#planktonic relationships
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Yeah, I want a QPR: queer planktonic relationship.
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ondeemand · 5 months ago
Transformers One Review
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For the sake of convenience, I’ll be referring to the characters as their new names (Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee) instead of their old ones (Orion Pax, D-16, B-127).
Also, I didn’t grow up with Transformers, so this will be mostly from an outsider’s perspective. I can’t tell what possibly was or wasn’t a retcon or how accurate to the source material it was, but I think the background info on their world held up very well and they were able to explain it clearly to new viewers like me. It definitely would have hit harder if I grew up with Transformers and knew more than just facts from cultural osmosis, but I still enjoyed the movie a lot.
Notes/Things I’m Neutral On
Very weird to hear my name (Dee) being said throughout most of the movie by Chris Hemsworth’s bad American accent.
Also, I forgot that Megatron has transformed into ground vehicles before. I only ever knew him to turn into a jet, so I was kind of confused that he was a tank in this movie. I hope we get to see him get upgraded to a jet in the next one, but the tank is still cool.
Pros/Things I Liked
Simple but effective color theory with their eye colors. Main good guys have blue while Megatron has yellow, sitting between good and bad. Still a friendly color at first, but slowly turns closer to orange and then fully red as his anger and hatred consume him (and after he met the red-eyed Starscream, a cowardly man who ends up enabling Megatron‘s more violent/aggressive tendencies)
○ Also I don’t know if I was just seeing things, but it looked like Megatron’s eyes got more yellow whenever he looked at Optimus which is so sad and so gay.
I really thought they were gonna push a romance between Elita and either Bumblebee (goofy manchild x competent woman trope) or Optimus (male lead x female lead, blue x pink), but I was pleasantly surprised that they didn’t. Sadly, there’s still time for it in future installments, but I can dream.
Not to be gay, but spider woman sexy. Airachnid was so obviously evil that it was funny, but I can’t fault Sentinel for having her around because I, too, would want a deadly goth woman to be my right-hand lady. They felt like the evil, less developed versions of Mustang and Hawkeye. I am in love.
The animation is gorgeousssss. The environments, the character designs, the fight choreography, the transformations, the lighting, the texture, mwah mwah MWAH STUNNING!!!
○ Sorry, I’m never gonna stop talking about this. The way they were able to make square/blocky figures move so fluidly was fantastic (and proof of concept that a fully animated Minecraft movie would have worked). ○ The camera angles were also great for framing both the dramatic, intense, and/or high-action moments like fights or chase scenes, while also adding a lot to the comedic moments. Like when the camera stays tracking Optimus’ face when running through the forest, only for him to suddenly fall down a cliff neither he nor us saw coming, only to then zoom out to the perspective of the guards below, showing them stumbling and falling. ○ The contrast between the mechanical and organic elements on the surface were really cool, and the way it was introduced was able to convey this idea that organic life was this strange, alien thing. ○ The way the surface just rebuilds itself into these jagged, blocky terrains was really unique and interesting! It felt like a glitched computer model because of its rougher shapes which really added to the fear and hostility of the surface.
90% of their jokes landed and they landed hard. The bit where Optimus looks like he’s about to transform and then just fucking books it is incredible. The audio and camera work help add to these as well, like the music building as Optimus pretends to transform, the camera zooming in close to different parts of him, only for all background noise to cut out as it shows Optimus running away. I won’t name every joke and quip I found funny or we’d be here all day, but they’re certainly a highlight of the movie.
I love Keegan-Michael Key, but I wasn’t a fan of him as the comic relief character of Toad in the Mario movie. When Bumblebee showed up I got a little nervous, but I really loved his performance of the character.
I really liked the midpoint pep talk about hope. That’s a really nice reason that Optimus is the leader despite not being as skilled as other people. He has the hope for a better future and it was a core part of his character from the beginning, and I really like the idea that a leader is someone who can envision a brighter future no matter what.
Alpha Trion transforming was SICK AS FUCK!!! I love that he was more animalistic when the rest of the cast become vehicles. His final fight was so cool, and it actually made me kind of emotional to see him at the end with the rest of the Prime ghosts.
