#rat boy in cat city
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nicklasbackstroke · 3 months ago
I am pretty much willing to at least Stan from a distance any STL (or greater St Louis area lmao) boy, but Chucky being an stl Catholic school boy is so !!!!!! To me. Rat boy of all time
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emiko-matsui · 9 months ago
good morning to boys who shot their tits off, divorced cat ladies, the hottest man in new york city, 70 year old broadway stars, the reason the bus is never on time, and large rats in the sewers
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rin-may-1103 · 8 months ago
Just a Bite.
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Danny stared out at the busy street from behind his dumpster.
or well, not his dumpster, but it might as well be his considering how many nights he's spent sitting behind it like some rabid raccoon.
Two months ago, he would have been sleeping in his own bed. His glow-in-the-dark stars vaguely lighting up his room in soft luminescent colors. The sound of Jazz snoring in her sleep just a room over, his parents still milling around in the basement.
he would have just finished fighting the box ghost and collapsed onto his bed, the sound of his home lulling him to sleep.
Oh, how things can change in a blink of an eye.
No, instead of sleeping on his bed with his cartoon ghost sheets and NASA poster covered room, he's out here in some random dirty city, sleeping behind dumpsters.
dirty, grimy, rusty dumpsters.
"did you hear?" some lady dressed in a light blue summer dress asked, turning to look at her friend as they started to walk past. "Mr. Wayne donated another lump sum to that charity." she huffed, shaking her head like she had just said the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
her friend stopped in the middle of the alley opening, her graying hair splaying in an ark as she twisted to face the other women. "my word! again? what the hell is that man thinking?"
the woman huffed, then smirked in amusement. "it's like he's shouting for the world to hear how desperate he is for attention. he thinks if he donates enough money to those scoudrails they'll love him or something. With how he's acting lately, it's like he wants all the street rats to barge into his home asking for money, food, and clothes."
her friend clicked her tongue in disgust, "I'd believe it. he has so many kids now, it's like he's running an orphanage. someone, anyone really, with black hair and some tragic story could walk right in and not even be noticed. they'd blend right in with the others."
"I heard it's genetic, his father was the same way before he met Martha. Bruce's blood son, Damian I believe, acts just like his father. the boy's been spotted taking stray cats and dogs inside. It wouldn't surprise me if the paper posted about him convincing his father for another sibling at some point."
the women then turned and started to walk away, their conversation slowly bleeding into the surrounding city ruckus.
Danny leaned back, resting his head against the crumbling brick behind him.
walk right in and not be noticed? wouldn't that be grand. He had heard of Mr. wayne and his gaggle of black-haired children. What were their names again? he could have sworn Sam told him before, in one of her rants about rich society.
Richard Grayson was the first, Danny remembered because Tucker had been making none stop dick jokes for a few hours. Danny didn't understand why the man would willingly go by Dick, but then again, who was he to question someone's name when he fights ghosts like Skulker and Technis on a daily basis?
Next was... Jason? Sam had mentioned there was a whole conspiracy theory of how his death was a cover-up. how all the unsolved crime community swore it was Bruce who killed the kid, that or the kid had some terminal illness that Bruce didn't want the media to know about.
Danny glanced around, trying to dig through his memories of Sam's rant. Dick: the orphaned circus act taken in the night his parents died. he's romanie? maybe, Danny wasn't too sure on that one. Jason: taken off the streets, one of his parents was out of the picture and the other one died of a drug overdose.
and then there was..... Tim! Right, Tim, the one who was Mr. Wayne's neighbor before his mother died and his dad went into a coma, then died later on. right, right. he was the known tech genius, the one who took over the company while Mr. Wayne stepped back for a while.
there were others? like, four others? Damian, the lady said he was the blood son sooo, that would imply he was the only bio kid.
who else was there? hmmmm.
well, either way, Danny's tired brain agreed with the women. someone, anyone, who looked vaguely like the other kids could walk right into the house and no one would notice.
it was a bad idea. a terrible one really. but. Danny was hungry.
he's been sleeping behind dumpsters for a few weeks now, he hadn't had anything good to eat in forever, and he was tired. (not as exhausted as he was back home, but still tired. who would have guessed he'd sleep more while homeless?)
he wasn't going to steal from people, his core wouldn't allow him to. and well, he's pretty sure Dan would have stolen already, so there was no way Danny was going to. not unless his life was at risk, and well? it wasn't right now, so no stealing.
but this? walking right into a house and blatantly taking food? right in front of them?
it wouldn't be stealing if he just flat-out didn't try to hide it. they'd be able to stop him and send him away. heck, he doubted he'd even make it past the front gate before they turned him away.
was he really going to do this?
yes, yes he was.
standing up, Danny started making his way out of the alleyway and over to the tall building with Wayne's name on it. It was a good place to start, maybe he could even find one of the kids and walk with them. or, even better, he could find Mr. Wayne and walk with him. he liked that better than following some kid around.
suddenly, a car honked right next to him, the window rolling down to reveal a tired and disheveled man behind the wheel. glancing up, Danny made eye contact with the taxi driver.
the man yawned and gestured for him to get in, already speaking before Danny could decline. "Mr. Wayne! Your father," yawn, "Father already paid for me to take you home. just hop in."
Danny blinked then glanced around, looking to see if the Wayne the man was talking about was around. nope. turning back, Danny spotted a green sticky note on the back seat.
well, alright then. guess he was getting into the taxi and doing this after all. Clockwork obviously approved if he messed with the timing of things.
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princessbrunette · 6 months ago
THE BOY IS MINE ࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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♩ ariana grande — the boy is mine ♩
pairing: mayor!rafe x catwoman!reader.
cw: supernatural abilities, hybrid!reader, a whip, leather, violence, drugging, sexual content, dubious consent.
you are responsible for your own media consumption. welcome to kinktober day one.
mayor rafe cameron was a fascination.
he had a way of captivating an audience, without necessarily being smooth speaking and self assured. there was something… off about him. confident in himself, dare you even say arrogant — but with each press conference his eyes dart around, pupils enlarged, tongue poking out to lick his lips and he would often grow passionate and jump over his words. each night when you’d tune into his speeches on the television, claw grazing the static of the screen you would wonder — how could someone so untouchable seem so… human?
“and uh, to target this rat infestation across the city… we will be releasing the stray cats.” he speaks into the podium microphone, illuminated by the flashes of the paparazzi and press.
“yes, you will.” you whisper, face so close to the screen you could hear the buzzing of the electrics. he was just perfect.
you’d always figured ‘love potions’ were a little phony. how could a feeling induced by oxytocin and noroadrenaline be replicated with a drug? how could it replace the feeling of first locking eyes, or the warm tingling feeling in your stomach when you hear their laugh? desperation costed you sleepless nights in your apartment, failed scientific concoctions upon failed scientific concoctions until you reached a breakthrough. perhaps it wasn’t to be so phony after all, but you had one perfectly crafted dose — and there was only one way to find out.
you don’t like to waste time, so the next thing you know you’re standing in the pouring rain, suited up in skintight black, feeling free. you’d let your true self take its form, fangs glimmering in the city lights and twitching ears perfectly cupped by your suit hood. what was the point in hiding? if all went to plan, rafe cameron would love you for you.
leaping across the skyline, you travel to what can only be described as the most luxurious penthouse in new york city — the perfect place for the man of your dreams to rest his head. you figured it would be harder to find his address, but for someone who could create a love potion from scratch — it was child’s play. you wondered if you could see this place being your home too, resting your head on the pillow beside him, perhaps curling up on the windowsill.
the large window looking into his warmly lit apartment allows you perfect access. your heart pounds so fast with excitement that you think you might pass out as you squat over the view, large pupils darting about the room until they fall onto him. the mayor, in the flesh, pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
he wouldn’t think to look up and see you there, watching him. of course not — what human being would be able to scale a building just to gaze through his window? he should have been perfectly safe.
should have been. it was a good thing you weren’t human. not fully, anyways.
you gaze over him as he goes about his nightly business, blazer removed and top button undone now as he looks over papers and sips at his drink. you take a moment to groom yourself, tongue rolling over the back of your knuckles to lay down the fur on the back of your ears over your hood out of habit as you practically salivate over him. rafe cameron was even more gorgeous in person, especially candidly, more relaxed, when he thought no one was watching.
he wanders off to the bathroom, and you take your opportunity, slithering in through the window he’d left open. he always did like the sound of the pouring rain, there wasn’t so much of that back in the outerbanks, where he was originally from (according to his wikipedia page, anyway.)
it had been a rough day for rafe, dropping his glass down on the sink counter as he leans against it — staring down his visage in the fluorescent light of the bathroom. he wasn’t always sure if he was cut out for mayor. really, releasing the stray cats to tackle the rat infestation problem? there was a myriad of reasons that could potentially create more problems, bring disease and an even dirtier appearance to new york city — but he was lost on what to do. times like this, he wondered if this was what he truly wanted to do rather than what he knows his father wished for him.
he cups his hands beneath the running water, leaning down to flush his face with the cool liquid. another problem for another day, he decides. for now, he could clear his racing mind with none other than the beloved white powder he told himself he was quitting. who cares, today was a special occasion.
rafe stands up straight, and before he can bother to fix his messy curtain bangs, now a mess and haphazardly stuck to his wet forehead — he could have sworn he’d seen a dark black mass lurking by the doorway. it disappears as quickly as he’d spied it, and he blinks the droplets out his eyes as he stares through the mirror. he couldn’t tell you what he saw, its appearance too quick for him to comprehend — but it had unmistakably existed.
“hey…” he drawls, wiping his dripping chin with the back of his wrist as he edges towards the door. one footstep, another, he continually creeps through the hallway until he’s back to his large, luxurious bedroom — now the scene at which you sit, ever so casually on his bed. just… smiling. “wh— who the hell are you, huh?” his voice trembles. he’s even more gorgeous close up.
“you shouldn’t leave your window open, mayor cameron. might let in a stray.” you practically pur,
he looked like his soul left his body. you expected that, expected some pushback — it’s why you had the dosage ready, the syringe of abnormal pink potion sucked up and ready to deploy into his delectable veins.
“alright look, i’ve got security armed to the god damn teeth downstairs okay so — so i suggest you get the hell out.” he licks his lips, irritation that you’d even try to invade his space crawling up the back of his neck in a wave of frightened heat. your clawed hand curls around the whip tucked into your side, tilting your head with a mischievous smile. he’s too busy taking in… you to notice, and just as he does you take action — cracking it right at him, the leather coil curling forcefully around his ankle and with a yank, he’s falling.
“jesus— the hell do you want?” he hollers as you drag him closer, closer. you’re walking to meet him halfway now and his eyes just won’t leave you. everything about you is so feline, down to the way you walk— hips practically rolling in a hypnotising fashion side to side. if he wasn’t so frightened, well — he just might fall in love organically.
