#radical exclusivity
By applying a set of strict rules that cannot be broken to a label and inforcing them to the point of calling someone invalid if they don't comply, this is called label policing and is an exclusionist & bigotry behaviour.
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thefemaleterrorist · 1 year
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terfism-unmasked · 2 months
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presented without comment
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radfem-polls · 3 months
radfems, would you date a trans person of the sex you're attracted to? for this hypothetical imagine they're on hrt but have not received bottom surgery.
1. i'm straight and would date a tim
2. i'm bi and would date tims and tifs
3. i'm bi and would only date tifs
4. i'm bi and would only date tims
5. i'm a lesbian and would date a tif
6. i'm straight and would NOT date a tim
7. i'm bi and would NOT date tims or tifs
8. i'm a lesbian and would NOT date a tif
9. results button for radfems
10. not a radfem
Thank you very much for the submission!
Key: TIM = trans identified male (e.g MtF), TIF = trans identified female (e.g FtM).
For this hypothetical, imagine they are on hormone replacement therapy, but have not received / will not receive bottom surgery.
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radsplain · 7 months
“trans women do not get periods. they may experience some period-like symptoms from the estrogen they’re taking but-”
nope, not even that!!! men cannot and will never experience even “some period-like symptoms” because they don’t have a fucking uterus. none of the side effects that come along with males taking exogenous hormones have anything to do with a female human-specific biological process. the male body, inundated with estrogen, does not suddenly get confused and then try to mimic female biological processes. that’s not how any of this works. whatever side effects they’re experiencing is male-specific, because they’re male. males cannot and will never have “period-like symptoms” ever, i don’t care, fuck OFF
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aux-squiggle · 4 months
I've made radfem centric pride flags everyone! Some are radfem only and some are for more than just rf's but will likely be used by mainly rf's.
Here's my favourite one I've made today:
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Optimistic communist/socialist radical feminist flag. This flag is for any radfem post-capitalist (e.g socialist, syndicalist, communist etc) who has faith in a brighter future for women and the working class. Someone who believes the total destruction of the patriarchy is possible, and who believes the destruction of capitalism is likely/guaranteed.
The blue stripe is for disabled people and solidarity with same (particularly disabled women/female people). The colour blue represents wisdom, health, and medical affairs.
The purple stripe is small because it's a transitional shade for visual appeal. It stands for homosexual/same-sex attracted females.
The pink represents women, and is a striking/distinct colour to represent the distinctness of radical feminism from mainstream feminism. It also is one of the colours of the sunset and shows that women's possibilities are as high as the sky.
The yellow background is mainly for visual appeal, however it also represents the happiness and energizement of optimistic radical feminists. It also represents wealth and the redistribution of resources.
The sun itself represents clarity, paths to progress, "light at the end of the tunnel" and optimism in general. The sun also represents life and vitality. The "childishness" of the sun's corona represents safety for children.
The reddish-gold is goldish because of the sun shining on it. The reddishness represents anti-capitalism, and the struggle/will of the proletariat.
The golden-brown stripe is thin for visual appeal. It represents land/earth/soil and is a symbol of anti-imperialism, landback, and solidarity with the people (especially women) who live on colonized or ex-colonized land.
The brown stripe represents women of colour, especially black and brown women of colour. It is at the bottom because women of colour are at the foundation of radical feminism.
The hammer and sickle represents socialism/communism, and the female fist represents the undying thirst for liberation by female people. It's a widely accepted feminist symbol.
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This one is the optimistic radical feminist flag. The red stripe still means anti-capitalism but this flag may be more suitable for optimistic radical feminists who are optimistic about culture change and significant destruction of patriarchy but not necessarily a total socialist revolution.
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Here's the standard radfem flag I made. Brown means WOC, blue is disabled women, pink is women/distinctness from mainstream feminism, and red means anti-capitalism.
The land stripe and the homosexual female stripe unfortunately looked ugly on this flag and in terms of aesthetics this flag is mid. I think the meaning is powerful but I don't want to make it uglier 😭
Optimists, pessimists, neutrals and really any form of radfem may enjoy this flag.
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This is the socialist/communist radfem flag, essentially a radfem who has more emphasis on post-capitalism. Neo-marxfem radfems may enjoy this flag.
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This is another version of the above but it's a lil ugly 💀
Ok onto some sexuality flags! These are all febfem (female exclusive bisexual female) flags because I'm febfem and I wanted to focus on these. I'll def make more SSA and gnc women flags but I got tired today.
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Standard febfem flag (made my own bc the ones online are strangely low quality).
I personally don't know what the individual stripes mean but it conjours thoughts of both the bisexual and lesbian flags because febfems are ofc, bisexual women. But also strongly decenter men like lesbians do. Being febfem is a distinct experience, thus the distinct colour pallette.