The stabbings? The beheadings?? The branding??? The way Megatron tore Sentinel in half and then ripped his heart out on-screen holy shit???? This movie was incredibly brutal and I loved it. It’s such an interesting phenomenon that children’s media is allowed to be about as graphic as they want as long as it’s against robots, even incredibly sentient ones like in the Transformers series.
○ I watched the 1986 Transformers movie for a class earlier this year, and while it also had a lot of brutality in it’s fights, the new movie felt more intense. Part of this could be attributed to me watching the 2024 movie on a big screen vs the 1986 movie in my living room, but there are other reasons as well. The 1986 movie had more upbeat songs playing over the fights, specifically songs like The Touch and Dare, which helped keep the tone lighter and more exciting. The 2024 movie didn’t have anything like that, allowing the action, while still cool and exciting, to take on a more serious tone. This is also emphasized by the graphics of the movie being 3D instead of 2D. While the 2D 1986 movie is a stunning masterpiece, people still view it with the idea in mind that, since it’s a cartoon, the stakes and story will be less intense. The 2024 movie being 3D with very detailed graphics and lighting already has more visual intensity. The characters are still these bright, poppy colors, but they can come across more moody and dark due to the environments, lighting, and textures that the 3D medium more easily allows. And while the painted backgrounds and cell shading of the old movie are great, the CGI backgrounds are a lot closer to realism, so the harsher elements like metal and rock, which make up a vast majority of the environment and characters, look real too.
The way Megatron’s hate consumed him to the point where he started acting more villainous and, while not entirely similar to Sentinel, still ended up hurting innocent people was tragic. Trying to push away and deny everything about a person only to wind up being just like them. This was perfectly shown in the end credit scene where Megatron is branding himself and the new Decepticons with Megatronus Prime’s face. To him, it may be him reclaiming the traumatic experience and literally using it like a badge of honor, as well as thinking he’s honoring Megatronus Prime. But in reality, he’s just inflicting the same trauma done to him onto others, just like Sentinel. Such a cool way to show how every villain is the hero of their own story.
The doomed yaoiiiiii I’m never gonna get over them. The only other Transformers media I’ve consumed is the 1986 movie, which kills off Optimus Prime in the first 25 minutes and Megatron becomes Galvatron, so I never knew the depths of their homoerotic relationship.
I’m a sucker for “the hero and villain used the be friends (and maybe even lovers?)” trope, so Optimus and Megatron’s relationship and the general premise of the movie was already a slam dunk for me.
I’m also a fan of legacy stories like Avatar and She-Ra. While this movie didn’t get as in-depth with the concept, I enjoyed that they played with the idea of legacy and taking up the mantle of the former Primes.
I absolutely loved the end message that Optimus gives us. Hope, freedom, and autonomy are incredibly important things to learn, and as a trans person who very much wants to keep control over what I do with my body, I really resonated with that last one. I think it’s really cool that they included a message like that in this children’s movie about robots that turn into cars.
Regarding the message of autonomy, I love that it gives the term Autobots a new meaning. Auto meaning “automobile”, since they transform into cars, and Auto meaning “self”, as they are now fully their own bots with control over themselves.
Cons/Things I Disliked
Mid vocal performances from everyone except Brian Tyree Henry and Keegan-Michael Key. And as I mentioned before, it was hard not to focus on Chris’ attempts at an American accent, not to mention how recognizable his, as well as Scarlett Johansson’s, voices are.
The plot felt a little disjointed in the first 1/3-ish.
○ Good setup with the main characters being an oppressed working class with one dreaming of better things and the other hesitant to fall out of line or take risks. But then suddenly there’s a race, and then they’re in it, and then they lose, and then their leader wants to promote them. At first it feels like there are hints that he’s a scummy celebrity-type and that meeting their hero is what will spur on the disillusionment with their society. But then some random douchebag that doesn’t like them reassigns them which goes against their leader’s command, and that’s how the plot kicks off? ○ Also, Elita’s involvement felt kind of rushed/hand-waved. They all get stuck on the surface, but instead of trying to make her way back to report them like she was saying she would for the past few minutes, she makes a complete 180 and heads the expedition herself. ○ It all just felt a little strange, but once it got going the rest of the plot felt fine.
Megatron’s descent into “evil” felt kind of rushed. I understand that he feels betrayed and I really love where the character ends up by the end, but it felt like a real 180 without a lot of build up.
