments, holding your breath as each tense moment passed.
It was dark, and you heard all the familiar creaks, but no footsteps. No sounds of a TV. No talking in the distance.
Carefully, you stepped inside, and quietly closed the door behind you.
There was still nothing.
Were you truly home alone?
A part of you wanted to relax, but the hunter in you stayed alert. With silent footsteps, you headed to the garage just to be safe. There was no one on the way there, and when you opened the garage door?
Closing it, you laid your back against the door, hand over your heart as you tried to calm down.
You were actually home alone for once.
Did they have a hunt? Need supplies and go shopping since you were gone?
Either way, it didn’t matter. You were home alone, and that was most important at the moment. You could let your guard down for a little while.
At least, until whenever they came home.
With a huge weight temporarily off your shoulders, you made your way to your room, a small plan in mind.
First, you needed to change clothes. You were thankful for the clothes Dracula had lent you, but… what you had on was a little dated. Even if you liked how the loose, puffy shirt looked on you, and the comfortable pants… No doubt there would be questions why you were wearing clothing that was popular in a different century.
Then you needed to shower, and write down some stuff you needed to do going forward. Maybe even get some sleep before anyone gets home…
Sitting down on your bed with a messy plan in mind, you reached into your bag to get your dirty clothes out for you to wash later.
As you rummaged through it, you froze when you felt something new inside it.
Thoughts ran through your mind as your blood ran cold. Have you been had? Did someone plant a bomb or a weapon in your bag? Did Dracula betray you?
Carefully, your hand grasped the cool object, before slowly pulling out of your bag.
You couldn’t help the small gasp that left your mouth when you pulled out a potion bottle.
Looking over the bottle, you noticed a tag attached to the cork, and gently held it still as you made out the intricate cursive on the note.
‘I figured you could use this. It should be enough to finish healing your wounds. I hope you put it to good use.
You didn’t notice you were beginning to cry, until your vision became blurry with hot tears.
“VDT…. Vlad… Dracula Țepeș…?” You asked out loud with a sniffle.
He didn’t betray you. At some point, he must have slipped this in your bag after his last visit as he escorted you out. How?
It was a silly question to ask, given the immense power he held… but…
You sniffled again, tears hitting your leg as everything slowly began to hit you at once.
Despite it all…
…Dracula went out of his way to heal you, and even made sure you had something for when you got home.
More tears began to form as you carefully cradled the small note to your chest.
Dracula at least cared about you, when no one else did.
That thought both thrilled and terrified you to the core.
…Because you were certain you cared for him back.
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carowleysposts · 6 months
Good Omens makes me feel scary things. Let’s talk about it.
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So, before I start, I think it’s important to clarify that I am neurodivergent. I have autism and GO is one of my strongest hyper-fixations ever. I am so emotionally and mentally invested in it I could talk about it for days on end and every single detail of this show makes me love it more.
But there’s a really really dark flip side to this love, and I would love to see if there’s anyone else who struggles with it too:
I think I care a little too much.
Although I am aware that this is somewhat “common” for people in the spectrum and my doctors all have confirmed I am not a complete nut case for it, I almost never feel comfortable admitting to those in my life that a piece of fiction has such a strong hold on me and my mental health. And as much as I love everything we’ve seen so far, all the little things I hear and read about season three give me heart-stopping waves of anxiety that are definitely not normal.
Like, I am constantly scared of what will happen, as if it was happening to me. And I know it’s embarrassing, but my brain is simply wired differently, and it feels so awful not being able to talk about it with my friends in real life.
Sometimes I feel like my day is ruined because I read someone say that they think S3 won’t have a happy ending, or that they probably won’t kiss or end up together or something bad like that. And even though I know it’s just fiction, it gives me stomach knots, as it is such a powerful part of my life and I think about is so much.
I have even come as far as to take breaks from Tumblr and mute some words on some social media platforms so that I won’t read Neil’s responses to questions - because they ALSO make me fear terribly and give me crippling anxiety, like when he said it won’t be romantic, or when he says stuff that make me worry for the future - and won’t hear speculation or even be reminded of other stuff people say.
And before anyone asks: Yes! I am fully aware it sounds absurd. And yes, i absolutely do feel crazy and embarrassed about it, but unfortunately this is the reality of many people in the spectrum and many neurodivergent people in general.
I do work, I am a ballet teacher and an author, so of course I have many other things to worry about and do and of course I have a life full of responsibilities and relationships and different pursuits to keep me from actually thinking about it nonstop. But still, even though I am busy and distracted most of the time, every now and then these feelings and worries come and punch me in the gut, and it completely paralyzes me for long moments. I feel kinda sick? I don’t know.
So I guess what I am trying to ask is: do you guys know of anyone who feels the same? Like, is there anyone else who feels like their mind has been absolutely taken over by fiction-related anxiety? And also: what should I do about it? I feel like absolutely no other piece of fiction compares to this one, and my mind simply won’t stop.
Help pls.
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
I’m in LOVE with your Hels to pay au!! Thank you so much for writing it!!
Has anyone ever asked Tango about his cuffs? Has anyone offered/tried to help him get them off? I imagine it would either be a funny montage of increasingly wild attempts OR just absolutely heartbreaking.
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(sooo funny story, i saved the first ask in january bc i wanted to write smth for it… but then the second one came in before i got around to it… then the third… so uh. yeah. here ya go.)
“i like your cuffs, by the way.”
tango freezes, and even though xisuma has only just met the guy, he can immediately tell something’s off.
hermitcraft’s newest member is far from ordinary; a blaze hybrid with sharp teeth and blackened claws, red eyes that dart around nervously and squint at the sun, like it’s too bright. he didn’t even seem to know what a golden carrot was, when xisuma gave one to him.
the shackles around his wrists are just the frosting on the cake. xisuma had assumed it was part of his, er… unconventional style. but tango’s reaction- and the small links of broken chain still dangling from the cuffs- make xisuma wonder.
“what… uh, what do you mean?” tango asks, his tone forcibly light. oh, he’s anxious- ears flat, shoulders hunched likes he’s expecting an attack.
xisuma shrugs. “your cuffs, they’re just really metal,” he says casually. “it’s a cool look, is all.”
“oh.” tango blinks. the relief is evident in his expression, but he only relaxes slightly. “oh, right! thanks.”
while xisuma hasn’t been the admin of hermitcraft for very long, he’s been around long enough to tell when a player is running from something. but that’s none of his business. that’s why they come here, isn’t it?
“anyway,” xisuma says, “that’s about the end of the tour.” he lifts a hand to put on tango’s shoulder, then thinks better of it, folding his arms instead. “you just lemme know if you need anythin’, alright? anythin’ at all.”
“right, yeah.” tango smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “thanks, i’ll- i’ll keep that in mind, yeah.”
“jeeze, you ever take those cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even though impulse is still relatively new here on hermitcraft, he can immediately tell he’s crossed a line.
it’s only been a couple weeks since a random portal abruptly appeared in front of impulse, taking him to a world called hermitcraft. according to his fellow hermits, that amounted to an invitation from the universe- which is how they all join.
he’s spent most of his time working on a quadruple witch hut farm with some of the other redstoners, and tango’s been a bit of a puzzle. he’ll be standoffish or even outright defensive at times, but then seem inexplicably drawn towards impulse, asking strange and not-so-subtle probing questions. of course, whenever impulse tries to address this, tango brushes him off.
“oh, these old things?” tango says after a moment, his brief panic quickly swept under the rug as he flaunts his cuffs. “why, do you- am i not pulling them off? too much?”
“no, no, they’re cool!” impulse assures him. “it’s just, don’t they get in the way when you’re doing delicate redstone work? seems like a bother, that’s all.”
tango huffs a laugh, but he’s also eyeing the nearest exit. “nah, man, th- it’s part of my look! my uh, my brand, as some might say. can’t go without ‘em, you know how it is…”
that’s not the reason. impulse can tell. but whatever the real reason is, it’s not his place to push tango to talk about it. they’re still getting to know each other, so if it’s anything more than a simple fashion choice, impulse is sure he’ll find out sooner or later.
“ooh, okay, gotcha.” impulse nods sagely. “branding, very important. well, if you ever change your mind, i’d be happy to take them off your hands- uh, literally and figuratively, i guess,” he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “cuffs are pretty ‘in’ for demons, you know.”
tango laughs too, though he’s already turning away, back to his work. “right, yeah, i- i’ll keep that in mind.”
“can you actually not take these cuffs off?”
tango freezes, and even without the spike of panic through their soulbond, jimmy can immediately tell he’s said something wrong.
it’s been about a month since the double lifers voted to end the death game. one month since jimmy and tango made their relationship official. and as amazing and wonderful as it’s been living on the ranch, jimmy’s starting to get the sense there are a few things he doesn’t know about tango.
he hadn’t meant anything by the question- just genuine curiosity. they were kissing, tango’s hands cupping jimmy’s face, and when he’d reached up to cover tango’s hands with his own he’d felt the cool metal of the cuffs, and the question just blurted out from his mind. gosh, he really does ruin everything.
tango recovers quickly. “whaaat, you don’t like ‘em?” he grins, casually stretching his arms above his head so the cuffs jangle around his wrists.
jimmy hesitates. the panic he felt through their bond has faded, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still there “well, sure, it’s just- y’know, i realized i’ve never seen you take ‘em off.”
tango blinks. “you- what, don’t you think if i wanted to take them off, i would’ve?” he laughs, putting his hands on his hips. “i mean, it’s not- we have metal-cutting technology, you know.”
oh, duh. jimmy feels silly. tango is far from helpless- if those cuffs hadn’t been a conscious decision, he surely would’ve figured out how to take them off by now. or, jeeze, he could’ve asked anyone on his server full of technical geniuses to help out.
“right, right, of course,” he says sheepishly. “sorry, i wasn’t- i do like how they look, i- i was just wonderin’. but uh, you know, if you ever did wanna take ‘em off… i mean, i’d still like you plenty without them,” he jokes.
“you’re good, you’re good,” tango hums, draping his arms around jimmy’s shoulders. “i’ll keep that in mind.”
tango sits alone in his room, claws curled around the cuff of his other hand.
it’s just simple iron. it wouldn’t be hard. all he has to do is reach for his inner fire, concentrate, and let the metal soften in his grasp. even if he heats it too much- so that molten iron drips over his skin like water- he’s a bit more fire resistant than the average player, he’d be fine. it’d only take a couple seconds for each one, and then he’d be free of them. forever.
it’s been nearly ten years, for hel’s sake. he’s lost count of how many times he’s been in this exact situation before, wanting and willing so much but being unable to bring the flames to his fingertips. if he even thinks about it, it’s suddenly like he’s back in the farm, icy wither rose numbing his veins, a haunting voice ringing in his ears.
