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Back in My Head Again
Rating: Mature CW: Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Steve Harrington, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Drug Use (In Various Points), Mental Health Issues, Past Referenced Parent Death Pairings: Tommy Hagan & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Steve Harrington's Father, Steddie Tags: Post-Canon, Angst, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Harrington's Father Being an Asshole, Steve Harrington Making Some Bad Decisions, Impulsive Steve Harrington, Good Friend Tommy Hagan, Protective Tommy Hagan, Tommy Hagan Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Tommy Hagan Cares About Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington is Loved, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, Eddie & Tommy Bonding About Steve, Childhood Friends, Hopeful Ending This one's a very personal piece to me. So please be kind, but also take care of yourselves. This one gets dark really fucking fast. Read all content warnings and tags, take care! <3 Also on ao3 (because this is long)
☎️—————☎️ Tommy’s the only one who knows what happened to his mom. It’s not that he’s keeping her death a secret, but it’s easier to just not say anything. Sometimes, when he’s quiet in a room, all the eyes around him are a bit more attentive than they’d be if he were just being stupid. He only found out because Steve needed an ear to listen and a brain that remembers when she had been sweet.
Not that his mom hadn’t been nice or sweet or motherly. She was just…different near the end. Combative. Argumentative. Angry. He could breathe the wrong way and receive an earful for the way his nostrils whistle. Had he known the inevitable, maybe he would’ve been a little bit more receptive to her comments, accepted them like soft punches to an even softer pillow, but as it was, he was just as angry—if not more.
With her gone, his dad became worse.
They weren’t, like, buddies before she died. But if they were in the same room? Well, it would take a whole lot of tongue biting, but Steve could manage it. With his nose cradled in the crook of his elbow, all his words muffled by warm skin, and hands curled into tight white fists. At least in the before, there were only a handful of times where he felt the need to be scared of his dad. The one afternoon where he came home from a basketball practice—pent up and exhausted, hungry as hell, sweating where the sun didn’t shine—and his dad had been furious about something probably ridiculous, and charged at him from the other side of the room. Steve had acted on a weakened instinct, one he thought he trained to be obediently dormant, but when his fists went up in front of his face and his eyebrows furrowed into the soft hoods of his eyelids, he knew he’d always had to be ready just in case.
Maybe he was just a spoilt brat. Maybe he was just an angsty teenager with too many misplaced emotions. Maybe he was just naive.
But he had been ready, always, to pack his shit, dodge some punches, and get the hell back. Though, when his mom was alive, he survived on her affection like a sick bee needing sugar. Now, without her? It was a matter of time before his dad starved him. Or worse.
Tommy knew, though, about his parents. That his mom died suddenly and too young. That his dad was an asshole. He knew about the always packed backpack in his closet, the overstocked first aid kit he hid under his bed, and that secret he let spill from his lips too late one evening, beer soaked on his tongue, a hunger for Tommy’s freckles in the deep pit of his stomach—I want to kiss you, is that weird?
Was it maybe too weird that he went to Tommy still? Even after everything? Even after telling him off in that parking lot? Maybe, but Steve’s never been one to make good decisions. But there was a certain sort of security blanket when it came to talking to Tommy.
After a bad hookup? He went to Tommy. Drank a little too much and needed somebody to not judge him for it? He called Tommy. Wet the bed from a nightmare like he did as a kid? To his childhood friend, Tommy, he ran to.
They’ve seen each other at their worsts. Well, the non-NDA, government cover-up worsts. He’d been there for Tommy when his parents divorced. Been there the first time Tommy had been rejected. Been there when Tommy was sick with the flu, threw up a little too hard, and gave himself a nose bleed. And in turn…
Steve trusted Tommy still, despite it all.
Was it unhealthy? To rely on Tommy in certain dire moments and then to recede as if it never happened? Oh yeah, Steve can recognize that. But would he go to Robin with information about his dad? No, unfortunately, he wouldn’t. There’s not enough time and comfort and days spread between them.
He’s known Tommy since he was seven years old.
If they weren’t such big piles of shit, to each other, to themselves, maybe they’d still be orbiting. But. They are, that’s the problem. They are.
Now, though, he needs Tommy.
Hugging a payphone by the nearby park, wrapped up in loose, thin layers, seventeen degrees and lips turning purple, he needs him.
“C’mon, Tommy…c’mon,” he mutters, breath puffing in front of him in a large white cloud. This is his last quarter. His cheeks are searing with tears. There aren’t gloves on his hands, his fingers are fucking numb and bluish. He’d go home, but his dad is there. Drunk and stubborn and angry, his dad is always there.
Finally, on the last ring, it’s picked up. “Hello?” Tommy answers gruffly.
Steve sobs, hard and sour and ugly, “T-Tommy.”
“Holy shit,” he hears, that voice now alert, “Steve, is that you? Oh my god, are you okay?”
His eyes dart around. The street is empty. There’s ice under his stupid sneakers, one wrong move and he’ll give himself another concussion. Words bubble in his throat, but all that leaves him is an awkward, dry retch.
“Hey,” Tommy whispers, “take…take a deep breath for me, okay? I’m—Take a moment, I’m right here.”
The breath stutters in his chest, hiccuping and sharp and painful. He heaves a sigh, is praised for it, and sniffles. “My d-dad f-fucking sucks. I hate him, Tommy. I fucking hate him.”
Over the line, Tommy shuffles—probably in his bed, this late at night; 3:23am, when Steve hazily glances at his watch. “I know,” he says softly, “what’d he do, Stevie? Or is he just…”
“He—fuck—I came downstairs to get some water, y’know, and…and I don’t know, he was just in the kitchen. I could…I could see the alcohol on the counter, so he was drinking, and he’s always drinking, Tommy…he’s always, always—but he saw me and h-he called me an asshole, I know I am, but I just—I was just trying to get some water and he just said it and he—he said it was my fault that my mom, that she…”
The moment ‘mom’ leaves his tongue, the sobs boil again in his throat. Gurgling and wet, he allows it to happen. Bile-laden sobs rip wild through his chest, staining the back of his mouth, heaving out of him because the breath burns through him too fast to mean anything. He blubbers, words incoherent through his teeth, slurred in a way only his dad knows how. And it’s within the blink of an eye, sorry on himself that he’s so close to being just like him, that he’s wrenching something deep from within his pocket.
On his sixteenth birthday, only a few short years ago, his grandpa had still been alive. Happy and well. There was one thing he gave him. A pocket knife. Heavy silver handle, sharpened silver blade, his name engraved in pointed letters. It was for self-defense, a good tool just in case of an emergency.
Is it self-defense if it was himself that he was protecting from?
Is it self-defense if it pierces between his ribs?
Is it self-defense if it was an emergency escape?
“Where are you?” Tommy asks. It’s urgent in the air, as if he’d already been asking it in Steve’s daze, looking down at the pocket knife shiny in his grip. “I’m going to come get you. Where are you?”
He could bite his tongue, he’s good at it.
But one thing about Tommy that nobody else knows is that he’s perceptive as hell.
Steve could swallow his own tongue, but even then, Tommy would pick up that something is going seriously wrong.
“That park near my house,” he mumbles in response, “you know where it is?”
“You see a bench nearby?”
He nods stupidly, humming without words.
“Can you sit on it for me, Steve?”
“Yeah,” he whispers, “I can do that.”
“Okay,” Tommy sighs, but it doesn’t sound put-out. It’s relief. “Stay on that bench and wait for me, okay? I want to be able to see you.”
Steve hums again. Bobbles his heavy, eyes-burning head. “Tommy?”
His hand fists tighter around the folded pocket knife. Thumbnail etching into his own name, eggshell white paint chipping at the pressure. One wrong move, one wrong thought, one wrong second—he takes a deep breath, the air burning inside him, and can pinpoint the exact spot where the blade would rest. It’d be just one quick push. One last scream. One last bout of terror. The metal is cold in the center of his palm, yet his fingers haven’t quite picked up on the temperature.
“‘Course,” Tommy murmurs, “I’ll find you soon.”
The phone buzzes dead in his ear. There are tears crisp and hot to the gentle wobble of his chin. He darts his eyes to the nearby park bench, lonely and dark with a gentle spattering of snow along its back, and he begins the gentle path forward. Tiptoeing around sheets of slick, thin ice. Fog in the air hanging, clouding the dark sky to be a semi-permanent pale grey. He settles himself on the bench, the cold seat against his pants.
In his hand, the knife rests uneasily. It’s a light thing, but tonight it’s especially heavy. Especially daunting. He blinks, still looking at it with his tired, seeping eyes, and curls his fingers around it. It doesn’t go back to his pocket, though.