Some jokes fell flat or felt annoying and kinda cringe. That’s the territory of children’s movies though, so par for the course.
Overall, this movie was a really fun watch and I’d love to go see it again. While some parts fall a little flat, the movie is lifted from mediocrity by its many Pros. From the stunning visuals, to the quick humor, to the tragic origins of two friends driven apart by their ideals, I’d recommend this movie to anyone interested in animation or the Transformers brand.
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mctna2019 · 3 months ago
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Should I cry or laugh? how can he act roles so naturally? he really lived Hae-jo.I'm grateful to Heung who came to Hae-jo instead of going with Jae-mi. they end up becoming two brothers and that's what I love about them. the way Heung got worried about him and admired the way of his life. finally someone understood him. he wanted sibling but life gave him an older brother that he didn't know he needed before.
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itfeelslikehope · 4 months ago
still thinking about mr. plankton because of how well the main couple matched each other’s crazy.. a once in a lifetime experience.. a match made in heaven/hell indeed
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squidpat · 2 years ago
would u watch the krusty bucket show 🤨⁉️
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ghost-in-fools-garments · 4 days ago
being a plankaren fan who discovered them through the musical is so funny because I'll be describing their interactions in the show to my friends and they'll be like "thats..... the bare minimum... all he did was not hate his wife? That should be the standard I fear"
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volatilemariner · 1 year ago
man receives positive attention and then freaks out and dies by the way
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masteroffakesmiles · 1 year ago
So spoilers for the 3rd SpongeBob movie…if you care.
What the hell was this movie?
I only watched this film once, it’s that bad. But I did have some vivid memories of it.
Like…what the heck was the point of the whole Snoop Dogg rap in the western segment? Like, I feel like it was just a mandatory cameo for a mandatory rap song because money I guess. I dunno. The whole middle part of the movie is just an excuse to shove in filler and pointless cameos in.
And the last part took up most of the ending with the characters reminiscing on how they met SpongeBob. This would’ve been a sweet and kind of a tearjerker moment if Nick didn’t use it as a huge advertisement for the spinoff show the late Hillenberg didn’t ask for. When he was alive, he literally said he didn’t want a SpongeBob spinoff, yet Nick went and did it anyway because they want the cold hard cash…
At least the animation was great. Like…really good. But that’s the only positive thing I can say about it. Plus they brought back some old jokes from the older seasons. That’s about all the positives I can think of…and I’m sure there’s more, but the negatives outweigh the positives in this movie that I can’t think of any.
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nasa · 1 month ago
All-Star Moments in Space Communications and Navigation
How do we get information from missions exploring the cosmos back to humans on Earth? Our space communications and navigation networks – the Near Space Network and the Deep Space Network – bring back science and exploration data daily.
Here are a few of our favorite moments from 2024.
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1. Hip-Hop to Deep Space
The stars above and on Earth aligned as lyrics from the song “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)” by hip-hop artist Missy Elliott were beamed to Venus via NASA’s Deep Space Network. Using a 34-meter (112-foot) wide Deep Space Station 13 (DSS-13) radio dish antenna, located at the network’s Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California, the song was sent at 10:05 a.m. PDT on Friday, July 12 and traveled about 158 million miles from Earth to Venus — the artist’s favorite planet. Coincidentally, the DSS-13 that sent the transmission is also nicknamed Venus!
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NASA's PACE mission transmitting data to Earth through NASA's Near Space Network.
2. Lemme Upgrade You
Our Near Space Network, which supports communications for space-based missions within 1.2 million miles of Earth, is constantly enhancing its capabilities to support science and exploration missions. Last year, the network implemented DTN (Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking), which provides robust protection of data traveling from extreme distances. NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) mission is the first operational science mission to leverage the network’s DTN capabilities. Since PACE’s launch, over 17 million bundles of data have been transmitted by the satellite and received by the network’s ground station.
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A collage of the pet photos sent over laser links from Earth to LCRD and finally to ILLUMA-T (Integrated LCRD Low Earth Orbit User Modem and Amplifier Terminal) on the International Space Station. Animals submitted include cats, dogs, birds, chickens, cows, snakes, and pigs.
