#real soundcloud promotion
musicpromotionclub · 2 years
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5 Suggestions for Your Legit SoundCloud Promotion to Maximize Your Popularity  
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kor0kke · 6 months
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Cover art I did for a friend, really enjoyed doing this one,,, GO AND LISTENN!1!1
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newmediagamez · 1 year
Organic Soundcloud Music Promotion In My Big Social Network https://www.upwork.com/services/product/marketing-real-soundcloud-music-promotion-in-my-big-social-network-1374300104407519232
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venusvity · 1 month
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Chloe is the only member with a SoundCloud account, and even then, she's not very active on it nor makes it publicly known she has it. It's a public secret among constellations; either you know about Chloe's SoundCloud, or you don't.
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This song had actually been online for a couple of months before constellations found it. Even then, they questioned if this was actually Chloe as it sounded nothing like her typical style of music, using much heavier and darker themes than anyone expected from the bubbly idol. Despite this diverging greatly from her idol image, many of Chloe's fans greatly appreciated "you were born backwards" because to them it felt like a look into the "real chloe" not the image presented to them.
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HE WILL NEVER CHANGE garnered attention for the album cover as well as this being the first song Chloe publicly claimed and promoted. She posted a link to the song on her Instagram story, saying, "I made this all by myself :)" but fans would be more interested in the unreleased photo of then Cicada member Hyojin, silently confirming the rumors that the two were dating at the time. Though fans did find it peculiar, she confirmed their relationship through a song about a toxic and co-dependent relationship.
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GIRLHOOD, WOMANHOOD is about the very human state of dissatisfaction and the fact that Chloe is always chasing something, which has been all her life. This song is about the feeling of not being able to fully control your life. Shockingly, this was the song that got fans worried about Chloe's wellbeing, as if all the other songs before this weren't a clear sign of something going on, but the concerns were mainly directed at the company mistreating Chloe instead of her mental health.
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GOOD MEN DIE QUICK is Chloe's thoughts about toxic masculinity and masculine norms in society. The lyrics can be interpreted as representing how men view women as objects, as well as depicting beauty standards and the pressure on women to always appear pleasant. This song would get Chloe the "feminist" label and have her receiving backlash for months, though she never publicly responded to it or claimed to be a feminist.
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What is called her most disturbing song, IN THE BACK OF HIS CAR, is described by fans as a horror movie experience from its haunting sound production to its horrifying lyrics. You're either in awe of it or concerned for Chloe's well-being. This would be another song she promoted on her Instagram story, many constellations deeming this a cry for help from her, with the caption, "i'm very proud of this one :) i composed, produced, and wrote it all by myself" this is also the song that gained Chloe her "coquette" status on Tumblr and Tiktok.
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WORD VOMIT is another one of Chloe's songs that just makes you worry for her. There's something about how abuse, especially childhood abuse, often makes its survivors believe that with love comes pain. That love laced with pain is what they deserve, so they subconsciously seek it out. It's what feels familiar despite how destructive it actually is. Though the song is beloved by many, some interpret it as Chloe glamorizing abuse, which her fans will dox you for saying.
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After a year of nothing, CYCLECYCLECYCLE would hit Chloe's SoundCloud, taking a much softer and more raw production than her previous releases. The song has been interpreted as releasing old fears and accepting that they will always be a part of you instead of closing the door. It's a song about healing that leaves you feeling hollow due to its melancholic and bare instrumental. This song would have brief virality on Tiktok for its heart-jerking lyrics, making some of the saddest edits you've ever seen.
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After another year of forgetting the password, Chloe would log back into her SoundCloud to release her most well-known track there, OBSESSED. Being a relatable Pop-Rock banger about being too invested in your man's past relationships, many people demanded an official release, which Chloe has yet to give. Fans were happy to see Chloe release something on her SoundCloud that has them dancing instead of worrying about her well-being.
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pocima · 2 months
I’m gonna be real honest and finally bring something lingering in my mind for a good while to this page. As a fan who’s ulted CIX since debut era, they are better off disbanded and in better agencies that lets them showcase themselves as artists, rather than “together” (well not anymore bc the member who BUILT THE GROUP got kicked out) and stuck in the basement that is C9 Entertainment. That company does not deserve a single dime that comes from their talented idols, and especially from CIX who have been neglected time and time again often in favor of their junior boy group. If they stay in this company, well yeah they’ll remain a group, but at what cost? 4 songs a year tops with barely any promotions, and the members can’t even upload goddamn vlogs or covers, just the bare minimum that is Byounggon’s Soundcloud (follow him btw if you don’t already) that he probably had to fight tooth and nail to reopen? Maybe pop in a terribly arranged tour that the members will have to sacrifice their health for, and then complain about on fancafe? If all you can do with your employees is sabotaging them, just disband them… oh wait, they still want that dirty coin that they get from abusing the rightful loyalty of CIX’s fans. They need to go to hell, no comment at this point.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Random Lookism Thoughts that I Get During Class:
(Whenever I daydream during class, I always think of these random scenarios or if they were real, they’d probably do these things IRL.)
Vasco: He would be heard singing One Direction with the rest of the Burn Knuckles crew in the hallway at school, especially the song What Makes You Beautiful.