“c’mon mr mayor cameron, be nice t’me. i wanna play.” you pout, and his struggles stop in awe once you lower himself over him to straddle him, his big body encased by your leather clad thighs. in all honesty, he was too confused and entranced to fight harder. rafe always had that weak spot with women. “hands by your sides or i’ll slice you open, handsome.”
he reluctantly does as you say, but when you present the syringe, he starts to struggle again — so you tighten your legs around him. “hey, hey— wh—what is that?” he raises his voice and you furrow your brows, a clawed finger pressing to his lips, surprisingly silencing him.
“shhhhh, shhhh.” you hush, before your finger slides down to his chin, grazing the skin with your claw. it slides lower and he daren’t move now, the extension of you so sharp that he fears it could slit him if he wasn’t careful.
“think you’re gonna get away with this, huh? breaking in like this?” as your claw slides directly down to his chest you smile, so casually — not a care in the world. you rip his shirt open, buttons clattering against smooth wooden flooring and his eyes widen, just so you can access the skin over the hard planes of his chest.
“you wouldn’t turn me in.” you tell him confidently, and he actually huffs out a laugh of disbelief, jaw tense and eyes wild.
“oh i wouldn’t huh? alright uh— and why the hell not? who the hell are you?”
you pierce his skin with the needle and his jaw drops, injecting the potion directly into his heart.
“the love of your life.”
rafe cameron’s eyes flutter shut, and it’s only a few hours later when he comes to— laying in the centre of his bed.
“hu—huh wait uh—” he croaks the second his eyes flutter open, only to be silenced by a claw over his flushed lips just like before. it was dark now, all artificial lights cut — you always preferred the light of the moon anyway. his eyes hadn’t adjusted and yet he knew it was you, felt your familiarity, your warmth all around. he pants, and you shush him.
“shhhhh, shh shh shh.” its like dragging your fingernail along velvet — soft, addictive, feeling each tiny feathery bristle caress the vulnerable skin beneath your nail. he stares, wide eyed and parted lipped, somewhat aware of the fact his hair is a mess. he doesn’t care to fix it.
you’re straddling him, all of your body weight and yet somehow you’re feather light — knees pointed upwards, the leather of your suit glowing and catching the light.
“you’re finally awake.” you hum, a vibration behind your voice, a true purr — like the hum of an engine. something below ignites, his crotch heats.
he’s overly aware of the fact he doesn’t mind you there, wishing nothing but to observe you for the moment. you lean back, bone coloured claw hooking into the zip at your neck as you drag it down, lower and lower — revealing the glow of soft skin beneath. rafe can’t look away, you’re like nothing he’s ever seen before. you’re beautiful. you’re… beautiful? the woman who trespassed onto his property? he urges himself, with everything in him to fight — and suddenly he’s catching you off guard, gripping your neck and flipping you onto your back.
you seem taken aback, a break in the confident routine as you blink up at him, the colour of your eye no longer visible, overtaken by inky black pupil. as your back hits the mattress, your plush tits bounce with the movement, now nearly completely exposed by your unzipped catsuit, cool metal zip below your belly button. at the sight of this, rafe winces — overcome by his desires and can’t help but press his erection harshly against the mound between your legs.
“the hell is goin’ on, alright — who — what did you do?” he emphasises with a hard squeeze to your neck making your eyes flutter, and yet your smile — all curled and deranged and your canines glimmer in the low light, the purring sound only getting louder.
“dont fight it, mr cameron. just do what feels good.” it comes out strained from the way he’s squeezing your neck and he lets go, sitting up on his knees but making no move to leave. dragging a hand down his jaw, he results back to staring. “cat got your tongue?” you whisper, sweetly amused. he licks his lips instinctually, moving to choke you again, stop you, but his hand rests there lightly — the two of you locking eyes. angrily, he leans down and kisses you, wet and sloppy.
you take the opportunity to lock your legs back round his waist and flip him back onto his back, grinding your crotch down onto his, making him groan.
“thats better, can’t have you trying to kill me again.” you tease before pushing his ripped shirt open to touch his skin. he winces, irritated and overwhelmed when you drag claws down his chest hard enough to leave chemtrails of pink skin down the muscled planes.
“yeah? thought you cats had nine lives?” he grumbles, gripping your hips and grinding you harder on his lap, causing you to mewl — digging your mouth into his shoulder and sinking his teeth in. “jesus— okay.” he squirms, unsure if you bit hard enough to draw blood.
he decided he didn’t care if you did. what was he so mad about again anyway?
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arjudy224 · 6 months ago
The Intern: Outreach Gala
Another uneventful day for Gotham's environmental intern...
The Intern: Gotham x reader
Prequel: Death of a family
The Intern: Day one
The Intern: The Laughing Fish
The Intern: Busy Work
The Intern: Outreach Gala
The Intern: Teachers Pet
The Intern: Visiting an old friend
The Intern: Chemical Valley
The Intern Small Talk with a Dead Man
The Intern: Billionaire Boys Club
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Gotham's public library appears unrecognizable under the cloak of night. Broad leaves shroud the outside exterior of the Gothic pillars while ivy cascades down the large door frames. Harris raises an eyebrow.
"How many forests do you think Wayne destroyed in his quest to save the planet?" He questions with a smirk.
Each grey hair is perfectly gelled out of his face. Ditching his glasses for the occasion, Dr. Harris may actually care about tonight's guests. The bouncer outside the door seemed to think the dress code was not a laughing matter.
Taking his extended arm, I roll my eyes. The security guy nods to the two of us as we walk through the door.
"Professor, if you keep saying things like that Gordon's going to question your stances on Gotham's resident Eco-terrorist. " I whisper with a smile. "....but at least 12."
Thanks to the joint collaboration between Wayne Industries, Goth-corp, and the Gotham Department of Environmental Protection. Gotham City is hosting its first Environmental Outreach Gala for the nearby tri-state area.
My heart flutters a little bit as a realization hits me. I’m actually here… surrounded by giants in clean energy and the scientific community alike. Award-winning journalists... All for the future of our planet. Passing my reflection, I smile thinking of how far I’ve come from that little river rat back at home.
A figure in the corner of my eye draws my thoughts away from the Grandma debrief. Dick Grayson, the Billionaire’s son, charms the group of ladies by his side. I take a mental note to find time to talk to him when there isn’t such a big crowd. It's been a long time since we last spoke.
The walls echo with the idle chatter coming from the rich socialites of Gotham. Waiters in tuxedos maneuver silently with a tray of champagne flutes in each hand. Considering, that most environmental professionals wear cargo pants from the early 2000s to work... the dress code was definitely a choice. I scan the room for familiar faces. Gordon flashes me a smile from across the room. I nod back. The Mayor works his way around the room with a large smile. It must be an election year.
My throat gets tight. I'm not ready for this. Looking to my right, I find that Dr. Harris has vanished into the crowd.
"Y/N L/N?" A voice calls distracting me from my nerves.
A well-dressed man strolls over. Something about him puts me on edge. Maybe it's his wicked smile or the large emerald ring on his outstretched hand. He walks with an easy air of confidence.
"Lex Luthor."
My heart does a little tap dance in my chest. The tight fabric of my rental dress makes it hard to breathe. I shake his hand politely. The party-goers go quiet around us. From the corner of my eye, Lois Lane, an investigative reporter from Metropolis, shoves through the crowd. So much for being a fly on the wall.
"I recently worked with a Professor of yours. She had a lot to say about your graduate proposal."
This cannot be happening. Memories of those long fights in the lab flash in the back of my mind. Mr. Luthor's cat-like gaze observes my reaction curiously.
I cover my face in embarrassment. That woman deserves hate mail. I could have at least been asked to type or spell-check it beforehand.
"To be frank, I originally chose the topic to get a rise outta her. Dr. Hendrix had me doing dishes for 3 weeks straight after I accidentally messed up a sample, so I wrote a proposal I knew she wouldn't like."
When I finally uncover my face, Luthor stares down at me with an amused grin.
"Even so. I'd like to discuss potential funding opportunities in Metropolis. If this is something you would think up out of boredom, I'd love to see what you can do when you put your mind to it."
That brings a smile to my face.
"Really? Everyone who I've brought it up to has been apprehensive about researching Kryptionian radiation.
"We need more scientists to ask questions Ms. L/N. Even the ones, that people don't want to know the answer to. "
The sullen green glow draws my eye once again to Mr. Luthor's ring finger... Wait, that's not an emerald. That's Kryptonite.
"Is this a personal interest of yours?" I ask slowly glancing between his eyes and his ring.
"In some ways."
An unspoken conversation occurs when he notices my acknowledgement of his strange choice of jewelry. The silence only creates more questions. Why would you wear something you know is irradiated?
"I hope to hear from you soon." Mr. Luthor concludes after handing me a business card, "There is always a spot at Lexcorp for a future scientist with your talents."
I stand there in silence watching him leave. The sleek modern design of the card lists only the bare essentials: his name, office address, and contact information in silver lettering.
Four hours ago, I was hauling boxes for the decorating committee. Huh. A nearby waiter offers a champagne flute from the tray. Respectfully, I turn them down. This dress costs more than my rent.
“Oh no. Thank you. I am… working.”
"Does work-life balance not apply to interns?” A voice interrupts.
I try not to roll my eyes at the "intern" comment. The constant reminders of my status are getting old. Starting at his perfectly buffed dress shoes, my gaze drags along the fabric of his black designer suit. Dick Grayson sure does like to make an entrance. With his dark curls and friendly blue eyes, his familiar smile knocks over my defenses. Sipping on his drink, he waits for my response with a teasing grin. His energy is contiguous. I ignore his question to ask my own instead.
“Has anyone told you that you tend to appear out of nowhere?”
His striking eyes light up with a mischievous glint.
“You have no idea.” He laughs, "It's nice to see you back in Gotham. It's been a long time."
"It has. From the rumors, you have been up to quite a bit of trouble." I joke gesturing to the envious eyes from across the room.
He raises a curious eyebrow.
“Good things I hope?”
Glancing around the room, I ignore the dozen eyes staring daggers in my direction. Academia can be such a bitch.
“Nothing too crazy: a few murders, unfounded accusations, and you might be an alien?”
Dick grimaces while tilting his head ever so slightly. He swirls his drink, yet doesn't take a sip.
“Sounds about right. Anything you believe? “
I pause... Do I play coy?
“I’m not sure an alien could do a quadruple summersault.”
Something flashes in his eyes that I don’t quite understand. For a moment, I wonder if I should have held my tongue. His suspicion morphs into the first genuine smile I've seen all evening.
“You’ve kept tabs on me Y/N.”