3. Who Doesn’t Love Pets?
Last year, we transmitted hundreds of pet photos and videos to the International Space Station, showcasing how laser communications can send more data at once than traditional methods. Imagery of cherished pets gathered from NASA astronauts and agency employees flowed from the mission ops center to the optical ground stations and then to the in-space Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD), which relayed the signal to a payload on the space station. This activity demonstrated how laser communications and high-rate DTN can benefit human spaceflight missions.
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4K video footage was routed from the PC-12 aircraft to an optical ground station in Cleveland. From there, it was sent over an Earth-based network to NASA’s White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The signals were then sent to NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration spacecraft and relayed to the ILLUMA-T payload on the International Space Station.
4. Now Streaming
A team of engineers transmitted 4K video footage from an aircraft to the International Space Station and back using laser communication signals. Historically, we have relied on radio waves to send information to and from space. Laser communications use infrared light to transmit 10 to 100 times more data than radio frequency systems. The flight tests were part of an agency initiative to stream high-bandwidth video and other data from deep space, enabling future human missions beyond low-Earth orbit.
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The Near Space Network provides missions within 1.2 million miles of Earth with communications and navigation services.
5. New Year, New Relationships
At the very end of 2024, the Near Space Network announced multiple contract awards to enhance the network’s services portfolio. The network, which uses a blend of government and commercial assets to get data to and from spacecraft, will be able to support more missions observing our Earth and exploring the cosmos. These commercial assets, alongside the existing network, will also play a critical role in our Artemis campaign, which calls for long-term exploration of the Moon.
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On Monday, Oct. 14, 2024, at 12:06 p.m. EDT, a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket carrying NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft lifts off from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
6. 3, 2, 1, Blast Off!
Together, the Near Space Network and the Deep Space Network supported the launch of Europa Clipper. The Near Space Network provided communications and navigation services to SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket, which launched this Jupiter-bound mission into space! After vehicle separation, the Deep Space Network acquired Europa Clipper’s signal and began full mission support. This is another example of how these networks work together seamlessly to ensure critical mission success.
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Engineer Adam Gannon works on the development of Cognitive Engine-1 in the Cognitive Communications Lab at NASA’s Glenn Research Center.
7. Make Way for Next-Gen Tech
Our Technology Education Satellite program organizes collaborative missions that pair university students with researchers to evaluate how new technologies work on small satellites, also known as CubeSats. In 2024, cognitive communications technology, designed to enable autonomous space communications systems, was successfully tested in space on the Technology Educational Satellite 11 mission. Autonomous systems use technology reactive to their environment to implement updates during a spaceflight mission without needing human interaction post-launch.
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A first: All six radio frequency antennas at the Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex, part of NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN), carried out a test to receive data from the agency’s Voyager 1 spacecraft at the same time.
8. Six Are Better Than One
On April 20, 2024, all six radio frequency antennas at the Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex, part of our Deep Space Network, carried out a test to receive data from the agency’s Voyager 1 spacecraft at the same time. Combining the antennas’ receiving power, or arraying, lets the network collect the very faint signals from faraway spacecraft.
Here’s to another year connecting Earth and space.  
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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monophobix · 4 months ago
watching mr. plankton and absolutely obsessed with haejo and jaemins relationship but like…. am i tweaking or is there a homoerotic subplot between heung and this john dude
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mbari-blog · 10 days ago
This octopus is a sucker for jellies 🐙✨️
The seven-armed octopus, Haliphron atlanticus, has only been observed by MBARI’s remotely operated vehicles three times in more than three decades. In this species, the male keeps the hectocotylized arm hidden so it appears to be missing, thus the common name.
During a sighting in 2016, the octopus was observed holding the bell of an egg-yolk jellyfish (Phacellophora camschatica) in its arms. The octopus had apparently eaten most of the tissue that would have been hanging down from the bell, but the ring of jellyfish tentacles was intact. It looked as though Haliphron had not only made a meal of the jelly but was hanging onto it, perhaps for defense or for help in catching prey. Haliphron is a member of the family Argonautidae, and now four genera in the family have been observed having some kind of relationship with salps or jellyfish—living on, in, or with the jelly.
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We are still learning about the diverse communities that live in the deep sea, and especially what the animals that thrive in these habitats eat. Interestingly, many large animals that we know more about, like whales, manta rays, and ocean sunfish, eat small or gelatinous plankton—drifting prey that are easier to catch than fast-swimming fishes. This large octopus is another example of this amazing adaptation to life in the open ocean: live slow, grow big.