He doesn’t know, really, why he took the little knife with him. As if, possibly, there’d be a demodog out there searching for him—that’s the only truth he can bring to the forefront of his mind. That he’d be hunted down by something he could only control with the folds of his own flesh, but even that’s a sorry excuse; the demo-creatures have long since been rid of, they were connected to Vecna, and Vecna’s as good as dirt. If he had to think of a reason, Steve could conjure up reality with a simple blink. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the need had always been there.
To kill himself.
That’s as bluntly as he could put it.
Even that brings a fresh churn to his ever-churning stomach.
The need had been there, though. An etch to the sketch of his whole person. A fleeting thing. Maybe since the first time he’d been left home alone—eight years old and confused. Maybe when he called the police after his dad had hit him the first time—ten years old and told that that’s how bad kids are punished, a spanking. Maybe when he drank himself into near hysteria—thirteen years old and puking up his lungs in his mom’s nice peonies outside the kitchen window. Or maybe it was after the demogorgon—seventeen.
Could’ve been in part because of Nancy or even Jonathan. Possibly Carol. Even Barb. At one point, definitely, Tommy.
But even he knows pointing fingers at friends is pointless.
This need, this feeling, the weight of the knife in his hand—
He’d always held the handle. It was just a matter of sensitivities that controlled the blade.
Why this time?
Why now?
Because he was an asshole? Whatever. He’s been an asshole. Because his dad was home? Whatever. Steve’s always wanted him home. Because his mom was dead? Whatever. She’s been dead for over a year now. No Vecna to get her, no demogorgon to savor her—he had been eighteen, she had been sick, like really fucking sick…it was nobody’s fault.
So why now? Steve couldn’t even pinpoint the reason.
It was a build probably. Unresolved shit from the Upside Down, hand in hand with his failing minimum wage job, with his spiral of never-ending college rejection letters, on and on. He never went through with flicking open the blade. Had to protect and whatnot. Is it because there’s no reason to protect? Is it because he doesn’t have to now?
Sure, he was staying because of Dustin, Max, the lot of them, Robin, and Eddie.
He wasn’t staying for himself, though.
Why would he? Who could?
He’s always had this need to never truly pocket the knife. Despite its name.
It belonged to him. Name on it and everything. And as fate should see it, maybe it was a sign.
Read: Steve Harrington is fucked in the head and is going to do something about it.
Read: Steve Harrington brandishes a weapon and he knows how to use it.
Read: Steve Harrington wants to die and has wanted to for a really long time.
Longer than he cares to admit.
He flicks the handle, blade unsheathing with a quick schtick! It’s shiny and clean. Never used. There’d been a back up pocket knife, one he was given from his dad; it was only ever used for shotgunning beers. Couldn’t bring himself to use it for anything else outside of that. And he couldn’t ever hurt himself, not when he was swimming and playing basketball. Everybody would see. Everybody would know. He was known, sure, but not known, and the prospect of that brings a fresh wave of goosebumps to his arms. Unless that’s the cold. But the point still stands.
The knife he currently has, shiny and clean, it could use a little grit to it. Some roughage.
Why hadn’t he killed himself, though? Was it the blood that made him squeamish? The fact he’d hurt anyway? He could drown, but then there was the problem of his bloated corpse. And there was the possibility of overdosing, but then somebody would go all detective on his stupid body, trace back the ketamine in his system to Eddie…Eddie doesn’t deserve that.
He’s had plans. They were kind of…intrusive, though. Made in a split second decision. The ketamine one, he almost went through with that. Bought as much as he was allowed to purchase in one sitting, whatever Eddie was willing to part with—years ago, he has half a mind to squander, he doesn’t sell like that anymore—and then he’d return a few days later, stock up some more…he was just gonna go for it. All in one sitting. Lock the bathroom door behind him. He had even brought in a dining chair the night he was going to, set it up underneath the doorknob and everything, yet when it came to the actual drugs…
The toilet had a very open mouth and very willing stomach that night.
There was the quarry. He’d only been there a few times. Not since Will’s “body” had been discovered, but he’d been there before. It was always during a morning jog. Crisp autumn air, low hanging fog, nobody on the roads. Steve would make a detour, in his short sleeve t-shirt and even shorter shorts, and he’d jog right up to the edge.
It was farther and farther and farther down the more he went. The more he grew. Even when he sat, he was taller than the time before. Sometimes he’d throw a rock, watch it skitter down the sharp edges of other rocks, listen until the sound disappeared, until the only thing that gave proof it was there were the ripples in the water far below. There was always a passing thought, though, that he’d leave a lot more evidence behind. Every sharp edge stained with proof of him. He wanted nothing left in his wake. Wanted it to look like somebody had just snatched him while he was out, dumped him in the water, had very little care for his body. Because who would care? No, if he went through with his plan, there’d be evidence. The news would break: Steve Harrington, age 15, Death By Suicide. Or would they publish it? Beat around the bush, probably. Save face and all.
Point is, there had been plans steadily over the years. Each one getting smaller and smaller and lesser and lesser. It was always the clean up that startled him. The fear that little bits and pieces of him would be left behind. Vomited foam from his mouth, blood from his head, the wet shadow of his body pulled from the pool. He’d be everywhere. And everyone would know.
Steve Harrington was suicidal.
King Steve Harrington had problems.
Steve Harrington was a scared little boy, hardly a man, and oh how fun that is to laugh at.
Who would miss him? Well and truly miss him?
At eighteen? Dustin. Maybe Nancy. Maybe even Jonathan. They’d would’ve gotten over it, wouldn’t they have? Poor Steve Harrington, the ex and the babysitter. At fifteen? Just Tommy and Carol. He always imagined it, people like Barb and Nancy and Robin and Eddie, all of them adrift by the news, but later getting over it. Just a ‘who cares’ thrown over their shoulder, a ‘good riddance’ in the back of their mind they’d never admit to. At twelve? Bobby in the A/V club, who always welcomed Steve with a gap-toothed grin and his wide bright eyes, making sure there was always space for his confused questions. The kid that some time later, Steve watched get his head swirled in a toilet, laughing at how he sputtered. At eight? His mom. She would’ve been inconsolable. Though, she would be young enough, maybe she could’ve tried again.
Now, though?
There’s…there’s too many people to even name.
God, way too many people.
He was staying for them, never himself. Got a best friend and a few pseudo siblings, his adopted dads in Hopper and Wayne…and he’s got a boyfriend that nobody knows about. He’s got everything.
Why is he still here? With the knife in his hand? In the cold? Frostbitten and scared?
Underneath all the scars, the anger, the hair, he’ll always be that scared little boy. The little boy afraid of his dad—the monster he lives with. Of drunk hands and slurred words, cigar smoke and stale dinners, wooden paddles and leather belts. He’ll always be the little boy that cried in his knees, hidden in the depth of his closet, under tens of old clothes, hanging on for dear life. Always be the kid that called his best friend, Tommy, when things went to shit. Phone cradled to his ringing ear, a slap still stern across his cheek, and needing instructions from Tommy’s parents on how to use a first aid kit.
He’s gotten better at discerning what he needs from the kit. Not because of alternate dimension beings, though. No, due to the monster that sits at his dining table, sipping Jack with glazed eyes and sorrowed brows, angry veins and angrier words. Asshole.
Steve was scared. Vulnerable. Soft-bellied. And he was small, despite being so big, he was always smaller than he showed. Any sign of himself—this true self, squirmy and squeamish and small—that would be it. He didn’t want to be known. Didn’t want to be found out.
But then, here he was, holding the knife.
Distantly, he hears the slow jog of heavy steps. He has the wherewithal to recognize he should stow away the knife, deep in his pocket where nobody can see. Though, as it glistens and blinks—mesmerizing him—he leaves it wide open.
This isn’t the first time he’s been here.
It needs to be his last.
“Stevie!” Tommy shouts somewhere on his left. Steve’s head swivels to the sound of his own nickname. Jogging up one of the clearer snow paths, Tommy’s making quick work of getting to him. He’s in heavier clothes than Steve is: a beat-up Carhartt jacket, thick and long jeans, brown work boots, a tartan red scarf wrapped messily on his neck, mittens, and a beanie with a big pom-pom on the top. As he gets closer, Steve can hear his heavy breathing, see the puffs that emanate from the frigid air. Still got that boyish way to him. A million freckles, those soft brown eyes, his pearly white teeth. The first boy Steve ever thought to kiss; the first and last boy to break his heart. “Steve,” Tommy murmurs now that he’s close, “hey…hey, I found you.”
He can’t move from his spot on the bench. It’s cold. His bottom aches from the chill of the wood, but he can’t make himself get up. Legs like lead. That knife still heavy. And he might cry if he speaks right now.
Tommy can see him. Truly see him.
For the first time.
Steve can catch the exact moment Tommy spots the unsheathed, flipped open knife. His eyes widen a fraction, eyebrows shooting up to the edge of his hat, his light smile fading into the paleness of his cheeks. He stutters in his settling, standing frozen to the spot. Like he became one with the slick ice. He’d do something like laugh at the expression, but again, it may just catch like a sob.