Before I can respond, a scream causes the ballroom to descend into chaos. Vines shoot out from under the floorboards while the native plants start attacking the guest. A woman with flaming red hair paces the floor. Her vines wrap around each person one by one…. A thorny bush springs out of a fallen leaf snagging my delicate rental dress.
Dammit Pamela. We talked about this.
Glancing at the bartender's horrified expression, I frown.
“I change my mind. I’ll have that drink now.”
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dancingbirdie · 1 year ago
This request is really out of the blue but, i need I CRAVE i require a fic where tav and astarion finally find a cure for his vampirism (in dnd5 it can actually happen yay!) and he manages to see his reflection again and finally have his natural eye color again (blue bc he's prob a moon elf but I don't mind other colors too). The fangs can stay or not, idc, i just want my boy happy, in love, and cared for. Bonus points if there's cuddles too
OK first of all, thanks for this prompt!! Second, I had to break this up into two parts because I'm afraid of how unwieldy it would get otherwise. So see part 1 below. I'm actively writing part 2 and should have that posted within the next few days. Hope you enjoy!
UPDATE: Chapter 2 available here!
I Promised You (Chapter 1)
Rating: G
Pairing: Astarion x GN!reader
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings/Tags: mentions of unconsciousness, cheeky banter, domestic life, post-events of BG3, potentially problematic levels of self-sacrifice by reader.
“All right. I think you’re ready,” Gale affirmed as he peered over your shoulder, analyzing your hand movements as you practiced the incantation. 
“You think? Shouldn’t we wait until you’re sure?” you replied, heavy skepticism coloring your tone. 
“I can’t give you my complete assurance because you haven’t actually cast the spell,” the wizard sighed. 
The two of you had had this argument many times over the past several months as you studied and practiced. And studied and practiced some more. The conclusion was always the same, but your anxiety always managed to convince you that a different outcome would be had if you just asked him again. 
Conjuration magic was one of the most difficult forms to master. Yes, you had specialized in it during your formative years, under the tutelage of several learned wizards across Faerûn, but this spell was perhaps the pinnacle of feats in conjuration. Only a handful of wizards could perform it. Thankfully Gale was among that number, which is why you had come to him for help.
“As I’ve said, this isn’t a spell you can just cast for practice runs,” he continued. “You have one chance. And if it works, the sheer power of it is undoubtedly going to knock you unconscious.” 
“I know, I know,” you grumbled. “I just… I need to be absolutely perfect. I have to do this. For him.” 
“Have you told him what you’re planning yet?” Gale prodded.
“No. Not yet. I didn’t want to get his hopes up. Or have him tell me how unlikely success will be. Not until I was absolutely sure I could do this.” 
“I see,” the wizard returned, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Well, tonight is as good a time to tell him as any. There’s nothing more I can teach you to prepare for this. You know the incantation by heart. You perform the gestures almost through muscle memory now. You’re ready.”
“I’m ready,” you repeated, as if saying the words would will it to be so. 
“Send me a missive if he wants to go through with this. I’ll come to the cottage and oversee the spell’s casting.”
“All right,” you nodded.
“It’s going to work. You have to believe it’s going to work,” Gale encouraged, meeting your eyes with a serious, stern sort of expression.
“It’s going to work,” you agreed. “It’s going to work.” 
It was dusk by the time you returned to the cottage. It was a modest home you shared with Astarion, situated just outside the city walls. It had a lovely view of the rolling hills that surrounded Baldur’s Gate, and proximity to the Chionthar River gave the air a refreshing, misty feel. Pastoral communities dotted the countryside with sheep and cattle grazing freely during the day, though they had returned to their stables long before your return.
Astarion was no fan of the bucolic lifestyle, as he was wont to remind you. But you both agreed that this living situation afforded him better meal prospects than the rats, cats and errant stray dogs that dwelled within the city limits. At least this way, he had more fulfilling options for food, since the livestock attracted their fair share of large predators. A mild, perpetual confusion charm that you cast kept the neighbors from questioning why – unlike their peers in neighboring villages and towns – their animals were never plagued by roving bears and panthers. 
Astarion was lounging listlessly in the bay window of the den when you entered your home, one leg dangling off the ledge of his reading nook while he carelessly flipped through a book. Probably one he had pilfered from Gale’s stockpile a few weeks ago, you surmised. There had been an uptick in the wizard’s grumbling about discrepancies in his library catalog of late. 
“Anything interesting?” you asked as you shrugged out of your traveler’s cloak and hung it on the coat rack by the door. 
“Ugh, hardly,” Astarion grouched. “Nothing but debunked theories and philosophies from bloated scholars who died a hundred years ago.”
“You’re going to have to return Gale’s books to him eventually, you know. He’s beginning to realize how many from his library are missing.”
“Haven’t the slightest clue what you’re referring to, darling,” he replied breezily.
“Of course, love,” you chuckled, planting a kiss on his forehead as you passed him by to make your way into the kitchen. 
“Care for a glass of wine?” you called.
“Mm, yes,” Astarion returned. “Red, please, dear.”
Uncorking the bottle and pouring the glasses gave you a brief moment to collect your thoughts. To steel your nerves for the conversation looming before you. Drawing a deep breath in and exhaling it slowly, you made your way back into the den and braced for the inevitable. 
“Darling, do you have a moment?” you asked as you offered Astarion his glass before taking a seat next to him. “I’d like to talk to you about something.”
“Gods, it must be serious,” he teased, straightening from his reclined pose to take the proffered glass and make room for you. “You like you’re about to be ill. Go on then, love, before you faint and spill this vintage all over the floor.”
“It is rather serious, in fact,” you began, clearing your throat that had suddenly become tight with nerves.  “I’ve waited to tell you until now, but I’ve been researching some more difficult conjuration magic with Gale the past few months…”
“Oh?” Astarion prompted as you paused. “For what purpose, darling? I thought you had already mastered the school of conjuration.”
“I have. But this is a more specialized form. More… niche, I guess one might say. And, well…” you trailed off again, hesitant.
“Go on,” he encouraged. 
“I’ve-been-researching-a-spell-that-cures-vampirism-and-I-think-I’ve-found-a-way,” you spat out all at once, the words tumbling into each other like a wagon train gone wild. 
Astarion met your eyes with a blank stare, seemingly forgetting that his one hand had been in the process of lifting the wine glass to his lips. 
“I beg your pardon?” he asked hoarsely.
You coughed to clear your throat. “What I mean to say is: I’ve been working with Gale for months now to learn a spell that can cure your vampirism. He and I believe I’m ready to perform it. If you would allow me to try, that is.”
“If this is your idea of a joke,” he murmured, a slight quiver in his voice. “Then I have to tell you, it’s absolutely not funny at all.”
“It’s not a joke!” you assured. “I swear to you, Astarion. It’s not a joke,” you continued, squeezing one of his hands in yours. 
He nodded absently, his gaze trained on your thumb as it soothed over the knuckles of his fingers.
“H-how?” he whispered finally. “How can you cure it? I’ve read every tome I could get my hands on for over two hundred years. Nothing, nothing, I’ve read has ever offered a solution.”
“Because this is a highly guarded spell. It’s only passed down through oral tradition among wizards who specialize in conjuration magic. Which is why I’ve needed Gale’s help,” you explained. “I broached the topic with him some time ago, told him how we were going to look for some way to cure your vampirism. Being a master of magicks himself, I thought he would be a good source of information for me to begin my research. I wasn’t even aware of the spell until he shared it with me. He’s been teaching me the mechanics of it since then. It’s been a difficult spell to master but–” 
“What’s the cost?” Astarion interjected suddenly, meeting your gaze with a new intensity.
“It will cost you nothing, obviously,” you retorted, disliking where the conversation was heading. 
Astarion huffed through his nose. A caustic, frustrated sort of sound. “Don’t play cute with me, darling. You know what I mean.”
“No. I don’t,” you hedged.
“What will the spell cost you,” he bit out through a clenched jaw. 
You bit your lip, hesitant to reply. Astarion’s gaze never wavered. 
Finally you sighed. Better to reveal the consequences of it all than attempt to hide the downsides from him. Even though they were negligible in your eyes, compared to the wonder that would be returning his elfhood to him, you knew he would resent being told only partial truths. You couldn’t fault him for it. You would feel the same, were the roles reversed. 
“It will permanently weaken me. There’s a small, very small, chance it could kill me if I perform it wrong,” you confessed.
“No,” Astarion responded bluntly, without a hint of hesitation. He rose from the bench and made to leave the room. As if the matter had been settled and it was time to crack on. 
“Wait! What do you mean, ‘no’?” you blurted. Jumping to your feet, you snatched at the sleeve of his nightshirt. 
He turned to peer at you with a haughty gaze, one eyebrow arched delicately. “Exactly that. No. You’re not risking your life on the off chance of this working.”
“But it’s not an off chance. It will work! And the likelihood of me dying is incredibly slim!” you protested.
“But the likelihood of you being ‘permanently weakened’ is essentially certain, yes?” 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sure it’s not as bad as it sounds. And besides, I don’t mind. I want to do this, Astarion.”
He scoffed. “Have you gone absolutely mad? ‘It’s not as bad as it sounds.’ Do you even know what will actually happen to you afterwards?” he shot back angrily.
“No,” you admitted, a bit quieter. 
He deliberately widened his eyes at your response, crossing his arms across his chest as if to say See? My point proven. 
“But I know I can handle it! And I love you enough to try!” you retorted.
That appeared to be the wrong choice of words. You realized it immediately as his expression morphed from outright anger to something darker, icier.
“Well then, it seems we’re at an impasse, darling,” he growled. “Because I love you enough not to have you go through with this.” 
You opened your mouth to object once more, but he continued, ignoring you. 
“AND, since it is my body and my life we’re discussing, it means I have the final say on the matter. My answer is no.”
You had anticipated this conversation going many different ways. You thought you had prepared for the most likely scenarios. But, in all your pondering, you hadn’t seriously considered the possibility that Astarion would reject this opportunity outright. 
Your eyes welled with tears. Hot, angry, disconsolate tears. 
“Astarion,” you murmured, desperate. Angry though you both were, you couldn’t resist the urge to curl into his embrace. Gently, you pulled at his arms in an attempt to un-cross them. With a soft sigh, he allowed you to manipulate him so that you were pressed chest to chest. Your arms banded around his waist, locking him against you. Slowly, he raised his arms to mimic your stance, peering down at you.  
“Astarion, my darling, this is your chance. It’s the only chance we’ve found in over two years of searching. I know I can do it. And you can win it all back. I can help you. Let me do this,” you pleaded. 
“Darling, how could I ever ‘win it all back’ when there’s a possibility I could lose you forever? Or that you could be seriously harmed in the process?” he lifted a hand to cup your cheek, smiling sadly. “I would never forgive myself if you were harmed in an attempt to cure me.”