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This is an asexual febfem flag! So female exclusive biromantic females who are on the asexual spectrum may enjoy this flag.
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This is an aromantic febfem flag, so for febfems who are on the aromantic spectrum.
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This is specifically a demisexual febfem flag.
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This is specifically a demiromantic febfem flag.
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
have to say the words PENIS and TESTICLES from the PULPIT today laddies
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niiwa-angel · 2 months
please tell me why you think that transgender people are bad/faking it. With real reasons, please
Normally, I wouldn't answer a bad faith question like this but I feel like it's a question a lot of Radfems get asked so I'm going for it. I'm going to put a cut here, because I am going to post screen shots of TIM rape fantasies and I know that's disturbing. You have been warned
First of all, I divide trans identified people into two categories. 1. People with gender Dysmorphia and 2. People with sex based reasons. For category two, males tend to be identifying into sexualization while females are trying to identify out of it. This also includes females who fetishize homosexual male relationships and think that by identifying asale, they can have that Yaoi romance they masturbate to.
So let's address category 1 first. I do not hold anything against people with gender Dysmorphia and in fact, feel quite a lot of sympathy for them. However, I think the treatments we have for their illness is not helpful. We don't treat anorexics with gastric sleeves or laxatives, we don't treat people with depression by giving them razors, we don't treat people with anxiety by telling them they're completely right about their friends hating them. So why are we treating people with Gender Dysmorphia with hormones and surgeries when they should be receiving therapy?
We also know that in young people, gender Dysmorphia is something they tend to outgrow as they react adulthood. So any treatments they get, such as puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and surgery, are permanent "fixes" to temporary problems. Again, these people need therapy, not surgical intervention.
Now let's move on to category 2.
Trans identified males in category 2 are usually motivated by a fetish. Where men feel sexual gratification by performing tasks they view as feminine and often consume a lot of "sissy porn". Trans identified males have even talked about this at length and the misogyny really jumps out
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This is a very famous "trans woman" who literally just said that the bare essentials to being female is "an open mouth, and expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes" and we're supposed to think it's not a fetish?
Moving on from that, a lot of trans identified males on this site LOVE to post about their sexually violent fantasies against real women. Let's take a look at them, shall we?
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Nothing scary about that AT ALL!! Totally normal thoughts to have about your fellow humans. And for people who so desperately want to be seen as "women" the sure do like talking about violence they'd like to inflict on us. This isn't even the extent of it, this is merely a drop in an overflowing bucket of porn addicted depravity that trans identified males indulge in. If you want more, I suggest the R/FTM subreddit. You'll find lots of men discussing how they stole their female family members underwear and masturbated in them. Or how many of them have a fantasy about getting pregnant so they can get an abortion. Or how many of them have a fantasy about breastfeeding a baby. All of their fantasies are rooted in sexual gratification. By their own admission in posts they make on trans subreddits, sexual arousal and gratification are a major part of the "trans woman" experience. Look at how often they talk about "euphoria boners" on that sub when it comes to things like wearing dresses or skirts.
But let's move on from males for a moment, even though I could go on about them all day. While trans identified males are certainly the ones who pose the most physical threat against other people, trans identified females aren't harmless either, especially the ones with a gay male fetish.
Women with a gay male fetish adhere to the same level of entitlement that men with a lesbian fetish do. They are angry at real homosexuals for not being interested in them. Trans identified females tell on themselves all the time on X and Reddit, they complain about gay men not wanting to date them, they call "cis" gay men a disease, and that they wish AIDS has wiped them all out. I'm running out of pictures for this post but @capricornseason has lots of receipts on her blog. Not that I think you'll go check them out, because this is a bad faith question, but I encourage others to go see her page.
For women trying to identify out of sexualization, you'll often hear some very telling terms. "I don't feel like a woman" or "I was never into xyz". Usually, this means that they were tomboys or that they, like trans identified males, affiliate womanhood with sexual availability and submission. It's not, being a woman is just being an adult human female, how you dress, act, what career you chose, and how you spend your free time has nothing to do with that.
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thehours2002 · 2 months
op of this post is a pretty obvious terf from just a casual glance at their blog, and Julie Bindel is one of the most outspoken and visible opponents of trans rights in the UK right now
Listen, I appreciate your intent here, but I don't find it productive to immediately and completely dismiss all the ideas of people who I have political or ideological disagreements with. If this is how we went about things then we wouldn't read a lot of important feminist thinkers who made both important contributions to feminist discourse and major missteps.
Bindel's advocacy against trans rights, of course, gives me pause, but if your intention in telling me this was to get me to delete the excerpt I posted, I'm not going to do that just because I disagree with Bindel on other issues.