‘just the cuffs on his wrists there, and he stays put like the good creature he is.’
tango wants to be good. he’s been trying so hard to be good. but what if he can’t trust himself? what if the only thing stopping him from reverting back to his old ways is the illusion of control maintained by these shackles?
who is he without them? would he be someone that his friends still cared about? would jimmy?
he’s too afraid to find out.
tango lets go of the cuff, the familiar weight of metal dropping back onto his wrist. he can try again another time. so long as he has his fire, he still has the option. he’ll do it someday.
so for now, the thought retreats to its little shadowed corner in the back of his mind, safe for another day.
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beenbaanbuun · 23 days
Hi hi! I hope life is treating you well and you’re drinking lots of water and resting well!
I would love to hear your thoughts on dragon!San the brainrot for him has been real lately 😭💖
so this actually changed the chemical infrastructure of my brain and i couldn’t decide how to write it so i hope this is okay 😭😭
so ask anyone who i speak to on a regular basis and this is all i’ve been able to talk about for days because i have so many ideas for it
arguably too many for me to even begin to think about structuring them in a way that makes sense…
but hey, we can try right?
so initially my first thought was ‘omg, i’m going to make this little guy so sad…’ and i will! but i promise it will make sense
so san is a people person—or dragon, i guess—right? sure, he’s a little shy but at the end of the day, you can tell he loves being around people
all throughout his childhood he wanted nothing more than to work with kids, maybe be a teacher or something! he’s good at helping people, right?
it just sucks for the poor guy that as he got older, he started to get bigger, his nails started to grow into something akin to talons, and his canine teeth became sharp and menacing
there’s a reason you never really see any dragon-hybrid teachers…
the day san got kicked off of his teacher-training course was probably the saddest day of his life, but at least he had you at home! the most precious jewel in all of his hoard…
honestly, san would love nothing more than to keep you bundled up in his den, wrapped in all six of his limbs—are wings limbs?—to keep you protected from the outside world
realistically, though, he’s all too aware of a humans needs to keep you indoors
you’re like a houseplant with the way you need sun to survive
he also knows that you need to work, since it’s borderline impossible for him to get a job
he’s too scary to work with people, too drawn to shiny things to work with money and too underqualified to work a 9-5
he always feels guilty that you’re the main breadwinner for the household, but he doesn’t mind being a house-husband all that much
he’s more than content taking care of his hoard, after all, and since you are his most prized possession…
speaking of his hoard, it’s kind of littered about the apartment, although most of it is in your bedroom
necklaces and jewels hang from the living room’s light, making it look closer to a chandelier than a regular lampshade
gold and silver appliances are his favourite making the kitchen look somewhat gaudy in comparison to what it originally looked like
as for your bedroom, it looks rather similar to howl’s…
in fact san was almost giddy when you first showed him howl’s moving castle, pointing at the screen with a wicked grin on his face
“see! its not just me who likes to decorate like this!”
you don’t have the heart to tell him that howls moving castle is just make believe and no one decorates like him…
but you suppose it’s not so bad; san dusts it from time to time and the things that dangle from the ceiling are perfect for you to zone out and stare at whenever san is rushing around looking for something to clean you up with after fucking you dumb :)
because let’s be real, dragon!san definitely has a huge cock to match the rest of his body
and despite his sweet demeanour outside of the bedroom, he’s an absolute demon inside of it
he’s possessive, more than anything, so if you ever come home smelling of anything other than him, then you best believe you’re being whisked away to the bedroom the second you step food through the front door
hands will be on you before you even know it, talons tearing at clothes and stripping you naked before you even get chance to tell him that this shirt is far too expensive to tear
you don’t even get much chance to protest after he’s torn it from you either because his lips will be on yours and his forked tongue will already be lapping at the inside of your mouth like his life depends on it
everything happens so quick because he’s just so desperate to make sure you know that you’re his again
he needs each one of your senses to be filled by him, he needs your mind to only think of him, he needs your pussy to be dripping with him
he knows he doesn’t own you but he needs to feel like he does
when he’s like this, it’s always quick. he needs to fuck you hard and fast before that strange smell that doesn’t belong to him sinks into your skin and stays there forever!
it’s purely instinct driven, really…
and maybe later he’ll take you for round two, only this time he wants to actually savour you
now you smell like him again, he can relax as he forces his cock inside of you
he can take his time kissing you and making you feel like the most beautiful person alive
he can let his hands trace every inch of your body, appreciating every dip and curve you have
and once it’s over, he can sit there with his cock still plugging you up and appreciate your blissed out face as you recover from what can only be described as a heavenly experience
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skekilla · 5 months
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my brain is rotting out of my s kull boys
anyway heres from my au, pomni and ragatha talking about just trying to tell caine life in the circus sucks and they all want things to change sdfdfs
Everything was quiet out there, in the big room scattered with blocks and suspended domes of darkened skyboxes. Pomni stood on the balcony. She stared up, along the spirals and ledges, into the Circus’ simulation of nighttime. She didn’t know what made her leave her room and come out there, but she did know she didn’t care for more nightmares like the ones last night brought. Then again, after everything that day—the funeral—she did doubt the likelihood of anything similar to that coming true. She hoped it wouldn’t, anyway.
“Can’t sleep?”
Pomni startled at the sound, whirled around. “Ragatha! Ah… w-why? Should we not… be out here at night?”
Ragatha chuckled, coming closer. “Oh, no, you’re good! Don’t worry about that.” She came to a stop beside Pomni, a few feet away. Her one vaguely humanoid eye glanced up into the night sky. “I just heard your door—I have trouble sleeping too, even after all this time, so I was awake—and I thought you might want someone to talk to. Only if you want, of course!”
“Oh. Okay.”
An awkward pause stretched between them. “Do you… want to talk, or…? I know you had a big day, with that NPC and whatnot, so…”
The shapes of the Circus floor sparkled like a deathly burst of confetti in Pomni’s mind for just a second. She squeezed her eyes shut. “No. No thanks. I just…”
Ragatha’s hands rose to try to comfort Pomni, but hesitated before they actually got close enough. Instead, she clasped them together in front of her. “That’s okay. It’s not easy to get used to. I can go.”
“No, it’s fine. I just—” It was rare that Pomni ever felt choked up. At least, she felt in her subconscious that it was—not that she remembered anything about life before… this. For some reason, though, everything was washing over her right then. Maybe it was Ragatha trying to get her to talk that was drawing it out of her, or maybe it had just finally all caught up to her. Either way, her gloved hands clenched into fists and she held her breath. She wasn’t sure if she even could cry, but she didn’t want to. Not to someone who was basically still a stranger. Albeit a nice one.
It had been a long time since Ragatha had seen anyone but Gangle on the brink of tears. She almost didn’t know what to do—almost. She sat down on the checkered floor, patted the ground by Pomni’s feet. She smiled up at her. Pomni stood still for a moment, unsure, before she finally sank down.
“Don’t worry about talking, if you don’t want to!” Ragatha said.
But words were already tumbling out of Pomni’s mouth, strangled against her tense vocal chords. “I just don’t understand why,” she said. “Why am I here? Why are any of us here? What could any of us have done to deserve being- trapped? Controlled? Why…” She shook her head, eyes towards the ceiling and skies again. She let her back meet the floor. “Why?”
Ragatha started to say something, but stopped herself and thought it over. Trying to act like there was any answer to that wasn’t helpful. She knew that by then. After a second, she laid down too. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’m sorry, Pomni. It’s just the way things are—how Caine runs them. There’s nothing any of us can do.”
“Why not?!” Pomni’s voice broke a little. She took a breath, calmed herself. “There has to be something. It can’t… it can’t be impossible to leave. It can’t!”
“I’m sorry,” Ragatha said again. “Believe me, if any real ‘exit’ existed, we’d probably have found it by now. The only way to change anything here is through Caine, and… well…”
Pomni inhaled. “Well what?”
“Well… letting us go isn’t in his program. Making us ‘happy’ is. That’s it. There’s no changing him.”
Pomni’s hands rose to her face. For a moment, she just stayed like that. Then something came to her. “But he’s not making us happy.”
Pomni’s head rose. “Does he know that?”
Something between surprise and confusion filled Ragatha’s face. “I… don’t know. He keeps trying the same stuff again and again, so… probably no.”
Things began to click into place in Pomni’s mind. “Then… then maybe we could tell him! Get him to change things! Let us have more say and… and maybe, eventually, leave. If he is made to make us happy, then he’ll listen if we all say we really, sincerely aren’t. Right?”
Ragatha thought about her words. “I mean,” she began, “I don’t remember anyone really trying anything like that in the time I’ve been here—not like what you’re saying, anyway. Maybe… maybe.”
“Then we have to. We have to try.”
Ragatha looked over at Pomni. The desperation she heard in her voice made her nervous, but the hope that came with it was swaying her. “Well… it could be worth a shot!” Pomni looked back at her, the simulated moonlight flickering in her red and blue eyes. The hope in them was growing stronger. It lifted Ragatha in a way she hadn’t been lifted in a long time and crushed her all at once; a wave of guilt came with the joy. Pomni would be disappointed, and Ragatha knew it. Trying to mitigate her optimism, she added, “I mean… it’s not like things can get much worse.”
Pomni’s eyes flicked back upwards. Disappointment, to a smaller degree, had already pricked her with just those doubtful words. “Right.”
Even more guilt filled Ragatha. “I can help bring it up to everyone else tomorrow,” she offered. “I really do think it’s something to try. I’ll stand by you on it!”
Pomni took a deep breath. Her voice was stable again, her breathing steadied by the hands she rested on her stomach. It was worth trying. Anything was worth trying at that point. Like Ragatha said, what could get worse? She shoved the doubts away, to the back of her mind—still very much there, but hidden behind determination. “Okay. Tomorrow.”
Ragatha smiled a little. Pomni didn’t. She just stared up. Silence hung between them again, though it wasn’t awkward anymore; it was tense, filled with fragile hopes, fluffy clouds drifting and evaporating in the sky. Yet, somehow, they both felt a kind of security in it. Security in chance.
“I really, really hope this works,” Pomni said.