You closed your eyes, tears slipping freely down your cheeks. “Please. I know I can do this. Please let me do this. I want to do this for you.”
“Come, pup, no more tears. I’ve given you my answer,” he murmured, swiping a thumb across your cheekbones to catch each tear.
You opened your eyes to glare at him. “If the roles were reversed, would you want to try this for me?”
“Of course,” Astarion huffed. “But that’s obviously different, I –”
“WHY? Why is it different?” you cried, clutching him. 
“Because you’re worth it!” he implored, arms vibrating as though he were resisting the urge to shake sense into you. “Your soul is worth a thousand of mine! It’s not marred by death and torture and sacrilege. Can’t you see that? Don’t you see?”
“No, I don’t,” you argued obstinately. “Because you are worth it to me. Your soul is priceless to me. I love you. You’re the love of my life.”
Astarion said nothing, just stared at you with sad eyes. You couldn’t tell if his silence meant you were persuading him, but you couldn’t relent without giving at least one more desperate plea. 
“I promised you. Remember? After everything that happened, I promised you we would find a way for you to walk in the sun once more. I didn’t make that promise lightly. I want to do this for you.”
“Darling…” he murmured sadly, shaking his head. 
“Astarion, please,” you beseeched, shifting to clutch his face between both of your palms. “I’m literally begging you to let me try. Gale and I have been practicing for almost a year now. He wouldn’t tell me I was ready unless he was certain. I know I can do this. Please. Let me try.”
“Don’t you have any regard for your own life?” he whispered. “How is it that I’m more concerned for your well being than you are?” 
“Darling, all of us have the slightest potential of dying every single day we continue to breathe. Anything poses some risk to our lives. I’m telling you, the risk of me dying from this is the same as the risk I take casting any other magic.”
“But there’s still a permanent cost to doing this. Have you even asked Gale to elaborate on what that entails?” 
“No,” you admitted a bit sheepishly. “I didn’t really think about it.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes but planted a kiss against your forehead. “You’re ridiculous, you know.”
“I’m sorry that I was so ecstatic about finding a cure that I leapt straight into studying it!” you said defensively, although your tone lacked teeth. 
He chuckled and wrapped you in a tighter embrace, resting his cheek on the top of your head. The two of you stood like that for some time, arms wrapped around each other, lost in thought. 
After a while, Astarion cleared his throat. “I want us to speak to Gale. I want to know the full details, the consequences of a spell like this.”
You jerked your head up in surprise, staring at him with wide, elated eyes. 
“I’m not saying yes,” he clarified, attempting to tamp down your burgeoning excitement. “But I’m willing to hear more about this… possibility.”
A delighted squeal rocketed up your throat. Quick as a flash, you jumped to wrap your legs around his waist. Long used to your ebullient antics, Astarion caught you with a practiced ease. His arms banded under your thighs and across your lower back, squeezing gently. 
“I love you, you daft, feral thing,” he chuckled, nuzzling your cheek. 
“I would have gone over this months ago, had you afforded me the opportunity,” Gale had groused upon arriving at the cottage the following evening. The three of you shared a bottle of barrel-aged Callidyren while Astarion peppered the wizard with umpteen questions about the spell’s mechanics. To his credit, Gale managed to assuage Astarion’s concerns. At least for the most part. 
The permanent effects of casting the spell, you both learned, would diminish your inner well of magic, rendering you unable to cast as many spells as you currently could before resting for a longer period of time. Almost as though the cost of performing the spell would revert you back to the strength you had had as an apprentice so many years ago. You would still be powerful, capable of wielding even the most intricate of spells. But your endurance would be shorter, more concentrated. It was a price you were more than willing to pay. Even more so now that you had actually allowed Gale to describe the effects in detail. 
“I still can’t believe you didn’t press for more details,” Astarion grumbled. 
“It didn’t seem important at the time,” you sniffed, waving a hand dismissively. “Still doesn’t, in my opinion.”
“You know, in some schools of thought,” Astarion countered dryly, “people believe the difference between bravery and complete idiocy is so fine a line that it frequently gets crossed.”
“So I’ve heard,” you crooned. “But, alas, I’m nothing if not an incredibly adept fool in love.” 
Gale observed the two of you warily, as if uncertain whether this exchange constituted harmless domestic banter or an undercurrent of severe agitation. 
“Yes, well,” he interrupted awkwardly, “as I said before, you’re as ready as you will ever be to perform this magic. I’ll be here to supervise and intervene, if necessary, though I don’t think it will be.”
“Bully for us. Is there anything else we should be prepared for, if we’re to go through with this?” Astarion snapped. “Sudden onset sliminess? Gills? Frothing at the mouth?”
You winced. He was always his most discourteous self when he was afraid. Gale might not realize it, but you knew him well enough to tell when his rudeness was obfuscation.   
“Ahem,” Gale coughed, clearly affronted by the impertinent question. “No, nothing of that sort. But this spell is incredibly demanding on one’s body. It’s very likely they’ll fall unconscious once it’s been cast. The effect shouldn’t last for more than a few hours. Enough time for a proper rest.”  
“You failed to mention that yesterday,” Astarion said peevishly, glaring at you from across the dining table. 
“Because it’s the equivalent to me needing a good sleep after a tiring day,” you quipped. 
Gale winced. “It’s a bit more serious than that, I’d argue.”
“Thank you,” Astarion intoned. 
“Tsk. An inconvenience at worst. Nothing unmanageable,” you retorted. “So, what say you, darling? Are you willing to give this a try?”
Astarion’s glare shifted between you and Gale, studying you both. 
“And you both swear to me that all information is now disclosed, yes? No partial truths, no hidden side effects?”
“I swear,” the two of you responded in unison. You reached for Astarion’s hand across the table. 
“My darling, this will work. I’m going to be fine. And you’re going to be cured,” you smiled gently. “Please, trust me.”
He squeezed your hand, crimson eyes boring into your own. 
Finally, after a moment, he gave you a terse nod.
“All right. Let’s try,” he agreed.
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jaythes1mp · 8 months ago
Are you considering any other alternative animals? Because I think that Gotham would be more suitable, for example, an opossum hybrid Reader, if it means a pure law-abiding civilian or a raccoon/fox, for a more morally gray, but peaceful one (just ife is hard), or a badger and it would be a villain or antihero. Can you imagine the degree of comicality if someone catches Bats or Wayne with a real live badger, which they squeeze like a puppy, and meanwhile he behaves completely wildly and tries to bite off their hand? (except for Damien/Robin, he obviously and notoriously loves all non-human animals with unconditional love). Or a situation where the raccoon Reader helps Alfred wash the dishes? Or how the possum in a human body leaves some of its instincts and pretends to be dead when attacked by some villain (ideally, probably the Joker), that is, it really convincingly pretends like a real animal and deceives others, at least until it considers the situation safe, and the rest of the hostages are not so lucky (because it's a Joker)? (I think this would be the first meeting) If you need birds/flying/non-mammalian animals, I think of a pigeon, a crow and… I do not know what large birds of prey should be found in the geography of Gotham (and I did not name hybrid bats, because it is too obvious and it has already been mentioned in a couple of posts on this topic). And I would be a rat, whoever kept them as pets knows that they are just mini dogs. Of course, wild rats or passerines can be more aggressive than decorative ones, but this is rather due to their forced female survival. I use a translator because I don't know English so well and I don't have much free time for thoughtful translation. And I also had an anonymous smiley face, but I forgot it —.^,—
Thank you for the ask, anon!
I definitely have thought through some other animals, and will for sure write some one-shots and hc in the future if anyone asks for them. 
I’m open to making any and all kinds of hybrid readers.
So far I have a robin reader, a cat reader, and a puppy reader. 
I've been staying on the more common pet side of things, but the thought of a possum, opossum, badger, or raccoon reader is definitely an interesting concept. This is due to their wild and untamable nature in contrast to domesticated pets.
However I know jack shit about those animals so it wouldn’t be as detailed. Though I’d for sure attempt it. 
Because the idea of The Bruce Wayne, the wealthy philanthropist and Gotham City's golden boy, standing up at some random podium, trying to give a speech, with a rabid, hissing and scratching badger in his hands would definitely cause a large, hilarious commotion. 
Or even if the family attended one of those many fancy galas that they fund with this enormous, ferocious looking, sharp-taloned eagle perched on one of their shoulders. 
Or perhaps the family are attending a high-brow dinner, with a rat seated in the centre, one of those miniature harnesses wrapped around its form. The entire restaurant's attention drawn to the billionaire family and the rodent they’ve brought with them in a way that borders on being alienated. Because rats are usually chased out of a restaurant, not brought in and treated like royalty. But who's to go against the Wayne family?
Maybe the reader is a villain or anti-hero that the Gotham vigilantes are tasked to capture, in which they end up becoming unhealthily attached to, to the point where they can't have the reader in their human form without the chance of being recognised. So instead the Waynes/vigilantes are always seen with a snake wrapped snugly around their necks, torsos, thighs, or arms. Or a ferret tied safely to their utility belts, folded comfortably in their pockets, or peeking out from inside their shirts. Perhaps the reader can shift into a some form of sea water creature, like a seahorse, jellyfish, or octopus. Where in that case they never even get the chance to ever leave the estate, unlike how they would as a reptile or mammal. Trapped in a large enclosure, in the middle of the manor, designed to accommodate your species perfectly, for life.
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figutii · 29 days ago
Hiii🪄 saw you were asking for AK Jason requests! I am a sucker for a xfem!reader who gets rescued by AK Jason. And maybe after he can’t get her out of his mind kind of vibe. Hope this is okay 👀 love your blog btw❤️
Thanks xxx
ak! jason todd x fem! reader
hey baby thanks& for the idea!! i went off ig so of there are still ideas let them in! thx
! don't be a dick and reblog creators' works. i see no reason for ppl to open tumbr accs only to not spread the work they liked. i absolutely hate like spams w/o reblogs - it demotivates us writers since it reaches no one. box convos are also open! talk to me about jaybird fr.
a litany of what-ifs and existential dilemmas fill your days and nights - another round from a game boy casette that urges you to walk on crumbly ground before falling into the deep abyss.
everything is grey. from the sky to the bricks that lay at the end of the path. rats and cats peek from underneath the sacks of rubbish, their eyes painted in the blueish lights by the beams that penetrate through the rooftops.
a single pack of black silhouettes falls over you, their steps clicking against the concrete. you stiffen at the ridiculosity of your situation. you are worrying only to attract more. they stand somewhere close, blue and red LED lights mockingly reaching into this vile corner of gotham.
you are sealed off the rest. it's disstressing- knowing that no one could hear you even though you are in the open.
before you can cling onto your possessions, he flies across - a real-life knight in shining blue armor. you blink a second time, the criminals run off. a blur of grey and blue before he is somewhere in the nowhere.