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bethanythebogwitch · 2 months ago
Wet Beast Wednesday: Christmas tree worm
Merry Christmas from the ocean! For this festive occasion, I’ve chosen to cover an animal that certainly has the spirit of the season. The Christmas tree worm is the person who keeps their Christmas lights up all year of the sea and today we’re going to see what makes them tick.
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(Image: the crown of a Christmas tree worm. It appears as two stalks emerging from amongst coral polyps. Small feathery, appendages emerge from the stalks in a spiral formation going up them. They are yellow, with brown tips. A smaller, round structure is near the base of the trees. End ID)
The Christmas tree worm (Spirobranchus giganteus) is a polychaete worm of the tube-building fan worm clade Sabellida. While they are called giganteus, that’s only relative to other fan worms as they max out at about 3.8 cm (1.5 in) long. Being tube worms, they build a tube of calcium carbonate that they live in. This tube provides protection for the worm, who can retreat into it if threatened by predators. Polychaetes are defined by the paired bristle-like chaetes on each body segment, which are often used for locomotion. Tube worms like the Christmas tree worm lack these kind of locomotive appendages as they spend their entire lives in their tubes.
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I couldn't find a full-body picture of a Christmas tree worm outside of its tube, so this is the best you get. (Image: Serpula vermicularis, a member of the same family of tube worms as the Christmas tree worm, removed from its tube. It is a short, segmented worm with a plug on a stalk and a crown consisting of long, feathery tentacles arranged differently than those of a Christmas tree worm. End ID)
The feature that gives these worms their common name is a pair of feathery, spiraling structures that emerge from the head and look quite a bit like tiny, colorful fir trees. These structures, called crowns, are heavily modified version of mouth appendages called prostomial palps. The feathery bits are tentacles called radioles. The crown is usually the only part of the worm visible, with the rest of its body safely in the tube. The crown is used both for feeding and respiration, as it can perform gas exchange with the water like gills. Christmas tree worms, like other fan worms, are filter feeders. They expose their crows to the water and wait for edible plankton and bits or organic detritus to get caught by the radioles. Cilia then transports the food down to the mouth. Christmas tree worms have a modified radiole called an operculum that acts like a lid to the front of the tube, closing it off when the worm retreats. The crown also has light-sensing structures, allowing it to detect light and shadow. The visual capabilities of these eye spots is poorly studied. The crown makes up about a third of the body length and can come in a wide variety of colors. It can regenerate if damaged.
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(Image: a blue-crowned Christmas tree worm emerging from yellow coral. End ID)
Christmas tree worms are found across most of the world, from the Caribbean to the Indo-Pacific, in tropical waters. They are coral reef dwellers who live in burrows built into had corals. Brain coral species are their preferred hosts, but they can live on other corals and have been reported living in sponges and on giant clams. Christmas tree worms certainly have a symbiotic relationship with the corals, it's debatable whether that relationship is parasitic, commensal, or mutualistic. They may damage nearby polyps and could spread harmful algae (that seems to be an open question), but I found sources suggesting they improve water flow around the coral, which could benefit it. When they sense a threat, the worms will rapidly retract into their tubes. Some time later (which can be seconds to minutes), they will cautiously emerge again. Worms living on crowded corals seem to be more timid, taking longer to emerge again. Christmas tree worms are broadcast spawners who release their gametes into the water. Fertilized eggs hatch quickly into larvae who must find their way to a coral and start their burrow. Christmas tree worms can live up to 30 years.
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(GIF: a bright yellow Christmas tree worm retracting into its tube. The full retraction takes less than a second and leaves only a hole covered by the operculum. End ID)
Christmas tree worms are considered to have a stable population, but as they are dependent on corals, threats to reefs are threats to them. Thus, global climate change is a major threat to their survival. Predators of the worms include fish, starfish, and other worms. They are not of commercial interest to humans, but are popular among divers and have entered the aquarium trade.
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(Image: multiple Christmas tree worms of various colors emerging from a coral. End ID)
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luxthestrange · 10 months ago
Avatar Incorrect quotes#45 Siblings be like-
Human family relationships are weird...The Na'vi are constantly...horrified...the ones new to it at least-
Jake: Y/n, could you pass the salt?
