#queer platonic relationships
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theexhaustedqueer · 4 months ago
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Guys, there’s a really obvious enemy here and— Oh! What a surprise!
It isn’t each other.
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catwouthats · 8 months ago
Whoever explains QPRs to Tommyinnit is gonna change his life I think
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cosmicredcadet · 1 year ago
I think i just need to express that the culture surrounding QPRs right now made me think that i couldn't have strong bonds with my friends. Society told me i cant have strong bonds with friends because that was only for romantic relationships. Then i went into aro spaces and this idea was reinforced using QPRs instead of romantic relationships. it was "You can still have strong bonds with people without romance! It can just be a QPR instead!" "QPRs are MORE than friendship so you can have STRONGER BONDS than you would with friends."
it made me think that the relationships i wanted with my friends HAD to be something other than friendship for it to be as strong as i wanted. If i wanted to be the first person in someones life i had to enter some sort of committed relationship. if I wanted someone to care about me as strongly as i did them then it would have to be a relationship that was "more" than friendship.
I thought I wanted a QPR because i was told the only way to get that care and security that I wanted was to enter into a relationship that was "more" than friendship. because friends didn't care that much. because friends didn't live together their entire lives. because friends were never the priority relationship wise. and it took me years to realize that i didn't want any partnership and i shouldn't have to be in one to want these things from a friend. these things CAN be something friends can do. but i found that out on my own. because the aro community kept saying "you want a QPR" when i just wanted a friend who finally saw me as a priority in their life.
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dreamdemonden · 2 months ago
I’ve seen a lot of people give Ford 2 wedding rings in their au’s, on the 4th and 5th fingers, but consider: one of them (the one on the middle-ish finger) is a black ace ring :]
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Yeah, I want a QPR: queer planktonic relationship.
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silverskye13 · 5 months ago
... So Tanguish could possibly become the Saint of QPRs?
The idea of Tanguish being a Saint that folks in QPR relationships pray to is amazing to me. And it would fit his story arc -- a Saint is joined in lasting friendship by a knight and dear acolyte, and it is working with him, by him, and through him that his miracles are done. If he were a Saint in the more Catholic-leaning style, I feel like he would be a great Saint for QPR.
... however, Tanguish, the beloved character, isn't real. But this did get me thinking about actual, literal Catholic saints, so here I have compiled for you a couple that I, someone who isn't Catholic and who has no experience with Catholic ritual or customs outside of its few intersecting lines with Protestantism, would consider Saints of QPR, with the help of a book I bought recently because I like the idea of religion but not the actual practicing of it: A Saint A Day According to the Liturgical Calendar of the Church, compiled by Berchmans Bittle.
St. Raphael the Archangel; Feast Day, 24 October
St. Raphael is one of the [several] saints often recommended to people having trouble with, or looking for, lasting love. His main story involves Tobias, a young man on a journey to collect money owed to his father. During his journey, Raphael saves him from many harms both physical and spiritual, even going so far as to help Tobias marry the love of his life, a young woman afflicted by a demon who keeps killing her husbands. The way he combats this demon is by having the two stay celibate during the three days after their marriage, during which Raphael binds the demon and saves them. The emphasis in this part of the story is that lust and carnal love are what called the demon to the young woman, and so platonic love [and also the perfect Love of God] is what defeats it.
Even though this story does end with Tobias getting married and having a more traditional love, I think given Raphael's story involves so much intentional companionship, and given there is a heavy emphasis on the merits of platonic love as something that can help bind demons, I think he would be a great saint to pray to for help in QPR relationships, especially if it involves interceding in the relationship where you feel like you need growth in companionship, being an attentive partner attuned to the other person's needs.
St. John the Evangelist; Feast Day, 27 December
St. John the Evangelist! [Points in raised Protestant!] Hey! Hey! I know him! John was one of the Apostles [was there when Christ was around], "the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 21:7). I just, really like that the verse literally doesn't even call him John, it calls him "The disciple whom Jesus loved." Could you imagine being loved by someone so much, for a moment, your name is simply "the person they loved." I feel like there's some strong QPR vibes there. Bring with that the fact that, when Jesus was crucified, he declared to John that his mother, Mary, was now John's mother, and told Mary that John was now her son. Now, I'm sure there's a lot of biblical history you could add into the unpacking of that -- unfortunately I am not a biblical historian, and don't know how much Mary's life would have been impacted if she no longer had one of her sons to help her day-to-day. But even without that context, it is a mighty thing to love and trust someone so much, that as you are dying, you entrust the safety of your family to them. Not only that, but you declare they are your family, blood of your blood.
It is for this reason that John the Evangelist is already the patron saint of both friendship and love, but I feel like he is a very close parallel to QPR relationships. Would you trust your partner not just with yourself, but with the love and respect of your family as well? I would think so. I would hope so.