Daniel Park: He’d be fine with helping his female friends out, by making him their makeup model to try different shades of makeup whenever he gets dragged into a makeup store with them, like in Sephora
Jay Hong: He’s the type of guy who’d gladly help you in finding puzzle pieces for a picture. Also, he’d be good at playing charades. (Only when acting out the topic.)
Samuel Seo: The type of mf to act like he can beat the shit out of everybody in a MMA ring but then cries at home after just losing one round to a professional. (Or maybe he’d get disqualified off the bat for not following the rules because we all know this man is a walking time bomb.)
Johan Seong: This guy acts like he’s the shit but then doesn’t even know what’s the shit. For instance, he claims to know all of the Tik Tok trends that Zack shows him, but doesn’t even have Tik Tok.
Zack Lee: The type of guy to think that Africa is a country. (Or England is his city. Mira had to correct him every time. LMAO) Also, he might think Drake’s music is top tier and you might catch him trying to sing “One Dance” to Mira.
Vin Jin: Let’s be honest. We all have a feeling that he’d be a rising underground SoundCloud rapper with his 50 followers on SoundCloud. His inspirations would probably be K-Hip Hop rappers such as ZICO, Jay Park, Flowsik, etc. (or anyone in H1GHR Music). And his fashion sense would probably be inspired by Dumbfoundead, who was inspired by American East L.A. hip hop. (You can see from Vin Jin’s previous outfits in older Lookism chapters, with his snapback cap, black hoodie, plaid shirts and gold chain)
Jake Kim: This dude would definitely bring the entire Big Deal crew to Disneyland, but they would be stuck in the entrance checkpoint since he was thinking of just barging in there for free. Even Jerry wore Mickey ears and was hoping to get into Disneyland that day.
Kouji: This kid would have trolled people online by causing unnecessary arguments and debates on Reddit, and would later dox them and expose their personal information on Reddit, 4chan, etc. (And maybe sell people’s personal info to shady people on the Dark Web for a good amount of cash.) His hobby would be looking into internet mysteries, such as Cicada 3301.
Eli Jang: He’d be Insta-famous and would probably have like 100k followers, getting a bunch of promotion offers (Men’s Fashion Nova). Sally and the rest of the Hostel girls would help Eli dress up for his “photoshoots” even though it’s just them taking pics of Eli in different places. One of his main hobbies would be looking at popular hair trends on Instagram, to try them out at his work.
Joon Goo Kim: He would secretly be an anime fan. If he started watching anime, he’d definitely choose Demon Slayer first then become a fan. He’ll even buy and collect weapons from anime that he’d watch including those from Naruto, Bleach, and Jujutsu Kaisen. (Update: He’d definitely be a Gojo fan. They’re similar in a way.)
Jong Gun Park: You’d probably catch him in the UFC gym, training and working out. But then will end up causing a blood bath in the gym when he goes on a crazy fighting spree, just by punching people who he thinks are strong. You might see this man in a video on Worldstar or on a random Tik Tok video by an ordinary civilian.
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prdxinvadcr-a · 1 year
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❛❛  the  gaze  has  become  drunk,  in  the  light  that  lost  its  path,  it  spins  and  spins  around,  falling  down  ! 
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YOHAN  is  best  known  in  the  industry  for  being  a  member  of  WANNA  ONE,  receiving  third  place  in  the  final  episode  and  the  position  of  MAIN  VOCALIST.  he  was  often  fans’  favourite  and  was  in  the  top  five  spots  throughout  the  show,  which  secured  his  place  in  the  group.  people  often  talked  about  his  funny  personality,  as  he  was  named  “meme  #2”  because  he  was  always  joined  at  the  hip  with  a  fellow  member,  jisung.  after  the  group’s  disbandment,  YOHAN  was  back  in  GLASSHOUSE  as  their  trainee  until  he  was  announced  as  the  last  member  in  PARADOX  INVASION’s  lineup,  receiving  the  position  of  LEAD  VOCALIST.  however,  after  DOHYUN  left  the  group,  YOHAN  was  promoted  to  the  group’s  MAIN  VOCALIST  and  LEAD  DANCER  but  was  met  with  rude  remarks  from  ex-member's  fans.  for  the  first  couple  of  months,  YOHAN  was  very  insecure  with  his  singing  and  was  often  quiet  in  front  of  the  cameras  for  that  fact  alone.  in  more  recent  months,  he  greatly  improved  and  is  even  seen  singing  in  front  of  the  cameras  behind  the  scenes.  the  old  YOHAN  from  WANNA  ONE  days  was  back,  and  his  fans  were  proud  of  how  far  he  had  reached  since  his  trainee  years.  while  preparing  for  MAMA  in  2021,  YOHAN  spent  time  with  W1  members,  sharing  the  cute  moments  between  them  on  his  instagram  account.  because  of  that,  their  fans  were  not  surprised  when  he  was  confirmed  to  perform  with  his  old  group  once  again  for  the  award  show.  as  of  2022,  hate  comments  have  ceased  greatly  about  his  singing  abilities,  and  he  is  currently  number  one  favourite  member  of  the  group.