I know I don't have to justify myself to this extent, but people are very quick to write off anyone who doesn't block and move on as transphobic. So, I hope followers and mutuals who have been following me for a while are familiar enough with my convictions to recognize that just because I leave up a passage that is sex work critical (because i agree with it, or find it worth reflecting on) doesn't mean that i endorse every viewpoint the author expresses in the book it comes from or that i condone her trans exclusive radical feminism.
You actually prompted me to seek out some reviews of the book in academic journals and I am interested in what she has to say about the oppression and violence that "women (as a sex class)" experience. However, some of the violence that she claims is directly tied to "female" biology—like rape, for example—is actually very likely to be experienced by trans women. It seems like one of Bindel's main priorities is the reduction of male violence, but I would argue that cis women and trans women are united in their susceptibility to male violence. one could argue that vulnerability to male violence is a precondition of womanhood, and by that rubric both cis women and trans women necessarily fall under the category of "woman."
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moghedien · 2 months
i get that people use terfs in places it doesn't apply to just refer to any transphobic person, even ones that definitely would never identify as feminists
but sometimes....when people say terf.....they mean terf
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radfem-polls · 3 months
radblr what adjective do you prefer to use to describe a romantic relationship between two women in general, regardless of if they are bisexual or lesbians:
- lesbian
- sapphic
- wlw
- other ?? (put in tags)
Thank you for the submission 😊
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radsplain · 8 months
Wait ok genuine question here, how does "trans exclusionary radical feminist" and "gender abolitionist" go together?
gender isn't real, sex is the only material reality, women are oppressed on the basis of our female sex not our so-called gender identity, and the movement that advocates for this group's sex-based rights should not have to and should never be "inclusive" to men because they're male
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radfemboards · 7 months
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Crescent moon - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529628523724800/maureen2musings-photobydania?source=share
Purple mushrooms - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529624171053056?source=share
Purple snail - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529620633190400/wittyusernamed-the-rain-monster-i-i-didnt?source=share
Two glowing purple butterflies - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529598329995264?source=share
Bisexual colors (pink, purple, blue) sky with aurora - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529590814916608?source=share
Goddess/woman candle - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529583053307904?source=share
Pastel febfem flag - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529566245634048?source=share
Female solidarity + WLW symbol - https://www.tumblr.com/radfemboards/743529559494918144?source=share
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man-squared · 1 year
It really baffles me that people wholeheartedly believe that people are only trans-exclusionary redfems if they only are transmisogynistic.
That is a huge part of their ideology, yes, but another big part is that trans people that were assigned female at birth are both "confused little autistic girls who are being forced to mutilate their bodies by the trannies [and they mean trans men here most of the time with trans people who were AFAB]" or "raging delusional misogynistic traitors who embody everything terrible about being a man and use their internalized misogyny to target our poor baby girls."
All trans people threaten their womanhood in similar and different ways, and they use that as a basis for their hatred (it very much seems like toxic masculinity but the woman version - because 'toxic femininity' hasn't really been openly coined or talked about as a concept from what I have seen). They hate us all and it's not trans women-exclusionary redfems; it's trans-exclusionary.
I won't say that they aren't targeting trans people who were AMAB (and gnc women and poc women) in droves, but they also target us in horrific ways. Just because a redfem doesn't say "trans women are men" (a simplification of their behaviors, ideas, and actions) doesn't mean that they don't think it, but also it doesn't automatically not make them T E R Fs when they target the rest of us.
Brought to you by another post that suggested that we shouldn't call people trans-exclusionary redfems if aren't transmisogynistic (I think this post was trying to bring up a good point but flew past it: not all transphobes are redfems -- however, a lot of transphobia is fueled by their rhetoric). Transmisogyny is so important to point out, to acknowledge, to fight against, but it is not the only tool used against us.
And honestly, it feels like we've gotten to a point were some people seem to believe, by what they say, that transphobes would be okay with trans men and other trans people if trans women didn't exist, which is a shitty thing to feel like people are saying about you when your group is being beat to death as well. This is not a women vs men or TME vs TMA or this trans group vs this other trans group issue! This is an issue with trans people, with gender deviants, with people who aren't cis, gender conforming, and white.
Plenty people are able to talk about transmisogyny, or other types of transphobia, or personal transphobia without pushing absolutes onto reality. Transmisogyny must be fought but it cannot be eradicated as an isolated concept.
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indescriptequilibrium · 8 months
i've been in a transfem support group n a nonbinary support group, both of which were held in the same place n both of which were lovely, but lemme tell u. transfem support group? one of the first places where i felt truly seen n understood n respected. i was a lil eggy still re: transfemininity vs bein vaguely nonbinary, but those girlies fuckin wrenched me outta the closet n got me to finally seek trans healthcare. thank u girls yall literally changed n saved my life <3
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demiaroacejadeharley · 7 months
Exclusionists weaponize Bisexual people to project their hatred towards Mspec people the same way TERFs weaponize cis women to project their hatred towards Trans people.
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