"watch out." in all manners non-human, from the tone to its robotic sound.
when the helmet slowly turns to survey you he hates how you don't even attempt to run away. take your things and just sprint off for god's sake. frozen in time and space, eyes goggling as he has an arm up.
another sheep of the herd that senses danger from him. how bad that it doesn't matter - it never will - as another judgement against him will dry out from a lacking source of care.
the hook is still warm, about to catapult him to the sky to rescue another defenceless being in this hellhole of a city. again and again until non of them are anywhere near his streets.
he dissapears.
a savage screeching echoes, "THANK YOU!"
your hands fall to your sides, hoping that your voice was somehow heard louder. droplets fall down, it's rhythm so comforting that you stare at the same empty wall. you wouldn't forgive yourself if you didn't try that moment.
the arkham knight is not someone to attach to people, not when his past hunts him down every skyfall. after his death, he has been replaced, his memories and imapct left on the sidelines by whom he deemed was worthy to be called father. the very same person that promised to protect him in the new chapter of his life.
kids cling onto him whenever he safes them out of dangerous situations. they would cry into his shoulder and admit how scared they are. then at the end of the shift, they hurry off to their family members - fearful big orbs looking up, hiding behind the adults until he is gone.
he is needed until he isn't of use.
when a simple gesture… a simple action… a simple word such as a swift thank you reaches him even through scurrying rats and ravens, he is taken back. a scream so childish yet deeply profound. those criminals must have pushed you to the edge. a cry from within to show a short sign of gratitude. to him.
he remembers those eyes of yours, despite flickering patches that he hasn't made up yet. another fit of idiots and high-ego mobs trying to rule his city, another damsel in disstress here and there and batman - he replays your voice.
the same routine repeats itself. it's when he stands on the same rooftop that he shamefully realizes it. he scrunches his brows, a look to the left and right before he starts to work his way up through adjacent streets and buildings. lamps shine down on bread crumbs that are being picked apart by birds. some parts flicker, others are in the pitch dark.
the stone gargoyles watch him move, balconies and terraces devoid of live… until white emits from one of the high rows of windows. he knows it's non of his business but at the same time he wants to know, for his own good.
a wooden door confines the small surface of light. a bed, a desk and an open shelf of spilled pen, books, some socks and lit candles. what gets his attention first is you - how you sit on a chair which has left marks on the carpet and tiles beneath. the knight observes as you lean against your palm, the other holding a pocketbook. he can't read the title. the cover pattern doesn't help either.
in retrospect he would blame and shake himself to the ground with how unordinary this action of his is - no matter if it's from a vigilante or personal view. yes, he already knows he can't. he is not allowed to. that doesn't mean he is going to pry his eyes off you from the distance. it will be a little secret of his - a treat for the meantime.
the novelty of the knight's discovery of honeyed milk. it's nothing unheard, yet, he finds himself wanting to know its alluring aroma in a fatal position of desperation. a little comfort.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year ago
“I mean, you’ve got to feel a little sorry for them really haven’t you?” Jaskier said from where he was mopping up the last of the evidence of the half dead rat Roach had thoughtfully decided to gift them (the first time it happened he’d shrieked in surprise before Geralt put it out of its misery with a matter of fact “Welcome to country living, city boy”). Geralt gave a non committal hum from where he was warming milk up for Ciri on the stove. The little girl sat colouring at the large kitchen table - too large for two, but that would change when Geralt’s brothers and any guests they decided to bring descended on them.
“I mean they’re just minding their own business like, Oh I’m a hungry rat. Please don’t kill me.” Here Jaskier put on a slightly squeaky voice and held up his hands in imitation of paws, still holding onto the mop, “And then wham one of the last things they see is Roach’s teeth coming towards them. So many teeth.” He gave the resident farm cat a critical stare and received a dismissive tail flick in response.
Ciri giggled at his antics which caused him to grin back at her in return. It always felt like a special sort of personal victory when he managed to coax a laugh out of the little girl.
Despite being together for six months, he was still being introduced to her as her father’s ‘friend’ (which was true enough, they wouldn’t be dating if they didn’t get along) and Jaskier was happy to go along with it. Geralt had explained without revealing too much that the little one had been let down by too many adults in her life already, himself included, and ‘boyfriend’ was maybe just a little too official sounding for the time being (and if he said his heart hadn’t broken a little for the five year old smiling at him from Geralt’s phone, he’d by lying), especially after the shit that had gone down with his ex. Geralt hadn’t gone into detail but from what Jaskier had gathered, the woman had had a hidden agenda in wanting to get back with Geralt and Ciri had almost gotten seriously hurt as a result. Geralt had blamed himself for jumping back into the relationship too quickly and so, any potential partners now had to pass what Jaskier had dubbed ‘The Ciri test’.  
He liked to think he’d passed the first portion with flying colours, the tiny blonde seeming perfectly comfortable with him in public places. Now they were dipping their toes into Jaskier staying in their home for longer periods, with Jaskier having graduated from the guest bedroom to sharing with Geralt the previous visit (the brunette wanting the ground to swallow him up when she happily informed her Uncle Eskel of ‘Daddy’s sleepover’ when the man had dropped by unexpectedly the following morning. Geralt had just shrugged and told him to be thankful it hadn’t been Lambert; who could and would, happily take the piss forever).
“Alright Ciri, put your things away and then go get your bedtime book. I’ll be in in a minute.” Geralt said, pouring the warm milk into a plastic My Little Pony cup.
“I want Jask.” Ciri declared form where she was trying to force the crayons back into their box by the (relatively small) handful, Causing both adults to stop what they’d been doing and stare at one another. This was new.
“You sure you don’t want daddy?” Jaskier asked, looking to Geralt for some sign as to what he should do.
“You do better funny voices. Daddy’s all sound the same.”
It took everything Jaskier had not to burst out laughing at that as he took in the minute eye twitch from the other man at that statement, “Geralt?”
Geralt nodded, “Mind if I stay and listen? You know how much I love The Gruffalo.”
Jaskier snorted and felt a surge of fondness. The lies we tell for our children.
It ended up being a joint effort, with Geralt guest starring as The Gruffalo “On account of you being so, well...gruff.” and admitting to a slightly too smug looking Jaskier and a mostly asleep Ciri that “Yes, Jaskier does better voices for everyone else. Especially Mouse.”
"Everything ok? You’ve gone all quiet on me.” Jaskier said from where he had his head in Geralt’s lap as they watched some mindless Netflix show. “I didn’t overstep did I?” He was suddenly frantic, his anxieties bubbling back up to the surface now that he didn’t have a performance and an audience to focus on, “I know you probably just said yes so things wouldn’t be awkward. I probably should have told her no and come up with an excuse but how can anybody say no to that face-“
“Jaskier. It’s fine, honestly.” Geralt said, rubbing his hands up and down Jaskier’s arm in a way he knew calmed him, “I’ve built up something of an immunity to Ciri’s puppy eyes. I would’ve said no if I had a problem with it. I’m just thinking.”
“About how I might have a question for Ciri.”
The next morning saw Jaskier seeing both of them off with a hug (also accompanied by fishing a stray cheerio out of Ciri’s hair which he had been too tired to question) before heading back to his city apartment and his job as a music tutor.
“Ciri?” Geralt asked, putting her school backpack by the door as he knelt down to help her button up her coat, “You know how Aiden is Uncle Lambert’s boyfriend?"
It had slowly been killing Jaskier not to check his phone as soon as the text notification came through but he was nothing if not professional and he would not check his phone when he was in the middle of a lesson. Thank the Gods he did wait as he was prettu sure he gave his retreating student a minor heart attack with the squeal he let out at Geralt’s message:
‘Ciri has been proudly announcing to her classmates this morning that Jaskier is her daddy’s boyfriend. Much disappointment from the single mums.’
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year ago
How about the first kiss the ffxiv boys initiate - bonus Magnai and Artoirel please? 🥺
We're being cute today u_u
First kisses (ff14boissss)
Thancred is quite used to trusting his instincts and acting before he fully finishes a thought. His hands and body move faster than his brain, grabbing at your shoulders, spinning you around, pressing you against the rough stonework. His lips slot against yours like theyre meant to fit together, that nearly-chapped texture, the slight indent beneath your tongue, as though there is a scar across his mouth you never noticed until this very moment. The slight intake of breath as a takes a half step towards you, brings your bodies flush together, one hand curled around your neck, his other arm braced against the stonework beside your head.
The sounds of clanking greaves passes. Thancred lingers, your noses brushing, his half-lidded gaze taking in the blush high on your cheeks. Just to be sure the danger has passed, he tells himself as he forces himself to pull away.
Certainly not because he never wants this moment to end.
Urianger is as meticulous in this as he is in all things. He made reservations at the Last Stand. He memorized the route he was going to take you through the Noumenon. He had an tall, gnarled, private oak tree all picked out.
What he didn't account for was the way a storm predicted to pass just south of the island would be suddenly, violently caught by a high wind and blown over the city. The two of you rush for the cover of a nearby pavilion, your coats thrown up over your heads to protect yourselves from the worst of the sudden downpour. Or, at least, to try to-- Urianger ends up looking like a wet rat, and you not much better. But the sight has you doubled-over laughing, and, not soon after, him as well.
Your first kiss is there, under that random pavilion in the Sharlyan harbor, tasting of rainwater and serendipitous joy.
G'raha wakes slowly in the unyielding cradle of the throne in the Crystal Tower. His body feels... odd. Logically, he knows that he has been asleep for a very long time. His muscles should feel stiff, his eyes crusty. But the preservation of the Crystal Tower is complete-- his neck doesn't even crack as his head rolls.
And then the memories hit him.
He flings himself from his throne, colliding with your at-speed and taking you both down onto the unforgiving crystal floor. The soul vessel cracks with a clear tone. His arms cradle your head, but his knees crack against the floor, but he doesn't care. He's alive. You're alive. You're both alive.
His first kiss misses your mouth by a malm, but on his second you grab him by his braid to guide him better. You're both crying, gasping against each others mouths, but you're alive.
You're alive.
Estinien tries not to feel nervous as you invite him into your room. The two of you. Havent really gotten to talk. After ghimlyt dark, and then you were swept away to The First, and now the world is falling apart again, and. It really does feel like now or never. If he is going to fall at the end of the universe, he wants to do so with no regrets.
Your back hits the door as it closes, and estinien looms over you, his hair tickling your cheek where it comes to rest feather-light against your skin. His eyes are blown wide, and his thumb brushes oh-so-softly against your lower lip.
"If you dont want this," Estinien growls, "then just say the word, and I will cease at once."
But your arms come up around his neck, and you never do.