Saint Clare of Assisi; Feast Day, 12 August
Saint Clare was first led to Christ [and friardom] by Saint Francis of Assisi, and their stories are closely entwined because of this. Clare's story goes that she was betrothed to marry at the age of 12, but protested she wanted to wait until she was older when it would make more sense. During her wait, she heard Saint Francis preaching, and was so taken by his teaching that she decided to devote herself to God and have no other husband than Jesus Christ [if you don't know that much about Christianity in general, basically, everyone is Christ's bride, and after you die, you get to live with him in the perfect house he built you.] Anyway, Clare's family didn't approve of her decision, so in the dead of night, Clare sneaks out of the house and meets up with Saint Francis, who cuts her hair and dresses her in sackcloth, so she can live as a friar. After this she goes on to found her own abbey, where she is described as being humble and kind, always taking care of the sisters of her order, washing their feet and coming to them in the middle of the night when they're sick.
So, we're going to squint really hard at the very modern, Mulan-style queerness of "sneaking out of your disapproving family's house to cut your hair and temporarily live as a man." We're going to take that, hold it very close to us, and gently put it at the center of my little "web of QPR" I'm weaving around these Catholic Saints. What a way to put queer in QPR, even temporarily. Add to that the fact that Clare and Francis are bound up together as friends, so devout to each others' teachings they spearhead each other further in their fellowship with Christ. Then put on top of that the platonic love Clare shows to her sisters through acts of care and service, and I think Clare is a great contender for Saint of QPR.
That's it. That's the list.
Any Catholics following me that are still, by some miracle, reading this, I apologize if I in any way butchered your religion. That! Was not my intention! I admit I don't know the best way to be respectful, it's a culture I was raised adjacent to, not in. My closes approximation is my roommate, who is ex-catholic, who speaks with about this level of humor when I pin her down long enough to talk about saints. I think she would have fun with this little post -- but she is my friend, and and also, not Catholic anymore. I have seen her practice more Navajo spiritualism than I have seen her practice Catholicism.
So. Preemptive apologies. Feel free to rip me a new one.
However if you're Catholic or ex Catholic and you think this is either funny or in any way accurate, give me your thoughts I want them. I tried to do this with as little Googling as possible, because, book. The book is old, so my list of Saints is limited, and I'm sure other queer catholics have done much better takes and put them online somewhere.
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mykki-writes-stuff · 1 month ago
Up In The Cloud - Hazbin Hotel reader fic
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Cloud, an internet demon, works at VoxTek as a video editor - trying to stay on her boss’s good side and avoid any kind of soul contract (internet must remain unregulated, after all) - and finds herself very curious about this Hazbin Hotel that’s got everyone riled up. She checks-in with the intent to satisfy her curiosity and feed information back to her boss about Alastor and the princess. Hard to be a good spy when the creepy Radio Demon is always shadowing her though. Either he suspects she’s up to no good or something else is at play here. There’s no way Alastor actually enjoys her company and her snarky, 21st century puns, right?
Chapter One: We Are Programmed To Receive 
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
“I said, I’m checking into the Hazbin Hotel.”
You waited, calmly and placidly, as your boss, Vox, proceeded to have a complete meltdown. Once his screen had stopped glitching and he stared you down, huffing and glaring something fierce, you continued.
“You’ve been saying you need someone on the inside, since the snake didn’t work out,” you remind him patiently. “I’m a good candidate.”
Slowly, his posture relaxed and he fixed you with a calculating look. “And…why is that?”
“Because I don’t have a soul contract with VoxTek.”
It was honestly one of the perks of your employment as a video editor for Vox-2-Nite. Your boss had tried to wheedle you into signing your soul away for the privilege of working on his late night talk show, but you stood firm in your interview. It was at-will employment or bust. If he wanted your skills, he’d have to take you as a freelancer, so to speak. 
After what had been the strangest interview of your life and a long, awkward standoff, he’d finally relented. “I like your moxie, kid,” he’d said. You hoped, as you stood your ground now, that he still did. 
Vox quirked a digital eyebrow at you. “Let me get this straight: you want to go to that stupid hotel run by Lucifer’s stupid daughter ... so you can essentially spy on the hotel and report back?”
“Correct, sir.”
“Okay, and why does it matter that you don’t have a contract with me?”
You took a deep breath and stopped just short of rolling your eyes. “Because, if you did own my soul, they’d be immediately suspicious of my motives for being there.”
Vox narrowed his eyes. “That snake didn’t technically work for me, either.”
“Did he seem particularly bright to you, though?” It was time to seal the deal. “I’m the perfect choice because I’m a free agent. Have I let you down yet?”