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ lee  yohan  (  이요한  ) 
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ yohan  (  요한  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ january  18th,  1997
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ daejeon,  south  korea
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′8″  /  172cm
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ main  vocalist,  lead  dancer
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ lim  sejun 
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BYUL  was  adopted  when  he  was  two  by  a  married  couple  who  could  never  have  children.  he  was  seven  years  old  when  they  told  him  the  truth,  and  instead  of  acting  like  other  kids  and  freaking  out,  BYUL  was  rather  intrigued  by  that  fact.  he  grew  up  refusing  to  meet  his  real  family,  believing  they  were  problematic  and  despicable  for  leaving  their  child  in  the  orphanage  while  they  enjoyed  their  lives.  over  the  years,  BYUL  began  appreciating  music  to  another  level;  when  other  people  talked  about  the  most  popular  singers,  he  would  listen  to  underground  artists  and  rappers,  often  getting  inspired  by  them.  during  his  teenage  years,  he  produced  short  beats  and  posted  them  on  soundcloud  under  alias  [  ???  ].  his  artist  name  soon  changed  to  MOONWAVE  once  he  started  university  and  thought  about  creating  music  seriously.  GLASSHOUSE  initially  contacted  him  to  be  one  of  their  producers,  but  upon  his  arrival  at  the  company,  the  ceo  changed  her  mind  and  asked  him  if  he  liked  the  idea  of  being  in  a  group.  ponding  over  it  for  a  while,  BYUL  knew  he  had  nothing  to  lose  and  accepted  the  proposal.  although  he  is  very  known  in  the  industry,  no  one  to  this  day  has  realised  that  he’s  the  loveable  and  unknown  MOONWAVE  every  producer  wants  to  collab  with.  BYUL,  going  by  his  stage  name  LIGHT,  is  the  group’s  LEADER  and  MAIN  RAPPER,  as  well  as  their  PRODUCER.
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ han  bin  (  한빈  )  but  legalized  his  name  to  han  byul  (  한별  )
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ light  (  라이트  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ september  9th,  1998
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ ansan,  south  korea
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′7″  /  170cm
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ leader,  main  rapper,  producer
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ kim  hongjoong 
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known  for  his  flirty  personality  and  romantic  gestures,  ADRIEN  is  the  second  favourite  member  of  the  group.  through  his  teenage  years,  he  was  an  exchange  student  in  ghent,  belgium  for  two  years,  where  he  learned  enough  french  to  toy  with  people  shamelessly.  originally  from  britain,  ADRIEN  is  famous  for  his  british  accent  that  pops  out  when  he  speaks  english,  which  compliments  his  deep  voice  every  fan  goes  crazy  about.  he  is  PARADOX’s  troublemaker  due  to  being  featured  in  many  scandals  throughout  his  idol  career.  ADRIEN’s  solo  stans  try  to  clear  his  searches  on  twitter  and  hide  the  fact  that  he  openly  flirts  with  other  idols,  but  since  2021,  the  only  thing  you  can  find  online  is  compilation  videos  of  him  wooing  people  in  public.  despite  his  personality,  ADRIEN  is  well-loved  in  his  fandom  for  his  caring  actions  towards  other  members,  often  calling  him  the  glue  of  the  group.  he  was  the  company’s  trainee  for  four  years  before  he  debuted  in  PRDX  as  the  group’s  LEAD  RAPPER,  DANCER  and  VISUAL,  often  receiving  lots  of  gigs  for  modelling  and  cfs.  another  title  his  fans  gave  him  is  “the  member  with  the  best  body  proportions”,  which  he  likes  to  brag  about  to  others. 
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ adrien  hong  (  애드리안홍  )
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ adrien  (  애드리안  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ october  3rd,  1999
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ london,  united  kingdom
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′8″  /  172cm
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ lead  rapper,  dancer,  visual
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ park  seonghwa 
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SHIWEI  was  born  in  taizhou  as  a  middle  child  to  working  parents,  growing  up  with  his  older  sister,  who  took  care  of  him  until  he  was  old  enough  to  do  it  himself.  his  younger  sister  was  always  babied  by  him,  which  became  his  habit  towards  trainees  younger  than  him.  SHIWEI  was  supposed  to  be  a  competitor  in  GLASSHOUSE’s  THE  GARDEN,  but  before  the  company  confirmed  the  lineup,  he  was  pulled  out  due  to  his  father  passing  away.  SHIWEI  went  back  to  china  for  most  of  2017  but  was  back  after  taking  care  of  himself  and  was  later  confirmed  as  one  of  the  PARADOX  INVASION’s  members.  even  though  he’s  the  only  chinese  member,  SHIWEI,  going  by  his  stage  name  DASHI,  is  the  group’s  MAIN  DANCER  and  LEAD  VOCALIST.  however,  his  talents  are  not  enough  to  make  him  the  favourite,  as  most  of  PRDX’s  fandom  often  disregards  him.  a  small  portion  of  the  group’s  fandom  talks  about  him,  but  they  are  usually  buried  with  spam  comments  about  other  members.  despite  that,  GLASSHOUSE  purposely  puts  him  in  the  centre  during  the  dance  breaks  to  further  show  that  he  is,  in  fact,  talented  enough  to  be  in  the  group.  more  often,  PRDX’s  second  youtube  channel  would  be  filled  with  his  dance  covers  of  other  songs,  sometimes  choreographed  by  him.  since  the  group’s  debut,  DASHI  has  been  the  member  with  the  least  amount  of  scandals  and  continues  to  keep  the  reputation  as  the  calmest  and  most  sensible  member  of  the  group.