“It… probably won’t, if I’m being honest,” Ragatha couldn’t help but say, a nervous chuckle punctuating her words.
“I-I know. Still.”
Something twinged in Ragatha’s chest that made her smile all the more sincerely. Some kind of familiarity maybe, or care, or… maybe a bit of her own hope, awoken after so long. “Well… that’s sure a breath of fresh air around here.” She closed her eye. “I like that about you, Pomni.”
Pomni glanced at Ragatha for a second, but she heard right. Maybe she did have a friend in the Circus after all. Maybe what she guessed after the funeral earlier was right. Maybe, even if whatever happened tomorrow didn’t go as planned, everything would be okay. Somehow.
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themainreactor · 10 months
"Would you care to be my lover?"
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In which, Giyuu almost dies and is afraid to rest without knowing whether or not you would still love him if he passed away. He doesn't want you to forget him and he wants you to know that he loves you more than he thought he ever could.
Giyu didn't think that he was afraid to die
He never had been.
After all, it was just the natural order of things to die was it not?
So what was the point in trying to avoid it?
At least that's what he had kept telling himself. But ever since he met you... It's been rather difficult to understand anything in a reasonable light.
He also fell for you the moment that he set his eyes on you. Of course he didn't know that, but he found out later.
You were a Hashira and you kept yourself so undetected that barely anyone even knew you.
When he first noticed you, his intention weren't to be rude when he had asked who you were.
For some reason, he was desperate to know who you were, like it was something he needed.
He only received a small smile and later he realized that you had been a hashira for almost ten years.
You had been a hashira before he was even a demon slayer.
Apparently you didn't mind that he didn't know, or that he was the only Hashira to know you were alive at the moment.
Apparently this had happened multiple times where you would be in a room with everyone else and listen in without actually conversing or interacting with the others.
Apparently you literally stood next to him every single meeting with the master and he hadn't even noticed once.
But how? You were always there so how come he didn't feel any sort of familiarity around you?
He felt almost guilty, he didn't know what to do.
And yet here he was, watching as you sat down under a tree at your estate. You were just closing your eyes in quiet, nostalgic peace. He was still so confused and intrigued at the same time.
He had even asked the other Hashira and demon slayers, trying to figure more about you only get answers of 'who are you talking about?' Or 'I don't know'.
Shinobu of course had to make fun of him for such pretending, after all, it didn't seem like you were even a real person.
So no one believed that there was another Hashira, and Giyu didn't bother anyone about it.
Except for the master.
The master knew who you were, thank goodness, it made Giyu feel less stupid. He seemed happy about hearing your name come from a hashira and he seemed proud of Giyu for noticing in the first place.
You were a very quiet and reserved person, yet your fighting style involved words.
Basically, your breathing technique helped you tap into frequency, which in turn, gave you the power to control frequency and what people heard.
So technically, you had been staying undetected on purpose, using the breathing style to control the frequency your own body gave off.
Although, you must have slipped up when Giyuu actually noticed you, you wonder how that happened.
Giyu's still baffled about your existence and has no idea what to do about it.
"Try and get close to her, she is a stoic and indifferent person like you. However, she has no one to talk to besides me and she doesn't like to burden people. She denies it but she needs to find a companion and you happen to be the first hashira to notice her."
Those were the words of his master, Kagaya Ubuyashiki. But the question was, how was he supposed to be around you if you were like him?
Even he knew how hard it was to be around himself so how much harder would it be to be around you, especially if you didn't want anyone around you to begin with?
It's not like that was going to stop him though. Whether the master had told him to talk to you didn't matter because he would have done it anyway.
"Hello..." Giyu greeted you, feeling uneasy as he approached you. All he did in that moment was stand in front of you like a lost dog.
You were pretty sure that he would have forgotten you in due time but instead he had decided to talk to you again. It was cute.
Maybe you could afford to indulge him.
"Hi." You plainly replied, watching as Giyu decided to sit next to you under the tree. Giyu seemed nervous, like he didn't want to make a bad impression but at the same time he looked like he would smack you if you insulted him.
What a strange look to such a young man.
"So... How was your day?" He asks, looking ahead of him and trying to control his breathing. He didn't like how strange he felt, but he wasn't sure if it was from your breathing technique or from him being so nervous.
"My day was fine... How about yours?"
"Good... My day was good." Giyu continues, not really sure what else to say. This was a good way to start a conversation right?
"Good, that's nice."
"Yes... Well... Your hair looks nice." He's being very gentlemanly he thinks, that is a good thing when talking to women right?
"... Thank you..."
"You're welcome."
Damn, you weren't making this easy for him. You felt like such a kind and gentle person and he didn't understand why you wouldn't want to be seen.
Then again, people had their choices and he respected that, however he wanted to get to know you without feeling like he was being so pushy.
"Why are you like this?" Giyu questions, finally looking at you with a straight face only to receive a confused glare from you.
Crap, he didn't mean to offend you.
"Sorry... I just mean... Well... Why do you hide yourself from everyone else?"
"... Oh." Was all you said, not answering his question for some time before looking up at the sky.
"I don't like to cry."
Now you just confused him even more than before.
"... Cry? What do you mean?" He asks, keeping his gaze on your face. You look very pretty to him and he wonders how he hadn't seen you before even with your breathing technique.
"I don't want to get too close to people and have them die because I wasn't strong enough." You start, making eye contact with him in hopes he would understand.
"I don't want anyone to have to cry when I die either. Death only brings pain and familiarity only breeds contempt. So I guess you can say that I am running from reality."
"So you would rather have someone not know you existed so that they don't cry about your death?" Giyu asks, feeling less confused but more sad. He had thought about stuff like this very little but clearly you thought about it all the time.
"Yes, I don't like to cry."
For quite some time, the two of you stay quiet, just sitting under the tree and enjoying the silence. Of course you were enjoying the silence, Giyu thought you were crazy.
As much as Giyu had taken a liking to you in such a short amount of time, Giyu couldn't decide whether or not to label you as a psychopath, depressed or a high functioning sociopath.
You were willing to disappear for yourself and others as if you weren't alive. And yet, he didn't understand why you would avoid the inevitable.
"Do you not have anyone?"
"I have our master..." You comment, smiling at the thought of Kagaya since he was someone who had allowed you to be where you were today. He was like a father to you.
"Anyone else?"
"... No."
Giyu stayed quiet again, thinking of something before sighing and standing up.
"Let me then."
"... What?" You ask, confused at what he said.
"Let me be that other person."
You watch him as he stands his ground, clearly serious about what he said. He wants to be around you, to make sure you're okay and he could care less whether it was selfless or selfish of him to ask.
"Why? You don't know me."
"I want to know you... Here."
Giyu pulls out a few questionable things from his mismatched haori, he seemed to be looking for something specific and it was making you slightly nervous since he shouldn't really be carrying a bunch of... Rope. Why did he have that much rope?
Finally he pulls out a small ribbon and starts tying it around his wrist, why? You have no damn clue.
"Whenever you enter a room that I'm in, you should pull on this, that way I know you're there." He starts, grabbing his other items including the rope and placing them back in his haori.
"Why?" You ask, scratching the back of your head in slight annoyance. You didn't want him to try so hard, otherwise he wouldn't forget about you.
"Because I want to know when you're around me so I can be your acquaintance."
"You don't have to worry, I don't feel lonely or anything like that."
"That's fine, I just want to know when you're there."
"I insist... I will not try to fix you nor will I make you cry, but I would like to at least be a companion for you to talk to."
For some reason his words made you feel warm, like he meant them. You didn't know why he wanted that, but it was sweet and scary at the same time.
You weren't sure if you liked it or not but as far as you were concerned, this was something that you shouldn't allow.
After all, he might die and then you might end up crying.
Or the other way around... You don't want him to cry because of you.
Then again.
Maybe you could afford to indulge him a little bit longer.
What's the harm in that when he would eventually forget you anyway?
"Alright then."
This went on for months, you pulling on that stupid ribbon like he asked you to so that he would know you were there.
The two of you have now become acquainted and maybe even close to friends. However you don't know what to do with yourself.
You taught him things about you, your breathing technique and the way you fought while Giyu taught you about his own and even a bit of his past.
You felt stupid and you didn't like the unfamiliar feeling of getting so close to someone like you have with Giyu. You didn't like the feeling you had when you thought about him.
You didn't like it...
You hated it...
You hated it so much...
But you liked it at the same time...
Oh, how you loved it, but that's what scared you the most.
Because if you loved it, that would mean that you loved him.
He was supposed to forget you but he didn't, you just ended up coming on his mind more often.
Eventually you got used to it and even felt more comfortable about it. Eventually he didn't even need you to pull the ribbon for him to know you were in the room.
But he still wore the tiny, red cloth. A stupid ribbon that made your heart flutter every time you saw it.
It seemed like he could faintly feel the change when you were around.
You still didn't like it and yet you felt very special to have someone like Giyu care enough about wanting to know you.
Why couldn't you make up your damn mind?
Not only that, if you think you're the one having a hard time with this, take an actual look at Giyu for once in your life.
He's always gentle around you and yet his hands get all sweaty and he clams up. He doesn't remember feeling this way around you before, he just remembers being nervous, not sweaty and lightheaded. He doesn't remember getting vivid fascinations of you in his mind.
He can't tell if it's the feeling of just doing a drug or of absolute distress. He likes being around you but he's so nervous at the same time. He can't help but act differently around you than the other Hashira. He wanted to desperately kiss you and he had never wanted to kiss anyone else before.
It was almost as if he had a crush on you but there was no way to determine that. Even with all the scrolls he read on the topic in hopes to explain what he was feeling.
He didn't like this feeling of his chest tightening and his face brightening up. Most of the Hashira could even see the change in Giyu, how he looked more happy, even with his neutral face.
What made it worse was the thoughts he had about you. His frantic fantasies about you being closer to him, being with him in ways he wouldn't utter. He prayed that this was just love and not lust but he couldn't tell.
He had even tried to talk to Kagaya about it, but he had just dismissed him with a laugh, saying that he would get used to it over time and that it was an experience to try and keep.
And Giyu had to make it worse by being bold one day and kissing your cheek after you had come back from the Swordsmith village.
That was a fun and welcoming surprise for you which only clarified how you felt about him. Unfortunately it made Giyu want to hide in a corner for the rest of his life right after.
This is why no one likes him he's sure, he's weird and thinks things that he shouldn't about other women. Then again, he's never thought about it with another woman besides you.