Y/n: Could you pass away?
Neytiri*Looking at the horrified Metkayina clan*...this is normal
Jake*Is eating some of you human snacks you got delivered*-so bad news dear~, Mom told me you were adopted~
Jake*Snickers at athat*You are! They found you in the trashcan...aparently Chewbacca and plankton had a baby~
Neytiri:...Honestly, this is the best behavior in months...
Ronal & Tonowari:...
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vampyyjules · 2 months ago
Wife Stealer .ᐟ |H.J, C.S
ೃ⁀➷ Mr. Plankton, 2024 [Chae Seung and Haejo are the same person if y’all don’t know, just in case🥲]
ೃ⁀➷ Parts ~ 1st part(this one right here!) , 2nd part ,
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I mean everything has a reason right?…. Fate is what decides everything.
╰┈➤ Vocabulary: Eomma - Mom, Mother
Appa - Dad, Father
Agi - baby, child
Eomeoni Sarang - Motherly love
It’s been years since you last saw your miserable ex, the man you would’ve given anything to have things work out. But fate decided that you both were an unlucky pair, a couple that wasn’t meant to be together. Even through countless rough fights and disputes you both still found love for each other in your hearts, at the end of the day you both would solve anything and everything together and end up in the same bed wrapped around each others arms.
Until one faithful day, the day fate took its toll and decided if your relationship was meant to be or not.
“Chaee…” You mumbled, the sound muffled by Chae Seung’s chest, you both were laying on the sofa, Chae was watching tv while you layed face down on his chest. “Hmm?” You felt his chest rumble as he hummed, looking down at your smaller figure on top of his. “I’ve been thinking…. We have been together for 3 years now,” you continued in a quiet tone, nervously fidgeting with the promise ring on your ring finger.
Chae Seung waited with a raised brow, waiting for you to finish your sentence, curious about what you were going to propose. With a quick sigh you continued, “Have you ever thought about… us being… an eomma and appa?” You queried, still fidgeting with your ring, not daring to move your head to face him.
The room stayed quiet for a few seconds, the only thing that sounded was the noise from the tv and both of your breathing, until you heard Chae chuckling. “An eomma and an appa?” Chae chuckled, looking at you with his usual grin. You stayed quiet because you could already feel the possible outcome, Chae Seung was a blunt person and if something seemed dumb or impossible to him he would point it out, and say it without thinking on how it would hurt the person he’s talking with. That was one of the things about him that usually led to most of your fights.
“What makes you think we could ever be parents?” He said in a amused tone, still chuckling about the question as if it was a dumb joke. “My appa abandoned me, and you never have had an eomma,” he continued bluntly, not even taking a second to think about how his words could hurt you. “You can never be a good eomma, if your own eomma could never show you love, how are supposed to show your agi eomeoni sarang?” Chae continued, not taking in mind the tears starting to fall out of your eyes.
You sniffled softly as you sat up in between his legs, your nose and cheeks now red from the tear and snot forming in your nose, “How can you be so mean and insensitive!!” You screamed at Chae as you started hitting his chest. He looked at you with a blank expression as you hit him, his eyebrows a bit raised.
“What? It’s the truth Y/N, You will never be an Eomma, like I will never be an appa.” He mumbled with a blunt tone as he stopped your hands from hitting his chest more. “How can you tell me that with such a apathetic expression!!” You cried as you got up from the sofa, loudly sobbing at his harsh words. Walking to your shared bed you curled yourself in the blankets and cried yourself off to sleep. As the night passed, you didn’t even feel Chae’s presence next to you, you could only assume he went to do some errands or he slept on the couch.
The next morning quickly came as you rubbed your puffy eyes and got out of the bed. Walking to the living room you saw Chae’s figure infront of the stove, cooking some breakfast. You went and sat on the stool infront of the table, looking at his figure as he moved, you stayed quiet, not really wanting to talk to him after such hurtful words.
“Morning’” he bluntly greeted as he put your plate of food infront of you before going to sit on the stool next to you with his own plate. “Hi” you mumbled without looking at him, picking up the scrambled eggs on your fork and eating them. He sighed at your expression, looking around the room to avoid eye contact with you. “This isn’t going to work out.” He uttered bluntly, not thinking about his wording. “What?” You mumbled, moving your head to face him, “W…what do you mean by that Chae?” You queried, tears threatening to fall from your puffy eyes.