Aymeric is getting sick and tired of being interrupted during his carefully-planned dates with you. Dragons, primals, assassination attempts, cats. He's trying to be a proper Ishgardian gentleman about this, but there is only so much a man can take.
Today you're wandering the Jeweled Crozier together, ohhing and ahhing at the new leatherwork on display and the new selection of fabrics for the season and even the new selection of lances from the Skysteel. It's a rare sunny day, and it can almost be called warm, and, just as Aymeric is about to slide his hand into yours, your linkpearl rings.
Something or another pulling you away from him again, you try to explain apologetically, though Aymeric doesn't let you get more than a few words out before he is leaning forward and kissing you, gently and soft.
"Come home soon," he says with a smile, and it's a good thing it's nothing urgent because you definitely spend five whole minutes just composing yourself.
Haurchefant tries not to appear impatient as he works through the last bits of paperwork for the day. It's so late it's nearly early again, and you're still not back from patrol. You're competent. More than competent. He doesn't need to worry about you, but. he does anyways.
And he breathes a sigh of relief when you try to slip soundlessly through the door, the crunching of snow caked to your cloak and armor giving you away. He doesn't bother trying not to look eager as he jumps from his seat. The two of you argue, as you shrug your armor in front of the fire and he fixes you a cup of steaming hot cocoa. Youre beautiful and passionate and infuriatingly stubborn when you choose to dig you heels in, and he nearly spills your drink all over your front as he shuts you up with his mouth.
"Dont worry me like that again," he pleads, and you can make no promises for the way he kisses you again.
Sidurgu stares at the empty space where Fray once been and just. Breathes. He expected. Something. Some kind of feeling to twist his chest. Guilt, maybe, or grief, or. something. But Fray and Myste had stood together and smiled as they were swallowed again by the Abyss, tucked again into your soul, and he feels...
relief that you are alive. Happy, to have seen them again, but also to have this whole situation behind him. And when you turn to him, blood spattered on your face and your hair all flyaway and he loves you.
It's easy to drop his blade. To step away from the violence and cradle your face gently in his hands. Less easy to pause there, staring into your eyes, waiting, because he wants this, but, more than that, he wants you to want this. And he feels joy, when your lips meet his. He feels whole.
"Ewwwwwwww," Rielle whines and makes a fake gagging noise, and you and Sidurgu both feel nothing but fond irritation.
Magnai can't get the image of you out of his mind-- standing in the light of the ovoo, resplendent and beautiful, Khagan of the Steppe. It haunts him as he celebrates with the rest of the Oronir, drinking far too much fermented mare's milk to try to chase it away.
It doesn't work. Especially not when you're right there, laughing as Hien shakes your shoulder and retells the events of the day, how you turned from the ovoo immediately into scything down Imperials like you hadn't already been fighting all day, and you're impossible, you're--
looking up at Magnai with big, startled eyes as he leans down and plants a kiss on your lips. It's sloppy, and he tastes of fermented mare's milk, and the whole of the Oronir and the Buduga and your friends are jeering and cheering, but neither of you pull away until you're out of breath.
Artoirel is only partially drunk when it happens. It's late, just the two of you and the last two glasses of a full bottle of wine, the fireplace long burned low into smouldering embers, the barely-there orange glow casting your laughing face in beautiful, dramatic shadows. The way your nose scrunches up and you half-hide your mouth behind you hand and it strikes him, then, just how close you two are sitting, your thighs brushing beneath the table, your head knocking against his shoulder as you collapse into helpless giggles.
It's the most natural thing in the world for him to cup your cheek in his palm and tilt your face up towards his. To take in the way your eyes go half-lidded and your mouth parts around the whisper of his name. Your whole body strains towards him as he leans down the last few ilms and lets his mouth meet yours.
Forget whatever preconceptions you even held about this man: there is nothing gentlemanly about the way he kisses.
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nicklasbackstroke · 3 months ago
It's a little funny to me when people act like one player has a monopoly on chewing on his mouth guard when half this league cant keep it in their mouth
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knight-a3 · 8 months ago
Humanformers: Soundwave and fam
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Soundwave: "Walt" Walter Saunders aka "Mr Sounders"
TFP Soundwave: Wade Saunders
Rumble and Frenzy: Rufus and Frankie(Franklin)
Ravage is a large black cat, Buzzsaw is a "pet" crow, and Ratbat is a pet rat(I couldn't justify a pet bat). Lazerbeak is TFP Soundwave's "pet" raven. The boys named all the animals. The birds are "pets" because I don't think it's legal to have them as pets.
More under the cut
These guys have become some of my favorites to play with in this silly Humanformers AU thing. Soundwave/Walt is so tired. He's a pretty chill guy, but he's got his weird cryptid younger brother (who lives in an underground bunker in the woods, wears a formal suit all the time, wears a weird mask, and hardly ever talks), then he's got his twin boys, who are a... handful. Don't ask who the mom is, I do not know. But they are actually his.
Walt is a musician streamer called MrSounders, but part of the appeal to his audience is the nonsense that happens in the background. Usually the twins do or say something insane. Like, they once decided to play "piñata" with their friend, Samson(OC), which consisted of tying up Samson and hitting him with a bat. They didn't mean it maliciously, they're just stupid. Walt stopped it before anyone got hurt.
Nobody is sure what Wade's deal is. He's got surveillance on the whole city, but why....?? And the suit???
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paragonrobits · 1 year ago
Talk to the people that fight the monsters in the dark, skulking in the alleys no one remembers and hiding behind suits and smiling faces in the expensive buildings, they'll tell you stories. They say there's a city block that doesn't belong to the city anymore.
Don't make trouble for the people there. The unspoken statement is that the people there aren't... exactly human anymore. They used to be. But there's worse things in the dark then men with the hearts of wolves or undying monsters that drink the blood of the living; worse than patchwork men that spread disaster in their wake and don't understand why. Sometimes, a terrible mystery ensnares someone, trapping them in promises and story and lies, and drags them away.
What comes back isn't human anymore. It's still a person, though. They reason and understand things, same as the humans they were, once. You leave them alone, the local Union rep says. They're no harm to no one, as long as you don't bring trouble to them.
Don't rat to them, you get warned. If someone who looks too good to be true comes around sniffing for their addresses, you just smile and nod and say you never heard a damn thing. Don't rat them out. Because the people in that place will know, and they'll find you, and your family. You try to throw them back into hell, they'll return the favor three times over.
But it goes both ways; if you watch out for them, mind your business and keep their secrets, they'll help you out.
The Union rep tells you a short little story; he says that most of the time, the people in that city block look the same as you or me. There might be a few signs; a girl with teeth unnaturally sharp and pointy, or a man who knocks on wood and it makes a noise like HE'S made of wood. But if things are going normal, you won't see what they really look like, just a kind of magical mask that hides them. But they got their fancy tricks, and they know all about escaping bad situations.
So if you do your part in the deal, they'll help you out. Pretty much anything; a single mother went down to them after some bad business with her ex came up and her kids went missing. Well, she talked to Pop Hammerfist, the big ol' dude that looks like someone carved a tree into a man. Her ex was on the news in the hospital a few days after, yelling about the trees following him, and her kids were back home safe and sound, and with the ex having already signed a few agreements to pay his damn alimony already.
Or a little boy with a missing cat came up to them and asked for help. If any of the real hunters or Union folk had heard about it, they would have stopped him, but the people in the city block didn't turn him away. They nodded, and listened, a few hours later came back with the little boy's cat, safe and purring up a storm. You help them out, they help you out; I hear that kid tells 'em stuff he heard. 'Spose there's a lesson in that. We're all in this together, long as we don't tear the boat down with us in it.
Reminds me of a story about the lady who brought the cat in, in fact. A big lady; has to go to special shops to get clothes that fit. Weird shiny teeth, too, with the weirdest damn braces I ever saw, if those are braces. You hear some funny stories about her, that when she comes knocking the whole floor shakes, but she couldn't be a sweeter lady. Nice to kids, loves cats, always help out. If she's got the weird habit of speaking in rhyme before she says anything else, well, we all got our promises, I guess.
Well, a while back, we had a Slasher. Yeah; the thing that happens when a Hunter goes bad, or someone just gets too much of a taste for murder. Killing opens up a soul, and some part of us leaks out, or something else gets in. This particular fellow liked to call himself a real genius; a real nasty piece of work that liked making elaborate death traps and leaving people to die. Well, we worked out he was there when they started finding the bodies, and by that point he'd already gotten the Big Lady.
...Yeah, that's the name of that lady I mentioned. Long story.
Well, we found what was left of him, and his death traps. The whole place was smashed to pieces by something big. Big and helliciously strong, I'd say. It was like the set of those torture horror movies got hit by a storm. And they found the guy, or. What was left of him. Looked like a wild animal had bit him up, or a jaguar.
Well, from what we heard, he got her all right. But she might have been a bit more than he bargained for. I'm not sure exactly what she did to him, but they were cleaning his blood and bone off the wall for weeks. They said his skull looked like something real strong had just slugged him, so hard he sorta splashed. Don't make me draw you a picture, pal.
But, yeah. Funny thing is, they said the fist mark was so big you'd need a person the size of an elephant to throw that kind of punch. And we kept seeing cats around the area. Really, really big cats.
..You remember about promises. You keep 'em with the city block folk, because they got all kinds of things keeping promises to them.
What happened to the Big Lady, you ask? Oh, she's still around. Helps out the local Union cell now and then. Good hand if you need brute force.
She don't much like having to handle anything that's got too much iron in it; steel is fine, but not real iron. She saws its an allergy.
...Yeah, I know how it sounds. But we got our funny ways, and she keeps her promises, so keep your nose out of it, yeah?
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brazilspill · 1 year ago
Actual real things about the plot of 90's Brazilian children's show Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum
The main character was a 400-year-old boy wizard who lived with his aunt and uncle in a giant-ass castle in the middle of a big city that no one in the city knew about
He lived with his aunt and uncle because his parents and sister were on a trip to Mars and he didn't want to go
The castle was secret but there was a pizza guy who'd pop in once in a while (maybe he worked for a company that delivered pizza to the supernatural?).
There was a kid who lived inside a tv and that was treated as completely normal.
In the first episode he lured the three other protagonists to the castle by making their ball float to the castle entrance (he was bored and wanted friends).
The castle's librarian was a talking orange cat.
There was an alien named Etevaldo who would sometimes pop in for a visit.
