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i have seen people claim that the situation with brienne will be the thing that pushes jaime back to cersei. also I have seen people compare what brienne is going through with stoneheart to what jaime went through with aerys and saying brienne may need to put her down
I am the second people and not the first people but like….
I don’t wanna sound rude or anything but with this fandom I feel like no one grasps the point of occam’s razor like sorry but
- jaime spends affc getting progressively away from cers and burns her letter at the end when in agot he’d have dropped everything to run there
- jaime in adwd barely thinks about her and goes like eh ig i’ll have to see her again ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and runs off with brienne
- as i am people 2… listen brienne is having the EXACT same aerys situation except worse because like aerys always was a pos and jaime hated him for two years and never gaf about him beyond he’s the king, cat was literally the first woman to treat brienne properly and like a human being and like she RESPECTED her and trusting her with being her liege lady and gave her her first knight job so to speak, also cat was a generally nice person (OVERALL the jon thing doesn’t count but to brienne cat was a good thing) and became a zombie after being horrifically murdered like….. sorry but brienne having to murder her former liege lady gone mad out of grief because she’s out of control and is killing innocents when she cares about cat and knows she was a good person before is like…. kind of hitting worse than killing a guy whom you’ve hated for two years and gave you trauma you know
- also like everyone is conveniently glossing over the fact that brienne would have rather died than killed jaime on cat’s orders and only agreed to it bc she didnt wanna drag two innocent ppl in it but like sorry i think the above + your crazy liege lady wanting to kill the man you love who is also fulfilling a vow to HER together with you is a mindfuck
- also everyone conveniently glosses over the fact that what fucked jaime for good was people not even asking why he killed aerys and deciding he was a pos not the actual killing
- so like…… let’s say jaime from adwd with all the char development finds out that brienne almost died for him (if someone from the brotherhood doesn’t tell him she screamed his name at night i’ll be surprised) and sees her kill cat in front of him BECAUSE she doesn’t want him to die and only dragged him there to save two innocent people
- that’s a jaime who has OBVIOUSLY done some self reflection in the last two books and actually sounded his age in the povs or at least not like he was stuck at 17
- at this point he either could see brienne going through the aeryslike ordeal that HE went through (and is therefore in a position to help her that NO ONE ELSE HAS bc HE knows how it feels that’s it), he’d know that it was for HIM (doubt he has a line of ppl around who are willing to die for him and go as far as almost getting hanged) and he’d see it happen to someone he considers a true knight and HIS protector (like i can go off on that for a year but nvm it now). he’s this close to figure out he wants her to make a honest man out of him…. and THAT could tip him off, AND he could help her not turn into a bitter cynic the way he did, and they could get closer and he could see that the person who saved his ass and looked out for him when they didnt even like each other actually WENT THROUGH IT for him so much she WENT AGAINST HER VOWS when it was the most important thing in the world to her AND at that point they could figure out together that vows should be taken sparsely and meaningfully AND they could fulfill theirs to cat together in her memory…..
- or he can get pissed off and go back to cersei when like he DIDNT fuck off when everyone he’s known for his entire life failed him and that was never enough to make him say well fuck you i’m not coming back until he learned cers cheated on him
like………… if thematically the first one doesn’t seem to people like the most sensed outcome of everything jaime has done since now and of his arc so far okay but then idk what to tell them because at this point is shooting at the red cross as we say here
and anyway without going into that whole bullshit: at the last adwd chapter when cers and kevan talk and she asks where jaime is and dismisses that he’d ever go with brienne over her…. she says he’s been missing for WEEKS and the riverlands aren’t the wall, if he wanted to go back to cers after brienne’s supposed betrayal he’d have been back in camp already and if he had been dead people would have known at that point so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if people want to do the math without counting that stuff in their prerogative but like idg the point of denying the obvious at this rate
#ask post#megashadowdragon#jaime x brienne#anti-jaime x cersei#anti-lannincest#anti-cersei lannister#anti cersei lannister#like my people i don't give a damn about jon*rys and ik it'll be somewhat canon at this rate#but like do y'all see me grasping at straws to justify it not happening no#queue of the beam
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monty said that jaune was created due to a desire for a sokka like character sokkas two love interests were suki ( a warrior like pyrrha ) and yue a white haired princess like weiss but yue died causing sokka to experience loss. with jaune its the warrior girl who died.
