#ramcoa is real
thehellsaint · 2 months
If you are desperate enough to keep the "hot take" factory running that you resort to calling an entire category of abuse fake, delete Tumblr.
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coining-ramcoa-terms · 2 months
Okay so I've been working on the server since I opened that poll and 👉👈 it's ready.
If you didn't see the poll this server is for systems who have gone through RAMCOA, or Programming (or are ynsure but think they may have) and are 16+ ONLY. Also no endos because I don't need that in my space.
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necromeat · 1 day
How it feels to filter the "endo safe" tag and watch all that garbage disappear from your dash
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anti-endo-help · 1 month
☆ — friendly(/gen) reminder time ...
friendly reminder that the owner of this blog is bodily only 14 years old!! 😭 this reminder goes for pro-endos and anti-endos alike, because i feel like both sides have forgotten they're interacting with a very young minor. i have not even gone into high school yet, i am not fit to deal with: death threats, harassment, paranoia inducing asks or messages, diagnosing people, or helping you figure out your trauma/what kind of trauma you have. i am a child.
i will re-clarify that i do not mind things like venting, but please do not send any of the above into my inbox. p.s please keep asks about vents about specifically ramcoa trauma to a minimum... i apologize for the inconvenience, but i am a part of a ramcoa system, and we aren't good at helping or providing comfort when it comes to the topic. thank you all!! have a great day!!
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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ganondorf · 3 months
if nothing else the heavy reliance on "recovered" memories should be a huge red flag that RAMCOA isn't actually a thing. elizabeth loftus is a famous researcher who got a lot of heat when she researched that people who allegedly recovered repressed memories of being in a satanic ritual were experiencing false memory, which is a common critique of hypnosis to recover repressed memories in general-- that it's actually just creating false memories
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thecorvidforest · 1 year
if any of my lovely moots or followers see a post floating around about how RAMCOA (Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse) is supposedly an antisemitic conspiracy theory asserting that there’s a global underground cult network doing occult sacrifices please know that person has an extremely incorrect idea of what RAMCOA is.
RAMCOA doesn’t mean global cult doing sacrifices. it’s an umbrella term about a few specific types of abuse. “organized abuse” doesn’t mean global cult. it can be as small as a single family. “ritual abuse” doesn’t mean occult sacrifices. rituals can be literally anything. “mind control” doesn’t mean a secret memory wiping machine, it means programming (and other things).
and no, the RAMCOA community doesn’t have a secret dark agenda to convince all trauma survivors that their missing memories must be because of some memory wiping machine belonging to a secret underground sacrificial cult. most of us seek out every possible alternative explanation before looking at RAMCOA, and we encourage others to do the same.
i can see how they got there from the perspective of someone who knows a lot about antisemitism and nothing about RAMCOA but to assert the entire thing is fake is extremely disrespectful and dangerous. i won’t go into specifics of what RAMCOA is exactly because that would be too triggering for us, but please don’t form your opinion off a post from someone who is not a RAMCOA survivor and has a fundamental misconception of what it means. thanks.
also please don’t seek out and send hate to the OP. and please don’t send this post their way, we have no interest in discoursing about this. this is just a PSA for our followers.
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anti-endo-safe-space · 2 months
So we've had a few blogs interact and wanted to make a few things known. Ehem.
We do not support fucking transmeds. Rather or not someone has dysphoria does not make them more or less of a trans person. We as a collective are transgender. We do have a lot of gender dysphoria. That doesn't mean that if someone else is transgender and follows us and DOESN'T have dysphoria that they aren't trans or aren't as much. They are real and valid. Transmeds, please get the fuck away from our blog because to be honest, we can't stand people like you
RAMCOA is real, has been real, and will always be real. Those of you who are saying it can't be are just gatekeeping trauma. RAMCOA does not take away from things like religious trauma like some people have claimed.
We support contradictory labels because, well, who are we to tell someone what their gender and/or sexuality can be? Yes we are autistic so sometimes it can be confusing but at the same time, autism is no excuse to be homophobic/transphobic/an asshole
Radqueers are NOT and NEVER will be welcome here. Neither will TransID's.
Neopronouns, xenogenders, everything like that is valid. We've got someone who uses ghost/ghosts due to the fact that, well, she's a ghost. She doesn't do that to mock. It's how ghost is. We have someone who uses it/its. Not because it wants to mock people, that's just what it's comfortable with rather than he/they/she/anything else.
Someone's source does not define them HOWEVER that doesn't mean they can't have source memories. If an alter says they have trauma from their source, that doesn't mean they're going to walk up to someone who has lived that trauma irl and say they have it. That's like if someone who was shot in source walked up to someone who was shot and said "yeah I get your pain because I had it in my source". People don't do that. Source memories are valid
If you don't agree with any of this, please just block and move on. If you want to argue or be stubborn or something stupid, we don't care enough for that. We'll delete it and block you. That simple
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momett · 4 months
you realize ramcoa isn’t “secret satanic illuminati shadow organization”.. right? it’s a way to describe a very specific type of abuse. are you saying cults aren’t real? human trafficking isn’t way? institutionalized abuse isn’t real? be so fr
you realize that is exactly what the chairman/president of the RAMCOA SIG, michael salter, believes.. right? in 2008 he tried to claim that a certain preschool had tunnels built under it that he implied were used for satanic ritual abuse... he is a conspiracy theorist, and one of the biggest proponents of RAMCOA.
he believes that the satanic temple is after him, the RAMCOA SIG, and the ISSTD. he believes he is being stalked by satanists who want to literally kill him.