“You…you have a knife,” Tommy dumbly points out. His eyes dart away from the blade, though. He’s forcing himself to not look. To ignore it. Setting his focus on Steve’s face instead. “Your lips,” he whispers, “what’re you doin’ out here without a scarf? And your gloves and coat and…you need to be warm.” With great speed, the same quickness Steve used to see on the high school’s track, Tommy is unwrapping the scarf from around his neck. Gently, he tucks it on Steve’s, forcing it to sit tight against his going blue lips. Then, he’s tugging off his jacket, slipping Steve’s left arm through one of the sleeves. But by the time he makes it to the right—“Stevie, can I…I need to take the knife from you, okay? I need to get you warm.”
He can’t move his hand.
But his eyes stay on Tommy’s. Big on his sunken face, burning hot with fresh tears, chin wobbling. He can’t even ask.
“I’m gonna take it,” Tommy gently says, “put it in my pocket, okay? Just for a little while.” Slow now, he reaches for the knife. When Steve doesn’t pull away, doesn’t even flinch, he takes it in his grip. It’s probably the only thing about him that’s warm, if the surprise on Tommy’s face says anything. But he ignores that, too. Simply folds it up—schtick!—and buries it deep in the front left pocket of his jeans. Just like that.
Like it was nothing.
The outline of its handle in Tommy’s pocket is something, though. Heavier than it seems.
Had it looked like that in Steve’s sweatpants? All weighted and obvious?
He pities himself—the fool.
Tommy continues to take care of him, though, one piece of clothing at a time. The jacket all zipped, mittens on Steve’s numb hands, beanie on his big head. And when he’s done, he steps back with a tight, light smile. “There,” he breathes, “all done.” He tucks the scarf tighter again, as if he can manifest it to be warmer. Then, softly, he takes Steve’s hands in his own, rubbing them with his palms. Forcing them to get warmer. “Can I get you to come with me to my car? Let me turn on the heater and warm you up?”
Steve blinks. The first thing he feels on his face since he finished sobbing on the phone—a single hottear. “Are you taking me home?” he asks, wobbly and so unusual, even for himself. It makes him sound like a little kid. A little, vulnerable, very afraid kid.
“No,” Tommy murmurs—simple—“I’m not. We are going to drive around for a few, so you get warmed up in the car, get you a gas station hot chocolate—which will taste and feel amazing right now—and then I’m going to take you wherever you want to go.” He pats Steve’s shoulders with both of his hands, almost like he’s reminding himself that Steve is still right there. To touch. Alive. “How’s that sound?”
He nods once. Then, he blinks and shakes his head. Nods. Shakes. “I’m sorry,” Steve whispers, muffled by the scarf, “I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, no, I don’t want an apology. No apologies allowed. I’m glad you called.” Tommy squeezes Steve’s shoulders, looking dead on. There’s something watery in his gaze now. He doesn’t let it fulfill. “I’m really glad you called, okay? Let’s go to the car to warm up. And if…if you want to talk about it, we’ll talk. My ears are yours and my lips are sealed, you know that.”
They make their way back one slow step at a time. Their arms are hooked like they’re on some winter wonderland walk date. It’s fucked sideways, completely fucked, but Steve smiles small behind his scarf anyway. Tommy’s trying to fill the silence, something about baseball and little league and coaching, but Steve’s too lost in the warmth seeping through his body. The heat that makes him feel truly like a dancing flame, alive.
He’s still bad enough to know that once tonight is through, wherever he ends up, he’ll be left bereft with the consequences of his own actions. Probably something about disappearing in the middle of the night from his dad, something worse if his mind’s eye isn’t playing tricks. A lot of people will have questions as to why they’re seeing Tommy Hagan around a lot more—wandering into the Family Video just to talk to Steve, swooping into their local diner just to grab some fries with a wave at Steve, hanging around the arcade just to catch Steve beating his own high score. Nobody has to know what happened tonight.
But if he doesn’t talk, eventually he’ll self-immolate. Implode.
Steve Harrington, 19, Found Dead in Ditch; does not sound appealing. It wouldn’t make sense, he’s a great driver. He’d make it look like an accident, though. He’s still too much of a live-wire for a million and one questions, let alone all the queues being dispersed among so many people.
He needs help, he knows that. How does he ask for it, though? Who’s going to be less judgmental when he finds the strength to ask? Or is it going to be just as he feared? Under a microscope, people poking and prodding, local town pariah for being so mentally unwell. It happened to Eddie’s mom.
Maybe he’d be the only one to truly grasp it.
The conversations that have to be had, though, are daunting. Less daunting, however, than the knife still stowed in Tommy’s pocket.
He’s just sat in the passenger seat, reclined the way he likes with the door shut behind him, when Tommy abruptly turns on the car and starts messing with the dials on his vents. Pointing every single one at Steve, cranking that heat up. His radio is on, too, playing a mixtape on low volume. It’s the one Steve made him in their freshman year—“Nowhere Man” by The Beatles is just starting.
“Rubber Soul?” Steve finds himself mumbling.
“Hm?” Tommy stops moving for a moment, seatbelt halfway to being buckled, darting his eyes to the radio. “Oh—yeah, yeah! Remember, you showed me this album? One of my favorites, man. Always liked this song the most…you put it on this tape twice just to make sure I heard it.” He smiles at Steve. Bright and happy, his eyes squinting and his freckles bunching. It’s always been a great smile.
It’s been a while since it was pointed at him.
He likes it.
Wishes these were better circumstances. That they had been better people. That they’d survived. Maybe if they both weren’t so conniving and embarrassing and crude. One day, he thinks he can forgive Tommy. Not now, not for a while.
Tonight, though, he can learn to thank him.
Maybe that in itself is forgiveness enough for Steve, but even then, it takes more than a few good years of near radio silence to pass them by.
“Let me just”—Tommy whispers, leaning in. He reaches for the seatbelt, stretching it across Steve’s rigid body, and safely clicks it into place. There’s a moment where he lingers, staring, darting his eyes over every minuscule part of Steve’s face. Up close, there are definitely unshed tears in Tommy’s stare, but he just smiles. Small and safe, just for them, he smiles again. He pulls back to his own seat, one hand on the steering wheel, the other hovering over the gearstick.—“there we go, all tucked away. Sorry if the jacket is a little tight, it was the only winter coat I could find, guess it’s getting up there in years.”
Steve blinks and settles his head deeper into the headrest. Exhausted, he doesn’t say anything else.
Tommy seems to allow it, pulling away from the curb and back onto the empty street. He’s going at a snail’s pace, most likely because he doesn’t have chains on his tires. But he keeps his focus on the road ahead, unlike the him of previous years. Sitting passenger in Steve’s car, talking directly at him, not sparing a glance out the window. Instead, he looks forward, occasionally squeezing the leather of his steering wheel tighter. His eyes are darting, though. Nervous. Scared.
They pass by a few dark houses. Some small stores.
And then the gas station is pulling into view, Tommy slowing to turn into the parking lot, putting it in park. He turns to Steve, eyes big and dark in the dim light of his car. “I’m gonna go in there and fetch a large hot chocolate for you. D’you want me to grab anything else?”
He shrugs.
“Hey,” Tommy murmurs, “let me take care of you for a little bit, okay? Drive you around, get you some things you need.” He reaches out, gently squeezes Steve’s left forearm. His thumb is tracing the seam of the jacket’s sleeve. “You hungry?”
“Yeah,” Steve whispers, “…maybe just some peanut butter cups?”
Tommy nods. “‘Course. Want some Reeses Pieces, too? I remember you liked those.”
“No, it’s okay. Shouldn’t put you out like that anyway.”
The fingers still resting on his forearm tighten. Squeezing so hard, Steve can feel the bite of his fingernails. “You aren’t putting me out, Stevie. It’s no big deal.”
Up close, he can make out the eye bags and dark circles under Tommy’s eyes. The tired fold of his smile. Laziness creeping back onto his face. Probably tired as hell.
“Just those things. Don’t need anything else, promise.”
For a brief, brief moment, Tommy remains rooted to his seat. Something flickers through his face. A shuttering shimmer of daylight, darkening in the edges the way a vignette photograph does. It’s not confusion or disbelief or anger. A sadness, maybe. A fear.
But then Tommy is heaving himself out of the car, keys still in the ignition, radio volume low, heaters pulling their weight.
Steve glances out the passenger side window. At the chainlink fence on the edges of this gas station parking lot, curled into itself and overgrown with wild weeds. Some needles are littered at the base of the fence—he wonders where those people are now. Were they looking for a little relief? Partying with the hard stuff for the sake of it? The thrill of it?
How many of them were like him?
How many were there?