Oh that’s a big fucking oof actually, I never made that connection
His girlfriend turned into ash
That’s rough buddy
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in regards to the idea of god corrupting genos god wants to commit genocide genos stands for genocide. also there are some parallels between genos and empty void to saitama and blast in that empty void joined blast to gain the secret to his power which blast knew about and empty void ended up getting attached to him genos was just blatant about it
Honestly the more we learn about Void each chapter the more I cringe and facepalm at his foolish shortsighted plans vs Blast or god or whoever. Because w h a t. Anyway. Let’s continue to clown on him. Any power-seeking similarities he shares with Genos and his old partnership with Blast are still meager at best.
I’d say Genos curiously shares closer naming conventions with the other cyborgs called Elimin(ate) and Destro(y), who have mysterious ties to the Organization that still remain in the dark. (And I’m more interested in learning what’s up with that! Bang, Bomb, and Blast have another funny naming theme going on too.) So it’s really all up in the air how ONE might tie everything together, with god and the evil organization and their plans to eradicate humanity and who knows what else.
ONE could eventually take Genos’ name literally if anything bad truly happens to him, or he could completely pivot from all those ominous flags towards him - who knows. It’s still pretty early to tell. But before there’s any wild mass reaching speculating that Genos is the final beefgate before defeating god or whatever, I think I want to know more about what Kuseno knows, and why he had to be murdered for it, so there’s plenty more Genos related cyborg intrigue there.
#opm#genos#void#megashadowdragon#replies#speculation#basically a followup on a prev ask but anyway#anything void related based on recent chs just makes me cringe cause he comes off even more foolish than before gaah#so i really don’t know - maybe i don’t want to know but what i do know is that the wc still has plenty more cyborg intrigue to explore
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thoughts on hunter x hunter 401
I liked it and I think it is very fitting thematically. It sets up Nasubi and Beyond as foils and it links together the Succession War with the Hunters Organization's inner conflict.
In general, it strongly reinforces the theme of succession:
Nasubi's children are fighting to the death in a succession war
Beyond wants to become Netero's successor (his name literally means Beyond Netero), but so do the Zodiacs who want to prove they are better hunters than him
At the same time, Beyond wants to manipulate both the Kakin Succession War and the Netero's Succession War to reach his own goals, which are still mysterious.
What is sure is that both Nasubi and Beyond are using their own children as weapons. This is specifically why Longhi resents her father. She makes clear she could have accepted her role if she was informed of it. At the same time, I am curious about Longhi's nen power being called Moonlight. Moon is usually linked to illusions, but her ability is really about forging a fair contract and Kurapika confirmed she was not lying. So, I am very curious about her in general. This chapter also marks an alliance with Tsubeppa, so right now Kurapika is allied with two Princes, who are opposites. It would be fun to see how it all works out.
I am also curious to see who Beyond's son is. When it comes to story's relevance it should be Tserriednich, but we will see.
Right now, we have three wars going on in the whale-boat:
The Kakin's succession war
Morena's war, which is a dark reflection of the one happening in the top floors of the boat
Beyond's shadow one, which happens hidden by the other two
The way this arc develops will depend on how all these fights get intertwined.
Thank you for the ask!
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I wonder how yuffie will react toif its revealed that sarruf is rufus ( I actually want the other avalanche members we met along the way to find out that sarruf is rufus as well given that one of them snidely remarked to a shinra trooper that rufus was the one who gave them the info
I would love to see both Barret and Yuffie find out that Rufus is behind both their resistance groups. I think this would be MAGNIFICENT. I'm sure both of them wouldn't know how to absorb that information and be Upset.