Everyone was sure that he was a lonely weirdo that wouldn't find anyone. Maybe he would.
Mitsuri, Rengoku and Uzui are sure he is in love even though they didn't know who it was. Sanemi and Obanai just think he's high, either way he likes it.
He likes it...
He's sure he likes it...
He likes it so much.... Maybe too much
But he doesn't at the same time...
He loves it, but that's what scares him...
It scares him because that would mean that he has fallen for you.
He has fallen for you hard.
He loves you.
The two of you fell in love too fast and now you might as well start courting.
I mean, what else are you going to do?
The real problem was the fact that you didn't want to be emotional and Giyu didn't want to cause you pain if anything were to happen.
Yet he couldn't help himself when he wanted to be around you. It made him feel alive and he wasn't sure what to do.
So that's how he finds himself almost a year later.
He's in fear of his life because he almost died on a mission and the impending love he had for you about to explode his heart wasn't helping either.
All he knew is that he had to get to you, he had to tell you everything. Whether or not he ruined the relationship or was healed yet.
He fought against the Kakushi to get out of the butterfly mansion, not caring if he would hurt himself more.
Aoi tried to stop him and he wasn't trying to be rude, he was just a man on a mission and the fact of the matter is that he could care less.
He even scared Shinobu when she watched him walk out of the mansion. She tried to tell him to rest but if she was being honest, there was no real point in trying when he was moving so fast.
When Giyu finally found you standing outside and looking at the red, cloud-filled sunset, he tried to give a small smile but even that couldn't mask the weariness that showed on his face.
Despite how tired he was, he wanted to see you first, before even allowing himself to rest. He wouldn't rest, not yet.
It seemed that his feelings for you were so strong that even the exhaustion and pain he had just experienced wouldn't stand in the way of confirming something that he desperately needed to know.
"Giyu? Aren't you supposed to be healing at the butterfly mansion?" You ask in surprise as you watch him walk towards him. You were nervous cause here he was, trying to walk around in your house like a normal person.
Not that Giyu wasn't strong because he was and you loved seeing him when he was around, but he needed his rest and he deserved it.
You had listened into a conversation that Gyomei was having with Mitsuri. He was saying that Giyu was going to be taken to the butterfly mansion for healing even though he could still stand and walk around when the clean up crew found him.
Giyu was taken back by your concern, but he quickly hid it behind his usual calm demeanor. It seemed out of character for him to show any kind of vulnerability. Not that he wasn't going to show it eventually.
"I was at the butterfly mansion for healing, but I wanted to see you first, and check on you." His voice was slightly hoarse from the amount of screaming he probably did on his mission.
"How have you been? Are you doing alright?" Giyu inquired, hoping to see some sign of affection from you.
"I'm fine, thank you." You responded with a small smile, flattered that he wanted to check on you to make sure that you were okay. The funny thing was the fact that he was the one that almost died.
"You shouldn't be walking around like this when you're injured." You continued, standing still for a moment before looking at his hand.
Hesitantly, you softly grab a hold of his hand and meticulously massaging his palm. Your thought was that would make him feel better.
As far as he was concerned, all the heat in his body went straight to his... Cock?
Lord have mercy. No way in hell was Giyu going to even allow that to interfere with anything, at least not yet.
Giyu didn't expect you to be so gentle with him, yet he welcomed the gesture. He always kept others at arm's length, but with you, he couldn't help but find himself comfortable enough with your touched.
That’s probably why he suddenly got all hard.
He smiled at your concern, not yet accepting that he could be this vulnerable and dependent.
"I'm okay, it's really nothing." Giyu said, trying to downplay the seriousness of his mission.
"I'm just glad you're alright." He whispered softly.
You nodded your head, not looking at him and keeping your gaze focused on his hand. You knew that he was lying and not only was he injured, he was so stressed out that you could feel it in his hands and arms.
"You must be tired." Was all you said as you started to massage his fingers and then slowly up his arm. You felt bad for him since he looked so tired and the fact that he wanted to see you in this state was almost romantic. It was definitely cute.
Giyu's pride wouldn't allow him to accept any help, but he also knew that deep down he needed your comfort and reassurance. As you continued to massage his hands and arm, he found himself wanting to return the gesture.
When he finally looked at you, he found it hard to speak. The expression on your face made him feel butterflies in his stomach. In that moment, he could only think of how lucky he was to know such a lovely woman. As he looked up at you, he gently pulled you closer.
He's so glad that you slipped up on your breathing technique, otherwise he still wouldn't know you.
"I don't feel so tired anymore." He whispered, clearly knowing what to do even though he had no clue what to do. This must have all been from instinct because he had no experience in this.
"No?" You ask him, allowing him to pull you closer to him. Whether it was an attempt for a hug or something more you didn't know but you felt comfortable. Although you had a feeling he was trying to initiate something.
"Why aren't you tired anymore?" You continue, being just as gentle with his other hand as you were with the last one you massaged.
Giyu pulled you even closer, his face just inches away from yours. A small but tired smile spread across his lips as he began to answer your question.
"Because you're here, and I want to stop beating around the bush."
He looked into your eyes with an intensity that seemed almost animalistic. He wanted to show you how special you were to him, and what better way than to express it physically.
He was going to love on you... Not like that though, he was just going to kiss you until you yell at him to stop.
At least, in his mind it seemed like a good idea, although it may have just been from your physical touch but he was absolutely sure he loved you.
"... Well have you eaten anything recently?" You ask as he slowly buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You felt flattered, you felt more than flattered. You and Giyu both had been courting in a way and it was quite obvious that the two of you liked each other. Even so, you didn't really know what else to do.
Giyu nuzzled your neck before answering you, his words mixed with soft chuckles of affection.
"No, I haven't had anything to eat yet." He admitted.
"You should eat."
"I'll eat later, it can wait."
You both had been so busy with Hashira work and beating around the bush that romance had been pushed to the side. Now that the two of you had time, it was time that you both dealt with your feelings. He wasn't going to let you go without at least talking to you about how he felt.
"I was worried I wouldn't make it back... I was... I was so scared" Giyu confessed, his head still resting on your shoulder. "But I... I very much like you, I think... That I love you. So I wanted to come back to tell you that."
"... You... Do you really love me?" You ask, wanting to hear him say it again. Maybe you should have paid more attention to your mother when she said that you'll experience a love like this.
"Yes... I believe I love you more than anything, and I was scared of leaving without you knowing that. I don't know why, but I thought of you and I was so scared... I didn't know what to do, I know I love you."
"... Thank you." You respond, placing your hand on top of his head as Giyu kisses your cheek. He had kissed you once but hadn't given you a kiss since then.
"I missed you, I was hoping that you would be okay so that I could see you again." You comment with a small but warm smile. Even though you could be naive sometimes, clearly he was confessing to you. "I... I love you too... Maybe I should have said that sooner."
As the moment became more intimate, Giyu knew that he couldn't handle not kissing you anymore.
Looking up at you with eyes that were full of affection and adoration, he moved his face up to touch yours. Your lips made contact with each other as Giyu's hand moved behind your head, his thumb slowly caressing you.
He was sure that he loved you, it couldn't be just lust because if it was, he wouldn't have thought about you when he almost encountered his death bed.
"Thank you for always being there for me." Giyu whispered as he lost himself in a moment that he had never felt before.
Giyu was feeling dumb, filled with color and emotion while you happened to be hyper aware. Maybe this was a good thing, a small amount of love could go a long way in a short amount of time.
"You're welcome." You mumbled, letting Giyu kiss your forehead before giving you a small kiss on your nose.
Heck, he could marry you right now and he wouldn't mind. In fact, he would love that.
You leaned in, kissing him and not knowing where to put your hands before finally deciding to let them hold onto Giyu's haori
Giyu had no time to feel lightheaded and embarrassed, he wasn't prepared but he wasn't going to hold off.
He loved you, and he knew that. He also knew that you must have loved him if you had kissed him back. The two of you weren't acquaintances or friends anymore.
He would be so happy if you would care to be his lover and maybe in the future, his wife.
"We'll be prepared, I'm sure since-" Tanjiro quickly stopped, looking at the sight of Giyu and a woman he did not recognize.
It was very cute and Tanjiro couldn't help but smile at the lovingness that Giyu seemed to show the female.
Tanjiro would have left to give the couple privacy if he hadn't been walking with both Muichiro and Genya.
"Who is that?" Muichiro asks, gazing at the woman while trying his absolute best not to smile at the romantic sight.
"Whatever, let's just go!" Genya yells, clearly embarrassed by the whole thing.
"Shh! Don't yell Genya!"
"It seems like a beautiful demon slayer has caught the attention of a Water Hashira." Muichiro starts, pretending to be the invisible narrator in some unknown story while being way too flamboyant.
"Oh c'mon Genya, have some fun."
"Let's give the two some privacy." Tanjiro comments, chuckling as the three of them walk off.
Tanjiro and the rest were apparently wrong. It seemed like Giyu wouldn't be alone for the rest of his life, and Tanjiro was happy for him.
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bratphilia · 11 months
one last phone call
summary: Mike calls you one last time while he's on shift.
note: once again written before i actually saw the movie, so there's definitely divergence in what actually happens in the plot.
pairing: mike schmidt x reader
tags: phone sex, dirty talk, masturbation, mention of death, edging? LMAO
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... ring ! ... ring ! ... ring !
"Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system..."
Of course you didn't pick up. It's 4 in the morning for fuck's sake. But there was something important about this call.
"Hey, baby... I'm sorry to call you at such a bad time — I'm awful, I know," Mike says with a small laugh.
"I just wanted to, you know, talk before... nevermind, I'll spare you the details. Uhm, I-uh.. I love you. More than anything in the world. I hope you know that. And I wish I was there with you tonight. I wish I didn't take this fucking job, but I'll do anything to support us. I know that this is... probably the weirdest call you've ever gotten but... I just wanted to... nevermind. I'm not really good at this."
"Anyways... the reason I wish I was there with you right now is... I just can't stop thinking about earlier... how perfect you were, and always are. The way you sucked my cock and swallowed every last drop. The way your thighs framed my head while I ate you out, and the sweet taste of your pussy — I can still fucking taste it. And the way you rode me into oblivion, fuck — I'm getting hard just talking about it. Honestly, I've had a massive boner the whole night... actually, I wonder if I could just..." there's a sound of metal clinking, and the shifting of clothes.
"Ah, fuck," he sighs, "I can't believe I'm doing this here, but I need you so bad right now."