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ dai  shiwei (  戴示伟  )
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ dashi  (  达史  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ october  27th,  1998
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ taizhou,  zhejiang,  china
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ chinese
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′7″  /  170cm
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ main  dancer,  lead  vocalist
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ xiao  dejun 
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DAMIAN  is  the  youngest  of  the  KANG  FAMILY  and  always  the  favourite,  as  he  is  the  only  male  child  out  of  the  three.  because  of  his  wealthy  background,  he  grew  up  being  spoiled  rotten,  but  with  a  sister  like  DANIELLE,  it  never  got  to  the  point  where  he  became  a  brat,  unlike  his  oldest  sister.  once  DANIELLE  left  to  train  to  be  an  idol,  DAMIAN  became  lonely  in  the  cold  house,  so  he  decided  to  do  something  he  always  seemed  to  do;  follow  after  his  sister  to  be  close  to  her.  his  dream  of  debuting  almost  evaporated  once  his  father  was  arrested,  and  he  was  on  the  verge  of  collapsing  with  fear.  the  company  he  was  under  let  him  go,  and  at  the  very  last  second,  the  youngest  kang  decided  to  try  his  best  and  auditioned  for  GLASSHOUSE.  they  accepted  him  almost  immediately,  adding  him  to  already  debuted  PARADOX  INVASION  as  their  MAIN  DANCER,  LEAD  RAPPER  and  FACE  OF  THE  GROUP.  his  addition  to  the  group  received  backlash  from  the  ever-growing  fandom,  who  felt  the  need  to  say  he  was  favourited  by  the  company  and  added  only  because  of  his  pre-debut  “fame”.  DAMIAN  took  the  stage  name  MIKEY,  a  nickname  he  received  from  DANIELLE  when  they  were  kids,  and  quickly  fit  in  PARADOX  INVASION  in  the  maknae  line.
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ damian  kang  (  데이미안강  )
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ mikey  (  마이키  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ may  18th,  2000
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ oxford,  england
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′9″  /  175cm
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ main  dancer,  lead  rapper,  face  of  the  group
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ kim  sunwoo 
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CHASE  is  the  only  member  that  rarely  talks  about  himself,  despite  being  one  of  the  most  open  members  of  the  group.  almost  nothing  is  known  about  his  personal  life,  which  developed  into  an  inside  joke  among  his  fans,  who  like  to  theorise  that  he  is  secretly  married  and  has  two  children.  the  most  that  someone  managed  to  get  from  him  is  that  he  was  born  in  new  zealand,  moved  to  seoul  when  he  was  fourteen  and  is  an  only  child  in  his  family.  CHASE  admitted  that  he  never  planned  on  being  an  idol  but  was  randomly  stopped  on  the  street  by  a  staff  member,  managing  to  get  him  to  check  out  their  company  before  he  could  refuse.  however,  CHASE  was  intrigued  by  how  idol  life  worked  and  decided  to  try  it  in  the  end.  he  was  an  enigma  to  other  trainees,  who  were  too  afraid  to  approach  him,  so  he  would  spend  his  trainee  years  alone  most  of  the  time.  sometimes,  NIKO  would  accompany  him,  spending  hours  talking  about  music  and  sharing  their  opinions  on  other  artists’  songs,  whether  good  or  bad.  CHASE  was  announced  as  a  member  of  PRDX  in  2019  when  the  group  released  their  pre-debut  single.  the  company  immediately  confirmed  that  he  would  hold  the  position  of  MAIN  VOCALIST  and  LEAD  DANCER.  CHASE  is  the  only  one  not  sharing  his  position  with  another  member,  being  the  only  one  given  the  LEAD  VOCALIST  position,  while  YOHAN  received  the  MAIN  position.  
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ chase  park  (  요한  )
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ chase  (  요한  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ august  26th,  2000
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ christchurch,  new  zealand
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 6′0″  /  182cm 
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ lead  vocalist,  lead  dancer
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ jake  sim 
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growing  up  in  japan  was  intimidating  for  NIKO.  in  most  cases,  he  felt  like  he  didn’t  fit  in.  while  other  kids  stressed  out  about  exams  and  their  future  jobs,  NIKO  knew  he  wanted  to  be  a  singer  from  a  young  age.  it  all  clicked  when  he  picked  a  guitar  and  randomly  played  on  the  strings.  when  his  family  moved  to  south  korea  in  2017  due  to  better  job  opportunities,  NIKO  hadn’t  wasted  a  moment,  auditioning  for  entertainment  companies  in  hope  that  they  would  accept  him  and  make  his  dream  come  true.  to  his  luck,  two  companies  answered  back  with  positive  marks,  and  he  decided  to  say  yes  to  the  first  one  that  emailed  him,  GLASSHOUSE.  training  under  the  company’s  skillful  eyes,  NIKO  gave  his  all  to  be  the  one  they  chose  for  their  new  boy  group.  receiving  the  best  marks  for  a  year,  he  was  sure  that  he  would  be  the  first  to  be  picked  out  among  the  male  trainees,  which  came  true  in  2019  when  he  debuted  in  PARADOX  INVASION  as  the  group’s  MAIN  DANCER  and  RAPPER,  also  receiving  the  MAKNAE  position.  because  of  his  natural  cuteness,  NIKO  –  going  by  KOI  –  is  one  of  the  most  favourite  members  of  PRDX,  ending  in  third  place  after  ADRIEN. 