“Well, at least I know you can be discreet..” he trailed off. He was talking, of course, about your eyes. As an internet demon, you came pre-installed with cameras in your bright blue eyes, and this wouldn’t be the first time Vox had sent you into “enemy territory” to collect dirt on someone he didn’t trust. Mostly the other Vees. 
“Is that a yes, sir?”
A big green check mark flashed across Vox’s screen and you bit back a grin. 
“I want weekly reports on everything…and if the Radio Demon is still there, I want to know immediately.”
You nodded. “Of course. Anything else?”
Vox fixed you with a look. “You better not get comfortable there. Don’t forget who you really work for.”
--------------------------– 𖤐 –----------------------------
Looking back, it was definitely that snarky ad that ran on television a grand total of two times before VoxTek had pulled it. The Radio Demon’s filter-laden voice could be heard insulting Sinners and casting doubt on Charlie Morningstar’s rehabilitation program in what could only be described as a dilapidated building masquerading as a hotel. 
Disparaging though it was, you’d found it funny at the time. The Radio Demon didn’t sound like he believed much in the idea of redemption and frankly, neither did you. Besides, you had it good with VoxTek: stable employment (so long as your boss didn’t see fit to fry you during one of his tantrums) and shelter (an apartment that only got burgled once or twice a month). 
And then that last Extermination happened. You’d watched the Vox-sponsored live stream of the battle between Adam’s Exorcists and the hotel staff, grabbing stills and clips as the whole thing unfolded, knowing you’d be called upon to put together something for Vox’s show later that evening. Naturally, most of it was comprised of clips of the Radio Demon getting his ass handed to him. 
But then, miraculously, they’d won. Channel 666 News was quick to assume there would be no more Exterminations and cheers had gone up around Pentagram City. You weren’t so sure, though. With Hell holding Adam’s body hostage, there was bound to be some kind of retaliation. 
And the Hazbin Hotel would no doubt bear the brunt of it.
So that’s how you found yourself standing on a steep gravel driveway, staring up at the newly reconstructed building, and dubiously eyeing the “Grand Re-Opening!” banner that hung above the front doors. 
A news crew had been by earlier in the day, capturing Princess Morningstar herself announcing with pride that the hotel was back in business. Another new resident, a little anglerfish demon, was her newest victim…err, project, and with any luck she’d be too busy with him to fret over your check-in.
So, that was the plan:
Find your room
Start snooping
Or something to that affect anyways. 
You were not prepared for the chaos that greeted you when you stepped through the doors. A table laden with freshly made treats and an array of beverages had been utterly destroyed, pieces of it littering the hotel lobby. A small demon with only one eye was furiously mopping the punch sticky floor and at your approach, stopped to give you a friendly wave before diving back into her task.
Two figures huddled behind the bar, a cat demon with wings and a tall, lanky spider demon you immediately recognized as the porn star, Angel Dust. They didn’t even notice your arrival, their attention riveted on the two looming characters near the grand staircase. 
“Alastor, please,” Princess Morningstar stood before the infamous Radio Demon (time to start recording, as per Vox’s instructions), waving her hands in a placating manner. “We just reopened. Maybe try not destroying all our hard work?”
“You tell him, Charlie!” In the other corner, being held back by a much smaller woman wielding an angelic spear, was Lucifer Morningstar himself, grinning smugly at the Radio Demon. “If he wants to feel entitled to blow the place up, maybe he should have stepped up while we were rebuilding.”
“Dad,” Charlie groaned, as the Radio Demon’s aura only got darker and more oppressive. You had no idea what kind of spat you’d just walked into, but this tense scene was between you and your new accommodations somewhere upstairs. If you didn’t speak up, things were liable to get more violent and frankly…ain’t nobody got time for that.
“Excuse me.”
Thirteen individual eyes locked onto you. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke.
It was Angel Dust who finally broke the tense silence. “Heya, toots. You a new guest or what?”
At your nod, Charlie’s demeanor did a complete 180, shifting from wary and placating to excited and bubbly. “Oh my gosh, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! I’m so excited that you’re here, you’re our second newest guest.”
She proceeded to grab your hand, spinning you to face the bar while she made introductions. “This is Husk, our delightful bartender and concierge. And I’m sure you know Angel Dust, he’s pretty famous after all.”
You barely had time to eke out a weak hello before she was turning you to face the room’s other occupants. “I’d also like you to meet my dad, Lucifer, and my beautiful girlfriend, Vaggie.”
Vaggie turned to regard you with a cool stare, nodding once, and you recognized her as the former exorcist that had been fighting on the hotel’s side. So this was Charlie Morningstar’s romantic partner…interesting. Vox was going to be thrilled with all this intel.
“Hey hey,” Lucifer’s smile was infectious and he approached with his hand out. The King of Hell was so much shorter than you’d expected - coming to just under your chin, but he had a helluva strong handshake. “Welcome to the hotel, newbie!”