"Do you have any idea what you do to me?" He says over the phone, his tone is different, dropped down more octaves and his breathing is noticeable.  The sound of skin slapping is audible. "I wanna fuck you so bad right now. I wish I was there fucking you instead of sitting on my ass over here, just waiting to die. I want you to ride me again. The way your tits bounce up and down is so fucking sexy. I want to bite your fucking nipples too, so hard that you scream my name and beg me to stop. I love it when you beg me. Like that time I edged you, eating you out and fingering you, until you started crying and whining for me to let you come already, or just fuck you. Shit — ah — wanna hit it from the back, too. Your ass is so fucking sexy from behind. I would grip your hair and push your face into the pillows. We would just fuck, and fuck, and fuck..."
Suddenly, there's loud footsteps. Loud enough that you could hear them from the over the phone. Then the sound of a slam, like a door shutting loudly.
"Fuck me, already? Give it a fucking rest... hah — I think one of those robots just saw my dick, babe. Good, it might shoo them away for the night... kinda shocked I didn't get blue balls from that. Maybe I like being watched. Maybe we'll get one of my friends to come over and watch us. You could put on a real show for them, yeah? Maybe I'll let them take a turn on you... I'm just kidding, I'd never share you with anyone."
"...back to what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted... I want to stick my cock inside you as soon as I get home. Maybe even while you're asleep. Maybe I'll wake you up by eating your pussy. But for now, I just can't stop thinking about fucking you. The way you feel around me is like my own personal heaven. And the way you clench so it fits tighter, even though you deny it, it's so fucking hot.. and.. and.."
His breathing gets more labored. But there's a banging sound on the door. However, Mike keeps going.
"They're here, you know, but fuck, I'm so close. I wish you picked up — fuck, you could be there to help me. Your voice is all I need to come. You could make me spill with just one sentence, you know that? Fuck, fuck, fuck — no!"
A loud crashing sound resounds over the phone. It's the sound of a door breaking. And then the call cuts off.
You listen to that call the next day, at least a hundred times. You touched yourself to it the first time, but the end made you stop. It haunted you. You clung onto it as closure for what the hell happened to your boyfriend, and why he didn't come home last night.
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writerblue275 · 6 months
I read Heartsteel!Sett becoming a dad and AUUUUUH MY HEART I LOVED IT 😭❤️😭❤️
and now I gotta predictably ask about Heartsteel!Kayn becoming a dad cuz I’m wEAK HFJFJFHHF
Mystic!! Hello!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed my Heartsteel!Sett dad headcanon! But ooooh Heartsteel’s resident bad boy becoming a dad? I love it. Let’s gooooooo! (Also listen I totally get it. I’m WEAK for Kayn too he's just such a menace to my sanity I swear to god.😭)
Heartsteel!Kayn becoming a dad
Previous members: Sett
Genre: Headcanon
Type: FLUFF (with slight frank discussion of unprotected sex and v slight suggestive undertones at one point.)
Gender: Not necessarily specified but mention of carrying a pregnancy and such (though sex does not equal gender as we all know).
TW: Swearing. Discussion of risks of unprotected sex. Discussion of pregnancy things and labor.
Extra context: In this instance we’re assuming a well-settled relationship. Like cohabitation and shit.
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So the start of this really depends on on an important factor: Is the baby planned? Because while I think Kayn’s course of action and thoughts would eventually line up on the same path regardless if the baby is planned or not, his initial reaction I could see being SUPER different. In this scenario, let’s say the baby isn’t planned:
Now of course Kayn knew there was a risk. Both of you did. No matter how prepared and careful both of you were before/while/after having sex, nothing is truly 100% effective at preventing a pregnancy besides abstinence. And let’s be so for real, abstinence and Kayn are like oil and water. Also it’s not like you didn’t want him. You certainly enjoyed yourself as much as he did.
And sure he’d thought a little bit about an accidental baby.
But not MUCH. And he certainly didn’t expect it to actually happen.
So when you tell him the news and show him the positive pregnancy test, it’s almost like he’s hit by lighting.
Kayn freezes, his wide eyes glued to the positive pregnancy test in your hand. “P-pregnant? Holy shit, (Y/N), you’re pregnant?
You sigh and nod. “Y-yeah…and I-I don’t know what to do…I don’t know what you want to do. I kn-know this isn’t r-really part of our p-plans right n-now. I-I wasn’t positive that’s what was g-going on until I took the s-second test today...” your voice fades off and your bottom lip wobbles ever so slightly.
The change in your voice has him looking back at your face, and seeing the distress in your eyes, Kayn quickly, but gently, reaches out and pulls you to him, wrapping you in a tight hug. He realizes this is as much of a shock to you as it is to him.
As you burrow against his shoulder and let out a sniffle, he kisses the top of your head. “Hey…hey, it’s okay, angel,” he murmurs. “Please don’t cry…please don’t cry, baby…I’m just surprised, that’s all. Yes this isn’t what we planned for right now, but I guess when the hell does life ever go according to plan?”
“Y-you’re not upset? Or mad?” your voice trembles.
Kayn gently makes you look at him, pecking your lips softly. “Baby, why would I be upset or mad? It’s not like you’re at fault for anything. I was just as much involved in this. Besides, we talked about the possibility of having kids in the future. And while we didn’t expect this part of our future to come so soon, what I know is you’re the person I want to have my future with. I love you. You make me the best version of myself and I can’t see my future with anyone else but you. If you want to have this baby, then I’ll be right next to you the entire way, helping you kick pregnancy’s ass and we’ll raise the coolest and most badass kid anyone has ever met.”
You let out a little laugh at that and wipe your eyes.
He grins at your reaction. “So don’t worry about what I want. Because all I want is for you to be happy, (Y/N). Whatever you want to do, I love you and I’m with you all the way.” He emphasizes his point with a kiss to your forehead.
Kayn’s reaction was better than you could have ever imagined. And you know he means everything he said, so…you and him decide to become parents.
And while of course becoming a father meant some things had to change, it wasn’t as big of a behavior shift as one might think.
He’d already given up drinking/substances (sober!Kayn headcanon returns!) and he wasn’t as much of a party animal as he used to be before he met and fell in love with you. He wasn’t kidding when he said you bring out the best version of himself.
Can you imagine Kayn telling the rest of Heartsteel the news? (I think he’d tell them early on since he’d want to be able to go to your appointments and such.) Their mix of shock and glee.
Ezreal: *Nearly levitating in excitement* “No fucking way!!! Wait can I be the godfather??? I call dibs on being the godfather!!”
Everyone else: *Jaws dropped, eyes wide, and staring at Kayn. Yone’s second cold brew of the day is now splattered on the floor.* (😂)
Kayn: *frowns* “What?? Turns out the idea of being a dad actually sounds pretty cool...”
*Raucous cheering commences and Kayn becomes the bottom of a dog pile of happy band mates/friends*
And trust, he’s keeping all of Heartsteel updated on how you’re doing. They are now very used to Kayn rambling on and on about your last appointment, how the nursery is going, how big the baby is this week, etc…
You might not expect it, but he’s super involved in your appointments, asking your OBGYN all sorts of questions. He’s genuinely curious and he wants to make sure he learns and understands as much as possible.
He will take off as much time as necessary to take you to appointments and Lamaze classes. Thankfully the rest of Heartsteel understands and they are cool with it.
And when Kayn sees the tiny blob at your first ultrasound, you notice him discreetly clear his throat as he hugs you tightly.
You quickly realize this kid has their father already wrapped around their little finger…and their little finger isn’t even developed yet!
Surprisingly excellent at helping you through bouts of morning sickness. He’s happy to hold back your hair if need be, and he’ll always help you straighten/freshen up once you’re through a spell.
Wasn’t prepared for the hormonal mood swings at first, tbh. The first time you burst into tears over a cute little kitten video, Kayn was genuinely a little alarmed. But he quickly realized what was going on.
Your crazy cravings don’t phase him. He’s always down to run out and grab you whatever food you want.
And not just food either. He’s ready to run out and grab any kind of supplies for you (though he very jokingly complains about it. But he makes it very clear he’s just kidding and he doesn’t actually mind).
And despite all the physical changes to your body, Kayn makes it clear he still finds you attractive. He makes that VERY clear. 😉
Being with you already brought his soft side out. That just increases exponentially while you’re pregnant. Kayn absolutely loves to play the guitar for you and the baby. He’ll play lullabies while you two are unwinding from the day. (If you sing, sing along with him because oh my god it makes him so happy when you do. He’d love to pass on a love of music to this baby early.)
And when he’s not playing guitar, he’s reading through the absolute mountain of parenting books he bought/borrowed from the library.
He’s trying to be as prepared as humanly possible. But there’s also an underlying anxiety to his obsessive reading. The last thing he wants is to let you or the baby down. Be sure to reassure him you believe he’ll be a good dad.
(In the Heartsteel universe we’re not exactly told what Zed is to Heartsteel!Kayn, but considering his role and the relationship between the two in base Runeterra lore, I’m imagining Zed as Kayn’s adoptive father.)
He’s calling Zed often and asking him for advice. And Zed is ready to assist you if Kayn is busy with Heartsteel or out of town for something. Just text him.
Kayn’s super eager to find out the sex of the baby. One of the first questions he asked the OBGYN was “How long until we know whether it’s a boy or girl?”
He doesn’t have a preference one way or the other, he just wants to know. The baby will be so loved regardless.
So once the two of you are at the 20-week ultrasound appointment, he’s so excited to finally get an answer.
And when the OBGYN reveals the baby is a girl? Holy shit Kayn’s so thrilled. He’s so happy he starts crying and laughing as he hugs you. (Tough bad boy becoming the biggest girl dad oh my GODDDDDDD 😭.)
And now that he knows the sex of the baby, this man is going to go OFF when it comes to buying things for her.
He found a black onesie with a pink skull and crossbones (with a bow) that says “Punk Rock Girl.” He bought four.
And once it’s time for the baby to come? Kayn is incredible. There’s a small wave of panic at the beginning because “holy fuck oh my god it’s actually fucking happening.” But he quickly realizes that panicking won’t help shit in this scenario. So he takes you to the pre-packed car (that he did himself and triple checked), takes a deep breath, and gets you to the hospital.
Kayn is your biggest advocate in the hospital. He’s making sure you are being listened to when it comes to how you’re feeling and what you want.