#sometimesrufus answers#megashadowdragon#rufus shinra#just imagine how smug Rufus would be#that would just make things worse XD#discourse
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do you think griffith post his return to human form is the same as griffith before eclipse personality wise ( if not how would guts react if the griffith post return flat out state that while he regained human form a part of the old griffith is gone and outright states that griffith loved guts ( and that him choosing to leave is what led him to choose to use the behelit)
I think the relationship between human Griffith and NeoGriffith, personalitywise, is kind of like the relationship between grape juice squeezed from a grape and grape juice from concentrate. What I mean is, you take out parts of human Griffith and then add different parts to what's left and what you get is something similar but not the same. And someone who has only ever had grape juice from concentrate might not know what the difference is, or even that there is a difference, but someone who has had both will know even if they don't know how to put it into words.
The biggest question is basically how much of the original "juice" is left, which is somewhat unclear.
And I think Guts would be devastated by that. Because the thing is, he already kind of blames himself for the Eclipse, but a lot of that isn't confirmed or solidified in his head. He knows that his leaving somehow led to Griffith's head being messed up but he doesn't know exactly what the reason for that was. He knows something made Griffith make that choice, but he doesn't know what. Suddenly he would understand not only that his actions were directly implicated in what happened but also that the thing he sought (for Griffith to value and "see" him) was lost specifically because he chose to seek it.
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anne bonney was an irish pirate and genderswapped bonney looks alot like shanks/shamrock so shamrock could be the father
honestly? that makes sense, i could see it.
i suck at theorizing so i dont feel confident enough to elaborate more/add to this but it's a very great input!
also it'd be yet another reason to hate shamrock which is always welcomed by me <3 /hj
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Bajrang Bali or Lord Hanuman is a Monkey deity from hinduism mythology.. When he was a child, Lord hanuman tried to eat the Sun, coz he thought it was a fruit..
While Monkey D luffy,  when he was a child by accidentally eats a  fruit that later knowned as The Sun God.... and hanumans father was the wind god
Hanuman was the inspiration for sun wukong which also fits with luffys association with sun wukong
Huh. Would you look at that.
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my idea after seeing the post was that she would undo the spell after jasons death so she would be most affected by it (and aphrodite caused medea to fall for jason in some myths so it would be a contrast for aphrodite to cause piper and jasons separation
It would be a contrast, but I don't really see it happening. Aphrodite in the myths was a Very loving mother - to a fault, really - and I've never gotten the idea she's any different in the RRverse.
She has her faults, yes, but I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest she caused the breakup. Piper was 100% right to break it off because it was built on fabricated memories and lies. It was to help both her and Jason figure out who and what they are to each other, but also themselves.
#megashadowdragon#the oracle speaks#the trials of apollo#piper mclean#aphrodite#pjo aphrodite#jason grace#the burning maze
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on alot of greed citizens being sharks I think its a reference to loan Sharks, and christmas has become a rather commercialized holiday ( greed) so I think thats why mammon was designed like that
I'd buy the first one. Mammon's design I think is just Vivzie being unable to design things for shit.
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I wonder what would sienna have done if ghira put up more of a fight I like the idea that she was planning to kill him and blame it on humans so she could take over because it would turn adam killing her into even more karmic ( where adam got into her rhetoric about pushing violence and that led to the fang going more extreme then she wanted when she gave the allowance for violence) like imagine if she let adam know about that idea
That would be a good basis for a commentary on betrayal begetting betrayal and reaping what you sow. I don’t see Sienna murdering Ghira, though. At worst, she’d get him branded a traitor and imprisoned or at least restricted to Menagerie, since I doubt she had enough political influence to keep his supporters in line if she went any further.