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ watanabe  niko  (  渡辺 仁虎  ) 
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ koi  (  恋  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ september  13th,  2001
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ nagano,  japan
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ japanese
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 6′0″  /  182cm 
POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ main  dancer,  rapper,  maknae
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ osaki  shotaro 
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DOHYUN  was  previously  a  LEADER,  MAIN  VOCALIST  and  FACE  OF  PRDX  before  he  abruptly  left  the  group  a  year  after  their  debut,  suing  the  company  for  negligence  and  mistreatment.  he  was  one  of  the  most  famous  trainees,  so  it  was  a  huge  surprise  when  he  later  talked  immoral  about  the  company  he  practically  grew  up  in.  he  rose  to  fame  in  2013  when  he  competed  in  korea’s  singing  competition,  KPOP  STAR  with  his  sister,  a  member  of  JAWBREAKERS,  SEEUN.  they  reached  third  place  in  the  show,  later  being  scouted  by  KALEIDA,  yet  SEEUN  was  the  only  one  to  join,  while  DOHYUN  accepted  GLASSHOUSE’s  proposal  instead.  DOHYUN  left  the  group  in  the  middle  of  2020,  during  the  promotion  of  their  second  mini  album,  which  raised  suspicion  about  his  actions  and  how  the  company  promoted  the  group.  after  he  left,  PARADOX  INVASION  was  changed  to  a  six-member  boy  group  (  and  later  to  a  seven-member  again  )  and  refrained  from  mentioning  DOHYUN  in  front  of  the  cameras.  due  to  him  being  one  of  the  essential  members,  his  previous  positions  were  given  to  other  members  of  the  group;  YOHAN  was  named  as  the  group’s  new  MAIN  VOCALIST,  and  LIGHT  took  the  LEADER  position.  however,  due  to  DOHYUN’s  solo  stans  being  bitter,  they  would  take  any  chance  to  attack  YOHAN  for  not  being  as  good  vocalist  as  their  beloved  idol,  often  fighting  with  other  fans  of  the  group.  as  for  DOHYUN;  during  his  lawsuit,  he  transferred  companies  and  joined  another  boy  group  that  debuted  that  same  year.  while  most  of  his  old  fans  stopped  attacking  PRDX,  a  dozen  still  make  the  time  of  their  day  to  send  hate  to  his  previous  group.
GIVEN  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ yoon  donghyun  (  윤동현  ) 
STAGE  NAME  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ dohyun  (  도현  )
BIRTHDAY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ july  24th,  1998
BIRTHPLACE  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ incheon,  south  korea
ETHNICITY  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ south  korean
HEIGHT  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ 5′10″  /  177cm
PREVIOUS  POSITION  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ leader,  main  vocalist,  face  of  the  group
FACE  CLAIM  ˳ ⠀⠀⠀ lee  juyeon 
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nahidahmedbd87 · 20 days
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Client Feedback:
SoundCloud Promotion Packages:
We specialize in elevating SoundCloud channels by offering tailored promotion services. Our efforts have successfully helped numerous musicians achieve their goals through strategic Google boosts and targeted social media promotions.
Our SoundCloud Services Include:
Active Followers: Gain real, active followers to enhance your channel’s credibility.
Channel Promotion: We promote your entire channel, not just individual tracks, ensuring a holistic growth strategy.
Track Promotion: Get more plays, likes, comments, reposts, and shares across all your tracks, driving engagement and reach.
Normal Service: $45
Diamond Package: $60
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offthewoptunes · 1 month
Founded by FreshDuzIt in 2020, OFFTHEWOP is more than just a record label—it’s a movement.
Video directed by lyrical lemonade
INDYSTAR NEWSPAPER: "Indianapolis’ Trailblazing Trap Producer: First to Hit Radio and Achieve Platinum Status!"
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As a Sony songwriter since 2021, OFFTHEWOP is a leading voice in emerging Trap Music, Art, and the culture that drives it. OFFTHEWOP is dedicated to showcasing raw talent, combining street authenticity with innovative storytelling. Our mission extends beyond signing artists; we’re creating a universe where real artists achieve legendary status. With extensive experience working as A&Rs for various labels, we’re now ready to partner with the industry’s best.
OFFTHEWOP is a phrase that carries multiple meanings, embodying the hustle and grind. It’s synonymous with "off the muscle" or "off the strength," representing hard work and determination. It also nods to "off the block," symbolizing how we’ve transitioned from the streets to the industry, while still making money from the block. Additionally, it can mean "off the phone," highlighting the digital hustle. And with "wop" being old slang for a lot of money, OFFTHEWOP is all about turning hustle into wealth.