He’s encouraging you the whole way. Leading you through your Lamaze techniques, telling you to squeeze his hand as hard as you need to, and encouraging you to swear as much as you need to.
And even when you start cursing him out from pain for being “a god damn sexy and charismatic jackass and doing this to me, putting me in this position,” he keeps his cool, instead apologizing to you and telling you he’s right here and that he loves you.
Once it’s time for you to push, Kayn is right next to you, wiping your forehead, making sure you’re taking deep breaths, and counting you into pushes.
“Look at me, (Y/N). Eyes on me.” Kayn’s voice is gentle but urgent as he gently puts his finger on your chin and turns your head towards him. “That’s it, beautiful. Holy shit, you’re doing so well. I love you so much and I’m so fucking proud of you. Like doc said, one more big push and she’ll be out. Deep breath. I’ll count down from three and when I say “push” you give it all you got, okay? Ready? Alright angel, let’s meet our little girl. Breathe in....and 3…..2…..1…..push!”
And you do it. You give one final push and out she comes, squalling loudly, covered in vernix (newborn goop).
And Kayn finally lets all his emotions go, hugging you tightly and nuzzling your neck as he starts to tear up.
His voice is muffled against your neck. “I’m so fucking proud of you, (Y/N). She’s here….our daughter is here.” He lets out a happy laugh and kisses your forehead, gently wiping away your tears. “You alright, Angel? Can I get you anything?”
You hug him tightly, exhausted but happy, shaking your head. "Not besides babygirl. How is she?”
He nods. "They’re getting her cleaned off. (Y/N), she is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Just like you.”
The L&D nurse walks over. “Dad? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?”
Kayn’s face lights up and he smiles at you. “Hell yeah…”
The sight of your partner carefully cutting your daughter’s umbilical cord is extremely sweet. He's being so careful, almost as if he's afraid he'll accidentally hurt her.
And as he looks down at her tiny form, he swears to himself right then and there, he's not letting anyone or anything harm her.
And once they hand her to you and you gently tease him as his happy tears fall, he just looks up at you with a grin, not even trying to play his tears off as "dust in my eyes" like he sometimes does.
You can’t help but laugh as he comments on her lung capacity and how she’s already ready to be a singer.
"She's what, not even ten minutes old and she already beats Ezreal's lung capacity and his higher range! He's gonna be so fucking jealous!"
(A/N: Ok so I know I stopped with Sett’s at the hospital right after labor, but I have an extra tidbit for Kayn’s and I NEED to write it down.)
You know how when athletes/musicians have babies/little kids, the other parent might bring them to cheer on the famous parent but they cover their ears with really strong noise-cancelling headphones to protect their ears/hearing?
Imagine doing that for Kayn at Heartsteel shows!!! Dressing up baby girl in a small version of his paranoia jacket with custom Kayn-designed stitching on the back (courtesy of Sett).
And imagine if Kayn got custom ear protection for her. And on each earphone is a print of his Rhaast mask, matching the custom necklace he bought you early on in your relationship. “So everyone knows who's with me.”
Ah! That would be so fucking cool. And when he sees the two of you the first time you bring her, oh my god, his heart is ready to burst. Especially when you blow him a kiss and wave one of her little hands at him. Kayn can’t help but grin like an absolutely besotted idiot for a second. Honestly you two being at his shows to cheer him on is his favorite thing. It reminds him why he does what he does. For his little family.
Who knew this bad boy could turn into such a family man? 🥹
Ahhhh thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my latest contribution to Dad!Heartsteel headcanons!! I was so excited to get this request!! 2/6 done. Let me know which Heartsteel member should become a dad next! 💙
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
With an extremely lazy mc, that can be worse than belphegor in that aspect yet is always on top of what they need to do.
Homework? Finished, Chores? Done, Pranks? Happened. Yet they haven't seemed to move from their spot in the last 7 hours.
It's later revealed that it's just them using magic but entertaining nonetheless
Hi there, anon!
This was fun to write, I have to say. I mean, if I could just use magic to get everything done, I absolutely would.
Thanks for the request!
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brothers reaction to lazy GN!MC who gets everything done with magic
Warnings: none!
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Previously thought there was no way anyone could be lazier than Belphie… but he's surprised by how close you get. At first he's annoyed, but then you somehow get everything done anyway? And then he's just confused.
Confused… but also suspicious. How are you doing that, MC? He wants to lecture you so bad, but he can't since you actually do everything you need to do. Secretly a little worked up about it, but he's trying to keep his cool.
That essay he knew was due for your class tomorrow isn't just finished, it's well written, too. The dishes it was your turn to do are all washed and put away. And yet you haven't moved for hours.
Figures it out when he falls for one of your pranks. Because he can see how the prank was done with magic. Confronts you about it directly. Go ahead and pretend you don't know what he's talking about. It'll drive him crazy, especially since you haven't actually done anything wrong and he can't actually prove that prank was yours.
Amazed. He's just shocked that you're able to do everything while actually doing nothing. How is it that all your homework and chores are done when you haven't moved?! What is going on here?
Asks you to teach him your ways even before he knows you're just using magic. He's imagining a life of never having to do homework or chores ever again. He'd be able to spend all his time partying or finding a way to rake in the Grimm. Ya gotta show him how ya do that, MC!
Mammon is in awe of all your perfectly executed pranks, too. Doesn't even mind if he falls victim to one considering how good they always are.
Doesn't figure it out. He'll only know you were using magic the whole time if someone tells him. If you tell him yourself, he'll pretend he knew all along. Now teach him all those spells.
He's amazed, but he's also suspicious. There's no way you're able to stay on top of everything like that. You can sit with him and play video games all night while your homework somehow still gets done. Something is up with that.
Doesn't care too much, though, so he doesn't try to figure out what's going on. Your ability to do your homework and chores isn't his concern. Let Lucifer worry about it.
He's just happy that you have more than enough time to spend with him, watching anime or reading manga or playing video games, etc. Let's be real, Levi has different priorities.
Only figures it out when he asks you to help him clean his room, which has gotten a little cluttered. You proceed to assist with magic and that's when it clicks. Of course! Everyone knows what a good sorcerer you are, MC! He can't believe he didn't realize it sooner!
It doesn't really register at first. He just knows that you're very efficient at getting things done without being busy at all. Assumes you have a strict time management style to keep yourself on track. That's certainly the most logical explanation, right?
Eventually realizes that you are in fact quite lazy, though. The fact that you haven't left the couch in hours makes him a little antsy. Don't you have things to do, MC?
Make him really crazy by just smiling and saying you've already done everything you needed to do that day. Tell him all about whatever homework, chores, and pranks you've done in the time you've been sitting on the couch.
He does figure you out pretty quickly, though. Satan is smart and he can tell that you're doing magic over there, even if nobody else seems to realize it. He's impressed. Why shouldn't you use magic to accomplish everything? Your skill as a sorcerer allows you to do it, so why not?
Complains about how lazy you are. He doesn't care about your homework, chores, or pranks. But MC, you really should be more diligent about your skin care routine. Do you even use the products he gave you?
Show him your half empty product bottles and watch his expression go from surprised to happy to confused. He's thrilled that you're actually using what he gave you, but… when? How? He's never actually seen you use them?
Keep your secrets, Asmo likes how mysterious you are. Always sitting around, always doing nothing, and yet everything is somehow still done. How interesting! You're like a little puzzle he needs to work out.
He does, eventually. He really wants to make sure you're doing what you say you are, so he spies on you to see what you're up to. Won't figure it out until you actually use magic to apply the various skin care products. Now he's onto you. He's another one who's going to be impressed by your clever use of magic.
Doesn't notice how lazy you are, but does notice that your stuff still gets done. His instinct is to help you out, so he might try to do some chores for you only to find that you've somehow already done them? How did you do that? He's confused.
This is going to go on for a while. He's going to notice your stuff is done, but he's just gonna go ??? and then move on with his life. He's not worried about it, though it is a little mind boggling.
Assuming you're sometimes on meal duty, though, that's when he's going to make the connection. If you use magic to make meals and they turn out really good, he's going to want to know how you're doing it. He's going to notice that you somehow get it done without even going into the kitchen? MC, please explain. He needs to know where your food supply is coming from.
In the end, you likely just tell him about it yourself. You go ahead and use magic to make him snacks. He's so thrilled, but he's not going to ask you to teach him. He's just going to ask you to make him food all the time. You're really good at magic, after all.
Annoyed at first. How dare you surpass him in laziness? This isn't something he actually cared about until he realized that some of his brothers were saying you were lazier than him. Hey. MC. This is his thing, you know?
Turns out he's too lazy to actually pursue any kind of rivalry with you about this. So instead you become partners in crime. If you're sitting around for hours, you can be sure that Belphie will be by your side, probably asleep. He's happy to keep you company.
Figures out what you're doing pretty fast. Since he's with you all the time, he sees that you're using magic to get everything done. Starts trying to get you to do his stuff, too. You get to decide if you're going to or not, but if you do, then he'll never leave your side again.
Especially fond of your pranks, particularly ones aimed at Lucifer. Will never give you away. The others might ask him how you do what you do, considering he's spending all his time with you. But he'll never tell, so they'll have to figure it out for themselves.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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leejeongz · 2 years
how enhypen act when they have a crush on you
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pairing: crush!enha x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: teasing, slang
heeseung ・:,。★゚
♡ it took him a while to realise he had a crush on you tbh he just thought you intimidated him for other reasons
♡ like he knew you were attractive and that you’d most probably get on well, but he didn’t realise the actual gravity of his feelings
♡ shy heeseung !!!!
♡ the only person who can make him blush (he’d never EVER admit it though)
♡ launches his phone and kicks his feet whenever you reply to him
♡ if someone catches him he’s straight back to “:| nothing”
♡ heeseung has definitely accidentally liked one of your posts from 2014 lmfao
♡ in real life, you would never imagine that he has a crush on you. he tries his hardest to avoid you and panics when your schedules overlap because he just AH doesn’t know how to act around you
♡ he talks to all your friends but you :(( he does want to but he thinks he’ll embarrass himself in front of you
other members below the cut
jay ・:,。★゚
♡ FULL ❗️ of compliments
♡ sometimes they don’t land as he wishes, they’re a bit awkward and sound kinda weird when he says them out loud (but you’re still getting giddy over them because you have a crush on him too lol)
♡ no matter how long you’ve been friends, he still can’t look you in the eye
♡ but he does know how beautiful they are and isn’t afraid to tell you !!!