“And of course, our esteemed hotelier, Alastor.” Unlike Lucifer, the Radio Demon was much taller. Your eyes took in a shiny pair of black shoes and followed the long line of his legs up, up, up to a well-fitted peaked lapel tailcoat in a jarring red pinstripe. Deep red eyes gazed down at you impassively and an eerily wide smile made him look both friendly and menacing. A dizzying combination and you quickly continued your once-over. Fluffy ears sat atop his head on either side of two black antlers. 
The Radio Demon was notoriously hard to photograph and film, so you were thrilled to get such a detailed depiction of the Overlord. Fingers crossed, the secret recording you were making would come out clear. 
As if he’d read your mind, those jewel red eyes locked onto yours, grin widening impossibly. “Welcome, my dear. Quite a pleasure to see new faces seeking redemption. Tell me, what about our humble hotel captured your attention?”
Fuck. He knew, didn’t he? It was too precise a wording for him not to at least suspect you trying to record him. With a sinking feeling, you just knew this footage would be corrupted when you reviewed it later. 
Vox would understand. 
Oh well, nothing for it. Time to lay it on thick and play up your false desire for redemption. “I saw your tv spot, actually, a while back. I wanted to come sooner…but I wasn’t sure I deserved a chance to do better and get my soul saved.”
This last bit you directed to Charlie, who’s eyes widened at your words. “No, no, no! Everyone deserves a shot at redemption! Even the worst Sinners can turn their lives around and become better souls, if they want to. I believe in you…., uh–” she stopped suddenly, hand reaching to grab the back of her neck sheepishly. “What was your name again?”
You plastered the sweetest smile you could conjure onto your face. “Nice to meet you, Princess Morningstar. I’m Cloud.”
The rest of this will be posted over on AO3, find here.
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heycalamityyy · 14 days ago
QPRs 🥹🩵
That's it that's the… post? Post.
(no I don't have one yet but the idea of them is everything to me rn)
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karabwrites · 5 months ago
What does it mean to love? Is it loud and joyous, a rallying cry from the rooftops? Or is it soft and small, in quiet touches and easy camaraderie?
Or, the one where Penelope, Colin and Eloise have always been each others’ family, even if they don’t know what that looks like quite yet.
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poussacha · 1 year ago
jsyk you can be aroace and also bi. aroace is often a spectrum in which you can occasionally experience romantic or sexual attraction and even if you don't, alterous attraction exists. your aroace identity doesn't erase your bi one.
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im-sorry--what · 4 months ago
QPRs are so amazing, I don't need to say more.
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m1dori-eyes · 6 months ago
OK LISTEN I'm not saying I have a "type" in my committed romantic/queer platonic relationships, HOWEVER I MAYYYYYY be 3 for 4 on he/they transmascs and 2/4 on people with dual citizenship in the US and the Netherlands.
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cabbakansas · 2 years ago
HP x PJO crossover
Percy: I made you. I own you. I will consume you. Percy (looming over muffins hot out of the oven): If I can't have you, nobody can. Rachel: Should we be worried? Harry: We'll stage an intervention if he ever says that to a living being.
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algor-mo4tis · 2 years ago
Being aromantic is being accepted into a qpr for two years and not even knowing until now
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caffeinated-crises · 1 year ago
Legit though, sick and tired of people saying they want weird gays when they don't want, like or even tolerate the weird gays they already have. - Cherry
"we need more weird gays" you can't handle aces & aros. you can't handle queer-platonic relationships. you can't handle it/its users. you can't handle neopronouns and xenogenders. you can't handle polyamory.
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So I actually love the idea of QPRs so much. Because, at least to me, I see queerness and especially the use of the word queer as an act of defiance and resistance to what society deems 'normal' or 'acceptable'. So to have a bond with someone that breaks the 'limits' of what is seen to be platonic is actually such a precious concept to me.
In common modern society, it's often seen as 'you must like them romantically/be dating/etc' (especially if you're different genders) to give gifts, cuddle, talk to each other regularly, and honestly otherwise just... love one another. Completely. So to have a label for that, but platonically? Is just like. Amazing, yk? To have that understanding without needing to involve attraction.
I am also quite partial to the idea of soulmates, as cringy as it sounds (and not in a 'fated' or 'one for life' way necessarily, I just like the idea of having a... somehow deeper connection to a person. Idk maybe I'm just really fucking lonely lmao) so to be able to have that sort of attachment, but not in a romantic or sexual way, is. An insanely cool concept.
Of course, ik QPRs span a wide range of how they operate and that, but that's kind of my view :) lmk if you have any questions about my answer bc I probably could've rambled on much more, and I would love to hear your thoughts too!! <3
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