His reflection is blinking in the glass of his window, peering out softly at the needles. What if there was only one? Just as young. Just as scared. With nobody there to pick them up, take them out of their head, be patient. Nobody, not even an old friend, not even a neighbor. He wonders if this person—this figment—was running from something. Feelings, responsibilities, the very thing they feared. Seeking shelter, semblance of a normal in the dark parking lot of their local gas station chain.
Maybe they made it out. Got away from their head in that manner. Maybe they see the needles, too. Putting themself in those shoes, some of them new, some of them dirty, some of them laced, some velcro. He hopes they got their peanut butter cups and hot chocolate. Hopes they got a soft ending; wherever they may have ended up; whoever they ended up being.
Glancing out the windshield, he spots Tommy looking back at him, as if checking to see if he’s still there. His stomach turns over, clenching hard at the reason why. The fact he put that worry there. Shit.
And then, finally, he gets a good catch of himself in his overhead mirror. There are barely any lights around that illuminate his face, just whatever shines outwards from within the little convenience store. His hair is tucked away in the beanie, not wild from the wind like he had been expecting. His cheeks are puffy, starting to redden with color, from the heat in the car. But his eyes.
Flat, pink, bloodshot, yet empty.
No wonder Tommy keeps looking at him. He put that worry there, in the absence of himself, he instilled that worry. The fear.
Tommy eventually comes back out, swinging into the car with a to-go carrier of hot chocolates, and a crinkling plastic bag in the crook of his left elbow. He settles in his seat, off loading the carrier to Steve, regaling him to divvying out the drinks. Once he’s in, buckled and warmed, he reaches for the ignition.
“Can we stay here for a minute?” Steve meekly asks.
All at once, Tommy stops in his tracks. Sitting back. “Y-yeah, dude, sure. Just figured you’d wanna see around first, give yourself some time to…to think, I guess.”
He hands off one of the hot chocolates when Tommy reaches out for it, saying in the process, “I feel like I’ve done enough thinking tonight. Enough for a lifetime.”
There’s a sharp inhale at that. “I get that,” Tommy murmurs, “seems like there’s a lot of empty time on my hands these days.”
Steve sniffs, takes a swig of his drink, hums unconsciously at the flavor. “What are you up to these days? ‘Sides saving my sorry, stupid ass.”
“You’re not stupid, Steve. Don’t say shit like that.” He’s momentarily frozen in his seat, as Tommy’s eyes ice over to him. “And I already told you, I’m glad you called me.”
“You were asleep. You could’ve told me that. I would’ve found somebody else.”
“I wanted to get you,” Tommy insists. “It doesn’t matter how much time or space or whatever other garbage is between us, if you call me, I’m gonna be there. Even if you need me to—fucking, I don’t know—tie your shoes or something.”
Steve traces the lid on his cup with the thick thumb of his mitten. Words caught splintered in his throat, dead.
At his silence, Tommy lets out a sad little sigh. And then he goes quiet for a moment, too.
The air isn’t exactly tense, but it isn’t pleasant either. Thick, heavy, and warm. Maybe it’s the heater vents, the million layers he was forced into, the hot chocolate in his hands. It’s not even a good hot chocolate—Wayne Munson is the king of that—but he can appreciate it for what it is. A chance to make sure that he isn’t going to collapse in on himself.
It’s an appeasement. In a way, he’s being convinced to stay.
“What would it take to show you that you’re worth caring for?” Tommy suddenly breaks through. “Because I…I know I was going to let you talk about it in your own time, but…Steve, I want to be there, but I can’t always be there. And I. I have to be honest, right?
“I’m always going to try and save you. I’ll always come to your side when you call me, even if it’s been months or, shit, even years. But what happens when the next time I’m out here in the cold, your toes are too far over the edge? What if I go to grab the back of your shirt and it rips in my grip? What if…what if you can’t be patient anymore?” He won’t look up from the lid of his cup. Won’t answer, not yet. Right, passes through his head, he’s right. You know he is. Tommy’s gaze is set on his face, shiny in his peripheral. “I love you with every piece of me, again, no matter what, I’m always gonna love you. Just…
“Steve, I’m worried one day I won’t reach you.
“Or that I’m gonna come across…that you won’t be there by the time I arrive,” he stresses, “and I don’t want any of that to happen. Seriously, whether you’re my best friend or fuckin’ best enemy or whatever, I still care about you. You were still my first friend, the first person outside of my family that I was hugging, my first camaraderie, and you were my first wake-up call.”
Finally, he drags his eyes up. Burning, heavy, aching, Steve blearily looks to Tommy. Caught up in the blur of his own vision, unable to see even two feet ahead of him. His whole everything aches. Every ember of his soul. The drip of his blood, rushing straight to his toes, up to his no longer numb fingers.
The world’s a fireplace around him, words sound like near deathbed confessions, and he can taste his stale breath cutting through the chocolate. He never did get his glass of water. Can’t believe he let his dad play into this. Into tonight.
“Tommy,” he chokes out. “I don’t…I don’t know what you want me”—
“Sorry,” Tommy whispers, “I’m sorry. That was a lot and all at once. I just care about you, man.” He reaches out, grabbing for Steve’s forearm once more. Fingers tense and tight in his jacket. “I’d hate to see you gone. You deserve to be here, to be cared for. Please, Steve, just let me care about you for tonight. Please.”
Bending forward, Steve places his hot chocolate in the cup holder closest to him. Having his ear closer to the speaker, he can hear “Nowhere Man” again—or what must be for the second time. Tommy was always trying to make Steve feel better, even if sometimes how he showed it seemed impossibly stupid; but maybe the song wasn’t purposefully put on the cassette twice, he has half a mind to realize, Tommy didn’t want him to feel dumb for what he did.
Slowly, he peels off his mittens, fingers sweating with anticipation to not be so damn hot. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Tommy begin to lurch forward, stop him, but Steve only works faster. Just so he can place the naked skin of his right palm over the back of Tommy’s. Their skin joins in a puddle of malleable warmth. And even further, the hand under his turns, palm now up, gripping tight to his fingers. He rests his head against the passenger window, looking out at the bottom of the fence again.
“I’m sorry,” Steve murmurs.
“Stop apologizing. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.”
“But I”—
He’s silenced with an even tighter pressure to the tips of his fingers. So hard that he can feel the way Tommy’s wrist shakes with the force. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’m not asking for it. It’s not necessary.”
Steve nods against the window. Beanie pushing up, hair falling free against his forehead. “Okay,” he crackles.
Again, Tommy’s moving, his shirt rustling against the leather seat. But he’s closer, if the warmth of his shoulder bleeding into Steve’s says anything. “Hey”—he tugs their joined hands, Steve glances over—“you think you can talk to me? Tell me what happened?”
Shrugging, Steve sighs. “Just…what I said earlier. Trying to get some water, Dad’s in the kitchen starting shit. Guess I just…just pussy-ed out. Went running out the door.”
Tommy swallows hard. “Did he…”
“He tried to get his hands on me,” Steve admits quietly, confessing what Tommy already knew. “But he was so drunk, he swung and stumbled. Made it out of there with my hair still intact.” His shoulder hurts in this angle. But he doesn’t want to pull his hand away, not when it gets another squeeze, not when he earns Tommy’s thumb rubbing into his knuckles. “I think he’s waiting up on me,” he whispers, “I can feel him, even here in the car, standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at the front door. Like he did when I had weed that one time…couldn’t lay on my back after what he did that night.”
“I hate him,” Tommy darkly murmurs. “I’d kill him if I wasn’t so much shorter than that fuckwad.”
Dryly, Steve snorts. Rolls his eyes. “You’d give him a swirly and his face would get all red from how angry he’d be. From humiliating him. We’d call ‘im cherry cheeks for a week. ’Til he caught on.”
In the reflection of his window, he can see Tommy nod in agreement, smug little smirk on his face. “Until he caught on.” He shifts again, shoulder melting into Steve’s. “And then you decided to go on a midnight walk…did he take your car keys or something?”
“I didn’t really think about the car, Tommy. I just went. It was a dumb thing to do. But, well, I don’t make good decisions,” he states bitterly.
“Well, you called me and now you’re here.”
Steve doesn’t say anything to that.
There’s a squeeze to his hand that has him looking over. “So…did you…were you planning on…”
He shakes his head. “Guess I grabbed the knife without thinking. Self-defense or something, I don’t know.”
“Okay,” Tommy mutters. And there he goes, squeezing at Steve’s fingers again. It’s nice, though. The contact, warmth, the reminder. He twists his head so that they’re looking straight on each other, even as his neck contorts uncomfortably. “I’m glad I got to the park when I did,” he murmurs, “the world wouldn’t be the same without you, Steve. It really, really wouldn’t.”
“You’re just saying that,” Steve mumbles.