♡ we all know jay has no bad days, especially when it comes to his looks, but he tries extra hard on days when he knows that he’ll see you, spending hours on his hair and outfit, that’s how his friends know that he really likes you.
♡ okay so out of everyone, against all odds, i think he would be the most successful when it comes to flirting
♡ as i said he’s full of compliments but he’s also very good at making it known what his intentions are
♡ so you’d never be left feeling like you don’t know where you stand, it’s pretty clear that he has a crush on you
jake ・:,。★゚
♡ jake is the type of guy to look out for those he’s interested in, even if you don’t even know each other
♡ he keeps his eye on you, probably from afar, and uses it to work his way into your life
♡ idk if jake can acc drive but he would still find a way to make your journey to school/work easier
♡ jake is 100% that one guy who waits to message you on your birthday just to start a conversation and it works lol of course it does
♡ i don’t doubt that you’re hilarious ofc, but jake thinks you’re the funniest person on the planet,,, no one has ever made him laugh as much as you do.
♡ he tries to show off in front of you tbh
♡ and sometimes it’s like kinda cringe for other people to watch but he’s charmed you so you don’t seem to find it cringe at all :)
sunghoon ・:,。★゚
♡ despite his cold exterior, you always find him being nice to you
♡ the wanna be tsundere that just doesn’t have it in him to ever ignore you
♡ he texts you back really quickly and tries to help you with stuff even if he has no idea
♡ whenever you catch him looking at you, he turns away real quickly and smiles to himself… very cute
♡ there’s definitely going to be a rumour about you two dating before he's even confessed to you since he acts so differently around you than anyone else
♡ his feelings are like burning a hole in his heart that’s how strong they are, but he still doesn’t do anything about it because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable 😭 bless him
sunoo ・:,。★゚
♡ you very quickly find yourself within his friendship circle, and, although you’re not very close with sunoo, he’s always super affectionate with you and smiling at you
♡ a gift giver. even if it’s just a small thing like a pen because you forgot to bring one that day. he picks out the prettiest pen in his pencil case and gives it to you with the most genuine sweet smile
♡ whether you’re at school or working, he tries his hardest to clear his schedule on important days for you (sports events, interviews, presentations, etc).
♡ so basically, he’s your number one supporter and he WILL be your best friend whether you like it or not before he even considers confessing his feelings
jungwon ・:,。★゚
♡ without realising it’s kind of… weird he copies stuff you do and buys similar items
♡ like say you have a blue cloud charm on your backpack, he’ll get a pink cloud charm to match lol
♡ denies that he has a crush on you but 🤨
♡ he’s adamant he will spend time around you even if it means sacrificing his own plans. he grabs lunch at your favourite cafe in hopes of seeing you instead of sticking with his friends
♡ saying that tho, i think jungwon would be least likely to change himself around you
♡ he always acts like himself around you, if you don’t like him for that then that’s on you 🤷🏻‍♀️
♡ but who doesn’t have a crush on jungwon lol ANW
♡ one time he asked you if you wanted a hug when he noticed you looking stressed and now physical affection is normal between you two, like the next step would be kissing lmfao
niki ・:,。★゚
♡ the first to tell his friends, the second he’s sees you he hits the group chat and tells them he’s gonna talk to you and make you his
♡ he thinks he’s so confident and smooth but he’s stuttering on EVERY WORD
♡ he’s most definitely a teaser, you’ll come away from every conversation thinking he dislikes you but that’s so far from the truth
♡ behind your back, he’s your number 1 defender, to the point where no one even dares say anything bad about you because they are too scared of niki lmfao
♡ he loves sitting next to you and poking you or nudging you (especially when you’re concentrating)
♡ AND THEN asking if you wanna get up and dance ??? even though you're in public or smth lmfao
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
I have to admit I'm impressed with how awful a father CRWBY made Taiyang while giving him a veneer of reasonability.
To the point that his ability to just spout off things reminds me of an Aunt and Uncle who have no idea just how badly they are painting themselves.
As in - when he makes a judgement call about how Yang lost her arm that fits it into his "Over dependence on his semblance" it's incredibly telling about him not ever actually asking anyone about what happened.
It means he never talked to Yang about it, or even you know offered because while Yang wouldn't have said everything she'd probably have said a little.
Or talked to any of the students who probably got information about what happened from Blake when she dragged Yang to safety. Which wouldn't have been much but probably included the fact that Blake was attacked by someone, Yang intervened.
Given that students presumably died when Beacon fell and that Yang was a first year student... Like by itself, Yang being alive enough for a teammate to save her is a victory.
Nevermind context of her going up against someone that fought Blake, who came back injured herself, and Adam probably did get ID as going around killing students. So the fact that Yang was vastly outclassed would have been known, you know if Taiyang asked at all about "What happenend". Or worse - he did and still blames Yang. Like what did he expect her to do - leave Blake to die? Yang got Blake enough room to run, Blake used the opportunity to get both of them out of there but Yang bought that opportunity for Blake.
Meanwhile I'm looking forward to the Belladonnas actually talking to Yang. Because I don't think it's an accident that we didn't see said interaction before we started being shown in detail the grease fire of the Xialong Rose family.
From my perspective Tai is a rather interesting execution on the archetypical father on these fronts. IE, he's not a classic bad father the way Jac is, or the classic emotionally distant husk archetype. Yet to me, he is still 100% a big problem and done a lot of harm to Ruby & Yang with lackluster parenting & 'teaching'.
As outlined here.
I think this is one of the reasons why a lot of people struggle to actually see him as flawed even when e gets basic facts wrong.
Another reason is just how much undue credit men are given by default that women have to earn. Hence lots of people shrugging off Qrow's drinking or Ozpin's manipulation, or Ironwood's authoritarianism until they couldn't anymore.
Though being more charitable, I would also note how CRWBY often play these characters against their more traditional archetypes to help offset the audiences presumptions.
For instance,
Ozpin is a mysterious headmaster of an adventurers school but he's the 'fun' headmaster who both helps the kids go on adventures but unlike certain other headmasters sends an adult escort with them.
Or Ironwood, he's a big military hard liner who wants more tech, bigger weapons and to throw his military around. But he asks about the kids, he jokes casually, he's not just some General Ripper.
& Qrow of course is the bitter veteran and mentor, who is super badass & drinks/smokes, but in contras, he's also seemingly functional, friendly and clearly has a good rapport with his nieces.
Its easy to see why people saw those aspects and were willing to ignore things like:
Ozpin sending teenagers into terrorist dens, Ironwood backstabbing his allies while making himself out to be the victim, and Qrow's blatant dependence on alcohol to function.
Cos CRWBY made them characters & not archetypes.
So when the shit hit the fan and subtext became text, subtly problematic behavior became blatantly problematic and festering problems once seen as comedic now had real weight.
I feel Tai fits the same mold, he's on the surface 'functional', he definitely cares, and even seems to do some 'fun dad' stuff. He just also as no idea how Yang's Semblance works, & was absent or otherwise none functional for so long its left deep scars on Yang having to keep the family together & Ruby outright says Yang raised her.
He's in many ways a more realistic and nuanced portrayal of a dysfunctional or toxic parent who may not obviously have issues the way an open abuser like Jac, or an absentia parent like Raven might but can still do harm.
Also excellent breakdown on how the surrounding context of the Fall of Beacon. Team RWBY are first years, Blake is an incredibly experienced combatant, Yang had been put through the ringer. Literally everything was on fire and even people like Ozpin died.
The fact the whole team made it out at all is nothing short of a miracle. But accepting that "Sometimes bad things happen" is a surrender of power, its an admission that there was nothing to be done and that is terrifying. Especially for a man whose had two of the most important people in his life vanish on him without a trace.
He wants there to be something in Yang to blame because then there is something that can be done about it. Add in his clear and overtly stated projection of Raven onto her, and hos incoherent his reads on her personality are given Yang's addressed stuff like stubbornness & strategy well before this.
& you get a parent making being dismembers in a no win situation against a more powerful opponent the victims fault while giving vague, generalist advice to feel like they're doing something.
Gosh I want them to just adore her, and her to adore the Belladonna's.
Thanks for the ask, and good luck on that essay you mentioned, remember to tag me ;)
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Skepsis_Ree! @skepsiss has 16 fics in the Stranger Things fandom on AO3 and 15 of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @skepsiss:
The Last Strange Thing
It's Snowing In Hawkins
Long Road Ahead
House to ourselves
Modern Problems, Modern Solutions
"Bailey's fics are phenomenal and they don't get enough love!" -- Anonymous
Below the cut, @skepsiss answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
a) Why does anyone latch onto any pairing? Something about Steve and Eddie grabbed my attention like no other ship has in years. I’ve always liked Stranger Things, but I never shipped anything from it until season 4 and until I saw the on-screen dynamic of Steve and Eddie. It felt so fun, and I just constantly saw Steddie art popping up on my dash, so I was looking more and more at it until I just said OKAY, I’M GOING ALL IN and started writing private fan fictions for just one of my friends who encouraged me to post them. b)Why do I still write Steddie? Probably because of my pals Eddy and Jess who talk to me about the lads day in and day out <3
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m really bad at reading fan fics, to be honest, and I don’t actually enjoy reading tropes. The closest thing to a trope I like to read is probably just “they’re in love” or “they will fall in love.” I like good stories, regardless of the setting or the trope.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Does angst count? I pretty much just write angst! I love drama, angst, and exploring miscommunication! Supernatural elements are also super fun, and of course, I love horror, but those things feel more like genre rather than tropes. But I am also a sucker for a happy ending, so you can sort of expect that from me.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
My fav fic is “No Regrets” by @/strangersteddierthings I loved it so much that I made a graphic for it, and Jess uses it as a banner for the fic now!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I try to avoid tropes in my writing, (unless you count drama and angst, lol), so I’m not really sure how to answer this. I’ve never written a classic “there is only one bed” or “coffee shop au” or ANYTHING like that, so maybe I should try and do an actual, classic trope. I don’t think I’ve ever, EVER written a REAL trope before, tbh. I’m actually really curious what people would suggest for me to write, if anyone has a suggestion, I’m all ears!
What is your writing process like?
