#queue of the beam
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janiedean · 2 days ago
how are billionaires subsizing healthcare when in the us its insurance based what is this clown
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The sad part is so many of the “pigs” he is talking about are supporting him because they have a sad delusion they will one day be on his level.  
He is parasite on society.  A cancer.  Like all cancer he will need to be excised before he kills his host.  
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janiedean · 9 months ago
i have seen people claim that the situation with brienne will be the thing that pushes jaime back to cersei. also I have seen people compare what brienne is going through with stoneheart to what jaime went through with aerys and saying brienne may need to put her down
I am the second people and not the first people but like….
I don’t wanna sound rude or anything but with this fandom I feel like no one grasps the point of occam’s razor like sorry but
- jaime spends affc getting progressively away from cers and burns her letter at the end when in agot he’d have dropped everything to run there
- jaime in adwd barely thinks about her and goes like eh ig i’ll have to see her again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and runs off with brienne
- as i am people 2… listen brienne is having the EXACT same aerys situation except worse because like aerys always was a pos and jaime hated him for two years and never gaf about him beyond he’s the king, cat was literally the first woman to treat brienne properly and like a human being and like she RESPECTED her and trusting her with being her liege lady and gave her her first knight job so to speak, also cat was a generally nice person (OVERALL the jon thing doesn’t count but to brienne cat was a good thing) and became a zombie after being horrifically murdered like….. sorry but brienne having to murder her former liege lady gone mad out of grief because she’s out of control and is killing innocents when she cares about cat and knows she was a good person before is like…. kind of hitting worse than killing a guy whom you’ve hated for two years and gave you trauma you know
- also like everyone is conveniently glossing over the fact that brienne would have rather died than killed jaime on cat’s orders and only agreed to it bc she didnt wanna drag two innocent ppl in it but like sorry i think the above + your crazy liege lady wanting to kill the man you love who is also fulfilling a vow to HER together with you is a mindfuck
- also everyone conveniently glosses over the fact that what fucked jaime for good was people not even asking why he killed aerys and deciding he was a pos not the actual killing
- so like…… let’s say jaime from adwd with all the char development finds out that brienne almost died for him (if someone from the brotherhood doesn’t tell him she screamed his name at night i’ll be surprised) and sees her kill cat in front of him BECAUSE she doesn’t want him to die and only dragged him there to save two innocent people
- that’s a jaime who has OBVIOUSLY done some self reflection in the last two books and actually sounded his age in the povs or at least not like he was stuck at 17
- at this point he either could see brienne going through the aeryslike ordeal that HE went through (and is therefore in a position to help her that NO ONE ELSE HAS bc HE knows how it feels that’s it), he’d know that it was for HIM (doubt he has a line of ppl around who are willing to die for him and go as far as almost getting hanged) and he’d see it happen to someone he considers a true knight and HIS protector (like i can go off on that for a year but nvm it now). he’s this close to figure out he wants her to make a honest man out of him…. and THAT could tip him off, AND he could help her not turn into a bitter cynic the way he did, and they could get closer and he could see that the person who saved his ass and looked out for him when they didnt even like each other actually WENT THROUGH IT for him so much she WENT AGAINST HER VOWS when it was the most important thing in the world to her AND at that point they could figure out together that vows should be taken sparsely and meaningfully AND they could fulfill theirs to cat together in her memory…..