“Hey, I mean it. Who else would be there to call your dad cherry cheeks? Tell him he looks like a big, ugly oaf?” He snorts at that, a smile itching to make itself known. Tommy nudges him, shakes him, smirks. “Also, dude, the world needs a little bit more light, don’t you think? Who else is gonna call me on my bullshit? Knock me upside the head to tell me how much of a bigoted turd I’m being. You keep the balance, you bring the laughter, you bring the warmth, man. Nothing would be the same if you just…”—poof!—“left,” he whispers.
“Think someday I’ll believe you.”
Tommy shrugs. “Someday is better than never. But you better. Because I’m right.”
“When have you ever been right about something?”
“Well, I may be kinda thick in the head…but when have I lied to you?”
“I don’t know, think I can think of a few…”
“Those were well meaning lies! Like for your birthday that one year! You almost saw me wrapping up that new pack of baseballs—no way in hell was I going to let your snooping little ass ruin the surprise I had been sweating over for hours!”
There’s a big fat smile on both their faces, mirrored in each other’s all too expressive eyes. Tommy’s alight, Steve’s finally full. The laughter they share trickles out into shaky, steadying breaths. And for a moment, things are just like normal. Another late night with his old best friend, kicking rocks and talking shit. A time before.
Oh so before.
Tommy nudges him again. “You ready to blow this popsicle stand?”
Steve chuckles, shoulders jumping with it. “Sure, dude,” he sighs, “let’s get outta here.”
The hand in his lingers for a beat, then two, a third. It tenses, pressing deep into his knuckles. And retreats. Thrown into his lap is the crinkling plastic bag from the store. Inside are at least three packs of peanut butter cups—way more than he asked for.
He looks up at Tommy, ready to protest. Instead, he gets a wink. “Our secret, Stevie-boy, you peanut butter fiend.” And then they’re off, driving aimlessly on the empty streets of Hawkins.
As the sun begins to rise, coloring their cheeks with tangible warmth, snow beading on the sidewalk, brown wrappers tossed aside, Steve is somewhat content. Rustling with nerves, knowing full well that Tommy still has that knife. But he’s…relaxed, nerveless, almost free.
All without the pain. All without the task of planning. All without the fear of saying goodbye—Steve is free.
They wind down familiar roads. Until, eventually, Tommy cracks with a yawn.
“Getting tired?” Steve mumbles.
“Oh, I’ve been tired. It’s fine, though. I can be out a little bit longer.”
“Nah, you don’t gotta. Think I’m ready to hit they hay, dude.”
Tommy sniffs. Runs a hand over his mouth, lets it fall back down to his lap, hitting the handle of the knife with the hilt of his palm. “Where do you want me to take you, Stevie?”
“I…I have an idea. But, uh, you’ll promise to keep the secret to yourself?”
He shifts nervously, catching Tommy give him a confused little quirk. “As long as it’s not gonna hurt you, sure. What…this sounds big.”
Steve swallows, nods, squeezes his hands into fists until his nails just begin to bite. The passenger window is enticing. “Remember that one secret years and years ago? When, uh, when we were kinda tipsy and hanging out by the pool and it was just us and”—
“The kiss thing, right?”
He inhales sharply. “Yeah, the…the kiss thing.”
“You can talk to me, Steve. I’m an asshole, but I’m not Brutus, man. Not gonna betray you for spilling your guts.”
“You promise you’ll keep it to yourself?”
In the blink of an eye, Tommy is pulling over to the curb. Slow and careful like. Twisting in his seat to face Steve, he only swivels his head to follow suit. “My ears are yours and my lips are sealed, remember? Hell, you don’t even need to tell me if you think it’s not safe to do so.”
Steve nods, slowly, absorbing. “Um…I-I have a partner.”
“You have a boyfriend?” Tommy asks, voice dropped low like anybody within a 100 mile radius could hear them. It’s a startling question, but it’s a soft one nonetheless.
“Yeah…he…he’s really good at taking care of me, y’know. And we look out for each other. He tells me I can come to him any time, if I need anything…anything.”
“Is it okay if I know who it is? Or is that…”
“I mean, I figured you’ll need to know to take me there? But, uh, Eddie Munson? Forest Hills?”
Tommy’s eyebrows raise slightly. He blinks. Takes in a slow breath. Then, quietly, “At the far end of the park, right? Near those swings?”
“Um…y-yeah. Yeah, near the swings.” Without responding, Tommy turns towards the steering wheel, shifting gears, pulling away from the curb. He makes a U-turn, back the way towards Forest Hills. “Is that…you’re not gonna say anything, right? Please don’t say anything.”
“My lips are sealed,” Tommy repeats. “I’m just…little surprised, I guess. Not about—Not that you two are, like, gay and into each other or something. Just…you guys have things to talk about? Get along okay?”
“He’s crafty. So, sometimes, we’ll watch a game together—whatever’s on—and he’ll listen to me rant and cheer and stuff, ask me about the stats…usually, he sits next to me and paints or draws or whatever. We keep each other entertained.”
Tommy nods in his peripheral. “Good, that’s good. Does he know about your…your mom? Your dad?”
“You’re the only one who knows about my mom. Figured it didn’t matter to bring it up, I guess. I mean, Nancy might know, but…I don’t know. It’s not important.”
“‘Course it’s important, Steve. Her death kinda hit you sideways…in a lot of ways, actually. It’s good, y’know, to talk about that kinda stuff. Plus, well, I’m sure Eddie would understand, right?” Steve shrugs at that. Tommy must be able to see it. “You don’t know about his mom? That’s a conversation you guys should have, dude. That was pretty big, last I remember.”
“Why do you know that?”
“This kid was picking on Eddie back in high school. Picking on him about his mom. Think I gave that kid a black eye or two…what a shitty thing, shitting on somebody ‘cause their fucking parent died.” Tommy begins to slow on the road, blinker clicking as he signals turning into the Forest Hills drive. “But he’d understand, that’s all I’m saying. Plus, you need more people in your corner. More people to rely on. Not that—I mean, I love being there for you, dude. I just…it would be good.
“When my parents divorced, I relied on you, sure. But I had a few other people, too. Some teachers. Principal Higgins. Even Mrs. Byers…which kinda shocks me, considering how I treated her kid. Makes me feel sick thinking about that.”
Steve blinks, notices they’re outside Eddie’s trailer, parked next to his shit-box of a van. He gets a good look at Tommy’s side profile. Gently aged. “You grew up,” he states.
“Best fucking feeling in the world. Should’a followed in your footsteps, Stevie. Should’a quit being an asshole when it was time.”
“But you did eventually.”
Tommy gives a slow nod, unbuckling himself. “Yeah, well. There’s a time for everything.” He looks over to Steve. God, his big brown eyes look even bigger in the sunlight. Even gentler. Even sweeter. “Can I walk you up to the door?”
“I don’t know…Eddie might”—
“I kinda need to talk to him anyway. It’s important.”
“Yeah, okay…okay.”
By the time they make it up the steps, peanut butter cups stored deep in Steve’s pocket, Eddie’s already swinging the door open. There’s a look of apprehension on his face, darting his eyes between Steve and Tommy. A bite behind his lip that he’s very noticeably trying to hide away. “Stevie,” he greets softly, “what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Um…I…I had a bad night,” Steve quietly admits, “thought I’d come here, after Tommy helped me.”
The screen door opens wider. Eddie’s face goes soft, deeper. “Everything alright? Nobody’s hurt, are they?”
Steve swallows, shifts uneasily. “I don’t wanna talk about it right now, please. Just…can I hang out for a bit? Maybe nap?”
Eddie’s already placing a hand on the center of Steve’s back, ushering him in. “Of course, just go in and get comfortable, I’ll meet you inside in a second.”
As soon as he steps inside, the door shuts behind him. Muffled conversation is all he hears, retreating to Eddie’s room. In a matter of minutes, stuffy jacket taken off, he’s dozing.
——— “Alright, what’re you doing here?” Eddie asks, finally addressing Tommy.
In front of him, Tommy shifts uncomfortably. “Listen, I know you don’t trust me. I get it. But I…I just need to talk to you, okay? It’s about Steve.”
“If you’re here to talk shit on him after he was lookin’ like that, then you can take your sorry ass”—
“He called me, ‘bout a couple hours ago, sobbing on the phone. His dad’s being a real piece of work. Just a total shitbag, okay? And he called me from the park by his house, talking to me about his dad, and I couldn’t just leave him there. Kept zoning out on the phone, sobbing, I couldn’t just leave him there.” Tommy thrusts his hand into his pocket, producing a pocket knife from it.
Eddie startles back slightly, a half-step backwards. “Why do you”—
“I found him there, completely out of it on a bench, with this fucking knife in his hand. It was open. Like he was…and I took it from him, kept it from him. Took him around town for a bit, trying to get him not to spook, y’know?” The knife is warm, placed heavily in Eddie’s palm, fingers curling tight around it. “He was going to do it. If I hadn’t gotten there, if he had never called me…I don’t even want to think about it.