If I’m looking for a story idea, I usually play the “3-word game” to generate an idea. It works like this: I ask someone to give me 1 word that is a Person (priest, character from a show, sister, etc), a Place (NYC, a house, tombstone, etc), and an Object (pen, houseplant, knife, etc) and then I try and connect those 3 things. That usually helps me generate an idea and develop an interesting story. My other method is… I have wild dreams and wake up with a fully-formed scene in my brain, and I deconstruct that scene in order to find out how I can create a story to get to that point. I also write super fast, so I try and get the idea down on paper asap, or I’ll lose interest and never write it. If I’m writing for a Big Bang or something, I have usually finished writing that fic like… months before I need to post it.
Do you have any writing quirks?
A say “though” a lot, start sentences with “so,” and say “a bit” or “a little bit” in my writing a lot. An example would be “He wasn’t alive though, he didn’t ‘have a life’ to speak of, so this was what exactly?”
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
As soon as I finish!!!! I have a hard time holding back….
Which fic are you most proud of?
That I have posted? Probably “The Last Strange Thing.” It is my longest one. But I have one that I will be posting soon that I am very proud of that I have been working on for a while called “Senior Year” which I’ve been writing on and off since November 2022. I finally buckled down and finished writing it for the Steddie Big Bang and I’ll be posting it this year!
How did you get the idea for The Last Strange Thing?
“The Last Strange Thing” was written for a Reverse Big Bang in collaboration with @/llamalpaca. They created an amazing art piece of Steve and Robin in apocalypse gear, and it got the wheels turning in my brain about an apocalypse AU which reminded me of a conversation I had with a pal about “The Last of Us.” It inspired a whole tale in my brain about Steve and all of the “Stranger Things” party existing in a “The Last of Us” world, so I mashed them together and started writing a story.
When writing The Last Strange Thing, what was something you didn’t expect?
I plan out my stories pretty thoroughly, but something I feel is a very “weak point” in my writing is “action scenes,” so I really surprised myself by even ATTEMPTING to tackle something like “The Last Strange Thing,” which has so much action in it. At first, I sort of assumed I would avoid action as much as possible and make the story about the journey, but as I plotted things out, I just kept making plot points that involved more and more action so when I sat down to write it… I was really surprised that everything flowed together so well and the action felt really natural. Lots of people even complimented my action writing, which felt amazing, cause I’ve always felt it was a weakness!
What inspired It's Snowing In Hawkins?
“It’s Snowing In Hawkins” was a request for a mini-Steddie Winter Exchange where a secret exchanger submitted three requests/tropes/inspirations, and you got to choose from them. One of them involved a snowman-building contest, and Eddie “schooling the younger members of the party.” Another part of the request was that they DID NOT WANT ANY ANGST, so that was a big challenge for me! So it was all fluff, and I thought giving Eddie a slightly ADHD-sideways assignment from “snowman” felt fitting for him. Thus, snow-dome and Steve and Eddie getting some private time in the snow together. That, and at that point, I had never written “virgin Eddie” before, so I thought it would be super cute to explore.
What was your favorite part to write from House to ourselves?
Oh geez, this one is almost PWP, but I think probably just the adult-domestic side of it. Just two dads… getting to be dads. Their young kids are away for the weekend, and they get to take a nap together? There is something so… luxurious about that as an adult (I don’t have kids, but working full-time doesn’t give you enough time for naps either) that feels so nice and REAL about that, haha.
How do/did you feel writing Modern Problems, Modern Solutions?
I really wanted to channel shitty-teen energy. This was the most TEENAGE ANGST AND TEEN DRAMA story I’ve written. Everyone in the story is properly a teen in this, and I dug deep to remember what it felt like to be a teenager again. So I guess what I was feeling was… teen spirit.
What was the most difficult part of writing Long Road Ahead?
This is a really emotional fic, actually. Probably the hardest chapters to write were chapters 2 and 3 where we see the intense yearning between Eddie and Steve and how both of them truly believe that nothing would work between them—Eddie because he thinks Steve doesn’t like him, and with Steve, it is because he is terrified about being queer. I think the toughest thing about writing this was challenging Steve’s intense internal homophobia. That’s something that isn’t explored a lot in fic, and it does not feel good, so I get it, but I think it’s realistic for the 80s. Steve being really scared about his own feelings would be something a lot of boys would struggle with in that era, especially as a handsome, sporty guy who really thinks he is straight up until that point where he falls HARD for his guy friends uncontrollably. It’s difficult to write characters who have polar opposite opinions compared to yourself, but I find it really interesting, and it makes it really fun to write them GROWING OUT of that mindset.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I don’t think I can pick a line because it has been too long since I have written any of those fics, but scene-wise, I think one of my favourite scenes is from one of my stories called “Tooth and Nail” where EDDIE is the one struggle with the idea of being queer and Steve is the one who has “come out” first. Anyway, Eddie is sitting on one side of a door, and he has no idea if Steve is listening to him or not, but he is confessing all of his feeling of “I messed up, and I don’t know how I feel, but I know I messed up and I’m sorry.” Also later, he cries about it to Steve and gets so embarrassed he pulls his shirt over his head to hide the fact that he is crying, and I still think that is adorable. I really like both of those scenes.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
a) If you haven’t read “Tooth and Nail” you should, it’s older but up on my Tumblr. b) New project wise though!!!! I HAVE THREE NEW ONES! c) “Batter Up” just dropped on June 16th and is a 14,000 word fluff fic for the Steddie Summer Exchange. It’s about Baseball!Player Steve and Rockstar!Eddie meeting and falling in love. d) “Momento Mori” is my Wayne & Steve (with Steddie of course) fic for the Stranger Things Big Bang that will be posting in July, so keep an eye on my Tumblr and/or my Ao3. My artist @/the-aphelion-archives has some really cool art being cooked up, so stay tuned for that! e) And last but not least, my Steddie piece “Senior Year” will be posted for the Steddie Big Bang at the end of this summer/early fall during the bang with art made by @/metalfreaks86! This is my 50k fic that spans from just after Season 2 to after Season 4, and involves a lot of heartbreak, and first loves. Keep an eye on my Tumblr and Ao3 for that one too because we do not yet have a release date.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Thank you to whoever nominated me! I often feel like my fics aren’t for everyone because I tend to write for a more serious audience and tackle tougher topics and that just isn’t an overly popular medium in fan fiction––which is fine! Because fan fiction is escapism and I know people use it to feel good, and sometimes you don’t want to read sad stuff. So, I really appreciate people who take the time to read my sad stuff (that ends happily every time, cause I also like happy things haha), and enjoy my hard work. Genuinely, every time I feel like throwing in the towel because I think I’m writing into the void, some little kudo-kween pops up and reminds me that my writing is appreciated. Thanks gang <3 Also!!!! I am ALWAYS accepting requests. Anyone and EVERYONE (anon or not) is welcome to pop into my inbox on Tumblr at ANY TIME to make a Steddie fic request, be that a trope, a tiny Steddie idea or whatever. And if you’ve made a request and I’ve forgotten… please ask again!
Thank you to our author, @skepsiss, and our anonymous nominator! See more of Skepsis_Ree's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
I'm really interested in your head cannons for Tokoyami and Dark Shadow's relationship/thoughts on President Mic
Presidential Michal, our beloved sassy mc~
Of course tokoyami has a great singing voice and info of the best bands. While Mic knew of his musical talents on the bass from the sports festival he has no knowledge on these other two facts. Tokoyami doesn’t tend to stand out, he doesn’t nessicarily draw Mics eye nor does aizawa ever complain about him so he has very little knowledge of him. He has made general commentary about him during the sports festival (and even said dark shadow might be the best quirk ever :)) but he doesn’t actually know much about him personally. In fact he doesn’t even realize tokoyami is goth because he always wears plain clothes or the school uniform. Tokoyami always seems to do well enough in his English class though. His first real information about tokoyami is from jiro when she mentions he likes music.
Jiro is doing special lesson or perhaps you can call it an internship with mic where she helps out at his station, he also lets her use the sound studio and teachers her vocal tips for fun. I am not very well versed on music genres but I believe tokoyami is. So I think he likes indie, rock, goth, and visual kei (maybe folk too but that’s from his upbringing). Kiyoko obviously is more punk than goth but their interests still overlap a lot. Dark Shadow on the other hand listens to just about anything whether it’s pop or occapella, what they like can differ greatly. They really like mitzki though. Also! Since dark shadow is up all hours of the night I bet they listened to Mics radio station, they have never brought it up with him though. Either way considering tokoyami is in fact a bird and probably can sing mic demands jiro recruit him or at least find out what his vocal cords are capable of.
I’ve mentioned before tokoyami has problems with his throat from using his voice incorrectly and often gets laryngitis. He also has trauma about singing and especially dancing so he tries to refuse but Midoriya talks him into trying it to see if he can help reverse the damage and make his avian vocal cords useful again. Once again dark shadow doesn’t have any damage to their voice so they are very good at imitation and can make very natural bird sounds and it makes their voice more squawky. Now Mic had to see a voice specialist as a child to help him control his quirk so while he’s not an expert tokoyami isn’t very fond of doctors and won’t see anyone else so he’ll help as much as he can. Once Mic finds out tokoyami went through “speech therapy” (it wasn’t normal speech therapy, they taught him not to chirp when speaking and it’s exactly what damaged his voice) he gets very upset and decides right there he will do anything to protect this child. He does all kinds of research to help him and even calls a few of his doctors for their advice. When tokoyami starts making bird calls his voice cracks and breaks and he losses his voice but through exercising those muscles regularly again it stops hurting so much. Eventually through hard work tokoyami can start making proper chirps and tweets (yay! I’m so proud of him!! <3 <3) in the mean time dark shadow is learning all kinds of new tricks! They learn how to throw their voice and Mic even helps them come up with their new super move Ragnarok: Infernal Shriek which is very similar to Present Mics quirk. Tokoyami is a bit…jealous.
He has to start from the bottom, it makes him feel like shadow is so much farther ahead of him. Mic notices he is a bit down and gives him a pep talk telling him how strong he is. After that he lets toko into the sound studio. Tokoyami says he can sing but hurts if he does it too much just like talking but discovers it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. Mic has to watch to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself and is flabbergasted by his baritone. He has a natural skill but obviously no training. So Mic teaches him to sing too! He can hit ALL those high notes and has a great vibrato.
Overall they see Mic as a great teacher and have a lot of trust in him. Mic lifts them up and worked so hard with them so they look up to him. Shadow especially gets along with him because they are both so energetic and make jokes together. Tokoyami thinks they are both noisy. Sometimes shadow will bring bugs to prank Mic, they think it’s hilarious. Toko doesn’t approve. Mic is glad he could help these kiddos out and want to see them succeed.
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