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The *Off The Wop* album racked up millions of views across all platforms, including SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple Music. This 14-track project cruises through the city streets of Indianapolis to Memphis, featuring guest verses from Duke Deuce and Paper Route Empire's rising star, Paper Route Woo.
Activated NLTOworld.com with merch drop
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Exclusive FreshDuzIt Beats: download link
The OFFTHEWOP playlist is a collection of hits from OFFTHEWOP, OFFTHEWOP3D & 4k, that define the sound of the streets. Featuring tracks with and from heavyweights like NLE Choppa, Yo Gotti, Babyface Ray, Veeze, and more, this playlist is packed with bangers.
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Logo redesign by FRESHDUZIT
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written by FreshDuzIt
Directed by Myles Hi
Premiered on HipHopDx:
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"FRESHDUZIT x Numero Uno: VVS Pendant"
We need help with funding animation, game development, creative direction, access to advanced technology, marketing toys based on Numero Uno, ensuring they resonate with fans and become a key part of the brand’s merchandise lineup and a strong marketing campaign to ensure the game's success.
Animation Production
Storyboarding. Full animation production (episodes, shorts, etc.)
Comic Book Creation
Scriptwriting and story development
Artwork and illustration. Printing and distribution
Marketing and Promotion
Social media campaigns and content creation
Public relations and media outreach, Advertising materials for both music and comic
Production of apparel, accessories, and collectibles
Distribution and retail costs
Creative Development
Additional content such as animated shorts and special comic editions. Interactive content (e.g., apps or games)
Integration with digital platforms for comics and promotional content. Promotion and logistics for comic and merchandise distribution
Legal and Licensing
Intellectual property protection for the character and content
Contract negotiations and legal fees
Team Salaries for animators, comic artists, marketing professionals, and other key roles
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rivetgoth · 2 years
Definitely inclined to believe that the state of media in general is getting worse thanks to capitalism’s chokehold on all forms of entertainment distribution at the moment and the constant need to streamline marketable content faster and cheaper in larger quantities BUT I have said it before and I’ll say it again some of you have some real rose tinted fucking glasses on about media of the past versus media now and it is very obviously because y’all are not trying to engage with current smaller, independent, foreign, and/or less mainstream media while exclusively engaging with media from the past that “holds up” to today’s standards. Every time I see someone go “movies back then were just so GOOD, even BAD movies of the past were better than bad movies of NOW” I check their blog and all they talk about are a select few horror movies from the 80s that are universally applauded for their practical effects or cinematography while all of their vitriol is spent complaining about the recent MCU release. Like go watch literally any of the countless INCREDIBLE horror movies coming out right now that aren’t getting major commercial releases from household name distributors. I see people act like music was just better “back in the day” but they exclusively listen to a handful of award-winning grunge or new wave or whatever bands that still get radio play to this day while complaining about the current trending TikTok band or like, music literally produced to be played in supermarkets, when currently there is an INSANE movement of diverse and creative passionate artists across every genre releasing music independently through sites like Bandcamp and SoundCloud that would fucking love to get more support from people who want to hear something fresh and interesting and unique. People complaining about the state of horror games right now because the current white guy who yells at games on YouTube is being paid to promote Poppy Playtime 7 while indie game devs are constantly promoting creative new endeavors. Just check out the Dread X Collection series for literally dozens of indie horror game developers to get into that aren’t Five Nights At Freddy’s spin-offs lol. Stop complaining that the cherry-picked media of the past is so much better than mainstream media of the present and start actually supporting the people fighting to put their art out into a world that is patently against artists. You were not born in the wrong generation you just don’t know how to find art that isn’t trending on social media.
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bkbiswasdm123 · 2 years
I Will do Organic Your YouTube Channel Monetization
How are you I hope you are well. Do you want to promote? I can promote your target country to millions of people through work, Google ads, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, email, backlinks, Spotify, Soundcloud etc. Promote YouTube channels such as: Real Viewer, Subscribe and Monetize your channel. Contact me if you need any help , thanks!
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ghostowlattic · 2 years
Heyo mate,
I really love your art, happy to find you at tumblr. I'm just wondering, are those digital or real creations? Your art looks so real but also seems like digitally created. You haven't used any tags for this information. Btw your art is amazing and really magical, thanks for existing ^^
Have a wonderful day and sun & moon keeps bring you good luck! Farewell :3
Thank you much! I wrote some replies to this, all which ended up rather long winded, so instead as short as possible reply for you and others.
I really just love making music. I'm mostly a musician, songwriter, composer. Piano/keys but I play a lot of musical instruments or use things for soundmaking. I do have many sorts of visual arts posted but I'm 99.9999% certain you mean the recent deluge of AI assisted images I've been sharing which, are a blend of AI, diffusion/Midjourney, personal images, photos, but those are not real objects as far as all those terrariums etc go.