“But he told me that you guys take care of each other. And he told me that if he had something, he could go to you for it. I’m just. I’m worried, okay? I can’t always be there to save him, he needs more people in his corner—people who are not going to judge him—because I can’t fathom with”—Tommy’s voice wobbles, thickens—“with losing him. And I know you’d be absolutely wrecked, if what he told me ‘bout your relationship is true”—
“You know about us?”
“That’s not important,” Tommy emphasizes. “Just don’t let him get this, okay? Keep an eye on him. He needs it. I care about him, even if it doesn’t seem that way, I do. He was my whole world up until our junior year. If something happened to him—fuck—I don’t know what I’d do. I don’t know…I don’t…”
Eddie’s not used to people crying around him. The only people who have are, well, Wayne and Steve.
But Tommy’s shoulders shake, his whole back heaving. Each sob caught on a choked breath. His eyes squinting into themselves, skin going splotchy with the effort.
Without a care for image, Eddie is stepping forward again, wrapping Tommy in a tight hug.
He doesn’t get Steve and Tommy’s whole dynamic. Not at all. All he knows is that they had a falling out. But he gets it, calling on the past to try and ground the present, that’s something Eddie’s been doing his whole life. Nostalgia or something. Relying on the lucidity of memories to bring him back. But if Tommy says something’s bad, sobbing so bad he’s choking with it, then it’s something worth tucking away.
And with that knife heavy in Eddie’s hand, he sees what Tommy’s doing.
He understands it.
He fucking gets it.
“Sorry,” Tommy muffles into his shoulder, “shit, I’m sorry. The world wouldn’t be the fuckin’ same if he—god, shit—he’s too good to do shit like that.”
Eddie’s squeezing so tight his knuckles hurt. “I’ve got him,” he swears into Tommy’s hair, “I’m not letting him get away like this again. I promise, man, I fucking promise.”
“Be easy on him,” Tommy murmurs, “he’s easily spooked.”
“I know, fuck, I know.”
Tommy pats him on the back in that dude-bro way. And then he’s pulling away, wiping hastily at his eyes. “If you guys need anything, you can call me. I know I’m not the best person, but I can try. Fuck, for anybody in Steve’s life, I can try.”
Swallowing down his own wave of tears, Eddie nods. “You in the yellow pages?”
“Yup. Leonard Hagan’s residence. Think it’s somewhere in the 130s.”
“I’ll reach out. ‘Specially if I can’t get to him.”
“I got him some peanut butter cups. Works wonders with trying to get him to open up.”
There’s a small little smile on Tommy’s face, knowing and soft. Eddie chuckles airily. “Yeah, he’s a peanut butter goblin or something. Think he ate eighty percent of my last jar, honest to God.”
“He’ll do that to you. Think he still owes me at least three jars.” Tommy reaches out again, patting Eddie on the shoulder. “I’ll see you around, Eddie. Keep an eye on him for me, yeah?”
“Nothing else I’d rather do.”
#stranger things#Tommy Hagan & Steve Harrington#steddie#steve harrington#tommy hagan#eddie munson#angst#heavy angst#read all content warnings and tags#hurt/comfort#hopeful ending
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it is my firm conviction that tagging is a courtesy that should be managed at the author's discretion - it is not a requirement from AO3 and therefore it's not something that a reader should expect or demand.
#I will always tag for major content warnings#but if you're someone who expects a tag for every nuance and minor pairing of a story#I would urge you not to read my works!#thanks!#BACK IN MY DAY#we tagged for the major archive warnings and little else#all my favourite fics have about 4 tags each#it's how I was raised#sorry about it#and I'm never going to tag for things in my own works that I consider to be spoilers#because I don't like it when other fic writers do that#and that's my prerogative#this is where don't like don't read comes in#if you see a fic with very few tags and you're concerned it may feature a trope or pairing you don't like#read something else#and if you're reading a fic and you sense a pairing developing that you don't enjoy#close the tab#don't leave a rude comment#fandom 101 tbh
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get your sexual propositions the fuck off the asexual tag <33
#this is a warning#btw#i go through and start reporting the hell out of all of it#regardless of anything else#if it's not asexual sex#it doesn't need the asexual tag!#and even if it is asexual sex#slap a “read more” and/or content warning on it so it doesn't just pop up and ruin someone's day#the asexual space needs to be a safe space for asexual minors#okay?#asexual#asexuality#asexual rage#<3
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the dream smp journey: attempting to make the lore of the dream smp more accessible.
so back when i first wanted to get into the dream smp i had absolutely no idea where to start. i asked some people and they told me pretty much “look up dream smp + [insert youtuber name] and start there” and so i did, but i quickly came to realize how much i was missing from the story by not seeing all the different points of view.
so i decided to make my own playlist.
it was just for myself at first, but as i got more obsessed with the story, i also gave the link to some friends of mine so they could have the full experience, and they loved it. so i kept updating it.
my goal was to try and make a capsule of the entirety of the lore on the dream smp across almost every single POV, because while i do appreciate those who make recap videos, they always miss something and it’s usually with peoples’ POV who aren’t considered to be “main characters” which sucks because one of my favorite things about the dream smp was how everyone was their own main character with their own individual storyline you could get invested in.
i’ve seen every single video in the playlist, and did my absolute best to discern what should be included and what didn’t need to be.
for instance, while i personally enjoyed streams where they’d just goof off, this is a lore-centric playist so i didn’t include all of them unless one of the jokes or such gets mentioned/becomes important later on. or if there is a lore event happening but two people have almost identical streams to one another then i decided between the two of them which one to keep. or if the cc themself made an edited version of their experience, i would decide whether to go with that or keep the original vod
it’s far from perfect. i tried to keep up with it as long as i could I STILL HAVE VIDEOS IN MY WATCH LATER THAT I PLANNED TO ADD but simply put while the dream smp storyline got longer and longer it became harder to keep up with. i watched pretty much all the streams when they happened but failed to update the playlist accordingly so right now it has almost everything up until ”Hitting on 16.”
i always wanted to finish it before i posted it, but i’ve been seeing people talk about how they miss the experience of watching the dream smp and while i obviously can’t provide the full interactive experience that the dream smp offered as it came out, i knew i couldn’t just keep this in my back pocket and thought i could at least offer a good chunk of the experience for you guys to still be able to keep!
here’s the playlist, spanning over 300 videos.
there’s also a semi-canon playlist (not nearly as thorough) for events that get mentioned by the cc’s a lot or are just cool to have and i wanted to include them somewhere so here it is also!!
to go along with it i also made a masterpost (can you tell i love making lists) which is what every single video on the playlist is supposed to be (and was last i checked, but videos get taken down every so often so there might be a couple missing here and there).
i hope to update this one day and have it fully finished, but with my schedule (full-time college student babyyyy) and simply the hundreds of hours of content i’d need to sift through it just seems impossible (and frankly just really intimidating) to challenge alone right now. so i also wanted to give this to the community to maybe be able to do what i couldn’t!
my hope with this is that if someone in a year or two (or whenever really) is interested in the dream smp they won’t have to sit through recap videos and instead can watch the real thing in a single playlist connected to the doc. my dream is for the masterpost and the playlist to go hand-in-hand, being like a guide people can follow that would also link to other moments and lore that is saved but just not avaliable on youtube, so we don’t have all these moments just lost to time.
i want to make this collaborative, i’m hoping this will maybe spark others to share what videos/moments they have saved and stored with each other for the dream smp and maybe together we could complete this thing somehow!! make the playlist and masterpost i dreamed of (the one right now is scuffed, but at least it’s something). the dream smp is one of my absolute favorite pieces of media out there and i want to share this with people but (as you can probably tell) i have no idea what i’m doing!! any step to help make the story more readily accessible is a good one, though!
i know i’ve missed things but i’ve done my best. and while not the perfectly polished thing i hoped it would be when i sent it out to the world maybe it could be a good building block for the community to use. so please share this!! reblog it!! all that jazz!! i want this to be for everyone!!
anyways, this is a long post. but the whole reason i got into the dream smp in the first place was because of the awesome fan content i saw and this crazy and creative community and i want to be able to give back, if i can.