There was a random tree in the middle of the castle's foyer where some birds and a talking pink anaconda lived
The anaconda was called Celeste
There was a little purple monster who lived in the castle sewers called Mau (literally, "Bad") who wanted to be bad and a villain but he was really bad at it
There was no explanation as to what Mau was -- he was just this furry purple thing and everyone just went with it
Mau had a rat henchman named Godofredo (Godfrey) who had anxiety problems
The castle had a mouse who drove a mouse-shaped car and everyone was like "Yeah, that's normal, be careful so you don't step on it"
The villain was Doutor Abobrinha (literally, "Doctor Pumpkin"; abobrinha is also slang for "lies", implying he was a liar), who was a realtor who wanted to tear the castle down to gentrify the neighbourhood
The realtor looked like this:
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lisisdead · 2 months ago
⭐Lysander Ponomarenko⭐
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I will make a post about his younger sister later :D
Here's his lore:
Lysander Ponomarenko is a 15 year old Half Ukrainian half Mexican boy, he grew up without his biological father because he left him at the age of 4. His mother loved him dearly but sadly couldn't spend enough time due of work. Lysander would get bullied at school but he would stand up for him self and got often into fights at school. He was and still is a creative kid, he loves technology, to draw, create stuff out of paper etc... Once he turned 11, his life turned upside down. He went to the grocery store to buy some stuff for his mother, later he came back and saw his mother dead on the floor and some armed men who worked for alchemax were there and a Man sitting on the sofa waiting for him.
Lysander didn't take it well and was about to attack the Man then the armed men grabbed him before he could do anything. Then the Man introduced himself as the CEO of Alchemax and that he is the biological father of Lysander.
Lysander didn't believe it and said that he is lying but it was true, but then he gets knocked out.
Little lab rat
Lysander woke up in a laboratory cell, seeing his father behind the glass, Lysander gets mad and started banging the Glassed window telling him to let him out but his father didn't listen, in fact he didn't care, he needed more people to use as his little lab rats.
His father wanted to experiment with DNA of Spiders... So he did the experiment on Lysander..
The experiments were traumatic for Lysander, he was beaten up a lot, he had to consume lots of scientific substances (mostly of them were drugs too) and Lysander tried escaping many times but failed ...
2 years went by, Lysander was a successful experiment. But Lysander wasn't healthy in his mind.. He was Angry, hurt, and tired.. One day Alchemax got set up on fire, and Lysander took this opportunity to run away, and so he did. Then he saw his father getting burned and begged Lysander to help him but Lysander and stood in place watching him burn. Lysander after watching his father die, he ran out of the building and he ran away as fast as he could, but with a few stolen things.. Then his new life started ...
The new Anti Hero.
Lysander got into an alleyway and sat down on the floor, Panting. Then it started raining Lysander looked at a puddle seeing his reflection for the first time in 2 years, he was terrified to see that he has red eyes.. fangs and those nasty scars .. he couldn't go out in public like that! Then out of anger, a web shot onto the wall from his wrist, then he remembered that he has retractable claws on his finger tips and toes from the experiments he went through. He got curious about it and started testing out his abilities. After sometime, Lysander started getting cold, he knows he can't live like he used to.. he needed to hide himself, he also needed steal stuff to survive.. and fight for his life, first he needed to steal some clothes.. Then an idea came in his mind: how about to make a suit to hide himself as he needs.. He started stealing clothes from hot topic and accessories. Later on he found an old basement somewhere in the city, there he found an old sewing machine, he then started making his Spider suit.
After sometime he finishes making his suit, he liked it, then he looks at the desk and saw the things he stole from alchemax, it was a watch thingy that didn't belong to alchemax.. but he found it... and it looks very futuristic.. he decided to test it out later..
On the same night, he put on his Spidey mask and decided to rob a bank as a start for his new life.
He sneaked inside and got a few of good cash but then Black cat appeared, she was the cities hero and she wanted to stop Lysander so they fought.
Lysander lost the fight and escaped but he hid a few dollars in his pockets, and he was proud of it.
A few months later Lysander found the address of his biological father, he wanted to destroy his father's mansion. So at night he snuck inside a window to a random room, the house was very silent until he heard a cry inside the room, he squinted his eyes and saw a 2 year old girl, she looked similar to him..well a little. Lysander picked her up and started comforting her, he looked to his right and saw a picture of his father and his new wife. Lysander was mad, not only his father abandoned him, he also had a family behind his back! Lysander also realised that the little girl is his half sister and only relative left, so he took her under his wing, he later found out that his sisters name is Ileana. He started taking care of her. He had to leave the mansion because he heard the police break in because some neighbor saw Lysander climb up the window, so he left with his new sibling.
Who the hell are you!?
A year later Lysander became the recognisable anti hero. Mostly fighting Heroes sometimes even bad guys.. yada yada yada.. (He was 14 at the time and Ileana 3).
One day Lysander found out about Multiverses and alternative dimensions! Thanks to the watch he found and an idea crossed into his mind... He could destroy every alchemax facilities in every single dimensions... But little did he know about cannon events..
He then tried creating a portal by using the watch and he succeeded then he opened the portal and teleported into an alternative dimension, of course he didn't leave Ileana behind so he took her with him. He teleported into an alleyway, the second he got out, someone attacked him from behind. To Lysander's suprise it was a Guy.. in a Spider-suit?... He never thought there would be more Spider-Men or Women. Lysander pinned the strange spider person and they gave up, and he introduced themselves as Max, he was the one and only Spider-joker here, then they both talked with eachother and Lysander told him about his plan and Max agreed.
A few dimensions later they managed to destroy 5 Alchemax facilities in different universes.
As they 3 got into a different dimension they met another spider person, she swinged to them and asked who they are, Lysander introduced himself, Ileana and Max, the girl was polite and she introduced herself as Agata Rutkowska. The 4 got along and Lysander told Agata his plan and she agreed to the plan. Lysander teleported to a different universe then landed in an alleyway.
Lysander was not paying any attention to Max, Agata and Ileana while they were eating their Bagels they stole from a previous dimension, but then someone teleported behind Ileana, Agata and Max then grabbed them three from behind, dragging them into the portal. Lysander looked back and they were gone, Lysander got scared, he started worrying for his sister, Agata and Max.. then his Spider senses started ringing.. then someone touched his shoulder.
Lysander jumped and looked behind him to see a.. Spider-Man from the future?... he tried to talk with Lysander... but Lysander hit him and started running away.
The Spider-Man was chasing Lysander.
Lysander tried to trick him with his abilities to create illusions and shapeshifting but he wouldn't get tricked, as if he knew what abilities he has..
While being chased the Spider-Man wanted to pin Lysander into the wall but he accidentally scratched his eye with his Talon, traumatising Lysander.. He didn't mean to but Lysander ran away..
A few hours later Lysander got into a dead end in a forest and he started hiding from the Spider man.. but he got caught.. the mans mask retracted, Lysander couldn't see his face properly but before he knew it the Spiderman bit his upper arm and paralysed Lysander and he gets knocked out. The Spiderman immediately took care of Lysander wounds, feeling bad for what he did .. the Spider-Man picked up Lysanders unconscious body and summoned the portal and brought him into the Spider society..
Where am I?...
A few hours later Lysander woke up in a electric field cage and saw The Spider-Man from before standing Infront of him without his mask, He introduced himself as Miguel O'Hara and that he doesn't mean any harm to Lysander but Lysander didn't listen and started screaming, hissing trying to break out from the cage, Miguel tried to lecture him but it didn't work. Lysander started yelling at him, asking where his sister was. Miguel sighed and called Jessica drew to bring Ileana here and a few minutes later Ileana ran to Lysanders cage and hugged the cage (because she couldn't hug Lysander since he's inside the cage). Lysander calmed down but was still glaring at Miguel.. Lysander asked Miguel if he could talk to his Friends, Miguel sighed and agreed. Miguel brought Lysander to the go home machine, where Max and Agata were about to go there. They chatted for awhile but then, Max and Agata got sent back to their own dimensions....
Later, Miguel started lecturing Lysander about cannon events and even told him on how he broke a cannon once and ended up loosing his daughter, Lysander didn't listen for the most part but felt a bit bad about the daughter (Gabriella, Miguel's deceased daughter).
A month later Lysander managed to break out from the cage and silently to escape, after he ran out he was surprised to see a futuristic dimension and a place with plenty Spider people.. then Lysander started running away but he didn't manage to get too far because Miguel picked him up from behind. Lysander glared and took out his claws, Miguel didn't budge because he himself has talons and could damage Lysander pretty hard. Lysander didn't gave up and started kicking Miguel and yelling to put him down and called him an old hag many and many times but Miguel ignored him and brought him back into his lab and locked him back in. But that didn't stop Lysander for trying to escape, he tried it 3 times but failed miserably.
A few weeks while being inside the cage he was staring at Miguels monitors out of boredom (his cage was placed in a corner of his lab but close enough to see Miguel's monitors), He saw a Video of Miguel and his Daughter playing foot ball, and more videos of them spending time like father and daughter would.. Miguel was happy and the girl too... then something clicked in Lysanders mind, This was an actual fatherly relationship, that Lysander never got.. Lysander started sobbing silently.. feeling bad a little about Miguel for loosing his kid... but he also finally saw an actual fatherly relationship that he never received... Lysander started looking at Miguel a bit differently.. he started seeing him a father in Miguel the more he knew him.. but Lysander can't tell him that... He's afraid of rejection...
Another year later.... (Present time)
Lysander is now 15 (Ileana is now 4). He is apart of the Spider society now. He does missions sometimes and he can finally come back to his dimension whenever he wants or his sister.
Miguel took also Ileana under his wing aswell. Lysander likes being in the HQ.. He met different spider people, He is a bit distant from them but would allow himself to talk with them sometimes. He still likes doing trouble, and sometimes even annoy Miguel to the point where he starts beating his ass up. Miguel started teaching Ileana some Spanish, Ileana likes Miguel and calls him Papá, unlike Lysander, who's scared of getting rejected.. Miguel also started mentoring Lysander, and training him to fight better! He also reunited with his old friends.
Lysander upgraded his suit, by adding more accessories and painting his top and adding more upgrades to his pants.
While Lysander was minding his own business or training, his hair, especially his bangs would block his view and it would annoy Lysander. Miguel noticed that, and he called Lysander to his Lab. Lysander came and Miguel sat him down on a chair, Lysander was confused and asked Miguel what he was doing until he saw Scissors in Miguels hand. Miguel told Lysander that he will cut Lysanders hair. Lysander was skeptical about this and didn't trust Miguel doing that, but knew it was the only way to get rid of the annoying bangs, so he gave in, and Miguel started cutting Lysander's hair. A few minutes later Miguel finished and he gave Lysander the mirror and Lysander was surprised that Miguel didn't fail.
Lysander is now Living a better Life...
Lysander's age is 15!
Lysander's birthday is at 01/08/****
His Anti hero name is: Spider-Man (or Bloody silk)
He is Half Ukrainian half Mexican! (Is mostly on Ukrainian side)
He has a small crush on Felicia Hardy (the black cat from his dimension) but doesn't show it.
He is based of myself IRL mostly about my feelings, hobbies and a bit more.