I try to actually tag anything I use for the most or just add 'generative'. Anything that doesn't pick up crypto peeps really. Anyhow, it's all more of a dreaming visual diary for myself and others. Or a bit of visual reflection of my musical brainscapes. I often use a mix of my own photographs images, fed into an ai model or two. But I don't promote myself as an artist really. I don't even mind selling prints of mine for the sake of health care and rations but, otherwise it's for just ideation, inspiration, dreams. People can enjoy it any way they want.
There's a lot I could say about it all and the good and terrible of ai or tech in general but would take up too much space here, I'm really not much of a tech bro person either, but I don't hate machines. We are an entire universe of jiggly energy so, whatever. At very least I like the notion of infecting such things with as much love and beauty and good ole weirdness especially if some is unstoppable for better and worse. This is all for the sake of it. Really, a ton of those images are already made so, vs just leaving them in a folder I figure I may as well share some for others to see.
Anyhow, thank you kindly Lona - and anyone else, if you like the images/blog feel free to check out my bandcamp or soundcloud or my music/video posts here. I think its rather visual and odd beautiful in its own ways also. Sorry for the longish reply but it's also for others who wonder or who send me inquiries lately.
I do like this Glenn Gould quote on art, 'The purpose of art is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but is, rather, the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.' – Glenn Gould
I love 'art' being for personal expression or communication of things which go beyond language and reference, for music at least. Yet I also love the romantic notion reflecting things which leave us in a state of wonder that seem larger, Nature, etc. VS just self expression and human stuffs. I guess to me I don't see much point of personal expression if it doesn't include a bit of awareness of not being the center of the universes.
Most of all I'm a biopheliac and sound lover. Very open always for collabs of artistic natures as well. Music, arts, film, games, public expressive dance terrorism, whatever.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Just a few random thoughts! I've been wondering about the abrupt drop of Love Me Again and Rainy Days with like a day's warning and the fact that they are basically competing w/each other for army attention. I think that the lack of promo for them is bc these two songs ARE the promo for layover. I think they're supposed to introduce the sound and the style to listeners and get them interested in the full album.
Personally Love Me Again is my third fav release from the solo era, after a song called No.2 on RM's Indigo album and The Astronaut by Jin. But LMA is probably a mid-ranked Taehyung solo song for me, since I like Sweet Night (my fav!), Christmas Tree, and everything on Soundcloud better. But my tastes change a lot so it could ascend or descend the ranks in the future!
Also do you think the Yeontan in Rainy Days is actually Yeontan? I have heard conspiracy theories that it's not actually him....which doesn't seem unreasonable to me bc I think he filmed in Madrid
But I really love that Layover has Yeontan's face plastered all over it and I think all of BTS should promote w/ their pets in the future. In fact, this should be a promotion strategy of all artists everywhere and I think it would really give good results
Hi anon!
Hahaha, I wouldn’t call that a conspiracy theory.. just a practical explanation maybe. I haven’t had time to analyze anything yet (moving my furniture as we speak, just having a break) so I don’t have thoughts on it being Yeontan or not. I do think having the real Yeontan in the mv would have meant a big deal to Tae though, and dogs are able to travel.. but Tannie has some respiratory issues.. so I don’t know how that works out. Is this mv actually shot in Spain though, I’ve only seen the inside of a place.. so technically it could have been on sett in SK?
I do think the releases of Love me Again and Rainy Days are to build momentum for when the album drops. It could be seen as promo a bit yeah. If I’m not mistaken there’s going to be 5 mv’s, it’s impossible for them to want to chart all of those in the short time span we’ve got. Jk is going to release in November if I’m correct, so Tae’s promo and release has to be done by then. I think they have one song in mind to be the top competitor for a nr 1, and they’re using these other songs to build up excitement. Otherwise Tae would be competing with himself.
Edit: lol, I just watched the mv again, and obviously the surroundings are shown in the mv. Forgive me for being inaccurate, moving house makes me 😵‍💫. And, you are right anon, it wasn’t Tannie!
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iduckfilms · 2 years
The Complete Official Pibby Timeline (So Far)
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Hey guys, this is iDuckFilms. If you're in the Pibby fandom, you may know me from Twitter, but I decided to explore some backup options in case Twitter really does crash and burn like people are fearing. Plus I've been toying around with the idea of experimenting with other types of posts for a while. So I might as well start by creating a master list of everything that's canon to Pibby so far. There are a lot of things that are commonly mistaken for canon but aren't, but I figured it would be easier to list what is canon to make it easier to keep track.
October 30th 2021 - Come and Learn with Pibby Trailer/Pilot
The one that started it all. This was dropped onto Adult Swim's YouTube channel purposefully without any sort of promotion, though creator Dodge Greenley promoted it on his Instagram as "the trailer for [his] show", indicating that he intended it to be the trailer/pilot for a series. It immediately gets viral attention, first from the cartoon community and then snowballing out into the mainstream.
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October 30th 2021 (actual date circa 2020) - The Casting Call
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Soon, an anonymous 4chan user would leak several pages of a casting call for Pibby, revealing additional information about the characters. The user revealed that they auditioned for a role in the pilot, and that they left out several pages to make it harder for Cartoon Network and Adult Swim to track the leaker down.