#dream smp#the dream smp journey#dream smp lore#mcyt#tommyinnit#jack manifold#c!tommy#c!jack#(sorry jack and tommy gotta use you to cross-tag)#(is it even crosstagging if they're IN the playlist?.... lot to think about)#i really wanted to add more to this#my goal was to catch up on all the videos and then go back and transcribe each one (or link pre-existing transcriptions)#and then add content warnings if need be#i had this idea too where say you just finished up the nov.16th lore after that it would be cool to link you to sad-ist's animation!!#just things like that! i had a lot of things i was thinking about#anyways thanks for reading my c!jack analysis posts throughout all this time now you may have my massive lore bank i've been holding onto#cheers!!!#rambling rocks#like.. holy shit#will this even turn into anything? i don't know. i hope so#i want to come back to this and give it the TLC it deserves#but until i find the time + motivation for that i didn't want to keep it just to myself#i just hope this is a good step towards making the dream smp story more accessible to people#pebble post
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as promised, here's the sallybur cannibalism fic. its short but i'm quite fond of it regardless, also its drenched in my headcanons so if you enjoy nature spirit wilbur there's lots of that /lh The Taste of Grief (1060 words) by Anonymous Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP)/Wilbur Soot Characters: Wilbur Soot, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP) Additional Tags: Mentioned Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Not Beta Read, consensual cannibalism, Hurt No Comfort, Shapeshifter Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Shapeshifter Wilbur Soot, Dead Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), Genderfluid Wilbur Soot, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, All Pronouns for Wilbur Soot, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, technically wilbur and sally are nature spirits but theres no tag for that one, tagged f/f because they're yuri to me and you can't tell me otherwise, CHARACTERS NOT CONTENT CREATORS, Implied Pregnancy, is it mpreg? is it… fpreg? idk up to interpretation, References to Illness Summary: In which Wilbur mourns their wife as she withers away right before their eyes and processes that profoundly awful grief by fulfilling Sally's final wish, being eaten by her spouse after her passing. Or: I try to recontextualize half remembered canon information by turning it into heart wrenching angst
art under the cut (content warning for blood. and also boobs ig but they're mostly covered)
woe art be upon ye. heavily referenced off of some simpbur (?) fanart i found on pinterest i cannot find the original i'm so sorry. anyways the imagery gagged me so here we are
#dsmp#dsmp fanfic#dsmp fanart#c!wilbur#sally the salmon#sallybur#cw cannibalism#cw blood#tw blood#tw cannibalism#trying to tag all the content warning tags so people can filter this#i think this is incredibly funny to post after dawn#was going to put a mature content warning on the art but alas i couldn't figure out how so its under the read more
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so I beat 999. it's definitely landed on my "games of all time that I think everyone should play" list, and I think it's interesting to look at the common threads between my choices, because the other picks that immediately float to mind are ghost trick and professor layton and the unwound future. and there's something to be said about how these games work to deceive the player, the unbelievably crazy plot twists, the cast of characters...
but what I want to focus on here & now is how these games talk about death, fate, and grief. unwound future is very much the outlier in how it decides to talk about it; 999 and ghost trick both argue that there's no such thing as the inevitable, that as long as there's a sliver of chance to fix things one should seize that chance. ghost trick and 999 both say "this is always going to happen -- unless you do something about it, and you're the only one with the power to"; unwound future says "this already happened a long time ago; you can't do anything to change it, but you can always move forward. grief can cause stagnance, but it can also make way for better things."
and where they're more similar is in their perspectives on revenge. to get the true ending in 999 you need to make sure Clover doesn't pursue her revenge for Snake; Yomiel is primarily motivated by a revenge he comes to realize wasn't necessary and has only made him worse; Clive's plot for revenge falls apart around him. revenge won't get anyone what they want. Clover's ending can't get her anywhere because the zero bracelet isn't zero and the person who did kill the person she believes to be Snake isn't even dead. Yomiel ends with him on the submarine, betrayed and trapped forever. Clive's scorched-earth approach just leads to him not getting anything of what he wants. revenge doesn't work, in any of these cases.
every action has a consequence. giving Clover the bookmark gives her hope and lets them escape; Ray reaching out to Sissel saves everyone; Claire reaching out to Clive lets him live. even through the darkness of tragedy and impending doom, there's a light of hope, and that hope allows for change.
#zero escape#ghost trick#professor layton#999 spoilers#ghost trick spoilers#pl spoilers#unwound future spoilers#meta#ish. don't look at me it's thematic analysis it can go there#this is very niche i don't expect there to be THAT many people in the center of this venn diagram#but all pl fans reading this need to do yourselves a favor and play 999. and if you do block my spoiler tag#and ask me if you think you'll need some content warnings bc it's 1000% darker in tone and subject matter#i actually started writing this post before i had 100% beaten 999 (i just hadn't solved the last puzzle)
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dustlust lore
please read the tags I am not joking. this is a dark au.
* due to the side affect of the drug used on monsters they also get high when they kill each other.
*the higher level monsters have stronger souls but also less [hope] so the stronger they get the less likely they'll contribute to the repopulation program because their souls harden and are "useless"
*once a monster reaches it's cap level it's ready to be "harvested"
*lower level monsters have it the worst because they are literally faced with do or die. they're weak fragile and easily killable because the drug takes a toll on their magic.
*most offsprings die from conception and monsters have very low base stats.
*they can either frick or kill each other to raise their stats to ensure their survival.
*but that's exactly what the humans want. they want to "harvest" the maximum LV without needing to lift a finger.
*the humans will take the max LV monster restrain it for the buyer/bidder and the bidder personally has to execute them for the exp. the dust will be sold separately (monster dust is a lot cheaper because it can be imported and moved while exp HAS to be gained in person)
*Asgore has his kingdom as hostage he can't do anything but wait for humans to either give up on "FARMING" them or absorb human souks
#warning#content warning#cw death#cw murder#cw addiction#cw drugs#cw infertility#cw (wtf do i even call this)#cw abortion#listen i let my brain loose on going all out on the dark tones#please read the tags#dustlust au#lilis take on dustlust#exp “farming” with a complete different context
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Wish there was an elixir that wasn't alcohol that you could take that just makes you write/draw and not care about the quality of your work or about what your potential audience might think
#posting cringe today lol#don't fall for my seeking reassurance pls the OCD has gotten kind of bad#the other elixir is just bugging my partner and desperately seeking reassurance from them sdghfds yikes#been going through another feeling-like-crap week i think it's just the mental illness at this point. like if it's all the time? hm.#but tumblr's new look might also be making me despair a little because it's just getting shittier and shittier lol#and this is the only platform i can post my work (besides ao3 but i mean.)#instagram is a shitty place for art. as is twitter now. if not tumblr then it's gotta be nowhere#like at this point i can't even just write or draw something for my own eyes. don't know why.#sig mayhaps the fact that your interests are becoming more specific/niche is causing you to fall into familiar patterns and self-isolate hm#like it's easier to self-isolate if you come up with reasons to be alone. just a thought.#i should dig into that lol.#overshare hours#haven't even been able to just sit down and catch up on reading fics because of This Feeling. like i just do nothing all the time.#i'm also sick and can't seem to kick this cold though. coughing is driving me crazy#alcohol mention#alcohol tw#tw alcohol#idk how to tag. if this site could just decide on one way to tag content warnings...
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13 fics to me that is crazy. Can I say I truly enjoyed Striking Out. I really don't understand the hate you got for it. Understand not liking what a character is doing but in the end its truly just a story that the author is creating don't read if you don't like. It's tagged angst with a happy ending. There is going to be parts that make you feel sad or mad but it will get better. Sorry I just really loved what you have written for the story.
It's crazy to me too, anon 😁
Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say - and I do agree with you, when I read a story tagged with angst, I'm expecting angst! Over time, I've come to think that maybe some people took the actions of the characters in that story a little too personally, and that's why the reaction was as... intense as it was.
Either way, as much as I have gotten some negative and demotivating comments on that fic, I have also had some truly lovely ones that have been a joy to read - stuff a lot like this 💖
#ask#ily anon <3#not to vent too hard (hence hiding away in the tags lol) but as i've been thinking about it the last few months#i think a big part of the reaction was readers not heeding warnings about content they may struggle with#i've written two fics around the topic of abuse - both including warnings that they will cover this topic#and in both instances i had people telling me they had personal experience with it and didn't like xyz part for xyz reason#including one person actually telling me i triggered them#and i don't want to be insensitive but if you have triggers around domestic/psychological abuse... like#i'm sorry but maybe reading a story on that topic is something you shouldn't do? idk#all i can do is warn you man#the rest is up to you#and end rant#🙃
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No joke Mycroft Holmes founded a society where you’re not allowed to talk to each other. It’s called the Diogenes Club. It’s for “unclubable men”, meaning men who abhor social interaction or are just poor at it, that normal social clubs are nightmare! So it’s a location for people to just exist in silence and not have to engage with others with no judgement. And also comfy chairs and books. There is a game room but no talking allowed. I expect the complete silence but for the clicky clacky of billiards is very appealing to people.
He lives there, at the club. He leaves for work every morning where he looks over government finances and returns in the evening to his curated sensory safe room. He’s living his best life.