- or he can get pissed off and go back to cersei when like he DIDNT fuck off when everyone he’s known for his entire life failed him and that was never enough to make him say well fuck you i’m not coming back until he learned cers cheated on him
like………… if thematically the first one doesn’t seem to people like the most sensed outcome of everything jaime has done since now and of his arc so far okay but then idk what to tell them because at this point is shooting at the red cross as we say here
and anyway without going into that whole bullshit: at the last adwd chapter when cers and kevan talk and she asks where jaime is and dismisses that he’d ever go with brienne over her…. she says he’s been missing for WEEKS and the riverlands aren’t the wall, if he wanted to go back to cers after brienne’s supposed betrayal he’d have been back in camp already and if he had been dead people would have known at that point so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if people want to do the math without counting that stuff in their prerogative but like idg the point of denying the obvious at this rate
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bigidiotenergytm · 2 months ago
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Since you freakies liked Vasi so much, here's more of him :333
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scootarooni · 10 months ago
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janiedean · 5 months ago
op this is 100% true but there's the fourth mode 'call for stevie and start trolling around like there's no tomorrow'
you need to listen to Bruce Springsteen’s live albums not just his studio stuff because his crowd work has three modes it’s either “Clarence you should walk me on a leash” or “one time I fell down the stairs and I still think about it….do you still think about it?” or “this songs for my dad who only loved me sort of which was worse than not at all. he’s not in the crowd tonight. or maybe he is. if you see him please god tell me.” and before anyone can react to any of that he’s hootin and hollerin and Clarence Clemons is doing things with a saxophone that are now illegal in more than 15 US states
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boyquiet · 7 months ago
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a heart of gold, to have and to hold
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janiedean · 4 months ago
tagged by @haljathefangirlcat thank you!!
choose between my ten favorite female characters (lol this is gonna be hilarious)
ngl i feel bad for missing poor leia from sw but a) easy win b) poor skyler was so hated she deserved the spot
tagging @veraverorum @blueagia @majorheelturn @octopuscato if they want to
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fyllophobia · 16 days ago
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never knew what hit him
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janiedean · 4 months ago
war flashbacks of ‘what does the eu do’ the day after we know what
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remember when i said every presidential election comes down to the absolute most checked the fuck out people in the country
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therefugeofbooks · 10 months ago
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I didn’t get to read Dracula these past two years, but I got my copy of the book now and hopefully I will follow Jonathan’s adventures with everyone!
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artnerd1123 · 3 months ago
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 9 months ago
Marraige is like a devils contract.
43 people are part of my contract. Would you like to make it 44?
(marriage devil anon)
You may have to take care of 163 children. But hey. Its all good.
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wedding dress
dress shirt
pencil skirt
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janiedean · 6 months ago
I don't want to be "private jet" rich, I want to be "buy everything I want in a museum shop" rich
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paradigmrust · 9 months ago
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fittingly late night fearherbedder
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autisticlalna · 8 months ago
figured i should also do some theorizing of my own in avid's comments (if only to make people more aware of Nightmare existing), so here's my own current insanity after watching avid's ep8 premiere:
okay, theory: maybe Avid himself was pulled up out of the Void? maybe by his boss, whoever that is-- i'm guessing the Nameless King from the Nightmare series, considering the conversation Trog & Kitt overheard in Trog's episode 3. it feels like it's somebody from outside what we've seen so far, seeing as they're having to use Avid as a conduit for their will. there's also what's Milkman- uh, the Underswamp Wizard said about there being something else out there in the Void, and that triggering another flash of memory of Limbo.
either way, Avid was banished to Limbo, which… what if that's the depths of the Void? or, in another direction, what if Avid's fascination (and rejection) of the Void is because it reminds him of Limbo and the missing gap between him arriving there and him waking up in the Jungle Kingdom? he's vocally skeptical of the Void being alive or having wants and desires-- is that because of personal experience? and we still don't know how Doovid got monkeyified besides him saying he "saw some weird stuff" when returning to the Overworld. if Avid's transformation is related to his unwilling ties to Limbo, did Doovid also pass through it when going through the End portal home?
"you're an open book". "no more secrets". how much of it is "Avid hiding things from people" and how much of it is "Avid hiding things from himself"?
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arcticpuppeteer · 10 months ago
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Becoming a local in the UK: obediently queueing for over an hour to grab this one.
Love you too, Miles, our beam of sunshine 🤗
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