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thescreamcorner · 2 months
Given I've been diagnosed myself, it's safe to say that my viewpoints of whether or not DID is an actual disorder have not changed. However I do feel I should state that during my research for the RAMCOA post, I found myself being much more sympathetic towards the skepticism.
After all, when some of the biggest, most vocal proponents of understanding and treating DID have also been responsible for inducing symptoms on their patients, uncritically utilizing conspiracy theories to determine diagnosis, have engaged in abusing their clients, and have such a flippant, egotistical attitude that leaves some of these providers engaging in cult-like mentality and behavior, you can't really trust that they're providing the truth. And when that's the case, who exactly are you supposed to trust?
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necrogfie · 2 months
been reading more abt ra*mcoa and its been great !! i really like learning abt it BUT i just keep on dissociating when i do so, i dont think my brain appreciate reading abt this kind of topic
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anti-endo-help · 1 month
Is ROMCOA/OA/Programmed alters/systems a real thing? there's so much misinfo and contradictory stuff about it online and im really confused. While I get that cult abuse is obviously very real, i dont understand why a abuser would want or attempt to give their victim a mental disorder, since i dont think giving someone trauma has a guarantee to give someone [insert mental disorder]. thanks if you reply -k/a
hi!! you're talking to a RAMCOA system... so i'd damn hope it's real. 😭 if you need somewhere to start with research, visit the link below!!
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[ID: STOP! this blog is a strictly anti-endo space! pro-endos and endo neutrals, shoo! shoo shoo!]
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ganondorf · 24 days
i think the funniest thing about the ramcoa ppl on here is that i got an ask telling me to "actually do research" but when actual research yields that there is no legitimate documented proof of anything about it existing and all psychiatrists involved have been sued for malpractice and disbarred they just pull the "you bitch motherfucker. I'm Proof. Believe Victims" which is essentially just an attempt to guilt trip you into agreeing that it's real instead of even attempting to provide any sort of source whatsoever that they apparently want you to be researching
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I think what pisses me off the most about people thinking they know how best to deal with RAMCOA information, using "the victims can't know" rhetoric
Demystifying, opening informational access, and providing ability to learn in multiple ways how to combat programs, sounds more beneficial to survivors than oh idk
Taking their autonomy away and forcing them to rely on strangers, or people of power like therapist or doctors, for simple information. Like "what the fucks wrong with me?" Or " why did ___ result in me always doing ____?"
Maybe , just fucking maybe, taking away existing recorces because you,a non victim, think the programming is absolute and not faulty by definition, and are scared that survivors will just bam kill themselves Nevada they read about the thing they are already experiencing???
Maybe I want to be able to know if the reason I feel like shit is because a date I didn't care about was programmed to cause those feelings because I didn't do what was programed.
Maybe I'd like to know why I have issues with colors and give me the autonomy to actually idk plan how to combat that forced feeling??????
Wow imagine that.
I can regulate myself, our system has built ourselves to resist
We are a PDA Autuitic system who want to not be controlled by fucking strangers online deciding for us that we arnt capable.
That, me, raven, soma. The sub system dealing with those ramcoa symptoms the most. Havnt been the hated our whole life for never listening to authorities, to the point the rest of the system couldn't instanced why we couldn't just behave for other abusers.
Fuck you. Fuck you for deciding for all survivors what's "best" fuck you.
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summerdreamof2009 · 5 months
TW: cult?, religious trauma, programming mention, talk of “rebirthing”, talk of rituals?,
I think I just figured out who the hell my group was the one that’s done all of this to me. I have had intense therapy sessions regarding this subject and I feel sick just fucking typing this but it was my childhood church I went too. I always thought something was up there I mean for fucks sake we had to devote all our money, time and love to that damn church and worship the damn leader there and always give thanks to the family. The kids there including me were used sexually! And physically abused! I feel disgusted I might actually throw up im shaking just writing this im so scared i don’t know how to handle this revelation of my past! What the fuck! Im pale my skin is legit turning pale that’s how scared I am I fear I might have just set a program off since I am 70-80% sure that they programmed me and the other kids there. I remember we had to go to this all-day summer thingy where we’d spend the night there and we’d read the Bible all day and do other religious activities. Sorry if I’m rambling I feel sick and it’s like I’m losing my memory as we speak. I also remember being made to be metaphorically rebirthed by god and I was wrapped in mats and told to fight my way out while being held by my arms and legs by 1 woman and 1 man and once I fought my way out I had been birthed again by the lord and reborn in a sense. I probably sound crazy!?!!!
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abeastfrombelow · 8 months
Though I generally don't keep track of community labels or drama, I am grateful to them for allowing me to discover my issues. I never would've figured out the extent of my issues had I not been confused as to what HC-DID meant and looked it up on Tumblr after I saw discourse around the term.
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healingmosiac · 1 year
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