My gosh, that sounds like heaven. It's like he turned a library into a club. I'm in love
#thank you for sharing!#i really really want to read the books now that is insane#he is truly living his best life i am so happy for him#its also such a nice thing to do? he could have had all that for just himself but he chose to share it with other antisocialites#move over sherlock its time mycroft gets his own movie#we just watched enola holmes on a whim and they did mycroft so dirty in that movie#the sounds of pages turning and billards clicky clacking and just pure contented silence. what a dream#sounds like a great way to destress after work too#thank you again for sharing! i love learning new things#jewishdragon#you have a lovely url by the way#andddddd i have once again forgotten my tags for asks guess ill wing it#neo answers#ask neo#gif warning#beautiful mutuals and askers#sherlock holmes#mycroft holmes#Diogenes Club
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i saw you post about ao3 etiquette and i wanna say if anyone has been mean to ally i will fight you
Haha I have been very lucky that for the most part people have been so kind and lovely and wonderful and supportive! ❤️ I did have one experience with an anon (On AO3 and on Tumblr) that wasn't very nice over the summer, but I know their anger was coming from a place of their own personal hurt. While I was upset in the moment I have some very lovely mutuals who were so kind and supportive and encouraging. These days I hope that user is doing better and that they have been able to find their own inner peace. My mom always says that "hurt people, hurt people" and I just really hope they are doing well and wish I could have helped in some way.
BUT I don't think it's a bad idea to remember that we are all doing this for FREE and for FUN and if you come across a fic that you don't agree with, are triggered by, or that contains content you don't enjoy, it is your responsibility as a reader to hit the back button and remove yourself from that situation, especially when tags are used appropriately as well as additional, more detailed warnings in the author's note. Everyone has different life experiences and something that might be triggering and upsetting to one person, could be a way to heal and process for someone else. One person's trauma and life experience is not more valid or more "correct" than someone else's and personally I find it really important that we treat everyone and their experiences with respect. If I'm upset or bothered by something, or even just that I don't really like, I know that I personally will go "hm this fic must not be for me" and then go and find one that is.
And on that note! Thank you so much for the support 🥰 (No need to fight anyone though! We are all here to have a good time and my goal at least here on my blog is to cultivate the happy good vibes!) Thank you for sending in this ask! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying my fics and I hope you continue to do so! Happy Monday and have a great week!
#allylikethecat#ask ally#anon ask#fanfiction#keep it kind#Sorry if that got a little heavy / preachy#i just have a lot of feelings on this topic lol#also i know that i am very lucky that ive only gotten hate from one person and that its not a continuous thing#I want my fic and my blog to be a happy place and the bad vibes are not tolerated here#if i ever post something that someone is upset or triggered by#i am totally down to discuss it like adults#and if i missed a tag or a trigger warning PLEASE let me know nicely so i can update accordingly#but when presented with all the info we as readers are responsible for the content we consume#and if we are upset by it it is our duty to remove ourselves from that situation#no one is sitting there going YOU HAVE TO READ THIS FIC NOW
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Day 26 ft Teruvid
Please review the content warnings thoroughly before reading.
This piece occurs between Iron Felled and Iron Bound (Day 24)
#drdt#drdttober#drdttober 2023#danganronpa: despair time#danganronpa despair time#teruvid#teruko tawaki#david chiem#Mind the content warnings they are all tagged and I wont be held responsible because you didnt Read Them when they're RIGHT there. Thank
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This one comment I got on ao3: Omg why didn't you put s/a in the tags???
That fic in question: *has s/a as one of the content warnings which is at the forefront of the tag list*
#ao3#fanfiction#sorry i just got reminded of that randomly#anyway this is a reminder to pls read the tags on whatever fic you're interested in#like sure there have been fics i've read where the subject in question wasn't tagged at all#and i look at the tag list about 50 times to see if i missed it only to find out that i didn't and it's just not there#but i personally make sure to tag my fic accordingly and i do try to add more tags the further i write#don't come crying to me about not tagging a content warning when i clearly tagged the content warning#and this is why you read tags everybody
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I know a lot of fic writers have their own interpretations of different character dynamics (for example Mori and Dazai) I KNOW THERES POINTS OF CONTENTION OR WHAT NOT but like I wish ppl would leave others alone for having a dif take bc I got a comment on A Horse Named Cold Air (my comments were moderated at the time so I just deleted it on the spot) saying that basically my interpretation of Dazai and Mori wasn’t correct and that Dazai wasn’t abused. And now. I could go into detail on why contextually I think that that is factually incorrect in regards to canon but I won’t bc it’s not abt that.
However. What it is about is letting fic writers mind their own business bc hey yeah maybe some of the stuff is canonically inaccurate! (And again I could argue about how that’s largely because there are so many gaps w Dazais backstory anyway that it’s kinda up to interpretation anyways bc we simply don’t have all the knowledge) BUT! That’s none of ur fucking business how I intend to write MY fic. U don’t like it? Write your own. That’s the beauty of fandom baby.
And especially like bc. You never know what the author is basing those dynamics on or how much of it is projection. I sure as hell know I project a fuck ton onto Dazai and Mori’s dynamic and it’s actually rlly upsetting when ppl comment like “oh this is inaccurate he wasn’t abused” bc like cool??? U can read it that way??? However me. Being someone to relates to him thru the lens of my own abuse. I’m gonna take a certain interpretation and I’d like to have that in peace.
AAAAA the day people learn ao3 etiquette and general human decency is the day I will rest.
#bsd#bsd fic#fanfiction#ao3#bsd dazai#bsd mori#LIKE FUCK LET ME HAVE THINGS IN PEACE#its called an INTERPRETATION for a reason#god pls#like every time i read a comment like “this isnt my opinion and therefore its bad and i hate it and you should also hate it”#i just want to violently shove Stewart Hall's reception theory in their faces#bungou stray dogs#IT MAKES ME SO MAD#IM DOING THIS FOR FREE?????#like this is why AHNCA is taking so long is bc i see a comment like that and i just get so unmotivated like why am i even writing#ITS MY FIRST FIC LEAVE ME ALONE???#just?? SCROLL?? ITS NOT THAT HARD#plus i made it pretty fucking clear from the tags AND the content warnings and they still read all 14k of it#and then proceeded to leave a hate comment#LIKE BFFR#mirs bsd rambling#mir speaks#mirs violently unhinged hate moments#skk#UGH#ao3 tags#fanfic#ao3 assholes#ao3 etiquette
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Gonna rant for a second I've been anti-audible for a while --well over a decade, though it wasn't always a position of "Fuck Amazon" --I didn't see the point of paying for access to 1-3 audiobooks per month when I was reading that in a week for free from my library. Did I have to wait sometimes? Sure. but also I was reading 1-3 audiobooks in a week. There were other audiobooks to listen to in the week while I waited --and so I listened to my less popular series while waiting for the more popular series. (for context, the time I'm taking about I was working at a bakery that allowed me to have headphones in, as there were never customers (we worked in a warehouse and shipped to stores and restaurants) so I was listening to 40 hrs a week plus commute times, plus times when I was playing the sims) But what I especially hate is audible exclusives. I had (wrongly) assumed that if a book was audible exclusive, there would be no way to get the book in other formats elsewhere. I run a book club. We democratically select the books for the next year, as long as they are within a few guidelines (we have length requirements within the founding guidelines, we must be able to source them through the public library with the help of the ILL specialist, and I research each book for things like content, pacing, heaviness --so we don't have two slow somber books in a row, mostly, but also so I don't have more than one horror novel in a year type thing. Keeps the books interesting, and keeps the choices balanced.)
One book, requested last year by three members and so very much quickly made the list, ended up being an audible exclusive. I did not check for audible exclusivity when I was making the list --my club wanted to read a book, and I could see that we could get copies of the book, confirmed by the ILL specialist. Great!
Except!!! Except this is an accessibility issue. If someone, for any given reason, needs an audiobook to access this book club (as I often do as someone with adhd for ease but do not need need. I can get by with no audiobook if I must, but if someone has vision issues, well.). If someone needs it and does not want to or have the ability to pay for an audible subscription, they are locked out of that month's book club.
And man that fucking sucks.
#i just needed to rant#im aughhhhhh#the guidelines past the initial ones the original members set up are democratic#meaning that though it is functionally *my* book club I do not make sweeping rules or judgements#I have vague veto power#meaning i can do research on a book and decide it's not good for the club#mostly I do this only for balance reasons as above#but the books still go on a spreadsheet for later access#meaning if it keeps getting suggested I have a tally of how many times it was requested and will relent#but i also use it to select the horror books we read if we read them#fine with allowing horror as i am a fan of horror but it has to be the right level of horror#only about half the group tolerates horror but they're all willing to go ok yeah one a year max is fine#and I've shown them how to get the content warnings and do their research to decide if they're willing to give it a chance it all works out#not the point anyway fuck amazon#fuck audible#check your local library website to see what they do offer#''im in a small town they probably don't--'' check anyway#im so serious check anyway oftentimes small libraries will be in consortium with larger libraries or will have access to things through the#state library#at least in the usa#u may also be surprised at the other things u can get#free seeds for your garden is p common#magazines and puzzles and games and books and audiobooks and classes and programs#ok done in the tags go to the library sorry#well not sorry about go to the library#sorry about the ranting
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