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yeah the prophecy never specified a queen maggie just said someone younger and more beautiful and that the valonqar would choke the life of her ( not her little brother so it could be aegon or euron or loras ( the parallels between cersei and aerys and the loras parallles to jaime )
i had ranted about it once already so have the link because I'm too brain dead but my final stance on that prophecy until george proves me right or wrong is aegon as younger and more beautiful and loras as the valonqar, am I wrong probably but it makes more sense than it has any right to and I think it checks out so I'mma stick with it
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jaune in v8 killed penny assisting her suicide her choice, he spent years trying to prevent the paper pleasers from going to the tree which he considered death repeatedly stopping them from killing themselves. but the paper pleasers succeeded in killing themselves anyway
and now jaune saw ruby "commiting suicide"
Let’s not forget the OG ones
Jaune made suicide jokes about himself all the way back in V1, Pyrrha went off to a fight she knew she was going to kill her, Jaune threw himself at Cinder HOPING she would kill him
This has been going on for a lot longer than V8
#rwby#jaune arc#penny polendina#pyrrha nikos#ruby rose#rwby spoilers#rwby volume 9#asks#megashadowdragon
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given that Saitama accidentally hurt blue I feel like genos may be put in a similar situation where he hurts someone he didn't want to hurt ( or kills them)
[webcomic only] Given that the focus of his rage - and urge to kill Bofoi, has become ever darker and obsessive lately, to the point Genos even momentarily feels resentment towards Saitama of all people, his teetering mental state is increasingly cause for concern. It's unknown how stable he'll be or whether he'll be explosively driven into a corner making a horrible mistake he'll regret and can't easily undo......basically that's all up to ONE and we've got our eyes peeled awaiting on the edge of our seats to see how all this could possibly resolve 👀;; Hopefully the worst doesn't happen to him, but whether Genos makes the active choice or involuntarily happens to cross the line or not, ironically becoming the same as that of his sworn enemy, well....whew truthfully I just wish Genos wouldn't have to suffer anymore; ONE pls give him a break and allow the poor kid to actually heal for once!
#opm#genos#webcomic spoilers#speculation#megashadowdragon#replies#i feel like i've answered several other questions before on this similar topic but whew my feelings haven't changed
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how would chrollo deal with it if he was the last remaining spider
very badly :P Unless something changes and he meets someone else mid-way, I think he would:
Do his best to avenge them and to grieve their loss
Take his own life, either actively or passively
And if this sounds familiar, it should. It is exactly like Kurapika reacted to the death of the Kurutas. Kurapika and Chrollo are foils for a reason.
Thank you for passing by :)
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"So you know how, in Remake, the main branch of Avalanche shows up to raid Shinra? It is heavily implied (particularly after the release of the Yuffie DLC) that their presence there is a direct result of Rufus."
how was it implied that they were there as a result of rufus
Ah -cracks knuckles- time to revisit some Remake cutscenes!
But first, just for a more complete background on my thoughts, a big part of my take comes from what we know about Rufus's role as the main source of funds for Avalanche in Before Crisis. It's unclear what of BC still holds for the purposes of Remake, but these are basically the moments I see the game making nods to that, even though (theoretically) by the time of Remake, Rufus and Avalanche should have long ago parted ways.
Tseng's phone call.
"The VP needs us."
The next we see the Turks, they're with Rufus, on the helipad at the top of Shinra tower. Rufus had no clue who Cloud even was at this point. He certainly wasn't there to fight him. He was there to kill his dad (not the first time he's tried); Sephiroth just beat him to the punch.
2. Wedge's report from the mayor's office.
Wedge comes on and tells the main party that HQ is there to "flush out the president." Given Rufus's historic relationship to Avalanche and the fact he just called in the Turks, it makes a lot of sense that he was the one to rally the troops. It was all hands on deck to cause the necessary chaos to go commit patricide.
3. Zhijie's tease (from Intermission).
While Solider is trying to beat Zhijie's informant out of him, first he tells them it was Heidegger. When he's told "Wrong answer!" and is hit again, he comes back with, "All right, all right, I'll tell you. It was Rufus."
To me this is either:
a) Zhijie being sassy knowing these guys won't even believe the truth
b) SE making a huge wink at their audience who know what's up
(or both, tbh XD)
There may have been a few other throwaway lines from Intermission that I'm not thinking of now, but these are the main three things that, in combination with my knowledge of BC, have formed the foundation of my belief that it was Rufus who called them in.
Thanks for the question! I love theorizing about these games.
ALSO, no spoilers, but in Rebirth there have been some BIG teases between Rufus and a certain other group... I'm withholding commentary until I finish the game, but boy howdy...
#sometimesrufus answers#megashadowdragon#discourse#my musings#ff7 remake#ff7 intermission#rufus shinra#ff7 spoilers
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