His design is Based of Clawdeen wolf, inspired by Miguel O'Hara.
He hates Fish (just like me)
His favourite foods are mostly Ukrainian foods.
His favourite colours are: Red and Black.
He speaks Ukrainian, English, German but doesn't know much of Spanish since his father never taught him, but knows some phrases and cusswords.
Lysander's hobbies are: Drawing, Painting, making graffiti, making technology, Crafting, cooking/baking, swimming, fighting and stuff he finds interesting (mostly hobbies of creativity).
The Pins on his backpack were made by himself, yes ofc he added V2 because it's his favourite character in ultrakill.
Lysander is analytic.
He speaks in a vulgar language (curses a lot).
He is aggressive.
His Abilities are: Shapeshifting, Illusion manipulation, changing his voice, Claws, Fangs (they only get venomous when he sucks blood), good vision, hearing and smell, Spider sense, Intelligence, organic webs and immortality.
Lysander has to drink blood (he is NOT a vampire, spiders drink blood or juices from their victim), or else he might faint or feel aggressive due of need of blood. By drinking blood he also gains his venom.
His venom is emerald colour.
He can make spider noises (like purring and hissing)
His Pupils and iris Dilate (grow big) when ever he is excited or scared. And they can shrink when he's mad or scared.
He is also sensitive to sunlight, his eye white gets red and he tears up.
Lysander got muscles after training a lot.
He hates anime (JS like me)
Lysander adores the game ULTRAKILL (V2 is his favourite) and is addicted to the game, he even owns a V2 plushie.
He comes from the same timeline as us, he is also in a lot of fandoms like Ultrakill, Fnaf, murder drones, mouthwashing etc..
In his Spotify playlist, there's lots of his favourite Songs and some songs define Lysander and his story and his feelings.
He sneaks out often from the Spider society HQ and likes making graffities talking bad stuff about his biological father.
He can finally sleep properly there in the Spider society.
When he was 5 he wanted to be Emo and to this day he still is one.
He took Dr*gs like Alco*ol and w**d because he's immortal and he thought he could do whatever he wants since he's immortal in addition he was in an awful depression.
He has a long coat to keep him warm.
He sometimes paints his hair.
The reason Miguel is more nicer with Lysander is because he found out about Lysander's dimension and he learned a lot about him without Lysander knowing it, and still keeps it a secret.
Lysander gets jealous easily.
Lysander rarely smiles.
In his dimension some of the Heroes in Marvel stories are Villains and some of the Villains from marvel stories are heroes. And most of them are Emo.
Lysander comes from earth 2320
He has ADHD and PTSD (due to trauma)
He claims himself as the anti hero version of Spider-Man.
He is afraid of Spiders and gets disgusted by his own web.
He paints his claws black sometimes.
Lysander has a piercing and wears a golden earring to match Ileana.
He still continues making trouble and sometimes saves people.
He steals food very often from the Spider society's cafeteria.
He has a younger half sister Ileana!
Lysander loves swinging around the city with his younger sister
Miguel does take Lysander and Ileana out to the Mall.
Ileana calls Miguel "Papá" unlike Lysander, he is still afraid of calling him that, if he did, he could get very emotional and start crying since he is scared of rejection.
Lysander would always comfort Ileana when she gets a nightmare.
If Gabriella (Miguel's deceased daughter) would be alive he'd treat her as his own sister.
Lysander is still grieving from his mothers death, and can't stop looking at a photo of him and her.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 1 year ago
Valentine's trip HCs
Note: standalone firefighter!Sihtric HCs, because I missed this boi.
Warnings: fluff/suggestive.
pairing: Firefighter!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric gave you the ultimate Valentine's gift. 
wordcount: 1,5k
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For months you had dropped "subtle" hints that your dream Valentine's date would be a trip to Disneyland.
The Disney park in Paris obviously, because Paris is the most romantic city.
And your firefighter had caught those hints clearly.
'Disney? You're going to wear those rat ears too?' Finan howled when Sihtric told his friends and colleagues about the surprise trip he had booked for the two of you.
'Paris? Damn… I wouldn't want my girl trapped in a nasty city such as Paris,' Sigtryggr grimaced.
'What ears? And wait, nasty? I thought it was a romantic city?' Sihtric frowned, 'anyway, I just need someone to look after our children.'
'Children?' Uhtred snorted, 'surely those two cats are not considered your children?'
'They are our babies!' Sihtric snarled and slammed the door of his locker shut.
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On february 14th, at the crack of dawn, you were blindfolded by Sihtric and carried to his car.
He had packed a suitcase for you both and the trip was about to start.
'Where are we going?' you asked.
'I don't like this,' you mumbled.
'Sihtric, take that stupid blindfold off me!' you snarled.
Sihtric rolled his eyes, 'I thought you liked surprises?'
'Not when I'm being blindfolded!'
'You don't seem to mind blindfolded surprises in the bedroom,' Sihtric mumbled.
You huffed.
He then smiled, because that made you quiet down.
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'Surprise!' he grinned at you after he had taken off the blindfold.
You blinked, confused, your seatbelt still on while you stared out of the car window.
'A train station?' you scoffed, 'what kind of a surprise is this?'
'Just come with me,' Sihtric said and walked you to a very specific platform without saying another word. And he also didn't tell you why he had a suitcase with him.
You were so confused that you didn't even see where the train was heading to which Sihtric pushed you into, and it was only when you sat down that you figured it out.
'Paris?!' you cried out, 'we're going to Paris?!'
'Well, actually,' Sihtric cleared his throat, 'we're only going to Disneyland and not into the city itself.'
'We're going to Disneyland?!' you squealed, 'really?!'
'It's my Valentine's gift to you,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your cheek.
And he tried to hide his face under the hood of his sweater when you started to bawl like a little girl in his arms as the train departed.
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Sihtric had booked the Beauty & the Beast suite for three nights, and you couldn't believe it.
'For my princess,' he smiled proudly, and you started to sob again.
Sihtric figured it was a good moment to go and check the floor's fire safety plan while you tried to collect yourself again before heading into the magical park.
'In case of a fire-' Sihtric began, but you cut him off.
'I don't want to hear anything fire related on this trip,' you said, 'your work has been keeping you away from me enough the past few weeks.'
Sihtric agreed, but he still told you about the emergency plan in case of a fire in the hotel.
But you had already forgotten about it when you ran into the park.
'I'm not going to wear rat ears,' Sihtric sighed.
'What do you mean?' you pouted in the gift store as you stared at the wall full of various Mickey Mouse ears, 'and they're not rat ears! They are mouse ears. And why not? You have to wear them, please…'
Sihtric groaned and knew he wasn't going to win this.
And you happily placed the pink and sparkly Mickey ears with hearts on them on his head, much to his disgrace, but at least you had matching ears.
And you thought Sihtric had never looked cuter, or hotter for that matter, because he was dressed in a black sweater and leather jacket, black ripped jeans and black leather boots. And he wore a hint of eyeliner and a small silver hoop earring, as well as the black and silver watch you had gifted him for his birthday.
And so you dragged your dark clothed and muscular boyfriend with the pink Mickey ears on his head to the first ride you wanted to go on: the spinning teacups.
'Please stop spinning,' Sihtric said one minute into the ride.
You laughed and kept spinning the cup you were seated in.
'Please,' Sihtric swallowed hard, 'just… stop.'
You grinned.
'Baby, please stop spinning the cup!'
And you finally stopped when you saw his face go pale.
You had to hold his hand to get him safely out of the teacup afterwards, and he said he needed the restroom.
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After Sihtric had emptied his stomach and grabbed himself some decent food not much later, he got in a better mood immediately.
And he finally enjoyed the park.
And you.
'Come here,' 'let's take a photo together,' 'you look so cute,' 'give me a kiss,' 'hold my hand, baby,' 'give me another kiss,' 'my princess,' 'look at you, so cute.'
He kept repeating those lines the entire day.
While either holding your hand, having his arm around your waist or his hand resting on your butt as you strolled through the park, sometimes even giving you a squeeze that made you jump slightly.
Sihtric bought you all the candy and fizzy drinks you wanted, and then he suddenly surprised you with a heart shaped Mickey balloon…
… Which flew away as the string slipped out of your fingers only five minutes later.
'No!' you cried, 'my balloon!'
You both stood and watched the overpriced balloon disappear as it went higher and higher.
Sihtric cursed internally and grabbed his wallet, buying another overpriced balloon for you.
He tied the string around your wrist so you couldn't lose it again.
And he couldn't possibly lose you in the crowd that way either, because every time you turned around you smacked him in the face with the balloon, but you were oblivious to it.
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Sihtric had almost survived his first day in Disneyland.
It was fun, but he was exhausted, and you were in the middle of a sugar rush while you waited for the firework show at the Disney castle, at midnight, just before the park would close.
Sihtric struggled to keep his eyes open, and he became a little drowsy.
He snuck his arms around you from behind and leaned his chin on your shoulder, peppering you with soft and sleepy kisses as he murmured how much he loved you.
But he was rudely woken from his half slumber when the firework show started and you jumped up and down, smacking him in the face with your balloon repeatedly.
Sihtric grumbled, but he also melted at the sight of your smile and figured it was all worth it.
He did think the amount of fireworks that must be stashed for the show were most likely a fire hazard though…
And then he became nervous.
Not because of the fire hazard, but because he reached into the inside pocket of his leather jacket.
And he kneeled down behind you as the fireworks continued above you.
He took your hand and gave a light tug, earning your attention, and your eyes searched for him for a second when you didn't see him standing next to you.
'What… what are you doing?' you asked and your eyes widened when you suddenly saw the box he held open with a fancy ring inside.
'My love,' he said, just loud enough for you to hear him above the fireworks, 'I love you, and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?'
You could barely say 'Yes!' as you sobbed uncontrollably, and he then slid the ring around your finger and picked you up in his arms to spin you around as his lips were planted on yours.
And you smacked him with the balloon one more time as you searched for your phone to capture a photo of the ring while the fireworks were still going.
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Back in the hotel suite you took a shower together and planned the next day cuddled up in bed, because you had only seen half of the park.
'Are you going to sleep with those ears on?' Sihtric asked as he pulled the blankets up to his chin, while you were in your sleeping shirt, still wearing the Mickey ears.
'Maybe,' you shrugged, 'you got a problem with that?' you grinned.
'I just think I've seen enough Mickey ears today, love,' he chuckled.
But he surely didn't mind the sight of you half an hour later, down on your knees, wearing only a lace thong and the Mickey ears as you gave him quite possibly the best blowjob of his life, before you had the most passionate sex you could imagine.
And the next day he told you he actually loved it when you wore those Mickey ears...
… Because whenever he looked at you as you wore them, he could only think of how cute you had looked on your knees for him, while looking up at him with those ears on the night before.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis
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