“We need to breakup” he stated before you stood up, fully sobbing as you took a bag and started shoving your stuff in it. “You’re such a horrible person!” You said in between sobs, “how can you end stuff like this out of the sudden? Without any hesitation or atleast an explanation?” Shouting across the room as you finished shoving your stuff messily in a suitcase.
You felt your heart shatter at his words, he didn’t give you any reason to as why he was breaking up with you. Maybe it was because of yesterday, about what you said? You thought to yourself, wiping your snot off the sweater you were wearing.
Little did you know that your brothers threats to Chae were getting more violent, I mean after all your brother was part of a well known gang with a lot of power and influence. Of course he’d want to kill Chae Seung for taking his little sister and disappearing with her after he had raised her like his own daughter after their mother died after giving birth to her and their dad was encarcerated.
Your brother didn’t like Chae Seung at all, before you and Chae had become a couple and ran away, he was hired to rob some money from your brothers gang, and while Chae Seung was running away from them, you sneaked him in your apartment close to the gang base and hid him until your brother and the other gang members ran off looking for him. That was how you both met each other and fell in love, until today. -‘๑’-~~~~~~-‘๑’-
hope y’all liked it bbgs cuz there’s almost no Haejo/Chae Seung fics here
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alphynix · 9 months ago
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Nicknamed the "Y animal" or "wye", Escumasia roryi is an enigmatic fossil organism known from the Late Carboniferous Mazon Creek fossil beds in Illinois, USA, dating to about 308 million years ago.
Growing up to around 15cm tall (~6") this strange soft-bodied creature was Y-shaped, with two slender "arms" on each side of an apparent mouth opening, a flattened sac-like body with another opening on one side, and a long stalk ending in an attachment disc. Some specimens have uneven arm lengths, which may indicate damage from predation.
Being only known from the exceptional preservation conditions of Mazon Creek, and with nothing else quite like it in the known fossil record, Escumasia's evolutionary relationships are still a mystery. It's been tentatively linked to cnidarians – but this doesn't really fit based on its anatomy, and little further study has been done on it since its discovery in the 1970s.
It was probably a filter feeder, living attached to the seafloor and capturing suspended organic material or small planktonic prey with its arms. The environment it inhabited was a shallow tropical marine bay, located close to the equator at the time, near a large river delta that would have made the surrounding waters rather brackish. This ecosystem was dominated by cnidarians, particularly the anemone Essexella, along with various arthropods, lobopodians, polychaete worms, molluscs, echinoderms, fish, lampreys, hagfish, and other difficult-to-classify weirdos like the famous "Tully monster" Tullimonstrum.
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Clements, Thomas, Mark Purnell, and Sarah Gabbott. "The Mazon Creek Lagerstätte: a diverse late Paleozoic ecosystem entombed within siderite concretions." Journal of the Geological Society 176.1 (2019): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2018-088
Nitecki, Matthew H., and Alan Solem. "A problematic organism from the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois." Journal of Paleontology (1973): 903-907. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1303070
Wikipedia contributors. “Mazon Creek fossil beds.” Wikipedia, 10 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazon_Creek_fossil_beds
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tortibomb · 3 months ago
Dramas that consumed me in 2024
Out of the many dramas I consumed this year, here are the ones that consumed me the most. They still haunt me in some sort of way. I think about them often. My brain literally still rots. Spoilers may be included under each gif.
I also wanted to work on gif skills so I made some new gifs and added ones I've made in the past.
The Spirealm - 2024
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None of these are in any particular order but if I had one series that I thought about the most and felt the most grief over, it was The Spirealm. I will never be over the huge twist with Ruan Lan Zhu and the giant time skip they threw at us. If I let myself think about it, I cry. I still haven't finished the novel but I plan to eventually.
The On1y One - 2024
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The loneliness from both of these boys was heartbreaking. They started off at odds, to brothers, to friends, to each others home. I still think about the stolen glances, little touches, their growth and healing. The unresolved feelings in the end hurts me and I pray we get a season two.