October 30th 2021 (actual date circa 2020) - The Demo Reel
Soon, fans uncovered a demo reel originally posted on Soundcloud in 2020 by an actor who read for Bun Bun and Beta Kid. It used the same artwork as the leaked casting call, revealing the lines for Bun Bun and Beta Kid in the casting call and confirming both leaks to be real.
(To this date, no records of Pibby or Melira's lines from the casting call have surfaced)
November 5, 2021 - The Official Credits
Dodge Greenley would soon reveal the official credits of the Pibby pilot on his Instagram. This would confirm Melira's name, therefore confirming both leaks once again, but also reveal that Beta Kid's name had been changed to Alloy Boy during production.
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April 1, 2022 - The April Fools Broadcast
After 6 months of no news, Adult Swim surprised fans with a two hour long broadcast consisting of episodes of other Adult Swim shows with Pibby, Bun Bun, and various glitches edited into them. Almost all the animation of them created for this broadcast was new, and it featured slight redesigns of the characters and the Darkness, including different palettes and a more Atari-like glitch. This was accompanied by a "Lost Bunny" poster of Bun Bun and several billboards in Los Angeles and Atlanta featuring Pibby and Bun Bun.
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After this, there would be no major Pibby news. However, there is still one surprisingly major thing left to cover
November 15, 2022 - Pibby wins a CLIO Award
This is the latest official Pibby update. For those who don't know, the CLIO Awards are a prestigious award ceremony dedicated to celebrating the best ad campaigns. Shockingly, Pibby won several of these awards, including a Grand Prize. As their submission for the CLIO Awards, Adult Swim created a video going over the history of Pibby so far and, surprisingly, featuring many posts from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and r/Pibby, including posts from my Twitter account and for some reason various Elsagate videos created by the infamous YouTube Kids channel Among Us Stop Motion. This shows that Adult Swim has been keeping tabs on the Pibby fandom, and that support from Pibby fans matters in getting the show greenlit. The video also ends with acknowledgement that Pibby fans want more content, and the cryptic line "The legend of Pibby continues". Only time will tell if this means anything.
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researchandthat · 2 years
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Research Task 13.10.22
-Song: Bus Ride
-Artist: Kaytranada
-Background: Born in Louis Celestin in 1992, the capital of Haiti, and  moved to Toronto, Canada the following year. Kaytranada spoke to Fader magazine about his struggles with depression, anxiety and problems dealing with his sexuality, speaking openly about the anxiety caused when telling his family; “We’re Haitians, and Haitians don’t appreciate gay people at all... I thought maybe it was a phase.”, whilst also telling the Guardian, “I had a lot of fatigue, and a real identity crisis and a bunch of stuff that I was going through, like my sexuality.”
-How long have they been making music: Released his debut album “99.9%” in 2016, featuring artists such as Vic Mensa,  Anderson Paak, Syd tha Kyd and Craig David. Kaytranada became a Soundcloud sensation after releasing a bootleg remix of Janet Jackson’s “If” in 2012, following the successful hit up with some other remixes before branching out and discovering his own style.
-Style/Genre - RnB/ Hip-Hop/ Electronica
-How does the song “Bus Ride” fit in with larger body of work?: Bus Ride is the second song on the artists debut album. Following on from the up tempo Track Uno, which is a punchy opening track, Bus Ride feels a little more relaxed. The track dropped before the album was released, teasing what was to come on 99.9% and features Kaytranadas first collaboration with jazz drummer/ producer Karriem Riggins as well as Toronto based producer River Tiber. The song features the usual blend of jazzy and synth beats that can be expected from the Haitian-Canadian. There are no vocals on the track, Riggins drumming becoming the focal point of the track and builds towards one of the first tracks featuring vocals. Kaytranada posted about Bus Ride on twitter; “Bus Ride: tried to make a Jazz sounding song to listen to while i take the bus/subway to go to Montreal downtown”. 
-How was 99.9% released?: Released worldwide as an album, vinyl record and on multiple streaming platforms, 99.9% was also promoted using a video game of the same title, something Kaytranada has said was the label companies idea as he “..sucks at video games”.
-Music from period of release: 2016 was an eclectic year of music. Kaytranada’s style and album 99.9% would fit somewhere within the RnB and Hip Hop section at your local HMV, releasing the same year as other impressive albums such as Chance the Rapper’s Coloring Book, pantomime villain Kanye West’s Life of Pablo, Frank Ocean’s Blond and Beyonce’s Lemonade. It was a big year for RnB/ Hip-hop, with Skepta’s album Konnichiwa (more Grime than Hip-hop) winning the coveted Mercury Prize, marking a change from the usual winning genres. 
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nahidahmedbd · 20 days
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Client feedback:
SoundCloud Promotion Packages:
We specialize in elevating SoundCloud channels by offering tailored promotion services. Our efforts have successfully helped numerous musicians achieve their goals through strategic Google boosts and targeted social media promotions.
Our SoundCloud Services Include:
Active Followers: Gain real, active followers to enhance your channel’s credibility.
Channel Promotion: We promote your entire channel, not just individual tracks, ensuring a holistic growth strategy.
Track Promotion: Get more plays, likes, comments, reposts, and shares across all your tracks, driving engagement and reach.
Normal Service: $45
Diamond Package: $60
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