Peaceful Property - 2024
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Of course Peaceful Property is still relatively fresh but I still think about this found family often.. The added stories of the ghosts were a special touch, I still think and cry about the mysteries that were going on at some of the properties. I thought I was coming into a silly little show but these goobers had me crying almost every episode. Home's english slang will live as react gifs to send to my husband for years to come.
Love in the Big City - 2024
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I wish I could have watched LITBC weekly as half of the viewers here did just to have it last longer on my screen but I simply have no self control. It was a bittersweet ending and I find myself thinking about Yeong's relationships quite often. I am still completely heart broken that he pushed Gyu Ho out of his life because he didn't want to hold him back. I do hope that some day they see each other again and resume their life together.
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo - 2024
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This was a heartbreaking drama but with a happy ending. It gave me young boys with traumatic stories who find solace in each other, it gave me a small little snippet of what could be happiness, and it took it away for 12 years. I knew the time skip was coming but it was still devastating.
Jack and Joker - 2024
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Jack and Joker is still fresh as well but I ate it up every week. I couldn't hate most of these, what I thought were, complex characters. Everyone did bad things to protect their loved ones. Joke did it for Jack, Tattoo did it for his mom, Save did it for Hope and vice versa. Obviously that doesn't mean I liked their choices. The weeks went by so slow waiting for the next episode.
Mr. Plankton - 2024
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I don't like stories like this but I watched it for Woo Do Hwan. It didn't disappoint but i cried for days after finishing it. I cried when I made the gif! This damn beautiful smile! 😭 Hae Jo and Jae Mi had a second chance at love together. I often wonder how they would have lived together if Hae Jo didn't pass on. I wonder about the ways they could have started a family with fertility help or adoption. It hit me hard as well because I struggled with infertility.
Love Sea - 2024
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Love Sea was the hottest thing I have ever watched on my tv screen ok. Not only that, I was infatuated with Mahasamut. If nothing else I think about Mahasamut quite often. I think about him protecting Meena. I think about him taking off his collar, so to speak, to knock out Jak.
My Stand In - 2024
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Toxic Ming and Cinnamon Roll Joe. I was blind to the color red while watching this to be honest but I won't say I felt bad for Ming until maybe the last few episodes. Joe never got back to his body, and I didn't think he would, but I held onto a little hope that he may. I loved both of these characters, flaws and all. I cannot wait to see Up & Poom in their future project together.
2023 & Beyond
Bloodhounds - 2023
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Bloodhounds is where I fell in love with Woo Do Hwan. Episode one where Gun Woo kicked all those bodyguards asses to save his mom is all it took for me to be hooked. This one kept me highly entertained as each episode kept me on the edge of my seat. The bromance was and is probably still my favorite. After I finished this series I started several dramas that couldn't hook me and I had to take a small drama watching break. I CANNOT WAIT for season two.
The Devil Judge - 2021
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I need a detailed list of any and all similar series. I'll be honest, it took me a couple episodes to get into this but when I did... well I was done for. In the end, Yo Han leaves and Ga On is left alone. He literally has no one significant in his life now. No parents, No Su Hyeon, No Jeong Ho, No Yo Han, No Elijah. AND I WILL NEVER BE OVER THAT!
Beyond Evil - 2021
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This drama has the most satisfying conclusion. Yes, the Dong Sik and Joo Won go onto their separate paths and yes I was sad, but I felt like it had to happen so everyone could move on. The things these two said to or about each other still drive me insane.
A Tale of Thousand Stars - 2021
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1000 Stars took me on a journey that broke my heart and by the end healed me. I really need to rewatch this soon so I may be a little fuzzy on it. I didn't feel like the romance was a central part of the plot so I wasn't upset they had only kissed once at end. It was more about Tian and and his journey of self discovery. I remember being floored by the plot twist and I remember sobbing like a bitch.
Guardian - 2018
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I put Guardian off for a long time even after I decided to watch it but I ended up loving this drama so much I read the novel series shortly after finishing. For a censored bl, I think the actors did fantastic portraying their feelings for each other. The way they looked at each other, spoke to each other, touched each other. I yearned for more. The drama made it a bromance but it is quite obvious they care for each other.
Currently watching that is consuming me: The Heart Killers, Our Youth, Spare Me Your Mercy. Would these make the list after they were finished airing? I don't know. I also finished Flower of Evil last night and I almost added it to this list but since it hasn't had time to marinate I decided against it.
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